英语名言 政治篇

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第一篇:英语名言 政治篇



A man may build himself a throne of

一个人可以为自己支撑起一座刺刀宝bayonets, but he cannot sit on it.座,但是他却无法坐上去。

William Ralph lnge, British

英国牧师 英格.W.R.churchman A nation reveals itself not only by

一个民族不仅通过它所造就的人,也通the men it produces but also by the

过它给予荣誉的人和它所铭记的人展示men it honors, the men it remembers.自己。

John , F.Kennedy, American

美国总统 肯尼迪.J.F.prersident A politician is a man who undertands government, and it takes a

政客是政府的人,管理政府需要政客,poiltician to run a government.A


statesman is a politician who's been

美国总统 杜鲁门.H.S.dead ten or fifeen years.H.S.Turman, American president A powerful idea commissions some of

权威的思想将它的某些力量赋予敢于向its strength to him who challenges


it.法国作家 普鲁斯特.M.Marcle Proust, French writer A state which dwarfs its men ,in order that they may be more docile 一个政府压制它的人民,以使他们成为instruments in its hands even for 自己手中的驯服工具——即便是为了正beneficial purposes will find that 当的目的——它也会发现,靠受压制的with small men no great thing can 人是不可能真正成就什么大事的。really be accomplished.英国经济学家 穆勒J.S.John Stuart Mill, British economist All great truths begin as blasphemise.所有伟大的真理开始都离经叛道。George Bernard shaw, British 英国剧作家 肖伯纳.G.dramstist All is not lost that is in danger.多难兴邦。Anonymous.无名氏 All politics are based on the 一切政治都是建筑在绝大多数的人冷漠indifference of the majority.的基础上的。James Reston, Amreican editor 美国编辑 赖斯顿。J。Ambition, in a private man a vice, is 野心,在平民身上是罪孽,在帝王身上in a prince, a virtue.却是美德。Philip Massinger, British dramatist 英国剧作家 马辛格.P.Assassination is the extreme form of censorship.暗杀是检查制度的极端形式。Gegorge Bernard Shaw, British 英国剧作家 肖伯纳.G.dramatist Democracy means not “I am as good as

民主的含义不是“我和你一样好”,而you are ”but you are as good as I am."


Theodore Parker, American

美国神学家 帕克。.T.theologian Destiny: A tyrant's authority for

命运:暴君施虐的权利,傻瓜失败的借crime, and a fool's excuse for


failure.美国作家 比尔斯.A.Ambrose Bierce, American writer Everyone is born king, and most 每个人生下来都是王,而大多数人却在people die in exile.放逐中死去。

Oscar Wilde, British dramstist 英国剧作家 王尔德.O.Great men are the guide posts and landmarks in the state;are they who 伟人是一国的路标与界石;是那些认识see that spiritual is stronger than 到精神力量大于任何物质力量,用思想any material force, that thoughts 统治世界的人。rule the world.美国拳击运动员 埃利斯.J.Jimmy Ellis, American boxer I will not accept if nominated , and 如果被任命,我不愿接受,但是如果被will serve if selected.选上,将效力。William Sherman, American general 美国 将军舍曼.W.If democracy is to survive, it is the task of men of thoughts, as well as men of action, to put aside pride and 傲慢与偏见;他们要有勇气,有全心全prejudice;and with courage and 意的献身精神,最重要的是要有谦虚精single-minded devotion----to find 神,去寻求与传播那使人民永保自由的the truth and teach the truth that 真理。shall keep men free.美国总统 罗斯福。F.Franklin Roosevelt, American pesident If national pride is ever 如果说民族自豪感历来无可非议和情有justifiable or excusable it is when 可原,那么,这种自豪感必定不是来自it springs, not from power or riches, 权势和财富,不是来自豪华和荣耀。而grandeur of glory, but from 且来自坚信民族的纯真、见识和仁爱。convicton of ntational innocence, 美国总统 亚当斯.J.iformation , and benevolence.John Adams, American presidnet It is a strange desire to seek power

为追求权力而失去自由,为追求统治别and to lose liberty, or to seek power

人的权力而失去自身的权力,这是一种over others and to lose power over a


man's self.英国哲学家 培根.F.Francis Bacon, British Philosopher No government can be long secure

没有一个难以对付的反对党,任何政府without a formidable opposition.都不能长期稳定。

Benjamin Disraeli, British

英国政治家 狄斯雷利.B.statesman Politics, as a pracitice, whatever

政治作为一种实践,不管它如何表白,its professions , has always been the


systematic organization of hatreds.美国历史学家 享利.A.Adams Henry, American historian Politics is usually the executive


expression of human immaturity.美国作家 薇拉.B.Brittain Vera, American writer Politics is perhaps the only profession for which no preparation 也许从事政治是人们认为唯一不必作任is thought necessary.何准备就能从事的职业。Robert Louis Stevenson, British 英国小说家 斯蒂文森.R.L.novelist Power is the great aphrodisiac.权力是最猛烈的催欲剂。Herry A Kissiger,American diplomat 美国外交家 基辛.H.A.Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely;great man 权力导致腐败,绝对权力绝对导致腐败。are almost always bad man„ There is 伟人几乎都不是完人„„再也没有比神no worse heresy than that the office 化掌权者更坏的异端邪说了。sactifies the holder of it.英国历史学家 阿克顿爵士 Lord Acton, British historian Propagada is the art of persuading

政治宣传是劝说别人去相信自己不相信others of what one does not beliver 的东西的艺术。

oneself.以色列外交家 埃班.A.A.Eban, Israel diplmat Pubic officers are the servats and agents of the people, to execute the 政府官员是人民的公仆和代理人,应执laws which the people have made.行人民制定的法律。Crover Cleveland, American 美国总统 克利夫兰.C.president Since a politician never believes 政客从来不相信自己说的话,所以,当what he says ,he is surprised when 别人相信他的话时,他必定会大吃一惊。others believe him.法国总统 戴高乐.C.Charles de Gaulle, French president The administration of jusice is the firmest pillar of government.主持正义是政府最坚定的支柱。George Washington, American 美国总统 华盛顿 G.president The first method for estimating the intellingence of a ruler is to look 估理一个统治者的智力,第一个方法就at the men he has around him.是看看他身边的人。Niccolo Machiavelli, Italian 意大利政治家 马基雅弗里.N.statesman The governmet of the people, by the people, and for the poeple shall not 民有、民治、民享的政府永世长存。perish from the earth.美国总统 林肯.A.Abraham Lincoln, American president The greater the power, the more


dangerous the abuse.英国政治家 埃德蒙.B.Burke Edmund, British statesman The greatest of evils and the worst of crims is poverty.最大的恶和最凶的罪是贫穷。George Bernard Shaw, British 英国剧作家 肖伯纳.G.dramatist The paramount duty of Congress is to stop deficiencies by the restoration

国会的最高职责是恢复始终是国家财政of that protective legislation which

最坚实支柱的保护性立法,以制止财政has always been the firmst prop of


the Treasury.美国总统 科金利.W.William Mckinley, American president The people may safely be trusted to hear everything true and false, and

人民是完全可以信赖的,应该让他们听to form a correct judgment,Were it

到一切真实和虚伪的东西,然后作出正fall to me to decide whether we

确的判断。倘使让我来决定,我们应该should have a government without

是有一个政府而不要报纸呢,还是应该newspapers of newspapers without a

有报纸而不要政府,我会毫不犹豫选择government, I should not hesitate a


moment to prefer the latter.美国总统 杰斐逊.T.Thomas Jefferson, American president The tyrant dies and his rule ends,暴君死了,他统治也就结束;烈士死了,the martyr dies and his rule be-gins.他的统治刚开始。

Soren Kierkegaard, Danish religious

丹麦宗教哲学家 基尔克戈德.S.philowopher There is something behind the throne 在王座的后面还有比国王本人更伟大东greater than the king him-self.西。

William Pitt, British statesman 英国政治家 皮特.W.To be acquainted with the merit of ministry, we need only observe the 要了解政府的政绩只需要观察民情。condition of the people.国籍不明书信代理人 朱尼厄斯 Junius, Unidentified letter writer To know the pains of power, we must

欲知权力带来的痛苦,去问那些当权者;go to those who have it;to know its

欲知权力带来的乐趣,去问那些追逐权pleasure, we must go to those who are

势者:权力带来的痛苦是真实的,而权seeking it :the pains of power is


real, its pleasures imaginary.英国牧师 查尔斯.C.C.C.Colton Charles, British churchman Too fond of the right to pursue the


expedient.英国诗人 哥尔德斯密斯.O.Oliver Goldsimith, British poet We need in politics man who have

在政治中我们需要能有所奉献的人,而something to give, not men who have


something to get.美国经济学家 巴鲁克.B.Bernard Baruch, Averican economist When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as public 当一个人受到公众信任时,他就应该把property.自己看作公众的财产。Thomas Jefferson, American 美国总统 杰斐逊.T.President When society requires to be rebuilt,当社会需要重建时,试图墨守旧的蓝图there is no use attempting to rebuild


it on the old plan.英国经济学家 穆勒.J.S.John Stuart Mill, BAritish economist



A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning un-necessary.(D.C,Fisher, American female novelist)母亲不是赖以依靠的人,而是使依靠成为不必要的人。(美国女小说家菲席尔.D.C.)All happy families are like one another;each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.(Leo Tolstoy ,Russian writer)所有幸福的家庭都十分相似;而每个不幸的家庭各有各自的不幸。(俄国文学家托尔斯泰.L.)All I am , or can be, I owe to my angel mother.(Abraham lincoln, American president)我之所有,我之所能,都归功于我天使般的母亲。(美国总统林肯)As a modern parent, I know that it's not how much you give children those counts, it's the love and attention you shower on them.A caring attitude can not only save you a small fortune, but also even make you feel good about being tight-fisted and offering more care than presents.(O,Hare Noel, American writer)作为一个现代的父母,我很清楚重要的不是你给了孩子们多少物质的东西,而是你倾注在他们身上的关心和爱。关心的态度不仅能帮你省下一笔可观的钱,而且甚至能使你感到一份欣慰,因为你花钱不多并且给予了胜过礼物的关怀。(美国作家诺埃尔.O.)Be it ever so humble , there is no place like home.(John Howard Payne, Averican drmatist and actor)金窝,银窝,不如自家的草窝。(美国剧作家、演员佩恩.J.H.)Every soil where he is well, is to a valiand man his natural country.(Masinger Phililp, British dramatist)勇敢的人随遇而安,所到之处都是故乡。(英国剧作家菲利普.M.)Go where he will, the wise man is at home His harth the earth, his hall the azure dome.(R.W.Emerson, American thinker)明智者四海为家--地球是他的壁炉,蓝天是他的客厅。(美国思想家爱默生.R.W.)Happy are the families where the government of parents is the reign of affection, and obedience of the children the submission to love.(Francis Bacon, British philosopher)幸福的家庭,父母靠慈爱当家,孩子也是出于对父母的爱而顺从大人。(英国哲学家培根.F.)He is the happiest ,be he King or peasant , who finds peace in his home.(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German dramstist and poet)无论是国王还是农夫,家庭和睦是最幸福的。(德国剧作家、人歌德.J.W.)Home is the girl's prison and the woman's workhouse.(Grorge Bernard Shaw, British dramstist)家是姑娘的监狱,女人的教养院。(英国剧作家肖伯纳.G.)Home is the place where ,when you have to go there , it has to take you in.(Frost Robert, American poet)无论何时何地家永远是向游子敞开大门的地方。(美国人罗伯特.F.)How sharper than a serpent's tooth is to have a thankless child.(William Shakespeare, British dramatist)逆子无情甚于蛇蝎。(英国剧作家莎士比亚W.)B2B99.COM

Husbands and wives in the process of divorce(and those in the throes of another argument)easily fall into the trap of denigraging the other, publicly if possible, and as often as possible.(Howards Mel, American writer)正在闹离婚的(包括那些处于吵闹不停的痛楚中的)夫妻们很容易陷在对方的泥沼中不能自拔,这种诋毁是尽可能公开的,尽量频繁地进行。(美国作家梅尔.H.)I don'nt know who my grandfather was.I' m much more concerned to know what his grandson will be.(Abraham Lincoln, American president)我不知道我爷爷是什么样的人,我更关心的是,他的孙子会成为什么样的人。(美国总统林肯.A.)If you want your children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shouldres.(Joh Brnyan Btitish ssayist)你若希望你的孩子总是脚踏实地,就要让他们负些责任。(英国家班扬,J.)It was the policy of the good old gentlemen to make his chileren feel that home was the happiest place in the world;and I value this delicious home---feeling as one of the choicest gifts a parent can bestow.(Irvng Washington, Father of literature of the United States.)让孩子感到家庭是世界上最幸福的地方,这是以往有涵养的大人明智的做法。这种美妙的家庭情感,在我看来,和大人赠给孩子们的那些最精致的礼物一样珍贵。(美国文学之父华盛顿.I.)Mariage may be compared to a cage:the birds outside deapair to get in and those within despair to get out.(Michel de Montaigne, French thinker and ssayist)婚姻好比鸟笼,外面的鸟想进进不去;里面的鸟儿想出出不来。(法国思想家、家蒙田.M.D.)My father had always said that there are four things a child needs plenty of love, nourishing food, fegular sleep , and lots of soap and water---and after those, what he needs most is some intelligent neglect.(Ivy Baker Priest, American officer of government)我父亲总是说,一个孩子需要四样东西--充分的爱、富于营养的食物、有规律的睡眠、大量的肥皂和水--这些完了呢,他最需要的是一些明智的放任。(美国政府官员普里斯特.I.B.)The brotherly spirit of science , which unites into one family all its votaries of whatever grade ,and however widely dispersed throughout the different quarters of the globe.(Franklin Rosevelt, American president)科学的博爱精神把分散在世界各地、各种热心科学的人联结成一个大家庭。(美国总统罗斯。.F.)The family is one of nature's masterpieses.(George Santayana, American Philosopher and poet)家庭是大自然创造的杰作之一。(美国哲学家、人桑塔亚那.G.)The family you came from isn't as important as the family you are going to have.(D.Herbert Lawrence, British writer)你将拥有的家庭比你出身的那个家庭重要。(英国作家劳伦斯.D.H.)The fundamental defect of fathers is that they want their children to be a credit to them.(Bretrand Rrssell, British philosopher)父亲们最根本的缺点在于想要自己的孩子为自己争光。(英国哲学家罗素.B.)B2B99.COM

The house of every one is to him as his castle and fortress.(E.Coke, British jutist)每个人的家对他自己都像是城堡和要塞。(英国法学家科克.E.)The sooner you treat your son as a man, the sooner he will be one.(William John Locke, British novelist)越早把你的儿子当成男人,他就越早成为男人。(英国小说家洛克.W.J.)There is a skeleton in every house.(William Makepeace Thackeray, Bdritish novelist)家家都有一本难念的经。(英国小说家萨克雷.W.M.)To make a lasting marriage we have to overcome self-centeredness.(Grorge Goreon Byron, Nritish poet)要使婚姻长久,就需克服自我中心意识。(英国人拜伦,G.G.)We never know the love of the parents until we ome parents ourselves.(Henry Ward Beecher, American clergyman and orator)不养儿不知父母恩(美国牧师、家比沏.H.W.)



弃我去者,昨日之日不可留 乱我心者,今日之日多烦忧

Behavioral research discloses that human relations at work are just easier, perhaps because they are more regular and predictable and thus simpler to adjust to than the sporadic, the more intense and less regular relationship in the community.(R.Sayles Leonard, British writer)行为科学研究提示,工作中人与人之间较好相处。这或许是因为工作上的人际关系较有规律,而在社会上,人与人之间的关系是断断续续的,比较紧张,而且也较少有规律可循。(英国作家 伦纳德.R.S.)

Don't gild the lily.(William Shakespeare, British dramatist)不要给百合花镀金/画蛇添足。(英国剧作家 莎士比亚.W.)

Every man's work, whether it be literature of music of pictures or architecture of anything else, is always a portrait of himself.(Samuel Brtler, Averican educator)每个人的工作,不管是文学、音乐、美术、建筑还是其他工作,都是自己的一幅画像。(美国教育家 勃特勒.S.)

Growth and change are the law of all life.Yesterday's answers are inadequate for today's problems----just as the solutions of today will not fill the needs of tomorrow.(Franklin Roosevelt, Averican president)生长与变化是一切生命的法则。昨日的答案不适用于今日的问题——正如今天的方法不能解决明天的需求。(美国总统 罗斯福.F.)

Happiness, I have discovered, is nearly always a rebound from hard work.(David Grayson, American journalkist)我发现,辛勤工作的报酬几乎总是幸福。(美国记者 格雷森.D.)

I can live for two months on a good compliment.(Mark Twain, American writer)只凭一句赞美的话我就可以充实地活上两个月。(美国作家 马克·吐温)

I do not like work---no man does--but I like what is in the work-----the chance to find your self.(Conrad Joseph, British novelist)我不喜欢工作——没有人会喜欢工作。但是我喜欢在所从事的工作中——找到发现自己的机会。(英国小说家 约瑟夫.C.)

In order that people may be happy in their work, these things are needed: they must be fit for it;they must not do much of it;and they must have a sense of success in it.(John Ruskin, British writer)为了使人们在工作的时感到快乐,必须做到以下三点;他们一定要胜任自己的工作,他们不可做得太多;他们必须对自己的工作有成就感。(英国作家 罗斯金.J.)

In our efforts to adjust differences of opinion we should be free from intolerance of passion, and our judgements should be unmoved by alluring phrases and unvexed by selfish interests.(Grover Cleveland, American president)在我们努力协调意见的分歧时,应当抛弃偏执与意气用事;我们的判断不应当被花言巧语蒙骗,也不应被个人私利扰乱。(美国总统 克利夫兰.G.)

In silence, in steadiness, in severe abstraction, let him hold by him-delf, add observation to observation, patient of neglect, patient of reproach , and bide his own time , happy enough if he can satisfy himself alone that thia day he has seen something truly.(Ralph Waldo Emersom, American thihker)学者应该高度集中精力,坚定信仰与追求,坚持缄默,继续观察。他要忍耐人们的忽视与责备,等待自己因为发现了某些真理而满怀欣喜的时机。(美国思想家 爱默生.R.W.)

It is impossible to enjoy idling thoroughly unless one has plenty of work to do.(Jerome Klapka Jerome, British humorist)除非有大量的工(英国幽默家 杰罗姆.J.K.)

It is no use doing what you like;you have got to like what you do.(Winston Churchill, British prime minister)不能爱哪行才干哪行,要干哪行爱哪行。(英国首相 丘吉尔.W.)

My philosophy of life is work.(Thomas Alva Edison, Averican inventor)我的人生哲学就是工作。(美国发明家 爱迪生.T.A.)

One of the symptoms of approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's.work is terribly important, and that to take a holiday would bring all kinds of disaster, If I were a medical man , I should precribe a holiday to many patient who consicered his work important.(Bernard Russell, British philosopher)神经即将崩溃的症状之一是相信自己的工作极端重要,休假将会带来种种灾难。如果我是医生,我给这样的病人开的药方是:休假。(英国哲学家 罗素.B.)

The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today.(Elbert Hubbard, Bitish writer)为把明天的工作做好,最好的准备是把今天的工作做好。(英国作家 哈伯德.E.)

The office of the scholar is to cheer, to raise, and to guide men by showing them facts amidst appearances.(Ralph Waldo Emerson, American thinker)学者的工作就是通过向大众提示存在于现象中的事实来鼓舞大众、教育大众、引导大众。(美国思想家 爱默生.R.W.)

To do great work a man must be very idle as well as very industrious.(Samuel Bubler, American educator)要从事伟大的工作,一个人必须既非常勤劳又非常空闲。(美国教育家 勃特勒.S.)

To him I owe the discovery that even very short periods of time add up to all useful hours I need, if I plunge in without delay.(Johm Erskine, American educator)我感激他使我 发现即使是很短的时刻,只要我分秒必争的一头钻进工作,积累起来就成为我需要的特别有用的几个钟头。(美国教育家 厄斯金.J.)

To youth I have three words of counsel---work, work and work.(Otto Btismarck, Greman statesman)对于青年,我的忠告只有三个词——工作,工作,工作。(德国政治家 俾斯麦.O.)

We often hear of people breaking down from overwork, but in nine cases out of ten they are really suffering from worry or anxiety.(John Lubbock , British banker)我们常常听人说,人们因工作过度而垮下来,但是实际上十有八九是因为饱受担忧或焦虑的折磨。(英国银行家 卢伯克.J.)

Whoever is in a hurry shows that the thing he is about is too big for him.不管是谁,匆匆忙忙只能说明他不能从事他从事的工作。

We should work be such a significant source of human satisfaction.A good share of the answer rest in the kind of pride that is stimulated by the job , by the activity of accomplishing.(Leonard R.Sayles, British writer)为什么工作竟然是人们获得满足的如此重要的源泉呢?最主要的答案就在于,工作和通过工作所取得的成就,能激起一种自豪感。(英国作家 塞尔斯.L.R.)

Work banishes those three great evils: boredom, vice ,and poverty.(Voltaire, French Philosopher)工作撵跑三个魔鬼:无聊,堕落和贫穷。(法国哲学家 伏尔泰)

Work is more that a necessary for most human beings;it is the focus of their lives , the souece of their identity and creativity.(Leonard R.Sayles, British writer)对大多数人来说,工作不仅仅是一种必需,它还是 人们生活的焦点,是他们的个性和创造性的源泉。(英国作家 塞尔斯.L.R.)

Work is the grand cure for all the maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind.(Thoas Carlyle, British historian)工作是良药,能医治一切困扰人的疾苦。(英国历史学家 卡莱尔.T.)

Work is worth doing of worth doing well.(Thomas Carlyle, British historan)一件事如果值得做好,就值得去做。(英国历史学 爱卡莱尔.T.)



As fruit needs not only sunshine but cold nights and chilling showers to ripen it, so character needs not only joy but trial and difficulty to mellow it.水果不仅需要阳光,也需要凉夜,寒冷的雨水能使其成熟。人的性格陶冶不仅需要欢乐,也需要考验和困难。

Every tragedy makes heroes of common people.每场悲剧都会在平凡的人中造就出英雄来。

Mishaps are like knives that either serve us or cut us as we grasp them by the handle or blade.(James Russell Lowell, American poetess)灾难就像刀子,握住刀柄就可以为我们服务,拿住刀刃则会割破手。(美国女诗人 洛威尔)No pain , no palm;no thorns , no throne;no gall, no glory;no cross, no crown.(William Penn, British admiral)没有播种,何来收获;没有辛劳,何来成功;没有磨难,何来荣耀;没有挫折,何来辉煌。(英国海军上将佩恩)The Chinese word for crisis is divided into two characters, one meaning danger and the other meaning opportunity.中文的“危机”分为两个字,一个意味着危险,另外一个意味着机会。The tragedy of life is not so much what men suffer, but what they miss.(Thomas Carlyle, British essayist and historian)生活的悲剧不在于人们受到多少苦,而在于人们错过了什么。(英国散文家、历史学家 卡莱尔)


Character is what you are in the dark.暗处最能反映一个人真正品格。

Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount.勇气是一架梯子,其他美德全靠它爬上去。

Personality is to man what perfume is to a flower.(Schwab.USA Businessman)品格之于人,犹如芳香之于花。(美国实业家 施瓦布)Virtue is bold, and goodness never fearful.(William Shakespeare, British dramatist)美德是勇敢的,善良从来无所畏惧。(英国剧作家 莎士比亚)


A great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the waters of wisdom and delight.(Shelley, British poet)伟大的诗篇即是永远喷出智慧和欢欣之水的喷泉。(英国诗人 雪莱)Art is much less important than life, but what a poor life without it!艺术远没有生活重要,但是没有艺术生活是多么乏味呀!

Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling theorist has experienced.(Len Tolstoy, Russian writer)艺术不是手艺,它是艺术家的体验到的感情的传递。(俄国作家托尔斯泰)Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is a speaking picture.画是无言之诗,诗是有声之画。


A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning un-necessary.母亲不是赖以依靠的人,而是使依靠成为不必要的人。

All happy families are like one another;each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.(Leo Tolstoy ,Russian writer)所有幸福的家庭都十分相似;而每个不幸的家庭各有各自的不幸。(俄国文学家 托尔斯泰)Home is the place that when you have to go there , it has to take you in.(Frost Robert, American poet)无论何时家永远是向游子敞开大门的地方。(美国诗人 罗伯特)

Marriage may be compared to a cage: the birds outside desire to get in and those within despair to get out.(Michel de Montaigne, French thinker)婚姻好比鸟笼,外面的鸟想进进不去;里面的鸟儿想出出不来。(法国思想家 蒙田)

We never know the love of the parents until we become parents ourselves.(Henry Ward Beecher, American clergyman and orator)不养儿不知父母恩(美国演说家 比沏)


Evil news rides fast, while good news baits later.(John Milton, British poet)好事不出门,坏事传千里。(英国诗人 弥尔顿)Happiness is beneficial for the body , but it is grief that develops the powers of the mind.愉快有益于人的身体,但只有悲伤才能培养心灵力量。

The most glorious moment in your life are not the days of success, but those days when out of dejection and despair you feel rise in you a challenge to life, and the promise of future accomplishment.(Gustave Flaubert, French writer)人的一生中,最为辉煌的一天并不是功成名就的那些天,而是从悲叹与绝望中产生对人生的挑战和对未来辉煌的期盼的那些日子。(法国作家 福楼拜)


Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards.经验是一位先行测试然后才授课严厉的教师。

Experience is the child of thought , and thought is the child of action.We cannot learn men from books.经验是思想之子,思想是行动之子,了解他人不可以书本为据。Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want.经验是当你没得到想得到之物时所得到的东西。

Experience without learning is better than learning without experience.有经验而无学问胜于有学问而无经验。

Neither believe nor reject anything, because any other person has rejected of believed it.Heaven has given you a mind for judging truth and error, Use it.(Thomas Jefferson, American president)不要因为别的人相信或否定了什么东西,你也就去相信它或否定它。上帝赠予你一个用来判断真理和谬误的头脑。那你就去运用它吧。(美国总统 杰斐逊)One thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning.(James Russell Lowell, British Poet)一次痛苦的经验抵得上千百次的告诫。(英国诗人 洛威尔)Practical wisdom is only to be learned in the school of experience.(Samuel Smiles, British writer)实用的知识只有通过亲身体验才能学到。(英国作家 斯迈尔斯)



A man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiasm.C.M.Schwab, American brsinessman 无论何事,只要对它有无限的热情你就能取得成功。

美国实业家施瓦布.C.M.A chievement provides the only real pleasure in life.Thomas Eeison, American inventor 有所成就是人生唯一的真正的乐趣。

美国发明家爱迪生,T.Along with success comes a reputation for wisdom.Euripides, Ancient ek ramatist伴随成功的是智慧的闻名遐迩。

古希腊剧作家欧晨庇德斯 Assuredly, the most gifted man errs who, in dealing with humanity, depends upon his own insight and intelligence and discards the moral law of society, created by respect for the individual, and those principles of liberty, equality and fraternity, the basis of our civilization, and the essence of Christianity.Ferdinand foch, Frcnch marshal 的确,在处理人的问题时,如果只依赖个人的见识与才智,抛弃为尊重个人而制定的社会道德法律,抛弃作为


法国元帅福煦F.But has the last word been said?Is all hope to be lost?Is the defeat fi-nal? No!Charles De Gaulle.French Puesident 但是难道败局已定,胜利已经无望?不,不能这样说!

法国总统戴高乐,C.Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet.Only through expe-rience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared,ambition inspired , and success achieved.Helen Keller,American writer 要使性格有所发展并非简单之事,只有通过艰难和困苦的磨练才能使心灵强化,视野开阔,雄心振奋,从而达


美国作家凯勒H.I might say that success is won by three things: first, effort;second, more effort;third, still more effort.Thomas Hardy, British poet and novelist 可以说成功要靠三件事才能赢得:努力、努力、再努力。

英国人、小说家哈代.T.I succeeded ause I willed it;I never hesitated.Bonapart Napoleon, French emperor 我成功是因为我有决心,从不踌躇。

法国皇帝拿破仑.B.If you wish to succeed, you should use perdistence as your good friend, experiece as your reference, prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry.B2B99.COM

Thomas Edison, American inventor 如果你希望成功,当以恒心为良友、以为参谋、以谨慎为兄弟、以希望为哨兵。

美国发明家爱迪生 Never be unduly elated by victory or depressed by defeat.H.Porter, American feneral 胜不矜,败不馁。

美国南北战争中的将领波特。H.Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily.Friedrich Schiller.man dramatist and poet 只有有耐心圆满完成简单工作的人,才能够轻而易举地完成困难的事。

德国剧作家、人席勒.F.People often ask me if I know the secret of success, and if I could tell others how to make their dreams come true.My answer is, you do it by working.Walt Disney, American brsinessman 人们时常问我是否晓得成功的诀窍,能否告诉别人怎样使他们的梦想成为现实。我的回答是:身体力行。

美国实业家迪斯尼.W.Power invariably means both responsibility and danger.Theodore Roosevelt, American president 实力永远意味着责任和危险。

美国总统罗斯福.T.Recognition of the falsity of material wealth as the standard of success goes hand in hand with the abandonment of the false belief that public office and high political position are to be valued only by the standard of pride of place and persona l profit.Franklin Roosevelt, American president 把物质财富当作成功的标准是错误的。我们应抛弃以名利为唯一标准来衡量公职和高级政治地位的错误观念。

美国总统罗斯福.F.Silence is the element in which at things fashion thelves.Thomas Carlyle British essayist and historian 沉默是造就伟大速写的因素。

英国家、学家卡莱尔.T.Success covers a multitude of blunders.George bernard Shaw, British ramatist 成功由大量的失误铸就。

英国剧作家肖伯纳。G.Success often depends upon knowing how long it will take to succeed.Charles Montesquier, French thinker 成功常常取决于知道需要多久才能成功。

法国思想家孟德斯鸠.C.That is one of the rewards of competition: you can drop down a couple of notches on the food chain to be as brutal , unsympathetic , selfish and inhuman as you wish in the name of competition ause success supposedly justifies any actions.Howard Mel, American writer 这就是竞争所得到的一种报酬:你可以将自己在食物链上的身份降低几个档次,打着竞B2B99.COM



美国作家梅尔.H.That sort of defeats are only stepping-stones.W.Reid.American journalist and diplomat 那种失败只不过是前进的踏脚石。

美国记者、外交家里德。W.The ater a man is ,the more distasteful is praise and flattery to him.John Burroughs, American naturalist 一个人越伟大,对表扬和奉承就越反感。

美国博物学家巴勒斯.J.The human being longs for a sense of being accomplished, of being able to do things.with his hand, with his mind, with his will.Each of us wants to feel he of she has the ability to do something that is meaningful and that serves a tribute to our inherent abilities.LeonardR.Saylis, British writer 人们渴求有一种成就感,渴望有能力用自己的手、用自己的脑、用自己的意志办事。我们每个人都希望自己


英国作家塞尔斯。L.R.The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want,and if they cannot find them, they make them.George Bernard Shaw, British dramatist 在这个世界上,取得成功的人是那些努力寻找他们想要机会的人,如果找不到机会,他们就去创造机会。

英国剧作家肖伯纳。G.The success is nothing more than doing well whatever you do without a thought of fame.Henry Wadsworth Lonllwo.American poet 成功就是好好工作而不计较名利。

美国人朗费罗.H.W.The world more frequently recommends the appearance of merit than merit itself.Rochefoucauld, Frcnch writer.世人往往推崇表面的功绩,而不是推崇真正的功绩。

法国作家罗切福考尔德 There are two ways of rising in the world, either by your own industry or by the folly of others.Jean De La Bruyere, French moralist 成功之路有两条:靠自己的努力或靠他人的愚蠢。

法国道德家拉布吕耶尔.J.D.There is only one success-----to be able to spend your life in your own way.Morley Christopher, French writer 成功只有一个-既能依自己的方式去度过人生。

法国作家克里斯多夫.M.To conquer we need to dare, to dare again, ever to dare!George Jacques Danton, French revolutionist 为了胜利,我们需要勇敢,更勇敢!永远勇敢冲杀!

法国革命家丹东.G.J.To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive, and B2B99.COM

the true success is to labor.Robert Louis Stevenson, British writer 怀着希望去旅行比抵达目的地更愉快;而真正的成功在于工作。

英国作家史蒂文森。R.L.Victory won't come to me unless I go to it.M.Moore, American pletess 胜利是不会向我走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。

美国女人穆尔。M.Will, work and wait are the pyramidal cornerstones for success.Louis Pasteur, French chemist 意志、工作和等待是成功的金字塔的基石。

法国化学家巴斯德。L.You have to believe in yourself.That's the secret of success.Charles Chaplin, American actor 人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。


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