
时间:2019-05-14 19:18:15下载本文作者:会员上传




多积累,多多益善。Enjoy while learning.(有些歌词为缩写,注重理解大意即可哦)

1.【Just one last dance】Sarah Connor 2.【Let's start from here】王若琳 3.【the saltwater room】Owl City 4.【yesterday】Leona Lewis 5.[ more than I can say]

1.【Just one last dance】Sarah Connor 女:Just one last dance Oh baby Just one last dance Oh ~~ We meet in the night in the Spanish cafe I look in your eyes just don't know what to say It feels like I'm drowning in salty water A few hours left 'til the sun's gonna rise

感觉就像我沉浸在泪水中之中 离日出还有短短几个小时

tomorrow will come and it's time to realize our love has finished forever how I wish to come with you(wish to come with you)how I wish we make it through我多么希望我们度过这场难关 Just one last dance before we say goodbye when we sway and turn around and round and round我们旋转和转身之际

it's like the first time Just one more chance hold me tight and keep me warm cause the night is getting cold and I don't know where I belong Just one last dance 男:The wine and the lights and the Spanish guitar I'll never forget how romantic they are but I know, tomorrow I'll lose the one I love There's no way to come with you(女:way to come with you)it's the only thing to do Oh ~~

女:Just one last dance(男: Oh ~~)before we say goodbye(男:say goodbye)

合:when we sway and turn around and round and round 女:it's like the first time Just one more chance hold me tight and keep me warm(男:keep me warm)合:cause the night is getting cold and I don't know where I belong 女:Just one last dance(Oh baby)Just one last dance(男:Oh ~~)

before we say goodbye(男:say goodbye)

合:when we sway and turn around and round and round 女:it's like the first time Just one more chance 合:hold me tight and keep me warm cause the night is getting cold and I don't know where I belong 女合:Just one last dance before we say goodbye when we sway and turn around and round and round(女:when we sway and turn around and hold me tight and ohmy love)

it's like the first time Just one more chance hold me tight and keep me warm cause the night is getting cold(女:the night is getting cold,and I don't know where I belong)男 :don't know where I belong 女:Just one last dance 男:Just one last dance 女:just one more chance 男:just one more chance 女:just one last dance

2.【Let's start from here】王若琳

Giving up, why should I ,I've come to far to forget 算了吧 我想尽办法要忘记

beautiful,we just got lost somewhere along the way 美丽的过去 其实我只要放弃自我就行了 so much was missing when you went away 你不在身边的时候 许多感觉都已经不在了 Let's start from here, lose the past 让我们重新开始 忘记过去

change our minds, we don't need a finish line(记得否:不建议加s哦)

改变心意 我们不需要画地自限(To reach a finish line 争取早日夺标)

let's take this chance don't think too deep 让我们把握机会 不要再眷恋

all those promises we couldn't seem to keep 那些我们 曾无法守住的诺言 I don't care where we go 我不在意 未来会带我们到哪里去 Let's start from here 让我们一起重新开始

standing here face to face a finger on your lips 面对面站在这 将手指贴在唇上

don't say a word don't make a sound silence around us now 不作一声 就让沉默 现在包围我们

even when you were gone I felt you everywhere 这样 在你走之后 我仍然可以感受你在每个地方 Let's start from here, lose the past 让我们重新开始 忘记过去

change our minds, we don't need a finish line 改变心意 我们不需要画地自限

let's take this chance don't think too deep 让我们把握机会 不要再眷恋

of all those promises we couldn't seem to keep 那些我们 曾无法守住的诺言 I don't care where we go 我不在意 未来会带我们到哪里去 Let's start from here 让我们一起重新开始 Let's start from here 让我们一起重新开始

I've never been the one to open up 我从来都不是那个把爱说出口的人

but you've always been the voice within 但是 你永远是那个听见我心声的人 the only warmth from my cold heart 温暖我那颗已经冷却的心的人

Let's start from here, lose the past 让我们重新开始 忘记过去

change our minds, we don't need a finish line 改变心意 我们不需要画地自限

let's take this chance don't think too deep 让我们把握机会 不要再眷恋

of all those promises 那些我们 曾无法守住的诺言

Let's start from here, lose the past 让我们重新开始 忘记过去

change our minds, we don't need a finish line 改变心意 我们不需要画地自限

let's take this chance don't think too deep 让我们把握机会 不要再眷恋

of all those promises we couldn't seem to keep 那些我们 曾无法守住的诺言 I don't care where we go 我不在意 未来会带我们到哪里去 Let's start from here 让我们一起重新开始

3.【the saltwater room】Owl City有人说,这首歌有夏天的感觉,是挺清爽,力推!

男: I opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low light.昨夜我睁开眼睛,看见你在昏暗的灯光下

Walking down by the bay, on the shore, staring up at the stars that aren’t there anymore.沿着海湾缓缓漫步,凝视不断延伸的海平面

I was feeling the night grow old and you were looking so cold.我感觉到夜的老去,而你看上去那么冷淡 So like an introvert, I drew my over shirt.于是像一个内向的人一样,我提着我的外衣

Around my arms and began to shiver violently before.抱紧双臂,开始剧烈的颤抖。

You happened to look and see the tunnels all around me.你注视着围绕在我四周的隧道。Running into the dark underground.飞奔入黑暗的地下

All the subways around create a great sound.四周所有地铁都发出一种美妙的声音 To my motion fatigue: farewell.对我的疲惫道一声:永别 With your ear to a seashell.把一枚海螺放在耳边

You can hear the waves in underwater caves.你会听见来自水下洞穴的海浪声

As if you actually were inside a saltwater room.仿佛置身于一个充满海水的房间 女:

Time together is just never quite enough.在一起的时间总是不够 男:

When you and I are alone, I’ve never felt so at home.你我独处时,我感到从未有过的轻松自在(旧词新意哦)女:

What will it take to make or break this hint of love.制造和破译爱的密码将会带来什么呢 男女:

We need time, only time.我们需要时间,只是时间。女:

When we re apart whatever are you thinking of(分别,离开)我们不在一起的时候你在想些什么 男:

If this is what I call home why does it feel so alone 如果这是所谓的家,可为何它如此令人孤独 女:

So tell me darling do you wish we d fall in love 那么,亲爱的,告诉我,你希望我们相爱吗(记得否at first sight)男:

All the time.All the time 一直……一直……


Can you believe that the crew has gone and wouldn’t let me sign on? 你相信吗?船员已经离去,他们没有让我上船

All my islands have sunk in the deep, so I can hardly relax or even oversleep.我所有的岛都坠入了深渊,所以,我现在无法放松,甚至难以入眠 I feel as if I were home some nights when we count all the ship lights.我仿佛又回到家里,回到那些我们一起数船灯的夜晚 I guess I’ll never know why sparrows love the snow.我猜,我永远不会知道麻雀爱雪的理由

We’ll turn off all of the lights and set this ballroom aglow.我们关上所有灯,把这舞厅布置得一片通红

So tell me darling, do you wish we’d fall in love? 那么,告诉我,亲爱的,你希望我们相爱吗

女: Time together is just never quite enough.在一起的时间总是不够

男: When you and I are alone, I’ve never felt so at home.你我独处时,我感到从未有过的轻松自在

女: What will it take to make or break this hint of love.制造和破译爱的密码将会带来什么 男女: We need time, only time.我们需要时间,只是时间。

女: When we’re apart whatever are you thinking of? 我们不在一起时你在想些什么

男: If this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone? 如果这是所谓的家,可为何它如此令人孤独

女: So tell me darling, do you wish we’d fall in love? 那么,告诉我,亲爱的,你是不是希望我们相爱 男女: All the time, All the time...一直,一直.....女: Time together is just never quite enough.在一起的时间总是不够

When we’re apart whatever are you thinking of? 我们不在一起时你在想些什么

What will it take to make or break this hint of love? 制造和破译爱的密码将会带来什么

So tell me darling, do you wish we’d fall in love? 那么,告诉我,亲爱的,你是不是希望我们相爱 All the time, All the time...一直,一直......4.【yesterday】Leona Lewis I just cant believe your gone


still waitin for morning to come


when i see if the sun will rise,当我看见太阳升起

in the way that your by my side


well we got so much in store



tell me what is it im reaching for


when were through building memories


ill hold yesterday in my heart


in my heart


they can take tomorrow


and the plans we made


they can take the music


that we never play

我们从来没播放过的 all the broken dreams


take everything


just take it away,拿走全部吧

but they can never have yesterday


they can take the future


that we'll never know

我们永远不知道的 they can take the places


that we said we will go


all the broken dreams take everything


just take it away,拿走全部吧

but they can never have yesterday


you always choose to stay


I should be thankful for everyday


heaven knows what the future holds,天堂知道未来拥有什么

or least where the story goes


I never believed untill now

我从来不敢相信,直到现在 I know il see you again im sure


no its not selfish to ask for more


one more night one more day


one more smile on your face


but they cant take yesterday


they can take tomorrow


and the plans we made


they can take the music


that we never play


all the broken dreams take everything


just take it away,拿走全部吧

but they can never have yesterday


they can take the future


that we'll never know

我们永远不知道的 they can take the places


that we said we will go


all the broken dreams take everything


just take it away,拿走全部吧

but they can never have yesterday


I thought our days would last forever


but it wasnt our destiny


cause in my mind we had so much time,因为在我脑海里我们拥有很都时间

but i was so wrong


no i can believe that


I can still find the strengh


in the moments we made


I'm lookin back on yesterday


5.[ more than I can say]

Whoa whoa, yea yea,I love you more than I can say 哦 ~ ~ ~ ~ 我爱你在心口难开

I'll love you twice as much tomorrow 我对你的爱一天胜似一天(倍数表达法哦)Oh, love you more than I can say 哦,我爱你在心口难开

whoa whoa, yea yea,I'll miss you every single day 哦 ~ ~ ~ ~我每一天都在思念着你

Why must my life be filled with sorrow ? 为什么我的人生必须充满着悲伤 ? Oh, love you more than I can say 哦,我爱你在心口难开

Ah, don't you know I need you so ? 啊,难道你不知道我是多么的需要你 ? Oh tell me please I gotta know!哦,请告诉我,我必须知道!Do you mean to make me cry ? 你是不是有意要让我哭 ? Am I just another guy ? 又或者说我仅是你追求者之一 ? whoa whoa yea yea,I miss you more than I can say

哦 ~ ~ ~ ~ 我想你在心口难开

Why must my life be filled with sorrow ? 为什么我的人生必须充满着悲伤 ? Oh, love you more than I can say 哦,我爱你在心口难开 { Instrumental } Oh don't you know I need you so ? 哦,难道你不知道我是多么的需要你 ? So tell me please, I gotta know!所以请告诉我,我必须知道 Do you mean to make me cry ? 你是不是有意要让我哭 ? Am I just another guy ? 又或者说我仅是你追求者之一 ? Whoa whoa, yea yea,I love you more than I can say 哦 ~ ~ ~ ~我爱你在心口难开

I'll love you twice as much tomorrow 我对你的爱一天胜似一天

Whoa, love you more than I can say 哦,爱你在心口难开

I'll love you more than I can say 我将会爱你在心口难开

I'll love you more than I can say........Ohhhhhhhhhh 我将会爱你在心口难开........哦 ~~~~~(More than I can say)(爱你在心口难开)I'll love you twice as much tomorrow 我将会爱你一天胜似一天(More than I can say)(爱你在心口难开)I'll love you twice as much tomorrow 我将会爱你一天胜似一天(More than I can say)(爱你在心口难开)I love you more than words can say 我爱你在心口难开


Avril Lavigne Complicated

记得是看了MV以后才彻底爱上这首歌的。那时我还特别惊讶小艾的牙齿怎么那么白。有了第一次便不会有最后一次。从上机到下机,持续戴着网吧质量的耳麦,耳朵哭笑不得。空间铺天盖地都是这曲子的影子。在房间里跟着稀里糊涂大声唱就会觉得很快乐。推荐给敏达同学的时候他曾说那句no nono很忧伤的样子,你有没有觉得?我否认,不会呀,这首歌很酷很酷的。后来毕业了,中考最后一天的早晨,很早起床,在房间开足了音响,看那个系领带画烟熏妆穿七分裤留直直长发的叛逆女孩踩滑板弹吉他以捉弄保安为乐躲在衣服里吓人的样子。声嘶力竭地唱着自己的青春,才发现唱到泣不成声最痛。最痛的分界线,割开从前所有年少轻狂的快乐,再怎么努力也无法再一次重温最初最初的狂热,也无法阻止眼角渗出泪光。原来之前没日没夜唱着念着的旋律也可以在某个独立的时间点后毫无预兆地变成鼓足了勇气也再也不敢完整地大声唱一遍的莫名的忧伤。是的,我再也不会再唱了,不会的,虽然我早已把歌词熟烂于心,虽然不会再像很久很久以前那样在那台年代久远的DVD前很尴尬地la lalalala~却接不出第一句。No nono… My Happy Ending 那时星期五黄昏后的篮球赛后的矿泉水后的洗澡水后的歌曲就是My Happy Ending.曲虹同学见证了这样的流程。因为正式MV版本的那张盘有点问题,所以只能听日本演唱会版本的另一张盘,所以这也是唯一一首我没有听正式版长大的。最鲜明的记忆是08年的冬天在厦门乘电动车一路唱着它,觉得自己真的还挺酷的。没想到那才是我真正的My Happy Ending.Girlfriend 这首歌开启了我的艾薇儿时代。现在不得不最后一次用上我觉得最恶心的一词了,缘分。好吧。我不看那个词。我想说的是如果我没有瞎逛音乐网站,没有把鼠标滚轮往下滑,没有看见左下角推荐的欧美专辑,没有抱着无聊试听的心态点击TBDT专辑的封面,或者遇上不正常工作的耳麦,断电,死机,朋友邀请我游戏,卡上金额不足等多种突发情况。那么,就没有现在的我了。当时我确实触电了,想以后所有的不开心都可以被这歌来电击治疗了。记得当晚或者第二天就强烈要求小姨给我这张专辑了,我用谷歌地图搜出的结果与她去的音像店一致,未果。也不知道到底期待了多久,才在某一晚自修回家后得到这有史以来最好的礼物。后来音乐课拿去学校播放,结果是不被支持。带回家,我发誓以后只让自己独享,结果是直到高一开学,那CD的封面和内页都还那么完好如初。但前几天发现,坏了的塑料壳包装,旧旧的变形了的封面。突然发现自己能补给的,只有难过了。想起某一冬夜第一次在电视上看见主持人手中拿着和我拥有一样的专辑作为推荐,然后是Girlfriend的MV插入画面,有多么兴奋的夜晚哈。Skater Boy 这首歌和它的MV让我第一次明白女生也是可以酷到骨子里去的。也是让我立志成为一名滑板少年的理由。我播放这首歌,玩托尼霍克滑板的单机游戏。尝试把Obvious这个单词记住。还用同样的手法写了一篇不优秀的作文。08年的夏天终于得到了渴望的滑板,可是那个夏天的末尾我最终没有成为想象中的滑板少年。Don’t Tell Me 听遍了小艾所有正式发行的歌曲,现在只听或者说最常听的也就只有这首了。每次由于不合群而造成的鲜明的失落,都会学着双手插裤袋很酷的哼着。总感觉这不再是叛逆,而是一种特立的作风。写那篇凌晨时,校运会一个人偷偷在街上溜达时,班级歌唱比赛前的晚自修被占用时。I’m With You 每次最无助的时候都是听这首歌,尽管这样的情况发生概率可以约等于零,但几乎每一次都哭一次。When You’re Gone 第一次能完整背下歌词就是这首了。在英语作文试用过,也曾在星期六录像参加比赛的做作的公开课上写满纸,而后面的盈盈同学在画画,漫画人物。Runaway 那段时间每次星期日大扫除都是单曲循环地听这首歌。你该知道那是很好的打扫卫生方式,很开心地唱着唱着就不会累。I Can Do Better 那时我想要是以后被人甩了就用这首歌自我安慰,也是从这里学会脏话的。真酷哈。The Best Damn Thing 也是居家必备歌曲。Innocence 有段时间很爱很爱,看着歌词很认真地学。用歌词来说,This is the best feeling.How Does It Feel 以为自己已经成熟了,不会再迷失,不会再害怕什么,不会再想太多。But suddenly suddenly… Anything But Ordinary 千万不要在我面前说我跟谁很像。Tomorrow


Mariah Carey We Belong Together 06年的冠军单曲。却很迟的从08年初一直到现在,如果真要说什么歌曲让我从来都没有一点点厌倦,如果说要评选心目中的神曲,如果说要累计播放次数最多的歌曲的话,还有哪首歌可以替代呢?没有了。

两个冬天所有白天的单曲循环持续奔跑。I Stay In Love 第一次听的时候觉得是第二次听的。还没听到歌词就已经把它拖进我最喜欢的列表了。Bye Bye 中考前几个月,我的QQ个人签名是Mariah Carey is singing bye byebyebyebye…

Rihanna Umbrella 统治了我07年的夏天及那一年所有下雨天。那是我第一次和美国当红音乐同步。Take A Bow 统治了我08年的夏天。我上Youtube找过好多视频,还找伴奏,还把它当做空间背景音乐。所以不需要我加星号你就应该知道这首歌的在我心目中的地位了吧?

Jonas Brothers A Little Bit Longer 第一次在同学面前唱英文歌,第一次那么狂热地迷恋一个女生的笑容,每一句歌词里都是我想表达的所有心情。都已经9个月过去了,我还是继续唱着,A little bit longer and I’ll be fine.而你还是不知道,你甚至都不知道。Lovebug 如果我学会尖叫的话,这是要求我上台的话我会选择的第一首歌。Burning Up 我是听说奥巴马女儿在白宫挂上乔纳斯兄弟的海报并听这歌曲才开始听他们的歌,谢谢马莉娅·奥巴马和萨莎·奥巴马同学。SOS 救命,我已经完全倾向乔纳斯兄弟了,好吧,向他们看齐。Hold On 流行摇滚流行摇滚,现在唱歌都想Yeah!



Lady GaGa Just Dance 能不能接受Lady GaGa是判断能不能与我站在同一边的前提,喜不喜欢她可以先放一边,如果你给的答案是否,请你马上离开我的视线,这个世界需要的就是Lady GaGa,而不是传统的你,很巧本人反传统。好吧,这是GaGa夫人中我最喜欢的歌曲。也是她给的第一次Crush。Poker Face 连续几周的冠军歌曲,不用再解释了。Speechless 总觉得结尾很怪,但总体来说还是不错的,喜欢她在AMA的表演,比格莱美的酷。其实她TF整张专辑中所有的歌曲都很好听,你可以去试试,前提是你不是红卫兵。

Taylor Swift White Horse 会让人很心疼的歌曲,每次事情的发展偏离想象中的轨道,总会安慰自己,这里不是好莱坞。You Belong With Me 在今年的格莱美上见证了童话,但我没有扯自己的脸蛋。Love Story 见面礼就是这首歌了,当时她还是个在VMA介绍乔纳斯兄弟出场的小女生。Tim Mcgraw 是在英语广场杂志上,开始怀疑她的前身是不是诗人。Teardrops On My Guitar 英语老师的手机铃声。

Beyonce Irreplaceable

07年的冠军单曲,好听好听。发现好听的歌曲都有很酷的歌词。If I Were A Boy 这才是真的会让人动心的歌。Single Ladies 08年就已经一直听了,怎么到10年才获格莱美奖? Halo 格莱美格莱美,破纪录破纪录,Beyonce真的好强大。

Britney Spears Baby One More Time

你说你没听过?哦,我差点忘了你是来自遥远星系的。Everytime 很久以前就已经听的一首歌,给人很空灵的感觉。Sometimes 我就是听这歌摸黑洗衣服才把校服弄丢的。If You Seek Amy 如果你问我为什么不喜欢结婚,我会说,看看布兰妮。哎。

Katy Perry I kissed a girl 很期待这首歌能成为08年的冠军单曲,可是最后未能如愿。某一段时间里,我天天有事没事闭口张口都是那句I kissed a girl and I liked it~这点坤福同学可以作证。Hot N cold 最喜欢08年EMA她作为主持人穿那件左边黑色新郎右边白色新娘衣服超级正的样子。

Miley Cyrus 7 things 在我知道她的实际年龄比我还小几个月后,我更正了以前的看法,成就不以年龄成正比。The climb 很有内涵的一首歌,在看汉娜蒙塔纳电影版的时候,确实被感动了。See you again

青春的势力很强大,不摇滚的请让开。Party in the usa 在一家服装店听见,然后用惊奇的表情华丽丽地路过。Bottom of the ocean 破天荒的结束了汉娜蒙塔纳电视剧第一季,我还有目标,看完《miles to go》

Leona Lewis Yesterday

从没想过有人可以这样定义昨天,把昨天当做一种骄傲。是的,他们可以拥有美好的未来,但他们永远也不会有我们的昨天。最适合夜深人静时听的歌曲。Better in time


北京奥运会闭幕式,只看伦敦八分钟。看见小贝,看见她。…… Lily Ellen – The Fear


Lil Wayne Lollipop 看见某杂志上,他作为封面人物,旁边是一句标语,当代最好的说唱歌手。Amilli 我不清楚他是怎么说话的 Got money 酷酷酷。

Kanye West Heartless


Green Day

Know your enemy 酷。党员们请勿听这歌曲。Boulevard of broken dreams 是我最爱的一篇文章的结束歌曲 21 guns 摇滚是一种精神 Akon Mr.Lonely 属于最先接触的一批欧美歌曲先烈。Smack That 酷酷酷。

Chris Brown Run it

榜单上的经典歌曲 d With you 好听而已。


The Ting Tings Shut up and let me go 好玩的旋律,好玩的歌词。That’s not my name 另类的另类。

James BluntIgotta feeling 想要这样的生活,每天晚上唱着这首歌去Party。

florida– low 08年的冠军单曲,但耐听度太低了,几小时。

krisalleni dreamed a dream 英国选秀的质量更高!苏珊大妈,我虽然从来都不听她的歌,还是必须向她致敬。

Ne yo– So Sick 无法被超越的R&B歌曲。好听好听好听!

Paramore-crush crush crush 很对味地在某一时间跟VV论坛里某些人一起狂听。Pink – so what


t.isilent all these years 接触的第一首英文歌曲,是先从孙燕姿那里听过来的。很具有里程碑的意义。

vanessacarlton-a thousand miles 好听好听啊

nelly&kellyrowland– dilemma 最早从百度知道呕心沥血搜来的并亲自实践试听的第一批好听的英文歌曲之一。






最喜欢的100首经典英文歌曲排行榜my lovejust one last danceas long as you love mebecause of yougod is a girlheroyesterday once morelonelyall riseone lovebig big worldmy heart will go onpretty boyseasons in the sunyou raise me upthe day you went awayfar away from homemoonlight shadowdying in the suni want it that waysheonly lovecry on my shoulderin the endwe will rock youwhen you believehotel californiai believe i can flyright here waitingthank you


shape of my heart

baby one more time


take me to your heart

without you


anyone of us

don't cry

heal the world

if i let you go

lemon tree

loving you

never say goodbye 45 close to you

i will always love you 47 only time

to be with you

better man

here i am

no matter what

scarborough fair 53 yesterday

you are not alone 55 you make me wanna 56 bye bye bye

i could be the one 58 i swear

larger than life

never had a dream come true 61 take me away

when you're gone 63 burning


hey jude


it's my life

mirror mirror


tears in heaven

the power of love 72 a place nearby



best in me



my happy ending 79 nothing in the world 80 rhythm of the rain 81 say you say me

the call

top of the world

where'd you go

because you love me 86 everybody

flying without wings 88 get the party started 89 gotta have you

love to be loved by you 91 never grow old 92 so sick


tell me why 95 the rose

unchained melody 97 a thousand miles 98 all at once

all out of love 100 around the world



——推荐歌曲《my love》(我的爱)

——歌词名句 Im holding on forever reaching for a love that seems so far.山盟海誓

——推荐歌曲《swear it again》(再发誓)

——歌词名句 I swore to share your joy and your pain and Id swear it all over again.勇往直前

——推荐歌曲《Uptown Girl》(窈窕淑女)

——歌词名句 shes been living in her white bread world as long as anyone with hot blood can.假装可怜

——推荐歌曲《Against All Odds》(不计一切)

——歌词名句 Take a good look at me now cause lll still be standing here.甜言蜜语

——推荐歌曲《Miss You》(想你)

——歌词名句 I just wanna be right here with you


——推荐歌曲《I Lay My Love On You》(给你我的爱)

——歌词名句 i was lost in a lonely place, could hardly believe it.自我检讨

——推荐歌曲《If I Let You Go》(如果我让你离开)

——歌词名句 Im too shy to ask, Im too proud to lose.佯装深沉

——推荐歌曲《You raise Me Up》(你举起我)

——歌词名句 When you come and I am filled with wonder, sometimes I think I glimpse eternity.真诚赞扬

——推荐歌曲《Flying Without Wings》(无翼飞翔)

——歌词名句 Im flying without wings and thats the joy you bring.温情脉脉

——推荐歌曲《You Make Me Feel》(你让我感觉)右键“另存为”下载 ——歌词名句 For the rest of my days, in so many ways, you make me


经典英文歌曲100首推荐 Time for Us A Whole New World As Long as You Love Me Auld Lang Syne

5.Baby One More Time

6.Beauty and Beast

7.Big Big World

8.Can You Feel the Love Tonignt



11.Fly Me to the Moon

12.Green Sleeves

13.Hotel California

14.I Swear

15.I Will Always Love You

16.Love Me Tender

17.Love Story


19.Moon River

20.More than I can say

21.My Heart Will Go on

22.My Love

23.Only You

24.Pearl Harbor

25.Right Here Waiting


27.San Francisco

28.Say You Say Me

29.Scarborough Fair

30.Take Me to Your Heart

31.The Day You Went Away

32.The Top of the World

33.Unchained Melody

34.Yesterday Once More

35.You Will Be in My Heart

36.No Matter What

37.Love in December

38.Color of the Wind

39.I Will Always Love you

40.It’s All Because of You



43.God Is a Girl

44.Because of You

45.Here I Am

46.Nothing Gonna Change My Love for You



49.Just One Last Dance


51.Pretty Boy

52.Seasons in the Sun

53.You Raise Me up


55.I Believe I Can Fly

56.Shape of My Heart

57.Lemon Tree

58.Hey Jude

59.Mirror Mirror


61.Rhythm of the Rain

62.Because You Love Me


64.Just One Last Dance

65.No Matter What

66.Far Away From Home

67.Moonlight Shadow

68.I Want It That Way

69.Dying in the Sun

70.Only Love

71.Cry on My Shoulder

72.In the End

73.We Will Rock You

74.Thank You


76.Shape of My Heart


78.Without You


80.Anyone of Us

81.Don’t Cry

82.Heal the World

83.Close to You

84.Only Time

85.To Be with You

86.You Are Not Alone

87.You Make Me Wanna

88.Bye Bye Bye

89.I Could Be the One

90.Larger Than Life

91.Never Had a Dream Come True

92.Take Me Away

93.When You Are Gone


95.It’s My Life


97.Tears in Heaven

98.Flying Without Wings

99.Never Grow Old

100.Tell Me Why



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