《威尼斯商人》英文书评 book report

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第一篇:《威尼斯商人》英文书评 book report

Darkness Accompany with Sunlight

---The Merchant of Venice


STUDENT NO.: 2012411135


Part A.the background of this book

Part B.the introduction of the author

Part C.the main idea of this book

(1).the characters

(2).the story

(3).the version

Part D.summary

Part E.my feelings

Part A.the background of this book At this time,the British social contradictions was increasing rapidly:In the countryside, “enclosure movement” was on the progress.A spate of capitalism in the city, the manual factory, the result of the continuous deterioration of the status of the craftsmen and the poor, from 1594 to 1598, and continuous flooding and cold resulted to agricultural crops, soaring prices, farmers and the urban poor are a large number of rebelled against.During this period, the power of the bourgeoisie were more powerful and its temporary alliance with the royal family.Shakespeare's humanism began to feel his contradiction between the ideal and the reality, so after 1596 several comedies, while I was happy optimistic tone, but there have been a growing social satire factors.At this time,the merchant of Venice is the most cynical work in Shakespeare's early comedies.Part B.the introduction of the author William Shakespeare(1564 ~ 1616)is the great playwright in the period of English Renaissance.He is a poet , the European Renaissance humanist literature synthesizer, born in England Warwickshire Stratford town on April 23rd ,1564.There are four representative tragedies “Hamlet” , “Othello”, “King Lear”, “Macbeth”, and four comedies “Twelfth Night”, “A Midsummer Night's Dream,” “The Merchant of Venice”, historical drama “Henry IV,” “Henry V”, “Li Richard II ”and so on.He also wrote 154 sonnets and three or four heads of poetries.He is “the father of the British drama”.Ben Jonson called him “the soul of the era,” and Marx called him “one of humanity's greatest geniuses.” Shakespeare is just an English writer, but he is a world famous writer.Most of his works have been translated into many languages, and his plays are staged in many countries.Part C.the main idea of this book Main characters: Antonio, the merchant of Venice.He is the emerging bourgeoisie businessman.He treasures friendship, for friends borrow money from Shylock and die without hatred;His magnanimity, in the face of Shylock shameless plot, unexpectedly resigned;Faced with the threat of death, he has a Roman hero in a crisis, the death of manhood.In a short, he has a decent, heavy affection, and the quality of urbanity and humanist.Bassanio, the friend of Antonio.He is warm, and he has heavy feeling and righteousness, but he do not know the strategy, is relatively weak Shylock, the rich Jewish.He is a representative of the usury capital, is a clam scrooge.He is a real devil.At the same time, he is also a poor man in Christian society.Jessica, the daughter of Shylock.Lorenzo, the lover of Jessica.Portia,the daughter of a gone rich-man.She is well-learned, witty, brave to aid her husband's friend, and has the tutelage of a new era of women.She is a lively, cheerful, generous, humorous and full of wisdom Nerissa, the maidservant of Portia.Other characters: Morocco and Arragon, the suitors of Portia.Tubal, the friend of Shylock.Launcelot, the servant of Shylock, he acted as a clown.Gobbo, Lancelot’s father.The story: Antonio, the businessman of Venice, in order to help his friend, Bassanio, marry Portia, borrowed money to his enemy-Jewish Shylock.If Antonio can not pay back the money as promised, Shylock would cut off one pound of his flesh.Unexpected, Bassanio’s ships overturned at sea, so he can’t repay timely, Sherlock was on the court.Steadily abused, Shylock’s daughter Jessica escaped with her lover, Lorenzo, so Sherlock was angry and irritated to go to the Venice Court.He refused to reconciliation definitely and resolutely followed the note clause that he cut a pound of flesh from Antonio.At this time, the story culminates exciting.On the other hand, in the elegant Belmont Manor, the rich and beautiful girl Portia had a deep sigh because her marriage must depend on gold, silver and lead boxes made by his father.Which one can choose the true box was her husband.Portia’s father deprived of her marital autonomy.Fortunately, her affection chose the right box.The above two plots join together in the scene of “court”, Portia dressed as a doctor of law in the moment of thousands of all round shouted 'wait a minute!'and pointed out the pact said that he only desired a pound of flesh, but didn't say that he can get a drop of blood.Shylock naturally can not only cut Antonio's flesh, and not let him bleed.Portia with intellect rescued her husband's friend.After winning this case, Portia pretended not to recognize her husband and wanted his wedding rings as a victory for the home and for pretence blame him, lead to a quarrel of comedy.Finally in an Epiphany bassanio, there was a happy ending.The version: The Merchant of Venice has repeatedly been on the big screen, the following is a high-profile version.1914 – A silent film directed by Lois Weber.Ms.Weber was the first American female director of the Merchant of Venice, she also played a role as Portia.1916-A silent British film directed by Walter West.1973-John Sichel directed TV series.Laurence Oliver plays Shylock, Anthony Nichols plays Antonio, and Jeremy Brett plays Bassanio, Joan Plowright Portia plays 1980-BBC television series, a film directed by Jack Gold.Gemma Jones plays Portia, Warren Mitchell plays Shylock.1996BBC produced television series, directed by Trevor Nunn.The Royal National Theatre Henry Goodman performed Shylock.2002Shakespeare's Merchant directed by Paul Wagar and co-produced by Lorenda Starfelt, Brad Mays and Paul Wagar 2004-Directed by Michael Radford.Al Pacino plays Shylock;Jeremy Irons plays Antonio, Joseph Fufan Burns performances Bassanio, Lynn Collins performances Portia.There is also a network game Mabinogi Mabinogi adapted the screenplay as the game's main task.Part D.summary Shylock in the merchant of Venice has a deep impression to me, although he is a miser, and petty revenge-heart heavily who tries his best to revenge all people who have abused him.He even wants to kill the opponents.But I think it's unfair.Because Shakespeare shaped Shylock to be the evil role and incisively and vividly described his sinister and vicious.Antonio is completely beautification: he treasures friendship, for friends borrow money from loan Shylock and die without regret;He manganese, in the face of Shylock shameless plot.Faced with the threat of death, he has in a crisis, the death of manhood like the Roman heroes.In a short, he has a decent, heavy affection, urbane and humanist quality of retting of songs.Even in the 16th century Europe's most powerful and free city Venice, the intolerance of the Jews at the time also can't change the fact.According to law, the Jewish are forced to live in isolation of old factory building wall or slum, the door will be locked after sunset

is guarded by Christians.Any Jews left slum area during the day forced to put on a show that they are “Jew” as to the identity of the red hat.Jews were forbidden to own property, so they can only be usury, and will charge interest on the money borrowed and that is in violation of the law of Christianity.The merchant of Venice they turned a blind eye, but for hostile to the Jewish religious zealots are completely different.They will be beating abuse or even deprived of the rights of Jewish life.And this kind of unfairness is to make Shylock the main reason for abnormal personality.So Shylock is a tragic character.Not he, but the society should be hated, because it’s the sad society that created a tragedy of Shylock.Part E.my feelings

This book shows me many things.After reading this book, I know that the importance of friendship and love.Whenever we feel frustrated, our relatives and friends can help us out.Although money is important, in this world, there are many more important things than money;we shouldn’t be fooled by the phenomenon of surface.In our reality life you can't discriminate against anyone because of his own superiority.At the same time, we should act like Portia because she wasn’t be threatened by the sudden difficulty and face the difficulties bravely.And I think most of us are kindly, but the society can change our characters.In some degree, whether the government is cruel or not can influence the citizens’ characters and thoughts.I do think that Antonio is only used to foil Shylock, a small role.Although Shakespeare satire the Jewish businessman Shylock, he also showed the European government discrimination and exclusion of the Jews.In a word, it stresses the point.

第二篇:双城记英文简介 bookreport专用

A Tale of Two Cities It was the year 1757, the doctor Manette lived in Pairs.And one day he treated a young woman who was hurt by ME family.And the young woman’s husband was killed by them.The doctor felt very angry when he heard the young woman’s miserable experiences.He decided to claimed crimes of ME to the king’s court.So he wrote a letter to the court.Some days later, several men came to Manette’s house and asked him to treat a patient.Manette agreed and followed these men.But these man were ME members.They put Manette into prison.Manette’s family didn’t find him anywhere.Just several months later his wife gave birth to a baby called Lucie.18 years had passed.It was 1775.The doctor’s daughter Lucie was 18 years old.At that time she lived in London.She just was brought up by Miss Spross, because when Lucie was 2 years old her mother was dead.One day she suddenly received a letter that said she should immediately went to Pairs for getting some information about her father.She felt shocked and went to Pairs as soon as possible.On the ways to Pairs, Lucie met other main character in this book--Charles.He was a son of the ME’s leader.But he hated his father and relatives’ cruel actions to low class people, so he moved to England and exchanged his name to Charles.At that time, no one knew his real identity.He fell in love with the beautiful Luciel.When Lucie arrived in the Pairs, she met her father’s old friend Mr.Lorry.Mr.Lorry brought Lucie to meet her father’s former servant--Ernest Defarge.At that time Defarge and his wife Madame Defarge ran a bar in Pairs.Through all people’s effort, Lucie met her father at first time.Her father was weak and filthy.When Manette knew he had a daughter in the world he held his daughter and cried.Then Mr.Lorry, Lucie and her father came back to London.Lucie and her father had a harmonious and peaceful life in London.Lucie took care of her father very well.And her father recovered, he became a doctor again.After 5 years, Charle whom I told you before Lucie met him on the way to Pairs was sued.Lucie who was a witness also joined the trial.In the trial, Charle’s lawyer Carton discovered remarkable details for proving Charle was innocent.Finally the jury announced the verdict –Charle was not guilty.During the trial, the lawyer Carton who perceived Lucie’s golden quality and beauty also fell in love with her.Some days later, Charle took courtship to Lucie and Lucie accepted.During the wedding, Charle told Lucie’s father, who is the doctor, his real identity that he came from ME and so on.The doctor felt shocked.He stayed prison for 18 years just for ME.But doctor decided to keep this secret because he was more concerned about his daughter’s happiness.After the wedding, Carton still kept very close relationship with the young couple.In his mind, his happiness is not marrying her but knowing her happiness.In 1789, the revolution erupted in France.When Chale got this news, he had to go back to France to help his old friends in Pairs.But when he just arrived on Pairs, he was arrested for he was an/the Emigrant.Because revolutionist hated the English Emigrant very much, he was put into the prison.In London when Lucie, Manette, Carton and Mr.Lorry heard the bad news, they rushed to Pairs.The revolutionists welcome Manette due to his suffering in Bastill.Soon, at Charle’s trial, by a unanimous vote, Charle was freed.But a few hours later, Charle was arrested again for his real identity.And he was denounced by Madame Defarge.Several days later, the court announced that Charle was one of ME, a former noble man, and an enemy of the Republic, one of family of tyrants that lived off the blood of the people!Court decided to execute Charles by guillotine in twenty-four hours.Everyone felt painful and hopeless except Madame Defarge.Someone can ask why Madame Defarge hated Chale so much and why she still wanted to kill him? Now, please look at block broad.Can you remember that ME hurt a young lady and killed the lady’s husband? Madame Defarge was the last survivor in this pathetic family.Until now, whole things became clear and reasonable.When Carton saw Lucie’s pale face and hopeless eye, he felt some swords penetrated into his heart.He made a holy and brave decision.He decided to save Charles who was in prison and replaced him to die because of loving Lucie.At that time, Madame Defarge was saturated into revenge, so she brought pistol to Lucie’s apartment.She not only wanted to kill Charles, but also wanted to kill his whole family.She had been deeply indulged in the revenge.On the fight between Madame Defarge and Lucie’s servant, Defarge was killed by her pistol.Soon Carton went to the prison and bribed a prison official to let him go into the prison.Then, he drunk Charles and exchanged their clothes.Finally, the prison official brought Charles to Lucie’s apartment.The last minute came and Carton was brought to the guillotine.As his cart rumbled toward the platform, he turned his eyes toward London and said: I see them holding a special place for me in their hearts, remembering me with love.Yes, this is a far, far better thing that I am doing than anything I have ever done in my life.END 因为爱情 简单的生长


因为爱情 怎么会有沧桑



The Merchant of Venice

Shakespeare is Britain's the most outstanding Renaissance masters.Shakespeare's play, “The Merchant of Venice” explored the timeless topic of money and love.Money is the world's most valuable things.There is something even more precious than money? Rich and moving story of family ties, witty dialogue, the plot turn, exaggerated the circumstances of Comedy, romance and legend is full of color.Is intertwined with friendship, love, love the world and lead us to understanding what is important in life.The play tells a story that happens in Italy.A moneyless young Venetian, Bassanio, is making preparations to propose to Portia, a rich beauty of Belmont.He needs money and appeals to his friend Antonio, a merchant of Venice, for help.But Antonio‟s money is invested in ships at sea.To help Bassanio in his courtship, he borrows money from Shylock the Jewish usurer.Shylock, who has been insulted by Antonio and other Christians, however, agrees to lend the money on the condition that if the loan is not paid in time, he may cut a pound of flesh from Antonio‟s body.With this money, Bassanio goes to Belmont and succeed in the marriage with Portia.But news comes that Antonio‟s ship sank and can‟t return on time so he cannot pay the loan.Shylock demands his pound of flesh.The case is brought before the court.Antonio is in danger.At the critical moment, a young doctor of law arrives at the court.He appeals to Shylock for mercy with a moving speech, but in vain.Then the doctor admits the validity of Shylock‟s claim, but warns him, under pain of death, that he must fulfill the every letter of his bond, taking no more and no less than one pound of flesh, and spilling no drop of blood.Seeing himself thus cornered, the Jew has no choice but to obey the verdict of the court.To everyone‟s surprise, the young doctor of law who saves the life of Antonio is Portia in disguise.Finally they live together happily.The story has a happy ending in theory.But I don‟t think the end is really happy and is a kind of “grave comedy”.In this single-minded pursuit of a pound of flesh, his frequent mentions of the cruelty he has endured at Christian hands make it hard for us to label him a natural born monster.In one of Shakespeare‟s most famous monologues, for example, Shylock argues that Jews are humans and calls his quest for vengeance the product of lessons taught to him by the cruelty of Venetian citizens.On the other hand, Shylock‟s coldly calculated attempt to revenge the wrongs done to him by murdering his persecutor, Antonio, prevents us from viewing him in a primarily positive light.Shakespeare gives us unmistakably human moments, but he often steers us against Shylock as well, painting him as a miserly, cruel, and prosaic figure.But I think Shylock suffers much discrimination for he is a Jew.It„s unfair.All men were born equally.We can learn much from the play.Money is important, but there are many far more important things in this world.Do not be fooled by the surface.In our real live we should threat everyone equally and do not have color vision to look at other people.And when we meet with unexpected difficulties, we should keep calm and solve it skillfully just as Portia does......




五年级一班 张彤

辅导教师 庞玉玲

«The Merchant of Venice»response papers A few days ago, I read a Book of Shakespeare's comedy “the merchant of Venice”.This book is mainly about Antonio's friend Bassani O Sherlock to borrow money, because Bassani O will ask Portia to marry him.Sherlock Antonio's call for a pound of his flesh instead of merchant.Antonio promised, made a contract with him.Bassanio be jubilant to Belmont takes off the engagement, Gorai Sian Nor also went to, he likes the Portia of maid, Lisa, two couples got married.Antonio sent a letter, said Antonio is going to be from Sherlock who cut off a pound of meat.Hearing this news, Bassanio, and Gorai Sian Nor hurriedly ran back to Venice, Bocia and Johnny Lisa dressed up as a lawyer and secretary, secretly follow to save Antonio.In court, Bocia wisely promised Sherlock can stripping Antonio of any one pound of flesh, but, if shed a drop of blood of words, with his life and property to the penance.Bocia played a joke on her husband.She asked with a ring as a defense for Antonio return, then returned home.When her husband came back, they blame they ignore the significance of wedding rings, and insist the certain is they took him to another woman.A series of embarrassing explanation, finally revealed the truth.Everyone has a happy ending, except that Sherlock wanted to hoist with his own

I think money is not essential things, in my mind from Bassanio.Antonio.Portia them I feel between them friends friendship is really precious.In the book, each plot is so touching.





4、夏洛克Shylock5、鲍西娅Baoxiya6、公爵Duke 7Secretary

D: Have mercy on Antonio, Shylock.Do not be so bitter.S: I've promised to take my pound of flesh.If you do not let me have it, that will be a sign of weakness and no one will trust your laws any more.The greatness of Venice will soon be lost.Antonio is my enemy, and I hate him.B: Do all men kill the things they do not love?




A: It is useless trying to argue with Shylock.Don't wait any longer.Pass judgement on me and give Shylock what he wants.B: I'll pay you six thousand ducats for the three thousand ducats that Antonio borrowed.S: If you offered me six times what you have just offered, I would still take my pound of flesh.Give me my pound of flesh!

D: Let us be calm, gentlemen.Shylock, how can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none?

S: I have done nothing wrong and I fear no judgement.I desire my pound of flesh.旁白:As the Duke is wondering what to do, Nerissa, dressed like a lawyer's clerk,arrives with a letter from the famous lawyer whom Portia has visited.While the Duke is talking to Nerissa, Shylock gets ready to cut his pound of flesh from Antonio.Then the letter is read out for all in the court to hear.“I am very ill.When your letter

reached me, I had with me a learned young doctor from Rome.I told him about the quarrel between Shylock and Antonio.We studied many lawbooks and he knows what I would say.I ask you to let him stand in my place and give judgement.He is young, but I never knew so young a body with so wise a head.”

After the letter has been read out to the court, Portia, in lawyer's clothes, enters the

room and takes her seat as judge.安东尼奥:跟夏洛克讲理是没有用的。别再等待了。对我宣判吧,把夏洛克想要得到的东西给他。





这时,当庭宣读了律师的信。“我重病缠身。收到你的信时,我正同一位从罗马来的很有 1



Secretary:Our respected Royal highness Madelihithe most famous lawyer has arrived.Duke:Welcome welcome!Sit down please!You must have mastered the detail case.Am I right?

Baoxiya:Yes.Where are the business man and the Jewis?

Duke:Come up!Antonion Shylock.Shylock:Shylock is my name.Baoxiya:In accordence with the Venice law your complaint is valid.(to Antonion)Your life and death are in the charge of him right?

Antonion:It’s the case.Bao xiya:Do you admit the contract?

Antonion;I admit.Bao xiya:Shylock you should be a little mercy.Shylock:Be mercy?Why?Tell me the reason!

Bao xiya:Being mercy is not only fortunate to the giver but also to the receiver more than the supre power.But if you insist on the original request the Venice law is selfless then the businessman had no choice but to be sentenced.Shylock:Do the matter on my own it’s none of your business.Punish him by law.Bao xiya:Is he not able to repay the loan?

Basaniao:No I am willing to pay off for him in count even ten times!He can take my

hand my head and my heart.If so he is not satisfied that is to harm Antonion on

purpose!Dukeprevent him killing Antonion by law!

Bao xiya:That’s impossible!The Venise law is selfless.Shylock:Daniela real daniel in our world!Young bright judge!Ah Ireally admire you!Bao xiya:Please let me look though the contract.Shylock:Here look at it.(从怀中掏借约)

Bao xiya:Shylock they are willing to pay back three times the money.Shylock:No!No!The whole of Venice to me I can’t promise.Bao xiya:Good In accordence with the law you have the right to cut a pound of flesh from his chest.I can tear up the contract now.(做撕条约动作)

Shylock:No!Must not before he is punished!(上前阻止鲍西亚)Do be a good judge!

Antonion:I also request of the sentence as soon as possible.Bao xiya:Good you must be ready to let his knife stab into your chest.Put your bare

chest out.(安东尼奥敞开胸膛,刽子手向前捆绑安东尼奥。鲍西亚转向夏洛克)Shylock The scales are ready?

Shylock:I have brought.(向鲍西亚展示天平)

Bao xiya:Shylock send for a surgeon.Avoid his dying because of bloodshed.You pay the cost.Shylock:No no such a provision in the law!

Bao xiya:A little mercy Shylock!(转向安东尼奥)Antonion what else to say for you? Antonion:No.I’m ready.Basaniano Goodbye!Don’t be sad!Give my regards to your

wife.I am your friends forever.Goodbye!

Basaniano:No!No!Antonion(极度伤感,先抱安东尼奥,后弯腰向安诉说)I love my wife but my life my wife and the world aren’t more than your precious life.I am willing to lose everything to save your life.Gelayiano:(伤心)I also love my wife but(重音,??一下)I would rather she died to beg God to stop the cruel devil!

Shylock:Don’t waste time!

Bao xiya:Ok!Shylock.The court promise you a pound of flesh from Antonion!Now you can begin.Shylock:Learned judge!Good sentence!To be ready!(持刀向前仔细割一磅肉)

Bao xiya:Coward!(厉声喊后,巴萨尼奥打掉夏洛克刀子)The pact doesn’t allow you to take his one drop of bloodnly one pound of flesh!therefor would shed a drop of Christian blood your land and property all would to be confiscated according to the Venice.Gelayiano:Ah!Smart honest lawyer!ListenJewisa learned judge comes!(向前吹捧鲍西亚)

Shykock:Does the legal say that?

Bao xiya:You can look up the law.Since you asked for fairnessI promise you.Shylock:Oh!My God!Then I am willing to accept the repayment of loansjust as the

contract.Basaniano:Money here!(递钱)

Bao xiya:Don’t hurry!The Jewis must get the justice.Can’t accept any compensation!Gelayiano:Ah!Jewis Look!How smart and honest a lawyer!A learned lawyer!

Bao xiya:Shylockbe prepared to cut the flesh not one pound of blood!not more than or less than a pound of weight!Or you should lose your life and your entire property should be confiscated.Gelayiano:A Daniel a great Daniel!Jewis now you are in my hands!(向前吹捧并向夏洛


Bao xiya:Shylock why not cut the flesh?

Shylock:Give me the captical let me go!

Basaniano:Money here you are!(递钱)

Bao xiya:Stop!He asked for fairness let him carry out the original.Shylock:Can’t I take back my money?

Bao xiya:Shylock you can’t get anything but a pound of flesh!

Shylock:Why!I don’t fight the lawsuit.(甩手转身要走)

Bao xiya:Wait!Jewis the Venice law says:A foreign people attempt to use direct or indirect means to murder any citizenidentify the evidence half of his property should be given to the victim the other half to the State.The offender’s life is delt with by the Duke others can’t say anything.Now you happened to fall into this danger.Get down on your knees!Ask the Duke for mercy!(夏洛克不情愿跪下)

Gelayiano:For mercy?(惊问,向前讽刺)Let yourself go die but your property is now a public charge a rope(顿一下)you can’t afford!Let the public(做向观众拿绳子绞死夏洛克动作)hang you for free.Duke:Let you look at our Christian spirit:I forgive your crime.Your half of the property was placed under Antonion the other half into the State.Shylock:Also take my life!I don’t want your forgiveness!Oh my money my house my fields!Take my life!

Bao xiya:Antonioncan’t you give him a little compassion?

Gelayiano:Don’t give him anything!

Antonion:I request Duke to give lenient sentence.Give his property in halflet me take over the other half of his property and I will hand it over to his daughter and son-in-law.But the conditions are:Firs the must believe in Chrisianity;Second he must write a court paper saying that all his property is handed down to his son-in-law and his daughter after he die.Duke:You must fullfill the two conditions otherwise would take back my announcement.Shylock:I accept it.Bao xiya:Secretary write a contract for them.Secretary:Jewis sign the paper!Here!Here!(写文书,走向夏洛克让其签名,点指)Shylock:Allow me to retireI do not feel very well myself.(心绞痛倒地,仆人帮其胸口顺气并摘下帽子扇风)

Duke:You can go.(仆人拽夏洛克下台)

All but Shylock:Go out!(其他演员一起指着他厉声呵斥,后演员谢幕

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