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Evanston, IL Northwestern University: Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences

Bachelor of Arts Degree June 2013 Major: English Concentration:

Literary Criticism and Theory Certification: Undergraduate Leadership Program GPA: 3.62/4.00 Relevant Courses: Interpreting Culture, Language in the Text, History of the Literary Criticism, Contemporary Theory, Language and Culture, Modern Rhetorical Theory, Psycholinguistics, and Phenomenology ACADEMIC PROJECT

Modern Rhetorical Theory: Effective Communication in Business Project

• Critically analyzed contemporary theory of management and its direct effects on 3 consulting firms • Interviewed 7 Business Analyst Managers to get accurate portrayal of the use of communication • Developed understanding of communication approaches that led to a 32% increase in work productivity • Performed extensive research on each consulting firm’s mission, projects, and difficulties


Buenos Aires, Argentina Summer 2012 Study Abroad Participant Universidad de Buenos Aires

• Analyzed local government and policies surrounding education and contrasted findings against U.S.policies • Interacted with native residents including Patagonian grasslands inhabitants: Gauchos • Gained exposure to the endangered and extinct languages of Argentina • Developed fluency in Spanish language during 2-month tenure by living with a Spanish-speaking host family LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE

Fall 2010Present ACTIVITIES

Member Member Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.Undergraduate Black Management Association

Winter 2010Spring 2009 SKILLS

Language: Technical: Fluent in Spanis Proficient in Microsoft Package: Word, Excel, Publisher, & PowerPoint;PC and MAC;Social Media






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第四篇:大学英文长篇论文范例 中国留学生海外学习Research on Oversea Study for Chinese Students

Economic Growth Ahead and Home Education Behind

Resulted in More Chinese Students Choose Studying Overseas

Class 6Candy

Since 2008 China surpassed India with most students studying abroad, “oversea study”has become a significant topic, known by young Chinese students heading Australia, U.K.U.S.A.Canada, Singapore and more to pursuit “better” education.The first Chinese student to go overseas was businessman Yung Wing back in 1847 who studied in Yale University and believed that it was important to understand western science and technical knowledge to strengthen his country.Later a group of naval students were sent to Europe by Chinese government to learn shipbuilding, and after Meiji Restoration another group to Japan, because governors hoped that knowledge those students brought back would help modernize China.In early 20th century there was a constant stream of young Chinese heading overseas and the most famous one was Sun Yat-sen, first president and founding father of the Republic of China.After the Cultural Revolution which discontinued oversea study programs, in a speech in 1978, Deng Xiaoping encouraged Chinese students to learn abroad, and since then oversea study programs expanded dramatically.In 2011 three hundred and forty thousand Chinese went overseas to study and number is expected to continue rising this year(“Chinese students become more interested in studying abroad”).Current study-overseas fever generated from China’s booming economic growth, convenience and attraction of

oversea study, and from the unsatisfying quality of home education.Originally just children of political elites could study overseas, but now with thriving economy and rising global statue followed, China makes it easier for its ordinary families to send their children abroad.Economy of China is the world’s second largest by nominal GDP and by purchasing power parity after the United States.It is also the world's fastest-growing major economy, with 10% average growth rate over the past 30 years therefore Chinese households live better-off than ever before.According to a recent report released by Mycos on oversea study programs in China, an education data research firm, nearly 90 percent of 2009 Chinese graduates who studied overseas are financially dependent on their parents or relatives(“Number of overseas Chinese students increases”).In aspect of region, richer districts send more students overseas, and nearly 2 percent of graduates from the Yangtze River Delta region went overseas to study, which is the highest proportion in China.Economic growth not only enables Chinese students and their families to pay for oversea study tuition, but also broaden their view to choose oversea study.With more frequent communication around the world on economy, polity, science, technology, art and literature, a global village is also forming with help of convenient traffic transportation and worldwide Internet.This international village makes Chinese government more aware of that China needs to be part of the world by joining international education programme(Roberta and Alma, 179).As one of the oldest and most wide-ranging organizations, the United Nations

Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO)has been actively influencing education policy making in Asia, particularly in China.In 1980, China began to work with the United Nations Development Program in education which provided China with much needed technology and financial assistance in schools and universities.Graduates from these international universities and colleges are highly appreciated and much favored by employers both in China and world because it is known that international colleges provide better and more satisfying education quality.Therefore for some students, they plan to gain impressive degrees that will advantage them in Chinese job market, and there are some hoping to stay long enough to gain citizenship.More convenience and advantages of oversea study attract more Chinese student to leave their home education.The quality of China’s education system, or its shortcomings to be specific, is also a factor that increase the quantity of students heading overseas.Although China develops prosperously in economy, its education system does not follow well, and many Chinese people complain that China’sstrict rote learning system neglects the importance of creativity, innovation and critical thinking, therefore hinders China’s development as a leader of inventions and breakthroughs.The dreaded Gaokao examination which is China’s university entrance examination that all Chinese high school students must take if they want to get into a university in China force teenagers to do little else but study, pressure and competition is so intense that students will chain themselves to

their desks, or sleep for only six hours a night.What’s more, since the huge expansion of Chinese higher education enrollment started in 1999, concerns over and criticism of deteriorating quality in teaching and learning of Chinese schools and colleges have risen.This process was also fueled by the famous question raised by influential scientist Qian Xuesen: why have Chinese universities failed to engender innovative minds? Another phenomenon is that the age of Chinese students who choose to study abroad is becoming younger and now a rising proportion of them choose oversea programs in high schools.While oversea study attracts Chinese students, their dissatisfying home education drive them away.China has a long history of oversea study dated back from mid 19 century, and the current number of students studying overseas increases so rapidly to become a fever worth focusing.For one reason, China has a booming and thriving growth in economy which enables and encourages students and their families to choose oversea study programs.A forming global village also makes it more convenient and competitive for Chinese students to get an international diploma which does good to their future career and life.However above all, dissatisfying home education quality is the underlying reason why more Chinese students heading overseas to receive higher education.In a word, explaining the reason why more Chinese students study abroad, economic growth and global village do the pull, while home education system does the push.Works Cited

Gordon, E.Slethaug.Teaching Abroad: International Education and the

Cross-Cultural Classroom.Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2007.James, Calleja.International Education and the University.London: JessicaKingsley Publishers, 1995.Philip, G.Altbach.International Higher Education.New York: Routledge, 2012.Roberta, Bassett.and Alma Maldonado.International Organizations and

HigherEducation Policy: Thinking Globally, Acting Locally? New York: Routledge, 2009.“Chinese students become more interested in studying abroad”Nov.2011 <>

“Studying Abroad.” 2nd, Sept.2013




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