第一篇:unit1 sectionB1
页 2b
到达___________ 决定做某事___________ 尝试滑翔伞运动_____________ 课题:_unit1 section B1_ 课型 新授课 __八年级 教者 lv 教学目标: 感觉好像__________中国商人__________________100年前______________ 知识与能力:掌握并运用新单词 句型 对话
过程与方法:展示新单词——导入句型——同伴练习——小组合作——汇报总结过去__________ 到处走走,闲逛_______________ ——练习反馈——当堂测验 学以致用
情感态度价值观:Try to relax on vacation.in 表示到达的地方比较大,如:国家、省、市、镇等 教学重点:一般过去时的一般疑问句特殊疑问句以及写作训练 at表示较小的地方,如:村庄、市内的某个地方(机场、商店、广场等)教学难点:一般过去时的一般疑问句特殊疑问句以及写作训练 He _____________Beijing yesterday.I __________the airport very early 教学过程: She ___________ buy a car for her son.一、课前展示(前奏版-5分钟)决定不做某事 He _______________ smoke from now.(科代表主持,各小组答题,必答题有板答和口答,计分)I _____________I want to cry哭 now.I was in Beijing 2 days_______.She likes to _____________ the countryside.二、创境激趣(启动板—教师创设情境)原文重现:
小组比赛汉译英 用
来标注下面形容词 I______________ Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family.It was 美味的__________ 令人兴奋的____________ 糟糕的______________
sunny and hot, so we _______________________________near our hotel.昂贵的__________ 便宜的_______________ 无聊的______________
My sister ______________________________.I __________I was a bird.三、自主探究,展示汇报(核心板:教师明确目标——学生自学——小组交流讨 论——分组展示和汇报——强化训练)It was so exciting!For lunch, we had ___________________---Malaysian 自学反馈:
Lisa的假期:She ____________________ 地点。She did something special yellow noodles.They were ___________!In the afternoon, we ______
there.She ____________________.She ______________________best friend.Georgetown.There are a lot of new building now, but __________the old
Lisa的评价:Lisa_______________ her vacation.It ____________________.Buildings are still there.In Weld Quay, a really old place in
The people ___________________.The fun park _________________________.Georgetown,we saw _____________________________from _______________
The food _________________________.The stores ________________________.I ______________________________ here __________________, I really 自问自答:What did…? Where did…? Did she…? How was…? How were…?
四、实践创新,知识反馈(升华板—拓展延伸训练)enjoyed ________________________.点滴知识你需掌握 5页 2a
六、课后反思? 愉快的___________ This is an _____________ vacation.“分组合作,自信高效”导学案