
时间:2019-05-14 02:34:27下载本文作者:会员上传



The international trade is a topic of public interest and concern.2.在交流领域中,最热门的话题也许就是因特网的广泛使用。

Perhaps the hottest topic in the area of communication is the widespread use of the Internet.(插入语)3.英语作为全球语言的发展是20世纪末和21世纪初最为瞩目的现象之一。The development of English(what)as a global language is one of the most(瞩目现象)remarkable phenomena of the late 20th and early 21st centuries.4.文化和旅游业之间的关系已经在世界范围内引起了广泛关注。

The relationship between culture and tourism has received a great amount of attention throughout the world.5.最近几年,关于国家之间贸易活动的争论已经被明显快速扩展的进口激化了。

In recent years, the debate about trade activities between countries has been fueled/intensified by overtly rapid expansion of importing.6.教育已经成为一个重要产业,它对社会的重要性无可比拟。

Education has become an important industry, an industry that is second to none in terms of importance to our society.7.由于健康和生活条件的改善,人类寿命快速延长,这是二十一世纪所有发达国家的一个特征。The rapid extension of the lifespan, resulting from improved health and living conditions is a feature of all developed countries in the 21st century.8.媒体自由是否应该被限制是一个被激烈争论的话题。支持者和反对者之间的争论一直没有平息。It is a bitterly contested/highly contentious/highly debatable issue whether freedom of press should be restricted.A row between supporters and opponents remains unsolved.10.就市民个人是否应该获得他们正在享受的医疗保健和教育服务而言,存在很大的争议。

There is a big controversy surrounding/over individual citizens’ entitlement to the health care and education service they are enjoying.11.最近人们认为,城市扩张对健康有负面影响。

Urban sprawl has recently been thought to have negative effects on people’s well-being.12.先天和后天的争论是心理学领域最经久不衰的话题之一。

The nature vs nurture debate is one of the most enduring topics in the field of psychology.13.在最近几十年里,社会上暴力的不断增加已经引起了公众的关注。

It has raised public concern over the past decades that the violence in the society is on the rise.14.在过去的二十年里,环境保护已经上升成为最热门的话题之一。

Over the past twenty years , environmental protection has arisen as one of the hottest topics.15.随着世纪不断推移,女性权益和女性在当今社会的角色已经得到更大的重视。

As the century continues/progresses , a greater emphasis has been placed on women’s right and their role in today’s society.16.研究人员赞同一个观点——基因影响人的性格特点。

Researchers agree on the point that genes influence personality traits.17.对于很多教育者而言,如何将聪明学生的才华开发到极限是一个有趣的问题。

For many educators, it is an interesting issue how to explore intelligent students’ talents to the utmost.18.随着因特网的使用变得普遍,它的优缺点已经成为争论的话题。

With the utilisation of the Internet becoming ever-present, its pros and cons has become a subject of discussion/a matter for debate.20.在过去大约二十年的时间里,贫富之间的差距这一话题受到无休止的争论。

For the last twenty years or so, the issue of the divide between the rich and the poor has been subject to(nothing but)endless dispute.21.最近几年,人类社会的生活标准似乎已经有了本质提高。

In recent years, it has appeared as if / it seems that the living standard of human society has been substantially improved.22.电视暴力是否导致现实生活中的暴力行为这一问题是许多研究的主题。

The question of whether or not violence on television leads to violent behavior in real life has been the topic of numerous studies.23.在一个文明社会里,或许没有什么比接受教育更为重要的了。(尝试用there be句型)There is probably no issue more important to a civil society than the access to education.24.在最近几年里,体育运动员和艺人高收入的持续曝光已经引起社会上对这些名人价值的新的讨论。

In recent years, the ongoing disclosure of the high income of sportsmen and entertainers has ignited a new row on the value of those famous figures.25.与此相反的意见是动物保护是耗费时间和徒劳无益的。

The counter-argument/the contrary argument/the objection is that animal protection is time-consuming and unrewarding.26.关于城市扩张和其影响一直很受关注。

Concerns over urban sprawl and its consequences are not new.There is an ongoing concern over/about urban sprawl and its consequences.30.妇女有资格从事所有行业,同时也应该被给予这样的权利,对此我表示赞同。

I subscribe to the notion that females qualify for every walk of life and they should be granted such rights.33.我认为艺术的角色是不可或缺的,虽然它对社会的影响并不总是显而易见的。It is my considered opinion that the role of art is indispensable, although its impact on our society is not always manifest.36.在理解这个观点上,有两点很关键。

Two points are critical in understanding this argument.38.要明白为什么有如此矛盾的观点,我们需要先看看支持每个观点的事实。

To understand why there are such conflicting opinions, we must first look at the facts in favour of each argument.40.我对这个事情有两方面的看法。I am of mixed opinions about/on this.44.我认为政府比公司更有可能减少或者避免一些在科学研究中不道德的行为。

I am of the opinion that /I take the view that the government is more likely than companies to reduce of avoid immoral/unethical practices in scientific research.45.我认为种族、性别、年龄和残疾歧视都应该被禁止。

I am sure/certain/convinced that discrimination on the grounds of race, gender and disability should be banned.46.就个人来说,我觉得关于工业化是好是坏、是福是祸的争论是不会有结果的。

Personally, I think that disputes about whether industrialisation is good or bad/a boon or a bane/a blessing or a curse are fruitless.48.城市扩展的正面和负面影响将在下面进行概括。

Both positive and negative effects of urban sprawl will be outlined below.49.我觉得私人企业和政府之间的合作关系可以产生理想的效果。

I think/believe/suppose that a partnership between private enterprise and the government can create a desired result.53.这篇短文的目的是描述一些导致女性在高等教育中比例过低的因素。

The purpose of this mini essay is to describe some factors accounting for females’ underrepresentation in tertiary education.55.在全球范围内,全球化给每上行业既带来了机会又造成了问题。

Globalisation poses both opportunities and problems for every industry on a global / international / worldwide scale.58.一个人的犯罪行为有可能是他们的基因背景和成长环境的共同结果,这样的结论是很明显的。It seems obvious to reach the conclusion that an individual’s criminal behaviour can be the result of both their genetic background and the environment in which they were raised.59.根据给出的理由,我深信严厉的刑狱对于那些潜在的罪犯是有效的震慑工具。

I am convinced, for the reasons I have given that tougher prison sentences may act/serve as a deterrent to other would-be offenders.61.飞机是最快的交通工具,然后是火车和汽车。

Air is the fastest mode of transportation, followed by rail and automobiles.63.工业空气污染,尤其是那些发展中国家的工业空气污染,不仅对周围的环境非常有害,而且对本国的居住者也有害。

Industrial air pollution, especially that of the developing nations, is extremely harmfulnot only to the surrounding environment, but also to the inhabitants of that country aswell.64.媒体既是信息的来源也是娱乐的来源。

Media is both a source of information and a source of entertainment.66.现代广告业是都市工业文明的核心部分,反映了当代生活最好和最坏的方面。

Modern advertising is an integral segment of urban industrial civilization, mirroring contemporary life in its best and worst aspects.67.在建筑外观上,设计师很容易与建筑的业主以及未来租户想法不一致。

The architect of an apartment building can easily be at cross-purposes with the owners of the building and with the future tenants regarding the look of a building.68.人口的老龄化和出生率的降低给国内就业市场带来了严重的问题。

An ageing population and a declining birth rate constitute a serious problem for the domestic employment market.70.大部分的医药发展,包括移植技术、癌症治疗、对心脏病的了解和控制,或多或少都基于动物实验。

Most of medical progresses, including improved organ transplant techniques, cancer therapy, better understanding and control of heart diseases, are, in some measures, due to animal experiments.72.作为房屋短缺的一个直接后果,过度拥挤已经成为最严重的社会问题之一。

Overcrowding has become one of the most serious social problems as a direct result of housing shortages.73.老师的使命之一是帮助学生开拓新的视角并为实现社会和学术目标而努力。

One mission of teachers is to help students t develop new perspectives and to strive forachievable social and academic goals.74.政府对艺术、娱乐、新闻或者信息内容上的控制与言论自由的原则在根本上是冲突的。

Government’s control over the content of are, entertainment , news , or information is fundamentally at odds with the principles of freedom of speech.78.垃圾会给人类和其他动物带来健康威胁,并导致疾病的蔓延。

Landfills can pose health risks to humans and other animals , resulting in the spread of disease.79.农场主可以考虑用害虫的天敌代替致命的化学品来对付农作物害虫。(利用分句)To deal with crop pests , farmers can consider replacing deadly chemicals with natural enemies.81.改进健康保健系统的措施包括在城市建立低成本的医院以及为整个人口提供健康保险。

Measures to improve the health care system include building low-cost hospitals in cities and providing healthcare insurance to the whole population.82.一个国家的健康医疗系统不完善反映这个国家的一些大问题——贫富之间、城乡之间的差距不断加大,政府部门的透明度和效率不高。

A country’s dysfunctional healthcare system reflects its biggest problems—the ever-increasing divide between the rich and the poor , the city and the countryside ,the low transparency and inefficiency of government departments.83.除了功能上的特点,设计师还考虑视觉上的吸引力,努力增加工业产品的可销售性。

Beyond providing functional characteristics , designer consider visual appeals , in an effort to improve the marketability of manufactured products.85.人类的长寿有助于人类社会的进步。

Human longevity will contribute to the forward progression of mankind.92.接触媒体暴力会让观众对暴力的有害影响失去敏感Exposure to violence shown in the media has desensitised audiences to the harmful consequences of violence.93.一般来说,来自破碎家庭的小孩和青少年社会交往能力比较差、缺乏自尊心而且比较压抑。Children and adolescents from broken homes , in general , have poorer social skills , lower self-esteem , and higher levels of depression.95.人们认为产业全球化的趋势对世界文化的多元化有影响。

Trends toward the globalisation of industry are believed to have effects on cultural diversity around the world.98.很多人并不将他们的成功归结于正式教育,而是自学、渴望成功的动力以及其他因素。

Many people owe their success not to formal schooling but to self-education , a drive for achievement and other factors.99.考虑到乡村政府的财政能力有限以及乡村贫困人口庞大,政府必须在健康医疗方面加大投入。Given the limited financial capacities of rural authorities and the large number of rural poor , a significant increase in government spending on healthcare is required.104.以电脑为基础的课外项目可以让小孩在阅读数学和计算机知识方面有收获。

Computer-based after-school programmes/extra-curriculum activities allow children to achieve gains in reading , mathematics and computer knowledge.105.如果人口寿命延长的趋势持续下去,那么社会保险和医疗的成本势必增加。

The cost of social security and medical care is doomed to multiply if the trend towards lifespan extension continues.107.正如每一个人类活动有得也有失一样,扩展全球旅游业也有它的缺陷。(巧用there be句型)

Just as almost every human activity has costs as well as benefits , there are some drawbacks in expanding the global tourism industry.108.正如机器与工业化是不可分割的一样,信息的快速传递是服务型经济发展的中心。

Just as machinery is integral to industrialisation, the rapid transfer of information is central to the development of a service economy.109.保护本土文化之于人类就如同物种保护之于生命那样重要。

The conservation of indigenous cultures may be as important to humankind as the conservation of species is to life.110.汽车使出入市区变得容易和便宜,所以在都市居住已经失去了方便的优势。

Since the automobile has made transportation to and from urban centres easy and inexpensive , urban living has lost the advantage of convenience.111.当森林和其他栖息地转为住宅、商业或者农业用途的时候,野生动植物就消失了。

As forest and other habitats are converted to residential, commercial or agricultural use , wild plants and animals vanish.112.自从电脑和因特网在九十年代早期成为主流之后,它在交流中的重要性和中心位置就变得牢不可破。

Since computers and the Internet became the mainstream in the early 1990s, its importance and centrality in communication has become unassailable/unalterable.115.英语对于世界上很多人来说将不再是一门外语,因为它被重新定位成一项基本技能。人们学习这项求职所要求的基本技能就如同学习二十一世纪的其他技能一样,比如电脑技术和算数能力。

English will cease to be a foreign language for many of the world’s citizens as it has been repositioned as a basic skill , and learned as a basic requirement for employabilityalongside other 21st century skills , such as computer skills and numeracy.117.不同年龄段小孩的学习能力都有一个极限,但他们的潜力是很难被确切认识的。

Although there is some upper limit to the intellectual ability of children of various ages, their potential will not be known with certainty.118.虽然污染在世界范围内仍在不断恶化但发达国家的污染却有明显的下降趋势。While pollution on the world scale is still worsening , there is a clear trend toward decrease in the developed countries.122.人们普遍认为在交流中语言信息比非语言信息更重要。(is that表语从句句型)

A prevailing notion is that oral messages are more important than non-verbal messages in communication.123.另一个支持团队合作重要性的事实是,在一些复杂的作业中,学生的个人努力是远远不够的。

Another fact to highlight the importance of teamwork is that on some complex assessments , students’ individual efforts are far from enough.124.过度使用能源的最终后果就是很多环境问题都会恶化,比如酸雨、温室效应、水土流失,还有空气、水和土地质量的普遍下降。

The net result of excessive energy use is that environmental problems are exacerbated ,such as acid rain , the greenhouse effect , soil erosion and the general degradation of the quality of air , water and land.127.这就是为什么外观漂亮的建筑物远不如有实用价值的建筑物那样有市场价值。

It is why stunning-looking buildings are far less marketable than those buildings with functional utility.130.人们普遍认为建筑物的保存极其重要,它不仅有内在的历史和审美价值,也可作为建筑进一步发展的参照物。

It is universally believed that building conservation is of great importance, not only for the building’s inherent historical and aesthetic value but also as a reference for further architectural developments.136.接触暴力会提高一种可能性——这些接触媒体的人会学习或考虑使用暴力。

Higher exposure to violence increases the chances that those exposed to the media will learn or contemplate using violence.137.在建筑学上,实用主义代表一个原则——建筑师需要根据建筑物的用途来设计这个建筑物。

In architecture, functionalism represents a principle that architects should design a building based on the purpose of that building.139.众所周知,技能可以在如教育、培训、工作、休闲活动和家庭生活的经历中培养。

The fact that skills can be developed through life experiences, such as education, training, work, leisure activities and family life , is known to everybody.140.对犯罪的恐惧很大程度上是由于犯罪率不断上升,暴力犯罪层出不穷。

Fears of crime stem largely from the fact that crime rates are on the rise and violent crimes are well-documented.142.所有的证据都证明如果工作量适度的话,工作和学业可以结合在一起。

All evidence points to the fact that working and finishing schooling can mix, if working is done in moderation.143.人们对休闲娱乐的关注能够解释政府对音乐和艺术重视的原因。

The emphasis of the government on music and art can be justified / supported by the fact that people have paid attention to / valued entertainment and recreation / relaxation.144.现在在很多行业中,妇女都占据着一定数量的决策位置,因此她们在军队中较低的比率是值得争议的。

Considering the fact that women now occupy a substantial number of the decision-making positions in many walks of life, their underrepresentation in the military service is open to debate.145.年轻人高失业率的一个可能解释是——现有的教育系统不能够培养和输送有就业能力的人。

One possible explanation for the higher rates of joblessness among young people is that the existing educations system fails to deliver employable individuals.147.值得注意的是,在一个广告活动的过程中,重复接触一个品牌会增加消费者对这个品牌的记忆,并改善他们对这个品牌的态度。

It is worth noting /It should be noted that repeated exposure to a brand during the course of an advertising campaign can enhance consumers’ memory of the brand and improve their attitudes toward this brand.148.众所周知,尽管房地产市场持续兴旺,但很多家庭仍然生活在狭窄的环境中。

It is not a secret that despite the continued boom in the housing market, there are still a large number of families living in cramped conditions.149.人们认为如果能够融入当地的生活,那么,移民在新的国家会很容易适应并取得成功。

It has been agreed that when immersed in local life, an immigrant can easily adjust to and succeed in new country.151.父母在每一件事情上都教导小孩,而且只接受一种做事方法,这是每天都会发生的事情。

It is an everyday occurrence that parents instruct their child on each act and accept only one way to do things.152.人们常说每一个环境问题都有产生原因、影响和解决方法,但解决方法却很少被给予足够的重视。

It is common to say that every environmental problem has cause, effects and solutions, but hardly has any solution been paid enough attention to.153.有人认为人类不应该将动物用于食用、娱乐和研究。

It has been argued that human beings should not use animals for food, as entertainment, and in research.154.我认为提高文化意识和敏感度有助于避免文化之间的误解和紧张关系,并促进互相了解和尊重。

It is my view that the development of cultural awareness and sensitivity can assist in avoiding intercultural confusion and tension and promoting mutual understanding and respect.155.人们认为年轻人更容易适应一个新的国家,因为他们的观念、信念和个性都不是那么固定。

It is expected that young people can adapt to a new country more easily because they have less fixed ideas, beliefs and personalities.156.公众认为很多资源,如石油和煤,都是不可再生资源,不应该浪费;而可再生资源,如空气和水,需要恰当使用并且小心管理。

It is the public's perception that many resources such as oil and coal are non-renewable and should not be used wastefully, while renewable resources as air and water should be used properly and managed carefully.158.很多人希望保护环境,而同时又拒绝在生活方式或者购买习惯上做任何改变,这是非常有趣的现象。

It is always interesting to find that many people want to protect the environment but meanwhile, refuse to make any change in lifestyle or buying habits.160.远程教育很有可能在今后若干年里变得更加普遍,因为学习者能够控制学习的时间和地点。

Considering the fact that learners are allow to control control the time and place for studies, distance learning is very likely to become more popular in the years ahead.161.一个慷慨的福利系统未必可以保证给所有生活在贫困中的人带来经济There is no guarantee that a generous welfare system can bring economic security to all the people living in poverty.163.毫无疑问,父母在减少或改变媒体对孩子在知识、态度和价值观的影响方面扮演着重要的角色。

There is little doubt that parents can have a significant role in moderating or modifying the influence of media on children's knowledge, attitudes and values.169.我们意识到很多传统看来已经过时了。

We have been aware that many traditions seem to be going out of fashion.170.人们已经开始认识到他们可以利用电脑和上网来继续接受教育。

People have come to realise that they can take advantage of computer ownership and Internet access to further education.173.设计者更注重建筑的功能效用,他们认为这样会让建筑更加适合销售并满足使用者的需求。

Designers pay more attention to functional utility of the building, assuming that it makes a building more marketable and meets the needs of users.175.确实,很多单身母亲不得不依靠有限的收入抚养小孩。

It is true that many single mothers have to cope with bringing up their children on a limited income.176.人们一般认为小孩在家庭环境中学来的东西比在其他任何环境中都要多。

It is generally believed that children learn more from their home environment than from any other setting.177.很多事实可以用来解释环境是如何影响小孩的行为的。Many facts can be citied to explain how the environment can influence a child’s behaviour.179.养成好的日常生活习惯,包括好的饮食和睡眠习惯,会让生活轻松一点,这一直是事实。

The fact remains that establishing a good daily routine, including good eating and sleeping patterns, will make life easier.180.支持建立电子图书馆的一个事实是,通过增加多媒体设备(图像、音频、视频),它可以吸引更大范围的用户,给阅读带来更多的乐趣。

A fact to support e-library is that by adding multimedia(graphics, audio, video), a library appeals to a wider range of users and reading offers more enjoyment.181.应该从正确的角度去考虑全球化带来的影响。

The effects brought about by globalisation should be considered in the right perspective.182.大部分年轻犯法者所犯罪行都是轻微的。

A majority of the offences committed by young lawbreakers are minor.184.膨胀的老年人口会给我们的社会带来很大影响,给未来的政府增添一个头疼的问题。

The swelling aged population will have a dramatic effect on the society in which we lived and pose a major headache for future government.186.语言多样性对人类文明的重要性或许只是一个未经检验的假设——还不能被证明,也无法否定。

The importance of language diversity for the survival of human civilisation may be an untested hypothesis, which can be neither proved of living.188.高等教育对于生活在现代社会里的每一个人都是至关重要的。

Tertiary education is of vital importance to every individual living in today’s society.189.种族矛盾、文化多元性和宗教差异是一个多民族社会必定要处理的问题。

Ethnic tension, cultural diversity and religious difference are those issues that a multi-ethnic society has to address.191.强制退休规定的出现使一些愿意在65岁以后继续工作的工人被迫停止了他们的工作。

With the presence of mandatory retirement, some workers who would like to continue working beyond age 65 are involuntarily terminated from their jobs.193.自尊、自信和自制是一个人一生不断成功所需要的因素。

Self-esteem, self-confidence and self-discipline are those elements that are required for one to succeed throughout life.194.在孩子可能看电视的时间段,应该禁播那些可能导致他们犯罪或者其他反社会行为的节目。

During time slots when children are likely to watch TV, programmes that may contribute to their violent or other antisocial acts should be eliminated.195.建筑或历史遗迹使我们铭记先辈们留下的丰富文化。

Buildings and historic places remind us of the affluent culture that was handed to us by our forefathers.196.建筑保护是为了保护或提高建筑的文化价值。

Building conservation is a practice that protects and enhances the cultural value of building.197.广告可以让消费者比较产品,从而引起价格的降低和质量的提高。

Advertising allows consumers to compare goods, which often results in lower prices and improved product quality.198.家庭决定了一个人个性的形成,并提高其道德标准和行为规范。

It is the family that determines the formantion of one’s personality and improves one’s morality / moral foundation and proper behaviour.199.那些经济条件欠佳的家庭会更有可能形成一个培养反社会或犯罪行为的环境。

Those families that are less financially sound will have a greater likelihood of forming an environment that will nurture antisocial or delinquent behaviour.201.在房地产市场扮演主要角色的应该是市场,而不是政府。

It should be the market, rather than the government, that plays a fundamental role in the housing market.203.年轻的违法者一般都被送到青少年法院,在那里,主要的目标是去改选他们,而不是去惩罚他们。Young delinquents are usually sent to juvenile courts, where the main aim is to rehabilitate offenders, rather than to punish them.205.经济结构调整和发展提高了城市居民的收入,给城市住房建设提供了坚实的经济基础。

Economic restructuring and development have enhanced the income of urban residents and provided urban house construction with a solid economic foundation.207.细看一下这种说法,并不是那么有道理。

This statement is less self-evident than it first appears.208.建筑作为纯艺术被广泛承认——艺术馆收藏建筑、评论家讨论建筑、艺术课程学习建筑。

Architecture has been widely recognised as a fine art, featured in art museums, discussed by critics and studied in art courses.210.动物脂肪一直都被认为和心脏病有关,而肉类经常是食物中毒的主因。

Animal fats have been associated with heart disease and meat is frequently responsible for outbreaks of foods poisoning.212.在一个多民族社会,源于其他地方的很多菜式为迎合主流人群的口味已经发生了改变。

In a multi-ethnic society, many dishes originated elsewhere but have been modified to suit the tastes of the mainstream population.213.向城市大规模移民会对资源构成压力,导致环境破坏并加剧贫富差距。

The mass migration to cities will put a strain on resources, cause environmental damage and exacerbate disparities in wealth.214.语言是学习得来的,文化也是如此;语言会随着时间发生变化,文化亦然。

Language is learned, so is culture.Language changes over time, so dose culture.215.对于小孩来说,玩游戏是长期以来最普通的电脑活动但是电脑游戏就内容和潜在影响而言各有不同。

Playing games has long been the most common computer activity for children, but computer games vary widely in terms of content and potential effects.217.老师的部分职能是将知识灌输给学生,使学生在时机到来时可以获得工作,并做好准备面对人生。

It is part of the function of a teacher to impart knowledge to students so students may have a job and be prepared to face their lives when the time comes.218.如果不采取保护措施,我们就不难发现更多的孩子会被媒体暴力所影响。

If no protective measures are taken, we will not be surprised to learn that more children would be influenced by media violence.219.政府在做决策的时候,需要考虑到全球老龄化所带来的巨大机遇和挑战。

Governments should take into consideration enormous challenges and opportunities presented by global ageing when making decisions.220.当谈到教育时,有人建议小孩从出生到成年都应该接受教育。

When it comes to education, it is advised that a child should be educated from birth until adulthood.221.人们普遍认为长工作周(一周工作超过40小时)会导致由于压力造成的健康问题。

It is generally believed that a long workweek(in which one should work more than 40 hours)can result in stress-related health problems.222.在大多数情况下媒体是至关重要的,因为对于社会成员来说这是让他们知道身边所发生事情的唯一途径。

Media in most circumstances is of critical importance, as it the only way for the members of society to keep themselves informed on what is happening around them.223.媒体不管以什么方式出现(例如印刷、电视、广播、电脑和电影),都可能限制一些社会问题产生的负面影响。

Media, whatever form it takes(e.g , print, television, radio, the Internet, and film), can limit the adverse impact that some social issues cause.224.用生物多样性打个比方,人们认为生物多样性对于地球生命的长期生存是至关重要的,那么也可以说文化多样性对人类的长期生存也是至关重要的。

By analogy with biodiversity, which is thought to be essential to the long-term survival of life on earth, it can be argued that cultural diversity may be vital for the long-term survival of humanity.225.显而易见,如果父母过度工作,孩子就会获得较少关注,会为更多的问题而苦恼。

It is clear that children receive less attention and suffer greater number of problems, if their parents overwork.226.对于那些想离开家去工作的母亲来说,一个主要的障碍是她们的丈夫很少帮助做家务和照看小孩。

One of the main barriers to mothers who tend to work outside the home is that their husbands hardly help with housework and childcare.227.重点是很多低收入家庭负担不起购买他们自己房子的费用,因为补助是必须的。

The main concern is that many families on low incomes are unable to afford to buy their own house, so subsidies are essential.228.人们认为电视节目很少显示暴力的负面后果,而且那些使用暴力的电视角色也总不会受到惩罚。

People argue that television programmes rarely show negative consequences of violence and television characters who use violence often go unpunished.229.能力高的学生通常可以获得最好的分数和考试成绩,但才华不很出众的学生就很少会被老师认同,而他们所取得的成绩也不能鼓舞他们进一步努力。

High ability students usually capture the best grades and test scores, but less-talentedstudents are seldom acknowledged and the grades they receive do not inspire effort.230.科技最重要的贡献就是让普通人的生活更加方便,帮助他们达成以前不可能完成的目标。The most important contribution of technology is marking life of common people much easier and helping them achieve what was preciously not possible.



Many old building are protected by law because they are part of a nation's history.However,some people think knocked down to make way for new ones because people need houses and offices.How important is it to maintain old buildings? Should history stand in the way of progress?Old buildings sometimes conflicts with social advancement.Appealing as it is in the eyes of business people,tearing down old architect to make room for real-estate development is not a wise idea in many ways.The primarily reason is that old buildings,like our native language,forms our cultural identity and keep a unique record the history of a country.From this aspect,old buildings are considered very valuable as one of the symbols of the culture of a nation.For instance,the traditional Chinese residence in Beijing,Siheyuan,are once seen as the remains of the Old World,and were destroyed by people shortly after the founding of People's Republic of China.Until recently did the people and policy makers as well realize that it is an inexcusable and stupid idea to commit such a terrible deed because old buildings,once gone,are not restorable.But their economic values and aesthetic appeals have just caught the attention of Chinese people.Moreover,old buildings,if planed and preserved properly,could coexist with modern real-estate development.In France,aged buildings bring millions of dollars of revenue for the government and amazed thousands of tourists.Yet no one thinks the high-rising office buildings and apartment buildings make the old architect a sore of the eye.By contrast,the new learn from the old,a fact that makes them more attractive.We admit that not all old buildings should be treated equally and some of them do need to be torn down for various reasons such as safety and new buildings.However,we should not be too blind to see their value too.If only the real and practical factors are being considered,the country will be sorry for its loss in years to come.As we have discussed,old buildings are part of a country's history and are valuable in many ways.We should plan well and be wise enough to see their value.But the same time,we should also do our best to find solutions to make the old and the new coexist in harmony.



雅思是个能力考试(a proficiency test),与人们所熟悉的 achievement test 不同。

所谓 achievement test,是指那些对学生所学过的知识进行检测的考试。如每学期的期 中、期末考试。一般来说,在这样的考试前,学校都会安排复习,老师也许还会划定复习范围。这些考试都和教学大纲规定的内容和进度等有关。考试的内容一般不超出大纲规定的内容。以英语为例,大纲规定了词汇表,试题中如有超纲词要注明中文定义。所以,每当面临一个新的考试时,考生会很自然地问:看哪几本书?有没有词汇表?

一般来说,proficiency test 与教学进度、内容、教学大纲等无关,自然也与词汇表无关。市面上有“雅思词汇”



其实,词汇的最好学习方法是通过大量的阅读来学习,而这种大量的阅读正是雅思考试阅读部分所侧重的。备战一个 proficiency test 时,最好的准备方法就是:考什么,准备什么。考阅读,就通过阅读准备,而不是通过背词汇表准备。

常有考生问:考雅思需要多大的词汇量?很多人把词汇量看成是能力的标志,这又回到 achievement test 和 achievement test 问题上。如果能从知识和能力的方面划分考试的话,对词汇量的测试是知识型的测试。有些考生可以得很高的知识分,但能力欠佳,即所谓“高分低能”。换言之,词汇量不是能力标志。从另一个角度看,词汇量的统计也有问题。以下这些词怎么算:

act, actor, actress, action, active, activity, react, reactive, reaction, counteract, interact, hyperactive 等等,这到底算几个词。





如何自测口语和写作呢?看一看雅思口语和写作的题目,你自己离议论这些题目还差多远?要想在口语和写作考试中获得有意义的分数(6段),应该能达到“侃”的水平。如论述“大城市面临的交通问题的原因、现状、出路”;“在教育孩子的过程中„惩罚‟的作用”;“很多人感到越来越忙,没有闲暇时间,原因是什么,应该怎么办?”。这几个题目是去出现过的雅思作文真题(task 2)。口语题的难度也相差无几,如“论教育对一个民族的重要性”。




北语雅思想说的是,proficiency tests 是不能“准备”的,至少是不能以“期末复习、考试”那种形式来准备,更不能靠达到“五千”或是“八千”词汇来准备的。北语雅思的所有教师都考过雅思,有的了两次、三次,可是谁也不知道自己有多大的词汇量。什么人关注“自己”的词汇量呢?英语学习还不入门的学生,英语教学还是新手的教师。

还是那句话,考什么,你就应该能够做什么。比如,留学类的阅读的三篇文章都出自原文报刊,如“New Scientist”,那么考生就应该去看和这类杂志在难度、长度、题材有可比性的文章,通过阅读来学习词汇,而不是去背词汇表。读懂这样的文章靠什么?语法、词汇、背景知识等等,但这些都是次要的,主要的、乃至最重要的是:靠日积月累达到的量。










首先来看看对词汇要求最简单的口语。有关学好口语需要多少词汇量的问题几乎已经被讨论烂了,比较公认的结论应该是500-800日常词汇足矣。换句话说,如果你具备1,000以上的词汇,但口语仍然不好,那请一定不要把原因归结为词汇量不够,也请一定不要把解决办法定位于背单词。其实,除去因为缺乏练习造成的表达不够流利之外,口语不好的主要问题在于对一些小词掌握的不够到位。比如get,take,make这样的动词,搭配上不同的介词,几乎可以表达所有的日常动作。因此,当你觉得你有意思表达不出来时,先不慌查字典找单词,而应该问问自己,你是不是可以用已经学过的很简单的单词和词组来表达这个意思?所以说,为了提高口语,是没有必要专门背单词的,相反,应该把所知道的简单词汇学好,学精。你知道see是看见,是否知道see off是告别?你知道large是大,又知道at large表示逃亡在外么?再次向口语不好的朋友们推荐《学好17个动词走遍天下》,以后千万别动不动就拿起词汇书来背了。

接下来我们看看写作。雅思考试作文的批改方式比较特殊,是analytical scoring,而不是象TOEFL采取的global scoring。什么叫global scoring呢?其实它比较象我们中学时的作文评分方式,就是一眼看上去大概是什么水平,属于哪个档次,就给多少分。那么analytical scoring又是怎么回事呢?我们翻译过来叫做“分项评分”。雅思作文评分有三项:内容结构,连贯衔接,语言质量。每一项分别评分,要注意,在给每一项评分时是不受其他两项影响的。也就是说,哪怕你的文章离题万里,只要文字优美,那么语言那一项也是有可能打8分的。三项加起来除以三,就是一篇作文的最终得分。那么这种分项评分到底有什么好处呢?显然是有的,因为英语作为外语,普遍中国学生写作文时语言水平有限,因此如果把握好文章的内容结构,在连贯方面处理得好,完全可以将最终分数提上去。而把握文章的结构,做好连贯衔接,显然与词汇量的大小丝毫扯不上关系吧?退一步讲,如果要提高写作的语言质量,也几乎不取决于词汇量大小。关于这一点,我在《关于写作的一点个人体会》中详细阐述,这里不再废话。






象summary,short anwser question这样的题目,只需要你从原文中寻找特定的信息,哪怕它是个专有名词,你不认识,没关系,找出来填进去就是了。对于大多数人来说,最难的题当属T/F/NG,这种题怎么考呢?比如,文中讲Tom is taller than Mary。题目中说Tom is as tall as Mary。那么显然,这道题为FALSE。有人说这太简单了,雅思不会考这么简单的,其实这说明你没有意识到T/F/NG题的精髓所在罢了。对于雅思考试来说,无非就是把TOM,MARY这样的词换成谁都不认识的专有名词来吓唬人而已,因为T/F/NG题根本就不考你的词汇量,它考的是你对句意的把握。而能否正确把握句意,取决于你的语法和句子结构分析能力,与词汇量无关。下面举个真实考试的例子大家就明白了。

文中说&& is a poor predictor,%% is little better than &&.题目说%% is a good predictor.(&&和%%表示两个难词)。好,这个题答案是什么呢?是FALSE。为什么呢?很显而易见,这里的专有名词我都没写出来,认不认识肯定对答题不影响,这里题目考察的是对little better than这个语法结构的理解,你必须知道这个结构,才能正确把握句子的意思。那么什么人需要背单词呢?那就是连

poor,little这样的词都不认识的人才需要背,也就是我开头说的那些基础实在太差,词汇量可能只有三位数的人。而对于很多词汇量并不小的人,由于不认识little better than这个结构,照样无法做对题目。



本人是机械背单词的强烈反对者,因此从不推荐词汇参考书。如果非要说起来的话,找一本用法详细,注解丰富(最好有英文注解)的四级词汇书,足矣 :)



Topic: only when people make a large sum of money can they be said successful.Do you agree or disagree?

It is vital to define success although currently criteria are colorful.A sound definition of the term helps people to live and learn better.Moreover, it plays an important role in the construction of good social mores.It is wrong to say that people are not successful if they have failed to make a huge sum of money.The reason is that whether one is successful is not only measured with material yardstick but also against the spiritual criterion.Spiritual achievements and contributions bear little relationship with money.Put it in other word, many of those who have not earned sufficient money are considered successful for their accomplishments.For instance, my mother has never been able to make enough money but she is successful in that she has told us why we live.To emphasize the spiritual elements in the understanding of what success is is not to deny the importance of the ability to make money.On the contrary, the capability to make a massive sum of money in many cases is a kind of success.In terms of the individual development, any human being in a modern society where money is the main economic dimension must be able to live independently by means of earning and spending.In terms of the society development, a country must be rich enough to protect basic human rights, provide foods, and offer education to its members.Otherwise it is not successful.In conclusion, money is not the only standard of success, but it is necessary to be able to make money.


Topic: Should grad student be paid higher than non-grads?

In China, it is obvious now that the university graduates earn more money than non-graduates(a funny contrast in which it was opposite scenario when in 1970s China).I quite agree with those graduates who have paid a lot for their studies and expect to make more for either himself or his family.However, it is not so optimistically for those who hope to make it.The critical career competition makes them frustrated due to many factors involved.One of the utmost factors is they feel what they anticipate is not matching up with what they have found in reality.Many university graduates are not satisfied with what they get for what they have done.As a matter of fact, some of them expect so unrealistic that they immediately lose the credit to the workforce they belong to.On the contrary, some of the non-graduate students who are more realistic in career hunting tend to get more satisfied job compared with graduates.Thus what really matters here in salary balance is how one can contribute to the organization rather than what background they hold.The tuition is really high in China.Many high quality students due to this have lost their academic pursuit.This is really shameful for a family or any government who initially should take the burden for whatever reason is supposed to be.Any responsible government should inevitably take this burden and put more money in order to bring up better next generation for the nation.



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