仁爱英语七年级下册 Unit 7 Topic 3 教学案例设计

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第一篇:仁爱英语七年级下册 Unit 7 Topic 3 教学案例设计

仁爱英语七年级下册 Unit 7 Topic 3 教学案例设计

中学英语教学资源网 → 英语教案 → 仁爱英语七年级下册 Unit 7 Topic 3 教学案例设计 2011-

Topic 3 Section A

The main activities are 1a and 2a.本课重点活动是1a和2a.Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

1.Learn the new words and expressions about activities of entertainment: recite a Chinese poem, perform magic tricks, perform kung fu, rock, recitation, yesterday 2.Learn simple past: 3.Talk about past events: A: Did you sing a song? B: Yes, I did.Ⅱ.Teaching aids 教具 录音机/卡片/挂图等

Ⅲ.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 10分钟)

(图片呈现和复习。)T: Look at this one, do the action.S1:(手拿话筒做唱歌状。)T: Guess like this.Did you...? S2: Did you sing a song? S1: Yes, I did.Verbs in simple past: played the piano, danced, recited poems, performed magic tricks, sang a so(教师手拿图片背对学生,叫一名学生到前面来,把看到的图片做动作,让其它学生猜出其动作,写出目S3:(做跳舞状。)S4: Did you play the guitar? S3: No, I didn’t.S5: Did you dance? S3: Yes, I did.(练习四个图片,让学生初步了解did的用法,然后让学生同桌对话,互相问答。)

T: OK.Now let’s listen to the conversation between Ben and Jane.What did they do at Kangkany?(过渡到下一步。)

Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 5分钟)


How was Kangkang’s birthday party? Did Ben sing a song? Did Jane recite a Chinese poem at the party? What did Sally do? What did Tom do? How was Kangkang at the party? T: Listen to the tape.Answer the questions on the blackboard.(老师放录音1a,听一遍,回答问题,板书呈现关键词。)

birthday party — sing a song — recite a Chinese poem — dance —performed magic tricks — enjoy the party T: Listen to the tape again and follow each sentence.Fill in the form.(清晰每个主人公在晚会上所做的事情并完成表格。)Whose birthday party Who sang a song Who recited a Chinese poem Who danced Who performed magic tricks Kangkang Jane Helen Sally Tom

Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 10分钟)1.(再放一次录音,学生跟读标出(用铅笔)重读与语调。)

T: Now listen to the tape again and draw“up or down” with your pencil like this:  Example: How was Kangkang’s birthday party?(例子写在黑板上。)

2.(先自读一遍对话,然后跟录音机一起读。)T: First,I ‘ll give you one minute to read the dialog.Ss:(大声朗读并根据黑板上的关键词理解整个对话。)T: Follow the tape.(目的是纠正发音。)


T: OK.Now let’s make a conversation with the tape.The tape is Ben and you are Jane.Example: The tape: How was Kangkang’s birthday party? Ss: It was very nice.The tape: Did you sing a song? Ss: Yes.I did.I sang an English song.The tape: Your Chinese is very good.Did you recite a Chinese poem at the party? Ss: No, I didn’t.Helen did.The tape: What did Sally do?...4.(再转换一遍角色把the tape与Ss对调。)T: Now you are Ben and the tape is Jane.Let’s drill.人公可换自己身边的人。)

T: Work in pairs, close your books.Look at the blackboard and act out the dialog.Boys, girls, Boys: How was Kangkang’s birthday party? Girls: It was very nice....S1: How was Taochang’s birthday party? S2: Very nice....Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 10分钟)5.(看黑板上的关键词,两人一组进行表演1a,不能看书忘记的话可用自己的话去组织,学会说英语,学

1.(让学生独立做2,自主学习。)T: Now work alone, do it by yourselves.(I)...Have you finished? Ss: Yes.T: Let’s check the answers....2.(1)(一个同学做动作,另一个同学猜,并用陈述句板书在黑板上,句子呈现动词过去时的一般规律S1:(做打排球的动作)S2: Did you play volleyball? S1: Yes.You are right.T: We can say: He played volleyball....He played volleyball.sang a song He performed magic tricks.read a book He enjoyed the party.(从上述三个句子让学生总结出动词过去式变化的一般规律,动词+ed。)T: Who can tell me the rules of verbs?(2)(老师呈现几个图片,体现动词过去式的第二种变化形式以e结尾+d。)T: Look at these pictures and find out the rules of verbs.(3)(呈现以辅音+y结尾的动词,让学生了解其过去式的变化,把y变i+ed。)T: Look at these sentences and see how to change them.She flies a kite→She flied a kite.He tries his best to do his homework.→He tried his best to do his homework.(4)(老师做动作,让学生猜出动作的动词短语,用动词过去式表现特殊变化。)T: This time I do action, you guess, the first one.S1: Sang a song.T: The second one.S2: Read a book.(让学生猜对后,板书在黑板上面。)

(5)(总结一般过去式的动词变化规律,学生通过上述活动自己归纳总结。)T: Sum up the changes of verb.T: Now I’ll call two of you, one does action, the other guesses what he did.And speak it out.(一般过去时,动词变化有规律。①词尾+ed;②以e结尾,直接+d;③辅音+y,把y变 i, 再+ed,不规(同时板书①②③。)

3.(让学生看2a的节目单,给两分钟时间,了解节目出演情况并填空。)T: Look at the program list and fill in the blanks with proper form.4.(让四名学生回答填空的答案,每人一句。)T: Check the answers.S1:...didn’t play...S2:...played...sang...S3:...recited...danced...S4:...performed...was...T: Very good!(表扬学生,激励学生贯穿始终,让学生感到学习的快乐。)5.(让学生看2a的节目单,两人一组做对话。)A: Hi, Maria, did you go to Kangkang’s party? B: Yes, I did.A: Did you play the guitar? B: No, I didn’t.I played the piano.T: Ready?You two.Use your own name.S1: ×× ,did you perform kung fu? S2: No, I didn’t.I performed magic tricks....Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 10分钟)


T: Make an action and let your partners guess what you did at ×× party.A: Did you play the piano? B: No.I didn’t.A: Did you play the guitar? B: Yes, I did.It’s your turn....2.(根据自己过生日的情景,做一个report,可结合1a/2a填空部分复述。)T: Stop here!Let’s do a report like this:

d with music...Xiao Hua was very happy.And we had a good time.T: Now let’s do oral work in pairs, Look at the program list and make conversation with your pAt my friend Xiao Hua’s birthday party, I played the guitar and Li sang a pop song “Qilixiang”S1:...4.(家庭作业,预习下一个Section B 的生词。)Section B

The main activities are 1a and 2a.本课重点活动是1a和2a。Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1.Learn the new words and expressions: fall, dirty, happen, himself, night, daddy, lie, tell a lie 2.Talk about past events: I fell down.I didn’t hear you.Did you hurt yourself?Yes, I did.No, I didn’t.What time did you come back last night? Why did you come back so late? 3.Talk about blame and complaint: Why did you come back so late? How could you lie to me? Ⅱ.Teaching aids 教具 录音机/简笔画/卡片/挂图等

Ⅲ.Fivefinger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 10分钟)

T: At Kangkang’s birthday party.Ss: Helen recited a Chinese poem, Jane sang a song, Sally danced, Tom performed magic tricks.3.(弹性课堂,让学生回家调查自己父母是如何过生日的,写一篇父母亲的生日的作文。运用自己学过1.方案a(用section A部分1a复习Kangkang生日晚会的情况,写出Kangkang生日的另一项活动(老师手拿图片,正面人物,背面动词短语,和同学一同回忆在康康的生日晚会上他们都做了哪些活动T: After that, Kangkang played a game “musical chair” with his classmates.Do you want to kno to Michael?Now let’s listen to the conversation among Michael,Jane, Kangkang and Maria.方案b(以musical chair游戏写出1a对话。)T: Today we’ll play a game named “musical chair”.(事先组织好学生在教室的空地,放好五把椅子,让六个学生来做游戏,看谁最后获胜。)Listen to the music, run around the chairs.When music stops, sit down on the chair beside you.T: OK.Now stop!×× is the winner.Clap your hands for him/her.Go back to your seat.At Kay party, Kangkang also played this game with Michael, Maria and Jane.Do you want to know n carefully.Begin.(过渡到下一步。)

Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 5分钟)


Who missed the chair? Did he hurt himself? Can he stand up? Who let him wash his hands? T: Listen to the tape, answer the questions on the blackboard.(老师放录音1a,回答问题,板书呈现关键词。)

missed the chair-fell down-hurt yourself-stand up-dirty-washroom ry to follow the conversation.(第二遍清楚对话者所说话语,为下面复述或对话作准备。)

Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 10分钟)


T: Look at the main phrases on the blackboard.Listen to the tape again and follow.2.(打开书给一分钟自己读对话。)

T: Now read the conversation by yourselves on Page 71.I’ll give you one minute.3.(纠正发音。)T: Follow the tape again.nner? And what happened to Michael?Who lost the game? Now let’s listen to the conversation aT: Please open your book, look at the picture on Page 71 for one minute, then listen to the con4.(看黑板上的关键词,四人一组进行表演1a,不看书根据自己的理解和记忆表演,也可加入自己的语用,为了用而学。)

(1)T: Work in groups,close your books.Look at the key words on the blackboard.Act out thS1:...S2:...S3:...S4:...Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 10分钟)

1.(听录音让学生独立做1b,自主学习的培养。)Ss: √ missed the chair √ fell down couldn’t stand up √ washed his hands  √ was OK hurt himself 2.(复述对话,培养学生迁移能力。)

T: Make a report to retell the story,you can begin like this: At Kangkang’s birthday party, they played a game...了什么。看图,或自做一幅图片让学生猜究竟发生了什么?激发学生的兴趣。(2)T: Look at the pictures, get the key sentences, then make conversation in groups.(合作精神T: Now work alone, do 1b by yourselves, check the statements to know what happened to Mich3.我们知道了Michael在康康生日会musical chair游戏中的遭遇,下面我们再来了解一下Judy昨晚T: At Kangkang’s birthday party, we know Michael missed the chair and fell down, but what haast night? Look at the picture,can you guess? 4.(由图片上的目标语言猜出了Judy晚归,从而导出blame and complain。)(1)(设置板书听力任务,让学生带着任务听录音,集中注意力。)Did Judy go to a movie with Alice and Lisa? If no, what did she do?(2)(听录音,回答问题,板书关键词。)

T: Listen to the tape, answer the questions on the blackboard.F J What time half past ten Why late video games How lie went to a movie(3)(再听一遍录音,看板书关键词。)

T: Listen to the tape again,follow the conversation.(回答黑板上的问题,并掌握责备和报怨的句型。)What time did she come back? Half past ten.Midnight.What did Judy do last night? She went to play video games.She went to a movie with Alice and Lisa.Why did you come back so late? How could you lie to me?(4)(根据对话改写一篇短文填空,目的是练习过去时否定式。)

T: Last night Judy came back home late.She get home at half past ten, so her father hear her.ent to a movie with Alice and Lisa, but she go to a movie.She told a lie.In fact, she went to s.(5)(两人一组做对话练习合作学习。)T: Work in pairs to practice the dialog.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 10分钟)


never seldom sometimes often usually always Judy

(首先,让学生分四人组做一个调查报告 Did you ever come home so late at night? Did you eve报。)

In our class 20 students tell a lie once, 5 students never.上表,然后全体集体调查,让学生问How many students never/seldom/sometimes...?最后任意抽查2.(教师鼓励学生说实话,正视自己所犯的错误,并以自己为例告诉学生,不要说谎,要做诚实的孩子,培确的价值观。)

T: Did you ever tell a lie?Why? T: Write a passage about a lie and read it to your parents.4.(介绍一些有关撒谎的习惯说法。)It’s good to tell a white lie(善意的谎言).Telling lie is bad.Cheating others is cheating ourselves.5.(家庭作业,预习下一课单词和动词的过去式。)

T: Here is your homework, preview the new words and the past form of verbs.Section C

The main activities are 1a and 1b.本课重点活动是1a和1b。Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1.Learn the new words and expressions: silent, blow, blow out,breath, lose 2.Learn the irregular past form of verbs: →sang lose→lost buy→bought

3.Talk about birthday party celebration.Ⅱ.Teaching aids 教具 图片/挂图/彩色粉笔等

Ⅲ.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 10分钟)


(展现Section B中1a的“musical chair”的游戏图。)

T: Have you remembered what they did at Kangkang’s birthday party?

Ss: Jane sang a song,Helen recited a Chinese poem, Sally danced, Tom performed magic 3.(让学生根据自己撒过的谎进行反思,并写出危害,回到家里及时和父母沟通,增进父母与孩子的感is→was are→were have→had give→gave make→made sit→sat blow→blew send→sent come→ca1.(复习Section A、B中Kangkang的生日庆祝方式及做了哪些游戏,教师和学生一起回顾,用卡片/tricks, and Kangkang also played a game “Musical Chair” with his classmates.(帮助学 生用正确的动词过去式。)

T: What happened to Michael in the game? Ss: Michael missed the chair and fell down, he lost the game.T: Good!T: Now look at the picture on the blackboard.How did Kangkang celebrate his birthday party? ngkang?(过渡到下一步。)

Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 5分钟)

1.(学生讨论后,教师把过生日的关键词板书在黑板上为学生复述作准备。)last Saturday→At Kangkang’s home→his friends(when)(where)(who)

gave birthday cards→sang songs, danced and played games sat around the cake→made a silent wish blew the candles out→had a good time(what)(how)

2.(让学生听录音1a,设置板书,让学生带着问题去听,并回答问题。)What did his parents buy for us? What did the children send to Kangkang? Did Kangkang like the birthday cards? How many candles were there? Who blew out the candles? 3.(老师检查问题答案。)

T: Have you finished? Let’s check the answers.S1: Foods, drinks and fruits.S2: Many presents...birthday cards....Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 5分钟)2.(教师把73页的图片(围坐在桌旁吃蛋糕的画面)挂在黑板上,让学生看Kangkang过生日时的一幅T: Now I’ll give you 3 minutes to listen to the tape and read the passage.And then answer the1.(根据黑板上的关键词让学生不看书复述课文,用自己组织的语言。体现了学以致用。)T: Use the key words on the blackboard.Try to retell the passage.(学生不会表达的词汇,老师给予帮助,体现教师和学生的关系,教师是主导,学生是主体。)2.(再让学生阅读一遍短文,边读边圈出文章中的动词,为做1b准备。)T: Read the passage again, circle the verb in it.Example: It was Kangkang’s birthday last Saturday.His parents bought lots of food and drinks for us...3.(让学生独自做 1b,自主学习。)T: Now do 1b by yourselves, two minutes.4.(教师检查1b的答案,并对错的给予更正。)T: Let’s check the answers.Is are have give make sit blow send Was were had gave made sat blew sent Come do like dance play sing lose buy Came did liked danced played sang lost bought

Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 10分钟)

具体操作如下。)正面 sing 反面 sang T: Now let’s flash cards, answer quickly.2.(给学生两分钟时间,做2填空题。)T: Now work alone 2 by yourselves.3.(核对答案。)

T: Let’s check the answers.4.(根据阅读填表,迁移能力培养。)Whose Where Who What How S1: Last Saturday, Kangkang celebrated his birthday at his home, and his friends sent presents to1.(把不规则变化的动词制成卡片,强化练习,看到原形说出过去式,看到过去式说出原形,以快速抢答Birthday(在哪儿)(都有谁)(干了什么)(最后怎样)

Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 15分钟)

1.(结合1a和2的短文,写一篇关于自己过生日的短文,使用一般过去时。)T: Write a passage about your birthday party, at least 50 words.2.(老师问学生今天有没有过生日的同学,如有,大家共唱生日快乐歌送给他/她。)T: Is today anybody’s birthday?Hands up.Let’s sing songs for her.“Happy Birthday.” Example: S: birthday-presents-cake-candle-...4.Home work:(预习Section D的内容。


(3)布置一分钟对话,work in pairs,用上本topic的主要句型。

Section D

The main activities are 1,2 and 5.本课重点活动是1,2和5。Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1.Review the words and phrases of topic 3: ght, lie,play video games, silent,in one breath, lose,blow out 2.Review the simple past(行为动词): Jane played the guitar.I missed the chair.I didn’t hear you.Did you play the guitar? 3.(弹性课堂brain storming,把所有关于过生日的词汇快速说出,最后列出链图,两分钟时间说出最多recite poems, perform magic tricks, perform kung fu, rock song, fall down, dirty,happen, hurt himYes, I did.Did you recite a Chinese poem at the party? No, I didn’t.What did Sally do? She danced.3.Review birthday party celebration.Ⅱ.Teaching aids 教具 卡片/录音机/简笔画等

Ⅲ.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review第一步 复习(时间: 10分钟)的时间内,运用集体智慧,全部说出所学知识,活跃课堂气氛。)1.(头脑风暴: 教师根据Topic 3 birthday party的庆祝活动游戏和生日庆祝过程,运用卡片、图画提T: According to the activities of celebration, entertainment and the processes of a birthday party,nute, begin.(结合Section A 1a和2a。)S1: Jane played the guitar and sang a song,er...S2: Helen recited a Chinese poem.S3: Kangkang performed kung fu and enjoyed the party.S4: Tom performed magic tricks.S5: Maria performed ballet and played the piano...S6:...T: Time is up!Well done!Let’s review together.Ss: Jane played the guitar and sang a song.Maria played the piano and performed ballet....Group A S1: Missed the chair, fell down er...Group B S1: Hurt yourself, stand up, walk and wash hands.T: Good job!was...bought...sent...gave...made...liked...sang...danced...orming.First speak out the sentences of how to celebrate Kangkang’s birthday as many as possiT: Second, speak out the verbs or verb phrases of “musical chairs”.(分两组进行,看哪组说的多。T: Find out the verbs of how to celebrate Kangkang’s birthday in turns, all together,one minute.(played...was...were...sat...made...blew...had 2.(由上面板书过渡到动词过去式的规则变化和不规则变化。)SA: Liked, danced, played are regular.Was, were, sent, bought, gave, made, sang, sat, blew, had are irregular.(过渡到下一步。)

Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 5分钟)

1.(看Section D的1并听录音,跟读。)T: What else are regular? Think it over.S1: Missed.S2: Performed,I don’t know the others.T: OK.Now let’s look at Page 75,1.Listen and follow.S3: Oh, so many.T: Let’s listen to the tape and follow.2.(引导学生总结动词+ed的读音规则。)

T: Look at the words, please find out the rules of pronunciation.S1: 轻辅音结尾+ed读成/t/。S2: 元音和浊辅音结尾+ed读成/d/。S3: 以t或d结尾+ed读成/id/。

T: Great!We can say “轻/t/浊/d/,t、d读/id/”。3.(独立做3听力部分。)

T: Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the information you hear.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 5分钟)

T: Use you own words to express one thing that you did yesterday.(分四人小组进行,然后每组找学生出一个学生代表对全班进行汇报,时间为两分钟。)Group A: S1: I read the book.She played the guitar.Li Ping played the piano.T: Now distingwish which are regular,which are irregular.Who would like to answer the question1.(老师引导学生用过去时表述昨天做了什么事,巩固动词过去式,可以是1部分的,也可是扩展的动Xiaoxiao watched TV.Group B: S1:.........2.T: OK.Now write down one thing that you didn’t do last week.(分四人小组,然后找出一组的另外一人汇报,给两分钟时间。)T: Time is up.Group A: S2: I didn’t listen to music.She didn’t play football.Li Ping didn’t draw pictures.Wang Yi didn’t watch TV.Group B: S2: Xiao Hua didn’t play video games.Lingling didn’t go to a movie.Ivan didn’t tell a lie.I didn’t listen to the tape.Group C: S2:.........(学生评出最佳演讲者,书法最佳以及在合作学习中表现最好的小组。)S1: I think our group is the best.S2: I think Ivan’s speaking is the best.S3: I think Group C’s handwriting is the best.S4:...Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 10分钟)

1.(两人一组做对话,练习疑问句,转化成自己的语言。)T: Work in pairs, make a conversation like this: SA: Did you play the guitar? SB: Yes, I did.SA: Did you recite a Chinese poem at the party? SB: No, I didn’t.T: Practice for two minutes...stop here!You two!T: Wonderful!Each group does well.Whose speaking is the best?whose handwriting is the best?S1: Did you play video games? S2: No, I didn’t.S1: Did you watch TV? S2: Yes, I did.(两者角色相互转换,对调练习。)…

2.(接龙游戏,全班同学围成一个圆形,练习过去时的特殊疑问句。)T: Let’s play a game, begin like this:

S1: I played football yesterday.What did you do? S2: I watched TV.What did you do? S3: I listened to the tape.What did you do?...T: You are wonderful!用法。)

(设置板书,根据提示总结,用红笔突出重点部分。)T: Let’s sum up the simple past.Giving an example is OK.S: Volunteers? 肯/ 否 问 答

I played the guitar.I didn’t play the guitar.Did you play the guitar? Yes, I did.No, I didn’t.What did you do?

Step 5 Project 第五步 综合实践活动(时间: 15分钟)


watched TV played football played basketball sang a song read the books S1 S2 S3 S4 3.(让学生通过观察,每个小组所写的肯否形式,以及通过对话和游戏所感受的疑问句及答语,归纳总结S5 S6 S7 S8

T: Make a survey of the whole class, then do a report, begin as the following: In our class, fifteen students watched TV...2.(根据复习的内容,让学生完成2,使学生了解写信的格式。)

T: Suppose you are Kangkang.Please write a letter back to your friend Lulu.230 Xisi Lane Xisi Street Beijing 100090 May 19th Dear Lulu, How are you? Thank you for your birthday card.We had a wonderful party in my home yesterday...Best wishes, Kangkang t, how这几个方面。)

d include who, what, when, where, how.3.(举行班级生日晚会,让学生根据班级举行的生日晚会实况写一篇短文,不少于60词。包括when,T: Let’s have a birthday party.After that,please write a passage about the class birthday party.Yo


新时代英语培训中心Grade7 Unit 7 Topic3Name:May 20th at one's birthday partyrecite a Chinese poemperform balletdance the discomagic tricksenjoy oneselfplay the guitarfall downhurt oneselfat oncecome backlie to s.b.play video gameshave a good timetell s.b.the truthlots ofeach of usmake...by handbuy sth.for s.b.make a silent wishblow the candles outin one breath

(A)1.你昨晚有没表演魔术? _________ last night?


If you ________ the candles _________________________, your wish will come true.3.我们每个人______ ____ ____ had a good time at Lucy’s birthday party.4.Jim 默默的许愿_____________________________, and then he blew out the candles.5.你为什么对我说谎呢?Why did you___________________ to me?

6.Jim 摔倒_______ _______ yesterday, but he didn’t 伤害他自己___ _______________.7.我们决定立刻去火车站。We determined to go to the railway station _______________.她立刻停止表演芭蕾舞。She stopped____________________________________.(B)1.I did my homework at home yesterday.(否定句)I _______my homework at home yesterday.2.Lucy recited a Chinese poem at her birthday party.(改为一般疑问句)

________ Lucy ______ a Chinese poem at her birthday party?

3.Did you enjoy yourselves at the party?(改为同义句)Did you _________________ at the party?


________________did you come back home last night?

对画线部分提问)________________ Lucy and Lily _______ at the party?

新时代英语培训中心Grade7 Unit 7 Topic3Name:May 20th at one's birthday partyrecite a Chinese poemperform balletdance the discomagic tricksenjoy oneselfplay the guitarfall downhurt oneselfat oncecome backlie to s.b.play video gameshave a good timetell s.b.the truthlots ofeach of usmake...by handbuy sth.for s.b.make a silent wishblow the candles outin one breath

(A)1.你昨晚有没表演魔术? _________ last night?


If you ________ the candles _________________________, your wish will come true.3.我们每个人______ ____ ____ had a good time at Lucy’s birthday party.4.Jim 默默的许愿_____________________________, and then he blew out the candles.5.你为什么对我说谎呢?Why did you___________________ to me?

6.Jim 摔倒_______ _______ yesterday, but he didn’t 伤害他自己___ _______________.7.我们决定立刻去火车站。We determined to go to the railway station _______________.她立刻停止表演芭蕾舞。She stopped____________________________________.(B)1.I did my homework at home yesterday.(否定句)I _______my homework at home yesterday.2.Lucy recited a Chinese poem at her birthday party.(改为一般疑问句)

________ Lucy ______ a Chinese poem at her birthday party?

3.Did you enjoy yourselves at the party?(改为同义句)Did you _________________ at the party?


________________did you come back home last night?

对画线部分提问)________________ Lucy and Lily _______ at the party?


Everyone had a good timeSectionA


Everyone had a good time即选自仁爱英语七年级下册第七单元,第三主题。本节课的教学重点是一般过去时态的使用,难点也是一般过去时态的句型结构。在英语学习过程中,一般过去时态是英语时态的主要组成部分之一,既承接上文,又承接未来英语学习的其它部分,在课程中位于比较重要的地位。本节课主要采用先学后教、小组合作的教学模式。











第四篇:仁爱英语七年级下册 unit5 教学设计

Unit 5 Our School Life Topic 1 I usually come to school by subway.Section A



一.教材分析(Material analysis)

本话题是 1.通过图片学习新单词,并能正确朗读。


四、教学方法(Learning methods)


五、教学工具(Teaching aids)


六、教学步骤(Teaching procedures)

Step 1 Greeting(2 minutes)

1、Greeting as usual.2、Ask“who’s on duty today”for getting students ready for class.Step 2 Lead-in

(4 minutes)

Play a game ,named“brain-storm”to lead in.Ask the whole class to take out a piece of paper and give them 30 seconds to write down the means of transportation as many as possible.Then ask some students to show his /her ideas.Then lead in the new lesson.Step 3 Presentation(12 minutes)

1、Show some pictures about the means of transportation.Lean the new words and phrases.2、Turn to page 2 ,look at 2a,give students 3 minutes to disscuss it in groups,then check the answers.Finish 2a.Then close books ,go on learning.3、Listen to an MP3 recored,then do an exercise on the blackboard.Then turn to page 1 ,look at 1b.Listen to 1a finish 1b.Then check the answers.Finish 1b.4、Learning 1a ,explain the key points and difficult points.Step 4 Consolidation(12 minutes)

1、Give students 3 minutes to read the conversation alone,then the whole class read thr passage.2、Read the conversation in roles.Then give students 4 minutes to work in pairs.Then ask some groups to show.(The students who play in front of the class will get a smile face for their group)

3、About 5 minutes to play in front of the class.Step 5 Practice(10 minutes)

1、Read 1a together again.

2、Group work

Make a survey of your group, asking them how they come to school.Then make a report to the class.Example: A: How do you usually come to school? B: I usually come to school by bike.C: I usually come to school on foot.…

Finish 1c.3、Doing an exercise on the blackboard.(the students whose answer is right will get a smile face for his /her group)Step 6 Doing some summary and give homework(5 minutes)


We learned:

1.new words:gate, plane, train, ship, boat, by, always

2.Phrases:come on, on foot, by bike/ship/boat/bus...3.Sentences:How do you usually come to school?

I usually come to school by subway.We can:talk about the means of transportation.e.g.I often go to school by bike/bus...2、homework

1)Review the means of transportation.2)Review and preview.3)Memorize the new words.教学反思(Teaching reflection):




舍得乡中学 谢成基















说:充分利用早读,鼓励学生大胆读书,平时让学生在日常生活中,多说英语,课堂上多让学生进行work in pairs训练,提高学生的口语能力,激发学生的学习兴趣。








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