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Unit 1 Text A 1.adjust v.调整,适用于 2.responsibility n.责任,责任心 3.handle v.处理,操纵,对待 4.account n.账目,账户,报道 5.△clue n.线索,暗示

6.*locate v.使…座落于,确定…的位置

7.△continental a.大陆的 8.*federal a.联邦的联邦制的 9.savings n.储蓄(金)10.check n.支票

11.aspect n.(问题,事物等的)方面 12.*confuse n.使…困惑,把…弄糊涂 13.suppose v.期望,认为应该,以为 14.guard n.警卫,看守v.保卫,保护 15.especially ad.尤其,特别,格外 16.△upperclassman n.(美)高年级学生

17.comfortable a.舒服的,舒适的 18.dorm n.集体寝室,宿舍 19.add v.增加,加

20.cope v.妥善处理

21.row n.一排,一行,一列 22.△roommate n.住同室的人

23.hall n.(大学的)宿舍楼,厅,堂 24.△homesick a.想家的,患怀乡病的 25.pretty ad.很,非常 a.漂亮的,美丽的 词组

26.adjust to 适用于

27.on one’s own 独立地(的)28.have … off 休假 29.first of all 首先 30.look for 寻找

31.open an account 开账户 32.make a decision 做出决定 33.now that 既然,因为 34.find out 了解到,发现 35.add to 给...增添 36.cope with 处理 37.in a row 连续地

38.sleep in 迟起,睡懒觉 Text B 39.introduce v.介绍,引荐

40.challenge v.促使,挑战 n.挑战(机


41.gentle a.温柔的,温和的 42.touch v.碰,触摸 43.shoulder n.肩膀

44.△wrinkled a.有皱纹的 45.△hug n.拥抱

46.△innocent a.单纯的,幼稚的,清

白的,无辜的 47.retire v.退休,退职 48.education n.教育

49.*union n.(大学学生)俱乐部,工会 50.share v.共享,共同拥有 51.chocolate n.巧克力,巧克力糖 52.△milkshake n.奶昔泡沫牛奶 53.△wisdom n.智慧,看法,学问 54.experience n.经验,体验,阅历 55.semester n.学期

56.secret n 秘诀,诀窍,秘密 57.achieve v.(经努力)达到,完成 58.success n.成功

59.humor, humour n.幽默

60.△productive a.富有成效的,多产的 61.talent n.天才,才干 62.ability n.能力,才能

63.opportunity n.机会,时机 64.regret n&v 后悔,遗憾

65.degree n.大学课程,学位,程度,水平66.△graduation n.毕业,获学位 67.△peacefully ad.安静地,太平地 68.attend v.出席,参加

69.funeral n.葬礼

70.possibly ad.可能地,有可能做到地 词组

71.stand up 站起来,立正

72.look around 环顾,往四下看 73.turn around 转身,转过来 74.smile at 对…微笑 75.take on 承担,开始做 76.dream of 向往,渴望

77.be interested in 对…感兴趣 78.at the end of 在…结束时 79.stay young 保持年青 80.grow up 成长,长大

81.be afraid of 对…害怕,恐惧 Unit 2

Text A

82.exactly ad.精确地,正确地 83.root n.根源,根本,根

v.使扎根,使固定 84.musician n.音乐家,作曲家 85.develop v.发展,开发,研制 86.mainly a.主要地,通常地 87.*interaction n.相互作用,相互影

88.△slave 奴隶

89.century 一世纪,一百年 90.drumbeat 鼓的一击 91.rough 粗哑的,不悦耳的 92.*melody 歌曲,旋律 93.△chorus 和声,齐唱 94.mostly 几乎全部地,多半 95.instrument 仪器,器具,乐器 96.△guitar 吉他,六弦琴 97.*horn 喇叭,号角,触角 98.△fiddle 小提琴,提琴类乐器 99.tradition 传统

100.accompany 为…伴奏,伴随,陪同

101.similar 相似的,类似的 102.church 教会,教堂,礼拜

103.*spiritual 宗教的,神圣的,心灵的

104.△rhythm 节奏,节拍 105.△reel 摇晃,摇摆 106.string 弦,线,细绳 107.influence 影响,作用

108.△phonograph 留声机,唱机 109.electric 电的,电子的 110.ordinary 平常的,普通的 111.graduate 毕业,毕业生

112.culture 文化,修养


114.*crazy 着迷的,发疯的,疯子的 115.amazing 令人惊异的

116.*attractive 有吸引力的,引起注

意的 117.performance 演出,表演,行为,工作 118.mixture 混合,混合物 119.△pants 裤子 120.△idol 偶像

121.national 国家的,民族的 122.*phenomenon 奇迹,杰出人物,现象

123.career 生涯,专业

124.△downhill 如下坡路般,趋向衰退

125.perform 表演,做,进行 126.continue(使)继续,(使)持续 127.rarely 很少,难得 128.remain 保持,保持不变 129.symbol 象征 130.soul 灵魂,幽灵 131.express 表达 词组

132.go back to 追溯到 133.such as 例如,比如 134.be similar to 和…相似

135.come from 产生于,生于

136.have influence on/upon 对…有影响

137.not only…but also…


138.at the age of 在…岁时 Text B 139.mix 混合,和入 140.create 创造,创作 141.remind 提醒,使想起

142.childhood 童年,幼年时光 143.occasion 场合,时刻 144.wedding 婚礼

145.special 专门的,特别的,特殊的 146.△spangled 闪闪发光的 147.△banner 旗帜,横幅

148.*invention 发明物,发明,创造 149.tape 磁带,录音带;线带 150.recorder 录音机,录音器;记录员,记录者 151.international 国际的,世界的 152.*communication 交流,联系;传递,传达

153.folk 民间的;人们 154.pop 流行音乐,流行艺术 155.export 输出品;输出,出口 156.△dime 1角银币 157.△juke 自动唱机音乐 158.drum 鼓

159.native 土生土长的,本地人,本国人

160.religion宗教,信仰 161.freedom自由,自主 162.festival节;节目,喜庆日

163.religious宗教的,虔诚的 164.*Christian基督教的 165.*organ风琴,器官 166.piano钢琴

167.△violin小提琴 168.△entertain使娱乐,使快乐;招待,款待 169.coast海岸,海滨

170.apart相隔,拆开,分开的 171.leader领袖,领导

172.△preacher传道士,说教者 173.camp营地 174.△tent帐篷

175.*lively活跃的,生动的 176.△clap拍手 177.tap轻打,轻敲 词组

178.all over the world世界各地 179.remind…of使想起,提醒 180.bring…together使…在一起 181.go on持续,进行,发生 Unit3

Text A

182.online 联线(的)联机(的)在线

183.Internet互联网,因特网 184.information信息

185.related有关系的,相关的 186.leisure空闲时间 187.include包括,包含 188.chat闲谈,聊天 189.cheat欺骗,骗子

190.harm伤害,损害,危害 191.tip忠告,指点

192.*honesty诚实,正直,真诚 193.policy原则,为人处世之道,政策 194.value价值

195.△pretend假装,佯装,假扮 196.claim声称,断言 197.inch英寸


199.female女的,雌的;女子 200.exist存在

201.△obese肥胖的,体重超常的 202.male男的,雄的;男子




206.favourite favorite最受喜爱的 207.topic话题,主题

208.private私人的,个人的,保密的 209.mobile流动的,活动的

210.trick欺骗,哄骗;诡计,骗局 211.steal偷,窃取



213.fraud欺诈(行为),欺骗,诈骗 214.detail细节,详情 215.insist坚决要,坚决要求 216.immediately即刻,马上 217.△buddy好朋友 218.option选择



221.public共用的;公众的,公共的 222.mall大型购物中心,商场 223.café咖啡馆,小餐馆 224.deserve应得,应受 225.*web网络系统,网 226.protect保护,防护 词组

227.at times有时候

228.plenty of很多,大量

229.when it comes to当涉及到…时,当谈到…时

230.fly out of the window消失,放弃 231.take something at face value仅凭

表象对…信以为真 232.in fact事实上,实际上 233.give out提供,分发,发布 234.trick into骗得,诱使

235.part with舍弃,出让

236.on one’s guard警惕着,提放着 237.insist on坚决要求,执意要求,坚

持认为 238.meet up with与…碰面,与…会面,约见 239.in person亲自,本人

240.take along带(某人)一起去/来 241.at no time在任何时候都不,从来没有

242.what’s more而且,更重要的是 243.make sure确保,确信 244.protect from保护,使免受 Text B


246.site网站;地方,场所 247.business买卖,交易;商业 248.trust信任,信赖 249.sale卖,出售,销售


251.couple几个,两三个;一对,两个 252.disappear找不到,失踪;消失,不见


254.△transmission传输,播送 255.entire全部地,整个的

256.view看,观看;看,视野,视力 257.store储存;贮存,储藏 258.allow允许,许可



261.stuff东西,物品 262.△cart购物车




266.department部门,系 267.previous在先的,以前的 268.customer顾客,客户 269.complaint投诉,抱怨 270.△seller销售者,经销商 271.product产品,制品

272.transfer调动,调职,转学 273.via通过,凭借;


275.△legitimate合法的,法律认可的 276.guarantee担保,保证;保修单,担保 277.refund退款 词组

278.do business with与…做买卖 279.be true of/for对..适用,适合于 280.so that为的是,结果是

281.get access to获得访问网站或账户的权利 282.a list of…的清单,…的一览表 283.be good at擅长于… 284.hack into非法入侵(他人计算机系统)after all毕竟,终究

Unit4 Text A

285.contact交际,交往 286.advice建议,忠告 287.friendship友谊


289.situation处境,情况;形势 290.△undivided专心的,专一的 291.attention注意(力)


293.average平常的,普通的 294.author作者





298.realize意识到;实现 299.fear害怕,恐惧

300.*confident有信心的,自信的 301.nature本性,自然 302.act行为,做某事 303.habit习惯

304.unfamiliar不熟悉的,不常见的 305.accustomed习惯的,适应了的;


306.personality人格,品格 307.appearance外表,样子 308.self-confidence自信心 309.actually实际上,实在 310.total完全的;总的,全部 311.relationship关系,人际关系 312.△play-acting装扮,假扮 313.complain抱怨,诉苦 314.mention提及,说起 315.fault缺点,缺陷

316.truth事实,实情;真理,原理 317.opinion意见,看法 318.impression印象 319.arise出现,呈现 320.treat对待

321.declare声明,宣布,宣称 322.△interpersonal人与人之间的 323.relation关系

324.required必须的,规定的 325.course课程,教程;一道菜

326.depend依靠,依赖;依赖,相信 词组

327.according to根据

328.(be)interested to对…感兴趣 329.give one’s attention to注意 330.as if好像,似乎

331.in general总的来说

332.be sure of对…有把握,确信 333.in reply答复,回答

334.become/be accustomed to习惯于,适应于

335.get/be/become used to习惯于,适应于

336.at first起先,开始时 337.complain about抱怨

338.deal with对付,处理

339.along with和…一起,和…同时 340.in one’s opinion据…来看,按…的意见 341.get along with和…相处

Text B

342.manner礼貌,礼仪;方式,方法 343.custom习惯,风俗 344.avoid避开,躲开 345.instance例子,实例

346.△feast盛宴,筵席;节日 347.△belch打嗝

348.appreciate欣赏,赏识 349.educated受过教育的 350.extent程度,限度



353.△cushion垫子,坐垫 354.△preside主持


356.style风格,作风,方式 357.difference差别,不同之处 358.various不同的,各种各样的 359.polite有礼貌的 360.*fork叉,餐叉 361.wipe擦,拭,抹 362.vary不同,变化 363.wine葡萄酒,酒 364.beer啤酒


366.△beverage饮料 367.pot罐,壶



地 370.△nobleman贵族

371.△cellar盐瓶,地窖,地下室 372.△reign统治时期,在位时期 373.△clasp扣子,钩子


375.behavior,behaviour举止,行为 376.prevent阻止,阻挡 377.△stab刺,刺伤 词组

378.fall off(从…)掉下 379.the same as和…一样 380.for instance例如

381.to a great extent在很大程度上 382.take up采取,开始采用 383.side by side一起 384.cut up切碎 385.wait on侍候

Unit5 Text A 386.community社区,社会 387.service服务

388.naturally自然地,当然地 389.blind瞎的,盲的,失明的 390.danger危险


392.△handicapped有生理缺陷的,智力低下的 393.occur被想到,发生

394.position处境,状况;位置,方位 395.organization组织,团体 396.voluntary自愿的,自发的 397.variety种种;种类


399.spare空隙的;多余的,备用的 400.lend提供(支持,帮助)借出 401.activity活动,所做的事情 402.sort种类,类比



405.household家庭的,家用的;家庭 406.prove证明是,结果是;证明,证实 407.△eyesight视力


409.*lonely孤独的,孤单的 410.confine禁闭;限制


412.sighted看得见的,不盲的 413.unable不能的,不会的;无能力的,不能胜任的

414.△trolley手推车;有轨电车 415.△ward病房

416.Christmas圣诞节 417.△decoration装饰品 418.Concert音乐会 419.organize组织

420.playground(学校)操场,游乐场 421.scheme计划,方案 422.committee委员会 423.council理事会,委员会 424.△guild协会


426.area地区;领域,方面 427.citizen公民,市民


429.△royal皇家的,王室的 430.source源,来源

431.△scout童子军;侦察机,侦察员 432.△kingdom王国


433.get off下(车),离开

434.in(no)danger of处在(没有)…危

险的情况下 435.carry out开展,执行

436.a(wide)variety of各种各样的 437.lend a hand帮忙

438.give up花费(时间等),放弃 439.take part in参与,参加 440.in need of需要

441.be concerned with有关,涉及 442.take care of照顾,照看 443.a great deal(of)许多 444.put up布置,张贴 445.look after照顾,照看 Text B

446.movement移动,迁移;运动 447.colony聚居地;殖民地 448.recently最近,新近449.suburb郊区,近郊

450.△pioneer拓荒者,开拓者 451.reason理由,原因 452.obtain获得,得到

453.unlimited无限的,无边无际的 454.independence独立,自主

455.△mineral矿物,矿石 456.△cattle牛 457.△ranch大牧场 458.hardship苦难,困苦 459.revolution革命,革命活动 460.manufacture大量)制造,加工 461.steel钢,钢铁

462.produce生产,出产,制造 463.*petroleum石油

464.automobile汽车,机动车 465.exciting使人激动的,令人兴奋的466.poverty贫穷,贫苦 467.yard院子,庭院 468.△porch门廊,走廊 469.apartment公寓

470.spread伸展,扩展;摊开,铺开 471.pollution污染 472.crime罪,犯罪

473.△ugly难看的,丑(陋)的 474.case情况

475.△commute经常乘车上下班 476.recent最近的,新近的 477.attract吸引,引起(注意等)478.△disrepair失修,破败 479.solve解决

480.*dirt肮脏;污物,烂泥 481.section区,地区;一部分 482.△unpolluted未经污染的 483.independent独立的,不受约束的 词组

484.on the move在迁移中

485.in part部分地,在某种程度上 486.spread out伸展

487.take somebody’s place/take

the place of代替 488.fall into陷入(某状态/错误等)489.stay behind留下来不走 Unit 6 Text A

490.survey调查 491.employee雇员

492.vacation假期,休假 493.management管理 494.consultant顾问

495.observe观察,注意到;遵守奉行 496.investment投资 497.period时间,时期

498.review回顾,细察,审查;评论 499.△unnecessary不必要的

500.*redundant过多的,过剩的 501.pack打包,打行李 502.△briefcase公事包,公文包 503.apparently表面上;明显的 504.△accomplish完成,实现;做到 505.connection联系,连接关系

506.*productivity生产能力,生产率 507.positive正的,肯定的 508.indicate表明 509.△creativity创造力 510.decrease减少,减小 511.furthermore而且,此外

512.individual个人;个别的,个人的 513.*evaluate估价,评价

514.addition增加的人(或物);加法 515.△consequently因而,所以 516.*effectively有效的

517.regular正常的,定期的;平常的 518.normal普通的,平常的


521.executive执行的,行政上的;执行官,执行委员会 522.personnel人员,员工


524.△comparable类似的;可比较的 525.qualification资格

526.reliable可靠的,可信赖的 527.△head-hunt物色 528.expert专家

529.encourage鼓励,激励 530.△advertising广告 531.△journalism新闻业


533.publicity(公众的)注意,名声 534.worth具有…价值的;值得…的 535.*monetary钱的,货币的 536.benefit利益,好处 537.extra额外的,外加的 538.△unproductive无成效的 539.△satisfactorily令人满意地 540.relax使松弛,放松 541.solution解决方法 词组

542.in addition to而且,此外 543.search out找,查出

Text B 544.profit利润,收益;益处,好处 545.sunny阳光充足的,和煦的


547.block街区,阶段;阻挡,阻塞 548.magazine杂志,期刊


550.△weight-lifting举重的,举重用的 551.weight重,重量;哑铃,杠铃片 552.equipment器械,用具 553.△driveway车行道,汽车路 554.△detour兜圈子,绕行的路 555.curious好奇的

556.accident事故,意外遭遇 557.garage汽车房,汽车间

558.△intersection十字路口,道路叉口 559.△multicoloured多色的,多彩的 560.art艺术

561.*explore考察,实地查看 562.△flea跳蚤,蚤

563.△entrepreneur企业家,创业者 564.△appliance器具,用具,家用电器 565.generally通常,大体 566.furniture家具

567.△merchandise商品,货物 568.imported进口的


570.camera照相机,电视摄影机 571.△pillowcase枕套 572.*jewelry珠宝,首饰 573.antique古董,古玩 574.search搜寻,搜索 575.*treasure珍品,珍藏品 576.consist组成,构成 577.△pan平底锅,盘子 578.common普通的,通常的 579.frequently经常的,频繁的 580.gather收集,搜集;集拢,聚集 581.*ad(=advertisement)广告 582.sign牌,招牌;标志,标记




584.except for除了…外,除去 585.a set of一套,一组,一副 586.look over检查,察看

587.full of充满…的,有许多…的 588.search(…)for(在…中)搜寻,搜索

589.consist of由…组成,由…构成 590.talented有天资的,才华横溢的

591.cheer向…欢呼;鼓舞 592.medal奖牌,奖章 593.compete参赛,竞争 594.△butterfly蝶泳,蝴蝶 595.goal目标,目的


597.circumstance情况,情形,环境 598.interview采访,面试,面谈 599.expect期望得到,想要;预料 600.belief信念,看法;信心,信任 601.worthy值得重视的,值得敬重的;

值得的,应得的 602.△profound巨大的,重大的 603.effect影响,作用,结果

604.△single-minded一心一意的,专心致志的 605.focus专注;(注意,关注的)中心,重点;聚焦,集中(注意力)606.particularly尤其,特别

607.△God-gifted天赋的,上帝赠与的608.competition比赛,竞赛;竞争 609.level水平,程度;含量,数量 610.attitude看法,态度

611.△perseverance毅力,锲而不舍 612.amaze(使)惊异,(使)大吃一

613.describe描述,描写 614.daily每天的,天天的


定动作,固定节目 616.resort采用,求助

617.track小路,道路;足迹,踪迹 618.despite不管,尽管,任凭 619.drug毒品,药品 620.role作用,职责


622.*stain玷污,败坏;沾污,染污 623.apologize,apologise道歉,认错 624.fan狂热爱好者,狂热仰慕者 625.engage从事,参与;吸引 626.△regrettable令人遗憾的,令人懊

悔的 627.demonstrate显示;说明,证实 628.judgment判断力,识别力;判断,看法


630.promise承诺,答应,保证 词组 631.be in the air到处流传,某种感觉到处都有 632.believe in信任,信赖,相信..可行 633.come down to归结为 634.at it从事某项工作,在工作 635.feel like想要

636.resort to采用,求助,凭借 637.on track在正确轨道上的 638.engage in从事,忙于 639.keep in mind记住 Text B 640.effort努力,尝试 641.△scream尖叫,惊呼 642.△ache疼痛,酸痛 643.insurance保险

644.medical医疗的,医学的 645.bill账单,法案

646.△stack堆起,堆放,(一堆)647.cancer恶性肿瘤,癌 648.△gymnast体操运动员 649.△tumbling空翻,翻跟头 650.△backflip直体后空翻 651.*indoor室内的,屋内的

652.stadium(看台)体育场,运动场 653.competitor参赛者,竞争对手 654.△vault跳马


656.△flawless完美无暇的,无缺点的657.technique技巧,技术 658.gift天赋,才能;礼物

659.heaven上天,上帝;天,天空 660.△inspiration鼓舞人心的人(或物)启发灵感的人(或物)661.△unified联合的,统一的 662.former从前的,以前的;前者 663.rocket迅速上升的,猛涨 664.△ladder阶梯,途径;梯子 665.*junior青少年的;资历较浅的 666.all-around(体育方面)全能的,全面的

667.title冠军;标题,题目 668.△elevate提升,提高

669.senior较年长的;地位(或等级)较高的,年资较深的 670.△vaulter跳马运动员

671.△apparatus器械,设备,装置 672.coach教练,辅导老师 673.△workout锻炼,健身 674.Knowledge知识,学识,了解

675.△teammate同队队友,队友 676.△sharpen加重,增强;削尖,磨尖 677.efficient有效率的,高效能的 678.△flip翻,翻转,空翻


680.△persevere坚持不懈,锲而不舍 681.△pounding反复的打击


等),使闪光 词组

683.turn into变成 684.bring up养育 685.pull it off取得成功

686.break into突然呈现…,突然发出 Unit8

Text A

687.determine决定,确定;决心 688.type类型,种类 689.△stroll散步,闲逛 690.justice公平,正义 691.reward报答,酬劳 692.*punish罚,惩罚


疼痛,(心中)感到痛苦 694.△ulcer溃疡


696.△fingernail指甲 697.bone骨,骨头

698.*barely仅仅,几乎没有 699.aware意识到,知道的 700.bar酒吧间,餐柜;条,棒 701.flight航班

702.signal用动作向…示意;信号,暗号703.theory理论 704.△guy家伙 705.*abuse辱骂


707.*luggage(总称)行李 708.pilot飞行员,驾驶员 709.practically几乎 710.△fuss忙乱



713.△wimpy懦弱的 714.self自己,自我

715.figure相信,估计;数字 716.△conspiracy阴谋


718.ultimate最大的;最后的,最终的 719.*embarrassment窘迫,使为难的事 720.*embarrass使窘迫 721.△corridor通道,走廊 722.breath呼吸,呼吸能力 723.△stumble绊了一下脚

724.unoccupied(座位等)没人占的 725.△gut勇气,胆量 726.snap厉声说,急促地说 727.somehow不知怎么地 728.△anymore而今,再也 729.lifetime一生,终身 730.argue争论


732.alarm(闹钟的)闹铃,警钟;警报 词组

733.get to到达

734.be about to将要,打算 735.take off(飞机)起飞

736.pay off付清,还清(债务等)737.make a big fuss忙乱 738.on(the)top of在…的上面 739.show up出现 740.ahead of在…前面 741.ask for要求 742.arrive at到达

743.out of breath气喘吁吁 744.in advance提前

Text B

745.moment时刻,时候;刹那 746.*swallow吞没,使消失;咽下 747.△motorist开汽车的人



750.△trainee受培训者,实习生 751.chemical化学的

752.institute研究院,大专)学校,学院 753.progress进步,进展 754.representative代表,进展 755.representative代表,代理 756.conversation谈话,交谈

757.silence沉默,默不作声;寂静,无声 758.△bald秃头的,秃顶的 759.slip滑落

760.excellent极好的,优秀的杰出的 761.admit承认,供认



764.keen渴望的,热衷的 765.detailed详细的,仔细的 766.explanation解释,说明



769.anyway不管怎么说,不管怎么样 770.nearly几乎,差不多 771.complete完成,结束 772.△vaguely含糊地,模糊地 773.*scarcely几乎不

774.recognize,recognise认出,认识 775.*drag单调乏味地进行,拖,拉 776.*exhaust用完,耗尽;是筋疲力尽 777.△idiot白痴


778.swallow up吞没,使消失,吞下 779.report on就…报告,就…回报 780.take … seriously对…认真对待 781.wear on(时间)慢慢过去 782.fall on降下,落下 783.next to靠近

784.slip down滑下

785.to tell the truth老实说,说实话 786.the sooner…the better越快越好 787.a number of一些,若干 788.drag on拖延

第二篇:CE1U1Words全新版大学英语综合教程1 u1单词诠释

Detailed Reading

Words & Expressions

off and on(or on and off):from time to time;now and again;irregularlyI can’t associate this gentle young woman with the radical political essays she has written.-Jim wished to forget everything associated with his former life.turn out:

1)come out or gather as for a meeting, public event, etc.2)prove to be

3)shut off


Match the above definitions with the sentences below.-A large group of protesters have turned out.(1)

-The school has turned out some great scholars.(4)

-Turn out the light before you go to bed.(3)

-The plan turned out a failure.(2)

-We are to turn out 100,000,586 computers next year to meet the market requirements.(4)

-The experiment turned out to be a success.(2)

-Crowds turned out for the procession.(1)

anticipate: vt.expect(usu.followed by gerund or that-clause)

-The police had anticipated trouble from the soccer fans and were at the ground in

large numbers.-他们预测到2012年死于艾滋病的人数将增加一倍。(They anticipate that deaths from AIDS will have doubled by 2012.)


-We anticipate running into problems in carrying out the medical welfare reform.如果他从前对事情不那么严格苛刻的话,他女儿就不会这么年轻就离家出走了。(If he had been a little less rigid about things, his daughter would not have left home at such a young age.)

-The rigid headmaster would button up his clothes even on the hottest days.severe: adj.1)completely plain

-The widow wore a severe black dress to her husband’s funeral.-海明威以其朴实的写作风格而闻名于世。(Hemingway is known for his severe writing style.)


-Only those who have undergone severe training can be accepted into the air force.工厂必须生产出更新更好的产品,才能在激烈的商业竞争形势中获胜。(A factory must turn out newer and better products to win in the climate of severe business competition.)

tackle: vt.deal with

-Toshiba(东芝)recently designed a robot that can tackle almost any kinds of housework.-The question set by the teacher was so difficult that the pupils did not know how to

tackle it.face up to:be brave enough to accept or deal with(a problem or difficulty)

-Yeltsin faced up to the fact that he was no longer fit for the Russian presidency and resigned on New Year’s Eve.-既然你女儿已经诞生了,你就要承担起做父亲的责任。(Now that your daughter was born, you’ll have to face up to the responsibilities of being a father.)

sequence: n.connected line of events, ideas, etc.-连续的歉收(bad harvest)迫使一些非洲国家请求外国援助(foreign aid)。(A sequence of bad harvests forced some African countries to ask for foreign aid.)The experience set the seal on their friendship.

第三篇:大学英语综合教程1 单词表

Unit 1 Test A off and on 断断续续地,有时 take hold 生根,确立

associate 使联系起来,使联想

assignment(分配的)工作,任务,作业 turn out 编写,制作 paragraph 段落

agony(身心的)极度痛苦 assign 分配,分派

cheerless阴郁的,沉闷的 tedious乏味的,冗长的 reputation 名声,名誉 inability无能,无力 inspire激励,鼓舞

formal 刻板的,拘谨的,正式的,正规的 rigid一成不变的,严格的 out of date过时的 excessively过分地

prim古板的,拘谨的,循规蹈矩的,整洁的 severe朴素的,严重的,剧烈的 wavy波形的,波浪形的 necktie领带

pointed有尖的,尖的 jaw颌,颚

comic 滑稽的,喜剧的,连环漫画(册)antique古物,古玩 tackle处理,应付

informal(指讲话,文字)口语体的,非正式的 essay散文,小品文,论说文 distribute分发,分配,分送 finally最终,终于

face up to勇敢地接受或对付 scan浏览,粗略地看 spaghetti意大利式细面条

title标题,题目,给...加标题,加题目于 extraordinary不同寻常的,奇特的

sequence一连串相关的事物,次序,顺序 image形象,印象,(图)像 vivid生动的,逼真的 adult成年人,成年动物 recall回想起,回忆起


respectable可敬的,体面的,文雅的 put down写下 recapture再现,再次经历 relive再体验,重温 violate违背,违反 compose创作

turn in交(作业)command命令,指令


what’s more而且,此外,更有甚者 contempt轻视,轻蔑

ridicule嘲笑,嘲弄,被戏弄 open-hearted诚挚的

enjoyment愉快,欢乐,满意 hold back控制(感情,眼泪等)avoid避免

demonstration表明,证明 calling职业,使命

career生涯,事业,职业 seal印章,图章 essence本质,精髓

Unit 1 Test B tradition传统 award授予,给予

valedictorian致告别词的毕业生代表 maintain保持,维持 look forward to盼望 participate in参加 registration登记,注册 fee费(如会费等)gym健身房,体育馆

compare to相比,比得上 falsify窜改,歪曲

plus(常置于被修饰词后面)比...略好(或略高)一些的,加,加上 tie平手,不分胜负

drown out(指声音)淹没 here and there 各处 filter渗过,渗透

resign顺从,听任,辞职 make it办成,做到,赶上 principal校长,院长 policy方针,政策 regarding关于,至于 dignity尊严

muster激起,聚集 represent代表,象征 expectation期待,预期 clasp紧抓,紧握

significance意义,意思 hoe用锄除(草),用锄整(地)spring up迅速生长或出现 delicate脆弱的,柔软的

withdrawn沉默寡言的,不善交际的 drag拖着脚步走 exception例外 tremble颤抖,哆嗦 yell叫喊

innocent天真无邪的,清白的 hug拥抱 pat轻拍

Unit 2 Test A be lost in(lose oneself in)专心致志于 windshield(汽车的)挡风玻璃 cab出租车


apologetically 道歉的,带有歉意的 or something诸如此类的事 go ahead 继续,开始

know/learn by heart记住,能背出 on the road 在旅途中 estimate估计

might/may(just)as well不妨,(也)无妨 not much of a不太好的 keep up保持

correspondence通信(联系),信件 practically自始至终,一直 neighborhood街坊,四邻 kind/sort of有几分,有点儿 lose touch(with sb)失去联系 guy家伙,伙计

a couple of几个,一对,一双

tough不幸的,困难的,坚固的,坚强的 on one’s mind 记挂在心头 keep in touch(with)(与...)保持联系,保持接触 come up(尤指意想不到地)发生,出现 shrug耸(肩)urge力劝,催促


reference提及,谈到,参考,查阅 absolutely完全地,极其

reunion(家人,朋友,同事等久别后的)重聚 go by(时间)逝去 hang out闲荡,徘徊 every now and then有时 mostly几乎全部,多半,大体

awful非常的,极大的,可怕的,糟糕的 choke(使)窒息,堵塞

choke up(因激动等)哽得说不出话,堵塞 destination目的地 skip略过,跳过,跳跃 sorrowful伤心的,悲伤的 in the distance在(相当)远处

unpack打开 right away立刻,马上

Unit 2 Test B let down使失望,不帮助 burn off烧掉 peer仔细看

uneasy不安的,担心的 bump颠簸着前进

get rid of消灭,除去 stuff东西,原料 tow拖,拉,牵引 soak(使)浸透 pitch颠簸


burst into突然(烧,哭等)起来 flame火焰,火舌 spin(使)旋转 fling抛,扔,掷 roar轰鸣(声),吼叫(声)crash撞,撞坏,坠毁 steer驾驶 bare赤裸的 grip紧握

explosion爆炸 extent程度,范围 injury伤害,损伤

worse still更糟糕的是

in bad/good shape 身体状况差(好)despair绝望 hang on 坚持

permanently永久地,固定地 principle信条,原则,原理 draw on利用,动用,靠 character品德,品质,性格 lean倚,靠

exclaim惊叫,呼喊 grab一把抓住 slide(使)滑动


medal奖章,奖牌,勋章 courageous勇敢的,无畏的 rescue援救,营救


Unit 3 Test A likely可能的,可能 privileged有特权的 privilege特权 minority少数

do without没有...而设法对付过去 highly很,非常

risky危险的,有风险的 nasty令人难受的

brutish野兽般的,野蛮的 anyway不管怎么说

put/turn the clock back倒退,开倒车 cut off切断,中断,切下,剪下 competition竞争,比赛 bring about引起,导致 moreover而且,再者

inquiring好问的,爱探索的 inquire询问

global世界的,全球的 suppress抑制,压制


inventiveness发明才能,创造力 slow down减慢 rate速度,比率 ensure保证,确保 democratic民主的

informed有知识的,了解情况的,明智的 inform告诉,通知

at the moment此刻,目前

in two minds犹豫不决,三心二意 steady平稳的,稳定的 evident明显的

cartoon漫画,动画片 element成分,元素 astronomy天文学

series连续,系列,系列节目 fiction小说,虚构 harness驾驭,利用 background背景 acid酸(性的),酸味的(物质)greenhouse温室

nuclear原子核的,核心的 weapon武器

genetic基因的,遗传(学)的 engineering工程,工程学 basis基础 lie in在于 rote死记硬背

learn by rote死记硬背地学习relevance相关,关联

in terms of从...方面(或角度)来说,按照,根据 equation等式,方程(式)brief简洁的,短暂的 mathematical数学的 halve将...减半 tend倾向,趋向

in the form of呈...的形状,以...形式 precise精确的

qualitative定性的,性质上的 grasp掌握,了解 concept概念

sufficient充分的,足够的 convey传达,表达 diagram图表,图解 framework框架,结构 molecular分子的

transistor晶体管,晶体管收音机 put across解释清楚,使被理解 proportion比例,部分 truly真正地,确实地 magic魔术,魔力

fit into适合,符合,属于

producer(电影,电视片等的)制片人,生产者,制造人 responsibility责任 educate教育

entertain给...以欢乐,招待 hence因此,从此 contact与...接触 alien外国的,陌生的 civilization文明

Unit 3 Test B deadline最后期限

headline(报纸上新闻报导等的)标题 immediately直接地,贴近地 victim受害者,罹难者 frustrate使沮丧,使灰心 yield泄露,产生

step by step逐步地,稳定地 outcome结果

result in导致,结果是 gradual逐渐的,渐变的 process过程 conclusion结论 propose提出,建议 random任意的,随机的 compare with与...比较 evaluate评估,评价

characterize成为...的特征 bulk大部分,(巨大的)体积 submit提交,呈递 publish发表,出版


press release(通讯社或政府机构等发布的)新闻稿 challenge挑战 amount数量,总数

wear down(使)变小,变少,变弱

organic有机(体)的,只施用有机肥料的 trumpet大肆宣扬 reverse挫折,逆境 somehow以某种方式

Unit 4 Test A driveway宅旁私家车道 mow修剪(草坪),刈(草)lawn草地,草坪


turn away拒绝帮忙,不让...进入

weed除去...的杂草,除草,杂草,野草 assume假设,以为

compliment赞扬,赞美的言辞或行为 work out制定出,解决,算出 weekly每周的,一周一次的 clean up打扫,清除 do with对待,处理 determination决心,决定

personnel人事部门,全体人员,全体职员 apprentice学徒

capacity能力,才能 blueprint蓝图

micrometer测微计,千分尺 precision精密,精确(性)turn down拒绝

skilled熟练的,有技巧的,技术性的 grinder磨工


instrument工具,器械,仪器 for sale待售 wreck残破物,(尤指失事船只,飞机等的)残骸 call on拜访

banker银行家,银行高级职员 loan借,贷,贷款

character(人的)品德,品质,性格 damn丝毫


mortgage抵押借款,按揭 down payment定金,(分期付款的)初付款额 discard抛弃

odds and ends零星杂物,琐碎物品 screen纱门,纱窗,屏,荧屏 hardware五金器具,(计算机的)硬件 spot地点,斑点 confidence信心

amaze使惊愕,使诧异 amazement惊愕,诧异 diet日常饮食

send for派人去叫,召唤,派人去取 hunt寻找,打猎,猎取 abandon抛弃,放弃

property(房)地产,财产 shed小屋,棚


sponsor为...做保证人,主办,发起,保证人,主办人,发起人 amuse逗乐,给...提供娱乐 approach接近

millionaire百万富翁 pass away去世

check on检查,调查,察看 handle管理,处理,操纵 livable适于居住的

homey舒适的,像家一样的 stature身材,身高,境界 industrialist工业家,实业家 route路线,路程

principle信条,原则,原理 vision远见,视觉,视力 optimism乐观,乐观主义 above all最重要的是 integrity正直,完整

rung(梯子的)横档,梯级 basement地下室 giant巨大的,巨人 balance平衡,余额

balance sheet资产负债表 decimal小数

Unit 4 Test B illegal不合法的,违法的

immigrant(外来)移民,移民的,移入的 taco stand卖玉米面卷的摊子 connection连接,联系,(可资利用的)熟人,关系 put up with忍受,容忍 in search of寻找 head for向...行进 supervise监督,指导 land赢得,得到

temporary暂时的,临时的 response回答,反应 risk冒...的危险,(使)遭受危险,危险,风险

acquire(靠自己的能力,努力等)取得,获得,学到 make(both)ends meet勉强维持生计,使收支相抵 associate’s degree准学士学位 environment环境,周围状况 on the side作为兼职

stand a chance of有...的希望,有...的可能 prospect前景,预期,展望 reserve保留,储备,预订

rare稀有的,罕见的,不寻常的 former以前的,早先的,旧时的 quit停止,放弃


impress给...深刻的印象,使钦佩 show up来到,露面 flip转动,使翻转


Unit 5 Test A obituary讣告 die of死于

coronary冠状动脉的 thrombosis血栓(形成)acquaintance相识的人,(略微的)了解 instantly立刻,马上 workaholic工作狂

classic典范,典型,典型的 day off休息日

conceivably可想到的,可想象的 retire退休

executive(企业等中的)行政领导,管理人员 extracurricular课外的 monthly每月的,每月一次的 golf高尔夫球运动 salad色拉,凉拌蔬菜

overweight肥胖的,超重的,过重的 survivor遗留的家属,幸存者,生还者 survive比...活得长,经历...后幸存 marketable适合市场需求的,可出售的 mother抚育(孩子)give up放弃


compete against/with与...竞争,与...对抗 care for照看,照顾 dearly非常地


eldest第一个出生的,年龄最大的 manufacturer(尤指用机器)大量制造 funeral葬礼

embarrass使尴尬,使局促不安 newly新近地

married结婚的,已婚的 odd临时的,不固定的 grass大麻

grab at抓住,夺得

favorite特别受喜爱的人(或物),最喜欢的 stay up醒着,不去睡

board为...提供膳宿,搭伙,寄宿 widow寡妇 deceased死的

the deceased已死的人 replace代替,取代

look sb in the eye直视某人 bitter愤怒的,委屈的,怨恨的 straighten out解决

finance财政,金融,财源,财力 stock股票,证券,公债 option期权,选择

stock option股票期权,优价认股权 and all that诸如此类的 heart-attack心脏病发作 natural非常适合的人 pick out辨认出,分辨出

lineup(为接受检查等而排列的)一行人,一排人 discreet谨慎的,(言行)审慎的 inquiry打听,询问 replacement接替者,替代物 ask around四处打听

Unit 5 Test B pop up出现,发生


among others(除列举到的之外)还有许多 distract使分心

relationship关系,关联,亲属关系 socialize交往,交际 delegate授(权),把...委托给下级 input投入(物),输入 typically通常,典型地 disarray混乱,紊乱 intimacy亲昵关系,亲密 divorce离婚 focus on集中

depression忧愁,沮丧 link连接,联系

concern担心,忧虑,关心的事 extreme极度的

in short总之,简言之 well-being康乐,安乐

solution解决,解决方法,解答 addition瘾,沉溺 survey调查

priority优先考虑的事 relax松弛,放松 detail细节

oriented以...为方向的,重视...的 schedule将...列为计划表 overall包括一切的,总的 fulfilling令人心满意足的 reliable可信赖的,可靠的 diversion转向,转移 productive多产的

on one’s own独自地,独立地 staff全体雇员 let go松开,释放

Unit 6 Test A valentine情人

make one’s way走去 grand宏伟的,壮丽的

absorb完全吸收住...的注意,吸收 margin页边空白 reflect反映,显示

thoughtful深思的,体贴的 insightful具有洞察力的 insight洞察力


locate找到...的位置,使坐落于 correspond通信


overseas去(在)国外(的),去(在)海外(的)fertile肥沃的,富饶的 romance爱情故事,风流韵事 bud发芽,萌芽,(枝叶的)芽,花蕾 haunt使担忧,使苦恼,(鬼魂)常出没于 take a chance(on sth)碰运气,冒险 disgust使厌烦,使反感 whichever无论哪个或哪些 lapel(西服上衣的)翻领

sustain支持,使(努力等)持续下去,保持 unfailing永恒的,无穷的 slim苗条的,细小的,微小的 curl鬈发


provocative挑逗的,挑衅的 curve(使)弯曲

go sb’s way与某人同路 murmur轻声说,咕哝

more than a little很,非常 ankle踝,踝节部


heel(鞋,袜等的)后跟,脚后跟,踵 split(使)裂开,破裂 keen强烈的,热切的 longing渴望 companion陪伴 uphold支持,维护

sensible通情达理的,理智的 kindly亲切的,和蔼的,仁慈的 glow光亮,光辉 hesitate踌躇,犹豫 grip握紧,紧握

leather(动物的)皮,皮革 identify识别 grateful感激的

be grateful to(sb)for(sth)为某事感激某人 square挺直(肩膀)salute(向...)行举手礼

lieutenant海军上尉,陆军中尉 broaden(使)变宽,(使)扩大 wisdom智慧,明智

in response to作为对...的回应

Unit 6 Test B come across偶然遇见,碰上 make out辨认出 hope for希望,期待 clue线索

identify身份 other than除了

nursing home(尤指接纳老年人的)私人疗养院 exchange交换,互换

match up to与...一样好,比得上 lead线索

for sure毫无疑问

security治安保卫,安全,安全感 goodness天哪 relief轻松,宽慰

be in love with(sb)热恋着(某人)come to an end结束 adjust校准,调准

catch up on(sth)事后了解关于...的情况,弥补(耽搁下来的工作等)knot(绳等的)结 tie the knot结婚 erect挺直的,直立的

Unit 7 Test A extensively广泛地,大量地 intelligence智力

intelligent聪明的,有才智的 controversy争论,争议 surround围绕,包围 consciousness意识 explore探究,探索 obvious明显的 vet兽医

keeper(动物园的)饲养员 encounter遇到,遭遇 reveal展示,揭露

convince使确信,使信服 feat技艺,业绩,功绩

captivity被俘,监禁,束缚 dominant统治的,占优势的 species物种 planet行星

make a deal达成交易

conservationist自然资源保护论者 gorilla大猩猩

suspicious可疑的,猜疑的 peanut花生

only to结果却,不料 blank有表情的,空白的 negotiate谈判,协商 stake奖品,奖金,赌注 pineapple凤梨,菠萝


undertake从事,承担(任务等)anthropologist人类学者 figure out理解,推断出

extend延伸,伸展,扩大,加长 dealing交易,买卖

chip薄片,碎片,集成电路片 expand扩大,扩展 switch转换,变换 foil金属薄片,箔

virtuous有道德的,善良的 promptly立即地 stem茎,(树)干,(叶)梗 whale鲸

cooperate合作,协作 behaviorist行为主义者

in sb’s interest(s)为了某人的利益 go far帮助很大,很有成效 consultant顾问 behavior举止,行为 assess评估,估量

judgment判断,意见,看法 mate配偶,伙伴,同事 thrive茁壮成长,兴旺 at first起先 stretcher担架

emergency紧急情况,突然事件 go wrong有毛病的,出故障 halt停住,停止 throw up呕吐 apparently明显地 size up估量,判断 release释放 slide(使)滑动 primate灵长目动物 evidence证据,迹象 deceive欺骗

inaccessible达不到的,难得到的 original最初的,原始的

colony(生长在同一地方的动物或植物)群,群体,殖民地gaze凝视,注视 give in让步,屈服,投降

underneath在(...)下面,在(...)底下 pea-brained笨的 turtle(海)龟

survival生存,幸存 disaster灾难

wipe out消灭,消除 dinosaur恐龙


Unit 7 Test B cautious谨慎的

display流露,显示,展示 adequate充分的,足够的 accompany陪伴,陪同 exhibit展示 nest巢,窝


not have the heart(to do sth)不愿,不忍心(做某事)status地位,身份


pull oneself together振作起来 at first sight乍一看,一见之下 instinct本能,生性 purchase买,购买

nevertheless然而,虽然如此 twist转动,(使)扭曲,扭伤 pair off(使)成对,成双 decline谢绝 take to喜欢上


magnificent宏大的,壮观的,出色的 shed light on阐明



field biologist野外生物学家 coyote(北美草原的)郊狼 indicate表明

observe观察,注意 lick舔

tell of讲述 otter獭,水獭

get around各处走动

make a habit of形成...的习惯 alarm使惊慌,使恐慌 by any chance或许,可能

in the world竟然,到底,究竟 reject拒绝接受

Unit 8 Test A fable寓言


run out of用完,耗尽 file档案,卷宗 folder文件夹

drugstore(兼营杂货的)药房 handful一把,少量

modestly不太多,不太大,适中 upset使苦恼,使心烦意乱 ignorant无知的,不知道的 ignorance无知,愚昧

senior(大学或中学)毕业班的学生 private私人的,私有的 slice部分,(薄薄的)一片 calculation计算 nonexistent不存在的 chill(使)变冷,(使)不寒而栗 indifference漠不关心 sum总结,概述,合计 sum up总结,概括

financial财政的,金融的 accumulate积累,积聚 ancestor祖先,祖宗 intellectual智力的 affect影响


function运作,起作用,作用,功能 idle懒散的,空闲的

jam发生故障,卡住,堵塞 break down停止运转,失败,垮了

drive(sth)home(to sb)使清楚无误地理解 humble谦卑的,卑微的

dramatize将...改编为剧本,将...戏剧化 headphone头戴式受话器,耳机

portable便携(式)的,手提(式)的 peasant农民,雇农 county(英国的)郡,(美国的)县 hut小屋,棚屋 search for寻找 poverty贫穷,贫困 leisure空闲,闲暇

luxury奢侈品,奢华,奢侈 mill工厂,制造厂 subway地铁

better off更富有,更舒服 foe敌人

scare(使)惊慌,(使)恐惧 foxhole散兵坑(小型掩体)wake up醒了

porter(旅馆,火车站等的)搬行李工人,搬运工人 complex复杂的

manual体力的,手工做的 slum贫民窟


privacy(不受干扰的)独处,隐私,隐秘 trash垃圾,废物

befriend帮助,以朋友态度对待 swear发誓,宣誓

make a living by靠...维持生计 miracle奇迹 faculty官能

contemptible令人鄙视的,可轻蔑的 coward懦夫

Unit 8 Test B ditch抛弃,丢弃

multiplication乘法,倍增 off-limits禁止使用的 access接近,进入,享用 seminar研讨会

benefit好处,利益,有益于 device装置,设备 call for要求

discourage使灰心,使泄气 in the first place首先 proceed继续进行

competent有能力的,能胜任的 essential必要的,最重要的 adolescent青少年

concentrate on集中(注意力,精力等)于 solve解决(问题,困难等)appropriate适当的,得体的 cut down减少

reflect on思考,沉思 effective有效的 confuse使困惑

what if如果...怎么样 communicate交流,交际 strategy策略,战略 at hand在手边,临近bat眨(眼睛)claim声称,断言

commonplace普通的,平凡的 section(事物的)一部分 circumference圆周

factor将...分解因子,因素 quadratic二次的 sole唯一的

contribute作出贡献,贡献出 ultimate最终的,根本的



distraught adj.发狂的;心烦意乱的rapport n.密切关系,交往;和谐一致 Orator n.演说者,雄辩家;原告

sacramental adj.圣礼的;圣餐的;神圣的Coronation n.加冕礼

sanctity n.圣洁;尊严;神圣不可侵犯性

Frankly adv.真诚地,坦白地

sanction n.制裁;处罚

crucially adv.关键地;至关重要地

Hospitalization n.住院治疗;医院收容;

contamination n.污染,玷污;污染物

feces n.排泄物;渣滓 fluke vt.侥幸成功;意外受挫

inspection n.视察,检查 surveillance n.监督;监视

Litigation n.诉讼;起诉

computerization n.电脑化;电子计算机化工作

Sanitize vt.使…无害;给…消毒;对…采取卫生措施

Ozone n.[化学] 臭氧;新鲜的空气

Ornament n.装饰;vt.装饰,修饰

Docile adj.温顺的,驯服的;容易教的Visual adj.视觉的,视力的;栩栩如生的parcel n.包裹,小包vt.打包;捆扎

poultry n.家禽

Casualness n.偶然;漫不经心;随便

Mettle n.勇气;气质;耐力

Amicably adv.友善地

Maintenance n.维护,维修;保持;生活费用 airworthy adj.适宜航空的;耐飞的; deceptive adj.欺诈的;迷惑的;虚伪的Subsidiary adj.附属的;辅助的motto n.座右铭,格言;箴言

Allegation n.主张,断言;辩解 mechanic n.技工,机修工 adj.手工的

Specification n.规格;说明书;详述

jeopardize vt.危害;使陷危地;使受危困

Carriage n.运输;运费;四轮马车;举止;


Pundit n.博学者;梵文学者

Erupt vi.爆发;喷出;

derail vi.出轨

Spark vt.发动;鼓舞;求婚

mobilize vt.动员,调动;集合,组织;

precipitation.[化学] 沉淀,[化学] 沉淀物;

diminish vi.减少,缩小;变小

mitigate vt.使缓和,使减轻

maximize vt.取…最大值;对…极为重视

geopolitical adj.地理政治学的

Pierce vt.刺穿;洞察;响彻;深深地打动

hack vt.砍;出租

blossom vi.开花;兴旺;发展成scratch vt.抓;刮;挖出;乱涂

horrible adj.可怕的;极讨厌的

sway vt.影响;统治;使摇动

Radius n.半径,半径范围;

Tilt vi.倾斜;翘起;

barometer n.[气象] 气压计;睛雨表;

fold vt.折叠;合拢;抱住;笼罩

blaze vi.燃烧;照耀,发光;激发

slip vi.滑动;滑倒;犯错;

compressed adj.被压缩的;扁平的

Windmill n.风车;风车房

Quantifiable adj.可以计量的

enlightenment n.启迪;启蒙运动;教化

conundrum n.难题;谜语

notoriously adv.众所周知地;声名狼藉地;


persistently adv.坚持地;固执地

stagnation n.停滞;滞止

sustainable adj.可以忍受的;足可支撑的;

ultimately adv.最后;根本;基本上


perpetual adj.永久的;不断的;四季开花的;

Physical features

enhance vt.提高;加强;增加

Ankle 脚踝 calf 小腿 chest 胸 elbow 肘部 finger 手指fist 拳头 heel 脚后跟 knee 膝盖 nail 指Neck 脖子 shoulder 肩膀 stomach 胃 thigh 大腿 thumb 拇指 toe脚趾 waist 腰 wrist 手腕 Bald head 秃头 beard 胡须 cheek 脸颊 chin 下巴 curly hair 卷发 eyebrow 眉毛 eyelashes 睫毛

Eyelid 眼睑 forehead 前额 freckles 雀斑 jaw 颔 lip 嘴唇 mustache 胡子 throat 喉咙 wrinkles House

Ground floor 第一层 living room 客厅,起居室 laundry room 洗衣房 staircase 楼梯 attic 阁楼 The household equipment Broom 扫帚 bucket 水桶 carpet sweeper 地毯吸尘器 cloth 布 clothes basket 盛衣篮 clothes line 晒衣绳 dishcloth 抹布 duster 抹布,掸子 dustpan and brush 簸箕和刷子 mop 拖把 peeler

剥皮机 stepladder 折梯 tea towel 茶巾 vacuum cleaner 吸尘器 bolt 门闩 drill 钻孔 file 锉刀 hammer 铁锤


Baker 面包工人 off-licence 卖酒执照 chemist 药剂师 fishmonger 鱼贩 florist 花商 greengrocer 菜贩 Grocer 杂货店 ironmonger 五金商 launderette 自助洗衣店 newsagent 报刊经销商 tailor 裁缝

Boutique 精品店 department store 百货商店 in stock 有存货 out of stock 缺货 chain store 连锁店 Special offers 特别优惠 trade mark 商标 brand 品牌 sample 样品 voucher 代金券 shopping bag 购物袋 trolley 手推车 check-out counter 结账柜台 wrap up 包起来 in cash 用现金 by cheque 用支票

By credit card 用信用卡

Train Buffet 自助餐 carriage 客车厢 compartment 卧车上的小客房 dining car 餐车 engine 小车头 Guard’s van 警卫车厢 rail 铁轨 station 站台 Liner

Bow 船首 bridge 船桥 cabin 船舱 deck 甲板 funnel 烟囱 lifeboat 救生艇 porthole 舷窗 saloon 大厅 Stern 船尾 quay 码头 captain 船长 sail 起航

Airliner Cockpit 驾驶员座舱 fuselage 机身 hatch 舱口 nose 飞机前部 tail 飞机尾部 undercarriage 飞机起落架 wing 机翼 departure lounge 候机室

Life jacket 救生衣 emergency exits 紧急出口 duty-free goods 免税商品 stewardess 女服务员 aisle 通道 express 快车 in transit 在途中 custom 消失 passport control 入境检验

Geography Geography 地理 topography 地势 contour 等高线 Hook 挂钩 nail 钉子 nut 螺母 plug 塞子 saw 锯子 screw 螺丝钉 screwdriver 螺丝刀 spanner Land Land 陆地 continent 大陆,洲 territory 地域 island 岛 peninsula 半岛 cape 海角 Water

Sea ocean 海洋 lake 湖 reservoir 水库 pond 池塘 bay 海湾 gulf 海湾 strait 海峡 channel 海峡


Coast 海岸 shore 海滨 line 海岸线 beach 海滩 sands 沙滩 Mountain

Mountain 山 hill 小山 slope 斜坡 range 山脉 top 山顶 peak 山峰 summit 顶点 plateau 高原

Cliff 悬崖

Crisp and fresh 新鲜的 toasty warm 暖和舒适的 wondrous 奇妙的 sprawling 蔓生的 craggy 崎岖的 Brimming 充满的 expressway 高速公路

Farm Barn 谷仓 bee hive 蜂箱 cowshed 牛棚 farmhouse 农家 hay 干草 haystack 干草堆 hen house鸡舍

plough 犁 pigsty 猪舍 sheep fold 羊圈silo 筒仓 stable 马厩 tractor 拖拉机 trough 饲料槽 Seaside


canal 运河 cove 小湾dam 水坝 estuary 河口;江口 lighthouse 灯塔 marsh 沼泽source水源 tributary 支流 beach 海滩;湖滨 cave 洞穴 cliff 悬崖 pebbles 鹅卵石 pool 水塘 rocks 岩石 Sand 沙 waves 波浪 Disaster

Avalanche 雪崩 drought 干旱 earthquake 地震 floods 洪水 hurricane 飓风 snowstorm 暴风雪 typhoon 台风 volcanic eruption 火山爆发


Key to All Units(abridged)Unit One

Words in Action 1)1.They claim that they have discovered a cure for the disease, but this has not yet been proved.2.If Jane is not here in 10 minutes, we'll assume that she isn't coming and we won't wait for her any longer.3.After years of hard work, she became qualified as a doctor last year.4.They based their estimate on the figures for the last four years.5.Some Chinese words have no equivalents in English.6.The train leaves at about half past eight—8:32, to be precise.7.If you want my personal opinion, I don't think you should go there.8.The rights of the individual are perhaps the most important rights in society.9.She promised solemnly that she would not say a word about it to anyone.10.The house is too small for a family of five;furthermore, it is in a bad condition.11.Human beings are much more intelligent than animals.12.Her new novel is based on her adventures in Africa.2)1.obtain 2.confident 3.communicate 4.advantage 5.relevant 6.helpful 7.extreme 8.enjoyable 9.means 10.process 11.particularly 12.characters 13.astonished 14.apparently 3)1.fond of 2.is … related to 3.according to 4.To a certain extent 5.vice versa 6.no doubt 7.rid … of 8.cleared up 9.or else 10.at all costs 11.sure enough 12.let alone 13.based on 14.It's no use 15.in my view 16.was worth Increasing your word power 1)1.c





6.d 2)1.highly/very



4.quite/simply/very 3)ADVERBS

ADJECTIVES efficiently efficient fluently

fluent quickly

quick cheaply

cheap continually continual probably

probable adventurously adventurous finally

final steadily

steady slowly

slow solemnly solemn really

real apparently apparent tentatively tentative exactly

exact 4)1.No mistake 2.especially 3.necessary


5.No mistake


7.No mistake


9.many 10.highly


12.remarkable 13.probably

14.No mistake Grammar Review Task 1: 1.would/should 2.should/would 3.might 4.would 5.must 6.can't 7.should, should 8.must Task 2: 1.We passed the afternoon very pleasantly, roller-skating in the sun and talking about our childhood under a tree./ The afternoon passed very pleasantly, while we roller-skated in the sun and talked about our childhood under a tree.2.On entering the lecture hall, I was surprised at the size of the crowd./ When I entered the lecture hall, I was surprised at the size of the crowd.3.When I was only a small boy, my father took me to Beijing and we had a lot of fun together.4.To write well, a person must read good books.Cloze(1)doubt

(2)efficient(3)where(4)advantage(5)afford(6)claim(7)fluently(8)qualified(9)extent(10)ridiculous(11)perfect(12)as(13)because(14)individual Translation 1)1.The baby can't even crawl yet, let alone walk!

2.Will claimed he was dining with a group of friends at the time of the murder, but in my opinion he told a lie.3.To a certain extent the speed of reading is closely related to reading skills;and with reading skills you can cope with outside class reading better.4.According to the regulation/rule, they both can play the game/participate in the game.5.Some people assume that there is a Chinese equivalent for every Japanese word.6.We have passed all relevant information on to the police.7.There is no use asking me any more questions about that matter because I won't answer.8.It was a mistake on Jim's part to sign the contract without reading it carefully.9.They refused to provide us with all the information we need.10.This accident is very similar to the one that happened three years ago.11.The film is based on a play by Shakespeare.12.If you have a good command of English and computer skills, you will surely have an advantage over others in finding a job.2)近年来英语教学法有了很大改变,但是还是有大量的教学活动建立在行为主义心理学基础之上。那些信奉行为主义心理学理论的教师热衷于让学生复述短语,并迫使学生做一些只需不断更换句中某个词的练习。假如我们是鹦鹉或黑猩猩,那么这些方法或许能奏效。但是我们不是鹦鹉或黑猩猩,人类的语言交际必须是真实、有意义的。

Theme related writing Write a passage in about 100-120 words, taking either of the following titles: Why I like to learn English I have learned English for about seven years.I should say that I am highly motivated to master English.First of all, learning English is useful, as it is becoming a world language and people from different countries often communicate with one another in English.If I am good at English, it will be much easier for me to communicate with them.Secondly, I like traveling a lot.A good mastery of English will make things much easier for me when traveling around the world.Finally, I like literature a lot.If I am very good at English, I can read great works by Shakespeare and Dickens and many other English writers instead of reading the translated versions.(118 words)Why I hate to learn English I have learned English for about seven years.I should say the more I learn English, the more I hate it.First of all, learning English is boring.I have to memorize many new words or rely on a dictionary to frequently check unknown words.Doing so wastes a lot of my precious time.Secondly, I don't understand why we have to learn a foreign language.I don't want to go abroad and I can always find a job that doesn't need English in China.Finally, I can always read translated versions of the books I want to read.So, if I don't have to learn English, I would rather use the time I spend on English to do things I like.(121 words)

Unit 2 Enhance your language awareness Words in Action Working with words and expressions 1)1.There were 24 people enrolled in the French class.2.It was so cold in the air-conditioned room that Jane had to wrap herself in a blanket.3.What are you complaining about? You have already got everything you want.4.When I turned off the TV, all my three kids protested.5.When the father learned about his son's school performance, he beamed with satisfaction.6.The children panicked when they saw the serious look on the teacher's face.7.How do people celebrate New Year's Day in your country? 8.He is too stubborn to admit that he was wrong.9.George is very ambitious about his future though he is just a teenager.10.My son is very good at figures , and he plans to take up Mathematics as his major.11.How can you keep your children at home for the whole week? Of course, they will get restless.12.He got very frustrated when he learned that he had failed the exam again.13.Being a very possessive father, he felt very unhappy when he learned his daughter was going to get married.2)1.create




5.have survived




9.guilty 10.sustained






16.Adapting 3)1.was sick of

2.choking back

3.Compared with

4.settled into

5.would give anything

6.in the midst of

7.in his own right 8.on my own 9.fit in with

10.grew apart from

11.No wonder

12.staying up

13.was annoyed with

14.was scared of

15.in trouble

16.For instance Increasing your word power 1)1.possessive




5.lenient …strict 6.rebellious



9.stubborn 2)1.survey






1.After surveying the damage, we concluded that it was caused by animals.2.His car sustained dents when it hit the road block.3.The teachers will attend our meeting this afternoon.4.The stern expression on his face terrified me.5.Please wrap the presents carefully.6.When he recalled what happened ten years ago, he still couldn't help feeling sorry.3)Words Suffixes Adjectives

Chinese meaning(1)danger-ous dangerous 危险的(2)irony-y →-ic ironic

具有讽刺意味的(3)fury-y →-ious furious

暴怒的(4)industry-y →-ious industrious 勤奋的(5)joy-ous joyous

(令人)高兴的(6)ambition-ion →-ious ambitious

有抱负的;有野心的(7)fame-e → ous famous



英勇的(9)adventure-e →-ous adventurous 喜欢冒险的;胆大的)1.dangerous




5.adventure … fame Grammar Review Task 1 1.a.: vt.;b.: vi., with the same meaning: “not to die” 2.a.: vi.;b.: vt., with the same meaning: “to write back” 3.a.: vi., meaning “to succeed in dealing with sth.”

b.: vt.meaning “to be in control or in charge of” 4.a.: vi., meaning “to make a telephone call”

b.: vt., meaning “to say or consider that(sb.or sth.)is(sth.)” Task 2 1.F

argued with each other

2.F The accident happened…

3.F enjoyed it 4.T 5.T 6.F shouted at 7.T 8.T Task 3 Verbs Transitive Intransitive Sample Sentences settle yes


1.He finally managed to settle the problem.2.He settled down in a small seaside village.change yes


1.Thank you.You have changed my life.2.Do you think Jane has changed a lot? agree yes


I agree with you.panic yes

1.He agreed that he had been thoughtless.2.I agree with you.pass yes


1.The Congress passed the bill.2.He passed by without greeting me.explain yes


1.Let me explain the problem to you.2.Don't get angry with me.I can explain.attend yes


1.You can attend the meeting.2.Please attend to the details.follow yes


1.Do not follow me.2.Whatever I do, he will just follow.Cloze(1)beamed(2)honorable










(12)surveyed(13)groaning(14)recognition Translation 1)1.Many teachers frowned on this practice.2.An old man glared at me when I was trying to cut across the lawn.3.When I mentioned my father, she showed a smile of recognition on her face.4.My first born was quite obedient, whereas my younger child was very stubborn.I can still recall now how the younger child insisted on going abroad to study after he finished his secondary school.5.Countries in South East Asia sustained great losses when the tsunami struck the area.6.Every time the mother tries to compare the younger brother with his elder brother, the younger one will protest.7.He found himself unable to fit in with his classmates when he first came to this school.8.The fury on her face terrified me.I dared not say no to her again.9.No wonder you ended up in trouble.You never followed your parents' advice.10.It took him two years to adapt to the new environment.2)我还是个婴儿的时候,我的父母亲搬到了佛蒙特州。我那温文尔雅的父亲在那儿的一个小镇上毫不张扬地开业行医了。很快,他就赢得了当地人对他的尊敬。我每到一处,也被人尊称为埃普利医生的儿子。一开始我很高兴同学和老师们因为我有一个受人尊敬的父亲而善待我。但随着我的长大,事情起了变化。我开始讨厌父亲的好名声像影子一样跟着我。我要独立。我变得顽固倔强又反叛,还开始对我父亲直呼其名,令他伤透了心。但有一天,发生了一件事令我的态度彻底改变了。Theme-related Writing 1.In about 100-120 words, write about a conflict you once had with your parents.You can start with either of the following openings: 1)I was very unhappy with my father the other day.He must have called out to me for help with some housework, but I was so absorbed in reading that I didn't hear him.He stepped into my room, apparently in anger, grabbed my book and threw it on the floor.I got upset and insisted that he should pick it up and apologize to me.When he remained silent, I ran out and went off to play games with my friends in the neighbourhood.When it was turning dark, I saw my father looking around for me.He patted me on the head and walked back home with me, his arm wrapped around my shoulder.When I got home, I saw my book had “returned” to my reading table.(130 words)

2)I was grateful that my mother criticised me the other day.I had been asking her for money to buy all kinds of things that my friends have — a new pair of shoes or some new clothes.Every time I was refused, I played the same trick-threatening to pour the dish she cooked for the family into the river.My mother gave in each time I threatened to do that, but one day, she criticised me really hard.She scolded me for being selfish and inconsiderate and asked me to sit in a corner and reflect on my own behaviour.I couldn't believe my mother would be so angry with me and I grew afraid.I learned a good lesson and changed a lot afterwards.I was thankful that my mother made me realize my mistakes.(139 words)2.Describe your attitude towards your father or mother when you were a teenager.When you could not agree with each other, what did you do? Use an incident from daily life to support the description.My father is a well-known carpenter in my village.I still remember that when I was in my mid-teens, I used to adore him so much that I followed him and helped him make furniture for the other villagers.He not only had good skills, but he was also willing to help the villagers with minor repairs such as mending a broken window frame or fixing a door, without charge.All the villagers respected him.They also paid me compliments when they saw me helping him, saying that I would grow up to become honest and industrious just like my father.I was so proud that I had a father who was so well respected.(116 words)

Unit 3 Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action 1)1.reveals

2.behaving 3.handle 4.influenced 5.satisfied 6.entertain 7.inherit 8.affect 9.confronted 10.sought 11.isolated 12.restrict 13.optimistic 14.selfish 15.sensitive 2)1.summed up 2.have an impact on 3.respond to 4.In general 5.falls into 6.at work 7.shut myself off 8.in control of 9.free from 10.in good shape 3)(1)high-achiever(2)combination


(4)specific(5)restrict(6)vary(7)expand(8)growth(9)company(10)dominate(11)opportunity Increasing Your Word Power 1)1.aggressive, sarcastic, harsh, negative 2.magical, mystical 3.negative, critical 4.magical, outgoing, optimistic 5.intellectual 2)1.Evidently 2.individually 3.absolutely 4.consistently/evidently/absolutely 5.Consequently 6.mentally … physically 7.probably/absolutely 8.eagerly … enthusiastically 9.easily 10.Normally 3)

creative creation create negative negation negate defensive defense defend possessive possession possess submissive submission submit sensitive —

sensitize aggressive aggression creative creation create negative negation negate defensive defense defend possessive possession possess submissive submission submit sensitive


Now fill in the blanks in the paragraph below by choosing the appropriate word given in the brackets.Change the form wherever necessary.(1)submissive

(2)aggressive(3)possession(4)created(5)negative(6)defense(7)sensitive Grammar Review Task 1:(1)all(2)many(3)a(4)much(5)some(6)every(7)an(8)any Task 2: Mistakes

Corrections(1)much(L.2)many(2)plenty(L.3)all, many(3)a(L.4)






some Cloze

(1)indicate(2)responds(3)represent/reflect(4)absolutely(5)preference(6)harsh(7)specific(8)traits(9)individual(10)immature(11)effort(12)persistent(13)achieve(14)inherits Translation 1)1.William likes the girl a lot so he tries very hard to impress her and is optimistic that he will win her heart.2.He is very creative and has a good vision of the future, but he likes to keep things to himself.3.They came from a poor village where people were shut off from modern civilization.4.We must work hard and make an effort to achieve the goals that we have set.5.We should learn to be content with all that we have and should not be too critical about things around us.6.They often represent our school in debating competitions;tonight we will throw a party to celebrate their success.7.Through reading, not only has he expanded his horizon, he has also learned to keep improving his character.8.Two policemen sacrificed their lives in order to save that girl from the fire.9.A stable relationship without conflicts between husband and wife benefits the children in the family.2)虽然有许多关于性格的理论,但是任何一个都没有绝对地对错之分,因为每个心理学家对性格的观点都有所不同。所以,除非某个人已有明显的症状,否则很难断定这个人患有精神疾病。心理学家普遍认可绝大多数人是因为过度的压力才引起情感和精神上的疾病。所以重要的是人们要去寻找可以让自己放松、开心的方法。

Theme Related Writing Write a passage of about 100-120 words according to one of the instructions given below.a.I have been described by many friends as a warm, sociable, and outgoing extravert.I find it easy to make new friends and I enjoy the company of people who share similar characteristics as I.When I am at a party, many people including those I do not know, will talk to me.I am not a great beauty, neither am I rich and intelligent.In fact, I am just a very simple person who is happy and smiles a lot.Maybe being happy is the attraction.I like bright colours, especially red.It is said that people who like red are passionate and have a lot of energy.I agree that I am enthusiastic about many things and like doing many things at the same time.So it seems there is some truth after all in what colours say about a person’s personality.(141words)

b.The person I admire most is my father’s youngest brother.He is known to us as ba shu because he is the eighth son in a family of eleven.He is a high achiever.Since young, he has done well in his studies and work.For example, he received a prestigious scholarship to study at a well-known medical school in England.Today, at the age of 62, he is still as outstanding.He is a well-respected surgeon and has won many awards.What I like most about ba shu is his sensitive nature, especially toward children who are born unlucky.He has volunteered his time and made sacrifices to help those in poor and developing countries.His strong desire to bring happiness to these people has impressed me a lot.(131 words)c.If I were given a wish to have two personality traits, I would choose to be an optimistic and creative person.I would like to be an optimistic person because those who are optimistic are usually satisfied and contented with what they have.They seldom let sadness be a part of their life.I want to be happy and being optimistic is one way to remain happy.I also would like to be creative.I think that creativity is inherited.Some may disagree and say that we can learn to be creative.However, no matter how hard one learns, it is those born with the talent of creativity who will make a great name for themselves like the famous poet Li Bai and the richest man in the world, Bill Gates.(131 words)

d.Here is no one person I dislike most but there are a couple of personality traits that I cannot tolerate: aggressiveness and selfishness.Aggressive people do not consider others’ feelings and will not think twice about hurting even those closest to them.I once had a neighbour who would beat his wife one day and appear loving the next.His wife lived in fear constantly but could do nothing because he was in control of her.Another personality trait I dislike is selfishness.Like aggressive people, selfish people only think of themselves.There are many everyday examples of selfishness such as those not willing to lend things to others and those not wanting to share exam tips even with their best friends.If you know someone with a combination of aggressiveness and selfishness, you should consider whether to call him or her a friend.(143 words)Unit 4 Enhance Your Language Awareness Working With Words and Expressions 1)1.They were smashing windows when the police arrived.2.70,000 tons of oil spilled from the tanker(油轮)and the sea was polluted.3.She volunteered to write an explanation of how the new computer system works.4.The book was inspired by the good deeds(事迹)of a real person.5.It was blowing hard and very soon the tree in front of my house fell with a great crash.6.The police report stated that he was once arrested for theft.7.The Dean(系主任)is not available at the moment, but you may call back in an hour.8.Up to two million people there are dependent on food aid.9.It was most unfortunate that I missed the chance to be interviewed by the company director.10.Can we find a mutually convenient time for us to meet? 2)1.exclaimed 2.arrange 3.aroused 4.resembles 5.volunteered 6.appreciate 7.requires 8.cracked 9.miracle 10.victims11.precious12.delicate 13.expected 14.interviewed 3)1.take over2.get through 3.no way 4.Leave off 5.put it … together 6.in touch with7.No sooner … than 8.in advance 9.looking forward to 10.arrange for11.in contrast 12.took on 13.made sure 14.move in15.in the hands of 16.go with 17.in poverty Increasing your word power.1)1.commission 2.smashed3.smash 4.volunteered 5.spill6.crash 7.contrast 8.commission 9.spilt 10.volunteer 11.contrasts 12.crashed 2)1.e 2.e 3.a 4.a 5.c 6.d 3)1.happy 2.impulsive 3.carelessness4.calmness5.firm 6.illness7.awareness 8.weakness 9.submissive Grammar Review.Task One Task Two 1.No mistake 2.has been living 3.enjoys 4.No mistake 5.tried 6.No mistake 7.No mistake 8.No mistake 9.have been visiting 10.likes 11.had I got 12.had broken 13.No mistake 14.No mistake 15.was suffering 16.No mistake 17.have been receiving 18.No mistake 19.insisted 20.No mistake 21.No mistake Cloze(1)chilly(2)sooner(3)than(4)exclaimed(5)fabric(6)delicate(7)joints(8)that(9)miracle(10)sacrificed(11)precious(12)loving Translation 1)1.Let’s get in touch as soon as we know the results of the test/exam.2.The music aroused an intense feeling of homesickness in him.3.You’ve been working all morning — you deserve a rest now.4.I had no sooner lain down than the telephone rang.Or: No sooner had I lain down than the telephone rang.5.My doctor says I’m too tired and has advised me not to take on any more work.6.Jenny volunteered to clear up after the gathering.7.The subject of the talk is announced a week in advance, but the name of the speaker is not.8.Your performance in the exam did not reach the required standard — in other words, you failed.9.She was so ill that she had to leave off work..10.There is no way to tell what is going to happen.The case is in the hands of the judge, and all we could do is(to)wait.2)当人们变得很老时,像祖父母或曾祖父母那样,他们有时不再能够照顾自己。他们会生病,或者摔倒而折断股骨,或者他们根本都不记得该如何穿睡衣。有时候虽然有些老人看起来还健康,但是因为他们自己独居,所以觉得很孤单。这时候全家人要碰个头,商讨一下让他们日渐衰老的家人去养老院去居住是否是一个较好的办法,因为在那里他们可以得到更好的照顾。Theme-related Writing 1.Imagine you were Meagan.Write a story about GG and her lost doll.Start the story with: “My GG — that's my great-grandma — lived in Maine many years ago.” My GG — that's my great-grandma — lived in Maine many years ago with her Mom, Dad and four sisters.Life was difficult then, but GG's parents tried their best to make their children happy.One Christmas they gave GG a beautiful doll with an exquisite porcelain face and long brown hair.The eyes of the doll opened and closed vividly.GG loved her doll so much that she played with her for a long time and didn't want to separate with her until it was time for Christmas dinner.GG laid the doll down gently on the hall table.But before long she heard a loud crash — GG's baby sister had pulled her doll off the table and it was smashed into pieces.Though GG's mother tried to put the doll together again, it couldn't be done.The doll was gone for ever.And so was GG's baby sister when she died of pneumonia a few years later.It was a deeply unhappy experience in GG's life.2.Write a short passage of about 100-120 words on the topic: “Living in a Nursing Home: A Plan for the Future?” Living in a Nursing Home: A Plan for the Future? Thanks to medical advances and better living conditions, most of us can live longer.The issue of where we will stay when we get old has become a concern for everyone.I did a survey last week on “Are you willing to go and live in a nursing home when you grow old?” Of the ten people surveyed, seven said “yes.” According to them, living in a nursing home would enable them to meet people of similar ages, get instant medical care, and have their meals and laundry taken care of.The three who don't want to stay in a nursing home think living in a nursing home would make them feel lonely and abandoned on the one hand and would have their privacy intruded upon on the other.Nonetheless, the survey does suggest that more people would be willing to live in a nursing home in the future.(147 words.)Unit 5 Enhance your language awareness Working With Words and Expressions 1)1.When we finally completed our courses, all my classmates gathered together to celebrate.2.I have always wanted to be a psychologist, but a recent incident changed my mind.3.It is not difficult at all.You can get it done with ease.4.To be a good research student, you must have a mind for inquiry.5.I could see her genuine concern for my health and I was deeply touched.6.The boss’s fear of change becomes an obstacle to the progress of the organization.7.Please keep stirring the oil to stop it from getting frozen.8.I am most grateful to you for all the help you have offered us.2)1.senior



4.options 5.disturbed



8.navigate 9.matters

10.depressed 3)1.became well acquainted with

2.took us by surprise

3.gather our thoughts

4.turned out

5.hang up

6.in reality 7.In spite of 8.lit up

9.hemmed and hewed

10.turned into Increasing your word power Increasing your word power.1)1.a 2.e 3.c 4.e

5.b 6.d 7.d 8.b 2)1.covered

2.fears 3.covers 4.attack 5.fears 6.attacks 7.visits, visited 8.touched 9.chat 10.touch 11.match 12.chats 13.match 3)1.astonishment


3.have improved







10.encouragement Grammar Review Task 1 1.The action of “studying English” occurred before “I went to the US”.2.“They never met an American” —this was a fact that remained till they met John.3.“We had the car for ten years” —this happened earlier before the car broke down.4.The action “Kathy’s picking up the tickets” occurred before “I arrived at the theatre”.5.Your promise was made before Jane got unhappy with you.Task 2(1)I saw the door open(2)the office had been broken into

(3)quite a few things had been stolen(4)had already come back to the office(5)the 200 dollars he had locked in his drawer was gone(6)had just bought

(7)A few computers in the office had been stolen Cloze











(14)gatherings Translation 1)1.We are good friends;however, he kept such an important matter from me, which took me by surprise.2.It doesn’t matter if you can not get full marks for the exam;what matters is not to lose confidence in yourself.3.He chatted with me last night and reassured me that the disease was not hard to cure and that nobody had ever died of it.4.She was determined to overcome all the obstacles in her life with a will of iron.5.It turned out that he had already received my money, but did not acknowledge the receipt of it on purpose.This really drove me crazy.6.He is a shy and silent boy.Before he went onto the stage to share his experiences, he sat quietly in a corner of the auditorium, gathering his thoughts.7.He admitted on the spot that he would go overseas for further study as he believed overseas education would open the door to his future research.8.Mary’s uncle’s face lit up when he saw his niece had turned into a pretty young lady in just a few years.2)我回去看我外婆的时候,她非常高兴地看到我已长成一个健壮的小伙子。我们一起聊天,回忆我小时候的一些事情。谈到一半的时候,外婆突然叹了一口气说,“大概以后再也见不到你了。”她的话使我震惊得拱起了眉头,不明白她为什么说出这么令人不安的话来。我们静静地坐了一会儿,外婆的眼里噙满泪水。她终于告诉我说,医生诊断出她得了严重的心脏病,已经发作了好几次,也一直在治疗,但情况一点也没有进展。我怪外婆一直把这坏消息瞒着我,并告诉她一定会有办法医治的,她却摇头否认。我伸出双臂抱着外婆,多么希望我们能在一起度过更多的时间。Theme-related Writing •Task One: One afternoon, I was wandering along the main street of our small town with a friend.Suddenly I saw my mother.She was behaving very strangely.She looked around her before going quickly into a shop.When she came out, she had a box in her hand.I was terrified.I knew some of my villagers resorted to theft because they were poor.The thought that my mother could be one of them drove me crazy.I was determined to find out the truth from her.When I questioned her, tears filled her eyes.She told me she was collecting beer cans from some kind shop owners who offered them to her, but would feel embarrassed if she was seen by others.I cried and hugged her and felt sorry that I had misunderstood my own mother.(136 words)Task Two: My parents differ greatly in showing their love for me.While my mother appears more anxious and depressed if anything goes wrong with me, my father tends to be silent and expresses his concern for me mainly through actions rather than words.I still remember the day when I left home for university.When my mother was in tears and kept giving me endless advice, my father remained silent.But when he saw an ice-cream man on the platform, he rushed towards him and got me an ice-cream just before the train started to move.I learned from my mother later that father locked himself up in his room after returning home and cried for the first time in his life.I never expected that my departure would trigger such an emotional response from my father.(134 words)Unit 6 Enhance your language Awareness Words in Action Working with words and expressions 1)1.Every year before Christmas, we decorate our house with colourful lights.2.Mother scolded John for not taking good care of his younger brother when she went out.3.When I was attacked, I quickly picked up a stick to defend myself.4.Please don't interrupt — wait until I have finished what I have to say.5.The mother embraced her son warmly as soon as he came in.6.Paper, printing, the compass, and gunpowder are celebrated in Chinese culture as the Four Great Inventions of ancient China.7.I don't understand why a young and pretty girl like her is always wearing dresses of such a dull colour.8.You have written a very good paper.I only made a few minor changes.9.We supply free textbooks for school children in the countryside.10.They were discussing all the options, but found none of them was entirely satisfactory.11.The mere presence of a policeman made the thief nervous and he turned to run away.12.Richards was obviously disappointed at being left out of the team.2)1.delivered




5.miserable 6.exploded

7.pressed 8.motion


10.enthusiasm 11.knelt 12.request


14.necessities 3)1.go wrong

2.broke down 3.on my way to

4.by himself

5.in time

6.set the stage for

7.set out for

8.make fun of

9.pleaded for

10.in disbelief Increasing your word power 1)1.specialized 2.large 3.eat 4.go 5.sociable 6.wide 2)1.sternly 2.miserably 3.cheerfully

4.carelessly 5.tiny




9.boring / dull

10.traditional 3)1.slapped










11.supply 12.order

13.list 14.supply 15.motion 16.wonder 17.whispers 18.wondering 4)1.personality … sensitivity … loyalty







8.specialty / speciality Grammar Review Task one Task two 1.It is much colder in winter in Beijing than in Shanghai.It is colder in winter in Shanghai than in Guangzhou.Of all the three cities, Shanghai has the largest population, etc.2.Among the three sports, I like football the best.Surfing also sounds interesting, but it takes a lot more training to be able to do it than the other two sports.3.I know Lu Xun better than the other writers.Lu Xun is one of the most famous writers in China and he is a modern writer.Shakespeare is famous, but I think his plays are the most difficult to read.4.I think Gone with the Wind is very interesting, but it is the longest movie among the three.The Sound of Music is the lightest among the three and I like it much more than I do The Pianist.5.Peking University and Tsinghua University are the two most famous universities in China.They are also among the best universities in the world.As far as I know, Peking University is better known for its arts courses and Tsinghua is better known for its science courses.Cloze(1)supplies









(10)embraced Translation 1)1.Straighten up!Your feet should keep time to the rhythm of the music.2.She slipped a note into his hand.He was very unhappy after reading it, as he thought that she was making fun of him.3.The thief pleaded for our mercy when he was caught.He said he had stolen the food because his mother was starving to death and there was barely any food left in the house.4.They have made a request for more electricity supplies, which we should satisfy in order to release them from the pressure they are under.5.They made the rounds with the wine bottle;each took a gulp and then they set out for the forest.6.My TV set broke down;I have ordered a new one online and the shop is going to have it delivered to the door.7.His words made everyone unhappy and stop eating.After a while, they resumed eating, but they all looked as if something was weighing on their minds.8.We stared at him in disbelief, astonished that someone as gentle as he is could interrupt us so rudely.2)去年圣诞节除夕,我们的旅途诸多不顺。当我们住进尼斯一家肮脏而昏暗的旅馆时,我们的心中已无任何圣诞节的感觉可言。我们进入一家看上去很乏味的饭馆吃饭•时,情况一点也没有好转。但是,在这沉闷饭馆中度过的不愉快的夜晚最后却变成我们所度过的最好的圣诞前夜,这一切都是因为那个充满了圣诞精神的美国水手。他将我们心中被愤怒和失望压抑的爱和欢乐释放出来。他带给了我们圣诞节。Theme-related Writing a.I like Christmas because the festive atmosphere created by the occasion is so overwhelming.You can see pretty seasonal decorations everywhere, Christmas lights, flowers, and pictures of Father Christmas with a smiling face.You may even meet a “real” Father Christmas on the street busy handing out candies to kids.The atmosphere does lift everybody's spirits, since joy and excitement seem to be contagious.Everyone around us looks happier and is more patient with each other during the festive season.We send each other Christmas greetings and give Christmas gifts to our friends and relatives.Even friends who have not been in constant touch also “appear” again at this time to send their regards.(113words)b.I do not like Christmas because today's Christmas has been entirely commercialized.Shops try all sorts of tricks to attract customers, by putting up fanciful Christmas decorations, by offering seasonal discounts and even by asking somebody to play Father Christmas to give out gifts.Behind all the smiles and the beautiful decorations, I do not see genuine care or a spirit of giving;I only see one word, which is “profit”.Everybody does Christmas shopping at this time to get Christmas gifts for their family members or friends.As for me, I believe it is more important to show care and concern for my family members and friends all year round than just give them a “once a year” Christmas gift.(121 words)Unit 7 Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action Working with Words and Expressions 1)1.The more complaints a person makes, the less happy he or she is.2.Good health is vital for getting the best out of life and achieving your full potential.3.He deserted his wife and children and went abroad.4.He likes taking time off from his busy life and coming into contact with nature.5.The doctor says that she is not mentally sound.6.In many parts of the world it is not acceptable and even illegal for people under 18 to smoke.7.His speech made a deep impression on all of us.8.In different stages of our life, we encounter different kinds of problems.9.If you need any assistance , please let me know and I’ll be more than happy to help.10.Some people tend to blame others for what they themselves have done wrong.11.Children’s education is becoming too heavy a burden for many families to bear these days.12.I can’t endure to see/ endure seeing animals suffer like that.13.Davis was one of the most significant musicians of the last century.2)1.facilitate 2.tends 3.hurt

4.ensure 5.blessed


7.curiously 8.failure 9.invention 3)1.by no means

2.take it for granted

3.contribute to

4.at his disposal

5.resort to

6.take into account

7.arise from

8.has given rise to

9.switched off

10.deal with

11.breezed through

12.had gone by 13.To my surprise 14.carried away 15.come into play

16.In my view Increasing Your Word Power 1)1.jumps / jumped 2.respond 3.career 4.required 5.arise 6.assisted 7.affected 8.deserted 9.serious 10.rare 11.scolded 12.significant 13.physiological 2)get back(something lost)

寻回、取回、恢复 become well;regain a former position 康复;复元;恢复 3)ADJECTIVES NOUNS personal

personality technological technology natural

nature national

nation medical

medicine emotional emotion social

society intellectual intellect critical

critic magical

magic occasional occasion hysterical

hysteria/hysteric essential

essence trivial

trivia traditional tradition psychological psychology Now fill in the blanks with an appropriate word chosen from the words given in the brackets.1.technological … technology 2.essence … essential

3.personal … person 4.hysterical … hysteria traditional … tradition Grammar Review Task 1 1.[The main reason — 8.;to the lecture — 9.;the most famous living poet — 6.]

2.[the class — 11.]

3.[a wonderful story — 1.or 3.;The beginning — 8.;the turn — 8.;the century — 9.]

4.[The moon — 5.;the trail — 9.]

5.[the talk — 8.;the situation — 8.]

6.[the table/a table — 8.1.;the hall — 9.]

7.[an English-Chinese dictionary — 3.]

8.[the first book — 7.]

9.[a house — 3.;The house — 4.]

10.[the rich — 10.;the plane — 12.;the poor — 10.;the train — 12.] Task 2

5.1.a.There are many music schools in Beijing and Xiao Ming is studying at one of them.b.There is only one music school in my hometown and Xiao Ming is studying at that school.2.a.Bill met a French student(unknown to the listener)on the train(known to both the listener and the speaker).b.Bill met the French student(known to both the listener and the speaker)on a train(unknown to the listener).3.a.Dogs are in general a better companion than cats.b.This dog(known to both the listener and the speaker)is a better companion than this cat(known to both the listener and the speaker).Alternatively, and rather formally, this may refer to dogs and cats in general, as with 3a above.4.a.John wrote a very interesting composition.b.John wrote the most interesting composition(probably in his class).5.a.The police stopped one car(unknown to the listener)at the corner.b.The police stopped the car(known to both the listener and the speaker)at the corner.6.a.Has he ever been hospitalised? b.Has he ever been in this hospital for treatment or, more generally, been on its premises(建筑物)?

7.a.Zhang Dawei, the contemporary Chinese novelist(known to the listener and well-known), has also written a number of popular songs.b.Zhang Dawei, a contemporary Chinese novelist(unknown to the audience), has also written a number of popular songs.8.a.Wang Kewei became a college student with the highest total score in her province.b.Wang Kewei entered the college premises(建筑物)to ask about courses.Task 3 1.the d 2.a f 3.the e 4.the b 5.the c 6.a a 7.a j 8.the g 9.the h 10.an i Cloze(1)









unconsciously(10)ensure(11)burden(12)Concentration(13)range(14)switch Translation 1)1.Whenever we start a new job, there are bound to be a lot of things we may not be familiar with.2.This new medicine/drug has successfully been used on animals, but this doesn’t mean that it can be applied to humans.3.His failure to win the first prize in the speech competition is largely due to his lack of confidence.4.To the general public, depression can be easily confused with stress, as it may be a response to some types of stress.5.It is becoming increasingly difficult for world food production to keep pace with the continuing growth of the world’s population.6.To successfully get a job, a lot of factors need to come into play, including your skills, diploma and work experience.2)回应式聆听的关键是要能够不加论断地聆听,即为理解而听,而不是为达成一致而听。我们如何可以成为更专心及回应式的听众呢?过程是这样的。坐在说话人的对•面,身体放松,注意力集中。让说话人开始讲述他正经历或想要分享的情感或具体的想法。对言语或非言语的信息都要注意。当说话人说完四、五句话的时候,打断说话•人,说,“让我看看我有没有听明白你的话。”然后,用你自己的话重复你刚才所听到的信息或感受的情感:“你刚才说„„”,“你的感觉是„„”,“我说得对吗?”如果说话人说不对,则要求说话人澄清一下他没听明白或听错的部分。当你们两个都明白后,说话人就可以继续说下面几句话,回应的过程又重新开始。记住:说话人和听话人的目的都是为了理解,而不是达成一致。Theme-related Writing a.One of my teachers in my high school was an Australian teacher.Always smartly dressed with a shirt and tie, he was a very kind person and would go all the way to help others.Once I needed a book to study which was not available in China, so I asked him for help.He bought it in Australia and sent it to me immediately.I also learned another incident which I can never forget.One year, he came back to China on a business trip and was asked by many Chinese parents to take some luggage to their children studying in Australia.The luggage he was asked to take was so heavy that he got fined 20,000 Hong Kong dollars at the airport.From this Australian teacher, I have come to realize what selfless love is all about.(141words)b.I think I am an easy-going person and get along with my fellow students really well.I get along particularly well with my roommates, who share the same dormitory with me.We often play poker together and laugh and joke together.Once in a while we need to clean up our dormitory in order to win the award for the cleanest dormitory in the whole grade.Whenever we need to do that, we really work as a team and help one another in doing the best job we can.Though we still haven’t won such an award yet, the kind of collaboration between us during the big cleaning activity really helps to strengthen our existing strong friendship.I am sure I will cherish my relationship with my fellow students and especially with my roommates in the years to come.(139 words)c.I live in a big family of three children, with one elder brother and one younger sister.I get along well with them all and in particular with my elder brother.During our childhood years, my brother and I needed to do a lot of household chores together, looking after the cattle on the hill and collecting firewood in bushy mountains far away from home.Though only four years older than me, he would always try to protect me and help me when I was unable to cope with my part of the work.Sometimes we also fought with each other.But every time I cried after the fighting, my parents would scold him or even give him a good beating, for which I would laugh silently and secretly.Of course, we never fight with each other any more.(139 words)



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