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2012-05-09 16:43来源: 私人博客 作者: 佚名

    [ 标签: 英语音乐 ] 1 上帝是个女孩《god is a girl》 2 汉城奥运会主题曲《hand in hand》 我心永恒(电影泰坦尼克主题曲)my heart will go on 2 爱的细语There's A Kind Of Hush 3 阳光季节 Seasons In The Sun 4 唱首忧郁的歌 Song Sung Blue 5 老橡树上的黄丝带Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak Tree 6 雨韵 Rhythm of The Rain 7 如果你爱我 If You Love Me 8 雨中哭泣 Crying In The Rain 9 寂静之声 The Sound Of Silence 10 柠檬树 Lemon Tree 11 花落何处 Where Have All The Flowers Gone? 12 顺其自然 Let It Be 13 昨日重现 Yesterday Once More 14 甜心 Dear Heart 15棉花田 Cotton Field 16 松树耳语Whispering Pines 17 世界末日 The End Of The World 18 我的家乡 My Hometown 19 大江东去 The River Of No Return 20 田纳西华尔兹 Tennessee Waltz 21旧金山 San Francisco 22 恶水上的大桥 Bridge Over Troubled Water 23 我想与它同在Let It Be Me 24小白花 Edelweiss 25 无法停止爱你 I Can't Stop Loving You 26 只有你 Only You 27七个寂寞的日子 Seven Lonely Days 28 我在雨中Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head 29 我爱的… Somewhere My Love 30(恋爱百分百的英文版)stop!stop!stop!31 来!跳舞!女孩 Dance On, Little Girl 32 爱你无语More Than I Can Say 33 玫瑰之恋 Rose, Rose, I Love You 34黄河镇Yellow River 35 往日情怀 The Way We Were 36 北上阿拉斯加 North To Alaska 37只有你 Only You 38 乡村路带我回家 Take Me Home Country Roads 39 邮差先生 Please Mr.Postman 40你偷走巨厦 The Mansion You Stole 41 放开我 Release Me 42 最后华尔兹 The Last Waltz 43 孤枕难眠 I Don't Like To Sleep Alone 44 想象 Imagine 45 不再坠入情网 I'll Never Fall In.Love Again 46 轻歌销魂 Killing Me Softly With His Song 47热爱着你 Devoted To You 48 雪鸟 Snowbird 49随风飘荡 Blowing In The Wind 50 情感 Feelings 51只有寻梦去 All I Have To Do Is Dream 52奔放的旋律 Unchained Melody 53 今日 Today 54 无须说爱我 You Don't Have To Say You Love Me 55 奔放的旋律 Unchained Melody 56 与我吻别Kiss Me Goodbye 57 只有寻梦去 All I Have To Do Is Dream 58交换舞伴 Changing Partners 59 借你肩膀 Put Your Head On My Shoulder 60 黄鸟儿 Yellow Bird 61 全为了一个女孩的爱 All For The Love Of A Girl 62 细语言爱Speak Softly, Love 63温柔地爱我 Love Me Tender 64你照亮我的生命 You Light Up My Life 65 给约翰的一封信 A Dear John Letter 66 月亮河 Moon river 67清晨 In The Morning 68(挥着翅膀的女孩英文原装版)proud of you 69不再 No More 70太年轻 Too Young 71婚礼 The Wedding 72玫瑰花园 Rose Garden 73亲爱的 Sugar, Sugar 74七天孤独 Seven Lonely Days 75破晓 Morning Has Broken 76我不知如何爱他 I Don't Know How To Love Him 77世界之顶 Top Of The World 78我参加你的婚礼 I Went To Your Wedding 既然是初学者,建议你多听一些慢歌,等到听力有所提高之后再听一些中速或快速的歌。西城(Westlife)的Miss you,My love,Flying without wings,Seasons in the sun都比较不错。此外,Groove Coverage的歌节奏好,音乐速度会快,但是唱速比较慢,估计God is a girl你应该听过吧。很多人要我推荐英语歌曲我都回推荐她的。还有楼上说的M2M的Pretty Boy,The Day You Went Away也算是慢的,她们第一张专辑《Shades of purple》的歌都很不错。Emilia的Big,big world可能是很多人学英语歌的入门曲目,我学的第一首英文歌曲就是这个。如果你能够听进去老歌,卡朋特(Carpenters)的歌也是和提高听力,而且没有多少生词。你也可在百度搜索一些抒情歌曲,一般这样的歌曲语速都比较慢而且咬字清晰,很适合初学者。此外建议你多看电影,而且千万不要泛泛的看或听,一定要选择自己感兴趣的几部电影精听,起码要看几十遍同一部电影才会有所收获。而且看电影会教给你很多口语,而且由于台词又调多变化可以有效刺激大脑,让你不会失去兴趣又可以学会很多东西。电影里的插曲也是学习英语歌曲的一个好选择。听英语歌曲可以培养英语语感和连读能力,也可以记很多单词,所以通过学英语歌曲来学习英语是一个很好的途径,长期坚持会有很大收获的。所以千万不要想一次就学会,贵在坚持。希望对你的英语学习有用,加油吧!^^


最适合学习英语的英文歌曲78首 上帝是个女孩《god is a girl》 2 汉城奥运会主题曲《hand in hand》 我心永恒(电影泰坦尼克主题曲)my heart will go on 2 爱的细语There's A Kind Of Hush 3 阳光季节 Seasons In The Sun 4 唱首忧郁的歌 Song Sung Blue 5 老橡树上的黄丝带Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak Tree 6 雨韵 Rhythm of The Rain 7 如果你爱我 If You Love Me 8 雨中哭泣 Crying In The Rain 9 寂静之声 The Sound Of Silence 10 柠檬树 Lemon Tree 11 花落何处 Where Have All The Flowers Gone? 12 顺其自然 Let It Be 13 昨日重现 Yesterday Once More 14 甜心 Dear Heart 15棉花田 Cotton Field 16 松树耳语Whispering Pines 17 世界末日 The End Of The World 18 我的家乡 My Hometown 19 大江东去 The River Of No Return 20 田纳西华尔兹 Tennessee Waltz 21旧金山 San Francisco 22 恶水上的大桥 Bridge Over Troubled Water 23 我想与它同在Let It Be Me 24小白花 Edelweiss 25 无法停止爱你 I Can't Stop Loving You 26 只有你 Only You 27七个寂寞的日子 Seven Lonely Days 28 我在雨中Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head 29 我爱的… Somewhere My Love 30(恋爱百分百的英文版)stop!stop!stop!31 来!跳舞!女孩 Dance On, Little Girl 32 爱你无语More Than I Can Say 33 玫瑰之恋 Rose, Rose, I Love You 34黄河镇Yellow River 35 往日情怀 The Way We Were 36 北上阿拉斯加 North To Alaska 37 只有你 Only You 38 乡村路带我回家 Take Me Home Country Roads 39 邮差先生 Please Mr.Postman 40你偷走巨厦 The Mansion You Stole 41 放开我 Release Me 42 最后华尔兹 The Last Waltz 43 孤枕难眠 I Don't Like To Sleep Alone 44 想象 Imagine 45 不再坠入情网 I'll Never Fall In.Love Again 46 轻歌销魂 Killing Me Softly With His Song 47热爱着你 Devoted To You 48 雪鸟 Snowbird 49随风飘荡 Blowing In The Wind 50 情感 Feelings 51只有寻梦去 All I Have To Do Is Dream 52奔放的旋律 Unchained Melody 53 今日 Today 54 无须说爱我 You Don't Have To Say You Love Me 55 奔放的旋律 Unchained Melody 56 与我吻别Kiss Me Goodbye 57 只有寻梦去 All I Have To Do Is Dream 58交换舞伴 Changing Partners 59 借你肩膀 Put Your Head On My Shoulder 60 黄鸟儿 Yellow Bird 61 全为了一个女孩的爱 All For The Love Of A Girl 62 细语言爱Speak Softly, Love 63温柔地爱我 Love Me Tender 64你照亮我的生命 You Light Up My Life 65 给约翰的一封信 A Dear John Letter 66 月亮河 Moon river 67清晨 In The Morning 68(挥着翅膀的女孩英文原装版)proud of you 69不再 No More 70太年轻 Too Young 71婚礼 The Wedding 72玫瑰花园 Rose Garden 73亲爱的 Sugar, Sugar 74七天孤独 Seven Lonely Days 75破晓 Morning Has Broken 76我不知如何爱他 I Don't Know How To Love Him 77世界之顶 Top Of The World 78我参加你的婚礼 I Went To Your Wedding




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最适合学习英语的英文歌曲80首 上帝是个女孩《God is a girl》汉城奥运会主题曲《Hand in hand》 我心永恒(电影泰坦尼克主题曲)My heart will go on 爱的细语There's A Kind Of Hush 阳光季节 Seasons In The Sun 唱首忧郁的歌 Song Sung Blue 老橡树上的黄丝带Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak Tree 洛基英语是中国英语培训市场上的一朵奇葩,是全球已被验证的东方人英语学习的最佳模式。洛基英语是中国专业在线英语培训机构,通过电话英语、视频英语与外教一对一的模式提高学员英语口语水平,提供英语口语培训,成人英语培训,商务英语培训,企业英语培训等课程。

免费?宅在家学英语?怎么报名? 雨韵 Rhythm of The Rain 如果你爱我 If You Love Me 雨中哭泣 Crying In The Rain 寂静之声 The Sound Of Silence 柠檬树 Lemon Tree 花落何处 Where Have All The Flowers Gone? 顺其自然 Let It Be 昨日重现 Yesterday Once More 甜心 Dear Heart

15棉花田 Cotton Field


免费?宅在家学英语?怎么报名? 松树耳语Whispering Pines 世界末日 The End Of The World 我的家乡 My Hometown 大江东去 The river of no return 田纳西华尔兹 Tennessee Waltz

21旧金山 San Francisco 恶水上的大桥 Bridge Over Troubled Water 我想与它同在Let It Be Me

24小白花 Edelweiss 无法停止爱你 I Can't Stop Loving You 只有你 Only You 洛基英语是中国英语培训市场上的一朵奇葩,是全球已被验证的东方人英语学习的最佳模式。洛基英语是中国专业在线英语培训机构,通过电话英语、视频英语与外教一对一的模式提高学员英语口语水平,提供英语口语培训,成人英语培训,商务英语培训,企业英语培训等课程。


27七个寂寞的日子 Seven Lonely Days 我在雨中Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head 我爱的… Somewhere My Love


来!跳舞!女孩 Dance On, Little Girl

爱你无语More Than I Can Say

玫瑰之恋 Rose, Rose, I Love You

34黄河镇Yellow River

往日情怀 The Way We Were

北上阿拉斯加 North To Alaska



37只有你 Only You

乡村路带我回家 Take Me Home Country Roads

邮差先生 Please Mr.Postman

40你偷走巨厦 The Mansion You Stole

放开我 Release Me

最后华尔兹 The Last Waltz

孤枕难眠 I Don't Like To Sleep Alone

想象 Imagine

不再坠入情网 I'll Never Fall In.Love Again

轻歌销魂 Killing Me Softly With His Song

47热爱着你 Devoted To You 洛基英语是中国英语培训市场上的一朵奇葩,是全球已被验证的东方人英语学习的最佳模式。洛基英语是中国专业在线英语培训机构,通过电话英语、视频英语与外教一对一的模式提高学员英语口语水平,提供英语口语培训,成人英语培训,商务英语培训,企业英语培训等课程。


雪鸟 Snowbird

49随风飘荡 Blowing In The Wind

情感 Feelings

51只有寻梦去 All I Have To Do Is Dream

52奔放的旋律 Unchained Melody

今日 Today

无须说爱我 You Don't Have To Say You Love Me

奔放的旋律 Unchained Melody

与我吻别Kiss Me Goodbye

只有寻梦去 All I Have To Do Is Dream



58交换舞伴 Changing Partners

借你肩膀 Put Your Head On My Shoulder

黄鸟儿 Yellow Bird

全为了一个女孩的爱 All For The Love Of A Girl

细语言爱Speak Softly, Love

63温柔地爱我 Love Me Tender

64你照亮我的生命 You Light Up My Life

给约翰的一封信 A Dear John Letter

月亮河 Moon river

67清晨 In The Morning

68(挥着翅膀的女孩英文原装版)Proud of you 洛基英语是中国英语培训市场上的一朵奇葩,是全球已被验证的东方人英语学习的最佳模式。洛基英语是中国专业在线英语培训机构,通过电话英语、视频英语与外教一对一的模式提高学员英语口语水平,提供英语口语培训,成人英语培训,商务英语培训,企业英语培训等课程。


69不再 No More

70太年轻 Too Young

71婚礼 The Wedding

72玫瑰花园 Rose Garden

73亲爱的 Sugar, Sugar

74七天孤独 Seven Lonely Days

75破晓 Morning Has Broken

76我不知如何爱他 I Don’t Know How To Love Him

77世界之顶 Top Of The World

78我参加你的婚礼 I Went To Your Wedding





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美联英语提供:最适合青少年学习英语的78首英文歌 汉城奥运会主题曲《Hand in hand》 爱的细语There's A Kind Of Hush 3 阳光季节 Seasons In The Sun 4 唱首忧郁的歌 Song Sung Blue 5 老橡树上的黄丝带Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak Tree 6 雨韵 Rhythm of The Rain 7 如果你爱我 If You Love Me 8 雨中哭泣 Crying In The Rain 9 寂静之声 The Sound Of Silence 10 柠檬树 Lemon Tree 11 花落何处 Where Have All The Flowers Gone? 12 顺其自然 Let It Be

昨日重现 Yesterday Once More 14 甜心 Dear Heart 15 棉花田 Cotton Field 16 松树耳语Whispering Pines 17 世界末日 The End Of The World 18 我的家乡 My Hometown 19 大江东去 The river of no return 20 田纳西华尔兹 Tennessee Waltz 21 旧金山 San Francisco 22 恶水上的大桥 Bridge Over Troubled Water 23 我想与它同在Let It Be Me 24 小白花 Edelweiss 25 无法停止爱你 I Can't Stop Loving You 26 只有你 Only You 27 七个寂寞的日子 Seven Lonely Days

我在雨中Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head 29 我爱的… Somewhere My Love 30(恋爱百分百的英文版)Stop!Stop!Stop!31 来!跳舞!女孩 Dance On, Little Girl 32 爱你无语More Than I Can Say 33 玫瑰之恋 Rose, Rose, I Love You 34 黄河镇Yellow River 35 往日情怀 The Way We Were 36 北上阿拉斯加 North To Alaska 37 只有你 Only You 38 乡村路带我回家 Take Me Home Country Roads 39 邮差先生 Please Mr.Postman 40 你偷走巨厦 The Mansion You Stole 41 放开我 Release Me 42 最后华尔兹 The Last Waltz

孤枕难眠 I Don't Like To Sleep Alone 44 想象 Imagine 45 不再坠入情网 I'll Never Fall In.Love Again 46 轻歌销魂 Killing Me Softly With His Song 47 热爱着你 Devoted To You 48 雪鸟 Snowbird 49 随风飘荡 Blowing In The Wind 50 情感 Feelings 51 只有寻梦去 All I Have To Do Is Dream 52 奔放的旋律 Unchained Melody 53 今日 Today 54 无须说爱我 You Don't Have To Say You Love Me 55 奔放的旋律 Unchained Melody 56 与我吻别Kiss Me Goodbye 57 只有寻梦去 All I Have To Do Is Dream

交换舞伴 Changing Partners 59 借你肩膀 Put Your Head On My Shoulder 60 黄鸟儿 Yellow Bird 61 全为了一个女孩的爱 All For The Love Of A Girl 62 细语言爱Speak Softly, Love 63 温柔地爱我 Love Me Tender 64 你照亮我的生命 You Light Up My Life 65 给约翰的一封信 A Dear John Letter 66 月亮河 Moon river 67 清晨 In The Morning 68(挥着翅膀的女孩英文原装版)Proud of you 69 不再 No More 70 太年轻 Too Young 71 婚礼 The Wedding 72 玫瑰花园 Rose Garden

亲爱的 Sugar, Sugar 74 七天孤独 Seven Lonely Days 75 破晓 Morning Has Broken 76 我不知如何爱他 I Don’t Know How To Love Him 77 世界之顶 Top Of The World 78 我参加你的婚礼 I Went To Your Wedding 79.When You're Gone-艾薇儿Avril Lavigne 80.Hey OhTragédie-悲剧演唱组

81.As Long As You Love Me-后街男孩(Backstreet Boys)82.god is a girl(上帝是个女孩)-Groove Coverage舞动精灵乐团





根据难易等级,我将歌曲分为A-B-C-D 四个等级,由易到难。

A 级

第1 首 big big world: 甜美曲风,旋律悠扬,适合练习爆破音。第2 首 fly me to the moon: 爵士曲风,经典老歌,意味深长。

第3 首 try to remember: 四兄弟组合带来的这首歌曲,将你带回对往日岁月的回忆,温馨而上口。第7 首 you are my sunshine: 经典老歌新唱法,是练习歌词听写的绝好材料。

第8 首 edelweiss: 奥斯卡获奖音乐剧《音乐之声》的原版插曲,中气十足的男声演绎,在悠扬 的旋律中模仿地道发音。

B 级

第4 首 autumn leaves: 深情的女声演绎,将对爱人的思念和秋日的忧伤一曲全囊括,宁静优雅。第10 首 take me to your heart: 这是几年前街知巷闻的一首翻唱歌曲,也让很多中国人知道了一个外国乐队——麦克学摇滚,熟悉的旋律,朗朗上口。

第12 首 every time: 出自小甜甜布兰妮in the zone 专辑,歌曲融合了钢琴,小提琴,大提


第13 首She: 德国新晋乐队Groove Coverage----闪舞精灵继“God is a girl”之后又推出新单曲“She”,一经推出就受到广大乐迷的一直好评,并广为传唱。这首歌曲曲风轻快,充满着夏日海边的浪漫风情.第15 首 Lemon tree: 由 5 个德国小伙子组成的Fool’s garden “愚人花园”乐队带来的这首歌曲,节奏轻快,在年轻人中很是流行。很多人知道这首歌是一个台湾女孩子(苏慧伦)翻唱成中文版,这才让它在这个东方大国漂起!

C 级

第9 首promises don't come easy: 一首经典的奥斯卡金曲,浪漫的气息随着音乐响起的那一刻丝丝蔓延。女主唱的声音圆润深情,值得一听再听。

第11 首 aesthetic: 日剧《医龙》的插曲,风格轻灵,有令人一听钟情的魅力。第14 首 I love you for sentimental reason: 这是一首很浪漫的歌曲,以致很多人想把这首歌最为婚礼的背景音乐。嘿嘿

第16 首 season in the sun: 这是由一个真实的故事而来的一首歌曲,故事中充满了爱情、背叛和友谊,歌词是故事主人公的遗言,所以充满了忧伤和回忆的感觉。

第17 首 forever young: 这首歌有很多的版本,我带给你们的是黄莺莺的版本,黄莺莺的英文情歌,总是牵动那些蜇伏内心里似曾相识的记忆,曾经热恋、曾经失恋抚伤,一遍又一遍,而我们总是舍得。从听见黄莺莺之后,似曾相识的经典再度传唱。

第18 首 yesterday once more: 唱者卡伦卡彭特被称为美国的邓丽君,当她死于神经性厌食症时,人们突然发现,在所有那些包装精良,华美诱人的热门金曲中,可能只有卡伦卡彭特的声音值得被收藏,她把悠长的旋律唱得光芒耀眼,即使怀旧,都充满了对生活的感恩,她的歌声始终在呼唤人们热爱的本能。

D 级

第5 首 the big bang theory theme song: 流行美剧《天才也性感》第一季的主题曲,曲风欢快,节奏明快,对你的听力反应速度是一大考验哦。

第6 首 timeless: 男女合唱曲目,由第一届美国偶像歌唱比赛冠军Kelly Clarkson与亚军Justin Guarini 诠释,将对爱情永恒的期待融入歌曲中。不论从歌曲的演唱还是模仿难度上来说,这首歌有一定难度。

第19 首 1234: 这首歌是Ipod 最新的广告歌,旋律轻快,以one two three four 的歌词开头,很有新意。让我们随着音乐的旋律来做一次时尚达人吧。

第20 首 Unwritten: 这首歌曲的旋律你一定很熟悉,它是潘婷洗发水的广告歌,可能对于有些学


1.Big big world

I’m a big big girl in a big big world it's not a big big thing if you leave me

but I do do feel that I too too will miss you much miss you much...I can see the first leaf falling it's all yellow and nice it's so very cold outside

like the way I’m feeling inside I’m a big big girl in a big big world it's not a big big thing if you leave me

but I do do feel that I too too will miss you much miss you much...outside it's now raining

and tears are falling from my eyes why did it have to happen why did it all have to end

I’m a big big girl in a big big world it's not a big big thing if you leave me

but I do do feel that I too too will miss you much miss you much

I have your arms around me ooooh like fire

but when I open my eyes You’re gone...I’m a big big girl in a big big world it's not a big big thing if you leave me

but I do do feel that I too too will miss you much miss you much...i'm a big big girl in a big big world it's not a big big thing if you leave me but i do feel i will miss you much miss you much...2.Fly me to the moon

Fly to the moon

Let me play among those stars Let me see what spring is like On Jupiter and Mars

In other words, hold my hand In other words, baby Kisses me

Fill my heart with song Let me sing for ever more You are all I long for All I worship and adore

In other words, please be true In other words, I love you

3.Try to remember

try to remember the kind of September when life was slow and though so mellow

try to remember the kind of September when grass was green and grain was yellow

try to remember the kind of September when you were a tender and callow fellow

try to remember and if you remember then follow follow

try to remember when life was so tender that no one wept except the willow

try to remember the kind of September when love was an ember about to billow

try to remember and if you remember then follow, follow follow

4.Autumn leaves

The falling leaves Drift by my window The autumn leaves Of red and gold I see your lips

The summer kisses The sunburned hands I used to hold

Since you went away The days grow long And soon I’ll hear Old winter's song

But I miss you most of all My darling

When autumn leaves Start to fall

5.The Big Bang Theory Theme Song Our whole universe was in a hot dense state, And then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started.Wait The Earth began to cool

The autographs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools,We built a wall we built the pyramids,Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries, That all started with a big bang.6.Timeless

---kelly Clarkson &Justin guarini Baby come close, let me tell you this

In a whisper my heart says you know it too Maybe we both share a secret wish

And you're feeling my love reaching out to you Timeless, don’t let it end no

Now that you’re right in my arms where you should stay Hold tight baby

Timeless, don't let it fade out of sight Just let the moments sweep us both away

Lifting us to where, we both agree this is timeless, love I see it all baby in your eyes

When you look at me, you know I feel it too(yes I do)So let's sail away and meet forever baby Where the crystal ocean melts into the sky We shouldn't let the moment pass(moment pass)

Making me shiver, let's make it last Why should we lose it? Don't ever let me go

Yeah yeah yeah yeeeaah yeah

Baby it's timeless(oh baby it's timeless)Timeless

Don't let it fade out of sight

Just let the moments sweep us both away(just let the moments)

Lifting us to where we both agree this is timeless This is timeless, love

7.You are my sunshine

You are my sunshine My only sunshine You make me happy When skies are gray You’ll never know dear How much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away The other night dear, as I lay sleeping I dreamed I held you in my arms

But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken So I hung my head and I cried.8.Edelweiss

Edelweiss, edelweiss

Every morning you greet me

Small and white, Clean and bright You look happy to meet me

Blossom of snow May you bloom and grow Bloom and grow forever Edelweiss, edelweiss

Bless my homeland forever

9.Promises don't Come Easy

Promises don’t come easy

I should have known all along, there was something wrong

I just never read between the lines

Then I woke up one day and found you on your way Leaving nothing but my heart behind What can I do to make it up to you Promises don't come easy

But tell me if there's a way to bring you back home to stay

Well I'd promises anything to you

I've been walking' around with my head hanging down Wondering' what I'm gonna do

'Cause when you walked out that door, I knew I needed you more

Than to take a chance on losing you What can I do to make it up to you Promises don't come easy

You know I've made up my mind to make it work this time

That's the promise that I give to you You never thought I loved you I guess you never thought I cared I was just too proud to say it out loud

Now I know, to let my feelings go(so tell me)What can I do to make it up to you Promises don't come easy

You know I've made up my mind to make it work this time

That's the promise I can give to you What can I do to make it up to you

10.Take me to your heart

Hiding from the rain and snow Trying to forget but I won't let go Looking at a crowded street Listening to my own heart beat

So many people all around the world

Tell me where do I find Someone like you girl Take me to your heart Take me to your soul Give me your hand before I’m old Show me what love is Haven’t got a clue

Show me that wonders can be true They say nothing lasts forever We’re only here today

Love is now or never Bring me far away Take me to your heart Take me to your soul Give me your hand and hold me

Show me what love is-Be my guiding star It’s easy take me to your heart Standing on a mountain high

Looking at the moon through A clear blue sky I should go and see some friends But they don't really comprehend Don’t need too much

Talking without saying anything

All I need is someone Who makes me wanna sing Take me to your heart Take me to your soul Give me your hand before I’m old Show me what love is Haven’t got a clue

Show me that wonders can be true They say nothing lasts forever We’re only here today Love is now or never Bring me far away

Take me to your heart Take me to your soul Give me your hand and hold me

Show me what love is – Be my guiding star It’s easy take me to your heart

Take me to your heart Take me to your soul Give me your hand and hold me

Show me what love is – Be my guiding star It’s easy take me to your heart


Longing for you Day and in dream

I'm hoping you're here Every moment You steal my love Then time in need If you walk away I will follow you Drown in my love With your secret gift You gave to me I was there

As the spirit guides Your precious soul Holding your hand As I walk you

Through the whole Of the world Carry away with That thing we were Seeing the real sky Drown in my love With your secret gift You gave to me I was there

As the spirit guides Your precious soul Holding your hand As I walk you

Through the whole Of the world Carry away with That thing we were Seeing the real sky 12.Every time

Notice me Take my hand Why are we? Strangers when Our love is strong

Why carry on without me? Every time I try to fly I fall without my wings I feel so small

I guess I need you baby And every time I see You in my dreams I see your face, It’s haunting me

I guess I need you baby I make believe That you are here It's the only way I see clear

What have I done?

You seem to move on easy Every time I try to fly I fall without my wings I feel so small

I guess I need you baby And every time I see You in my dreams I see your face, You’re haunting me I guess I need you baby I may have made it rain Please forgive me My weakness caused You pain

And this song is my sorry Ohhhh

At night I pray

That soon your face Will fade away

And every time I try to fly I fall without my wings I feel so small

I guess I need you baby And every time I see You in my dreams I see your face, You’re haunting me I guess I need you baby


She hangs out every day near by the beach Havin' a HEINEKEN fallin' asleep

She looks so sexy when she's walking the sand Nobody ever put a ring on her hand Swim to the ocean shore fish in the sea She is the story the story is she

She sings to the moon and the stars in the sky Shining from high above you shouldn't ask why She is the one that you never forget She is the heaven-sent angel you met Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl

She is so pretty all over the world She puts the rhythm, The beat in the drum She comes in the morning And the evening she's gone

Every little hour every second you live Trust in eternity that's what she gives She looks like Marilyn, Walks like Suzanne

She talks like Monica and Marianne

She wins in everything that she might do And she will respect you forever just you

She is the one that you never forget

She is the heaven-sent angel you met Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl

She is so pretty all over the world She is so pretty all over the world She is so pretty

She is like you and me Like them like we She is in you and me

She is the one that you never forget She is the heaven-sent angel you met Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl

She is so pretty all over the world(She is the one)She is the one

(That you never forget)That you never forget

She is the heaven-sent angel you met She must be the reason why God made a girl

She is so pretty all over the world(oh...)Na na na na na …

14.I love you for sentimental reason

I love you for

Sentimental reason

I hope you do believe me I'll give you my heart I love you and you alone Were meant for me Please give your Loving heart to me

And say we'll never apart I think of you every morning Dream of you every night Oh~ Darling I'm never lonely Whenever you're in sight I love you for

Sentimental reason

I hope you do believe me I'll give you my heart

I think of you every morning Dream of you every night Oh~ Darling I'm never lonely Whenever you're in sight I love you for

Sentimental reason

I hope you do believe me I'll give you my hear

15.Lemon tree

I’m sitting here in a boring room

It’s just another rainy Sunday afternoon I’m wasting my time, I got nothing to do I’m hanging around, I’m waiting for you But nothing ever happens--and I wonder I’m driving around in my car

I’m driving too fast, I’m driving too far I’d like to change my point of view I feel so lonely, I’m waiting for you

But nothing ever happens, and I wonder I wonder how, I wonder why

Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree I’m turning my head up and down I’m turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around

And all that I can see is just a yellow(another)lemon tree La, la da dee da, etc.I’m sitting here, I miss the power I’d like to go out taking a shower

But there's a heavy cloud inside my head I feel so tired, put myself into bed

Where nothing ever happens-and I wonder Isolation Is not good for me

Isolation I don't want to sit on a lemon tree I’m stepping around in a dessert of joy Baby anyhow I’ll get another toy And everything will happen--and you'll wonder

I wonder how I wonder why

Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue, blue sky And all that I can see And all that I can see

And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree

16.Season in the sun

Goodbye to you my trusted friend We’ve known each other

Since we were nine or ten

Together we've climbed hills and trees Learned of love and abc's

Skinned our hearts and skinned our knees Goodbye my friend it's hard to die

When all the birds are singing in the sky Now that spring is in the air Pretty girls are everywhere Think of me and I’ll be there We had joy, we had fun We had seasons in the sun But the hills that we climbed Were just seasons out of time? Wish you enjoy this music-fire nice Goodbye papa please pray for me I was the black sheep of the family You tried to teach me right from wrong Too much wine and too much song Wonder how I got along

Goodbye papa it's hard to die

When all the birds are singing in the sky Now that the spring is in the air Little children everywhere

When you see them, I’ll be there We had joy, we had fun We had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song Like the seasons have all gone We had joy, we had fun We had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song Like the seasons have all gone

Goodbye Michelle my little one

You gave me love and helped me find the sun And every time that i was down You would always come around And get my feet back on the ground Goodbye Michelle it's hard to die

When all the birds are singing in the sky Now that the spring is in the air With the flowers everywhere

I wish that we could both be there

17.Forever Young

Let's dance in style, let's dance for a while Heaven can wait we're only watching the skies Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst Are you gonna drop the bomb or not Let us die young or let us live forever

We don't have the power, but we never say never Sitting in a sand-pit, life is a short trip The music's for the sad men.Can you imagine when this race is won? Turn our golden faces into the sun

Praising our leaders, we're getting in tune The music's played by the mad men

Forever young, I want to be forever young do you really want to live forever, forever, forever

Forever young, I want to be forever young do you really want to live forever? Forever, forever

Some are like water, some are like the heat Some are a melody and some are the beat Sooner or later they all will be gone Why don't they stay young?

It's so hard to get old without a cause I don't want to perish like a fading rose Youth's like diamonds in the sun And diamonds are forever

So many adventures couldn't happen today So many songs that we forgot to play So many dreams swinging out of the blue We let them come true

Forever young, I want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever, forever, forever?

Forever young, I want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever, forever, forever?

Forever young, I want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever, forever, forever?

Forever young, I want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever, forever?

18.Yesterday once more

When I was young, I’d listen to the radio, waiting for my favorite songs.When they played I’d sing along.It made me smile.Those were such happy times, and not so long ago.How I wondered where they’d gone.But they’re back again, just like a long-lost friend.All the songs I loved so well.Every sha-la-la-la,every wo-wo still shines.Every shing-a-ling-a-ling,that they’re starting to sing, so fine.When they get to the part where he’s breaking her heart,It can really make me cry.Just like before, It’s yesterday once more.Looking back on how it was in years gone by, and the good time that I had,makes today seem rather sad;so much has changed.It was songs of love

that I would sing to them, and I’d memorize each word.Those old melodies still sound so good to me, as they melt the years away.Every sha-la-la-la, every wo-wo still shines.Every shing-a-ling-a-ling,that they’re starting to sing, so fine.All my best memories come back clearly to me;some can even make me cry.Just like before, it’s yesterday once more.Every sha-la-la-la, every wo-wo still shines.Every shing-a-ling-a-ling,that they re starting to sing, so fine.19.One two three four

tell me that you love me more sleepless, long nights says what my use is for

oh teenage hopes are alive at your door

left you with nothing

but they want some more

oh oh your changing your heart oh oh you know who you are sweet heart, bitter heart now I can't tell you apart cozy and cold

put the horse before the car those teenage hopes who are teasing me, lies

too scared to run after one little lie oh oh your changing your heart oh oh you know who you are 10 Money can't but you

back the love that you had then

20.Unwritten(Natasha Bedingfield)

I am unwritten, can't read my mind, I’m undefined I’m just beginning, the pen's in my hand, ending unplanned

staring at the blank page before you, open up the dirty window

let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find

reaching for something in the distance so close you can almost taste it release your inhibitions feel the rain on your skin no one else can feel it for you only you can let it in no one else, no one else

can speak the words on your lips drench yourself in words unspoken live your life with arms wide open

today is where your book begins the rest is still unwritten oh, oh

I break tradition, sometimes my tries, are outside the lines(yeah yeah)

we've been conditioned to not make mistakes, but I can't live that way(oh oh)

staring at the blank page before you, open up the dirty window

let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find

reaching for something in the distance so close you can almost taste it release your inhibitions feel the rain on your skin no one else can feel it for you only you can let it in no one else, no one else

can speak the words on your lips drench yourself in words unspoken live your life with arms wide open today is where your book begins feel the rain on your skin no one else can feel it for you only you can let it in no one else, no one else

can speak the words on your lips drench yourself in words unspoken live your life with arms wide open today is where your book begins the rest is still unwritten

staring at the blank page before you, open up the dirty window

let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find

reaching for something in the distance so close you can almost taste it release your inhibitions feel the rain on your skin no one else can feel it for you only you can let it in no one else, no one else

can speak the words on your lips drench yourself in words unspoken

live your life with arms wide open today is where your book begins feel the rain on your skin no one else can feel it for you only you can let it in no one else, no one else

can speak the words on your lips drench yourself in words unspoken live your life with arms wide open today is where your book begins the rest is still unwritten the rest is still unwritten the rest is still unwritten...



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