
时间:2019-05-14 20:22:01下载本文作者:会员上传


论文题目:多自由度非线性机械系统的全局分叉和混沌动力学研究 作者简介:姚明辉,女,1971年11月出生,2002年09月师从于北京工业大学张伟教授,于2006年06月获博士学位。


























Studies on Global Bifurcations and Chaotic Dynamics in Multi-Degree of Freedom Nonlinear Mechanical Systems

Yao Minghui ABSTRACT

The governing equations of motion for a number of engineering problems can be described by high-dimensional nonlinear systems.Comparing with low-dimensional nonlinear systems, the theory method, geometrical description and numerical simulation on the complicated dynamic behavior of high dimensional nonlinear systems were more difficult.The global bifurcations and chaotic dynamics of high-dimensional nonlinear systems have been at the forefront of nonlinear dynamics for the last two decades.Due to lack of analytical tools and methods to study the global bifurcations and chaotic dynamics for high-dimensional nonlinear systems, it is extremely challenging to develop the theories of the global bifurcations and chaotic dynamics for high-dimensional nonlinear systems and to give systematic applications to engineering problems.Therefore, the global bifurcations and chaotic dynamics of high-dimensional nonlinear systems are important theoretical problems in science and engineering applications as they can reveal the instabilities of motion and complicated dynamical behaviors in high-dimensional nonlinear systems.Besides the Shilnikov type single-pulse global bifurcations and chaotic dynamics of high-dimensional nonlinear systems, the Shilnikov type multi-pulse homoclinic and heteroclinic bifurcations and chaotic dynamics were investigated.Two main methods for studying the Shilnikov type multi-pulse homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits in high-dimensional nonlinear systems are the energy-phase method and the generalized Melnikov method.In this dissertation, we improve and expand the energy-phase method and the generalized Melnikov method presented by Haller, Kovacic and Wiggins.These two methods are utilized to investigate the Shilnikov type multi-pulse heteroclinic and homoclinic bifurcations and chaotic dynamics for three high-dimensional nonlinear mechanical systems which the nonlinear non-planar oscillations of a cantilever beam, a parametrically excited viscoelastic moving belt and a parametrically and externally excited thin plate.The analysis of global dynamics indicates that there exist the multi-pulse jumping orbits in the perturbed phase space of the averaged equation for three high-dimensional nonlinear mechanical systems.These results show that the multi-pulse Shilnikov orbits chaotic motions can occur for three high-dimensional nonlinear mechanical systems.Numerical simulations are also given to verify the analytical predictions.The research contents and the innovative contributions of this dissertation are as follows:(1)We give a review of the researches on the global bifurcations and chaotic dynamics of high-dimensional nonlinear systems and summarize the developments and results achieved on studies the Shilnikov type multi-pulse chaotic dynamics with the energy-phase method and the generalized Melnikov method in the past two decades.We indicate the unsolved problems at present and the developing directions in the energy-phase method and the generalized Melnikov method in the future.(2)We give a briefly description on the energy-phase method and the generalized Melnikov method based on the research work given by Haller, Kovacic and Wiggins et al.in the theoretical frame.Due to the short time of the development and independence of the two methods, we analyze the difference and relation between the two global singular perturbation methods in detail for the first time.(3)Based on research obtained in this dissertation, we think that the symplectic transformations used by Haller et al.do not have topological equivalence because they will change the topology of the phase space and the types of multi-pulse connections.The energy-phase method is further improved to ensure the equivalence of topological structure for the phase portraits.The multi-pulse Shilnikov orbits and chaotic dynamics with the energy-phase method in three high-dimensional nonlinear mechanical systems are studied in this dissertation for the first time.These results show that the multi-pulse Shilnikov orbits chaotic motions can occur for three high-dimensional nonlinear mechanical systems.(4)Due to difficulties of comprehension and computation of the generalized Melnikov method, it is not always applied to engineering problems.We expand and apply the generalized Melnikov method to study the Shilnikov type multi-pulse orbits to resonance bands in three high-dimensional nonlinear mechanical systems for the first time.These results show that the multi-pulse Shilnikov orbits chaotic motions can occur for three high-dimensional nonlinear mechanical systems.(5)The many pulses orbits with the energy-phase method chaotic dynamics for the nonlinear non-planar oscillations of a cantilever beam are studied in this dissertation for the first time.The resonant case considered here is principal parametric resonance-1/2 sub-harmonic resonance for the first mode and fundamental parametric resonance-primary resonance for the second mode.Based on normal form obtained, the improved energy-phase method is utilized to analyze the multi-pulse global heteroclinic bifurcations and chaotic dynamics for the nonlinear non-planar oscillations of the cantilever beam for the first time.The chaotic motions of the nonlinear non-planar oscillations of a cantilever beam are also found by using numerical simulation.(6)The multi-pulse orbits and chaotic dynamics of parametrically excited viscoelastic moving belt are studied in detail for the first time.Using Kelvin-type viscoelastic constitutive law, the equations of motion for viscoelastic moving belt with the external damping and parametric excitation are determined.The four-dimensional averaged equation under the case of 1:1 internal resonance and primary parametric resonance is obtained by directly using the method of multiple scales and Galerkin’s approach to the partial differential governing equation of viscoelastic moving belt.From the averaged equations obtained here, the theory of normal form is used to give the explicit expressions of normal form with a double zero and a pair of pure imaginary eigenvalues.Based on the normal form, the improved energy-phrase method is employed to analyze the global homoclinic bifurcations and chaotic dynamics in parametrically excited viscoelastic moving belt.The global analysis indicates that there exist the Shilnikov type multi-pulse orbits in the averaged equation.The results obtained above mean the existence of the chaos for the Smale horseshoe sense in motion of parametrically excited viscoelastic moving belt.The chaotic motions of viscoelastic moving belts are also found by using numerical simulation.It is also found from the results of numerical simulation of the relationship of the width of the layers and the lowest number of pulses that the width of the layers decreases with the augment of the lowest number of pulses.(7)The multi-pulse Shilnikov orbits and chaotic dynamics in a parametrically and externally excited thin plate are studied in this dissertation for the first time.The thin plate is subjected to transversal and in-plane excitations, simultaneously.The formulas of the thin plate are derived from the von Kármán equation and Galerkin’s method.The method of multiple scales is used to find the averaged equation.The theory of normal form, based on the averaged equation, is used to obtain the explicit expressions of normal form associated with a double zero and a pair of purely imaginary eigenvalues from the Maple program.Based on the normal form obtained above, the dissipative version of the improved energy-phase method is utilized to analyze the multi-pulse global heteroclinic bifurcations and chaotic dynamics in a parametrically and externally excited thin plate.The global dynamics analysis indicates that there exist the multi-pulse jumping orbits in the perturbed phase space of the averaged equations for a parametrically and externally excited thin plate.These results show that the chaotic motions of the multi-pulse Shilnikov type can occur in a parametrically and externally excited thin plate.Numerical simulations are given to verify the analytical predictions.It is also found from the results of numerical simulation that the multi-pulse Shilnikov type orbits exist in a parametrically and externally excited thin plate.(8)The generalized Melnikov method of near-integral Hamiltonian system is applied to study the multi-pulse global homoclinic bifurcations and chaotic dynamics for the nonlinear non-planar oscillations of the cantilever beam for the first time.The analysis of global dynamics indicates that there exist the multi-pulse jumping orbits in the perturbed phase space of the averaged equation for the nonlinear non-planar oscillations of the cantilever beam.Numerical simulations are given to verify the analytical predictions.It is also found from the results of numerical simulation in three-dimensional phase space that the multi-pulse orbits exist for the nonlinear non-planar oscillations of the cantilever beam.(9)The generalized Melnikov method of near-integral Hamiltonian system is applied to study the multi-pulse global heteroclinic bifurcations and chaotic dynamics for parametrically excited viscoelastic moving belt and a parametrically and externally excited thin plate for the first time.The analysis of global dynamics indicates that there exist the multi-pulse jumping orbits in the perturbed phase space of the averaged equation for these systems.Numerical simulations are given to verify the analytical predictions.It is also found from the results of numerical simulation in three-dimensional phase space that the multi-pulse orbits exist for these systems.(10)The results of numerical simulation show that the chaotic motion of the new Shilnikov type multi-pulse orbits can occur for a two-degree-of-freedom nonlinear mechanical system.Generalized Melnikov method and the energy-phase method developed in the short time.The energy-phase method studies dissipative energy of multi-pulse orbits, while generalized Melnikov method analyses the distance of the stable manifold and unstable manifold of multi-pulse orbits.They have merit and defect respectively.If we can combine these both methods to study multi-orbits, we will draw a conclusion completely.The innovative achievements of this dissertation mainly are as follows:(1)The Shilnikov type multi-pulse orbits with the energy-phase method and generalized Melnikov method chaotic dynamics for the nonlinear non-planar oscillations of a cantilever beam, parametrically excited viscoelastic moving belt and a parametrically and externally excited thin plate are studied in this dissertation for the first time.The Shilnikov type chaotic dynamics are found in the three high-dimensional nonlinear mechanical systems.(2)Based on research obtained in this dissertation, we think that the symplectic transformations used by Haller et al.do not have topological equivalence because they will change the topology of the phase space and the types of multi-pulse connections.The energy-phase method is further improved to ensure the equivalence of topological structure for the phase portraits.(3)Due to difficulties of comprehension and computation of the generalized Melnikov method, it is not always applied to engineering problems.We expand and apply the generalized Melnikov method to study the Shilnikov type multi-pulse orbits to resonance bands in three high-dimensional nonlinear mechanical systems for the first time.These results show that the multi-pulse Shilnikov orbits chaotic motions can occur for three high-dimensional nonlinear mechanical systems.(4)The results of numerical simulation show that the chaotic motion of the new Shilnikov type multi-pulse orbits can occur for a two-degree-of-freedom nonlinear mechanical system.The Shilnikov type multi-pulse orbits with the energy-phase method and generalized Melnikov method chaotic dynamics for the nonlinear non-planar oscillations of a cantilever beam, parametrically excited viscoelastic moving belt and a parametrically and externally excited thin plate are studied in this dissertation.We find the energy-phase method and generalized Melnikov method needing to improve further through our research.The three aspects as follows need further study:(1)How to expand the energy-phase method and generalized Melnikov method to high-dimensional non-autonomous nonlinear systems and high-dimensional which are higher than four dimensional nonlinear systems?(2)Using the energy-phase method to analyze multi-pulse orbits for high-dimensional nonlinear systems is important to define a dissipative factor which is the ratio of the damping coefficient to the excited force.Until now the energy-phase method can only study single dissipative factor, while can not analyze many dissipative factors which are the ratio of the damping coefficients to the excited forces.How to deal with many dissipative factors?(3)The theory of the energy-phase method and generalized Melnikov method is too complicated to apply to engineering problems conveniently.How to improve and simplify these two methods to apply engineering field well? How to present new criterion of the multi-pulse orbits?

Key words: Generalized Melnikov method, the energy-phase method, Shilnikov type multi-pulse, global bifurcations, chaotic dynamics, theory of normal form, cantilever beam, viscoelastic moving belt, thin plate





在平行多连杆样品抓取机构设计原理与动力学分析的基础上,采用adams软件建立了动力学模型.在该模型中,假设追踪飞行器和目标飞行器的几何中心在向坐标相同,在整个样品抓取与转移过程中,平行多连杆样品抓取机构在恒定的电机的驱动下经过四次张开收合的过程,在每套机构上的3组抓取机构与样品采集器的接触力作用下将样品采集器从追踪飞行器移动到目标飞行器内,而样品采集器与导向槽之间的接触力将保证样品采集器在运动过程中不至翻转.在目标飞行器上设计了止动锁紧装置,使得样品采集器在转移机构收合过程中不至反向运动,同时调整其姿态.整个模型中包括转动副(Revolute Joint)、平移副(RevoluteJoint)、驱动速度(motion)、样品采集器与棘爪之间的碰撞接触力(contact)、样品采集器与导向槽之间的碰撞接触力(contact)、样品采集器与止动锁紧装置之间的碰撞接触力(contact)等.3仿真算例

3.1 正常工作




经仿真计算,当只有一套平行多连杆样品抓取机构正常工作时,也能顺利完成样品转移任务.在这种工况下,姿态偏移量,经过转移过程,样品采集器的位移与姿态都发生了变化,其中,样品采集器X方向位置偏移为-1mm;Y方向位移为-565.8 mm;Z方向位置偏移量计算值为-0.005 mm;X方向转角为2.09度,Y方向转角为-1.08度,Z方向转角为0度.3.2.2接触力计算值

通过计算可以求得在样品转移过程中,后端抓取机构与样品采集器之间的碰撞接触力以及样品采集器与导向槽之间的碰撞接触力随时间变化的曲线,反映了平行多连杆样品抓取机构的动力学,其中,后端抓取机构与样品采集器的碰撞接触力计算值.从图中可以看出,正常工作的后端抓取机构与样品采集器之间的碰撞接触力有尖峰值出现,最大值为2006.8 N;样品采集器导向槽与样品采集器碰撞接触力较小,追踪飞行器导向槽与样品采集器碰撞接触力有尖峰值出现,最大值1102.7N,目标飞行器导向槽与样品采集器碰撞接触力也有尖峰值出现,最大值为4342.5 N.当样品采集器被转移到目标飞行器内之后,经过一段时间,样品采集器与目标飞行器之间的碰撞接触力趋于平衡,且平衡值为0.由此可以看出,当平行多连杆样品抓取机构正常工作时,后端抓取机构与样品采集器之间的碰撞接触力、追踪飞行器导向槽与样品采集器碰撞接触力以及目标飞行器导向槽与样品采集器碰撞接触力均有较大的尖峰值出现,但样品采集器位置与姿态偏移量并不明显,因此,在材料刚度强度足够的情况下,单套平行多连杆样品抓取机构也能正常完成样品转移任务.4结论




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