
时间:2019-05-14 21:25:00下载本文作者:会员上传









五年级一班 崔成勇














亚洲森林区中的黑熊 猛兽地带中的白老虎

南非高原区中的羚羊 乘车观赏区中,也可以自驾车,在车上放些青菜萝卜,一些草食动物,象小鹿什么的,就会走到你的车前,可以更近距离地和它们接触。

南非高原区中的河马。导游说:今天我们运气好,象这么热的天,河马一般都呆在水里,不会上岸的。5 东非草原区的鸵鸟。







以下介绍的是必玩景点。步行区的开始,是动物幼儿园,里面很多非常可爱的动物宝宝,天气虽然酷热,看到它们心情也好了不少,所有的动物在小的时候都那么可爱~ 睡眼惺忪的小白虎


白虎:天气真热啊,什么时候能下场雨啊? 话语未毕,工作人员就贴心的人工降雨了,毕竟我们老虎是珍稀动物嘛,虽然不能象熊猫那样住冷气房,来点儿特殊待遇也不过份啊。









澳洲园里还有长得象大白老鼠的白袋鼠~Jimmy有点儿害怕地说,他以为这是巨型大老鼠呢 神情忧郁的灰袋鼠~它们是在想念家乡吗?




大熊猫中心对面是亚洲象园,可以顺便看看大象 然后转往非洲部落,看看这些机灵的獴哥











半个小时的表演很快就过去了,我们也要尽快赶回酒店搭接驳巴士去港口坐船。一个精彩的周末就这样渡过~ 温馨家庭之旅:





Ladies and Gentlemen:

Welcome to the Great Wall.Starting out in the east on the banks of the Yale River in Leaning Province, the Wall stretches westwards for 12,700 kilometers to Jiayuguan in the Gobi desert, thus known as the Ten Thousand Li Wall in China.The Wall climbs up and down, twists and turns along the ridges of the Yanshan and Yinshan Mountain Chains through five provinces——Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Gansu and two autonomous regions——Ningxia and Inner Mongolia, binding the northern China together.Historical records trace the construction of the origin of the Wall to defensive fortification back to the year 656 B.C.during the reign of King Cheng of the States of Chu.Its construction continued throughout the Warring States period in the fifth Century B.C.Walls, then, was built separately by these ducal states to ward off such harassments.Later in 221 B.C.The most extensive reinforcements and renovations were carried out in the Ming Dynasty(1368——1644)when altogether 18 lengthy stretches were reinforced with bricks and rocks.it is mostly the Ming Dynasty Wall that visitors see today.The Great Wall is divided into two sections, the east and west, with Shanxi Province as the dividing line.The west part is a rammed earth construction, about 5.3 meters high on average.In the eastern part, the core of the Wall is rammed earth as well, but the outer shell is reinforced with bricks and rocks.The most imposing and best preserved sections of the Great Wall are at Badaling and Mutianyu, not far from Beijing and both are open to visitors.The Wall of those sections is 7.8 meters high and 6.5 meters wide at its base, narrowing to 5.8 meters on the ramparts, wide enough for five horses to gallop abreast.Two-storied watch-towers are built at approximately 400-meters internals.The top stories of the watch-tower were designed for observing enemy movements, while the first was used for storing grain, fodder, military equipment and gunpowder as well as for quartering garrison soldiers.The highest watch-tower at Badaling standing on a hill-top, is reached only after a steep climb, like “climbing a ladder to heaven”.There stand 14 major passes(Guan, in Chinese)at places of strategic importance along the Great Wall, the most important being Shanghaiguan and Jiayuguan.Yet the most impressive one is Juyongguan, about 50 kilometers northwest of Beijing.Known as “Tian Xia Di YI Guan”(The First PaUnder Heaven), Shanghaiguan Pais situated between two sheer cliffs forming a neck connecting north China with the northeast.It had been, therefore, a key junction contested by all strategists and many famous battles were fought here.It was the gate of Shanghaiguan that the Ming general Wu Sangui opened to the Manchu army to supprethe peasant rebellion led by Li Zicheng and so surrendered the whole Ming empire to the Manchus, leading to the foundation of the Qing Dynasty.(1644-1911)

As a cultural heritage, the Wall belongs not only to China but to the world.The Venice charter says: “Historical and cultural architecture not only includes the individual architectural works, but also the urban or rural environment that witnessed certain civilizations, significant social developments or historical events.” The Great Wall is the largest of such historical and cultural architecture, and that is why it continues to be so attractive to people all over the world.In 1987, the Wall was listed by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage site.北京英文导游词二:

Tian'anmen(the Gate of Heavenly Peace),is located in the center of Beijing.It was first built in 1417 and named Chengtianmen(the Gate of Heavenly Succession)。At the end of the Ming Dynasty,it was seriously damaged by war.When it was rebuilt under the Qing in 1651,it was renamed Tian'anmen,and served as the main entrance to the Imperial City,the administrative and residential quarters for court officials and retainers.The southern sections of the Imperial City wall still stand on both sides of the Gate.The tower at the top of the gate is nine-room wide and five–room deep.According to the Book of Changes,the two numbers nine and five,when combined,symbolize the supreme status of a sovereign.During the Ming and Qing dynasties,Tian'anmen was the place where state ceremonies took place.The most important one of them was the issuing of imperial edicts,which followed these steps:1)The Minister of Rites would receive the edict in Taihedian(Hall of Supreme Harmony),where the Emperor was holding his court.The minister would then carry the decree on a yunpan(tray of cloud),and withdraw from the hall via Taihemen(Gate of supreme Harmony)2)The Minister would put the tray in a miniature longting(dragon pavilion)。Beneath a yellow umbrella and carry it via Wumen(Meridian Gate),to Tian'anmen Gate tower.3)A courtier would be invested to proclaim the edict.The civil and military officials lining both sides of the gateway beneath the tower would prostrate themselves in the direction of the emperor in waiting for the decree to the proclaimed.3)The courtier would then put the edict in a phoenix-shaped wooden box and lower it from the tower by means of a silk cord.The document would finally be carried in a similar tray of cloud under a yellow umbrella to the Ministry of Rites.4)The edict,copied on yellow paper,would be made known to the whole country.Such a process was historically recorded as “ Imperial Edict Issued by Golden Phoenix”.During the Ming and Qing dynasties Tian'anmen was the most important passage.It was this gate that the Emperor and his retinue would go through on their way to the altars for ritual and religious activities.On the Westside of Tian'anmen stands ZhongshanPark(Dr.Sun Yat-sen's Park),and on the east side,the Working People's Cultural Palace.The Park was formerly called Shejitan(Altar of Land and Grain),built in 1420 for offering sacrificial items to the God of Land.It was opened to the public as a park in 1914 and its name was changed in 1928 to the present one in memory of the great pioneer of the Chinese Democratic Revolution.The Working People's Cultural Palace used to be Taimiao(the Supreme Ancestral Temple),where tablets of the deceased dynastic rulers were kept.The stream in front of Tian'anmen is called Waijinshuihe(Outer Golden River),with seven marble bridges spanning over it.Of these seven bridges,historical records say the middle one was for the exclusive use of the emperor and was accordingly called Yuluqiao(Imperial Bridge)。

The bridges flanking it on either side were meant for the members of the royal family and were therefore called Wanggongqiao(Royal's Bridges)。Farther away on each side of the two were bridges for officials ranking above the third order and were named Pinjiqiao(ministerial Bridges)。The remaining two bridges were for the use by the retinue below the third order and were called Gongshengqiao(common Bridges)。They are the one in front of the Supreme Ancestral Temple to the east and the one in front of the Altar of land and Grain to the west.The two stone lions by the Gate of Tian'anmen,one on each side were meant as sentries.They gaze toward the middle axis,guarding the emperor's walkway.In front of the gate stands a pair of marble columns called Huabiao.They are elaborately cut in bas-relief following the pattern of a legendary dragon.Behind the gate stands another pair of similar columns.The story of Huabiao may be traced to a couple of sources.One of the versions accredits its invention to one of the Chinese sage kings named Yao,who was said to have set up a wooden pillar in order to allow the ordinary people to expose evil-doers,hence it was originally called a slander pillar.Later it was reduced to a signpost,and now it serves as an ornament.The beast sitting on the top of the column is called “hou”,a legendary animal,which is said to have been a watcher of an emperor's behaviour.He was doing such duties as warning the emperor against staying too long outside the palace or indulging in pleasure and urging him to go to the people for their complaints or return in due time.Therefore,the two pairs of beasts were given the names “Wangjunhui”(Expecting the emperor's coming back)and “wangjunchu”(Expecting the emperor's going out)respectively。


iam pleased to serve as your guide today.this is the palace museum;also know as the purple forbidden city.it is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in china today.under ming emperor yongle, construction began in 1406.it took 14years to build the forbidden city.the first ruler who actually lived here was ming emperor zhudi.for five centuries thereafter, it continued to be the residence of23 successive emperors until 1911 when qing emperor puyi was forced to abdicate the throne.in 1987, the united nations educational, scientific and cultural organization recognized the forbidden city was a world cultural legacy.it is believed that the palace museum, or zi jin cheng(purple forbidden city), got its name from astronomy folklore, the ancient astronomers divided the constellations into groups and centered them around the ziwei yuan(north star).the constellation containing the north star was called the constellation of heavenly god and star itself was called the purple palace.because the emperor was supposedly the son of the heavenly gods, his central and dominant position would be further highlighted the use of the word purple in the name of his residence.in folklore, the term “an eastern purple cloud is drifting” became a metaphor for auspicious events after a purple cloud was seen drifting eastward immediately before the arrival of an ancient philosopher, laozi, to the hanghu pass.here, purple is associated with auspicious developments.the word jin(forbidden)is self-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-limits to ordinary people.the red and yellow used on the palace walls and roofs are also symbolic.red represents happiness, good fortune and wealth.yellow is the color of the earth on the loess plateau, the original home of the chinese people.yellow became an imperial color during the tang dynasty, when only members of the royal family were allowed to wear it and use it in their architecture.the forbidden city is rectangular in shape.it is 960 meters long from north to south and 750 meter wide from east west.it has 9,900 rooms under a total roof area 150,000 square meters.a 52-meter-wide-moat encircles a 9.9-meter—high wall which encloses the complex.octagon —shaped turrets rest on the four corners of the wall.there are four entrances into the city: the meridian gate to the south, the shenwu gate(gate of military prowess)to the north, and the xihua gate(gate of military prowess)to the north, and the xihua gate(western flowery gate)to the west ,the donghua(eastern flowery gate)to the east.manpower and materials throughout the country were used to build the forbidden city.a total of 230,000 artisans and one million laborers were employed.marble was quarried from fangshan country mount pan in jixian county in hebei province.granite was quarried in quyang county in hebei province.paving blocks were fired in kilns in suzhou in southern china.bricks and scarlet pigmentation used on the palatial walls came from linqing in shandong province.timber was cut ,processed and hauled from the northwestern and southern regions.the structure in front of us is the meridian gate.it is the main entrance to the forbidden city.it is also knows as wufenglou(five-phoenix tower).ming emperors held lavish banquets here on the 15th day of the first month of the chinese lunar year in hornor of their counties.they also used this place for punishing officals by flogging them with sticks.qing emperors used this building to announce the beginning of the new year.qing emperor qianglong changed the original name of this announcement ceremony from ban li(announcement of calendar)to ban shou(announcement of new moon)to avoid coincidental association with another emperor` s name, hongli, which was considered a taboo at that time.qing dynasty emperors also used this place to hold audience and for other important ceremonies.for example,when the imperial army returned victoriously from the battlefield ,it was here that the emperor presided over the ceremony to accept prisoners of war.(after entering the meridian gate and standing in front of the five marble bridges on golden water river)

now we are inside the forbidden city.before we start our tour, i would like to briefly introduce you to the architectural patterns befour us.to complete this solemn, magnificent and palatial complex, a variety of buildings were arranged on a north-south axis, and 8-kilometer-long invisible line that has become an inseparable part of the city of beijing.the forbidden city covers roughly one –third of this central axis.most of the important building in the forbidden city weree arranged along this line.the design and arrangement of the palaces reflect the solemn dignity of the royal court and rigidly –stratified feudal system.the forbidden city is divided into an outer and an inner count.we are now standing on the southernmost part of the outer count.in front of us lies the gate of supreme harmony.the gate is guarded by a pair of bronze lions ,symbolizing imperial power and dignity.the lions were the most exquisite and biggest of its kind.the one on the east playing with a ball is a male, and ball is said to represent state unity.the other one is a female.underneath one of its fore claws is a cub that is considered to be a symbol of perpetual imperial succession.the winding brook before us is the golden water river.it functions both as decoration and fire control.the five bridges spanning the river represent the five virtues preached by confucius :benevolence, righteousness, rites, intellence and fidelity.the river takes the shape of a bow and the north-south axis is its arrow.this was meant to show that the emperors ruled the country on behalf of god.


上海野生动物园一日游 兴仁小学四3丁盈








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