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Workpiece positioning and clamping scheme

The workpiece positioning and benchmarks should be consistent with the design basis, and should be prevented with a workpiece positioning, and the best choice.“ ”one-two sales as a positioning benchmarks in CNC machine tools, benchmarks, and the positioning is carefully to find.On the CNC lathe workpiece positioning installed with basic principles of ordinary machine tools.The Install method workpiece workpiece impact the processing accuracy and efficiency in order to give full play to the characteristics of their work, and the CNC machine tools folder installed workpiece should take into account the following factors: 1.as far as possible common fixture, only when you must design and manufacture of special fixture;

2.structural design to meet the accuracy requirements;

3.ease of positioning and clamping;

4.cleanup for ease of cutting;

5.resist cutting forces by sufficient rigidity;·Determine order passes and passes route The cutting line is the index of controlled processing tool relative to the workpiece and the direction of the trajectory.Reasonable choice of processing route is very important, because it is part of the machining accuracy and surface quality are closely related.In determining the cutting line is the main consideration the following points: 1)Ensure that parts of the request processing accuracy.2)convenient numerical computation, reduce the programming effort.3)find the shortest route to reduce processing time in order to improve processing efficiency air knife.4)minimize procedures paragraph number.5)Ensure that workpiece contours of the surface roughness after processing the request should be final, ultimate contours go straight sword processing.6)The dilemma knives knife(entry with all the routes have to seriously consider in order to minimize the contours on the cutting edge knife(elastic deformation caused by sudden changes)and left a knife marks, also need to avoid the contours on surface vertical cutter and workpiece scratch.Processing arrangements should be based on parts of the structure of the order and stock status and orientation clamp needed to take into account, with a focus on the rigidity of the job is not compromised.Order should be carried out by the following principles:(1)the process of processing cannot affect next process among the positioning and Clamping, punctuated by a universal machine tool manufacturing processes should also be integrated into account.(2)First-shaped cavity in the process, and then shape processes.(3)In the same location, gripping manner or with a knife processing processes, with a view to reducing duplication best connect with positioning, number changer number number plates and sift.(4)At the same time that you install in the process, many road arrangements should be first-come-first-served basis to the workpiece rigid undermine small processes.·Cutting sequence of arrangements: ① first rough after finishing first roughing, semi-finishing intermediate arrangements, final arrangements finishing and polishing.② After hsien Chu at the first part of the Assembly base and work surfaces, and other major surface processing, arrangements such as keyways, after light and threaded holes for fastening and other minor surface processing.Due to minor surface processing workload small and often has a position with major surface accuracy requirements, it is generally placed after the main surface of the half-finished, done prior to finishing.③ After the first hole for parts such as box, frame, link, base, machining end surface of the plane and hole used as a location, and then machining holes.This allows the positioning of workpiece clamping is stable and reliable, which guarantees the position accuracy of hole and plane, reducing tool wear and bring convenience to the hole.④ base to serve as a precision base surface, would be the first to process.So, the first operation is usually positioned surface roughing and semi-finishing(sometimes including finishing), and then to finish the base of location machining other surfaces.For example, the top hole machining of shaft parts.工件的定位与装夹方案:



1.尽可能采用通用夹具,必须时才设计制造专用夹具; 2.结构设计要满足精度要求; 3.易于定位和装夹; 4.易于切削的清理; 5.抵抗切削力由足够的刚度; 3.确定走刀顺序及走刀路线:

走刀路线是指数控加工过程中刀具相对于被加工件的运动轨迹和方向。加工路线的合理选择是非常重要的,因为它与零件的加工精度和表面质量密却相关。在确定走刀路线是主要考虑下列几点: 1)保证零件的加工精度要求。2)方便数值计算,减少编程工作量。









①先粗后精 先安排粗加工,中间安排半精加工,最后安排精加工和光整加工。②先主后次 先安排零件的装配基面和工作表面等主要表面的加工,后安排如键槽、紧 固用的光孔和螺纹孔等次要表面的加工。由于次要表面加工工作量小,又常与主要表面有位 置精度要求,所以一般放在主要表面的半精加工之后,精加工之前进行。

③先面后孔 对于箱体、支架、连杆、底座等零件,先加工用作定位的平面和孔的端面,然后再加工孔。这样可使工件定位夹紧稳定可靠,利于保证孔与平面的位置精度,减小刀具的磨损,同时也给孔加工带来方便。

④基面先行 用作精基准的表面,要首先加工出来。所以,第一道工序一般是进行定位面的粗加工和半精加工(有时包括精加工),然后再以精基面定位加工其它表面。例如,轴类零件顶尖孔的加工。

Workpiece positioning and clamping scheme


学号: 姓名:




学号:201215310142 Development of CNC machine


China's manufacturing must be from a big country to power, from low to high, from Made in China to Created in China's transition.Manufacturing technology to achieve this transformation, first, to high-tech, the second is to upgrade technology.CNC machine tools is the key to modern manufacturing equipment, country's output of CNC machine tools and technology in a way representative of the national manufacturing technology level and competitiveness.History of the development of CNC

In 1948, the U.S.company Parsons raised conceived that the computer-controlled machine tools is possible.In 1952, the first successful trial by the large vertical profiling machine refitted coordinate CNC milling machine.Soon began formal production, formally put into use in 1957.1959, and the transistor element is made of a printed circuit board, so that the CNC device into a second generation.After 1960, CNC drilling and milling machine developed rapidly, so CNC machine tools in machinery manufacturing sectors gradually gaining promotion.Our country in 1958 started to develop CNC machine tools, successful trial CNC machine system with tubes.In 1965, to start mass production with transistor coordinate CNC milling machines.In 1965, there has been a third-generation integrated CNC equipment, and promote the development of varieties and production of CNC machine tools.The late 1960s, has appeared in the direct control of a computer directly to multiple machines CNC System(DNC), also known as group control system.A small computer-controlled CNC system(CNC), make the CNC equipment with a small computer into the fourth-generation.In 1974, the successful development of microprocessors and semiconductor memory using a micro-computer numerical control equipment(referred to MNC), which is the fifth generation of CNC systems.Early 1980s, as computer software, hardware technology development, there has been 班级:2012级专升本1班


学号:201215310142 interactive CNC equipment can be performed of automatic programming.CNC equipment increasingly smaller that can be installed directly on the machine;automation of CNC machine tools to further improve, with automatic monitoring tool breakage detection and automatic workpiece and other functions.Impact on manufacturing of CNC machine tools

CNC machine tools is the key equipment to modern manufacturing , country's output of CNC machine tools and technology in a way representative of the national manufacturing technology level and competitiveness.Nearly a decade of reform and opening up, China's manufacturing heavy use of CNC machine tools.Especially the application of multi-axis CNC machining centers, greatly enhance the workpiece machining accuracy, production efficiency and flexibility of the system level so that our manufacturing technology has made great development.However, there are still a considerable gap with the developed countries.Restricting Factors of manufacturing development

The main deficiency which is exist in the machine tool industry is very much.First, accuracy, stability, reliability gap, Second, the composite performance of machine have a larger gap.Third, the gap between the CNC system.Fourth, the other key supporting parts gap.Including steel raw materials, standard parts, screws, nuts, etc., need to improve the country's overall level of industrial.In addition, technology, testing and other areas is also not up to the world advanced level.development of modern manufacturing services

In the shadow of the global financial crisis, China's manufacturing industry to get out of the current predicament.We must comply with the development trend of global manufacturing, learning from the experience of Western countries, which is emphasis on the development of modern manufacturing services.NPC Vice Chairman, Chinese Academy of Sciences Yongxiang Lu pointed out, Revitalization of China's equipment manufacturing industry, the most prominent one is to achieve the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure as soon as possible, The second is to focus on improving the capability of independent innovation.Both directions of modern manufacturing services, We can say that manufacturing services is an important 班级:2012级专升本1班


学号:201215310142 means to revitalize the equipment manufacturing industry, machine tool industry.In turn, the equipment manufacturing industry, the rapid development of the machine tool industry is bound to bring our modern manufacturing services to accelerate large-scale, industrialized.Direction of development of CNC machine tools

Its high-precision, high-fine, high-speed, flexible, intelligent, is a sign of modern industry.Modern equipment manufacturing industry is the extreme direction , the first is more tall,the second is getting smaller and the third is increasingly complex.Centralized processing of Multiple Working Procedures in species of CNC machine tools is more and more;laser processing technology will be used in the cutting machine tools.Thus expanding the the scope of focused multi-step craft.Automate of CNC machine tools is more to improve, and with a variety of monitoring functions.Thus forming a flexible manufacturing cell, easier to included in high degree of automation flexible manufacturing systems.Conclusions

In short, the CNC machine occupies a very major share of China's modern manufacturing industry, development of china manufacturing industry now plays a role which is not to be underestimated.We must strengthen the level of development of CNC machine tools, CNC machine tools accurately identify breakthrough point in the manufacturing sector now.Breakthrough in accuracy, speed, intelligent direction of the machine, reducing reliance on foreign high-precision machine tools, it will fill the gaps in this area.CNC machine tools is the key to modern manufacturing industry equipment, a country's production CNC machine and technology to some degree representative of the national manufacturing technology level and competitiveness.China's manufacturing industry must make the change, from a big country to power, from low to high manufacturing, from China to create.Manufacturing technology to achieve this transformation must be high-tech, then there are upgrades to technology.Manufacturing services is an important means to revitalize the equipment manufacturing industry, machine tool industry, in turn, the equipment manufacturing industry, the rapid development of the machine tool industry is bound to bring our 班级:2012级专升本1班


学号:201215310142 modern manufacturing services to accelerate large-scale, industrialized.Only by strengthening the level of development of CNC machine tools, closely integrated with the modern manufacturing, can better promote China's economic development.Gratitude

Throughout the paper writing process is basically in accordance to this way that is familiar paper format, to determine the background papers, collecting information, writing papers.Learn a lot of knowledge from this process to write, but also learned a valuable learning attitude , which makes me a lot.Also like to thank my roommates, they gave me encouragement when I meet issues, thanks to the teachers and students for helping me.



院系 物理与电子工程学院专业 电子信息工程班级 电工1111班学生姓名 简东阳学号2011140131任课教师 罗倩倩

2013 年12月26日

Switching technology present situation and development trend


Hubei university of Arts and Sciences


Abstract:Direction in the future, more extensible features will become the important characteristics of a new generation of Internet, the exchange of technology, will be as a key technology to host this extensible features.Switching technology in scale, function, performance, safety and service and other aspects have better extensibility features, will be a new generation of Internet architecture in the future.Keywords:Network technology;The Internet;Switching technologyThe present situation of the exchange of technologyThe rapid development of network technology, Ethernet is always dominant.However, with the deepening of the network technology application, the network development scale and speed are speeding.Not only the speed of the LAN got improved, gigabit Ethernet also gradually became popular.attention to network of high reliability, high performance, easy maintenance and reduced cost, and these factors is dependent on the using kind of networking technology;Equipment vendors would on the basis of not harm the interests of the user network functions and pursue the considerable profit.About the network, there have been a mature traditional layer 2 switching technology, and the function of the routing layer 3, and a high service level of network layer 7.switching technology of A single traditional layer 2.More traditional layer 2 switching technology, is a special single, it contains only the data link layer forward.Layer 2 switching technology is mostly used for small local area network(LAN), the machine Numbers keep in 20 or 30 sets of the following is the security of the network environment, fast switching function, multiple access port, low price which the three layer 2 switching technology has has solve the problem that the small network users.2.1 The third layer switching technology with routing function

In order to solve the problems of the broadcast domain, for the first time in 1997 the third layer switching technology with routing function appeared.Layer 3 switching technology has now become a main force of the construction of multiple business fusion network.Using a large local area network(LAN), can increase the dangers of broadcast storm, in order to reduce the harm, we must divide a large local area network(LAN)according to the function or the region into multiple small local area network(LAN), so that it can reduce the harm of broadcast storm.If only use layer 2 switching technology, a large number of visits between subnets cannot be achieved.Modified by the layer 3 switching technology(layer 3 switches)is very good to solve the problem.Today, layer 3 switching technology is more and more mature, and also in constant development and innovation, it occupies a more and more important status in the network.2.2 layer 7 switching technology with the function of network service

Unlock every layer encapsulates of each data packet, identify the application layer information at the same time, is the functions of layer 7.Now, many service providers focus gradually shifted to how to make full use of broadband resources and how to manage the Internet application, content.layer 7 switching technology can handle network application layer data forwarding well, the network service level can be improved and it also can make the network administrators and make the users have a lower cost to optimize the network resources.Whether it is business to consumer e-commerce, market sales of unmanned automation, on-line customer support, personnel construction and planning, customer service, firewall load balancing broadband and intelligent filter content and so on, can be dabble in by layer 7 switching technology.The development trend of switching technology

Research in recent years the development of the exchange network architecture and related algorithms, is mainly to study of switching technology.Switching network is roughly by single-stage exchange structure and multiple exchange structure of two kinds of structure.Single-stage exchange in the performance and scale structure is hard to expand and develop, so the new exchange structure instead of a single-stage exchange structure is imperative.Compared with single-stage exchange structure, multi-level exchange structure has a very big advantage is the extensions is good, if you want to achieve more mass exchange network, multistage switching structure will be the first choice, and it is also considered very promising.The system structure of open-ended standardization and data packet based will gradually become the next generation network of the new definition, this is also to develop more and more effective applications and business functions, at the same time can quickly adapt to the market.achieve higher performance and greater scale, is the main goal of the studying exchange technology.In order to achieve this goal,it is bound to reinforce the research of the project, the developing trends in the future may have the following:

(1)Multistage switching structure instead of the single stage exchange structure;

(2)Reduce the internal blocking of multistage switching structure;

(3)Build more mass exchange network.The application of new technology requires a lot of time to continue to improve and perfect.According to the report, the development of next generation network technology is gradually mature and stable.Believe that the exchange technology will be developed in network technology and business development of the evolving process.And in the business operation and competition in the future, differential operators will also play an increasingly important role.Conclusion

High technology development change rapidly, more and more quickly.Switching technology has become more intelligent,order to reduce the cost, and make the network of high reliability, high performance, easy to maintain and extend the guarantee,Switching technology from the initial layer 2 s developed to the layer 3 and now 7 layer,it is still in the continuous development and expansion.Believe that the network intelligent management is not far from us.Although there is a problem but it will not hinder the exchange of technology application and development, operators and equipment suppliers will make these problems get very good settlement,constantly positive test, unceasingly perfect, eventually there will be a good result.References:

[1] Feng Huibin WengYingJing.Based on the application of modern switching technology course teaching reform research [J].Journal of education teaching BBS, 2012(S4).[2] Wu Wenjing.The next generation network of the soft exchange technology [J].Journal of railway signal engineering, 2005(01).


A Parallelization Cost Model for GPU

GPU并行成本模型 2009137127 周幼兰

Abstract-Using GPU for general computing has become an important research direction in high performance computing technology.However, this is not a lossless optimization method.Due to the impact of device initialization cost, data transmission delay, specific characteristics of programs, and other factors, the general computing on GPU may not always achieve the desired speedup, and sometimes results in program execution performance degradation.On the basis of in-depth analysis of GPU internal processing mechanisms, the main factors affecting GPU implementation performance are pointed out, and a parallel cost model for GPU based on static program analysis is proposed to provide judgement basis for using GPU in general computing.摘要:在高性能计算技术领域,使用GPU执行通用计算已成为一个重要的研究方向。但它并不是一种无损优化方法。由于受设备初始化成本、数据传输延迟、程序本身特征和一些其他因素的影响,基于GUP的通用计算不可能总是达到预期的加速,有时还会导致程序执行性能下降。在对GPU内部处理机制进行深度分析的基础上,得到影响GPU执行性能的主要因素,且得出基于静态程序分析的GPU并行成本模型为GPU在通用计算中的使用提供了判断依据的结论。

I.INTRODUCTION Graphics processing Unit(GPU)has developed at a speed much faster than the Moore’s Law in recent years, not only improving image processing, virtual reality, computer simulation, and the development of related applications, but also providing a good running platform for general-purpose computing using GPU beyond graphic processing.The application of GPU in general-purpose computing makes a series of new challenges faced by the development of the high performance computing technology.Currently, in order to reduce the programming complexity of GPU in general-purpose computing, many GPU manufacturers and research institutions proposed a number of programming languages and programming models close to traditional programming methods, but different styles, such as Brook+[1], CUDA[2] and OpenCL[3], etc.However, as GPU has its own specific characteristic of hardware architecture and development, programmers must have a high level of expertise.Using GPU for general-purpose computing, the increased performance achieved in large part depends on the hardware knowledge and programming skills of programmers.At present, the most studies for the GPU’s parallelism both at home and abroad directly rewrite and transplant programs on the basis of original serial programs.Because software programmers often lack a deep understanding of the hardware platform and have no corresponding capability of programming hardware programs, program transplantation lead to the increased effects achieved of all kinds of applications accelerating general-purpose computing using GPU have obvious difference [4-6].Program performance analysis technology as a basic method of understanding program behavior, plays an important role for comparing the performance difference between different program implementation, identifying performance bottlenecks of programs, and understanding the hardware resource utilization, and is the important part of development and optimization of high

performance computing programs [7].How to take advantage of program performance analysis technology and combine the architecture characteristics of CPU and GPU to guide the planning and optimization of parallel programs so that a variety of computing resources of CPU and GPU are fully utilized is a problem worthy of study using GPU in general-purpose computing at present.简介:



V.CONCLUSION There are a number of studies on the applications related to using GPU in general-purpose computing.The most researches focus on using GPU to improve the execution performance of applications.However, how to measure the costs of GPU at runtime is less discussed.From the perspective of GPU’s internal operation mechanism, analyze the key factors affecting the GPU implementation performance, and propose a cost test algorithm based on static program analysis.The results obtained by experiments show that the algorithm proposed can estimate relatively accurate GPU execution performance, and thus provide a useful reference for transplantation of traditional high performance computing to GPU.结论:


Comment: Cost model has been widely used in the computer field as a way to evaluate whether a program is excellent or not.And quite a number of researchers in computer field has proposed various kinds of cost models for GPU, of which most are under certain conditions.But this paper give us a new perception of cost model for GPU in general-purpose computing.The parallelization cost model for GPU can be generally applied for many application areas.The authors attempt to estimate the cost comprehensively.Actually they take the GPU initialization cost, transmission of data cost as well as the program execution cost into consideration.Each aspect use a special algorithm to calculate the cost.And the cost is measured by the time of each aspect.In this paper ,we can get through the authors’ idea very well ,because they are well organized in form and shown clearly in graphs, charts as well as in equations.The parallelization cost model is more accurate, flexible and portable than models of the past.So we should learn the method they study a topic.That is to consider a question in a broad perspective.And if we keep thinking in this way ,our ability of doing scientific research will be greatly improved.At the same time, we should keep close watch on the field of GPU.As it is such an important processor that it is used widely used on modern computers.It is even considered the core graphics processor of computers.And it develops faster nowadays as the need rises.







智能软件Agent是能够为用户执行特定的任务、具有一定程度的智能、能够自主的执行部分任务并以一种合适的方式和环境相互作用的软件程序。Agent 有自主性、响应性、学习能力和社会性等特性。这使得它适合在高度动态的环境下做出及时的响应。

嵌入式技术和新一代移动通讯网络的发展使得嵌入式智能设备大量的涌现。这些设备的大都具有嵌入式操作系统的支持, 并运行着越来越丰富的应用程序。如何对这些应用程序进行测试,就成为一个需要研究的课题。本文将Agent技术引入嵌入式智能设备的测试中,使用目标设备Agent, 测试控制Agent, 网络环境Agent分别模拟和处理测试设备,测试工程师和测试环境的复杂性,利用Agent自身具有的特点,提出了一种有效的自动化测试的方法。


Agent 所具有的自主性、响应性、学习能力和社会性等特性,使得它很适合处理复杂测试系统中的问题。将Agent技术应用于测试领域已经有一些相关的研究,下面是具体的介绍。

Jeongeun Choi 和 Byoungju Choi [1]提出了一个基于Agent技术的测试工具,它通过使用用户接口Agent来处理和测试者的交互,使用测试用例选择Agent来进行测试用例的选择,并使用回归测试Agent进行回归测试,从而很好的实现了自动化的软件测试。但是他们提出的测试用例选择技术仅能在大量已有的测试用例中选择最佳的用例,不能减少编写测试用例本身的复杂性。

另外一些研究将Agent 技术应用到了某一领域的测试中。Yu Qi、David Hung 和 Eric Wong [3] 提出了一个基于Agent 技术的Web 应用程序测试方法。专业英语期末考查



在实际测试过程中,测试人员很大的一项任务仍然是编写各种测试用例,要真正的提高测试效率,就要提高测试脚本的通用性,减少测试脚本的变化[2] [4]。常见的嵌入式智能设备测试工具(比如TestQuest)使用图像比对来判断目标设备的状态, 这种方法虽然实现了非侵入性的测试,但是存在两个问题,图片的抓取和传送消耗了大量测试资源,不同手机的用户界面风格变化很大,这使得测试脚本在用来进行新设备的测试时需要对脚本进行维护.然而,实际的设备中,当重要的事件发生时,系统会产生敏感事件来激励相关模块进行处理.如果能够在测试过程中捕获这些敏感事件,就能更加高效的进行测试.并且,只要操作系统相同,敏感事件的捕获方式也是一样,测试用例不会因为界面的变化而变化。本文用目标设备Agent抽象和捕获测试过程中的敏感事件,并将敏感事件发送给测试控制Agent。而测试控制Agent收到敏感事件后,根据自己的知识,采取相应的动作的机制(如异常处理,重新调度测试等)加以处理。这正好可以作为Agent的推理规则,用Agent的智能性来屏蔽测试过程的复杂性。此外,考虑到目标设备处于复杂的网络环境中,我们利用网络环境Agent来控制目标设备所处的网络信号,从而实现对设备所处网络环境的控制。基于Agent的测试系统

3.1 总体结构





用户接口层测试管理与配置脚本编辑器虚拟手机测试控制层测试结果验证测试资源库测试脚步执行测试环境控制测试过程监控Agent通讯层设 备agent层Synblan Agent蓝牙 GPRS 3G AT视窗的移动Agent定制AgentAT 接口

图1 测试系统的整体架构

3.2 系统基本执行流程

测试过程是对真实用户使用手机时“输入-反馈”模型的一个模拟。系统的基本的使用用例如下,首先用户通过脚本编辑器或者虚拟手机创建测试脚本并进行基本的配置,然后过程监控模块调度脚本开始执行,当脚本解释器解释执行脚本语句时,脚本解释器通常使用通讯模块向手机发送模拟按键,然脚本解释器进入等待状态,目标设备Agent从通讯模块得到按键,执行按键动作,截取屏幕并返回给测试控制Agent,或者如果手机有敏感世事件的发生(如来电,短信,异常等)也会反馈给测试控制Agent,测试控制Agent接到数据,再次激励脚本运行,并同时将测试结果输入存入测试资源库。脚本继续运行下面的语句,直到运行结束。3.3 目标设备Agent

目标设备Agent驻留在被测试的智能设备中,实现对目标设备的建模。本系统中它接收从PC机中接收到的控制命令,然后在智能设备中进行相应的操作,包括模拟键盘事件,截取屏幕并返回给PC,以及根据知识库中的配置的测试目标,通过推理,有所选择的将必需的状态信息主动通知测试宿主机。3.3.1设备Agent 依赖的决策规则





这个决策规则决定了当Agent发现测试中出现异常,要采取的处理方式。3.3.2 Agent 属性

目标设备Agent具有下面的属性: ⑴ 自主性


⑵ 智能性


测试控制 Agent

测试控制Agent 实现了对测试过程的建模。它主要实现三个目标: ⑴ 在测试过程中,对测试人员感兴趣的事件进行捕获,当这些敏感事件发生后,系统立刻执行预定义的动作,并为测试提供准确和详尽的日志。

⑵ 通过和脚本解释器交互,实现异步的事件通知和交互测试用例的执行。⑶ 处理测试过程中的异常,使得测试过程可以自我修复,进而多个脚本能够按照预先的调度正常运行.3.4.1测试控制Agent的决策规则

⑴ 事件-条件-行动规则(ECA-RULE)


⑵ 异常处理规则(EM-RULE)




3.4.2测试控制Agent 的属性




测试控制Agent能够根据用户选择的测试目标,自动生成ECA规则表,并根据ECA规则,进行推理并采取相应的动作。测试控制Agent还能根据异常处理规则来处理测试过程中发身的异常,保障测试过程的自动,平稳进行。3.5 网络环境Agent 网络环境Agent 实现了对网络环境的模拟和控制。为了测试手机的射频性能,通常使用基站模拟系统来提供设备所处的无线网络环境,并且利用编程接口,通过软件对设备的环境进行控制,使得复杂网络环境下对目标设备的测试成为可能。系统评估

为了评价本系统的有效性,我们设计了一个比较实验。试验在信息产业部泰尔实验室真实的测试项目中进行。我们将测试工程师分为两组,第一组使用本文的系统MobileTest进行测试,第二组使用业界著名的TestQuest Pro 进行测试。测试的依据是中国通讯行业标准的数字移动台测试部分。测试的内容是根据这两个系统各自已经建立好的回归测试用例对新的智能手机进行回归测试,从而比较这两个测试工具的测试效率和脚本的可维护性。

实验度量了两个工具在测试不同种类的测试用例时,自动化执行的用例所占的百分比。从表中可见,虽然TestQuest 在功能测试上有更高的自动化率,在压力测试,多状态测试,多任务测试,临界测试和总计中,MobileTest有更好的测试覆盖率。这是因为在后四种测试中,测试用例需要不断追踪系统的状态,使用图片比对机制的TestQuest 很难完成这些工作,而MobileTest 却能使用Agent返回的敏感事件来进行处理。此外,MobileTest 完成测试任务的时间时15天,比TestQuest 的测试效率要高。






来源于:《 Journal of Electronic Science and Technology》




Embedded system research 1 Introduction

Intelligent Software Agent is the ability to perform specific tasks for the user, with a certain degree of intelligence, able to perform some tasks and autonomy in a proper manner and environment interactions software programs.Agent has autonomy, responsiveness, learning and social and other characteristics.This makes it suitable for highly dynamic environment to make a timely response.Embedded technology and the development of new generation mobile communication networks makes the emergence of a large number of embedded intelligent devices.Most of these devices with embedded operating system support, and run an increasingly rich applications.How to test for these applications to be a need to study.This article Intelligent Agent technology into embedded devices test, using the target device Agent, test control Agent, Network Agent and treatment were simulated test equipment, test engineers and test complexity of the environment, the use of Agent has its own characteristics, proposed An effective automated testing.2 Related research and ideas of this article

Agent possess autonomy, responsiveness, learning and social and other features, makes it very suitable for handling complex problems in the test system.Agent technology in the test area will already have some relevant research, the following is a specific description.Jeongeun Choi and Byoungju Choi [1] proposed a testing tool based on Agent technology, which through the use of Agent to handle user interface and test those interactions, the use of Agent to carry out the test case test case selection choices, and use the Agent for regression testing regression testing, so a good automated software testing.But they can only be made in a large number of test selection techniques select test cases has been the best use cases, write test cases can not reduce its complexity.专业英语期末考查


Other studies will Agent technology applied to a field test.Yu Qi, David Hung and Eric Wong [3] proposed a Web-based Agent technology application testing methods.Agent technology to reduce their use of the network application testing complexity.Their method not only for Web application testing, but also for the testing of embedded intelligent devices.In the actual testing process, testers great task is still the preparation of various test cases, to really improve test efficiency, we must improve the general test scripts, reduce test script changes [2] [4].Common test tools for embedded smart devices(such as TestQuest)using image comparison to determine the status of the target device, although this method to achieve a non-invasive test, but there are two problems, the image capture and transmission consumes a lot of test resources, the different style of phone's user interface has changed dramatically, which makes the test script used for testing new equipment required for maintenance of the script.However, the actual device, when an important event occurs, the system will generate sensitive events to encourage the relevant module for processing.If during the test capture these sensitive matters, will be able to test more efficient.And, as long as the operating system the same sensitive way to capture the same event, the interface test cases will not change.In this paper, the abstract and the Agent target device during the test capture of sensitive events and control of sensitive events are sent to test Agent.Agent receives the test control sensitive incident, according to their knowledge, take appropriate action mechanisms(such as exception handling, re-scheduling the test, etc.)to be addressed.This is precisely the inference rules as Agent, with the intelligence of Agent to shield the complexity of the testing process.In addition, given the target device is a complex network environment, we use the Internet Agent to control the target device environment in which the network signal, enabling the network environment in which the control device.3 Agent-Based Test System 3.1 The overall structure

Test system is to achieve the ultimate goal of a mobile digital terminal's automated testing platforms to the mobile digital terminal on the system software and 专业英语期末考查


application layer software build modular, reusable test script library, to improve the efficiency of various black box testing, automation the generation of test results and test results to achieve playback.Figure 1: Test platform divided into four layers, including user interface layer, the test control layer, communication layer and the equipment Agent layer.Among them, the process monitoring module, test equipment, environmental control module and the use of Agent Agent layer design ideas to better support embedded devices testing.The user interface layerTesting management and configurationScript editorVirtual cell phone

TestControl layer Test results show Testing steps executiontestrepository Test environment control Testing process monitoring AgentCommunications layer Set for Agent layerBluetooth GPRS 3G ATSynblan Agent Windows mobile AgentCustomization AgentAT 接口Figure 1 The overall architecture test system 3.2 The basic system implementation process

Testing process is a real cell phone users "inputcondition-action rules(ECA-RULE)

Control Agent This is a test based on the core rules, which defines a test case of interest, and according to comparison conditions, take appropriate action.⑵ exception handling rules(EM-RULE)

Test Control Agent also comply with exception handling rules, which occurred during the test can detect abnormal events and to implement appropriate solutions to enable testing to proceed smoothly.3.4.2 Test Control Agent's Properties ⑴ autonomy

Autonomy to make the tester without too much attention to the details of the test, testers just need to select the test objectives, test control Agent information can be based on the knowledge base, automatically generate ECA rules table, and run the script, according to ECA rules to capture sensitive event and perform the appropriate action.⑵ intelligence



Test Control Agent to the test objectives based on user selection, automatically generates ECA rules table, and according to ECA rules, reasoning and take appropriate action.Test Control Agent can exception handling rules based on the testing process to deal with abnormal body fat to protect the testing process automatically and smoothly.3.5 Agent Network

Network Agent implements the network environment simulation and control.In order to test the phone's RF performance, usually the base station simulator to provide a device in which the wireless network environment, and use programming interface, the software environment to control the device, making the complex network environment, the target device under test as possible.4 System Evaluation

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the system, we designed a comparative experiment.Tell testing laboratory in the Ministry of Information Industry of the test project for real.We will test engineers divided into two groups, the first group to use this system MobileTest test, the second group uses the industry's leading TestQuest Pro test.Test is based on the number of China's telecommunications industry standard part of mobile station testing.Test content is based on both systems return to their already established on the new test cases for regression testing of smart phones to compare these two test tools, test efficiency and maintainability of the script.Table 1 regression test results:

Two experimental tools to measure different types of test cases in the test, the automated implementation of the percentage of use cases.Can be seen from the table, although the functional testing TestQuest higher automation rates, the stress test, multi-state testing, multi-tasking tests, critical test, and the total, MobileTest better test coverage.This is because after the four tests, the test case need to constantly track the system state, the use of pictures than on the mechanism of TestQuest difficult to accomplish these tasks, and MobileTest able to use the Agent to return to the treatment of sensitive events.In addition, MobileTest time to complete the test task 15 days, TestQuest's test efficiency than higher.专业英语期末考查

第13页 Conclusions

This paper presents a technique based on embedded intelligent devices Agent test method, which uses embedded intelligent Agent technology equipment is tested in test equipment, test and simulate and control the network environment, a good shielding of the embedded the complexity of smart devices to improve the test efficiency and reusability of the script.Future research work, we will further develop the test system so that it can support the whole testing life cycle.The innovation of the author: This article introduces the software Agent technology to automate testing of embedded intelligent devices, the use of Agent's features, nice screen test for embedded smart devices, testers, test device, the complexity of the network environment and increase the efficiency of automated testing.From:《 Journal of Electronic Science and Technology》



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