
时间:2019-05-14 04:34:31下载本文作者:会员上传


The Dai Garden of Xishuangbanna The Dai Garden of Xishuangbanna is located at Menghan(Ganlanba)and 28 kilometers from Jinghong, the capital city of Xishuangbanna.It is a national 4A level tourist attraction.Within this garden, there are 5 Dai natural villages, the best preserved ones in Xishuangbanna.They are Manjiang Village(bamboo sheath village), Manchunman Village(garden village), Manzha Village(chef village), Manga Village(marketing village)and Manting Village(palace garden village).The whole garden has integrated the natural and humanistic scene of Xishuangbanna Prefecture.It is surrounded by rivers and lakes, nestled in green trees, sent forth the fragrance from fruits and flowers, curled up the Sanskrit tone, giving visitors a mystical and auspicious feeling.The 5 villages are now inhabited by 1,536 people from 326 families.Here people live harmoniously with each other, so are man and nature.It is the Dai’s Mengbalanaxi(meaning glary, ideal and mystery in Dai language), and the earthly paradise of the Dai’s.It is also a place to experience exotic living habits, to appreciate a typical bamboo house-on-poles, traditional handicrafts, folk songs and dances, as well as the mysterious Southern Buddhist culture.Now we will visit the Manjiang Village.In Dai language, “man” means village and “jiang” means bamboo laps or sets dedicated to lift up big stones.“Manjiang” refers to bamboo village.The Dai houses are the unique two-storied bamboo buildings on poles, a typical residential building style popular in tropical area.Building as such is cool in summer and warm in winter.The downstairs generally serves as the storage house while the upstairs is used as the living room.Bedrooms are separated from the sitting room by bamboos boards.In the middle of the sitting room is a bonfire while is regarded as a symbol of happiness and prosperity of the whole family.For this reason, any striding over the bonfire is impolite.The whole family shares one bedroom, only separated by mosquito nets of different colors.Usually deep colored nets are used by the married, while white or light colored ones are used by the unmarried.Bedrooms are regarded as a mysterious place and no peering is allowed by strangers.Visitors to the family will be accommodated in the sitting room.Generally speaking, residential houses for Dai people are ventilated, pleasantly cool and wet-proof.They are also easy to build.The bamboo house is the dwelling place of the Dais while the Buddhist temple is a habitat of the soul of the Dais.The Dais in Xishuangbanna worship Southern Buddhism, so where there is a village there is a Buddhist temple.There are taboos to be avoided when visiting a Buddhist temple.Visitors should shut their mouths so as not to make irresponsible remarks;Worshiping the Buddha definitely needs sincere desire, and then sincerity works miracles.On this there are several taboos: no touching on a monk’s head and cassock, no patting on the shoulder and body, no gesticulating in front of the image of the Buddha, no striking on the Buddhist drum, gong and other musical instruments of the temple.Dai people are known to believe in southern Buddhism.Southern Buddhism believes that Sakyamuni is the patriarch or teacher, so the Buddha Statue in the temples is more human-like in size, figure and facial expression.And Southern Buddhism requires that a man be a monk for a period of time in his life in order to learn religious knowledge as well as cultural knowledge.For Dai people, Buddhist temple is not only a place for worshiping Buddha, but also a school for boys.The process of being monks is period for Dai boys to learn knowledge and experience their monkhood before the age 17.Now we are going to the largest open air theatre of Yunnan tourist area---Mengbalanaxi Theater.It is where visitors appreciate Dai songs and dance while having a rest.Some Dai folk dances includes peacock dance, candle-bar dance, long fingernail dance, fish dance, knife dance, stick dance and fist dance, which covey unique styles of the Dais.The well-known dancers Dao Meilan and Yang Liping are regarded as two golden peacocks flying out from Xishuangbanna.Also we can join in the Eastern Carnival —Watersplashing Festival in the Dai Garden.Water-Splashing Festival falls in mid April and lasts for three days.It is not only a traditional gala for Dai people but also a carnival in the East.It is the New Year for Dai people.Dai people celebrate this festival with dragon boat races, throwing pouches(a bag(pouch)-throwing contest for finding a sweetheart)and shooting “gaosheng”(local firecracker).On the second day, the Dais often hold sand-piling and chicken-fighting activities while the third day is a time for Dai people to express good wishes to each other.It is believed that the King of Dai arrives and the Dai people are sure to give the Buddha a bath and they get together, sprinkle water on each other for a blessing.Here people can splash water on their loved ones and close friends, washing away the worries and troubles.Young girls would gently sprinkle water on visitors from afar, wishing them good luck and happiness.Dai people often say, “The more splashing water one gets, the luckier he becomes”.Basins of sacred water would bring happiness and make one forget all the worries.This activity and the cultural elements it contains impresses tourists from around the world.




西双版纳在云南省的南部,面积约2万平方公里,聚居着10多个民族,其中以傣族人口最多,是傣族自治州。作为一个风景旅游胜地,西双版纳是很有 特色的。这里居住的少数民族,基本上都还保留着各自特有的文化和生活习俗。人们在这里可以看到傣族、布朗族的彩色缤纷的头饰和统裙,他们居住的竹楼,吃的 竹筒饭.每年4月中旬,是傣族人民的新年佳节--泼水节。节日期间,无论在竹楼、村寨里,还是在街道、公路上,也不论男女老少,过路行人,到处都是热闹的 泼水活动,他们有的端着脸盆,有的提着水桶,互相用手泼水,每个人都是水淋淋的。按当地的习俗,这意味着用水冲洗掉身上的污垢,消除灾难,得到幸福。在过 泼水节的日子里,人们还尽情地唱歌、跳舞,饮酒欢宴。去西双版纳参加泼水节,已成了一个十分吸引人的旅游节目。傣族竹楼,是一种竹木结构的空中楼阁。面积 相当大,整个楼阁用几十根大木柱支撑着,地板用竹片辅砌。楼下四面敞开,不住人,只是堆放杂物和养牲畜。楼上住人。房顶盖着很薄的小平瓦,其形状很像古代 人戴的帽子,据当地人说,这是孔明帽,说是当年孔明层教会当地人种水稻,当地人为了纪念他,便把竹楼的房顶设计成孔明的帽子那样.可以欣赏到热带雨林的景致之外,您还可以领略到奇木异草的风姿,如跳舞草、含羞草、望天树、桫椤树、箭毒木、铁力木、王莲、旅人蕉、神秘果(树)、四数木 大板根……还可以观赏到“鱼赶摆”的场面,可以碰到开屏的孔雀,可与野象合张影……

泼水节是傣族最隆重的节日,时间在每年4月中旬,即傣历正月。泼水节是傣历新年。节日一般持续三至十天,第一天傣语叫“麦日”,与农历的除夕相 似;第二天傣语叫“恼日”(空日);第三天是新年,叫“叭网玛”(意为岁首),人们把这一天视为最美好,最吉祥的日子。节日清晨,全村男女老幼盛装到佛寺 赕佛,并在寺院中堆沙造塔。塔尖耍插上几枝缠着花布、彩纸的竹校。人们围塔而坐,聆听佛爷念经和讲解历史传说,青年男女成群结队上山采摘野花做花房。中 午,妇女们各挑一担清水泼到佛像身上为佛洗尘。接着,男女老少提着水桶,端着脸盆,互相泼洒,互相祝福,认为这样可以消灾除病,平安吉祥。成千上万的人随 着优美的傣族音乐翩翩起舞,边跳边呼喊“水!水!水产,喊声动地,鼓锣之声响彻云霄,场面十分壮观。泼水节期间,傣族青年喜欢到林间空地丢包做游戏。花包 用漂亮的花啊缝抨,内装棉纸、棉籽等,四角和中心缀以五条花穗,是爱情的信物。先是无目的的抛来掷去,后渐渐有了固定的目标,等姑娘有意识的让小伙子接不 着输了以后,小伙子便将准备好的礼物送给妨娘,双双离开众人到僻静处谈情说爱去了。泼水节还要举行划龙舟比赛,成千上万的中外游客聚集到澜沧江边,观看一 组组披红挂绿的龙舟竞赛,傣家儿女在”瞠瞠瞠“的茫锣声中和”

编制单位:哈尔滨市现代服务中等职业技术学校 范梦頔



放高升和孔明灯是傣族地区特有的活动。人们在节前就搭好高高的高升架,届时将自制的土火箭点燃,它一边喷出白烟,一边”嗖 嗖 嗖 “的尖啸着飞上蓝天,引得人们举目张望,不时发出喝采声,高升飞得越高越远的寨子,人也觉得更光彩、更吉祥,优胜者还将获奖。入夜,人们又在广场空地上,将灯烛点燃,放到自制的大”汽球“内,利用空气的浮力,把一盏盏”孔明灯"放飞上天。一一盏盏明亮的孔明灯在漆黑的夜晚越飞越高,越飞越远。人们以此来纪 念古代的圣贤孔明。


关于泼水节的来历,还有一个美丽的传说:很早以前,傣族地区有个法力无边的魔王,他无恶不作,人民不堪其苦。他先后霸占了六个姑娘,后来又强占 了人间最美丽的公主楠棕布,七个姑娘受尽凌辱,伺机报仇。聪明的七姑娘在酒宴上把魔王灌醉,从他口中了解到他的致命弱点。一天晚上魔王醉后昏睡,楠棕布按 照魔王所说,拔下一根魔王的头发勒到魔王的脖子上,魔王的头立刻掉到地上。但从魔头上滴下来的血却变成了熊熊大火,并迅速漫延到人间。楠棕布赶忙抱起魔 头,地上的火也就熄灭了。一放下,火又重烧起来。于是七个姑娘轮流抱着魔王的头,其他的人则用清水朝她身上浇泼,一直坚持了九百九十九天,才把大火扑灭,乡亲们从此又过上了安居乐业的幸福生活。人们为了纪念这七位姑娘;于是在每年扑灭邪火这天互相泼水,以洗去一年的疲劳和污秽,相互恭喜祝福,迎接新春来 临,从而形成了泼水节。

编制单位:哈尔滨市现代服务中等职业技术学校 范梦頔




















大家看,远处那一座被碧水绿树包围着的白塔。白塔是傣族村的象征,让我们先到傣家寨游览。人们习惯上把居住在水边的傣族称为水傣。把居住在山地的傣族称为旱傣,又根据服饰把元江河谷地区的傣族称为花腰傣。而民族村的村寨则以最具特色的水傣为主。 大家听,傣家小卜哨,小卜冒们为大家奏起了迎宾曲。


请大家往左边看,这便是傣家的竹楼。竹楼的形式为干栏式建筑。干栏式建筑常见于中国的南方地区,其特点是凉爽防潮。请大家随我上楼参观。楼上右边是卧室,中间是客厅,厅外有凉台。傣族认为自己的灵魂和家神都在卧室里,外人来了会打扰家神,摄走灵魂。所以傣家的卧室外人是不能进入的。竹楼的客厅内置有火塘,内有三脚架。在云南的少数民族生活起居中,火塘占有很崇高的地位,从而形成了神秘的火塘文化。 下了竹楼往前走,一路上经过工艺楼,风情楼,风味楼。


进入佛殿内,大家可能发觉她与我们常见的大乘佛教的佛寺不同。大乘佛教比小乘佛教更具宗教色彩,它把释迦莫逆神化,而且认为三世十方都有佛,所以,大乘佛寺的佛像高大庄严,且数量多。而小乘佛教仅将其奉为始祖。因此其佛像与现实中的人相似,佛像也没有那么多。所以大小乘佛教的佛殿格局也就不尽相同了。 在修行方式上,大乘佛教主张除出家的僧尼外,还要有大批的居家教徒,在这点上,大乘佛教更居世俗化。小乘佛教要求男性信奉者必须出家,所以,云南傣族地区的男孩子都要到寺庙里当一段时间的和尚,学习宗教和文化知识。




再往前走,我们来到先前已经看到的白塔。 绕过白塔,经过一道木板桥,我们就出了傣族村。 不知不觉中,整个民族村目前已经建成的12个村寨已经参观完毕了。今天的参观,使我们饱览了一次云南民族文化大展示。在短暂的时间里,我们接触了众多的云南少数民族。既大致了解了云南各少数民族的文化生活,又从中窥见了我们祖先在历史发展进程中的足迹。 云南民族村计划建造26个村寨,等新的村寨建起来时,欢迎您再来。













每一幢房子所展现的都是正方形,有两层高,楼上住人,楼下就是 牲口的住所的柴房了。














第五篇:网师园 英语 导游词

Master-of-Nets Garden The Master-of-Nets Garden is the historical monument for national reservation.And it is inscribed on the World Cultural Heritage List by UNESCO.The garden was founded in the 1180 in the Southern Song Dynasty.Its founder was Shi Zhengzhi, a high official of the Song Court.The earliest name of the garden was the Ten Thousand Volumes Hall.The residence was also known as Fisherman’s Retreat.In the reign of Emperor Qianlong(1736-1796)of the Qing Dynasty, a bureaucrat named Song Zongyuan bought it and built a garden on the site after he went into retirement.Drawing inspiration from the name of Fisherman’s Retreat, he called the garden Wangshi Yuan which meant Fisherman’s Garden, or the garden of the Master of the Fishing Nets.It most popular name in English is the Master-of-Nets Garden.Such a name could express the owner’s aloofness from politics and material pursuits.The garden covers an area of 1.35 acre, and is compactly laid out, with halls, corridors and pavilions well positioned.The garden is of typical residential style.It’s very unique in Suzhou.The residential area is in the eastern part of the garden.From south to north are arranged three elegantly decorated halls—the sedan hall, main hall and rear hall, which are symmetrically built along the same axis.Sedan-Chair Hall Now we have arrived at the gate of the garden.It is one of the very few early homes that can be seen today.You might have noticed that the gate is raised way above the ground, making room for the threshold, which stands about three feet high.You may wonder why the threshold was made so high.Well, in the old times, the height of the threshold indicated the social standing of the family.There is a side door next to the main gate, used by servants and common people.The main gate was opened only for the senior members of the family and their distinguished guests, who would come and go in sedan-chairs.When the gate opened, the threshold would be removed to let the sedan-chair pass through.This hall is where the sedan-chair would be parked, so it has the name of Sedan-Chair Hall.The two small rooms flanking the entrance were provided for the doorkeepers and sedan-chair carriers.And the carriers might also sit on the two long benches by the windows.One of the typical features of Suzhou’s traditional houses is building of small courtyards, like the two we see here.Their practical function is to let in light and air as well as to drain rain water away.Hung above is a wooden tablet with four characters, which mean “to be an upright and capable person(or official)earlier.” Shown below is a lacquer-carving painting which gives visitors a panoramic view of the whole garden.We are coming from the south now and moving north.Standing behind the screen, you may see some carved stone niches over the doorway, which were originally reserved for the ancestral tablets of the family.The niches are relics of the Southern Song Dynasty.Brick-Carved Gateway

The most elaborate brick carving of the gateway is really worth studying.It dates back to the Qianlong’s reign of the Qing Dynasty, some 250 years ago, but it is still kept in excellent repair.The peony flowers and bats carved in relief are symbols of wealth and good luck.There also three-dimensional carvings of figures from theatrical stories.The figurines on the east side tell story of King Wen requesting Jiang Ziya to be his military advisor.The story took place some 3100 years ago.The inscription over the doorway says something like Soaring upon Literary Talent.The figurines on the west side show how General Guo Ziyi celebrated his birthday.The story was set in the Tang Dynasty.Bricks are also used to face the door panels as a precaution against fire, so the gate is called the Wind-Fire Gate.Grand Reception Hall Here is the main reception hall of the residence, known as Ten Thousand Volumes’ Hall.Everything inside is very formally and symmetrically displayed, such as furniture and the wall hangings.The owner used to greet his guests at the gateway and lead them into this hall.Also held in this hall were important ceremonies for birthday, wedding day and so on.The chairs and tables her are typical Ming Dynasty furniture of the 16th century.You can tell that from their simple and clear cut lines without marble inlay.Shown in the middle of the hall is a bronze drum, which was popular in the Yunnan and Guizhou Provinces southwest China.Bronze drums have a long history of some 2700 years.They were used as musical instruments for memorial ceremonies or battles.Local villagers beat bronze drums for festivals, marriage celebrations, feasts, bull-fighting, etc.The garden displays such a bronze drum to enrich the cultural background in such a classical garden.Chamber with Best Views Here is the reception hall for the ladies of the family.It’s built on a somewhat smaller scale, but it’s a more private chamber than the male quarters.The upper rooms, formerly used by the women as bedrooms, command good views of suburban hill and scenes inside the city wall.In the front courtyard grow two osmanthus trees creating a poetic atmosphere.Other rooms to the east of the hall and to the west of the hall are concealed from public views, behind the walls.A private entry to the other side, the northeast side, gives easy access to the backyard of the house.Or we may pass through another entry on the northwest side to enter the garden proper.Hall of Ascending Cloud We come into a garden court with a three-bay house.It is named the Hall of Ascending Cloud.Trees and rockeries are well arranged with a moon gate on the east side, which leads to a two-storied building.Suzhou dialect storytelling and ballad-singing are performed here in the evening when the night garden is open to the public from March to November.Five Peaks Library It is a two-storey classical building, which was originally the library of the owner of the garden.Books used to be stored upstairs, and down here the five-bay room was used as a winter retreat in addition to being a reading room.Through the glass windows we may look out into this courtyard featuring both evergreen trees and deciduous trees with rockeries and white walls as the background.How to go upstairs? A wooden stairway can lead you to go upstairs in another building known as the Hall of Mind Concentration,Hall of Mind Concentration This place used to be one of the reading-rooms of the garden’s owner.From here the central space of the garden is already visible.Upstairs was the bedroom for grown-up daughters of the family.So the whole building is popularly known as Young Lady’s Building.No gentleman was permitted to enter.In front of the hall is a courtyard, very small but very poetic, with two bamboo groves growing quite well.Walking southward through the courtyard and a moon gate, we can get to the Bamboo Flanked Verandah.Bamboo Flanked Verandah This open-sided verandah resembles the cabin of a boat when it is viewed from the south and southwest.We can have a panorama of scenes over the pond.To the left we may see a yellow rock which rises over the water’s edge like a cliff.The wisteria vines coil about the rockery, and the water seems to flow by the rockery and run freely under a stone bridge towards unknown sources.Situated south beyond the pond is another rock-piled hill, which is named Mount Yungang.It is piled up with yellow stones.If we follow the walkway by the wisteria and circle around the pond, we’ll get to two nice pavilions, one is the water-side studio for washing hat-tassels;the other is a pavilion for viewing the rising moon.Hall of Viewing Pines and Paintings Leaving the Bamboo Flanked Verandah and strolling northwest, we may arrive at the Hall of Viewing Pine and Paintings, which is a major building in the garden proper, formally used as a painting studio.Because it is designed on a pretty large scale, the hall is set back from the water so as not to dominate the pond.Between this hall and the pond, a garden court is arranged, where a few ancient trees and some flowers grow.The cypress is nearly 900 years old, which is an evidence to the long history of the garden.Another old tree is called the white-bark pine, over there, with a slanting trunk.The podocarpus is a replanted one.The trees play an effective role in deepening the yonder spaces.The furniture in this hall dates from the Qing Dynasty, but it remains much of the Ming style, especially the chairs.Their simple clear-cut lines are characteristic of Ming Dynasty furniture.Besides, three stones are displayed in the hall as ornaments.They are fitted on carved mahogany stands.The two stones on either side are petrified wood, or known as fossil tree.The one in the middle is a Ling Bi stone.If one strikes it, it gives forth a metallic sound.Ancient scholars were noted for their love of rocks.Behind these half-length fret windows there are two nice courtyards, in which some Taihu rocks and plants are arranged to offer framed pictures.A distinctive feature of the hall is that the walls are faced with grey bricks which give a nostalgic atmosphere.Pavilion of Arriving Moon and Wind The pavilion is built as something of a summer house to enjoy cool breeze and watch the moon.At the Mid-Autumn Festival one can have three moons in view: one in the sky, one in the water, and another one reflected in the mirror here.Across the pond is a high white wall, which is the flank of living quarters.In order to enliven the wall and break its stiff and monotonous patterns, three measures are taken.First of all, the designer uses both a climbing ivy and a few false lattice windows to decorate the wall.Secondly some tiles and eave tiles are used to form a horizontal line so as to cut down its height, which is a visional illusion.Thirdly, a rockery is piled up to cover up a good portion of the wall.So the white wall no longer appears overwhelming in our views.The pavilion is jutting into the water.Thus visitors are brought to a good viewing position no matter which angle they face.The covered walk way, paved with cracked stones, goes up and down to make us feel as if we did arrive in a real mountainous area.Studio for Washing Hat-Tassels The expression “Washing Hat-Tassels” is from the lyrics of fishermen’s songs in Chuci: The Fisherman.It goes, “When the gentle waves water is clear, I’ll wash my hat-tassels.When the gentle waves water is dirty, I’ll wash my feet.”

Staying here, people can see the house in the opposite bank of the pond.These buildings are different in heights and architectural features.The farther back they are, the higher they stand.Some stand of the water.The Hall of Viewing Pines and Paintings is set back behind trees, and the Five Peaks Hall and the Young Lady’s Building hide themselves behind lower verandahs.Their white walls and dark roofs are clearly reflected in the pond with a few water-lilies on its surface.Thus the scenery around the pond seems to give us a sense of a big world from a limited space.The water surface of the pond looks wider.It is really the Nature in nutshell.Late Spring Cottage Here we come to a quiet inner courtyard.In the old time the courtyard was noted for the beautiful peony in its flower bed, so the building got the name Late Spring Cottage, denoting the blooming season of the peony.The cottage, or the hall, used to serve as the owner’s study, where he also received his intimate friends.In the 1930’s the renowned landscape painter Zhang Daqian lived here.His No.2 elder brother, Zhang Shanzi raised a baby tiger in it, from which his brother drew artistic inspirations while drawing pictures with tigers as the main theme.Erected at the corner in the western-most wall is a stone tablet with characters written by Zhang Daqian to mark the event.What he wrote means “the tomb of the baby tiger raised by the late No.two elder brother.”

Cold Spring Pavilion In front of the Late Spring Cottage is a nice garden, or garden court, where we can see different kinds of trees, rockeries and classical building such as a corridor and a pavilion.Erected at the side of a tiny pool is the half-pavilion to house a large Ling Bi rock, which is said to have been in the possession of Tang Ying, the great painter of the Ming Dynasty.The pavilion, named Cold Spring, calls many visitors’ attention to rockery cave, where a natural spring is sheltered under rocks.The spring, in the form of a tiny pool, was discovered during the garden’s repair in 1958.so the spring adds an important element to this otherwise dry garden court.Please look at the floor mosaic.It is paved with small pieces of stones, which are harmonized in colour with the Taihu rocks piled-up in the court.Astor Court or Ming Room The reputation of this garden court has increased internationally since 1980.In May 1980 a similar court was constructed in the Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York City to dis play and exhibit the oriental cultural relics such as porcelain, Chinese paintings and bronze ware.The court in the museum was designed as a Ming-dynasty-style garden court,named Astor Court or Ming Room.This is because Mrs.Astor donated 1.5 million USD to build the very garden court.And the Late Spring Cottage garden court in Suzhou was used as its model.The project was undertaken by Suzhou Garden Administration.A full-size prototype was erected in the East Park of Suzhou in May 1979.the prototype still remains in Suzhou;its replica is being exhibited in New York.It was the first time for New China to export an entire classical garden for a foreign country.Its quality was excellent.So it was a great success in the cultural exchange between China and the USA.The fame of the Master-of –Nets Garden spread all over the world, attracting countless visitors.Hall Amidst Hills and Osmanthus Groves This hall is located south of Mount Yungang, or the Cloud Mound, and faces a stretch of rockeries with osmanthus trees growing on them.There are maples and magnolias over this mound piled up with yellow rocks, forming very good scenery and attracting many photographers.Little Stone Arched Bridge Over there is a delicate little stone bridge, which is the smallest yet the oldest in Suzhou Garden.It’s a relic from the Song Dynasty(960-1279).This granite stone bridge is 2.45 meters long and 0.93 metre wide.Viewed from the opposite bank of the pond, this single-arch bridge looks even smaller.So it really makes the water in the pond appear more voluminous an extensive.On either side of the bridge are four steps with handrails.Under the bridge flows a brooklet with rockeries at its both sides, which seems to be a miniature of the Three Gorges.There is a sluice gate at a distance of several feet south of the bridge, where on a rock are carved two characters meaning “Wait for Tide.”

Lute Room Walking westward from the bridge along the corridor and then turning south, we come to the House of Tranquility and Harmony.A small door south of the hall opens on a quiet courtyard, where a pavilion serves as a place for music.Two Chinese characters Lute Room are inscribed on a horizontal tablet.Duck-Shooting Corridor If we walk northward from the bridge, we’ll get to the Square Pavilion and the Duck-Shooting Corridor.The Square Pavilion is opposite to the Pavilion of Arriving Moon and Wind, and links the Chamber with Best Views.In China’s Tang Dynasty(618-907),people liked ducks very much.They either made ducks fighting or shot ducks to make amusement.Nowadays such kind of amusement is nowhere to be found.The corridor is only about ten feet long.But there are two delicate brick carvings inlaid in its nearby wall, showing very detailed landscapes.The carving was done in the Song Dynasty.



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