
时间:2019-05-14 05:27:46下载本文作者:会员上传




1st july will be the 87th anniversary of the founding of the communist party of china(cpc), now let's have a general idea of the cpc's governing concept and its evolution and how the party's governing concept has been evolving in the different historic periods

what was the major task for the cpc immediately after its founding?

zhang rongchen: the founding of the cpc in july 1921 was directly influenced by the october revolution in russia in 1917.however, the cpc was founded for the specific needs of the chinese revolutionary situation.after the first opium war in 1840, china was gradually reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country.then chinese people faced two historic tasks of pursuing national independence and liberation and building a strong country with well-off people.the fulfillment of these two historical tasks had to start with a thorough anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism revolution.the people demanded the founding of a party led by the working class to guide a chinese anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism revolution.the democratic revolution after the founding of the cpc fulfilled these anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism tasks and achieved national independence and liberation.this meant that the governing status of the cpc was historically inevitable and in line with the interests and demands of the public.what was the principle and governing concept of the cpc after the founding of the people's republic of china in 1949?

since the first day of its founding the cpc has taken “serving the people wholeheartedly” as its principle, which has been written into the party constitution.in

1944, mao zedong made a speech entitled “serving the people wholeheartedly,” in which he said, "our communist party and the eighth route and new fourth armies led by our party are battalions of the revolution





Festival party sources

China Kohsan anniversary of the establishment of the party,July 1 calendar year.In 1917 after the victory of the Russian Revolution,the rapid spread of Marxism in our country,after “54”

Patriotic Movement,the first Marxist-Leninist revolutionary intellectuals to accept Li Dazhao,Chen,Mao Zedong,Dong and others,have been set up in various parts of the communist group,propagating Marxism-Leninism,to engage in the labor movement.Lenin led the public in the middle of the active help of the international,around July 1921 sent on behalf of the communist group held in Shanghai,China Kohsan first Congress party.Imperialist spy after being found,the meeting has shifted to South Lake in Jiaxing,Zhejiang of a ship to continue.To participate in the meeting were Li Da,Li Hanjun,Zhang cook,renjing liu,Dong,Chen Tanqiu,Mao Zedong,shuheng he,Wang Jinmei,Deng Enming,Bo Chen,Bao Huiseng,feihai zhou,a total 13 people,on behalf of the National Champion 57 members attended the the meeting.Also

attending the meeting were the Communist International on behalf of Marin,on behalf of the Red Trade Unions,International.The General Assembly adopted the party’s constitution,election as general secretary Chen,declaring the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party.Since then,emerged in China in order to completely new for the purpose of communism,Marxism-Leninism as a guide to action,unified working class political parties.China Kohsan the birth of the party,the historical development of China has opened up a new era of revolution in China take on a new look.Anti-Japanese War,due to environmental problems and can not check in mind,”a” meeting of the exact date,so the CPC Central Committee in 1941 decided to convene a “a” in July 1921 did the first day of July 1 as the party’s birthday and to commemorate Day.Anniversary of the establishment of

the Communist Party of China,July 1 calendar year.In 1917 after the victory of the Russian Revolution,the rapid spread of Marxism in our country,after “54” Patriotic Movement,the first Marxist-Leninist revolutionary intellectuals to accept Li Dazhao,Chen,Mao Zedong,Dong and others,have been set up in various parts of the communist group,propagating Marxism-Leninism,to engage in the labor movement.Lenin led in the public domain active assistance of international,around July 1921 the communist group sent representatives to Shanghai Communist Party of China convened the first Congress.Imperialist spy after being found,the meeting has shifted to South Lake in Jiaxing,Zhejiang of a ship to continue.To participate in the meeting were Li Da,Li Hanjun,Zhang cook,renjing liu,Dong,Chen Tanqiu,Mao Zedong,shuheng he,Wang

Jinmei,Deng Enming,Bo Chen,Bao Huiseng,feihai zhou,a total 13 people,on behalf of the National Champion 57 members attended the the meeting.Also attending the meeting were the Communist International on behalf of Marin,on behalf of the Red Trade Unions尼柯尔斯基International.The General Assembly adopted the party’s constitution,election as general secretary Chen,declaring the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party.Since then,emerged in China in order to completely new for the purpose of communism,Marxism-Leninism as a guide to action,unified working class political parties.The birth of the Communist Party of China,China’s historical development has opened up a new era of revolution in China take on a new look.Anti-Japanese War,due to environmental problems and can not check in mind,”a” meeting of the exact date,so the CPC Central Committee

in 1941 decided to convene a “a” in July 1921 did the first day of July 1 as the party’s birthday and to commemorate Day.中国共产党成立纪念日,每年公历七月一日。1917年俄国十月革命胜利后,马克思主义迅速传遍到我国,经过”五四”爱国运动,最早接受马列主义的革命知识分子李大钊,陈独秀,毛泽东,董必武等人,相继在各地成立共产主义小组,宣传马列主义,从事工人运动。在列宁领导的公产国际的积极帮助下,1921年7月各地共产主义小组派出代表到上海召开了中国共产党第一次代表大会。后因被帝国主义密探发觉,会议又转移到浙江嘉兴南湖的一只船上继续进行。参加会议的有李达,李汉俊,张国煮,刘仁静,董必武,陈潭秋,毛泽东,何叔衡,王尽美,邓恩铭,陈公博,包惠僧,周佛海,共十三人,代表全国冠军五十七名党员出席了会议。参加会议的还有共产国际代表马林,赤色职工国际代表尼柯尔斯基。大会通过了党的章





years ago in July, the Communist party of China was born in South Lake boat fire spread revolution.A short span of 28 years has made the 9.6 million square kilometers in width, 4 Long live the people of the state power of the public.From a divided, being at the mercy of the “sick man” to the prosperous and strong, and proud of a democratic country, to rise from the humiliation, to take off from a standstill, from bitterness to glory.This is the kind of huge energy release, this is simply how that of the great feats!This is because the Communist party of China has advanced the theory of guidance, is different from the previous peasant uprising, is not a simple change of government;This is because the Communist party of China is rooted in the history of China's most advanced productive forces, and embodied the essence of the best of the Chinese nation.I have a huge party for our proud achievements.In 1949, the eve of the founding of New China, Chairman Mao wrote excitedly rub: The fate of the Chinese-speaking people by their own hands, such as China will be as the sun rises in the east, with their brilliant flame illuminated the earth, quickly and cleaned up the reactionary left government, heal the wounds of war, has built a strong brand-new people's Republic of true.“ History has given the important task of national rejuvenation of the Chinese Communist party, and the Chinese Communist party did not live up to the great trust of history, and lead people of all nationalities in the wind and rain in the 59-year history, do not yield to pressure undaunted by repeated setbacks, smashed the imperialist blockade and challenges, to defend the national sovereignty and dignity, one after another to overcome unimaginable difficulties and achieved a series of socialist construction achievements.Especially since the Third plenary Session of the Eleventh party, the party has learned from three decades of experience in money and lessons out of a socialism with Chinese characteristics and the road to success.From the ”Rise of Fantasy Monster“ long-term poor and weak to ” Yutian music played there,“ the initial prosperity can say that the leadership of the Communist party of China and the backbone of the core, in the long history of the Chinese nation to write has a.If it is said that the development of human society is a lengthy drama, then 62 years of New China, the miracle of economic development, without a doubt is one of the most glorious, most glorious, the most touching scene.From China leap from an agricultural country to industrial countries in the vertical tracks, from many countries in the world in the horizontal comparison, but also shows the glory of the Communist party of China, the great and correct.to listen to a knowledge-based economy, the Communist party of China recalled the glorious footsteps of felt that the carol, indomitable spirit, vowed to the ideals and unshakeable conviction.I am proud for the honor to be a mem。ber of the Communist party of China;I am proud to have the honor to bring the body's own weak, modest contribution to mankind's most magnificent, the greatest cause of communism.At the same time, I deeply know that as a Communist party member, the proud but also a mission, a responsibility, a driving force.The days to come, I should be proud as a member of the Communist party of the situation into forward momentum, and strive to practice the ”Three Represents“ in the journey towards a better future, with more confidence and more high enthusiasm, and more hard work, strong will to fight more and more scientific attitude, extraordinary in their own positions Expressing the communist cause, loyalty and persistence.”party members and cadres to stay, to enable students to take the lead!" This is not just a slogan, it is also a basic requirement.Officials do? Why join the party? With the right to do? This is what we should always ask ourselves topic.The official, to join the party is at a crucial moment, the people most in need can be excluded when obtained, were on red to open a peace for the masses of living space.For each party member, it requires not only clarity of vision, but also down-to-earth dedication!It requires not only the world's most ambitious vision, but also the livelihood of the people need to pay attention to detail!It is not only the need for strict integrity and the need to undergo supervision by the masses of the magnanimous!This is the sentiment of a member of the Communist party.


昨天 今天 明天














































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