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四级听力考前400词(转自北京新东方欧阳萍老师)(2012-06-05 10:00:34)转载▼ 标签:


absent adj.缺席的;缺乏的;心不在焉的 abuse vt./n.滥用;虐待;辱骂

academic adj.学院的;学术的 accustomed adj.惯常的,习惯的 achieve vt.实现,达到 vi.成功 achievement n.成就;完成 admission n.准许进入;进入权 advanced adj.先进的;高级的

advocate v.主张;拥护;支持;提倡 agency n.代理;代理处


agreeable adj.令人愉快的;和蔼可亲的 alcohol n.含酒精的饮料,酒精 ambition n.抱负,雄心

ancestor n.祖宗,祖先;先驱 ancient adj.古代的;年老的 ankle n.踝关节

anniversary n.周年纪念(日)

annual adj.年度的 n.年报;一年生的植物 apart adv.分离,分开 adj.分离的 apartment n.(一套)公寓房间 apology n.道歉,认错

application n.申请,申请书;应用软件 apply vi.申请;应用

appointment n.约会;任命 arrange vt.安排;布置

arrest vt.逮捕,拘留 n.拘留 * artificial adj.人工的,人造的 assess vt.对...进行估价;评价 association n.协会;联合,交往 assume vt.假设,臆断;就职;采取 atmosphere n.大气(层),空气;气氛 audience n.听众,观众,读者 authority n.权利;[pl]当局;当权者;权威 automatically adv.自动地,机械地

available adj.现成可使用的,可得到的 awake adj.醒着的 vi.醒 vt.唤醒 award vt.授予 n.奖,奖品 aware adj.知道的,意识到的

B ban vt.取缔;禁止 n.禁令

bare adj.赤裸的;光秃的;勉强的 vt.露出 barely adv.仅仅;几乎不 basement n.地下室

basis n.基础;主要成分;原则 bath n.洗澡;浴室 bear vt.忍受 n.熊 behalf n.利益;支持

bet vt.以...打赌 vi.打赌 n.赎金 blame vt.职责,责备

block n.大楼;街区 vt.堵塞,拦阻 bottomless adj.无底的;难解的 bound adj.一定的,必然的 vi.跳跃

breakthrough n.突破,突破性的进展,重要的新发现 broadcast n.广播,广播节目 vt.播放 burden n.负荷;重担

budget n.预算 vi.编预算 vt.安排 adj.低廉的 bury vt.埋葬;埋藏

C campaign n.运动;战役 vi.参加/发起运动 campus n.校园

candidate n.申请求职者;候选人 cash n.钱,现款 vt.把...兑现

catalog/catalogue n.目录(册)vt.将...编入目录 celebrate vt.庆祝;颂扬 vi.庆祝 certificate n.证(明)书,执照 chain n.链条;连锁店

change vt.改变,换 vi.改变 n.变化;找头,零钱 charge n.费用;管理 vt.索(价);控告 vi.收费 chase vt./n.追逐,追捕,追求 civil adj.国内的;平民的;文明的

claim vt.声称;索取 n.要求;索赔;声称 clerk n.店员,职员,办事员 comment n.评论;议论 vt.评论 commercial adj.商业的 n.商业广告 commit vt.犯(错误,罪行等);把...托付给 committee n.委员会 communication n.交流;[pl.]通信/交通工具 competitive adj.竞争的;好竞争的;(价格等)有竞争力的 complaint n.抱怨;投诉

complex adj.复杂的 n.建筑群;综合体;情结 complicated adj.复杂的,难懂的;琢磨不透的 comprehensive adj.广泛的,综合的 concentration n.专注;集中;浓度 conclude vt.推论出;结束 vi.结束

concrete adj.具体的;混凝土制的 n.混凝土 conductor n.(公共汽车站的)售票员;(乐队的)指挥 confident adj.有信心的;确信的

confuse vt.使困惑,把...弄糊涂;混淆;搞乱 confusion n.困惑;混淆;混乱 considerably adv.相当地 constitution n.宪法;设立 constructive adj.有建设性的 contaminated adj.传染的

contribute vi.作出贡献;有助于;投稿 vt.捐献 convenient adj.方便的

conventional adj.常规的;符合习俗的;传统的 convey vt.传达;运送;转让

counter n.柜台;计数器 vt.反拨 adv.对立地 cover vt.覆盖;包括,涉及 n.封面 crash vi.碰撞,坠落 n.坠毁;破裂声 criminal n.罪犯 adj.犯罪的 crisis n.危机;决定性时刻 critically adv.危急地;挑剔地

D deal vi.处理 n.交易;分量 decorate vt.装饰;装潢 deficiency n.不足;缺陷 degree n.度数;程度;学位 democratic adj.民主的 dentist n.牙科医生

departure n.出发;违反

desperate adj.不顾一切的;绝望的

destructive adj.破坏(性)的,毁灭(性)的 determine vt.决定;使下决心 vi.下决心 device n.装置,设备;手段 direction n.方位;[pl]说明书;管理 director n.主管;主任;导演

discipline n.纪律;训练 vt.训练;惩罚 discount n.折扣 vt.把...打折扣 diverse adj.不同的;多种多样的 downtown adj.商业区的 dramatic adj.戏剧性的E economic adj.经济的 n.[-s]经济学 effective adj.有效的;给人印象深刻的 efficient adj.效率高的,有能力的

elderly adj.较老的,年长的 n.[the~]到了晚年的人 elegant adj.文雅的;简练的 elementary adj.基本的;小学的 emergency n.紧急情况,不测事件 engineering n.工程(学);工程师行业 enormous adj.巨大的,极大的 enthusiasm n.热情;巨大兴趣 entrance n.入口;进入,入学 equipment n.设备,器械,装备 especially adv.特别;尤其 essay n.散文,随笔;文章

essential adj.必不可少的;本质的 n.[常pl.]要素;必需品 eve n.前夜;前夕

eventually adv.终于,最后

except conj.除了;只是 prep.除...之外

excuse vt.原谅;使免除(责任,惩罚等)n.借口 exercise n.锻炼,运动 vt.锻炼;实行 vi.运动 expansion n.扩张;膨胀

expect vt.预料;期待,盼望;要求 experience n.经历;经验 vt.经历 experiment n.实验,试验 vi.做实验

express vt.表达;快运 adj.特快的 n.快车;快递 extremely adv.非常;极端;极其

F factor n.因素,要素

failure n.失败;疏忽;故障

faint adj.隐约的;微弱的;眩晕的 vi晕倒 n.昏厥 faithful adj.忠诚的;尽职的 feedback n.反馈信息;反馈意见

female adj.雌的,女(性)的 n.雌性动物;女子 fever n.发热;一时的狂热 figure n.数字;人物;身材;图表 vt.计算;认为 financial adj.财政的,金融的 fix vt.修理;安装;安排

flexible adj.可变动的;灵活的 flight n.航班;飞行;逃跑 focus v.(使)聚焦,(使)集中 n.(注意,活动等的)中心 follow vt.跟随;遵照;理解;沿着...行进 vi.跟随 fond adj.喜欢的

fool n.傻子 vt.愚弄 vi.干蠢事 forecast n./vt.预测,预报 form n.形式;表格 v.形成 fortunately adv.幸运地

fortune n.大笔的钱;运气;财富

foundation n.[pl.]基础;基金会;创办 furniture n.家具

G garage n.车库;汽车修理行 gender n.性别

graduate n.(尤指大学的)毕业生;研究生 adj.研究生的 v.(使)毕业 grain n.谷物

grand adj.壮丽的;重大的;总的 grasp vt./n.抓紧;抓牢;领会 gratitude n.感激,感谢 guarantee vt.保证 n.保证书 guilty adj.内疚的;有罪的H handle vt.处理;操作 n.柄

horrible adj.令人恐惧的,可怕的;遭透的 hostess n.女主人

hostile adj.充满敌意的,不友善的;敌方的I identical adj.相同的;同一的 identify v.认出;识别 ignore vt.不理,忽视 image n.图像;形象 imagine vt.想象,设想;料想 imitate vt.模仿;仿制

impact n./v.影响;冲击,碰撞 inadequate adj.不充分的

incredible adj.不可信的;不可思议的 indicate vt.指示;表明,示意

indispensable adj.必不可少的,必需的 infant n.幼儿 adj.婴儿的,初期的 injury n.损害,伤害;受伤处

innocent adj.无辜的;无害的;天真的 inquire/enquire vt.打听,询问 intelligence n.智力,智慧;情报 interfere vi.干涉;妨碍,干扰 intermediate adj.中间的,中级的

interview n.面试;采访 vt.面试;采访 invisible adj.看不见的,无形的 invitation n.邀请;请柬

involve vt.包含;使卷入;牵涉 issue n.问题 vt.发行;分发 vi.流出 item n.条款;项目;产品

J jam n.堵塞;果酱 vt.使卡住 jungle n.(热带)丛林,密林

junior adj.年少的;初级的 n.年少者;大三学生;地位较低者

L laundry n.洗衣店;洗好的或待洗的衣服 lay vt.置放;产(卵);vi.下蛋 lean vi.斜靠 adj.消瘦的

least adj.最少的;最不重要的 adv.最少 legal adj.法律(上)的;合法的;法定的 license n.许可证,执照;许可

likely adj.可能的,有希望的 adv.可能 limitation n.局限 loss n.丧失;损失 luggage n.行李

M manage vt.管理,处理;设法 vi.设法对付 manner n.方式;[pl.]风度,礼貌 marine adj.海(洋)的,海生的 marvelous adj.非凡的,奇迹般的 master n.硕士;院长

matter n.问题,情况 vi.要紧 means n.方法,手段,工具 meantime adv./n.其间 mechanic n.技工,机械工 melt v.(使)融化,(使)溶化

mental adj.精神的;精神病的;智力的 minimum adj.最低的 n.最低限度 minority n.少数(派);少数民族

miserable adj.悲惨的;令人难受/痛苦的 misery n.痛苦,苦难;悲惨的境遇 mission n.使命,任务;代表团

moderate adj.中等的;有节制的 v.(使)和缓 mood n.心情,情绪 museum n.博物馆

N neat adj.整洁的;简洁的

necessarily adv.必要地;必然地 nerve n.神经;勇敢,胆量

nervous adj.神经紧张不安的;神经系统的 notable adj.值得注意的,显著的 note n.便条;笔记 vt.注意,留意

O offer vt.给予,提供;表示(愿意)做 official n.官员,行政人员 operation n.操作,运转;手术

optional adj.可以任选的,非强制的

order n.顺序;定购(的物品)vt.命令;定购,叫(饭菜等)organization n.团体,机构;组织

otherwise conj.否则 adj.其他方面的 adv.不同地 overcome vt.克服;(感情等)压倒

overseas adv.在/向海外 adj.(在)海外的,(在)国外的 P pack vi.(把...)打包 n.包,小盒

package n.包裹;一揽子交易/计划/建议等 pale adj.苍白的,灰白的

panic n.惊慌 v.(使)惊慌失措 parcel n.小包,包裹

participate vi.参与,参加

patient adj.忍耐的;有耐心的 n.病人 perceive vt.感知;认识到,理解 permission n.允许,许可,准许 phenomenon n.现象

physician n.内科医生;医师 point n.要点,观点;(某一)时刻 v.指向 policy n.政策,方针;保险单 post n.邮政,邮件;职位 pour vt.灌,注 vi.倾泻

practical adj.实际的,使用的;切合实际的 presence n.出席;存在;出现 present adj.目前的 vt.赠(送);提出;上演 presentation n.报告;介绍;演讲 pressure n.压(力);压迫 prevent vt.预防,防止

private adj.私人的;私下的;私立的 productive adj.多产的;能生产的 profession n.职业 professor n.教授

profit n.利润;好处 vt.得益(于)promotion n.升职;促销 property n.财产;特性 prospect n.前景,前途

protective adj.保护的,防护的 purpose n.目的,意图 pursue v.追求

R range n.一系列 vi.(在某范围内)变动,变化 rate n.速度;率;价格 vt.评估 realistic adj.现实的;逼真的 reception n.招待会,欢迎会 recommend vt.推荐;建议 recruit vt.招募(新兵),吸收(新成员)regret vt./n.懊悔;遗憾;抱歉 relieve vt.使轻松;缓解,减轻 religious adj.宗教的;虔诚的 replace vt.代替,取代 represent vt.表示,象征

reproduce v.复制,再现;繁殖,生殖 request vt./n.请求,要求

reservation n.(住处,座位等的)预定 respectively adv.各个地,分别地

responsible adj.承担责任的;有责任感的 restaurant n.餐馆,饭店 resume n.简历

retain vt.保留,保持

review vt.复习,审查 n.评论 revise vt.修订,修改

rid vt.使摆脱,从...中清除 route n.路线,路程

routine n.例行公事,惯例 adj.常规的 royal adj.王室的,皇家的 ruler n.统治者,支配者 rural adj.农村的S saint n.圣人

sale n.出售;廉价出售 satisfaction n.满意,满足 scene n.场面,场景,一幕

schedule n.时刻表,日程安排表 scholar n.学者;奖学金获得者 scream vi.尖叫,大吼(着)说 secretary n.秘书;部长,大臣 security n.安全,保障;[pl.]证券 semester n.学期

seminar n.(大学的)研究班;研讨会 sense n.感官;感觉;意义 sew v.缝(纫)shade n.阴凉处,荫

shelter n.掩蔽处,躲避处;住所

sign n.标记;迹象 v.签(名,合同)signal n.信号

significant adj.相当数量的;重要的

simply adv.简单地;完全,简直;仅仅,只不过 slight adj.轻微的,不足道的 slogan n.标语;广告语

sociable adj.好交际的,合群的 solar adj.太阳的;(利用)太阳能的 solid adj.结实的;稳固的 solve vt.解决,解答 sort n.种类,类别 source n.源(泉),发源地;来源 spare adj.备用的;空闲的 specialist n.专家 adj.转业的 species n.种类 spite n.不顾

spoil vt.宠坏;破坏 spot n.地点 vt.发现

staff n.全体职工,工作人员 standard n.标准,规格 stock n.库存,现货;股票 stomach n.胃;肚子

straight adv.直接地;立即 straw n.稻草,麦秆;习惯 strength n.力气;实力 suicide n.自杀;自取灭亡 suit n.一套衣服/西服 vt.适合

suppose vt.以为;认为应该;假如 surface n.表面,surgery n.外科;外科手术 survey n.调查

survive v.幸存,继续存在;幸免于 suspect vt.怀疑 n.嫌疑犯 switch n.开关;转换 vi.转换

T tale n.故事,传说

target n.靶;目标 v.瞄准 temper n.脾气,情绪

tend vi.易于,往往会;趋向 tent n.帐篷

theory n.理论,原理;学说 thick adj.厚的,粗的;密集的 thorough adj.彻底的;仔细周到的 threat n.威胁;构成威胁的人或物 tide n.潮汐;趋势

tight adj.紧身的;紧的 tobacco n.烟草,烟叶

tough adj.困难的 ;牢固的;严格的 trace n.痕迹 vt.追溯

tragedy n.惨事,灾难;悲剧(艺术)transmit vt.发射;传染

trick n.诡计;窍门 vt.欺诈,哄骗 tropical adj.热带的;炎热的 twist vt.使缠绕;扭伤 tyre n.轮胎,车胎

U ugly adj.难看的,丑陋的

ultimate adj.最高的;最终的 n.终极 unexpected adj.想不到的,意外的 unfortunately adv.遗憾的是,可惜的是 uniform n.制服 adj.全都相同的 unique adj.独特的,独一无二的

upset vt.打乱,打翻 adj.心烦的,苦恼的 V variety n.品种,种类;变化,多样化 various adj.各种各样的,不同的 violent adj.暴力的;猛烈的,剧烈的 volume n.卷,书卷;体积 voluntary adj.自愿的,志愿的 W wander vi.漫游,闲逛;走神 warn v.警告,告诫 wedding n.婚礼

well-to-do adj.小康的,富足的

wonder v.想知道,对...感到惊讶 n.惊讶 worthwhile adj.值得(做)的 wrinkle n.皱纹 v.(使)起皱纹


新东方四级听力笔记 1关于旅行 travel journey 陆上长途旅行 trip 陆上短途旅行 outing 远足 stroll 散步 wander 徘徊 picnic 野餐 camping 野营 tour 周游

cruise 水上短途旅行 voyage 水上长途旅行


没有感情色彩的:die / end up / meat one’s death / decease 褒义的: pass away 贬义的:kick the bucket


get on with = get along(well)with be in good term with live in peace with

3关于强调 point out emphasize lay / put emphasis on give emphasis to

4达成协议找到出路 find a way out reach an agreement reach a consensus

5关于“得失” gains and losses give and take


drop in / at / over / by stop in / over / by call on sb

call at / round sw look in / up pay a visit to

pay / make a call to

7、关于碰见,偶遇 come across run into bump into

happen to meet

8、其他 closed 关门 open 开门

office hours / business hours / working hours 工作时间,营业时间


power on / off 开/关 turn on / off 开/关

switch on / off 开/ 关(这个词只能用于与电有关的开关,不能用于水龙头之类的开关)

10、干杯 cheers

propose a toast to bottom up

the best book 最好的书 the best thing 最好的事情

the last thing 最不愿意做的事情

the last man 最不愿意见的人

best seller 畅销 sell up 卖完,卖光 售罄 sell out卖完,卖光 售罄 / 出卖11朋友或原则 sell off 低价处理库存商品

selling machine 自动售货机

selling point 卖点 count the days 渴望

count on = dependent / rely on

count in 把„„考虑在内

count for nothing 一钱不值

count for little 无足轻重 count for much 举足轻重

count down 倒计时 count up 相加 count up to 共计 短对话的常见场景 1.学校场景 课程分类

Optional course 选修课 Required course 必修课 Day course 白天的课 Evening course 晚上的课

经常出现的科目或专业 Chinese 中文 English 英语 mathematic 数学 history 历史 chemistry 化学 Literature 文学 考试

Final exam 期终考试 middle exam 期中考试 make up 补考 test测验

pop test 事先没有说好的测验 quiz 测验 oral test 口试 考试临近

draw on / in sight of / draw nearly


delay / be off / defer / hold up / postpone / put off / suspend 学校分类

public school 公立学校 private school 私立学校 religious school 教会学校

学校中的人 president 校长 dean 院长 professor 教授 lecturer 讲师

coordinator 管理员 doctor 博士 master 硕士 bachelor 学士

freshman 大一新生 sophomore 大二学生 junior 大三学生 senior 大四学生 图书馆

借书 lend / borrow / check out 参考书 reference book 续借 renew 过期 overdue 还书 return 罚金 fine attend / have a lecture 上课

cut a class 逃课

miss a class 错过了课 scholarship 荣誉奖学金 assistantship 助教奖学金

teaching assistant 助教 research assistant 助研 2.交通运输场景 fare 车票 licence 驾照

rush hours 高峰时间 traffic jam 交通堵塞 overtake 超车

one way street 单行道

over speed 超速 police officer 交警 ticket 罚单 fine 罚金

fast way / express way / high way 高速公路 motor way 机动车道 super way 飞机机动车道

free way 免费高速公路 交通工具(出现频率从高到低)

plane / train(女)/ bus / bike(女)/ walk(女)/ taxi(女):女生比较喜欢 tunnel / channel 隧道 ring road 环线

subway(美)/ underground(英)地铁

metro 地道 overhead 轻轨 flyover 人行天桥 mag – lev 3.电话场景

mobile phone 手机 pay phone 公用电话 telephone box/booth 电话亭

yellow page 黄页

dial(拨电话号码)/ press(按电话号码)extension 分机 operator 总机 put~through 接通

wrong number / there is no one by this name 电话号码错了/ 没有这个人

is not in 不在?

hold on 不要挂断,稍等 take/leave a message 留言 hang up / get off 挂断 credit call 记账式电话 bill the call into the 3rd party 免费电话

collect call 对方付费电话


plane / craft 飞机 book 订票

timetable 时间表 destination 目的地 open ticket

one way ticket 单程票 round trip ticket 来回票 non-stop / direct flight 直航

transfer / lay over / stop over 转机

first / business / economy cabin 头等 / 商务 / 经济 舱

confirm the flight 确认航班

check in 登记

boarding card 登机牌 security check 安检 see off 送行 送别时的祝语

keep in touch 保持联系 safe landing 安全着陆 board 登机 take off 起飞 departure 离港

safety / sect belt 安全带 land 着陆 arrival 进港 pick up 接机


job vacancy 有空缺职位 letter of application 求职信

resume 简历

resume包括几部分 basic / personal info.基本信息/个人资料

academic background 教育背景

work experience 工作经验

certificates and honours interview 面试 offer 聘用信

work experience 工作经验

work overtime 加班 ask for a raise 加钱 wage 周薪 salary 日薪 bonus奖金 allowance 津贴

annual income 年收入 promotion 升职 fire 解雇 resign 辞职

work / job / career / course 工作

post / position / vocation / title 职务


holiday 假日,假期 vacation 休假 annual leave 年假 sick leave 病假 rest 休息

break 指喝杯茶、喝杯咖啡的休息 coffee break away 离开一会 6.租房场景

live on campus 住校 live off campus 住校外 for sale 可销售的房子 for rent / lease 可出租的房子

to let 同上 rent 租金

utilities 公用事业费

location 位置

suburb / downtown 市郊 / 市中心

condition 住房条件 furnished 配家具 unfurnished 无装修 leaking 漏水 blackout 断电 environment 环境 transportation 交通 land lord 房东

land lady 房东太太 tenant 房客 roommate 室友

好的室友:neat 整洁的 considerate 体贴的,细心的

不好的室友:messy / untidy 脏乱的 noisy 吵闹的


see a doctor 去医院看医生

send for a doctor 让医生出诊

health center / clinic 卫生所 / 门诊部

physician 内科医生 surgeon 外科医生 dentist 牙医

make an appointment 预约

emergency 急诊

check up / exam 检查 cold(感冒)—— flu(流感)—— headache(头痛)—— sore throat(嗓子痛)——

fever(发烧)—— toothache(牙疼)—— stomachache(胃疼)prescribe 开药方 pill / tablet 药片 liquid 喝药水

injection => shot 注射 operation 手术

medical result 诊断结果


make a reservation 预订房间

confirm a reservation 确认预订

cancel a reservation 取消预订

fully booked / full up / full 客满

porter 行旅员 tips 小费

reception 前台 check in 登记入住 single room 单人房 double room 一张大床的双人房

twin room 两张单人床的双人房 suite 套房

bathroom toilet / w.c closet restroom 厕所 room service 客房服务(四级听力中的客房服务一般只有考一种——送餐)

lounge 男士用休息区 lobby 大堂

business center 商务中心

salon 美容厅

ball 舞厅 bar 酒吧

night club 夜总会 check out 退房 9.邮局场景

post / send / mail 寄 letter / mail 信

registered mail 挂号信 regular mail平信 airmail 航空信

parcel / package 包裹 telegram / cable 电报 rate 费率

overweight 超重 postage 邮资 email 电子邮件 reply 回复 forward 转发

cc(carbon copy)抄送bcc(blind carbon copy)秘密抄送 subject 主题 attach 附件

10.饭店场景 eat out 出去吃 take away 外带 fast food 快餐

book a table 订位子 waiter / waitness 服务员

menu 菜单 order 点菜

appetizer 开胃菜 main course 主食 dessert 餐后甜点 bill 账单

service charge 服务费 change 找零 tips 小费

keep the change 不用找零了



作者:北京新东方学校国内考试部 赵建昆









第四篇:[四级听力] 新东方四级听力名师课堂讲义-近音词

[四级听力] 新东方四级听力名师课堂讲义-近音词






loose tight----lose


First---fast tempered

Pull push--pool

appeal—a pill

bald---board cupboard keyboard marker

avoid — award

Pass---career path






Short Conversations


及格数量:5-6道 推荐准确数量:6-7题

重点场景:Airport(flight)restaurant hotel

重点主题:Campus life job-hutting







A.Helen is talkative B.Helen is activeC.Helen is sociable D.Helen is quite


M:We’ve got three women researchers in our group, Mary, Betty and Helen.Do you know them?

W: Sure, Mary is active and sociable.Betty is the most talkative woman I’ve ever met.But guess what?Helen is just the opposite.Q: what do we know from the conversation?



A)She wants to get some sleep.B)She needs time to write a paper.C)She has a literature class to attend.D)She is troubled by her sleep problem.原文:

M: How about joining me for a cup of coffee?

W: I'd love to, but I'm exhausted.(疲惫)I was up till 3 this morning writing a paper for my literature class.Q: Why does the woman decline the man's invitation?

解析:准确答案A。用来替换I'm exhausted(疲倦),同义替换,听到的慎选。

Longer Conversations


及格数量:4 推荐准确数量:5-6道


重点主题:Campus life job-hutting





23.A)She is thirsty for promotion.C)She is tired of her present work.B)She wants a much higher salary.D)She wants to save travel expenses.24.A)Translator.C)Language instructor.B)Travel agent.D)Environmental engineer.25.A)Lively personality and inquiring mind.B)Communication skills and team spirit.C)Devotion and work efficiency.D)Education and experience.答案:CAD


W:Oh!I’m fed up with my job!(第一次作对第23题的机会,be fed up with sth/sb意思为厌倦某事或某人)

M:Hey!There’s a perfect job for you in the paper today.You might be interested.W:Oh?What is it?What do they want?

M:Wait a minute…Ah,here it is.The European Space Agency.It’s recruiting translators.(第24题。视听基本一致)

W:The European Space Agency?

M:Well,That is what it says.They need an English translator(第24题。视听基本一致)to work from French or German.W:So they need a degree in French or German,I suppose.Well,I’ve got that.What’s more? I’ve plenty of experience.What else are they asking for?

M:Just that..A university degree,and 3 or 4 years experience as a translator in a professional environment.They also say,the person should have a lively and inquiring mind,effective communication skills,and the ability to work individually,or as a part of the team.(第25题AB项同时被读到,于是就都错了)

W:Well,if I stay on my present job much longer,I won’thave any mind or skills left.(作对第23题的第二次机会)By the way,what about the salary?I just hope it isn’t lower than what I get now.M:It’s said to be negotiable.It depends on the applicant’s education and experience.(最后被读到,第25题准确答案。视听基本一致)In addition to basic salary,there’s a list extra benefits.Have a look yourself.W:Em…travel and social security plus relocation expenses are paid.Hey,this isn’t bad,I really want the job.Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you’ve just heard:

23.Why is the woman trying to find a new job?

24.What position is being advertised in the paper?

25.What are the key factors that determine the salary of the new position?

Passage Comprehensions


及格数量:6 推荐准确数量:8道





26.A)They care a lot about children.B)They need looking after in their old age.C)They want to enrich their life experience.D)They want children to keep them company.27.A)They are usually adopted from distant places.B)Their birth information is usually kept secret.C)Their birth parents often try to conceal their birth information.D)Their adoptive parents don’t want them to know their birth parents.28.A)They generally hold bad feeling towards their birth parents.B)They do not want to hurt the feelings of their adoptive parents.C)They have mixed feelings about finding their natural parents.D)They are fully aware of the expenses involved in the search.29.A)Early adoption makes for closer parent-child relationship.B)Most people prefer to adopt children from overseas.C)Understanding is the key to successful adoption.D)Adoption has much to do with love.答案:ABCD


When couples get married,they usually plan to have children,Sometimes,however,a couple can not have a child of their own.In this case,they may decide to adopt a child.In fact,adoption is very common today.There are about 60,000 adoptions each year in the United States alone.Some people prefer to adopt infants.Others adopt older children.Some couples adopt children from their own families,they all adopt children for the same reason.They care about children(第26题)and want to give their adopted child a happy life.Most adopted children know that they are adopted.Psychologists and childcare experts generally think this is a good idea.However,many adopted children or adoptees have very little information about their biological parents.As a matter of fact,it is often very difficult for adoptees to find out about their birth parents because the birth records of most adoptees are usually sealed.The information is secret,(第27题)so no one can see it.Naturally,adopted children have different feelings about their birth parents.Many adoptees want to search for them,but others do not.The decision to search for birth parents is a difficult one to make.Most adoptees have mixed feelings about finding their biological parents.(第28题)Even though adoptees do not know about their natural parents,they do know that their adoptive parents want them,love them and will care for them.Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you’ve just heard.26.According to the speaker,why do some couples adopt children?

27.Why is it difficult for adoptees to find out about their birth parents?

28.Why do many adoptees find it hard to make the decision to search for their birth parents?

29.What can we infer from the passage?

Compound Dictation












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