
时间:2019-05-14 08:05:19下载本文作者:会员上传



发布时间:2017-06-08 编辑:东浩 手机版



1.---Excuse me.Is________camera yours?---Oh, yes.I am looking for it everywhere.Thank you very much.A.a B.an C.the D./

2.---How was your trip to Lianyungang?

---Wonderful.On the way_______Huaguo Mountain, we saw some houses different from ours.A.to B.by C.at D.on

3.---_________you play the piano when you were five years old?---No.But now I am good at it.A.Can B.Could C.Are D.Do

4.---It is said that a lot of cities took action to stop people from Chinese style road crossing(中国式过马路).---___________wonderful the news is!

A.How B.How an C.What a D.What

5.---Is there______interesting in today’s newspaper?---No.But there is some important news.A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything

6.---What happened to you yesterday?---A f ootball______me when I was on the street.

A.hit B.hitted C.hited D.hits

7.---What will the weather be like tomorrow?---It will be rainy, so you should keep the windows___________.A.close B.closed C.open D.opened

8.---Can you _____________a tent by yourself?---Sorry.It’s a little difficult for me.A.put on B.put up C.put down D.take off

9.---Where is the sick boy now?---He is ill_____________.A.in hospital B.in the hospital C.at hospital D.at the hospital

10.---Who was hurt in the fire?---__________man called John.A.A 79-years-old B.A 79-year-old C.A 79 years old D.A 79 year old

11.---What is Nancy’s hobby?---She likes singing.I often hear her_________in the next room.A.sing B.singing C.to sing D.sings

12.---Your coat looks nice.How much did you____________it?---Two hundred yuan.A.pay in B.pay to C.pay for D.pay

13.---Doctor, __________should I take the medicine?---Twice a day.A.what time B.how often C.how long D.how soon

14.---Who do you want to help?---Children in poor areas, because many of them are_______poor_____go to school.A.enough;to B.too;to C.to;too D.too;can’t

15.---I am poor at English.I am unhappy all day.

---___________.If you work hard, you will learn it well.A.Come out B.Go out C.Come on D.Go on


Dad lost his job.When Christmas came that year, we had no money 16______.On Christmas Eve, Dad took me out into the park.I had a blanket, so I 17_______ Dad to share with me, but he said, “No, thanks.”We 18______ at the sky.Those beautiful stars were one of the 19______presents for people like us who lived out in the wildness.Rich city people, he’d say, lived in 20______ flats, but their air was dirty, so they 21_____ not even see the stars.“ Pick up your favorite star.” Dad said that night.He 22_______ me I could have it for keeping.He said it was my Christmas 23______.“You can’t give me a star,” I said, “ 24_______ has the stars.”

“That’s right,” Dad said, “But you can suppose(假设)it is yours.And when you do that, it is yours.”

I looked at the stars, and tried to find out 25_______ was the best one.Then, I found one.“I want that one.” I said.Dad smiled.“That’s Venus(金星),” he said, “Venus was only a planet.She looked bigger and brighter because she was 26_______ than the stars.Poor old Venus didn’t even make her 27_______ light.She shone only from reflected(反射)light.”

“I like it anyway,” I said, “I loved Venus even 28_____ that Christmas.You could see it in the early

evening, and if you got up early, you could still see it in the morning, after all the stars had disappeared(消失).”

Dad said, “Ok, it’s Christmas.I accept(接受)your decision.You can have it if you want.” And he gave 29______ Venus.We all laughed about the kids who think the Santa myth(圣诞传说)is true and only got a lot of cheap toys.“Many years later, when all the things they got are broken and long forgotten,” Dad said, “You will have your star 30_____the end.”

16.A.at first B.at once C.at all D.at least

17.A.asked B.ask C.reply D.replied

18.A.looked up B.looked for C.look out D.look after

19.A.strange B.special C.bad D.famous

20.A.beautiful B.small C.old D.poor

21.A.needed B.could C.should D.must

22.A.told B.tells C.said D.spoke

23.A.dinner B.card C.party D.present

24.A.Everybody B.Somebody C.Anybody D.Nobody

25.A.which B.why C.when D.how

26.A.slower B.farther C.closer D.higher

27.A.small B.bad C.strongly D.own

28.A.when B.before C.after D.until

29.A.me B.us C.we D.it

30.A.before B.never C.already D.till

三、阅读理解(15*2’ =30’)


It’s Kids’ Week at Big Mountain Ski Resort!

From December 27 to January Children can ski for half price!

Kids will also receive:

—Free hat!

—Coupon(礼券)for one free hot chocolate at the Pine Lodge Café!

—Free 1-hour ski or snowboard lesson!

Must be 14 or younger.Don’ t forget to join the snowboard contest.Just put your name and address on a piece of paper and put it in the game box in the Pine Lodge Café.If we pick your name, you will win a new Shark snowboard!

Come to Big Mountain for lots of fun and great prizes!

31.This advertisement is for _____.A.school students B.the students at 14 C.the kids who are 14 or younger D.all the kids

32.A kid will get _____ at Big Mountain Ski Resort.A.free hat B.coupon for one free hot chocolate C.free 1-hour snowboard lesson D.all of A, B and C

33.If a 13-year-old boy usually pay £60 to ski, he will pay ___ on December 28th.A.£120 B.£60 C.£30 D.£1(B)

It was very cold outside.There came a black car and it stopped in front of a shopping mall.A young woman was in the car.She was hungry and wanted

to buy a hamburger to eat, but she didn't want to go out on a so(如此)cold morning.At that time she found a boy playing in the street.“Come on, boy!” she said to the boy.“Do you know how much a hamburger is in the shopping mall?”

“Two dollars each,” the boy answered.She gave the boy four dollars and asked him to buy two hamburgers.“One is for you and the other is for me,” she said.Some minutes(分钟)later, the boy came back.He was eating a hamburger.He gave the young woman two dollars and said,“ Sorry, there's only one hamburger left(剩下的).”

34.The black car stopped because_______.A.the weather was very cold.B.it was broken(坏的).C.the woman found a boy playing in the street.D.the woman wanted to buy a hamburger

35.A hamburger in the shopping mall was_______.A.$2 B.$4 C.$1 D.We don't know.36.The young woman had _______.A.no hamburger B.one hamburger C.two hamburgers D.four hamburgers

37.From the article, we can know the story happened(发生)_______.A.in winter B.in summer C.on a cool day D.on a hot day


Qi Haoran, a Junior 1 student, was quite busy over the past winter holiday and not just with homework.Qi, together with 10 other classmates made a volunteer group to call on people to join the Clean Your Plate Campaign(“光盘行动”).

These students went to many restaurants and told people that saving food is important.“Excuse me, do you know that 950 million people around the world still don’t have enough food to eat? Please don’t waste(浪费)food.” They would say this kind of thing hundreds of times every day.The Clean Your Plate Campaign began on the Internet in January.It calls on people to reduce(减少)food waste.China in recent years had experienced(经历)serious problems with wasted food.CCTV reported in January that the food Chinese people waste every year is enough to feed 200 million people for a year.Chinese people are well-known for being hospitable(好客的).Many even feel that they lose face if their guests have eaten all the food.Luckily, the campaign has got a lot of support.In a restaurant in Xinjiang, the owner give the guests who have eaten up all that they ordered a sticker(贴花).People can enjoy a free meal when they have 10 stickers.More than 750 restaurants in Beijing have begun to offer smaller dishes and encourage their guests to take leftovers(剩饭剩菜)home.To reduce food waste is a big task, and it needs time.It’s important that everyone does a little, just like Qi.Did you finish your meals today?

38._______students from Qi’s High School volunteered to call on people to join the Clean Your Plate Campaign.A.Nine B.Ten C.Eleven D.Twelve

39.The Clean Your Plate Campaign started_____________in January.A.in a big restaurant B.in a CCTV programme C.in a high school D.on the Internet

40.According to the CCTV report in January, the food we waste every year can___________.A.make us enjoy free meals B.stop people from going to the restaurants

C.feed 200 million people for a year D.make us become generous

41.The restaurant owner in Xinjiang__________to support the campaign.A.gave the guests a sticker if they ate up the food B.offered the guests 10 stickers if they ordered a lot

C.offered smaller dishes to the guests D.encouraged customers to take leftovers home


Many of us don’t know that eye care(眼护理)is important.It is said that if you take care of your body, then you can surely be healthy.That is why our eyes should be given a lot of care.Natural eye care should be put in a number one place.There are several causes(原因)leading to poor eyesight(视力)like not enough food, genes(基因)and aging(老化).Televisions, computers and reading are also the causes of having poor eyesight.If you happen to work in front of the computer, it is best to take a break every once in a while.Something dirty can cause redness and they will make you uncomfortable.It is bad for your eyes, too.If this happens, the best way is to clean your eyes by using cold water.You must also try your best to protect your eyes from harmful(有害的)things.For example, sunglasses are not just for fashion but they can also serve as a great way to protect your eye-sight from UV rays.Eating healthy foods will do good to your eyesight.Remember that vitamin A, C and E are good for eyes.Try to eat food groups that have these vitamins.And you should do eye exercises because exercise protects your eyesight, too.If a person exercises regularly(有规律的)and eats the right kind of food, his eyes will stay in good condition(状况)for a long time.

All above are natural ways of eye care that help us keep healthy eyes.Being happy all the time can be helpful to a person’s eyesight, too.In a word, eye care is very important, no matter how old a person is.42.__________ is the most important way to protect our eyes.A.Natural eye care B.Taking medicine C.Seeing a doctor D.Being happy all the time

43.What should you do if you have to work in front of the computer?

A.Eat healthy foods.B.Clean the eyes by using cold water.C.Wear a pair of sunglasses.D.Have a rest after working for a while.44.What do the underlined words UV rays mean?

A.沙尘 B.闪电 C.紫外线 D.超声波

45.Which is the best title of the passage?

A.Ways of eye care B.Ways of eye exercises C.Ways of Being Happy D.Ways of Being Healthy




46.The box is____________________(锁着的), so we don’t know what’s in it.47.The police__________________(搜索)the man and found a gun inside his pocket.48.We all know that one hundred year is a___________________(世纪).49.My daughter is very clever but sometimes she is_______________(粗心的).

50.The young man likes____________________(打架), so nobody likes to make friends with him.B.根据首字母及上下文提示补全单词,完成短文。

Chocolate lovers know that eating chocolate makes them happy.Now they may also b__________(51)smarter by eating chocolate.Scientists let a group of people eat 85 grams of milk chocolate and asked another group to eat no chocolate at all.After 15 minutes, the group that ate chocolate were a__________(52)to memorize(记住)more words than the group that did not eat chocolate.They b__________(53)that something in chocolate could make people smarter.Of course eating chocolate doesn’t guarantee(保证)you will p_________(54)every exam(考试).You shouldn’t eat too much chocolate because there is too much f___________(55)in it.If you want to do well in your study, you will surely need to work hard.五、用方框中所给词或词组的正确形式填空(10*2’=20’)

lose one’s way;take part in;not...any more;get away;grow;

take...out of...;be afraid of;hear from;look out;at least

56.Daniel_____________his book ______________his schoolbag and put it on the table.57.Yesterday, the police caught the thief when he decided_______________________.58.Our eyes are the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop____________________.59._________________________!Don’t drive too fast.60.The old man______________________on the street, so he asked me for help.61.She___________________________her parents once a month.

62.We can______________________do anything bad to the earth_______________.It’s our home.63.I________________________more sports activities to keep fit next year.64.____________you________________dogs when you were young?

65.We should drink_____________________8 glasses of water every day.六、完成句子(5*1=5’)

66.I______________________(转身)but saw nothing.67.She___________________________(尽力地通过)the door, but failed.68.We should______________________(小心)fire.It can be very dangerous.69.Dogs are________________________(容易照料).70.When you have a picnic, ____________________________(记得带上你的手机).七、任务型阅读(5*1=5’)

A plant has four main parts: flowers, leaves , stems(茎)grow above ground, and roots grow below ground.Roots bring water from the ground to the plant.The stem carries water from the roots to the leaves and flowers.It holds the leaves and flowers in the sunlight, too.Leaves make food for the plant.Why do plants have flowers? Plants have flowers because the flowers make seeds.New plants grow from seeds.People eat all parts of plants.For example, we eat the leaves of cabbage, the root of a carrot.Which part of rice do we eat? We eat the

seeds.The seeds of the rice plant feed billions of people.What’s a billion? It’s 1,000,000,000.阅读短文,完成下面的表格。

Parts of plants What is it for? An example to eat

1._______________ Bring water from the ground to the plant.Carrot

2._______________ Carry water from roots and hold the leaves and flowers.Celery(芹菜)

Leaves Make 3.__________ for the plant.4._______________

Flowers 5._________ seeds.Broccoli



1.Simon 很聪明,学东西很快。





Dear Headmaster,I would like to recommend Simon for this year’s Best Student Award.We all think that Simon should get the award.We look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours faithfully, Millie


一、1-5 CABAB 6-10 ABBAB 11-15 ACBBC

二、16-20 CAABA 21-25 BADDA 26-30 CDBAD

三、31-33 CDC 34-37 DAAA 38-41 CDCA 42-45ADCA

四、A.46.locked 47.searched 48.century 49.careless 50.fighting

B.51.become 52.able 53.believed 54.pass 55.fat

五、took out of;to get away;growing;Look out;lost his way;hears from;will take part in;Were afraid of;at least

六、turned around;tried her best to go through;be careful with;easy to look after/take care of;remember to take your mobile phone


八、Dear Headmaster,I would like to recommend Simon for this year’s Best Student Award.Simon is very clever.He learns things very quickly.He is a thoughtful boy.He is very careful when he works.He is also helpful.He often helps teachers carry things and helps us with our problems.He is a top student in our class.We all think that Simon should get the award.We look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours faithfully


初中英语试卷 一 选择题(40分)1()—I’m____.A ok B good C Mrs D Hello 2()---What are you?---____.A Fine B A boy C Policeman D A nurse 3()How many ____are there in your family?

A people B peoples C some people D any people 4()There are ____hours in a day.A four B fourteen C twenty-four D thirty-four 5()___students are on the playground.A They are one hundred B Two hundreds C Only one hundred of D Hundreds of 6()Is there ___room and ___office on Floor Two?

A a,an B an,an C an,a

D a,a 7()He often gets up ___nine o’clock.A on B about C in D after 8()Miss Cheng enjoys __down the street.A walk B to walk C walking D walks 9()My English is poor.Can you help me ___it.A with B to C for D at 10()My brother has two ___in his room,A pair of sunglass B pairs of sunglass C pair of sunglasses D pairs of sunglasses 11()—When do we eat mooncakes?_--___.A At Halloween B At Mid-autumn Day

C At Mid-Autumn Festival 12()—Why ___you late for school?

A do B are C does 13()There ___a meeting this evening.A will have B will be C are going to be D is going to have 14()Where are you going ____the holiday?

A of B for holiday C to holiday D on holiday 15()Can I borrow some money ___you?

A from B too C /

D with 16()‖Could I have ___bread?‖ ―Sorry,I don’t have___.‖

A any;any B any;some C some;any D some;some 17()His mother___.A looks being young B looks like young C looks to be young D looks young 18()How about ___to the cinema on Sunday?

A will go B go C to go D going 19()Lily likes dancing.She needs___.A lots of energys B lot of energies C a lot of energy D lots of energies 20()It’s important ___us to learn English well.A of B for C with D to 二 词形变化(10分)1 Two cats and a dog _____(be)in the room.2 –Thank you for____(help)us.---That’s ok.3 I would like_______(stay)at home on Sunday.4 Can he ____(fly)a kite? 5 I want ______(go)to her party.6 He went____(shop)with me last Sunday.7 Are you good at_____(play)basketball? 8 Do you know the____(mean)does a person have? 9 Help______(you)to some chips,children.10The girl is very______(help).三 句型转换(10分)1 My cousin must wait for me.(改为一般疑问句)

_____ _____cousin wait for_____? 2 You can’t bring your son here.(否定祈使句)

_____ _____your son here.3 They can eat snacks at home.(对画线部分提问)

_____ can they _____ at home? 4 We have four lessons from 8:00 to 11:30a.m.(同义句)

We have four lessons_____8:00______11:30 a.m.5 Everyone has a good time at the party.(同义句)

Everyone_____ ______at the party.6 He gives me the interesting book.(改为同义句)

He _____the interesting book_____me.7 At night, there will be fireworks in Chinatown.(对画线部分提问)

_______ _______there______ in Chinatown at night? 8 He usually doesn’t have breakfast before going to school.He usually goes to school _______ ________.9 Mike plans to have Coke and hamburgers for lunch.(改为一般疑问句)

______Mike _____ _____ _____ Coke and hamburgers for lunch? 10He wants to be a swimming player.(改为否定句0

He ______ ______ to be a swimming player.四 翻译(40分)1 我们可以把报纸带到那儿吗?

Can we _____ the newspaper _____? 2 他经常在图书馆看书.He often _____ _____the library.3 课后我喜欢和同学们打网球,聊天.I like ______tennis and _______ with my classmates _____class.4 Mr Green 有时在家吃饭.Mr Green sometimes _____ _____at home.他经常在网上给他的同学发电子邮件.He often ____ ____ ____ his classmates on ____the Internet.6 他每天起床都很早.He ____up ____ every day.7 Miss Gao喜欢跟我们谈她的周末.Miss Gao _____to ____us_____ her weekends.8 Jim每天打网球2小时.Jim _____ tennis ____ 2____ everyday.9她喜欢沿街散步,一路向朋友打招呼.She ____ ____ ____ the street and ____ ____ ____ her friends.10我每天大约花一个半小时看电视.I _____about an hour _____ _____ _____ _____TV every day.11我最好的朋友埃米总是和我一起在树下交谈或者游戏.My _____ _____ Amy always ______ ______or _______with me un-der the tree.12 我和我的同学在一起总很开心.I always _____ _____ _____ ______ with my classmates.13 我们在图书馆里有许多图书可读.We have _____ _____ books _____ _____ in the library.14 我最喜爱的课程是英语和数学.My _____ _____ are English and Maths.15 这些中国人都擅长英语.These _____ are all _____ _____ speaking_____.16我很盼望能再见到你.I’m _____ _____ _____ _____ you again.17 这博物馆除了星期三每天都开.The Museum _____ every day _______Wednesday.18 我们不应当看太多的电视.We shouldn’t _____ _____ _____ _____.19 我没有足够的时间打扫房间.I _____have_____ _____ ____ clean the room.20 Tony是经常写信还是写电子邮件呢?







()6.A.Sorry,we don’t have it.B.Yes, there is.C.Sorry, I don’t know.()7.A.He’s ina hospital.B.He’s a teacher.C.He likes his work.()8.A.Becausethey are cute.B.Because they’refrom Africa.C.Because they’re my favorite.()9.A.I’m fine.B.Great.C.It doesn’t matter.()10.A.That’sall right.B.That soundsgood.C.All right.三、对话理解。听对话,回答问题。(10分)


()11.A.He’sgoing to school.B.He’s waiting fora bus.C.He’s going to a bank.()12.A.WatchTV.B.On Friday evening.C.He doesn’t like watching TV.()13.A.A panda.B.A lion.C.An elephant.()14.A.A policeman.B.An actor.C.A doctor.()15.A.It’srainy.B.It’s warmand sunny.C.It’s cloudy.B)听1段长对话,选择所提问题的正确答案。对话听两遍。(5分)

()16.What arethe students doing?

A.Having P.E.B.Playing games.C.Seeing a movie.()17.Who is therunning star in the school?

A.Lily.B.Alan.C.Ann.()18.What doesLinda look like?

A.She’s tall.B.She’s thin.C.She’s beautiful.()19.Who is playingbasketball?

A.Lily.B.Linda.C.Alan.()20.What arethe boys doing?

A.Playing tennis.B.Playing ping-pong.C.Playing soccer.四、短文理解。(5分)


()21.Where doesYang Lei live?

A.In Beijing.B.In New York.C.In Shanghai.()22.What’s onGreen Street?

A.A hospital.B.A school.C.A zoo.()23.Where isYang Lei’s house?

A.Near the park.B.Next to the supermarket.C.Across from theschool.()24.Why doesYang Lei like pandas?

A.Because they’rebeautiful.B.Because they’re cute.C.Because they liketo eat leaves.()25.Who cancook Chinese food?

A.Yang Lei.B.Victor’s mother.C.Yang Lei’s mother.第二部分基础知识运用(共计30分)



()26.—Where ____ he ______? —In Wuhan.A.do, live B.does, lives C.do, live D.does, live

()27.—How can I ______ thebank, please?

—You can take bus No.10.A.get B.get to C.take D.take to

()28.—Thank you very muchfor telling me the way.—________.A.Don’t thank me B.No thanks

C.You’re welcome D.Youneedn’t

()29.—Why do you like pandas?

—Because they’re ________ cute.A.a kind of B.kinds of C.all kinds of D.kind of

()30.My brotherworks very hard because he ______ a university student.A.wants to do B.wants to be C.likes to do D.likesto be

()31.I want toget a job ______ a reporter.A.as B.such C.so D.with

()32.—Shall we go shoppingnow?

—Sorry, I can’t.I ______ my shirts.A.wash B.washes C.washed D.am washing

()33.—How is the weather_______ in Tianjin? —______ It’s sunny.A.like B.look C./ D.likes

()34.Stop _______and listen to me.A.to talk B.on talk C.talking D.to talking

()35.Do you knowthe boy ______ a funny hat and sunglasses?

A.is B.has C.wears D.with

()36.—________ for breakfast?

—I want some bread, milk and two eggs.A.What do you like B.Which do you like

C.What would you like D.What had you had

()37.—What about your lastweekend?

—I ______ a good time.A.had B.was have C.having D.have

()38.He practices______ English every morning.A.speaks B.to speak C.speaking D.speak

()39.I’d like_______ soccer with my friends after school.A.to play B.playing C.play D.to playing

()40.Music makesme _______ relaxed.A.feeling B.to feel C.feel D.felt



Tina: Hello!This is Tina.Mary: Hi, Tina.__41__

Tina: Pretty good.__42__

Mary: Not bad.__43__

Tina: I’m reading Harry Potter.Mary: __44__

Tina: Yes, I like it very much.It’s very interesting.Mary: __45__

Tina: It’s raining.It rains a lot at this time in Shanghai.41._______ 42._______ 43._______ 44.________ 45.________



John is a famous writernow.But he said he was not a __46__ student when he was young.He was often latefor __47__ and didn’t like doing his homework.Sometimes he slept in class whilethe teacher was teaching.He didn’t understand(懂得)much, __48__ he always thoughthe understood everything.One day the teacher __49__ the students a question, “WhenJack was ten years old, __50__ brother Bob was twenty.Jack is fifteen now and __51__ is his brother, Bob?” John said, “That’s easy.Bobis twice(两倍)as old as Jack, so he is thirty.”

Another time, the__52__ in a science class asked, “When it thunders(打雷), __53__ do we always see light(电光)before we __54__ the sound?”

“But, Miss,” saidJohn quickly, “don’t you __55__ our eyes are in front of our ears(耳朵)?”

()46.A.good B.tall C.rich D.fat

()47.A.sleep B.lunch C.class D.play

()48.A.so B.and C.or D.but

()49.A.sent B.asked C.told D.found

()50.A.your B.my C.his D.her

()51.A.how many B.how old C.what D.who

()52.A.teacher B.farmer C.nurse D.policeman

()52.A.what B.when C.where D.why

()53.A.break B.make C.hear D.smell

()55.A.read B.hope C.study D.know




Michael: Hi, John!

John: Hi, Michael.Michael: Do you want to come to my home this afternoon?We can watch a video.John: OK.Where’s your home?

Michael: It’s on Bridge Street.It’s a quiet street onFifth Avenue.John: OK, I know there.There’s a new hotel on the street.Is that right?

Michael: Yes, and there’s a small park behind the hotel.My home is just next to the park.John: Can I take a bus?

Michael: No, there’s no bus to my neighborhood.You cantake a taxi.John: OK, I’ll see you at two-thirty.根据对话内容选择正确答案。

()56.What canthey do this afternoon?

A.Watch TV shows.B.Watch a football game.C.Watch a video.D.See a movie.()57.Does Johnwant to go to Michael’s home?

A.Yes, he does.B.No, he doesn’t.C.We don’t know.D.He stays at home.()58.Michael’shome is on a _________ street.A.busy




()59.What’s infront of the hotel?

A.A book store.B.A bank.C.A supermarket.D.A small park

()60.John cantake _______ to Michael’s home.A.a bus

B.a bike

C.a taxi.D.a car.B


()61.Who is fromthe United Kingdom?

A.Bob.B.David.C.Jessica.D.Miyoko.()62.What isJessica’s favorite sport?

A.Basketball.B.Tennis.C.Soccer.D.Baseball.()63.What subjectdoes David like best?

A.P.E.B.History.C.Math.D.Physics.()64.Bob’s favoritecolor is ______.A.Black.B.Red.C.Blue.D.Yellow.()65.When doesMiyoko have a computer class?

A.On Sunday.B.On Saturday.C.On Monday.D.On Thurday.五、任务型阅读。(20分)







69.Amy wants to have the job in the TV station.She should(应该)___________________first.70.If you want to be an actor in the play SNOW WHITE,you should ____________________.D

Dear Sam,The weather is wonderful in Hainan, thought(尽管)it is winter now.The air is fresh, the sky is clear and ①_______.The days are warm and②______, but the nightsare cool and humid.It’s a beautiful place in China.I stay at a hotel on the coast(海岸).There is a beautiful ③_______ pool.There is a beach, too.I like Chinese food.It isdelicious.⑤My room and mealscost ¥200 a day.Every day after a ④_______ breakfast, I spend the morning on the beach.Then I gosightseeing, such as Yalongwan, Luhutou, Tianyahaijiao and so on.After that, Iusually sleep for a few hours.Then I read by the pool and have a cool drink.I will come here again next winter.Do you want to comewith me?




71.①_________ 72.②_________ 73.③_________ 74.④________









79.Penguins don’t eat ________(leaf).80.The weather here is _________(wind)and cold.81.The people are really __________(relax)at the party.82.I enjoy ________(listen)to music before going tobed.83.Mary is very ________(friend).She always helps others.B)根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。(5分)

84.The pandas are _______ ______(有几分)cute.85.In the park, the girl is ________ ________(拍照).86.The supermarket is _______ _______(在……对面)the post office.87.______ ______ _______(为了)improve his English.He reads it for half an hour every day.88.Bridge is a good place to _______ _______(获得乐趣).七、书面表达。(15分)

假如你叫Li Meng,你在网上看到了Sarah发的帖子,请你给Sarah回复一个邮件,介绍一下自己的情况(姓名、年龄、居住地、语言、爱好等)。要求:词数50左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。

From: limeng123@163.com

To: sarah@yahoo.com

Hi Sarah,I would like to be a pen pal with your students.______________________________________________________________





一.选择填空:从A、B、C、D中,选出一个最佳答案完成句子。(15%)1.A ______ works in a restaurant.A.reporter



D.doctor 2.Is there ______ fruit shop near here?Yes, there’s one near here.A.a



D./ 3.Rick usually ______ up at 5:30 on weekdays.




D.getting.4.My house is ______ the post office and the bank..A.on



D.over 5.--___________?

--Because they are very cute.A.What is it ?

B.Where are they from? C.Why do you like pandas?

D.How do you like pandas? 6.Do you want to ______English with me?




D.say 7.--Is there a bank over there?--___________.A.Yes, there’s

B.No, there aren’t

C.Yes, there is

D.No, it isn’t 8.–How is the weather in Harbin?

--It’s _________.A.snow



D.to snow 9.Look!Burton is _________ photos of the Eiffel Tower.A.having



D.taking 10.--_________are the children doing now?

--They’re playing football on the playground.A.What



D.How 11.–Where is Tokyo?

--I know it’s in _______.A.France



D.Japan 12.–Is that Mr.Smith?

--Yes, he ______ a beard.A.is



likes 13.–It’s cold outside.You’d better _______ your gloves.A.wear



D.put on 14.Please _______, because this is a reading room.、A.quiet

B.to be quiet

C.be quiet

D.to quiet 15.Just go straight and ________ left.A.go



D.turn 二.完形填空:从A、B、C、D中,选择一个最佳答案,使短文意思完整。(15%)I’m Li Fen.I have a pen pal.name is Mary.She is from Canada.She lives in Toronto.She speaks English.She has 17

brother, but she has no sisters.Her favorite 18

is art.Two of my good friends

pen pals, too.Lu Yang’s pen pal is from _ 20__.His name is Tony.Tony lives in Paris.He speaks.He has one brother and one.His favorite subject is PE.And he can play soccer very 23.Ding Lan’s pen pal is from __24__.Her name is Wendy.Wendy can speak Chinese and English.She 25

no bother or sister.Her favorite subject is history.16.A.His



D.My 17.A.no



D.three 18.A.book



D.movie 19.A.have



D.are 20.A.the USA

B.the UK


D.France 21.A.Chinese



D.English 22.A.car



D.sister 23.A.good



D.interesting 24.A.Japanese



D.Singapore 25.A.is



D.have 三.阅读下面短文,根据文章的内容选择最佳答案作答。(30%)

A CCTV-1 18:30 Children’s World 19:00 News 19:45 Around the World 20:20 Movie: A Nurse’s Day 21:50 Message from the Market 22:20 Modern Arts 23:00 End CCTV-4 18:30 Modern English 19:00 Women’s Life 19:30 Culture and Life 20:45 Volleyball match: China-America 22:30 English News 22:50 English Movie: Gone with the world 00:30 End NTTV 18:30 NTTV News 19:00 Popular Songs 19:30 Animal World 20:20 American English Today 21:15 Science and Life 22:30 Sports News 23:00 End JSTV 18:40 English for Children 19:00 News from CCTV-1 19:30 JS News 19:45 Football Match: China-Japan 21:30 TV-play: Story of a Spanish Artist(1)(2)23:15 End 26.A football fan can enjoy a football match on _________.A.JSTV



D.CCTV-4 27.If you are interested in pop songs, you may choose(选择)_______________.A.CCTV-1



D.JSTV 28.The English news on CCTV-4 lasts about _________ minutes(分钟).A.20



D.40 29.Which TV station has the most English programmes(节目)? A.JSTV



D.CCTV-4 30.Which of the following is right? A.Children can enjoy the Children’s World on CCTV-4 at 18:30.B.NTTV ends at 00:30.C.You can see News on CCTV-1 and JSTV at the same time.D.NTTV has a TV play at 21:30.B Jim, Kate and Li Ming are doing the homework together.Jim makes a mistake.Kate tells him about it.Li Ming wants to borrow an eraser from Jim or Kate.Jim has one and gives it to Li Ming.Li Ming thanks Jim.Jim says,“You’rewelcome”.Jim also thanks Kate.Kate says “That’s all right”.The three children are students in a school in Beijing.Jim is from London.Kate is from New York.Li Ming is a Chinese girl.They are good friends.They often do homework and play games together.They often help each other.31.Jim is ________.A.an English girl

B.an American girl

C.an English boy

D.an American boy 32.Kate helps Jim with ________.A.his mistake

B.an eraser

C.a ruler

D.a pencil 33.Li Ming borrows ________.A.an eraser from Kate B.an eraser from Jim C.a ruler from Kate D.a ruler from Jim 34.The three students are ________.A.not in the same class

B.in U.K.C.in Beijing

D.in USA 35.They are ________.A.doing homework

B.playing games C.reading

D.cleaning the room C This is a beautiful park near my home.People like to go to the park after work.Some of them go to the park every day.Look!This is Mr.Smith.He is sitting on a chair and watching the children.Some children are playing the game of hide-and-seek(捉迷藏).Some boys are playing yo-yo.Lucy and Lily are standing under a tree.They are talking.There is a small river in the park.We can see some boats in the river.Some children are sitting in the boats with their fathers and mothers.Listen!A lot of birds are singing in the trees.This is really a nice park.I come here to read English after school every day.36.______ like to go to the park.A.Children

B.Fathers and mothers

C.Lucy and Lily

D.People 37.Mr.Smith is _______.A.playing hide-and-seek

B.playing yo-yo

C.is sitting and watching the children

D.is singing 38.Which one is right? A.Lucy and Lily are playing hide-and-seek with other children.B.Lucy and Lily go to the park only on Sunday.C.Lucy and Lily are talking under the tree.D.Lucy and Lily live far from the park.39.The writer can't see_____ in the park.A.fish



D.men 40.What's the writer doing?

A.He is singing.B.He is sitting in a boat.C.He's playing a game.D.He's watching the people in the park.四、任务型阅读(10%)(认真阅读短文,然后填写下面的表格)

Miss Yang is my English teacher.She is tall and thin.She has long straight black hair.She often wears glasses.She is beautiful and we all like her very much.John is my classmate.He is from the USA.He has short curly blonde hair.He is medium height.He loves to tell jokes.Gloria is a Japanese girl.She is short and heavy.She wears a pair of glasses, too.Her hair is black and straight.Name

is has/wears 41

Short and heavy 42 A pair of glasses 43 44 Long straight black hair A pair of glasses John 45

Short curly blonde hair 五.词汇运用(15%)

The Greens are English.Now they are in Beijing.This is their

(第一次)visit to China.They are going to stay in

47(中国)for three

48(星期).They want to visit some big cities and villages.They want to

49(学习)some Chinese, too.Mr.Green is a driver.He likes

50(驾驶)in Beijing very much.Mrs.Green is a teacher.She often 51(参观)a middle school

52(在…近旁)Beijing, and she likes to speak English

53(和)them.They take a lot of photos in China.When they are back to

54(英国), they are going to show the photos to their 55(朋友).They want the English people to know more about China.六.短文写作(15%)


_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ 初级中学七年级(下)英语考试卷 参考答案:



11-15 DBDCD 16-20


26-30 ABADC 31-35

CABCA 36-40 DCCAD 41.Gloria 42.straight black hair 43.Miss Yang

44.tall and thin

45.medium height 46.first

47.China 48.weeks 49.learn

50.driving 51.visits 52.near







第一部分 听对话回答1-10小题(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分,听两遍)()1.Where is the girl’s new teacher from?

()2..What are the two speakers talking about? A.B.C.()3.What is the girl good at?()4.What outdoor activity would the girl like to try? A B C()5.Where are they talking? A.In a shop.B.At the bus stop.C.In the police station.()6.What will the girl do this afternoon? A.Have a party.B.Visit the old people.C.Go shopping.()7.Where does the boy have lunch? A.In the restaurant.B.At home.C.At school.()8.What does the man want to do? A.Climb hills.B.Go fishing.C.Go shopping.()9.How often does the girl dance? A.Every day.B.Five times a week.C.Three times every week.()10.How many students are there in the boy's school? A.150.B.over 3,000.C.3,000.第二部分 听对话或独白回答问题(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分,听两遍)听第一段对话,回答11-12小题。

()11.They are going to have the party on.A.Sunday evening B.Saturday evening C.Thursday evening()12.They are going to have the party.A.in the man’s flat B.in the woman’s flat C.in Mary’s flat 听第一篇短文,回答13-15小题。A trip to the Flower Park Time This 13 How to get there 14 Things to do Allan wants to row a boat.Alice wants to 15.()13.A.Friday B.Saturday C.Sunday()14.A.On foot B.By bus C.By bike()15.A.go swimming B.have a picnic C.take photos 听第二篇短文,回答16-20小题。’()16.What does the old man do? A.A reporter.B.A policeman.C.A teacher.()17.The old man came back to school __________.A.to listen to a talk.B.to have lessons.C.to give a talk.()18.The policeman studied in this school when he was __________.A.50 B.10 C.20()19.The children were __________ before.A.as good as B.as happy as C.much happier than()20.We can know that __________.A.the short boy liked the talk very much B.all the children liked the talk C.the short boy didn’t like studying his lessons



()21.It is ________ amazing thing that the little dog can play ______ piano very well.A.an, B.a, a C.an, the D., the()22.— Excuse me ,where is the nearest supermarket? —Walk along the road, turn left_____ the first crossing and then you'll see it____ your right.A.at;on B.on;at C.in;on D.at;in()23.It’s not good for our health to sleep _______ all the windows ________.A.by, closed B.by, open C.with, closed D.keep, closed()24.—Why are you in such a hurry, Mike? —There_______ a friendly basketball match in ten minute s.A.is going to have B.will have C.will be D.are going to()25.— Did you_______ your grandparents last month? — No.They didn't go to school when they were young.So they can't read or write.A.heard of B.hear of C.heard from D.hear from()26.Tom is too short the leaves on the tree.A.to reaching B.to reach C.reaching D.not to reach()27.There is a bookshop on_______ side of the street.A.others B.other C.another D.the other()28.—Did you hear the news about the fire in our building? —Yes.It took the firemen two hours to_______ the fire.A.put out B.put up C.put down D.put off()29.—Our school basketball team won the match.—_______ exciting news!A.What B.How a C.What an D.How()30.—Daniel, remember to turn of f the lights before leaving the classroom.—________.A.Yes, please B.It's hard to say C.OK, I will D.It's my job()31.—Shall we go camping this weeken d ? —_______.I will see my grandparents in my hometown.A.I think so B.I'm afraid so C.I'd like to D.I'm afraid not()32.Please don’t put ________ into the rubbish bin because it’s very dangerous.A.something hot B.anything hot C.hot something D.hot anything()33.—Could I speak to Helen, please? —Sorry, she is not here at the moment._______? A.Who speaks B.Who are you C.Who's that speaking D.What's that speaking()34.— Excuse me!You can't take photos here.Look at the sign.It says “NO PHOTOS”.— Sorry, I_______ it.A.didn't see B.am going to see C.won't see D.don't see()35.—Could you teach me how to search the information on the Internet ? —_______.A.You are welcome B.No problem C.Thank you D.Never mind

三、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)Mr Black loved his daughter Helen very much.Every day he spent all of his free time 36 with her.One night, he had much work to do, 37 he couldn't play with his daughter.In order to(为了)keep her 38 , he found a map of the world in a magazine and cut it into pieces.When he 39 home.Helen came running to him and was ready to play.Mr Black said he had 40 time to play now.He told the girl to put the pieces of paper back together to make a map of the world.and then they could both play.After half an hour later, Helen came to her father and said: “Okay, it's finished.Can we play now?” Mr Black was very 41 , “That's impossible.Let's go and see.” And sure enough, there was the picture of the world.All put together, every 42 in its right place.“That's surprising!” Mr Black said, “ 43 did you do that?” “It was 44.” Helen said.“On the back of the page was a picture of a 45.When I put the man together, the whole world fell into place.”()36.A.working B.running C.playing D.walking()37.A.so B.because C.but D.or()38.A.cold B.warm C.free D.busy()39.A.left B.got C.ran D.passed()40.A.no B.enough C.much D.some()41.A.funny B.gentle C.weak D.surprised()42.A.map B.picture C.piece D.page()43.A.How B.Why C.When D.Where()44.A.hard B.easy C.difficult D.different()45.A.boy B.girl C.man D.woman


A.阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能正确回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。(共10小题,每小题2分,计20分)A Basketball match: Changchun vs Shenyang Day: Saturday Time: in the morning(10:00)Place: Changchun Stadium Telephone: 70504266 Film: Superman Day: Saturday Time: in the afternoon and in the evening(15:00-17:00;18:00-20:00)Price: adult 16 yuan;child half price Telephone: 62603941 Swimming lesson Day: Thursday Time: in the morning Place: Great Swimming Pool Telephone:58796324 Concert(音乐会)Day: Wednesday Time: in the morning(10:30-12:00)Place: People Theatre Price: 35 yuan Telephone: 99687241()46.Where is the swimming lesson? A.Changchun Stadium.B.Great Swimming Pool.C.People Theatre.D.Great Garden.()47.When is the concert? A.On Thursday(18:00-20:00).B.On Saturday(10:00).C.On Saturday(15:00-17:00).D.On Wednesday(10:30-12:00)()48.If you want to ask something about the basketball match, you can call ____________.A.62603941 B.70504266 C.58796324 D.99687241()49.On Saturday, you can______________.A.watch the basketball match and have the swimming lesson B.see the film Superman and go to the concert C.have the swimming lesson and go t o the concert D.watch the basketball match and see the film Superman()50.Two adults and one child will spend ___________ seeing the film Superman.A.87.5 yuan B.8 yuan C.40 yuan D.16 yuan B What do you usually do in your fr ee time? Play sports? Watch TV? How about reading books? You must know the Chinese saying: “Read thousands of books;travel thousands of miles”.Books are important in our life.Reading books is good for us.It can help us know and understand the world better.It can help us get a lot of knowledge(知识).It brings us a new and different world that we have never been before.Almost all the great men like reading, like Chairman Mao and Madame Curie.In a word, books are treasure(财宝)and we must love them.But before you read, remember to choose a good one.Ask your parents or teachers about what books to read.Be sure you are interested in them.There are many different kinds of books.I like biography(传记)because I can learn something from the characters(人物).What about you? Young friends.Please love books and read them.They are very helpful to you.()51.Which of the following is TRUE? A.Madame Curie doesn't like reading at all.B.We shouldn't ask teachers about what books to read.C.Reading books can give us little knowledge.D.We have to choose a good book before we start to read.()52.What does the underlined part “Read thousands of books;travel thousands of miles.” mean in Chinese? A.读书百遍,其义自见 B.读万卷书,行万里路

C.滚石不生苔 D.读数千本书就能行数千里路()53.Reading books can help people_________.A.to get more sleep B.to know little about themselves C.to get money from others D.to understand the world better()54.What kind of books does the writer like? A.Story-books.B.Comic books.C.Bi ography.D.Novels()55.Which of the following is NOT true? A.Only reading books can make people succeed.B.Chairman Mao likes reading very much.C.Books are helpful to human.D.Young people should read more books.第II卷(非选择题, 共55分)



What can you do to keep healthy? Perhaps for children, healthy eating is one of the most important things.Here are some ideas about how to eat healthily.Having breakfast A good breakfast is very important to children.It’s necessary to have it in the morning.But some children don’t have breakfast, just because they want to sleep a little longer.Remember that a good breakfast will help you study better.Having milk “My dream is that all the Chinese children can get half a kilogram of milk a day.” The Chinese Premier(总理)Wen Jiabao said this during his visit to a milk farm.Milk is also very important to children’s health.It makes children grow stronger.It’s better for you to drink a glass of warm milk before you go to bed.That will help you have a good sleep.Having healthy food Having healthy food is the most important.That means eating lots of different kinds of food, especially fruits and vegetables.Don’t eat too much chocolate or ice-cream.Some of you eat fast food, but in fact it is not good for your health.Try to eat healthy food as much as possible.Have healthy eating habits(习惯), and you will have a strong body.56 about how to eat healthily Having breakfast It’s important to have a 57 breakfast in the morning.We can’t go to school 58 breakfast.A good breakfast will help us study 59.Having milk Drinking milk m 60 children grow stronger.It’s better for us to drink milk before 61 to bed.That will help us sleep 62.Having 63 food Fast food is b 64 for our health.65 to eat healthy food as much as possible.56.___________57.___________ 58.___________ 59.___________ 60.___________ 61.____________62.___________63.___________ 64._________ __ 65.___________ C.读短文回答问题。(前三个问题的答案不超过3个词)(共5小题,计10分)I’m going to the sun on my holiday.I will go there by spaceship.I will take a big blue spaceship.Then I’ll take the spaceship to the sun.The sun is very hot.So I put on the super shirt.In the morning, I will have some sun burgers for my breakfast.At eight o’clock, I will play with my friends there.They are a super dog and a super girl.The super dog is white and black.The super girl is very clever.The super girl and the super dog like to play with me.So I play with them for an hour and a half.Then I will do my homework on a small blue table.After finishing my homework, I will have my lunch.I will eat sun salad.I will have red juice, red fish and red rice.All things are red.Then I need a lot of water because the sun is too hot.Then I will walk to the spaceship.After that I will take the spaceship to the earth.This is a good holiday on the sun.66.How will he go to the sun on his holiday? 67.What will he have for his breakfast? 68.What colour is the super dog? 69.Why does he need a lot of water? 70.What do you think of his holiday?


71.(相信)it or not, I did the work on my own.72.We are getting ready for my little brother’s ________(九)birthday.73.Taiwan is in the __________(东南)of China.74.The rabbit ran quickly _________(穿过)the garden.75.Weifang became_______(著名的)for making kites.B.用所给词的适当形式完成句子。

76.An old friend of _________(I)came to visit me last weekend.77.When I passed by the river, I saw someone _________(lie)on the floor.78.We are looking forward to(get)presents at Christmas.79.He fell off the bike yesterday and _________(hurt)himself.80.Stop ________(talk)!Listen to the teacher carefully!C.首字母填空。

Cinderella(灰姑娘)was a p 81 but poor girl.Her stepmother(继母)treated her very badly.She made her do all of the h 82 day and night.She didn’t tell her father about the sad thing because she loved her father and didn’t want him to w 83 about her.One day, a prince(王子)in the country i 84 all the young girls to his birthday party.But she only had dirty and old c 85 , so she cried and cried.Suddenly a fairy(仙女)came and helped her go to the party.However, the fairy told her that she had to come back b 86 12 o’clock.During the dancing party, she and the prince danced together very well.When the bell rang at 12 o’clock, she went b 87 home very quickly but l 88 one glass shoe in the palace.Then the prince took the glass shoe and asked from door to door around the country to l 89 for the girl who wore it.At last, he found Cinderella and m arried(娶)her.They lived a h_ 90 life ever after.81.___________82._______ ___83.__________ 84.___________ 85.____________ 86.___________87.__________88.__________ 89.___________ 90.____________


请以My best friend为题写一篇作文。要点如下,可适当发挥,80词左右。要点: 1.Amy是我最好的朋友,也是我的邻居。她住在我家隔壁。


4.很善良也很乐于助人,是援手俱乐部的一名成员。经常在公交车上给有需要的人让座;上周,在她回家的路上,一个八岁的小男孩迷路了,帮助他找到了他的父母。My best friend 七年级英语参考答案 听力部分(20分)

1—5 BACBA 6—10BABCB 11—15 BCBAC 16—20 BCBCC 笔试部分(100分)


21—25 CACCD 26—30 BDAAC 31—35 DBCAB


36—40 CADBA 41—45 DCABC


A.46—50 BDBDC 51—55 DBDCA B.56.Ideas 57.good 58.without 59.better 60.makes 61.going 62.well 63.healthy 64.bad 65.Try C、问答题(每小题2分,计10分)66.By spaceship.67.Some sun burgers.68.White and black.69.Because the sun is too hot.70.It’s good/great/…….四、词汇(20分)

A.71.Believe 72.ninth 73.south-east 74.through 75.famous B.76.mine 77.lying 78.getting 79.hurt 80.talking C.81.pretty 82.housework 83.worry 84.invited 85.clothes 86.before 87.back 88.lost 89.look 90.happy 七.书面表达评分标准(15分)评分细则: 先根据文章整体内容和语言表达确定档次,然后在该档次内评出分数。第五档(13~15分)完全符合题目要求,表达思想清楚,内容丰富。使用多种语法结构和丰富的词汇,语言通顺,语意连贯,具有逻辑性。允许个别语言错误。第四档(9~12分)







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    七年级英语期末试卷答案 Ⅰ1-5CBCAB 6-10CAAAB 11-15ACCBB.Ⅱ1-5CBEAD. Ⅲ1-5CBACB 6-10CAACA.Ⅳ(A篇)BBAAA(B篇)ABBBC(C篇)CBABC.ⅤA) actor; well; fifth; tired; brushes. B)......


    人教版pep初一下册英语期末试卷及答案 (答题时间:80 分钟) 一、选择题 1. Would you like to share the room me A. and B. on C. with D. of 2. A room is a room where you......


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    2015人教版七年级下册期末试卷及答案 (满分150分,时间:120分钟) 一、阅读。(70分) (一)古诗文背诵。(选填10处,10分) 1.名句默写。(10分) (1)假如生活欺骗了你,___________,___________!(《假如......


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