


It has been long recognized that the population between men and women lost balance, especially in the future, this problem will be more obvious. The result is that more men are thought to be the leftover men, which means being the bachelors. The root of this problem traces back from the traditional culture.


In the old days, men were meant to everything, they were the most important person in the family. They raised the family, what’s more, it was believed that only men had the right to make a deal. So women were in the very low status, they did not make a big difference in the society. Every family at that time only wanted to have boys, so some babies girls were even killed when they gave birth, how cruel it was.


As the traditional idea have been implanted in people’s mind deeply, so even the government tried hard to advocate the equality between men and women, still some families only want to have boys. Education plays the very important role in improving the young generation’s mind. The gender imbalance can be reduced by educating the next generation.




as you all know, the study work is heavy in high school.there are often more than 10 courses a day including the evening.that will take more than 9 hours in study a day, and without weekends.the students in high school are exhausted after school and not willing to do the physical exercises anymore.in fact, it is not only very bad for health but also bad for study.the teenagers have to do enough exercises to keep healthy and growing tall.and doing physical exercises can make a people strong and lighten one up, refill the energy to study more efficiently.so, the high school students should do physical exercises.they can do some sports, such as playing football or basketball, running, swimming and so on.众所周知,在高中的学习任务是很繁重的。包括晚上,每天经常有超过10节课。这将会占用9个小时用来学习,还没有周末。放学后高中生都已经筋疲力尽了,不再想去锻炼身体。实际上,这不但有害健康,还不利于学习。青少年必须要做足够的身体锻炼才能保持健康,继续长身体。而身体锻炼能让人强壮和放松,重新注入能量,让学习更加有效率。所以,高中生应该锻炼身体。他们可以做些运动,例如打篮球或者踢足球、跑步、游泳等等。



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