布什国庆节讲话态度强硬 称美国仍然处战争状态

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第一篇:布什国庆节讲话态度强硬 称美国仍然处战争状态




President Bush Announces Nomination of Condoleezza Rice as Secretary of StateNovember 16, 2004 美国总统布什16日正式提名原总统国家安全事务助理康多莉扎·赖斯接替鲍威尔出任美国国务卿,这是继克林顿政府的马德琳·奥尔布赖特之后美国历史上第二位女国务卿。


Good afternoon.I'm pleased to announce my nomination of Dr.Condoleezza Rice to be America's Secretary of State.Condi Rice is already known to all Americans, and to much of the world.During the last four years I've relied on her counsel, benefited from her great experience and appreciated her sound and steady judgment.And now I'm honored that she has agreed to serve in my Cabinet.The Secretary of State is America's face to the world.And in Dr.Rice, the world will see the strength, the grace and the decency of our country.Both Condi and I have been proud to serve with our friend, Secretary of State Colin Powell.He has been one of the most effective and admired diplomats in America's history.Secretary Powell has helped to rally the world in a global war, has helped to resolve dangerous regional conflicts;he's helped to confront the desperate challenges of hunger, poverty and disease.He has been tireless and selfless and principled, and our entire nation is grateful for his lifetime of service.I'm also grateful that Steve Hadley has agreed to become my new National Security Advisor.Steve served Presidents Nixon, Ford and Bush before me, and he has done a superb job as Dr.Rice's deputy during these past four years.Steve is a man of wisdom and good judgment.He has earned my trust and I look forward to his continued vital service on my national security team.When confirmed by the Senate, Condoleezza Rice will take office at a critical time for our country.We're a nation at war;we're leading a large coalition against a determined enemy;we're putting in place new structures and institutions to confront outlaw regimes, to oppose proliferation of dangerous weapons and materials, and to break up terror networks.The United States has undertaken a great calling of history to aid the forces of reform and freedom in the broader Middle East so that that region can grow in hope, instead of growing in anger.We're pursuing a positive direction to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict, an approach that honors the peaceful aspirations of the Palestinian people through a democratic state, and an approach that will ensure the security of our good friend, Israel.Meeting all of these objectives will require wise and skillful leadership at the Department of State, and Condi Rice is the right person for that challenge.She's a recognized expert in international affairs, a distinguished teacher and academic leader, and a public servant with years of White House experience.She displays a commitment to excellence in every aspect of her life, from shaping our strategy in the war on terror, to coordinating national security policy across the government, to performing classical music on stage.Above all, Dr.Rice has a deep, abiding belief in the value and power of liberty, because she has seen freedom denied and freedom reborn.As a girl in the segregated South, Dr.Rice saw the promise of America violated by racial discrimination and by the violence that comes from hate.But she was taught by her mother, Angelina, and her father, the Reverend John Rice, that human dignity is the gift of God, and that the ideals of America would overcome oppression.That early wisdom has guided her through life, and that truth has guided our nation to a better day.I know that the Reverend and Mrs.Rice would be filled with pride to see the daughter they raised in Birmingham, Alabama, chosen for the office first held by Thomas Jefferson.Something tells me, however, they would not be surprised.(Laughter.)As many of you know, Condi's true ambition is beyond my power to grant.(Laughter.)She would really like to be the commissioner of the National Football League.I'm glad she's put those plans on hold once again.The nation needs her.I urge the Senate to promptly confirm Condoleezza Rice as America's 66th Secretary of State.Congratulations.(Applause.)


Thank you.Thank you, Mr.President.It has been an honor and a privilege to work for you these past four years, in times of crisis, decision and opportunity for our nation.Under your leadership, America is fighting and winning the war on terror.You have marshaled great coalitions that have liberated millions from tyranny, coalitions that are now helping the Iraqi and Afghan people build democracies in the heart of the Muslim world.And you have worked to widen the circle of prosperity and progress in every corner of the world.I look forward, with the consent of the Senate, to pursuing your hopeful and ambitious agenda as Secretary of State.Mr.President, it is an honor to be asked to serve your administration and my country once again.And it is humbling to imagine succeeding my dear friend and mentor, Colin Powell.He is one of the finest public servants our nation has ever produced.Colin Powell has been a great and inspirational Secretary of State.It was my honor to serve alongside him, and he will be missed.It will, of course, be hard to leave the White House, and especially to leave behind the terrific NSC staff who have served their President and their country so ably in this most challenging of times.Yet, I can leave confident in the knowledge that they will be led by the consummate professional, a man I know and admire, my colleague and friend, Steve Hadley.Finally, let me say that in my 25 years of experience in foreign affairs, both in and out of government, I have come to know the men and women of the Department of State.I have the utmost admiration and respect for their skill, their professionalism and their dedication.If I am confirmed by the Senate, I look forward to working with the great people of the Foreign Service and the Civil Service.And one of my highest priorities as Secretary will be to ensure that they have all the tools necessary to carry American diplomacy forward in the 21st century.Mr.President, thank you again for this great opportunity, and for your continued confidence in me.鲍威尔在北京就美中关系发表讲话并回答提问


Beijing, China

October 25, 2004

美国国务卿科林·鲍威尔(Colin Powell)于10月25日在北京中国大饭店(China World Hotel)举行记者会,强调了中美关系的全面性和复杂性。



Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen I'm very pleased to be back in Beijing and in the course of my visit I've had some very excellent conversations with President Hu and Premier Wen, and especially with my friend and colleague Foreign Minister Li.This is the fifth time that Minister Li and I have met this year, and I look forward to seeing him again later in the year at the APEC meeting in Santiago, Chile toward the end of November.The range and scope of the issues we discussed today reflect the increasingly global nature of interaction between China and the United States, on a whole host of issues of importance to our nations and to the world, from security threats to bilateral matters.We are showing that we can move forward together.When we disagree, we do so

candidly, openly, and in the spirit of trying to find a solution to the disagreements.But, we agreed in so many more areas than that in which we disagree.We had a good, open, and candid discussion today with respect to human rights, for example, and I am pleased to report that as a result of our conversations today that we have agreed that we will start talks about resuming our human rights dialogue.I

expressed our appreciation with China's leadership in the six-party talks.Together, we are dedicated to a Korean peninsula that is free from the threat of nuclear weapons.I also noted that the president is looking forward to his meeting with President Hu in

Chile, at the APEC meeting in November and that we are ready to work together to implement the measures agreed to at last November's APEC meetings in Bangkok.The people of the United States mourn the loss of Chinese citizens who are victims of terror.We express our condolences to the family of the Chinese engineer who was killed in the recent hostage-taking event in Pakistan.And to the families of those who were killed in last June's incident in Afghanistan.Terrorism is global, and we

welcome China's continued actions in the global war against terrorism.I appreciate the hospitality of my Chinese host on this visit and want to extend on behalf of the people of the United States our best wishes to the people of China.With that brief statement I'm prepared for your questions.鲍威尔国务卿:女士们、先生们,下午好。非常高兴再次来到北京。我在本次访问过程中与胡主席和温总理进行了非常好的交谈,也与我的朋友及同仁外交部李部长进行了特别好的交谈。这是我今年第五次同李部长见面,我期待着11月下旬在智利圣地亚哥举行的亚太经合组织(APEC)会议上再次同他见面。



第三篇:美国副国务卿中国国庆节招待会上的讲话 20110928

Remarks on China’s National Day by William J.Burns, Deputy Secretary

Embassy of China Washington, DC September 28, 2011 美国副国务卿伯恩斯在中国国庆节招待会上的讲话

中国驻华盛顿大使馆 2011年9月28日

Ambassador Zhang, thank you for your gracious hospitality tonight.I am delighted to join Acting Secretary Blank, members of the diplomatic corps and other distinguished guests in congratulating the Chinese people on the 62nd anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.In the company of so many good friends, this is a moment to highlight the remarkable and continuing progress in our bilateral relationship, a relationship based on mutual respect and mutual benefit.张大使,谢谢您今晚的盛情款待。我很高兴能与商务部代理部长布兰克、外交使团各位成员以及其他贵宾一同前来参加庆贺中华人民共和国成立62周年的活动。如此众多的好友汇聚一堂,这个时刻彰显我们两国的双边关系——一种基于相互尊重和互惠互利的关系——取得了令人瞩目的进展并将继续向前推进。

This year in particular our two countries have achieved considerable momentum in building positive, cooperative, and comprehensive ties.For instance, we saw a continuation of exchanges at the highest levels, beginning with President Hu’s state visit in January, followed by the third annual Strategic and Economic Dialogue in May, followed by highly successful visits by Secretary Clinton and Vice President Biden.But we also broke ground on new ways to interact.In May, we began the Strategic Security Dialogue, an important forum for building trust and one I look forward to leading on the U.S.side.As our governments broaden dialogue, we are also working to increase people-to-people programs to strengthen our relationship by building ties of friendship and understanding.Next year we are looking forward to hosting a visit by Vice President Xi.尤其是在今年,我们两国在建立积极、合作与全面的关系方面赢得了相当大的发展势头。例如,我们看到了最高层领导人的交流继续进行,首先是胡主席在今年1月进行的国事访问,接着是今年5月举行的第三轮美中战略与经济对话年会,随后是克林顿国务卿和拜登副总统非常成功的访问。我们还开辟了新的互动方式。今年五月,我们开始进行美中战略安全对话。这是建立双方互信的一个重要论坛,我期盼担任该论坛的美方负责人。在我们两国政府扩大对话之际,我们还致力于增加美中人文交流项目以便通过建设友谊与理解的纽带来加强两国的关系。明年,我们期待着接待习副主席赴美访问。

As President Obama and other U.S.officials have said on numerous occasions, the United States welcomes the rise of a strong, prosperous, and successful China that plays a greater role in world affairs.This is not to say that we will always agree – but the simple truth is that we have far more to gain, and the world has far more to gain, when we work together.正如奥巴马总统和其他美国官员在无数场合曾经表示过的那样,美国欢迎一个强大、繁荣和成功的中国崛起并在世界事务中发挥更大的作用。这并不是说,我们总是会取得一致的意见——而简单明了的道理是:当我们进行合作时,我们获得的利益要大得多,全世界也会因此获得更大的利益。

Thank you again, Mr.Ambassador, for being such a gracious host and for such a wonderful evening.Best wishes on your National Day and best wishes for the coming year!


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