
时间:2019-05-15 01:39:32下载本文作者:会员上传





Self-study is a good way of improving our knowledge of things.Some of the great scientists and lecturer couldn't afford to go to school so they just studied at home without anybody's help.Sometimes self-study could be more affective then going to schools and listen to teachers telling you what to do, but sometimes it will be better to learn in schools to furtherly knowing what‘s going on.自学



On weekend

On Saturday and Sunday, I often go to the library and play the piano, My father go to play basketball.Sometimes, we watch TV and listen to music at home.I love my family.Because I’m very happy to live with my parents

My winter holidaysMy winter holidays is very dull.I stay at home for most of time.Sometimes I visit my friends and play basketball with them.Sometimes I go shopping.So I feel very unhappy.Dear Sally, how have you been? I have a busy Sunday.Let me tell you about my own last Sunday in something.On Sunday morning, I at home doing my homework and clean my room.After this noon, because their parents are not at home, do it himself a bowl of tomato noodles to eat.In the afternoon, I went to see my grandma, help grandma washing clothes.In the evening, I accompany grandma watch TV together.I had a very busy day, feel a bit tired.But still very happy.best wish


take off的中文释义 1.(飞机等)起飞 2.匆匆离去;急忙离开 3.(观念、产品等)突然大受欢迎;迅速流行 take sb off or take off sb 1.(以诙谐的方式)模仿,学某人的样子 2.(体育运动、娱乐等)换下,中止,取消 take sth off or take off sth 1.脱下(衣服);摘掉 2.休假;休息 3.(常用被动语态)取消;停演 4.剪掉(头发);截去,切除(人体部位)take sb/yourself off to(使)离去,走掉,带走 take sb off sth(常用被动)调离,解除(工作、职务等);撤掉,拆除(器械)take sth off sth 1.扣除,减去(款项,分数等)2.(常用被动)停止销售 take over的中文释义 v.1.占上风;取而代之 2.接替;接管;接手;接任 3.控制,接管(政党、国家等)4.接收,接管(企业、公司等,尢指通过购买股份)

take up是什么意思及用法 v.拿起,开始,从事,吸收,接纳,占去,继续做,关照,提携 take in的中文翻译及音标 take(sb)in 1.留宿;收留 2.欺骗;蒙骗 take(sth)in 1.吸入,吞入(体内)2.改小,改瘦(衣服)3.包含;包括 4.去看,观看(电影等)5.注意到;看到 6.理解;领会;记住

take out是什么意思及用法 v.1.带某人出去(到餐馆、剧院、俱乐部等)2.杀死,毁灭 3.切除,摘除(人体内的一部分)4.获得,领到(正式文件或服力)5.发出(传票)6.(从银行账户中)提取(款)7.扣除,减去,抽出 8.向...发泄,拿...撒气 9.使摆脱苦恼,为某人消愁

take away的中文意思 1.带走,拿走

take hold怎么翻译及发音 1.(如通过抓握来)夺取 2.扎根;生根;固定下来

take to heart的中文解释 v.认真对待

tend to是什么意思及用法 v.有...的倾向

take place的中文意思 1.(尤指根据安排或计划)发生、进行 take sb's/sth's place / take place of sb/sth 1.代替;替换 take your place 1.就位;入座 2.得到应有的社会地位;名副其实 take care的中文意思 1.(告别用语)走好,保重 take care(that.../to do sth)1.小心;当心 take care of sb/sth/yourself 1.照顾;照料;爱护;小心 2.负责;处理

take down的中文翻译及音标 v.1.拆卸 2.记录,记下

thanks to是什么意思 1.感谢;感激;谢意 2.幸亏;由于;因为

take office的中文翻译及用法 1.就职;上任 2.旧指官吏初到任,现指刚到一个新的地方 take back的中文意思 1.允许(因不合而离去的配偶等)回家,与...重归于好 2.退回,同意收回(退货)3.收回,撤回(说过的话)

take to的中文意思 v.1.喜欢,习惯于… 2.开始从事 3.觉得(某事)容易学

take it easy的中文意思 1.不着急,不紧张,从容不迫,轻松

take stock的中文解释 1.盘货 2.评估状况

take for granted是什么意思 v.1.认为…理所当然,想当然

take care of是什么意思及反义词 v.1.照顾 2.对付,处理 3.杀掉 4.抵消

take part in的中文释义 v.参与,参加

take part是什么意思及用法 v.1.参与,参加

take exception什么意思及同义词 v.1.反对,有反感

take into account什么意思及同义词 v.1.重视,考虑

tear down怎么翻译及发音 v.[T] 1.拆毁;拆卸 1.向···猛扑;冲下···

talk over怎么翻译及发音 v.1.说服;讨论,商量

take the field的中文释义 v.1.开始作战,上阵

take for怎么翻译及发音 v.1.为…承担… 2.信以为真;认为理所当然

tear apart什么意思及同义词 v.1.扯开;把…弄乱 2.使心碎;把…痛苦地分开



How do you 'get'' the news?Do you watch it on TV or listen to it on the radio?Do you read online newspapers or news blogs?Or do you get a pod cast delivered to your email inbox?News has never before been available to so many people in so many different forms and so convenient, so immediate.How do you 'get' the news? Do you watch it on TV or listen to it on the radio? Do you read online newspapers or news blogs? Or do you get a pod cast delivered to your email inbox? News has never before been available to so many people in so many different forms and so convenient, so immediate.TOWN CRIER:

However, getting the news didn't always use to be so easy.Oyez!However, getting the news didn't always use to be so easy.Oyez!NEWSCASTER:

In medieval times, many governments and town councils relied on a man with a loud voice to deliver news to the general public.This person was called the 'Town Crier'.The English Town Crier would call out,'OyezOyez''Which doesn't actually mean 'Oh yes', but derives from the Anglo Norman word for 'listen'.Of course, this method of delivering the news had its drawbacks.In medieval times, many governments and town councils relied on a man with a loud voice to deliver news to the general public.This person was called the 'Town Crier'.The English Town Crier would call out, 'Oyez!Oyez!' Which doesn't actually mean 'Oh yes', but derives from the Anglo Norman word for 'listen'.Of course, this method of delivering the news had its drawbacks.NEWSCASTER:

The main thing it was lacking was a wide audience.Furthermore, the information delivered was strictly controlled by the local council or government.This all changed with the advent of the newspaper.Around the beginning of the seventeenth century, the first mass printed

newspapers appeared in northern European countries such as Germany and Holland.Newspapers were in many ways revolutionary.The main thing it was lacking was a wide audience.Furthermore, the information delivered was strictly controlled by the local council or government.This all changed with the advent of the newspaper.Around the

beginning of the seventeenth century, the first mass printed newspapers appeared in northern European countries such as Germany and Holland.Newspapers were in many ways revolutionary.NEWSCASTER:

They could reach a huge audience.They could be written and printed by anyone, as long as they had access to a printing press and enough money to fund the publication.And what they didn't necessarily have to do was reflect the government opinion of the day.In other words, to some extent, newspapers and freedom of thought, opinion and expression went hand in hand.Fast forward to the twentieth century, and newspaper sales have fallen drastically.They could reach a huge audience.They could be written and printed by anyone, as long as they had access to a printing press and enough money to fund the publication.And what they didn't necessarily have to do was reflect the government opinion of the day.In other words, to some extent, newspapers and freedom of thought, opinion and expression went hand in hand.Fast forward to the twentieth century, and newspaper sales have fallen drastically.NEWSCASTER:

The reason?Television.In some ways, television has much more in common with the Town Crier than it does with newspapers.News reports are shorter, more visual, and delivered orally rather than via the printed word.Furthermore, in most countries, television news channels are controlled by a small number of powerful people.The reason? Television.In some ways, television has much more in common with the Town Crier than it does with newspapers.News reports are shorter, more visual, and delivered orally rather than via the printed word.Furthermore, in most countries, television news channels are controlled by a small number of powerful people.NEWSCASTER:

In a sense, they tell us what to believe.Think about it.How many people have the money and influence to be able to buy all the necessary equipment and start their own television news channel?Unless you're a millionaire with the right contacts, it's almost impossible.Of course, the Internet has changed all that.In a sense, they tell us what to believe.Think about it.How many people have the money and influence to be able to buy all the necessary equipment and start their own television news channel? Unless you're a millionaire

with the right contacts, it's almost impossible.Of course, the Internet has changed all that.NEWSCASTER:

In this new era of instant information, anyone with a computer and online access can write a news report and publish it online to a potential audience of billions.Indeed, you can even video yourself and broadcast your own news report by posting it on a video sharing website!Like never before, ordinary people are now able to report what's really going on in their area, and enter into discussion and debate about it.From the Town Crier, to the printed newspaper, to TV broadcast news, and now the Internet, the history of news has swung full circle a number of times.Right now, though, perhaps we're witnessing the beginning of a new age: the age of news written by the people, for the people.In this new era of instant information, anyone with a computer and online access can write a news report and publish it online to a potential audience of billions.Indeed, you can even video yourself and broadcast your own news report by posting it on a video sharing website!Like never before, ordinary people are now able to report what's really going on in their area, and enter into discussion and debate about it.从街头公告到报纸,到电视广播,再到当今的互联网,新闻的历史已经发生了数次巨变。Right now, though, perhaps we're witnessing the beginning of a new age: the age of news written by the people, for the people.


Do You Know My Work?

One night a hotel caught fire,and the people who were staying in it ran out in their night clothes.

Two men stood outside and looked at the fire.

“Before I came out,” said one,“I ran into some of the rooms and found a lot of money. People don't think of money when they're afraid. When anyone leaves paper money in a fire,the fire burns it. So I took all the bills that I could find.No one will be poorer because I took them.”

“You don't know my work,” said the other.

“What is your work?”

“I'm a policeman.

“Oh!” cried the first man. He thought quickly and said,“And do you know my work?”“No,”said the policeman.

“I'm a writer. I'm always telling stories about things that never happened.”译文:


一天晚上,一家旅馆失火,住在这家旅馆里的人穿着睡 衣就跑了出来。两个人站在外面,看着大火。









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