
时间:2019-05-15 01:18:14下载本文作者:会员上传




Work background

A history of a person’s professional and/or non-professional employment.Educational background

A history of a person’s formal schooling and/or training.Qualifications

The degree and/or depth to which a person’s work and educational background is a good fit for a particular job.Resume

A formal document which identifies a person, outlines professional goals, describes work history and educational background, and identifies other activities, memberships in professional associations,etc., which are relevant to a career.It is a tool by which you market or sell your skills and expertise to a potential employer.CV

At one time, a Curriculum Vitae was the formal document used todescribe your professional work and educational background.It hasnow been replaced by the resume, except in certain professions inacademia which include social sciences, physical sciences, and education.Cover letter

An introductory letter which introduces yourself, states your intent,and gives you an opportunity to summarize your skills and sell whatyou can offer to a company.Most companies require a cover letterin addition to a resume.Goals

A statement which expresses your professional ambitions and/orcareer objectives.Strengths

Tasks which you feel you excel at, positive personality traits that youfeel that you possess, and skills that you sell to a potential employer.Strengths can include superior communication skills, high analyticalability, technical skills, managerial prowess, creativity, people skills,and desirable personality traits.Weaknesses

Areas that you perceive that you need improvement in, whether it bework habits, business knowledge, communication, etc.Anypotential weakness must be spun into a positive answer which converts it into a potential strength.译文:








一个正规的个人鉴定,描绘出专业目标、工作经历和教育背景 以及与某专业相关的其他的活动,或参加的专业组织,等等。这是一种向一个可能成为你老板的人推销你技能和专业技巧的手段。

履历(C V)

Curriculum Vitae曾经是记录工作经历和教育背景的一份正式文件。现在已被Rusume(简历)取代,只在一些专业领域,包括社会科学、物理学和教育学中还保留着。













Dear company leader:


First of all, I send you my warmest regards. Thank you for reading my cover letter.

I am XX university law school, majoring in law, 20xx graduating college graduates. In the comprehensive evaluation grade ranked No. x (the professional XX), majoring in curriculum of jurisprudence, constitutional law, civil law, criminal law, administrative law, civil procedure law, criminal procedure law and administrative procedure law, economic law, commercial law, economic law, intellectual property law, international law, international law, international economic law etc.. XX school year won the first class scholarship; XX school year two school scholarship, and in 20xx to XX points through the national judicial examination. Professional knowledge is strong, have necessary professional accomplishment. At the same time, English level is good, through CET-4 (XX) and CET-6 (XX). With computer skills, access to the national computer level, the national computer two (VF) certificate. The level of Putonghua test is first class.

I am able to keep good working condition and strong sense of responsibility. Have the spirit of learning, hard work. Optimistic personality, cheerful, positive, willing to help others, good at communication with people, with the spirit of cooperation. I sincerely hope to become a member of your company, so as to develop my special skills and work hand in hand with my colleagues. I will devote myself to the development of your company!

Wish you success in your work!








在学校学习,基本理论知识,或实际操作技能,我把优秀的结果。在学校除了学习,我还积极参加社会实践活动。曾经在XX学院参加“三下乡”社会实践活动。被授予“优秀积极分子”XX 5月到10月曾去法国学习西方饮食文化和法国的高星级酒店实践,这样我能掌握更多的西餐服务的标准和系统。能使用流利的法语和客人沟通。



dear leaders:

hello! i am a aviation jiangxi vocational and technical college 09 students customs and international freight.

i learned from the online recruitment advertising your company wish to recruit a foreign dan zhengyuan, special liberty to write candidates. this is my candidate for the job an important cover letter.

six months later, i will jiangxi vocational and technical college 09 aviation customs and international freight professional school training. systematic study of the theory and practice of international trade documents, dan zhengyuan mastered the basic skills and knowledge, can work in the documents. “learn to work at work, in learning learning to learn.” as college students, i focus on their abilities. optimism, perseverance, hard work is my beacon of hope in the rapids at the hoist the sail, brave the rapids in the highlighted character, is my life credo. so i put more enthusiasm among the new challenges, the impact toward higher goals.

will graduate in june next year. in school, i learn the system of international trade theory and practice, theory and practice of international trade documents, basic english, english writing, cargo science, writing, management, international trade practices, business communication and so on. with outstanding results. familiar with computer operation, and the systematic study of accounting, the accounting profession to master the basic skills and knowledge.

last year and this summer, i had two weeks training in a unit, accumulated some work experience. i like to trade dan zhengyuan this job, hoping to become a member of your company, and we make every effort to work together to promote the development of the company do a good job.

such as give me the opportunity to interview, i would be greatly honored.











Dear leader,

Hello! First of all, I appreciate your reading my materials in your busy schedule.

I graduated from shandong university of traditional Chinese medicine of traditional Chinese medicine is professional, I don't want to enjoy “books to time square hate less” suffering, more don't want to be a “young don't work hard,” idle young, needy old useless, therefore, in the university life, to accumulate and medical knowledge, improve their various aspects ability. During this period, I have mastered a solid theoretical foundation and made full use of my spare time to participate in clinical practice, which will lay a solid foundation for future clinical practice. Through a large number of clinical practice, I have preliminarily possessed the quality of a medical worker, I believe that the strength of the education, I will realize my life value on the medical path. If knowledge make me have the courage to step into your threshold, to choose and accept you, so, in my own ability and dedication and enthusiasm to the work, combined with their own plasticity and the pursuit of better learning professional knowledge, I think I'll economy in applicants, and become a member of your company. “The machine will try to understand its dull, and the horse will ride and know its good will.” Maybe I am not the best, but I will keep trying. Don't seek a comfortable environment, but seek a chance to develop. I am confident that in my new job, I will be humble, steadfast, diligent and enterprising. I will soon be able to enter a new working environment, take on new roles and make satisfactory achievements.

Look forward to your good news, and wish your company a thriving business.



Sponsor: xx

Xx (date) (month) (year)













While studying at the school I was a member of the class publicity, creative and organized a “Premier Zhou footprints along the way forward” the signature of the 1000 activities of students, school teachers and students have been widely acclaimed.

I am well aware that as an economic category of students, the exchange of essential practice. Thus, in 98 years I joined the “soft science enthusiasts Jilin Engineering Association” in the Department of Market Research. As an assistant, I participated in the preparation of the visit and summed up with the “Evergreen Daily” cooperation “consumer survey of university students” and “computer at the university campus,” the research project, through the real data, correcting some of the people of the community college students is incorrect views caused great repercussions.

I firmly believe that to adapt to the needs of society as a complex human resources, into the community is essential to draw nutrients. 99 years in August to October, I am in the “Xiamen Overseas Chinese Electronics Co., Ltd.” in office has done a three-month long promotional Miss, the initial feeling of intense business competition, but also to understand the micro-see giant enterprises in China the status quo. In July the same year to 11-month period, I have a part-time “modern” market consulting company investigators, to “market research” has done a comprehensive, professional, deep understanding. These experiences for me into the community, involved in the operation of business and laid a good foundation.

I have perseverance character, love and respect their jobs, be able to endure hardship, to be bold, the work can独挡一面, but also solidarity and cooperation.

My life philosophy is: “there is nothing.” I believe you chose me, it chose the pursuit of success. I would like to use their professional knowledge and wisdom for the development of your company to make modest!













four years as a senior clerk in sales department of the new world products company have,i believe,given me the experience to qualify for the job you advertised in thursday's newspaper.since 1981 i have been responsible for all office details in the administration of sales,including writing much of the

correspondence.in the course of my work,i have become familiar with the various sales territories,and have also in my spare time

experience of handling business problems other than my proper sphere.the years before i was employed at the new world,i was a

secretary for long brother,an accounting firm.there i became familiar with accounting terms and procedures.i was graduated at wah yan college, in june 1974.i am twenty-five years of age and single.i am leaving my present position because i can use my

capabilities more fully in a position with wider scope.my present employer knows of my ambition and is helping me to find a new place.may i see you at your office to tell you more about myself and show you just how well i can do the work you require.yours faithfully



第一节 一般术语

1.工程结构 building and civil engineering structures 2.工程结构设计

design of building and civil engineering structures 3.房屋建筑工程 building engineering 4.土木工程 civil engineering 5.公路工程 highway engineering 6.铁路工程 railway engineering

7.港口与航道工程 port(harbour)and waterway engineering 8.水利工程 hydraulic engineering 9.水利发电工程(水电工程)hydraulic and hydroelectric engineering 10.建筑物(构筑物)construction works 11.结构 structure 12.基础 foundation

13.地基 foundation soil;subgrade;subbase;ground 14.木结构 timber structure 15.砌体结构 masonry structure 16.钢结构 steel structure

17.混凝土(砼)结构 concrete structure 18.特种工程结构 special engineering structure 19.房屋建筑 building

20.工业建筑 industrial building

21.民用建筑 civil building;civil architecture 22.公路 highway

23.公路网 highway network 24.高速公路 freeway 25.干线公路 arterial highway 26.支线公路 feeder highway 27.铁路(铁道)railway;railroad 28.标准轨距铁路 standard gauge railway 29.宽轨距铁路 broad gauge railway 30.窄轨距铁路 narrow gauge railway 31.铁路枢纽 railway terminal32.铁路车站 railway station 33.港口 port;harbour

34.港口水工建筑物 marine structure 35.通航(过船)建筑物

navigation structure;navigation construction 36.灯塔 light house 37.水利 water conservancy 38水利枢纽

multipurpose hydraulic project;key water-control project;hydro-junction

39.水库 reservoir 40.水工建筑物

hydraulic structure;marine structure;maritime construction 41.档水建筑物 water retaining structure;retaining works

42.进水(取水)建筑物 intake structure

43.泄水建筑物 outlet structure;outlet works;sluice works 44.输水建筑物 conveyance structure 45.整治建筑物

rcgulating structure;training structure rectification structure 46.水电站 hydro-electric station;hydropower station 47.水泵站(抽水站、扬水站、提水站)pump station 48.过木建筑物(过木设施)raftpass facility log pass facility 49.过钿建筑物(过钽设施)fishpass facility50.安全设施 safety device 部件混合组成的结构。2.板柱结构 slab-colume system 3.框架结构 frame structure 4.拱结构 arch structure

5.折板结构 folded-plate structure 6.壳体结构 shell structure 7.风架结构 space truss structure 8.悬索结构 cable-suspended structure 9.充气结构 pneumatic structure

10.剪力墙(结构墙)结构 shear wall structure 第三节 公路路线和铁路线路术语 1.公路路线 highway

2.公路线形 highway alignment 3.平面线形 horizontal alignment 4.纵面线形 vertical alignment 5.公路选线 route selection 6.公路定线 route location 7.平面线 horizontal curve 8.竖曲线 vertical curve 9.变坡点 grade change point 10.路线交叉 route intersection 11.铁路线路 permanent way 12.铁路选线 railway location 13.铁路定线 location 14.正线 main line 15.站线 sidings

16.最小曲线半径 minimum radius of curve 17.坡段 grade section 18.最大坡度 maximum grade 19.平面交叉 grade crossing 20.立体交叉 grade separation 第四节 桥、涵洞和隧道术语 1.桥 bridge

2.简支梁桥 simple supported girder bridge 3.连续梁桥 continuous girder bridge 4.悬臂梁桥 cantilever girder bridge 5.斜拉(斜张)桥 cable stayed bridge 6.悬索(吊)桥 suspension bridge

7.桁架桥 trussed bridge 8.框架桥 frame bridge

9.刚构(刚架)桥 rigid frame bridge 10.拱桥 arch bridge

11.漫水桥 submersible bridge 12.浮桥 pontoon bridge 13.正交桥 right bridge 14.斜交桥 skew bridge

15.跨线(立交)桥 grade separated bridge;overpass bridge 16.高架桥 viaduct 17.正(主)桥 main span 18.引桥 approach span 19.弯桥 curved bridge 20.坡桥 Ramp bridge 21.公路铁路两用桥

combined bridge;highway and railway transit bridge 22.开合桥 movable bridge 23.单线桥 single-track bridge 24. 双线桥 double-track bridge

25. 桥跨结构(上部结构)bridge superstructure 26.桥面系 bridge floor system

27.桥支座 bridge bearing;bridge support 28.桥下部结构 bridge substructure 29.索塔(桥塔)bridge tower 30.桥台 abutment 第五节 水工期建筑物术语 1.坝 dam 2.坝轴线 dam axis 3.重力坝 gravity dam 4.拱坝 arch dam 5.支墩坝 buttress dam

6.土石坝 earth-rock dam;embankment dam 7.混凝土坝 concrete dam

8.橡胶坝 rubber dam;flexible dam;fabric dam 9.丁坝 spur dike;groin 10.顺坝 training dike 11.溢洪道 spillway 12.堰(溢流堰)weir 13.围堰 coffer dam

14.水工隧洞 hydraulic tunnel 15.深式进水口 deep water intake

16.堤坝式水电站 dam type hydropower station 17.引水(引水道)式水电站diversion conduit type hydropower staion 18.潮汐电站 tidal power station

19.抽水蓄能电站 pumped storage power station 20.水电站厂房 powerhouse of hydropower station 21.前池 forebay

22.压力管道 pressure nconduit 23.调压室 surge chamber 24.尾水渠 tailrace

25.船闸 navigation lock 26.升船机 shi lift;ship elevator 27.水闸 sluice;barrage 28.渠道 caual

29.渡槽 aqueduct;bridged flume 30.陡坡 chute 31.跌水 drop

32.坝内廊道系统 gallery system

33.消能防冲设施 energy dissipating and anti-scour facility 34.防渗设施 seepage control facility 35.排水设施 drainage facility

36.反滤设施(倒滤设施)reverse filter 37.水轮泵站 turbine-pump station 38.水锤泵站 ram station 39.坝下埋管 under dam culvert 40.沉消池 silting basin41.堤 dike;levee

42.防波堤 breakwater;mole 43.码头 wharf;quay 44.斜坡码头 sloped wharf 45.墩式码头 dolphin wharf 46.重力式码头 gravity quay-wall 47.板桩码头 sheet-pile quay-wall

48.高桩码头 open pier on piles;high-pile wharf 49.浮(趸船)码头 floating pier;pontoon wharf 50.船坞 dock

51.船台 ship-building berth 52.滑道 slipway

第六节 结构构件和部件术语 1.构件 member

2.部件 component;assembly parts 3.截面 section 4.梁 beam;girder 5.拱 arch 6.板 slab;plate 7.壳 shell 8.柱 column 9.墙 wall 10.桁架 truss 11.框架 frame 12.排架 bent frame

13.刚架(刚构)rigid frame 14.简支梁 simply supported beam 15.悬臂梁 cantilever beam

16.两端固定梁 beam fixed at both ends 17.连续梁 continuous beam 18.叠合梁 superposed beam 19.桩 pile 20.板桩 sheet pile 21.路面 pavement 22.行车道 carriageway

23.变速车道 speed-change lane 24.人行道 sidewalk 25.分隔带 Lane separator 26.自行车道 bicycle path 27.公路路肩 road shoulder 28.路基边沟 subgrade side ditch

29.截水沟(天沟)catch ditch;intercepting channel30.排水沟 drainage ditch

31.护坡 slope protection;revetment32.挡土墙 retaining wall 33.铁路轨道 railway track 34.钢轨 rail 35.轨枕 sleeper 36.轨排 track skeleton 37.道床 bed38.道碴 ballast39.道岔 turnout

40.铁路调车驼峰 railway shunting hump 41.无缝线路 continuous welded rail 42.钢轨扣件 rail fastening43.护轮轨 guard rail 44.铁路路肩 railway shoulder 45.码头胸墙 wharf shoulder 46.卸荷板 relieving slab 47.靠船构件 berthing member 48.系船柱 mooring post bollard49.系船环 mooring ring50.闸室 sluice chamber51.闸门 sluice gate;lock gate 52.闸墩 sluice pier 53.护坦 apron

54.海漫 apron extension 55.消能池(消力池)stilling basin 56.消能戽(消力戽)roller bucket57.防渗铺盖 apron;impervious blanket58.防渗帷幕 impervious curtain;cut-off59.止水 sealing;seal;waterstop 60.连接 connection

构件间或杆件间以某种方式的结合.1.工程结构 building and civil engineering structures 2.工程结构设计

design of building and civil engineering structures 3.房屋建筑工程 building engineering 4.土木工程 civil engineering 5.公路工程 highway engineering 6.铁路工程 railway engineering

7.港口与航道工程 port(harbour)and waterway engineering 8.水利工程 hydraulic engineering 9.水利发电工程(水电工程)hydraulic and hydroelectric engineering 10.建筑物(构筑物)construction works

11.结构 structure 12.基础 foundation

13.地基 foundation soil;subgrade;subbase;ground 14.木结构 timber structure 15.砌体结构 masonry structure 16.钢结构 steel structure

17.混凝土(砼)结构 concrete structure 18.特种工程结构 special engineering structure 19.房屋建筑 building

20.工业建筑 industrial building

21.民用建筑 civil building;civil architecture 22.公路 highway

23.公路网 highway network 24.高速公路 freeway 25.干线公路 arterial highway 26.支线公路 feeder highway 27.铁路(铁道)railway;railroad 28.标准轨距铁路 standard gauge railway 29.宽轨距铁路 broad gauge railway 30.窄轨距铁路 narrow gauge railway 31.铁路枢纽 railway terminal32.铁路车站 railway station 33.港口 port;harbour

34.港口水工建筑物 marine structure 35.通航(过船)建筑物

navigation structure;navigation construction 36.灯塔 light house 37.水利 water conservancy 38.水利枢纽

multipurpose hydraulic project;key water-control project;hydro-junction

39.水库 reservoir 40.水工建筑物

hydraulic structure;marine structure;maritime construction 41.档水建筑物 water retaining structure;retaining works 42.进水(取水)建筑物 intake structure

43.泄水建筑物 outlet structure;outlet works;sluice works 44.输水建筑物 conveyance structure 45.整治建筑物

rcgulating structure;training structure rectification structure 46.水电站 hydro-electric station;hydropower station 47.水泵站(抽水站、扬水站、提水站)pump station 48.过木建筑物(过木设施)raftpass facility log pass facility 49.过钿建筑物(过钽设施)fishpass facility


Dear leaders:


Venture to occupy your very valuable time, thank you for your busy schedule to finish my自荐信.I am a college from xx Environmental Engineering, 2007 session of this year's graduates, the University will be the end of life, and opened a new chapter in life, I with great emotion I wish to apply to you, accept your selection and tests.More than ten years of hard-working parents, uncles and kind-hearted and simple and systematic study, I trained hard, the spirit of self-improvement of quality and honest hard work.Four years, in the “learn to exercise” the influence of school, I study hard and achieved excellent results, but also received some valuable experience and skills of the pollution control, pollution control, environmental monitoring, environmental planning and management, environmental assessment such as the basic theoretical knowledge.Ideologically, I have a firm belief in communism, and continuously improve their own qualities and political theory..Study, I study hard theoretical knowledge and professional skills, and focus on combining theory with practice, and actively participate in social practice and a variety of internships, with a good environment for engineering expertise and practical experience at the scene.Through the unremitting efforts, master of the Windows operating system, Office2000, AutoCAD2004, photoshop and other applications to operate.In the wish to exercise their own ideas, I did tutor, participated in internships metalworking, electrical training, professional training.Brave the wind and waves, show鸿鹄之志;cautious, who do Liye.Universities, although not the halo, but I have a solid theoretical knowledge and is not afraid of difficulties in the spirit of hard.Looking back at the University of life, and enrich the learning to improve my knowledge of the structure, constantly thinking and learning step by step I am more and more mature.please give me a chance, I will also return you a satisfactory!

Finally,祝贵thriving business, I wish you good health and good luck




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