
时间:2019-05-15 01:34:43下载本文作者:会员上传



















































48、民之所好,好之; 民之所恶,恶之。










58、民众如水,水能载舟亦能覆舟; 民意浩荡,顺之则昌逆之则亡。

59、共产党员要廉洁奉献。权大,不能偏离航线; 官大,要促一方发展,才能做老百姓的“父母官”。




坚定 信念,经受考验;与时俱进,一往无前。




65、礼义廉耻,国之四维; 四维不张,国将不国。





























































126、以铜为镜,可以正衣冠; 以古为镜,可以知兴替;以人为镜,可以明得失。127、正人先要正己,无私才能无畏。


















































































第一段(首句开门见山,可引用或改写提纲中的语句做为论点)***play an important part in modern society.(扩展句1)Now...such as...(扩展句2)In addition...(结论)It is obvious that...第二段(首句摆出相反论点)There are ,however,still some people who assert that...(扩展句1)In the first place...They believe that...Thus...According to them...(扩展句2)Secondly...(扩展句3)Finally...(结论)In their opinion...第三段(首句点明自己支持的观点)Personally,I am firmly standing on the side of...(扩展句1简要说明原因)Since...they should...类型二:对于某种有益事物的评价和应采取的措施加以利用和实现

第一段(首句引出此事物)As is known to all,the desire for(good)...is universal.(扩展句1论述其重要性)On the one hand,...is /.It enables people to face the challenge of our fast-paced world and offers them an access to success.(扩展句2从其反面的危害性来反证其重要性)On the other hand, poor...deprive(s)...of their...How can a...(同该事物相违背的)man,with a tendency to...this or that...(这样或那样缺点的),be will equipped to cope with the highly competitive society today?(结论)It is obvious that...is of vital importance to every...第二段(提出加以利用和实现的措施)There are many ways to...(扩展句1措施一)Firstly...are/is necessary.people can...if they have enough time at their disposal, or they can just have a(five-time)...when they(are really busy).(扩展句2措施二)Secondly,...1 be indispensable.That is to say,(将上一句简单的发散,扩充一下即可或从反面论证不要怎样),never...(扩展句3措施三)Thirdly,...is helpful....always make...(扩展句4措施四)And what`s more, a...and a...are also advisable.第三段(给出自己的观点)As far as I’m concerned, I’m keeping...in my mind.I...and always.......such as...are my favorite homework everyday(例证)。As a result, I...类型三:问题讨论型

第一段(描述现象)Nowadays there is often a lack of understanding between A and B.On the one hand, A find it difficult to...。On the other hand, B complain that...are too “old-fashioned”(to)...。So whenever...are in trouble ,they will seek help from...instead of from...第二段(分析原因)There are some possible reasons for the problem.In the first place,...。In the second place,...put too much pressure on...and spare little time to...。Finally...(参考原因:Even if A listen to the explanation of B, A often disagree with B.)As a result, the problem is becoming more and more serious.第三段(对症下药,给出建议。)To bridge the(gap)between A and B, both of them should be co-operative.For A ,they should be considerate of...(for the sake of...).As for B, they should...。With joint efforts, A and B can reach a better understanding...2



第一段(A的好处)Many people appreciate the conveniences of A。...。Also,...。

第二段(B的好处)But B is also attractive。...第三段(A,B各自的不足)However, either A or B has its own disadvantages.A are confronted with many problems.Such as...and so on.But B...第四段(我的选择)As for me, I prefer to A.First,...。Second,(参考原因:compared with the undeveloped factors of B, A is an adeal...for me to...(最后谈对A不足的补救措施)Of course...类型五:对待某事物与成功的关系(以机遇为例)

第一段(首句引出机遇--机不可失,失不再来)Opportunities don`t come often.(扩展句1机遇常常悄然离去)They come every once in a while.Very often, they come quietly and go by without being noticed.(结论珍惜机遇)Therefore, it is advisable that you should value and treat them with care.第二段(首句说明机遇的偶然性)When an opportunity presents itself(来到时),it brings a promise but never realizes it on its own.(扩展句1抓住机遇,实现成功的途径)If you want to achieve something or intend to fulfill one of your ambitions you must work hard, make 3 efforts and get prepared.(扩展句2反证法)Otherwise, you will take no advantage of opportunities when they come to visit you.(结论必须做好一切可能的准备)It is clear that it order to be highly qualified for our future jobs.We should make every possible preparation.第三段(Relationship between opportunity and success--首句说明处理机遇的态度是成功者与失败者之间的区别)The difference between a man who succeeds and one who does not lies only in the way each treats opportunities.(扩展句1成功者的态度)The successfull person always make adequate preparations to meet...as they duly arrive.(扩展句2失败者的态度)The unsuccessful person, on the other hand, works little and just waits to see them pass by.(结论)Obviously, the two different attitudes towards opportunities may lead to quite different consequences.第四段(我的观点)In my opinion, there are plenty of opportunities for everyone in our society, but only those who are prepared adequately and qualified highly can make use of them to achieve their purpose.类型六:说明事物A的重要性

Importance of A

第一段(Importance of A)(首句说明A的重要性)Whatever ones does, one should do it with A.(扩展句1反证法)If one has no A, there is little possibility that one can achieve anything when faced with...。This truth seems to be self-evident.(扩展句2例证法)In 4 reality, however, we do see a lot of people who always complain that they lack the...to do something or that their difficulties are too great to overcome.For some, this might be true.But for many others, this only shows that they...第二段(Reasons for lack of A)(首句提出疑问)Why do some people often feel frustrated even though they are capable of doing something? I think there are two main reasons.(扩展句1原因1)In the first place, these people don`t have a correct estimate of themselves.For example...(扩展句2原因2)Secondly, there is another possibility that they exaggerate the difficulties.They can`t see...。They tend to...第三段(Necessity to...A)(我的观点)In my opinion, one should...as long as he has a right attitude towards...。We should neither underestimate nor overestimate our...As a proverb says“ Where there is a will, there is a way.” With...we can certainly cope with any task we are faced with.附常用议论文模式:

As is known to all, it is important to be/do...。I think there are at least two reasons for...。For one thing...For another...。Let`s take...for example...。From what I have mentioned above we can see that without...we cannot...。It is clear that...plays an important part in...。Different people, however, have different opinions on this matter.Some people think that...。According to them,all of us should...。Others argue that...。In their opinion, nobody can...without...。Compared with...,...has a lot of advantages over...。There is no doubt 5 that...。As a consequence,...In short, I firmly support the view that...。It is because...。So my conclusion is that...。I am sure that my opinion is both sound and well-grounded.



一:副词为中心的动词短语归类: 1.up :


pick up 检起

put up 举起 send up 使上升 rise up 起义 look up 抬起头 hold up 举起

take up 拿起 build up 树立 set up 建立 2)完成,结束

drink up 喝干 eat up 吃光 burn up 烧光 use up 用光

sum up 总结,break up 结束,分解


break up 拆开,驱散cut up 切碎

blow up 炸毁

tear up 撕碎 give up 放弃


pick up 振作,加快turn up 开打,开大, 出现

speak up 大声说 speed up 加速

show up 显现 cheer up 振作起来 5).变好,改善

bring up 抚育 check up 核对 clear up 清理,晴天 do up 整理 make up 化装, 和解, 弥补

figure up 计算 fix up 修理,整理 take up 从事


shut up 关闭

hold up 延误 keep up 坚持 2).down 1)向下的位置

hand down传下来 knock down 撞倒 lay down 放下 let down 放下 pour down 倾盆而下 pull down 拉下 set down 放下 step down 走下来 take down 取下

turn down 拆下,拒绝 lie down 躺下

blow down 吹倒 bring down 打倒

bend down 弯下 bow down 鞠躬


die down 变弱,逐渐停止go down平静下来

hold down 压低 slow down 慢下来

burn down 烧掉 wash down 冲淡

clean down 弄干净 rub down 擦干净

bring down 降低


close down 关闭

break down 坏了,中止

settle down平静下来 cool down 冷静下来

turn down 拒绝

lay down 失望 put down 镇压


write down 写下 copy down 抄下 note down 记下 take down 记下 put down 记下 get down 记下 have down 写下 3 on


carry on

drive on fight on

hold on

keep on live on

sleep on

sing on



go on

hurry on move on read on

follow on

struggle on insist on 坚持


turn on 打开

switch on 打开

put on 穿上

try on 试穿

pull on

穿上 hold on 不挂断

take on 呈现

rely on 依靠

depend on 依靠


pass on 传递

get on 上车 hand on 传送


work on 从事

bring on 引起 get on 取得进展 look on 旁观, 观看

call on 拜访 fix on 决心

figure on 打算,希望 get on 进步, 友好相处



blow off 吹掉 drive off 击退 get off 下车,动身

see off 送行 call off 叫走 let off 放出 take off 起飞

give off 发出

carry off 夺走


cut off 切断 tear off 扯掉 take off 拿走

come off 脱落

fall off 脱落 shake off 抖落

turn off 关掉

take off 脱掉 shut off 关掉

go off 爆炸 break off 中断 3)完成,停止

pay off 付清 break off 停止,中断 call off 取消


1)进入,向里(into, inside, indoors)

break in 闯入,插嘴breathe in 吸入burst in 闯入,打断drop in 偶然拜访

get in 插入,收进 knock in 打入

let in 进入,嵌入 move in 迁入 step in 走进

cut in 插嘴

draw in(火车)进站


book in 登记 check in 签到 count in记入 fill in 填入 hand in 交上 take in 吸收 6.out 1)向外(away from the inside, outside)keep out 使在外 take out 拿出 put out 放出,伸出come out 长出,bring out拿出 breathe out 呼吸出

eat out 出去吃 get out 弄出 go out 出去

lock out 关在外面 look out 向外看 move out 搬出 point out指出 pour out诉说 pull out拉出stick out伸出 spit out 吐出 knock out 敲出 dine out 外出吃饭 drive out 驾车外出

draw out 拉出 see out 送出门去 draw out 出站 let out 放出, 释放 2)结束,消失,取消

clear out 清除 put out 扑灭 run out 用完use out 耗尽 give out耗尽 wipe out消灭 die out 灭绝 rub out 擦掉 blot out 除去 blow out 吹熄 carry out 完成,执行leave out 省 去

go out 熄灭 come out 出版,开花 cut out 删去,停止hold out 坚持到底 sell out 买完 tire out 筋疲力尽 wear out 磨损

3)大声(in a loud voice, aloud)

cry out shout out call out 喊,申斥 spell out

speak out scream out read out


give out分发spread out传开set out出发hand out分发 send out 发送break out 爆发,逃脱drop out离开,退5)搞清,弄明白(in or into notice and clearness)find out 找出 figure out 算出,解决make out 弄清 come out出版,出现carry out完成bring out发表,说出 7.over

1)向下(downwards from an upright position)knock over撞倒turn over 翻转bend over伏身 look over 从…上面看 2)自始至终,通过, 重复

look over 调查 think over 考虑 see over 查看

talk over 商量

go over 复习do over 重复


jump over climb over come over swim over

pass over

walk over move over fly over run over 4)结束,完成(finished, at an end)get over 结束,熬过 be over 结束 5)转变,改变

hand over 移交take over 接管buy over 收买

come over 过来get over 战胜,克服make over 移交 win over 争取过来 turn over 变动,交付


cry over 因…哭laugh over 笑…fuss over 因…着急 8.away 1)离开(to a distance, to another place)go away走开run away 跑开walk away 走开 ride away 开走move away 移开take away 拿走 carry away 运走clear away 收走draw away 拉走

get away 逃走,离开 put away 收起来break away 逃脱come away 离开keep away 不准接近give away 赠送put away 收起 2)减少,减弱

burn away 烧尽die away 消失pass away 消失 wash away 冲走wipe away 擦掉 二:

以介词为中心的短语 at 1).at + 名词


at table 在用餐at peace处于和平时期

at press在排印

at work在上班at school在读书at war在交战 at play在玩耍

2)动词 +at 表示指向某一目标,达到某地

arrive at 到达

call at访问某地

laugh at嘲笑

look at看着

work at努力于

catch at


come at攻击,扑向 fire at向…开火 shoot at向…射击

glare at怒目而视 stare at注视着

knock at敲击

smile at向…微笑

pull at拉扯drop in at顺便参观某地

3).be + 形容词/过去分词


+ at be angry at 恼怒于

be alarmed at对…警觉

at astonished at因……吃惊 be clever at 对……很灵巧

be delighted at因……而高兴

be disgusted at厌恶

be disappointed at失望

be impatient at对……无耐心

be pleased at对……感到高兴

be surprised at吃惊

be shocked at震惊

be terrified at对……感到恐惧

be quick at对……很机敏

be skilled at对……熟练

be bad at不擅长

be good at 擅长于


at all根本 at a time一次 at one time曾经 at times有时 at a distance在一定距离 at a loss不知所措at first起初

at any cost不惜代价at hand手头 at most最多

at least至少at heart内心里at home在家里 at last最后

at sea航行 at will任意

at present目前

at once马上

the the beginning of在…的开始

at the end of在结束

at the sight/sound of一看到/一听到 about 动词 + about +sth.表示论及,着手等

argue about争论

ask about询问

bring about带来

chat about闲聊

care about在意

complain about报怨

go about着手

hear about听说

inquire about打听

know about了解

quarrel about争吵

set about开始

talk about谈论

think about考虑

worry about担心

be + 形容词 + about sth 表示为……,对……等,后常接表示原因的词

be anxious about为…着急be careless about对…不关心

be concerned about关心

be crazy about为……发狂

be mad about为…发疯

be nervous about对……紧张

be excited about为…激动be particular about对…挑剔

be worried about担心

for answer for为……负责

ask for向……要,索取

call for要求,需要

fight for为……而战,争取

be fit for适合be good for有益于 leave for奔赴

set out for到

long for渴望

look for寻找

make for到

prepare for为……作准备

be ready for准备好

send for派人去请

thank for因……感谢 wait for等待

work for为……工作,努力 4.of

be afraid of害怕be capable of能be careful of小心,当心

be certain of肯定 be sure of 确信 consist of 由…组成convince sb of使相信cure sb of治好 hear of 听说

be free of免于 be full of充满 know of了解到

be made of用…做的 remind sb of提醒 rob sb of抢夺

speak of说到talk of谈到take care of照顾think of考虑

be tired of厌倦

warn sb of 告诫

be worthy of 值 5.with

agree with 同意某人意见 be angry with生某人的气

begin with从开始be burdened with负担

be filled with充满be busy with忙于 catch up with赶上

keep up with跟上compare with与相比

be strict with对某人严格

deal with处理,应付

do with处理fall in love with爱上be familiar with熟悉

helpsb with帮助 with one’s help在…的帮助下

be lined with排满了provide sb with向……提供

share with与……分享 talk with和……交谈


benefit from受益于break away from脱离 be far from远离,远远不是die from死于

hear from收到…的来信 keep/stop/prevent sb from阻止

learnfrom向…学习,从…了解到be made from用材料做

separate from与分离


break into闯入

turn into变成 change into变成 burst into爆发

divide into分成translate into译成knock into撞到

run into偶然遇到

be made into做成三:以动词为中心的动词短语

1, take in

take off

take on take over

take up 1.take in

接受, 吸收, 理解, 包括, 欺骗

As they didn’t take in what he said, he took all of them in.2.take off

拿掉, 取消, 脱衣, 起飞

Don’t take your coat off.The plane will take off soon.3.take on

披上, 呈现, 具有, 雇用, 承担

With the sun setting, the village takes on a golden look.4.take over 把...从一地带到另一地, 接收, 接管

Mr.Li has fallen ill, so you have to take over the office work.5.take up

拿起, 开始从事, 占据, 参加进来

Since he took up Majiang, it has taken up most of his spare time.Worse still, his son has taken it up too.2,turn to

turn off

turn on

turn up

turn down

turn out

turn over

turn into

turn to 转向, 变成, 求助于, 致力于 If you run into trouble, you may turn to my friend there for help.turn off 关掉

You must turn the light off when you leave.turn on

开启, 依靠

Every design turned on the chief engineer.turn down

(被)向下折转, 拒绝, 降低

He turned town the request of turning the radio down a little.turn up 找到, 发现, 出现,调高When the guests turned up, he turned up the music and they began to dance.turn out 结果是,生产

Everything turned out fine.The factory turned out more cell phones than last year.turn over 打翻, 移交给,翻身

The bus turned over and destroyed the crops in the field.turn into 进入,(使)变成 What can turn a kind young man into a merciless devil? 另类阅读:

The weather turned out rainy.In order to avoid the car turning over, he turned the light off and turned on the radio.Suddenly, a boy turned up and turned to him for a lift.He was too kind to turn him down.So he opened the door and turned the back seat into a bed for the boy.3.work at

work on

work out

1.work at 从事, 致力于, 钻研(克服困难完成任务)You’ll overcome the problem in

learning a language if you really work at it.2.work on 继续工作, 设法说服, 影响, 钻研(努力钻研学问或研制新的技术)The students worked on the texts independently.3.work out 可以解决, 设计出, 计算出

Have you work out the maths problem yet? 4.let out let in let be

let alone let off

1.let out

放掉, 泄露, 放大

The boy let out a cry.2.let in,放进, 允许...进入

There is someone at the door.Will you please go and let him in? 3.let be

[口]随[它]去 任[它]那样

Let it be!Mother often tells me to let it be.4.let alone

不管, 不打扰

Let me alone!I’m too busy.5.let off 放出, 饶恕

I won’t let you off if you make the same mistake again.6.let down 使失望

I hoped Mr.James would help me, but he let me down.5.be in

be out

be out of

be over

be up

be up to

1.be in 在家, 上市季节

Is Mrs.Li in? I want him to go shopping with me.You see, peaches are in these days.They are quite cheap at present.2.be out 开花, 发行, 熄灭, 不在The light is out.Mr.Li must be out.As his new book is out, he may be advertising it where flowers are out.3.be out of

没有, 脱离The wounded are not out of danger yet.4.be over 结束

The game is over.5be up 起床,时间到了Time is up.Be up in two minutes!6.be up to 做,某人的责任

What is he up to these days? It’s up to you to find it out.6.break down break in break into break off

break out

break up 1.break down

坏了, 倒塌, 中止, 垮掉, 分解

Bad luck!Our car broke down near a bridge that had just broken down.The meeting had to break down.2.break in 闯入, 打断

It’s bad manners to break in when they are chatting.3.break into 破门而入, 侵占 The bank was broken into.Fortunately, nothing was missing as the alarm sounded in time.4.break up 打碎, 结束, 衰落, 分解,驱散

The police broke up the crowd who were breaking the windows up.5.break off 中断, 折断, 突然停止, 脱落

The boy fell when the branch broke off.6.break out 突发, 爆发

Unluckily, the war broke out against all kind hearts.另类阅读:

After breakfast,the meeting went on but soon broke up/off.A man broke in with the news that the war had broken out.What’s worse, their car broke down on the way back.7.bring about bring on bring out bring up

bring in

bring up

教育, 培养

Tom was brought up by his aunt Polly.bring in

挣得, 介绍引进

It’s necessary to bring in modern management.bring back 拿回来, 使回忆起来, 使恢复

The picture brought back our childhood.bring down 打倒, 降低

Can you bring the price down a little? bring about 使发生, 致使

I’m afraid it will bring out some bad influence on the children.bring out 使显示, 出版, 生产, 说出 Can you give me an example to bring out the meaning of this phrase? bring on 引起, 导致, 使发展

I believe the idea will bring our cause on.Would you like to fetch me some paper? You may take some box with you and then bring

them back.What? They have carried out their plan for the price? Try to bring it down, otherwise, we will have no money to bring in the new equipment, which is sure to bring out disadvantages soon.Anyhow, our work must carry on.8.call at call for call in call off call on call out

call for

要求, 提倡

The project calls for our cooperation.call on

号召, 呼吁, 访问(某人)We will call on him during our stay in Beijing.call at 访问(某地),停靠I called at the doctor’s just now.call in

召集, 召来, 来访

I’m too busy.Will you call in a doctor, please? call out 大声叫唤

The boy called out, “Stop the thief!”

6.call up

召唤, 使想起, 打电话给

Stay at home until I call you up.call off n.叫走, 放弃

7.call by


He came to the school and called by his teacher.He made a telephone call in a phone booth just now.He said he would call on us at our office and that he had dialed a doctor’s number and called him in.He was right.We called for a doctor at that time.9.carry out

carry on

1.carry out 完成, 实现, 贯彻, 执行

Through a month’s hard work, he carried out his plan.2.carry on

继续开展, 坚持

Though he had got a good mark, he still carried on.10.come about

come across

come along come by

come on

come over

come to

come up

1.come about 发生, 产生

When did the newspaper come about? 2.come across 来到, 偶遇

I was surprised to come across an old friend of mine in Chongqing last week.3.come along 出现, 发生

If there comes along an opportunity to practice English, do take it!4.come by 从旁走过, 得到, 取得, 经过

Jobs are hard to come by at present.5.come on.突然产生, 跟着来, 上演, 快点,赶快

Come on, boy.The play will come on in no time.6.come over 过来, 抓住

Come over, boy, Here is an apple for you.8.come to 达到, 复苏, 想起, 共计

It came to me that the total number came to 3000.9.come up 走近, 发芽, 被提出,上升, 出现He came up and told me that the potatoes we sowed had come up.11.cut down

cut in

cut off cut up

1.cut down 砍倒, 胜过, 削减

Lots of trees have to be cut down to cut down the price of wood.2.cut in 插嘴, 插入

The boy was too rude to cut in while we were talking.3.cut off 切断, 断绝

The power was cut off during the hurricane.4.cut up 切碎, 使丧气, 胡闹

Mother cut up the meat to make meat balls for us.12.do up do with

do away with

do in 1.do up 束起, 重新整修, 收拾齐整, 包好

Do up your bed, your bag and you trousers.We will start soon.2.do with 利用, 忍受

What can we do with these waste bags? 3.do away with 废除, 弄死

The unfair rule must be done away with at once.4.do in 欺骗Mrs.Smith was done in by three cheats whoclaimed that they were collecting money for orphans.13.get down

get down to

get in get off

get on

get on with get out

get over

get through

get to

get up 1.get down

(从...)下来, 吞下, 写下, 使沮丧

A second failure in getting down the pills got her down.2.get down to 开始认真考虑

After we got home, we got down to planning the birthday party.3.get in 进入, 收获, 插入, 陷入

At this moment, the farmers are busy getting in their rice.4.get off 下来, 脱下, 出发, 动身, 开始

Get your hat off and we will get off for the school soon.5.get on 生活, 融洽相处, 进展,(使)前进

How are you getting on? I’m getting on well with both my classmates and study.6.get on with


He stopped to read a passage, and then got on with his homework.7.get out

出去, 离开, 逃脱, 泄露, 摆脱

It seems usual that a secret gets out after certain rumors.8.get over

爬过, 克服, 恢复

Xiao Wang got over both the language difficulties and his disease.9.get through 做完, 打通

I tried to call Mr.Li, but I couldn’t get through.10.get to 到达, 接触到Tom got to Yanan in 1936.11.get up 起床, 站起来 Mrs.Smith is used to getting up late because she has never been eating breakfast at all.14.give away

give in

give out

give up 1.give away 送掉, 分发, 出卖Miss Gao had several English dictionaries, one of which was given away.2.give in 投降, 屈服, 让步

You’re not beaten yet.Don’t give in so easily.3.give out 分发, 发出(气味、热等), 用尽, 精疲力竭

The long journey made our energy give out.4.give up 放弃(念头、希望等), 停止

The thief was too tired to escape, and he had to give himself up.15.go by go for

go in for

go back on

go into

go off

go on go out

go over

go round

go up

1.go by(从...旁)走过, 依照, 顺便走访

In my childhood I usually felt that time went by very slowly.2.go for 去找, 努力获取

The young mother hurried out to go for the doctor for her sick baby.3.go in for 参加, 追求, 从事, 赞成Most girls do not go in for football.4.go back on 背弃

You promised to let me have that.You can’t go back on your word now.5.go into 进入, 加入, 探究

Please don’t spend too much time going into the details of the story.6.go off

离开, 去世, 消失

The pain in my left hand seems to be going off.7.go on

继续下去, 发生, 进行

“What’s going on now?” The man went on telling the story, “he is going on to ask for the girl’s hand.”

8.go out

出去, 熄灭

Make sure all the lights have gone out when you go out.9.go over

(渡过...)转变,(对...进行)仔细检查, 润色, 复习

I will go over to Liping’s and go over the lessons with him.10.go round 到处走动, 顺便去, 流传When he went around, hefound the scandal had been gone round widely.11.go up

上升, 增长, 被兴建起来 With the economy going up, more skyscrapers will go up in the large cities.16.hand in

hand out

hand over 1.hand in 交上

All the homework must be handed in before 5 p.m.2.hand out 把...拿出来, 分发, 施舍 The student on duty should help hand out the exercise books.3.hand over 移交

People doubted whether the Americans would hand over the sovereignty completely at the end of June.17.hold on

hold out

hold up

1.hold on 继续, 不挂断

She told the speaker to hold on while she was going to call the man he wanted to speak to.2.hold out 伸出, 提供, 维持, 阻止

The supplies of food can hold out for four months.3.hold up

举起, 支撑, 阻挡, 拦截

Traffic in this street is often held up in the rush hour because it is too narrow.18.look after look at

look down on(upon)

look for look out

look forward to look into

look up

look up to

look through 1.look after 寻求, 照顾, 关心

The patients seemed well looked after in that hospital.2.look at

看, 考虑, 着眼于

I used to look at the stars at summer night.3.look down on 轻视, 看不起 蔑视

People from others countries are looked down on by them.4.look for 寻找, 期待

The teacher told me that my son was always looking for trouble at school.5.look out 留神

Look out, or you will hurt yourself.6.look forward to 期望 期待,盼望

We are looking forward to seeing you next month.7.look into 调查,浏览, 观察

I’m sorry, but I will look into your complaint at once.8.look up 向上看, 尊敬, 仰望, 查找

He managed to look the writer’s name up in Who’s Who.9.look up to 尊敬,仰望

Pupils should be taught to look up to their parents.10.look through 看穿, 审核, 浏览, 温习

I often look through the titles to see if there is something interesting in the newspaper.19.make for

make out

make up

1.make for(尤指匆匆地)走向, 有利于, 倾向于

Early rising makes for good health.2.make out 书写, 填写, 理解, 辨认出

I can’t make out what you mean.3.make up

弥补, 虚构, 和解, 化妆

After making up, she set about making up a story which would be made up of five event.The story would make up for the loss she suffered in the accident.20.pick out

pick up

1.pick out 挑选

She picked out a new dress for her daughter at the department store.2.pick up 捡起, 获得, 收到,用车接人,使恢复精神, 随便地认识, 加速

The medicine he picked up in the chemist’s helped him pick up.He got into the car and picked up the speed.He turned on the radio which picked up BBC.He was going to pick his brother up at the airport.21.put in put off put on put out put up

put up with

1.put in 放进, 插入, 进入 Put in the missing words.2.put off 推迟, 使不愉快, 搪塞, 脱掉

The message that the meeting would be put off put him off.3.put on 穿上, 装出, 假装, 增加, 表演

As he had put on weight, he found it hard to put on the trousers to put on the performance.He put on a smile and said it didn’t matter.4.put out 熄灭,放出, 伸出, 生产 The fire was put out before it reached the wooden bridge.5.put up 举起, 留宿, 提名, 建议

He put up his hands to put up the idea that they could put the guest up in the hotel.6.put up with 忍受, 容忍

We can’t put up with your rudeness.22.run into run for run out run out of

1.run into

跑进, 撞上, 偶遇, 陷入, 达到

When I ran into the bookstore, I ran into an old friend who I hadn’t seen for ages!2.run for

竞选, 赶快去请

They are running for the presidency.4.run out 跑出, 离开, 完成, 被用完

The money is running out.Can you run out and borrow some for me? 5.run out of


We have run out of rice.23.see off

see to

see through

1.see off


No one was there to see him off.2.see to 负责, 注意

This bicycle needs seeing to.You must see to it that it’s safe to ride.3.see through 看穿, 识破

He tried to play a trick on me, but I saw him through finally.24.set down

set off

set up

set out

1.set down

放下, 把...归于, 击败, 制定

Would you mind setting me down at the next bus stop? 2.set off

出发, 动身, 使爆炸

The terrorists set off for the building and set off the bomb.3.set up

设立, 竖立, 架起, 升起

The workers have set up their new machines well.4.set out 出发, 开始

We set out to finish the design the moment we got to the office.





一:副词为中心的动词短语归类: 1.up :


pick up 检起

put up 举起 send up 使上升

rise up 起义 look up 抬起头 hold up 举起

take up 拿起 build up 树立 set up 建立 2)完成,结束

drink up 喝干 eat up 吃光 burn up 烧光

use up 用光

sum up 总结,break up 结束,分解


break up 拆开,驱散cut up 切碎

blow up 炸毁

tear up 撕碎 give up 放弃


pick up 振作,加快turn up 开打,开大, 出现

speak up 大声说 speed up 加速

show up 显现 cheer up 振作起来 5).变好,改善

bring up 抚育 check up 核对 clear up 清理,晴天 do up 整理 make up 化装, 和解, 弥补

figure up 计算 fix up 修理,整理 take up 从事


shut up 关闭

hold up 延误 keep up 坚持 2).down 1)向下的位置

hand down传下来 knock down 撞倒 lay down 放下 let down 放下 pour down 倾盆而下 pull down 拉下 set down 放下 step down 走下来 take down 取下

turn down 拆下,拒绝 lie down 躺下

blow down 吹倒 bring down 打倒

bend down 弯下 bow down 鞠躬


die down 变弱,逐渐停止go down平静下来

hold down 压低 slow down 慢下来

burn down 烧掉 wash down 冲淡

clean down 弄干净 rub down 擦干净

bring down 降低


close down 关闭

break down 坏了,中止

settle down平静下来 cool down 冷静下来

turn down 拒绝

lay down 失望 put down 镇压


write down 写下 copy down 抄下 note down 记下 take down 记下 put down 记下 get down 记下 have down 写下 3 on


carry on

drive on fight on

hold on

keep on live on

sleep on

sing on

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到底 sell out 买完 tire out 筋疲力尽 wear out 磨损 3)大声(in a loud voice, aloud)

cry out shout out call out 喊,申斥 spell out

speak out scream out read out


give out分发spread out传开set out出发hand out分发 send out 发送break out 爆发,逃脱drop out离开,退5)搞清,弄明白(in or into notice and clearness)find out 找出 figure out 算出,解决make out 弄清 come out出版,出现carry out完成bring out发表,说出 7.over

1)向下(downwards from an upright position)knock over撞倒turn over 翻转bend over伏身 look over 从…上面看 2)自始至终,通过, 重复

look over 调查 think over 考虑 see over 查看

talk over 商量

go over 复习do over 重复


jump over climb over come over swim over

pass over

walk over move over fly over run over 4)结束,完成(finished, at an end)get over 结束,熬过 be over 结束 5)转变,改变

hand over 移交take over 接管buy over 收买

come over 过来get over 战胜,克服make over 移交 win over 争取过来 turn over 变动,交付


cry over 因…哭laugh over 笑…fuss over 因…着急 8.away 1)离开(to a distance, to another place)go away走开run away 跑开walk away 走开 ride away 开走move away 移开take away 拿走 carry away 运走clear away 收走draw away 拉走

get away 逃走,离开 put away 收起来break away 逃脱come away 离开keep away 不准接近give away 赠送put away 收起 2)减少,减弱

burn away 烧尽die away 消失pass away 消失 wash away 冲走wipe away 擦掉


以介词为中心的短语 at 1).at + 名词


at table 在用餐at peace处于和平时期

at press在排印

at work在上班at schoolwww.xiexiebang.com 版权所有@高考资源网




agree with 同意某人意见 be angry with生某人的气

begin with从开始be burdened with负担

be filled with充满be busy with忙于 catch up with赶上

keep up with跟上compare with与相比

be strict with对某人严格

deal with处理,应付

do with处理fall in love with爱上be familiar with熟悉

helpsb with帮助 with one’s help在…的帮助下

be lined with排满了provide sb with向……提供

share with与……分享 talk with和……交谈


benefit from受益于break away from脱离 be far from远离,远远不是die from死于

hear from收到…的来信 keep/stop/prevent sb from阻止

learnfrom向…学习,从…了解到be made from用材料做

separate from与分离


break into闯入

turn into变成 change into变成 burst into爆发

divide into分成translate into译成knock into撞到

run into偶然遇到

be made into做成三:以动词为中心的动词短语

1, take in

take off

take on take over

take up 1.take in

接受, 吸收, 理解, 包括, 欺骗

As they didn’t take in what he said, he took all of them in.2.take off

拿掉, 取消, 脱衣, 起飞

Don’t take your coat off.The plane will take off soon.3.take on

披上, 呈现, 具有, 雇用, 承担

With the sun setting, the village takes on a golden look.4.take over 把...从一地带到另一地, 接收, 接管

Mr.Li has fallen ill, so you have to take over the office work.5.take up

拿起, 开始从事, 占据, 参加进来

Since he took up Majiang, it has taken up most of his spare time.Worse still, his son has taken it up too.2,turn to turn off turn on turn up turn down turn out turn over turn into

turn to 转向, 变成, 求助于, 致力于 If you run into trouble, you may turn to my friend there for help.turn off 关掉

You must turn the light off when you leave.turn on

开启, 依靠

Every design turned on the chief engineer.turn down

(被)向下折转, 拒绝, 降低

He turned town the request of turning the radio down a little.turn up 找到, 发现, 出现,调高When the guests turned up, he turned up the music and they began to dance.turn out 结果是,生产

Everything turned out fine.The factory turned out more cell phones than last year.turn over 打翻, 移交给,翻身

The bus turned over and destroyed the crops in the www.xiexiebang.com 版权所有@高考资源网



After breakfast,the meeting went on but soon broke up/off.A man broke in with the news that the war had broken out.What’s worse, their car broke down on the way back.7.bring about bring on bring out

bring up

bring in

bring up

教育, 培养

Tom was brought up by his aunt Polly.bring in

挣得, 介绍引进

It’s necessary to bring in modern management.bring back 拿回来, 使回忆起来, 使恢复

The picture brought back our childhood.bring down 打倒, 降低

Can you bring the price down a little? bring about 使发生, 致使

I’m afraid it will bring out some bad influence on the children.bring out 使显示, 出版, 生产, 说出 Can you give me an example to bring out the meaning of this phrase? bring on 引起, 导致, 使发展

I believe the idea will bring our cause on.Would you like to fetch me some paper? You may take some box with you and then bring them back.What? They have carried out their plan for the price? Try to bring it down, otherwise, we will have no money to bring in the new equipment, which is sure to bring out disadvantages soon.Anyhow, our work must carry on.8.call at call for call in call off call on call out

call for

要求, 提倡

The project calls for our cooperation.call on

号召, 呼吁, 访问(某人)We will call on him during our stay in Beijing.call at 访问(某地),停靠I called at the doctor’s just now.call in

召集, 召来, 来访

I’m too busy.Will you call in a doctor, please? call out 大声叫唤

The boy called out, “Stop the thief!”

6.call up

召唤, 使想起, 打电话给

Stay at home until I call you up.call off n.叫走, 放弃

7.call by


He came to the school and called by his teacher.He made a telephone call in a phone booth just now.He said he would call on us at our office and that he had dialed a doctor’s number and called him in.He was right.We called for a doctor at that time.9.carry out

carry on

1.carry out 完成, 实现, 贯彻, 执行

Through a month’s hard work, he carried out his plan.2.carry on

继续开展, 坚持

Though he had got a good mark, he still carried on.10.come about come across come along come by come on come over come to come up

1.come about 发生, 产生

When did the newspaper come about? 2.come across 来到, 偶遇

I was surprised to come across an old friend of mine in Chongqing last week.3.come along 出现, 发生

If there comes along an opportunity to practice English, do take it!4.come by 从旁走过, 得到, 取得, 经过

Jobs are hard to come by at present.5.come on.突然产生, 跟着来, 上演, 快点,赶快

Come on, boy.The play will come on in no time.www.xiexiebang.com 版权所有@高考资源网



3.give out 分发, 发出(气味、热等), 用尽, 精疲力竭

The long journey made our energy give out.4.give up 放弃(念头、希望等), 停止

The thief was too tired to escape, and he had to give himself up.15.go by go for

go in for

go back on

go into

go off go on go out

go over

go round

go up

1.go by(从...旁)走过, 依照, 顺便走访

In my childhood I usually felt that time went by very slowly.2.go for 去找, 努力获取

The young mother hurried out to go for the doctor for her sick baby.3.go in for 参加, 追求, 从事, 赞成Most girls do not go in for football.4.go back on 背弃

You promised to let me have that.You can’t go back on your word now.5.go into 进入, 加入, 探究

Please don’t spend too much time going into the details of the story.6.go off

离开, 去世, 消失

The pain in my left hand seems to be going off.7.go on

继续下去, 发生, 进行

“What’s going on now?” The man went on telling the story, “he is going on to ask for the girl’s hand.”

8.go out

出去, 熄灭

Make sure all the lights have gone out when you go out.9.go over

(渡过...)转变,(对...进行)仔细检查, 润色, 复习

I will go over to Liping’s and go over the lessons with him.10.go round 到处走动, 顺便去, 流传When he went around, hefound the scandal had been gone round widely.11.go up

上升, 增长, 被兴建起来 With the economy going up, more skyscrapers will go up in the large cities.16.hand in

hand out

hand over 1.hand in 交上

All the homework must be handed in before 5 p.m.2.hand out 把...拿出来, 分发, 施舍 The student on duty should help hand out the exercise books.3.hand over 移交

People doubted whether the Americans would hand over the sovereignty completely at the end of June.17.hold on

hold out

hold up

1.hold on 继续, 不挂断

She told the speaker to hold on while she was going to call the man he wanted to speak to.2.hold out 伸出, 提供, 维持, 阻止

The supplies of food can hold out for four months.3.hold up

举起, 支撑, 阻挡, 拦截

Traffic in this street is often held up in the rush hour because it is too narrow.18.look after look at

look down on(upon)

look for look out look forward to look into

look up

look up to

look through 1.look after 寻求, 照顾, 关心

The patients seemed well looked after in that hospital.2.look at

看, 考虑, 着眼于

I used to look at the stars at summer night.3.look down on 轻视, 看不起 蔑视

People from others countries are looked www.xiexiebang.com 版权所有@高考资源网



and borrow some for me? 5.run out of


We have run out of rice.23.see off

see to

see through

1.see off


No one was there to see him off.2.see to 负责, 注意

This bicycle needs seeing to.You must see to it that it’s safe to ride.3.see through 看穿, 识破

He tried to play a trick on me, but I saw him through finally.24.set down

set off

set up

set out

1.set down

放下, 把...归于, 击败, 制定

Would you mind setting me down at the next bus stop? 2.set off

出发, 动身, 使爆炸

The terrorists set off for the building and set off the bomb.3.set up

设立, 竖立, 架起, 升起

The workers have set up their new machines well.4.set out 出发, 开始

We set out to finish the design the moment we got to the office.www.xiexiebang.com 版权所有@高考资源网



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