浅谈听说法在商务英语教学中的运用 摘要: 在经济全球化的进程中,我国与世界各国的经济合作越来越频繁,国际商务领域日益广泛,商务英语已成为重要的交流工具。因此,商务英语教学越来越受到人们的重视。本文探讨了听说法在商务英语实际教学过程中的运用情况。
听说法是第一个自觉地把系统的语言学和心理学理论作为自身理论基础的教学法体系。它的语言学理论基础是强调第二语言教学要从口语开始,从说话开始,通过掌握语言结构学会目的语的美国结构主义语言学。其心理学基础是行为主义心理学的创始人华生提出的刺激一一反应s— R)论。
Impacts of Cultural Differences on International
Business Negotiation
With the economic globalization and the frequent business contacts, cultural differences seem to be very important;otherwise they could cause unnecessary misunderstanding, even affect the result of the business negotiations.This means it is very important to know the different culture in different countries and the ways to avoid the culture conflicts in the international business negotiations.The article commences from the types of culture differences, then it explains the impacts of these culture differences on international business negotiation and finally it analyzes how to deal with the problem of the cultural differences correctly in negotiation process.Key words: Culture;Cultural differences;Business negotiation;Impact.1.Types of Culture Differences
1.1Value View
Value view is the standard that people use to asses objective things.It includes time view, equality view and objectivity.People may draw a different or even contradictory conclusion about the same thing.Value view is one of the most important differences among the many factors.1.2.Negotiating Style
Negotiating style refers to the tolerance and graces which the negotiator shows in the negotiation.The negotiators show their negotiating style through behavior, manners and the method of controlling negotiation process during the negotiation.1.3.Thinking Model
Thinking model reflects the culture.Because of the influences of history background, continents, words and living method, different nations generate different thinking models.Surely, there is more than one thinking model of a nation, but one is more obvious compared with others.2.Impact of Cultural Differences on International Business
With the rapid development of economy, we need to do business with businessmen under different culture background, so in order to reach trade agreement, it is necessary for us to study the impact of culture differences on international
negotiation in global business activities.The impact of culture differences on international negotiation is extensive and deeply.Different cultures divide the people into different group and they are also the obstacles of people’s communication.Accordingly, it is required that the negotiator should accept the culture of each other.Furthermore, through culture differences, it is important that the negotiator reveal and understand the other party’s goal and behavior and make him or herself be accepted by the opponent to reach agreement finally.3.Coping Strategy of Negotiating across Cultures
3.1 Making Preparations before Negotiation.The negotiators must make good preparations if they want control the development of negotiation successfully in the complex situation.When making preparations, you should try to know the opponents while you analyze yourselves.Analyzing yourselves mainly refers to studying if the project is feasible.To knowing about the opponents means understanding their strength such as credit status, the policy, business customs and so on.3.2 Overcoming Cultural Prejudice
Tolerating different cultures and overcoming cultural prejudice contribute to better communicating with each other and understanding each other.We should learn about the foreign cultures before negotiation and accept and understand their cultures in negotiation, because every country regard their own cultures as a matter of course and hope that their culture could be recognized and accepted.3.3 Conquering Communication Barriers
In negotiation, sometimes we can’t make much progress although we have talked for long time.And sometimes both parties are not satisfied.After thinking, that is caused by communication barriers which happen easily in cross-cultural negotiation.We should make sure if there appear communication barriers, if so, we must overcome them.Generally speaking, we should pay more attention to the following three communication barriers in cross-cultural negotiation: the communication barriers caused by culture background of both;the ones caused by misunderstanding of the contents and information from the partner;the ones caused by not being willing to accept the opponent’s contents and ideas.Conclusion
“Social Customs varies in different countries”.In a word, cross-cultural communication will meet the problem of culture differences surely.In turn, culture differences also influence all aspects of international business communication.To avoid or to resolve the culture differences is a huge task in international business negotiation.In order to step into the international market successfully, we must have the awareness of culture differences, acknowledge culture differences and understand different cultures.Try to know yourself and know them.What’s more, we should respect different behavior of businessmen under different culture background, and then we could reduce unnecessary conflicts resulting from not respecting the opponents.It is beneficial for both to form an atmosphere of mutual trust and cooperation, reduce culture differences and turn disadvantages into advantages and benefits.Thus, we could avoid conflicts and obstacles, then to promote communication and harmony in international business negotiation.
商务英语专业学生毕业论文选题 1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、32、33、34、35、36、37、38、39、40、41、经贸英语的语言特点 浅论经贸英语的文体风格 经贸英语的语体特点与翻译 经贸英语与一般英语的异同 英语在商务活动中的作用(经济贸易中英语的作用)英文的国际发展趋势 经贸英语在中国加入WTO后的新趋势 加入WTO对经贸英语专业的影响与对策 外语学习中的情感因素 商务英语学习中的文化习得 浅谈如何有效学习经贸英语词汇 文化习俗与跨文化交际学对经贸英语学习的影响 商务英语函电的文本特征 经贸英语合同的语言特色 商务合同英语的文体特征分析 简论商务英语E-mail 写作特色 经贸英语信函话语基调分析 经贸英语会话的语用分析 中西文化差异与交际障碍 试谈语言交际中的文化差异 论中西文化差异与英语学习文化差异对经贸英语翻译的影响 经贸英汉互译中的矛盾与对策 经贸英语词汇特点与翻译 根据词义和逻辑关系谈涉外经济合同的翻译 从语境角度分析英汉互译中语言的得体 谈经贸英语翻译的词义选择问题 商业英文书信所使用的词语分类浅析 一些普通词汇在经贸英语中的特殊意义及翻译 中国特色词汇及其英译 常用名词在经贸英语中的语义变化特征 英汉被动语态的比较与翻译 英汉习语的文化差异及翻译 中英文在生活习语中的差异 英语长句的理解与翻译 英语否定句的翻译 如何正确把握英语定语从句(或其他各种从句或语法形式)在句子中的确切含义 浅谈经贸英语会话中的言语交际技巧 论国际经贸活动的语言交际技巧 跨文化交际中的非言语交际体系研究 浅谈非语言交际中的身势语42、43、44、45、46、47、48、49、50、51、52、53、54、55、56、57、58、59、60、61、62、63、64、65、66、67、68、69、70、71、72、73、74、75、76、77、78、79、80、81、82、83、84、85、文化差异对国际商务的影响 商务交流与商务礼仪之我见 国际商务谈判中的文化差异 日常语言与谈判语言之比较 商务谈判方法研究 中国式谈判与英美式谈判之异同 跨文化谈判研究 试论广告英语的语言特点 关于网络广告英语与报刊杂志广告英语词汇比较 广告英语词汇修辞初探 中英文广告中语言使用的对比 论汉语广告的英译处理 广告的文字组成及标题 广告翻译的基本策略 广告文体翻译的忠实问题 商号、商标、公司名称等的翻译 中英文商标词的对比及翻译研究 文化的转换与商标翻译 商标名称的美学特征及汉语商标名称的翻译 修辞格在广告中的运用 谈谈旅游资料英译的几个问题 论对外宣传品的中译英 中式菜肴名称的英译问题 电影片名的翻译 影视翻译浅谈 公示语汉英翻译 文化与翻译 文体与翻译 归化与异化 翻译单位研究 口译的灵活性 论汉语和英语中的委婉语英语谚语的修辞手法 英诗中常用的修辞 从历史文化的发展看某个英语词或短语的语义演变 从英汉新词的出现看语言的社会性特征 英语新词新意探究 语境与选词 从词汇学角度看英汉同义词的差异 英汉动物词汇的文化伴随意义 英语歧义现象的语言学阐释 从语义学角度谈英语中的歧义现象 英汉色彩词的联想对比意义 颜色词在外贸英语中的应用
109、Cross-Cultural Failures by Chinese Learners110、On Use of Nouns in English111、Effectiveness of Figures of Speech112、American Culture & Chinese Culture113、Understanding and Translation of Attributive Clauses114、Function of Grammar in English Language Study115、On Importance of English to College Students after Entering WTO 116、Cultural Differences and Translating Methods of English and Chinese
Idiom117、Pragmatic Failures in Cross-Cultural Communication118、Choice of Correct Words in Translation119、Fuzzy Words and Their Uses in Human Communication120、Some Basic Consideration of Style
西部地区引进外资问题探究---浅谈引进外资的战略调整作者:刘晴晴 专业:英语721提纲:
4、如何改变战略以及取得的成效、摘要:Western Development is the important work of China's economic development, foreign investment has played a significant role in access, so this paper, the introduction of foreign investment in the western region issued a simple view of the strategic adjustment of China must be able to better the introduction of funds into the development economy.引言:引进外资的工作在我国已经进行了很多年,但鉴于西部地区特殊的历史与地理因素,在外资引进问题上就显得尤其重要与艰难,如何利用西部富饶的资源吸引国外资金呢,这就需要我过在原有的基础上改变战略,制定更适合西部与外资相融合的策略,本文将围绕这个问题展开讨论。
一、2000年年初,党中央、国务院对实施西部大开发提出明确要求,西部大开发拉开帷幕。此后,党的十七大明确提出,要继续实施区域发展总体战略,深入推进西部大开发。这在全国区域发展总体战略布局中占有十分突出的重要位置。西部大开发取得明显成效 实施西部大开发以来,国家通过规划指导、政策扶持、项目安排等加大了对西部地区的支持力度。2000年-2007年,中央对西部地区的各类财政转移支付累计近15000亿元,国债、预算内建设资金和部门建设资金累计安排西部地区7300多亿元。当然仅仅依靠国家财政的支持远远不够的,比较中国是个幅员辽阔的大国,要考虑到方方面面的问题,在发展西部的同时不能放松中部与沿海地区的继续发展。鉴于此,中国就一定要大力引进外资,利用引进的资金有效的发展西部经济。事实看来来 这些资金的确有力地推动了西部地区经济发展,西部地区生产总值从16655亿元增加到47455亿元,年均增长达到11.6%。我们从2004年1月26的央视国际新闻中能够得到这样的讯息:2003年,天津市实际利用外资16.3亿美圆,同比增长62.9%,是近十年来增幅最大的一年;去年,湖南省实际利用外资也保持高速增长,全年共吸引外商直接投资14.89亿美圆,同比增长44.4%,创历史新高。2003年山西煤炭生产各项指标创历史新高 2003年山西省共完成煤炭上报产量四亿五千一百万吨,完成销售收入七百二十二亿元,煤炭生产各项主要经济指标均创历史最好水平2003年西藏7万多人实现脱贫致富 2003年西藏投资3.5亿多元用于全区扶贫开发项目建设,使全区7.36万贫困农牧民实现了脱贫致富。目前西藏人均纯收入低于1300元的人口已由2001年的148万人下降到107.21万人。陕西:国道主干线成功穿越黄土沟壑 日前,工程技术人员在陕西芝川河特大桥工程建设中采用高墩大跨软基处理技术和湿陷性地基处理技术,成功攻克了黄土沟壑的施工难题,这标志着国道主干线二连浩特至河口高速公路成功穿越黄土沟壑。宁夏高速公路X主骨架形成 随着宁夏高速公路第一座立交桥--白鸽交立桥的竣工,青岛至银川高速公路和丹东至拉萨高速公路宁夏段实现连接,从而使宁夏高速公路X骨架基本形成。这些成绩都是因为有了外资的注入才不会像以前单靠我们自己的力量来的那么艰难,给中国人民也给世界作出了保证和表率。
4、西部地区引进外资质量不高,产业分布不均衡东部地区在利用外资中,引进大项目、高科技、新兴产业项目已成为发展趋势。西部地区受到投资环境等诸多不利因素的影响,在吸 引大项目、消化国际先进技术和创新能力方面均大大落后于东部地区。引进外商投资主要集中在劳动密集型和资源密集型的简单加工行业,其次为房地产业、服务业和农业。西部自然资源丰富,石油、煤炭、天然气、水资源等有着东部地区无法比拟的优势,这些优势资源吸引外资的结果,形成了西部的资源大量流入东部,而东部的大量工业制成品又流向西部。西部的资源优势并未转化成经济优势。所以目前进入西部的纯数量扩张性的低技术和劳动密集型外资,只能弥补西部建设资金的缺口,而对西部地区产业的技术进步和产业结构的优化缺乏推动力。并在一定程度上,制约了西部地区产业结构的优化,不利于西部提升产品的竞争优势和产业结构的升级。
1、我国非均衡的经济发展战略的实施,西部引进外资面临市场需求不足 我国实行非均衡发展的区域政策,对外开放是从东至西分阶段一次推进的,国家在财政、税收、信贷、对外开放等方面给予东部较多的优惠政策。随着市场经济的发展,西部经济发展大量引进外资所面临的现实和东部不同。当年,东部引进外资依靠的是东部地区经济的快速发展和国家的优惠政策,那时我国经济正处在计划经济的末期,市场空间大,市场对产品的需求明显。而且,当时的世界经济正处于上升时期,如今西部引资面临的现实是,我国已初步建立了市场经济体制,国内市场由卖方市场变为买方市场,国内市场需求严重不足,社会供给出现了结构性过剩,市场空间不断缩小。而且当今世界经济在经历了亚洲金融危机之后,增长速度已明显下降。西部引资市场性质的根本变化,是影响西部引资的根本原因。加之,西部地处内陆,交通设施落后,西部作为资源输出地区对交通设施的依赖性较强,设施的不足,导致外资进入西部的投资成本和投资风险明显高于东部。
三 基于上述的因素,西部地区在制定吸引外资政策时,需要树立创新观念,扬长补短。可考虑的措施包括:
1.多种方式并举引进外资 大型的基础设施项目所需的投资量大、回收期长,可采用以下的方案:第一,采用间接补偿贸易的方式引资。由于西部地区矿产资源丰富,可考虑用矿产资源分期偿还外商的技术设备投资;第二,与香港及外国的公司组建“中外合作投资基金”,并在境外上市。借助外商的信誉、融资能力和经验,为西部开发引进国际资金。
2.鼓励港、澳、台及外国中小型企业到西部投资 不少地方政府十分注重招引大型跨国企业前来投资,但在经济发展过程中,为数众多的中小型企业亦有举足轻重的作用。有效地引导港、澳、台及外国中小型企业与西部的企业合资合作,可帮助当地企业的发展,进而推动西部开发。目前西部的投资环境远不及东部,大企业来华投资会优先选择沿海地区。然而,港、澳、台大量的中小型企业有兴趣到内地投资,它们由于资金的限制,若到较发达的东部投资,可能 缺乏竞争优势,如西部对中小型企业采取积极的投资优惠政策,应能吸引这些中小企业来投资。在这方面还需注意开辟有效的招商渠道,包括降低中小企业来华投资经营服务业的资格条件。此外,可考虑设立“中小型企业投资园区”,提供便捷的服务,方便中小企业经营运作,减少它们的顾虑。
3.吸引外资合作开发科技及高增值产品 在西安、成都、重庆、兰州及贵阳等科研基础较强的城市,可重点推动中外合作发展科技项目。项目的设计和馐方面应尽力提升至国际水平。例如,西安市、重庆市在医学及医药研究与开发方面有良好的基础,可争取与外商合作开发中医药研究与开发方面有良好的基础,可争取与外商合作开发中医药项目,将之推向全球市场。
4.提升服务,优化引资环境 我区利用外资要为他们创造法律执行、优质服务、成熟配套等方面的综合投资环境。一是要营造良好的法制环境。实行“法律环境优先”策略,大力改善外商投资的法律环境,为外商创造良好的法律执行环境。二是要营造优质的服务环境。通过政府管理和服务行为净化外商投资环境,提高办事效率和服务质量,为外资企业的发展提供规范有序、公平竞争的经济秩序和社会环境。三是要营造成熟的硬件环境。加大对基础产业和基础设施建设的投入,提高开发园区的功能、配套水平和承载能力,加速开发园区的提档升级与扩容,完善配套设施建设,加大环境保护与建设力度。
1、在青海省府西宁市,有一家中美合资企业—青海新路环卫设备制造有限公司,它是由青海工程机械产品销售服务中心与美国SCRANTON制造公司共同投资于1999年10月成立的。注册资金1187万元,其中中方占52%,美方占48%。合资期限15年。该公司计划用三到五年时间成为中国最大的环保设备企业。该公司常务副总经理李国彦说,三年来,我们取得了很大的成绩,连外商都没有想到会发展这么快。2001年销售收入5143.7万元,预计2002年销售收入达8000-9000万元。目前,公司已生产和销售的有压缩式垃圾车、摆臂式垃圾车、洒水车等三大系列15个品种。产品覆盖全国24个省区的120多个城市。依靠产品性能、质量、售后服务及性价比优势,该公司先后参与并中标了许多大中城市环卫车辆的政府采购招标。该公司直接从美国SCRANTON公司引进其先进的压缩式垃圾车产品技术、工艺装备、生产工艺,在消化吸收和创新的基础上,进行综合集成和应用开发,形成具有自主知识产权的核心技术和主要产品。该公司不断加大技术投入,不断进行技术创新,在引进和开发上取得丰硕的成果。公司成立以来,每年都能开发出一种国家重点新产品,其中压缩式垃圾车获得国家技术创新优秀产品奖,企业被认定为高新技术企业。该公司建立了完善的市场营销体系和售后服务体系,在全国近30个省、市设有销售服务机构,形成售前、售中、售后一条龙跟踪技术服务,产品所销地区均有维修服务站。现代市场营销理念和营销机制使公司有很强的市场开拓能力。、安达信咨询公司一直对中国西部表现出浓厚的兴趣。它是一家为中外企业提供有关投资和管理方面咨询公司,它的客户包括一些大型跨国公司。“这只是个时间问题,时机是非常重要的,大部分的公司都在中国有业务,如果你看一看全球企业1000强或者是财富杂志的500强,它们中的大部分,如果不是全部,都在中国有业务,它们大部分都在沿海地区。但是,有意于西部地区的人们就会去那里的,我相信这只是早晚的问题。” 安达信咨询公司大中国区主管合伙人吴港平不仅对西部经济发展给予了期望还为潜在的投资西部的外商给出了中肯的建议。“我相信,大多数跨国公司在做投资时都会考虑回报。一些公司会说我们要在两年内取得回报,其他一些公司出于别的考虑,可能会说我们愿意在一段时间内投资,但我要在以后获得回报。许多外国公司在做西部投资决策时,可能都会这样考虑。”西部市场不如东部成熟,运转也不如东部平稳,但还是有人们愿意去西部投资。“因为他们对西部的资源感兴趣。我想这是西部各省区的优势,他们应该很好地利用这个优势。”
3、张裕A、苏宁电器(爱股,行情,资讯)以及商业链锁、酿酒食品指数等均列升幅居前列,显示消费概念股有可能成为市场新的热点。因为我国人均GDP已经超过2000美元,全面进入消费升级时代。而且十七大报告更是预计,国内人均生产总值到2020年比2000年翻两番,13亿人口庞大的市场及 08年奥运会的到来,无疑将为消费行业带来重大的发
展机遇。而在消费概念股中,啤酒板块是最值得重视的板块之一,因为我国啤酒产量已连续4年保持世界第一,成为世界上啤酒强国,而且近年来啤酒行业更是爆发了多次外资并购大战,英博曾以58.86亿元入主雪津啤酒引起轰动,这样西藏发展(爱股,行情,资讯)作为牵手全球啤酒业排名第五的嘉士伯,具有外资并购概念,并具有比价优势的西藏啤酒王,无疑值得重点关注。公司通过牵手全球啤酒业排名第五的嘉士伯,在青藏高原这一片净土上共同发展啤酒事业,啤酒业务竞争力得到明 显增强,目前公司产品在拉萨地区市场占有率为80%,在西藏市场占有率为50%,同时公司完全自主研发的青稞啤酒 及其制备方法技术已获得国家知识产权局颁发的发明专利证书。目前公司已建立优质青稞生产基地,积极推动公司 青稞啤酒的批量生产,鉴于青稞麦芽项目对西藏农牧民增收的积极意义,国务院授予公司国家级农业产业化龙头企 业称号,并在税收等方面给予优惠政策。拉萨啤酒扩建的年产10万吨啤酒生产线的土建工程及设备安装基本完工并 已进入调试阶段,该生产线建成后,公司啤酒生产能力将达到15万吨/年,具备中型啤酒公司的水准,为充分开发、利用西藏水资源优势,打造世界品牌的啤酒产品提供了基础。
参考文献: 1)中华人民共和国商务部:中国外商投资报告、2003—2006年 2)视国际新闻 3)金融网
Putting Aside Some Money for the Rainy
Enjoying a Safely Happy Life
From People's Insurance Company(group)of China enlarge to the whole insurance
Major: Business EnglishClass:Class 2 of 2007 Grade Name: xxxStudent ID:xxxxxx
The old said: “Nothing is so certain as the unexpected.” When people faced misfortune,sickness and disaster befallen all of a sudden that always made us feel quite alone and helpless mean a while.However, after the world’s development of insurance business, we can build a shelter for ourselves on the trip of our life to help us keep out the wind and rain, meanwhile, which can confirm our confidence.When I entranced into the insurance, firstly, I attended the training for the clerk freshly and acquired the qualification of insurance agent.Secondly, I went out of my company and started to touch the market, followed the charge to “run business” and familiar the basic process of insurance operation.At last, I should achieve to invite the customers, explained them the knowledge about insurance and identify the insurance policy.On this text I gave the truth state and feeling of affairs and which I realized and obtained to apperception the main idea of the specialized train and the treasure of group spirit.From these, I had my personal ability promotion and grasp human affairs of our society, to make a good beginning for the trip of my work.Key words: insurance; training;study;insure;invite the customers;written permission
For the first time I entered my career to attend the meeting in the morning, I was attractive deeply by the atmosphere in the field of the meeting that their persistence and pursuit of insurance attract me greatly.They taught me by precept and example, the ship which I took which named IPCC started on its journey.I started my journey of insurance followed them and to experience the wonderful life in the world of insurance.The insurance is a piece of love and possession the awareness of insurance is become the necessary survival capability of our modern society.The former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill said: “I am convinced, for sacrifices so small, families and estates can be protected against catastrophes which would otherwise smash them up forever.” The journey of our life can’t be smoothly every times, though we are in the society which material civilization and scientific and technological civilization had extremely development, we still can’t avoid the nature of order that such matters as birth, death, illness and old age.Meanwhile we should overcome the accident which came unexpectedly and faced the fiercely pressure of competition.However, if we took insurance, that just like we sowed the beautiful flower of happiness which could bring us the harvest of fortune.She would open an umbrella for us before the cloudy and rainy coming to reduce the risk to us.Insurance is not the symbol of fortune but its safeguard.Buy the bills of insurance is not the consumption but the investment that could make your future better.My business knowledge had great improved by studying and training during a term, so I made a decision to myself that I must achieve brilliant achievements in this splendid industry.Work on the insurance must got the certificate about insurance agent which we should learn the basic law of insurance seriously and pass the examination.It’s a huge challenge and breakthrough to me because my major is English in my college times.I get up very early every morning then hurry to company and attend the training class for freshly to study the course seriously.When I back home every night I should revision the course seriously which I learnt during the day.Then I would fulfill the homework and sample examinations.When I come across the difficulty such as some professional words I would make a mark in the book and to
ask the teacher the next day.All the teachers explained to me patiently and take examples to make me understand deeply which make me had great progress.After that I attended a exam about the certificate about insurance agent which organized by the administration of insurance agent.I entered the exam room nervous in a hot summer for this time only could success and couldn’t be failing to me as it’s the conclusion of this period study.After two hours later, I got the excellent marks—90 to pass the exam, meanwhile, I got the certificate about insurance agent.The period of training is over.The manager arranged me to the Personal Insurance Department to exercise my market ability and got to the goal that combined the theory with practice.I visited the consumers with my charge everyday to found out their demands and how much they perceive the insurance during which I realized several basic processes that our company operation.That’s made me great mirror and promotion during my following work.I also learnt to invite some consumers to attend the product explaining meeting of our company.I combined what I had learnt with the imitation last several days showed the basically items to the consumers and explained patiently when they were understood a little that made the consumers very satisfied to me.However, not all of them recognized insurance for the first sight and invitation, even to sign bills in the first meeting.That need us to visit them more times, told them the knowledge and profit of the insurance.Everyday I worked hard to visit the consumers till list a bill totally by myself successful.In my opinion, that would be OK and I could take a breath, however, I never thought that consumer’s ID card would over date in two years.The consumer’s considered whether his profit could got easily in the future, he asked to changed his data information.Because the materials about him were handed on to the department concerned to check out by basic process of our company.In this circumstance, he should went to the Police government for I asked the cheeked guarantee department specially that they said he went to list a proof about his ID card wouldn’t use in two years.But he still couldn’t set his heart at rest and insisted on to changed the information materials which means that all of his bills
would rewrite meanwhile all his materials should rechecked one by one.It brings me many troubles in my work.In our service industry we should make all our efforts to make consumers satisfied and think about them all the times.So I handle insurance procedure for him again, according to his mind, changed the beneficiary’s information which made him very satisfied with my service and he said “thanks a lot” to me.Heard this, I felt very excited though I was tired for the consumers’ approved my work.I learnt that in service industry we should establish the consumer is first and think before customers were thinking, anxious before customers anxious, try our best to make the service better could win the respect ,understanding, trust and supporting.Thereby express the head effecting and the expansion of service work make the road extender and broader.In insurance is like this, so does others.Only experience the practical in the society can people master the gnosis and enhance their abilities.That is to say, read a lot and make trip further.Through the contact with customers, I learnt the way how to get along with others, enhance the accomplishment, realized that before we are doing something should we get along with people quite well at first.Meanwhile, I learnt the life is not easy and work is hard.Only as busy as a bee is the truth and no one can successful in a haphazard fashion.The accident of BaiJing Bay caused civilian pay great attention on it, meanwhile it provide the companies of insurance great opportunity.Almost all of the news media reported the event, thus the leader of our company received the invitation from The First Time came to the scene of the accident and replied the journalists’ report in which he gave a detail descriptions on the knowledge of family property’s insurance, then answered the questions that civilian misunderstands.By the survey of the civilian, we can know that most of them didn’t know the insurance at all;some of them even didn’t know the existing of this kind of insurance.Our company threw great promotion to propaganda by clerks of us, some of the citizens gradually have the conscience and demand to buy the insurance of family property in PICC.Some people lived in the strict that houses had damaged said that if they had known the accident
would happened they should bought the insurance at first, but it’s late.Things do like this, no one will know the accident would happen.But when it happened, it was fried egg whites with black mushroom and ham to the one who bought the insurance.However, the accident to a family who didn’t buy the insurance were a huge burden just as add insult to injury.In this moment, the valuable of insurance is reflected totally.Through the experience of the internship in the insurance company, I enhanced in all directions and acquired great achievement.That gave me a basic experience to my work in the future.I am firmly confident that the road of my career would become broader and broader ensuring me a bright future.