Unit1 Penfriends

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第一篇:Unit1 Penfriends

Unit1 Penfriends

baseball 棒球运动 n.: ball game played with a bat and ball between two teams of nine playersname of a book, film, article or picture title标题;题目 n.:

corner角n.:place where two lines, walls or roads meet

词组:Englishcorner *Walker(英国地名)沃克 n.:

词组:a house in Walkera town in the UK

a city in the UK *Newcastle(英国地名)纽卡斯尔n.:

metre米,公尺 n.:measurement of length;100 centimetres

词组:a metre ruler

◎Languagehelpkilometre = 1,000 metresdecimetre = 1/10 of a metrecentimetre = 1/100 of a metremillimetre = 1/1000 of a metre

own拥有 v.: have something that is yours

haveabedroomofmyownadj.havemyownbedroomadj.※ owner 拥有者 n.nearby在附近adv.: not far away

college(英国)学院,职业学校n.:a place where people go to study more difficult subjects after they have left school;a part of a university

词组:King College London university 大学 n.:place where you can go to learn more after you leave school 词组:Harvard University

auniversity *accountant大学,高等学府n.: person(in a company)who looks after the money and keeps the financial records

词组:an accountant

during在…期间prep.: all the time that something is happeningwanting to do something and interested in it ※ duration持续时间n.keen喜爱;有兴趣adj.:

◎ 词组:(be)keenon +解释:very interested in;wanting to do something

ski滑雪 v.:move over snow on skis

tabletennis乒乓球运动n.:a game where players use a round bat to hit a small

light ball over a net on a big table

best最好的 adj.: most good


physics物理学 n :.the study of things like heat, light and sound

※ physical 物理的 adj.*ambition 追求的目标;志向 n.:wish or goal

※ ambitious 有野心的 adj.maybe或许;可能 adv.:perhaps;possibly

*enclose随函(或包裹)附上v.:put inside

height(人的)身高;(物的)高度n.: how tall it is from the bottom to the top of somebody or something

※ high 高的 adj.dream梦想;理想 v.n.: something nice that you hope forprobably很可能;大概 adv.:almost certainly

※ probable 很可能 adj.tie领带 n.※tieAtoBv.roof顶部;屋顶 n.:roofs


similar相像的;类似的 adj.: thesameinsomewaybutnotcompletelythesame ※(be)similar to :(be)nearlythesame

expect 预料;预期v.:thinkthatsb.orsth.willcomeorthatsth.willhappen ※ expectationn.※ expectsb.todosth.预想某人做…

business 生意;公司 n.:(un.)buyingandsellingthings

(cn.)aplacewherepeoplesellormakethings, forexampleashoporafactory

※busy忙碌的adj.※businessmanwoman商人 n.*whizz-kid神通;有为青年 n.:ayoungpersonwhohasdonesomething verycleverchildstudent

*successful(ly)成功的 adj.:havesucceed;havinggainedanaim

※success 成功 n.【反义】failuren.失败乃成功之母。※ succeedv.【反义】fail

succeedindoingfailtodosth.puton : takeclothsandwearthem

※ 【反义】takeoff

luckily幸运地;幸好 adv.:itisluckat

※ luckn.※ luckyadj.(un)lucky =(un)fortunate

popular 受欢迎的;受喜爱的 adj.: likedbyalotofpeople

responsible 有责任;责任;承担义务 adj.※ responsibility责任心 n.※(be)responsiblefor : havethe dutyofsomething

sale销售;出售n.:sellingthings successful;a

※ sell卖 v.【反义】buy 买

※ onsale出售,打折

client委托人;当事人 n.: apersonwhogetsservicesoradvicefromothers boring没趣的;令人厌倦的adj.※ 【同义】dull uninteresting

※ boredadj.sinple简单的adj.: easytodoorunderstand

※ 【同义】easyadj.achieve(凭长期努力)达到(某目标)v.:doorfinishsomething ※achievement成就n.wellafertrying hard

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