
时间:2019-05-15 11:17:37下载本文作者:会员上传


Together: Good morning, dear teachers and classmates, welcome to our English show.A: I am A.B: I am B.T: We are greatly honored to host the show.A: Tommy, did you like your childhood?

B: Yes!

A: So, do you want to be a baby now?

B: No!

A: Why?

B: Because the baby always gets a black eye and runny nose.A: Well, that’s true.But I want to be a super baby so that I can fly and eat a lot.B: Great!So, everyone has a happy childhood.Now, let’s listen to the song

T: Happy Childhood.This song is created by Wang Wei and sung by Wang Zimo.A : Have you heard about him?

B : Yes!Of course, he is a very famous composer.He has created a lot of great works.A: And who is Wang Zimo?

B : He is a smart boy of Grade 6.T: Let’s welcome!


A:What a beautiful song!(主持人哼调子)

B:Do you like it?(问观众)

……………..A: Can you sing a song?

B:Yeah!Listen!Where ,where, where, where, where’s the bird?(唱几句)A: That’s good!What can you do, B?

B: I can make a wish!

A: So, what do you want?

B: I want a super ice cream.A: Wow, you are a real foodie.I have a good idea!Let’s go to Miss Zhu’s class to find ice cream.……………………………

A: Can you make ice cream, B?

B: Of course not.But I can eat ice cream.A:Wow!You are really a big foodie!If you like eating, you can go to the Confucius Temple.B:Hmm!That’s a good idea.Let’s follow Miss Sun to go to theConfucius Temple.……………………

A: Wow!Confucius Temple is so amazing!There are so many kinds of

delicious food.A:Yeah!Yummy!I really want to go there right now.Let’s go, OK?

B:Hey.wait ,wait!It’s not the right time.You know, There is a Smart Bean PK in our school.A : Really!Great!Why not go there?

B: Ok.Let’s go and have a look!


A: It is so moving.Our classmates are so talented.I think everyone can be the Smart Bean.B: Yes!Not only ourselves can be the smart beans, but also our teachers.Look!They have written a series of books —Happy Childhoodfor us.A: Look!They are coming!Let’s welcome!


A:After listening to the three teachers report.Let’s welcome experts XXX and XXX to give comments on today’s performance.B: Let’s warmly welcome!

……………………………………..A: Today we have a grand banquet in Fang Caoyuan Primary School.We have enjoyed a beautiful song—Happy Childhood.B: Teacher Zhu Mi and Sun Lei shared their interesting lessons with us.A: The drama has made a deep impression on us.B:The teachers’ introduction let us appreciate the spirit of Fang CaoyuanPrimary School and cherish our happy childhood.A: And the experts’ guidance can make us be better in the future!B:That’s ture!So much for today, thank you for being with us!T: We are looking forward to sharing with you again!Goodbye,see you next time!


Together: Good morning, dear teachers and classmates, welcome to our English show.A: I am A.B: I am B.T: We are greatly honored to host the show.A: Tommy, did you like your childhood? B: Yes!A: So, do you want to be a baby now? B: No!A: Why? B: Because the baby always gets a black eye and runny nose.A: Well, that’s true.But I want to be a super baby so that I can fly and eat a lot.B: Great!So, everyone has a happy childhood.Now, let’s listen to the song

T: Happy Childhood.This song is created by Wei and sung by Wang Zimo.A : Have you heard about him? B : Yes!Of course, he is a very famous composer.He has created a lot of great works.A: And who is Wang Zimo? B : He is a smart boy of Grade 6.T: Let’s welcome!……………………

A:What a beautiful song!(主持人哼调子)B:Do you like it?(问观众)……………..A: Can you sing a song? B:Yeah!Listen!Where ,where, where, where, where’s the bird?(唱几句)A: That’s good!What can you do, B? B: I can make a wish!A: So, what do you want? B: I want a super ice cream.A: Wow, you are a real foodie.I have a good idea!Let’s go to Miss Zhu’s class to find ice cream.…………………………… A: Can you make ice cream, B?

B: Of course not.But I can eat ice cream.A:Wow!You are really a big foodie!If you like eating, you can go to the Confucius Temple.B:Hmm!That’s a good idea.Let’s follow Miss Sun to go to the Confucius Temple.……………………

A: Wow!Confucius Temple is so amazing!There are so many kinds of delicious food.A:Yeah!Yummy!I really want to go there right now.Let’s go, OK? B:Hey.wait ,wait!It’s not the right time.You know, There is a Smart Bean PK in our school.A : Really!Great!Why not go there? B: Ok.Let’s go and have a look!……………………

A: It is so moving.Our classmates are so talented.I think everyone can be the Smart Bean.B: Yes!Not only ourselves can be the smart beans, but also our teachers.Look!They have written a series of books —Happy Childhood for us.A: Look!They are coming!Let’s welcome!………………………………

A:After listening to the three teachers report.Let’s welcome experts XXX and XXX to give comments on today’s performance.B: Let’s warmly welcome!……………………………………..A: Today we have a grand banquet in Fang Caoyuan Primary School.We have enjoyed a beautiful song—Happy Childhood.B: Teacher Zhu Mi and Sun Lei shared their interesting lessons with us.A: The drama has made a deep impression on us.B:The teachers’ introduction let us appreciate the spirit of Fang Caoyuan Primary School and cherish our happy childhood.A: And the experts’ guidance can make us be better in the future!B:That’s ture!So much for today, thank you for being with us!T: We are looking forward to sharing with you again!Goodbye, see you next time!










从小组活动的实施方式方面结合授课做出分析: 小组活动为课堂教学提供了简便、有效的操练方式,这些活动主要可以穿插在以下几种教学步骤之中进行。

魏东琴.在“呈现(Presentation)”环节后 杨玉珍在“练习(Practice)”阶段

王荣仙就“巩固(Consolidation)”阶段 爱尔兰剧作家萧伯纳说过:“你有一个苹果,我有一个苹果,我们彼此交换,每人还是一个苹果;你有一种思想,我有一种思想,我们彼此交换,每人可拥有两种思想。”智慧在碰撞中会更美丽!老师们,把你的智慧毫无保留的拿出来碰碰!结合小组活动在教学中的作用做出分析 张兴普从小组活动在课堂上起到操练语言、有目的地实践语言项目的作用,从而达到当堂巩固的效果。


宋秀娟.小组活动提供了大量的向其他同学学习的机会。王桂霞小组活动增加了课堂的密度和广度。教师在课堂教学中,通过灵活多变的教学形式对学生的学习动机、课堂学习环境和语言的输入产生积极的 影响,使课堂教学摆脱应试教育的枷锁。课堂小组活动在课堂上营造轻松愉快、活泼的学习氛围,不失为一种 较好的、简便易行的教学形式。课堂小组活动组织得好与坏,在某种程度上决定着一堂英语课的成败,它来自 于师生的共同创造,它在课堂上的作用是不容忽视的。











做课教师:…….,四英《Unit 4 It's worm today》;……..,四英《Unit 6 At a farm》 第二项:与会教师听评研。











刚才,老师针对 老师的做课,从不同层面、各种角度大胆地亮明了自己的观点,其中不乏真知灼见,闪耀着智慧的光彩。


















good morning, ladies and gentlemen.it is my privilege and great pleasure to host this meeting in honor of my distinguished guests.please allow me to express the most heartfelt welcome to all of you on behalf of the summary of primary english teachers’ competition of zhongshan.though the weather is so cold, we have been looking forward to sharing teaching ideas and learning from each other for a long time.thank you for sacrificing your saturday to come here.i think it will be a wonderful day today.i do hope that you will enjoy your stay here.介绍嘉宾

first,let`s introduce today`s honorable leaders and guests.mr tian,田湘军 from shunde no.1 middle school.顺德一中 xxx

mr guo zhidong from teaching research section(unit)of zhongshan education bureau.中山市教育局教研室 xxx

mr yang yuanchuan, the vice president of zhongshan education assosiation

中山市教育学会副会长 xxx


in november and december, 31 energetic and creative teachers had joined the english teaching competition.they’ve presented a lot of wonderful teaching ideas to us.some teachers focused on reading, some focused on writing and some focus on phonics.they really bring brainstorming to my mind.介绍第一节课

today we will bring two presents to you as the new year’s gifts.what are they? they are two wonderful lessons.let’s listen to the first lesson.it focuses on phonics.we can get some ideas here on teaching phonics.let’s welcome miss yuan haihong, from shiqi central primary school to present a phonic lesson to us.it’s from b7 u9 sounds and words.let’s welcome.介绍第二节课

thank you, miss yuan.i think you must have got many new ideas on teaching phonics.i really learned a lot from it.how about review lessons? how to make our review lessons effectively? mr.tian has got some good ideas.he’s going to present a review lesson to us.before that, i would like to introduce our distinguished guest mr.tian.he is an expert teacher of shunde district, foshan city,an excellent english teacher of guangdong province,an excellent english teacher of china.he won the first prize of guangdong primary english teaching composition,the first prize of national primary english teaching competition.he won the special prize of the 7th media software competition of china.he has been invited to give speeches all around the country.he was warmly welcomed by the primary english teachers.let’s give a big hand to welcome mr tian to have a review lesson.xxx老师简介:



thank you, mr.tian.let’s have a ten minutes break.专家讲座

welcome back, fellow teachers.teaching benefits teachers as well as students.how do our teachers benefit from teaching? mr.tian will give you some good ideas.let’s welcome mr tian to give us a wonderful speech.the topic is “classroom teaching and teachers’ growth” let’s welcome.xxx总结

thank you, mr.tian.let’s give a big hand to mr.tian.we are impressed by your wonderful speech.we’ve learnt a lot from you.how about the situation of the english teaching competition? mr guo will give us a speech on the summary of the primary english teaching competition.let’s welcome!


now ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for us to present the prize to all the contestants.the third prize goes to …..please come to the front to receive the awards.the second prize goes to ….please come to the front to receive the awards.the fires prize goes to …please come to the front to receive the awards.congratulations to all the contestants!

happy times are always too short.we will always remember this beautiful memory.thank you very much for your attendance of the meeting.thank you for langqing primary school.they offer such a comfortable place for us.thank you!



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