6人左右的英文剧本 Thecop and the anthem

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第一篇:6人左右的英文剧本 Thecop and the anthem

Thecop and the anthem(警察与赞美诗)

P—policemanT—thiefS—shop managerO—old manW—waiter

At the gate of a prison

(P: policeman 1 T: thief)

P:(pulling the thief out of the gate)Ah, Mr.Black!It’s time to say goodbye!T: But officer!I want to stay here in prison.It’s too cold, and I have no place to stay.Let me stay here in prison!(walking into the gate)

P:(pushing him away)Get out!You lazy thief!Go and look for a job!You’ll have some food and a room to live in.T: But what can I do ?I can’t do anything.P: That’s your problem.We can’t help you.(The wind starts to blow hard and the thief trembles with cold.)

Outside a shop

T: Oh, here’s a shop.The shop window is large and bright.I know what to do.(He picks up a stone and throws it at the window.The window is broken..Then he walks about with his hands in his pocket and whistles)

S:(Running to the window)Hey!What’s happening? Who broke the window? T: I did!

S: What? You? You broke the window?

T: Yes, of course, I broke the window a minute ago.S: Go away!What do you think I am?

T: I think you are a shop manager and you should catch me!I am the one who broke the window.S: If you had broken it, you wouldn’t be standing here now!Get out of my way!(pushing him away)

T:(running after him)But I did it!I did it!(sighing)Oh, he is gone.It’s no use.I have to try again.Near the chair in a park

(An old man is sleeping in a chair.The thief notices him, walks near him and takes away the bag from him.)

O:(jumping up)Hey!What are you doing? That’s my bag!

T;Yes, your bag.Now it’s in my hand.Go and tell the policeman!

O:(Getting back his bag and catching the thief)Come with me to the police station!

T: Thank you, sir.Thank you.O:(surprised)What?

T: You know I have no food and no home.And it’s getting colder and colder.So I want to stay in prison.Please help me.P:(Feeling pity for him)Oh, what a poor man!Let me help you.I have some bread and some money.Don’t be a thief anymore.Poor man, poor man!(He gives the thief some bread and some money, then leaves)

T:(worried)But what should I do ? Where should I gothis evening?

In a Restaurant

(W:waitressT: Thief)

W: Good morning, sir!

T: Good morning!

W: Sit down, please.Here’s the menu.What will you have?

T: At first, I’d like a bowl of vegetable soup.W:(writing down)A bowl of vegetable soup.T: Then I’ll have some steak and chicken.At last, I’ll have a cup of coffee and a cigar.W: Steak, chicken, coffee and a cigar.Er, excuse me, but this is a very big meal.Do you have enough money?

T: What?!What did you say? Do you often ask such questions?

W: I’m sorry.I’ll bring your food right away.(Later, the thief eats up all his food)

W: Was everything all right, sir?

T: The food was very nice.I like it very much.W: Thank you, sir.Here’s your bill, sir.Twenty dollars, please.T: Very well, but now, I want to tell you that I haven’t twenty dollars.I don’t even have forty cents.W: I see, will you come with me, please?

T:(standing up and following the waitress)Of course.The policeman is waiting for me, isn’t he ?

(Two men appear suddenly and walk to the thief)

T: I… I… don’t understand , Who are they?

“ We are the people you are waiting for!”

(They give the thief a good beating.)

In front of a church

(The thief stands outside of the church and listens to the music of“Silent Night”)

T: What beautiful music!I often listened to it when I was a boy.Ah!How

different my life is!But look at me now!What am I? Who am I? Oh, I don’t want to be a thief!I want to be a good man now.I’m not old.I’m going to work.I can help the others.(A blind man appears.The thief helps him walk across the street.)B: It’s very kind of you.(A lady drops her purse.The thief picks it up and gives it back to her.)(later, a policeman comes)

P: Hey!You!What are you doing here?

T: Nothing, just listening to the music.P: Listening to the music?

T: Yes, I’m just standing here and listening to the music.P: Oh, no.Didn’t I see you this morning? Of course!You are the one who was standing near that broken window.I think you broke the window after all!

(The thief runs away quickly.Two other policemen run after him and catch him by the arm..T:(shouting desperately)But officer!I’ not a thief now!I don’t want to be a thief any more!I’m a good man now!I’m a good man!

(The music of “silent night” echoes on the stage.)





4、夏洛克Shylock5、鲍西娅Baoxiya6、公爵Duke 7Secretary

D: Have mercy on Antonio, Shylock.Do not be so bitter.S: I've promised to take my pound of flesh.If you do not let me have it, that will be a sign of weakness and no one will trust your laws any more.The greatness of Venice will soon be lost.Antonio is my enemy, and I hate him.B: Do all men kill the things they do not love?




A: It is useless trying to argue with Shylock.Don't wait any longer.Pass judgement on me and give Shylock what he wants.B: I'll pay you six thousand ducats for the three thousand ducats that Antonio borrowed.S: If you offered me six times what you have just offered, I would still take my pound of flesh.Give me my pound of flesh!

D: Let us be calm, gentlemen.Shylock, how can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none?

S: I have done nothing wrong and I fear no judgement.I desire my pound of flesh.旁白:As the Duke is wondering what to do, Nerissa, dressed like a lawyer's clerk,arrives with a letter from the famous lawyer whom Portia has visited.While the Duke is talking to Nerissa, Shylock gets ready to cut his pound of flesh from Antonio.Then the letter is read out for all in the court to hear.“I am very ill.When your letter

reached me, I had with me a learned young doctor from Rome.I told him about the quarrel between Shylock and Antonio.We studied many lawbooks and he knows what I would say.I ask you to let him stand in my place and give judgement.He is young, but I never knew so young a body with so wise a head.”

After the letter has been read out to the court, Portia, in lawyer's clothes, enters the

room and takes her seat as judge.安东尼奥:跟夏洛克讲理是没有用的。别再等待了。对我宣判吧,把夏洛克想要得到的东西给他。





这时,当庭宣读了律师的信。“我重病缠身。收到你的信时,我正同一位从罗马来的很有 1



Secretary:Our respected Royal highness Madelihithe most famous lawyer has arrived.Duke:Welcome welcome!Sit down please!You must have mastered the detail case.Am I right?

Baoxiya:Yes.Where are the business man and the Jewis?

Duke:Come up!Antonion Shylock.Shylock:Shylock is my name.Baoxiya:In accordence with the Venice law your complaint is valid.(to Antonion)Your life and death are in the charge of him right?

Antonion:It’s the case.Bao xiya:Do you admit the contract?

Antonion;I admit.Bao xiya:Shylock you should be a little mercy.Shylock:Be mercy?Why?Tell me the reason!

Bao xiya:Being mercy is not only fortunate to the giver but also to the receiver more than the supre power.But if you insist on the original request the Venice law is selfless then the businessman had no choice but to be sentenced.Shylock:Do the matter on my own it’s none of your business.Punish him by law.Bao xiya:Is he not able to repay the loan?

Basaniao:No I am willing to pay off for him in count even ten times!He can take my

hand my head and my heart.If so he is not satisfied that is to harm Antonion on

purpose!Dukeprevent him killing Antonion by law!

Bao xiya:That’s impossible!The Venise law is selfless.Shylock:Daniela real daniel in our world!Young bright judge!Ah Ireally admire you!Bao xiya:Please let me look though the contract.Shylock:Here look at it.(从怀中掏借约)

Bao xiya:Shylock they are willing to pay back three times the money.Shylock:No!No!The whole of Venice to me I can’t promise.Bao xiya:Good In accordence with the law you have the right to cut a pound of flesh from his chest.I can tear up the contract now.(做撕条约动作)

Shylock:No!Must not before he is punished!(上前阻止鲍西亚)Do be a good judge!

Antonion:I also request of the sentence as soon as possible.Bao xiya:Good you must be ready to let his knife stab into your chest.Put your bare

chest out.(安东尼奥敞开胸膛,刽子手向前捆绑安东尼奥。鲍西亚转向夏洛克)Shylock The scales are ready?

Shylock:I have brought.(向鲍西亚展示天平)

Bao xiya:Shylock send for a surgeon.Avoid his dying because of bloodshed.You pay the cost.Shylock:No no such a provision in the law!

Bao xiya:A little mercy Shylock!(转向安东尼奥)Antonion what else to say for you? Antonion:No.I’m ready.Basaniano Goodbye!Don’t be sad!Give my regards to your

wife.I am your friends forever.Goodbye!

Basaniano:No!No!Antonion(极度伤感,先抱安东尼奥,后弯腰向安诉说)I love my wife but my life my wife and the world aren’t more than your precious life.I am willing to lose everything to save your life.Gelayiano:(伤心)I also love my wife but(重音,??一下)I would rather she died to beg God to stop the cruel devil!

Shylock:Don’t waste time!

Bao xiya:Ok!Shylock.The court promise you a pound of flesh from Antonion!Now you can begin.Shylock:Learned judge!Good sentence!To be ready!(持刀向前仔细割一磅肉)

Bao xiya:Coward!(厉声喊后,巴萨尼奥打掉夏洛克刀子)The pact doesn’t allow you to take his one drop of bloodnly one pound of flesh!therefor would shed a drop of Christian blood your land and property all would to be confiscated according to the Venice.Gelayiano:Ah!Smart honest lawyer!ListenJewisa learned judge comes!(向前吹捧鲍西亚)

Shykock:Does the legal say that?

Bao xiya:You can look up the law.Since you asked for fairnessI promise you.Shylock:Oh!My God!Then I am willing to accept the repayment of loansjust as the

contract.Basaniano:Money here!(递钱)

Bao xiya:Don’t hurry!The Jewis must get the justice.Can’t accept any compensation!Gelayiano:Ah!Jewis Look!How smart and honest a lawyer!A learned lawyer!

Bao xiya:Shylockbe prepared to cut the flesh not one pound of blood!not more than or less than a pound of weight!Or you should lose your life and your entire property should be confiscated.Gelayiano:A Daniel a great Daniel!Jewis now you are in my hands!(向前吹捧并向夏洛


Bao xiya:Shylock why not cut the flesh?

Shylock:Give me the captical let me go!

Basaniano:Money here you are!(递钱)

Bao xiya:Stop!He asked for fairness let him carry out the original.Shylock:Can’t I take back my money?

Bao xiya:Shylock you can’t get anything but a pound of flesh!

Shylock:Why!I don’t fight the lawsuit.(甩手转身要走)

Bao xiya:Wait!Jewis the Venice law says:A foreign people attempt to use direct or indirect means to murder any citizenidentify the evidence half of his property should be given to the victim the other half to the State.The offender’s life is delt with by the Duke others can’t say anything.Now you happened to fall into this danger.Get down on your knees!Ask the Duke for mercy!(夏洛克不情愿跪下)

Gelayiano:For mercy?(惊问,向前讽刺)Let yourself go die but your property is now a public charge a rope(顿一下)you can’t afford!Let the public(做向观众拿绳子绞死夏洛克动作)hang you for free.Duke:Let you look at our Christian spirit:I forgive your crime.Your half of the property was placed under Antonion the other half into the State.Shylock:Also take my life!I don’t want your forgiveness!Oh my money my house my fields!Take my life!

Bao xiya:Antonioncan’t you give him a little compassion?

Gelayiano:Don’t give him anything!

Antonion:I request Duke to give lenient sentence.Give his property in halflet me take over the other half of his property and I will hand it over to his daughter and son-in-law.But the conditions are:Firs the must believe in Chrisianity;Second he must write a court paper saying that all his property is handed down to his son-in-law and his daughter after he die.Duke:You must fullfill the two conditions otherwise would take back my announcement.Shylock:I accept it.Bao xiya:Secretary write a contract for them.Secretary:Jewis sign the paper!Here!Here!(写文书,走向夏洛克让其签名,点指)Shylock:Allow me to retireI do not feel very well myself.(心绞痛倒地,仆人帮其胸口顺气并摘下帽子扇风)

Duke:You can go.(仆人拽夏洛克下台)

All but Shylock:Go out!(其他演员一起指着他厉声呵斥,后演员谢幕




2009-03-16 19:08

演员:P: Pirate-Grandson.M: Mother.F: Father.K: King-Grandpa.旁白: There are 4 members in a family, Pirate, a 7-year-old naughty boy.His mummy is a beautiful white-collar worker.His dad, Andy Lau is a famous singer, and his dear grandpa, King is a kindly old man.Pirate loves his grandpa most, because King is very spoiling him.He hates his parents.Frankly speaking, he is afraid of them, Because they are very strict with him..正剧:(P,K出场)

P: Old King, Open the TV, I want to see Tom and Jerry.I love that mouse.Quick!No time!I can’t wait another second.K: Oh dear!I nearly forget it.Don’t worry, I open it right now.(作开电视状)P: Ha Ha!It’s really funny!Tom is so good!(作高兴状)

Oh no!“The End!” Where is Tom? I hate the end!(摔电视机,作极度气愤状)Old King!?(对K吼)

K:Oh, what a pity dog!(作左顾右盼状)Your parents are not here ,and we can change another one ,our brave Pirate, just tell me.I’m sure your demand will be satisfied.(作充满自信状)

P:Really!OK!Now, let’s watch Caribbean Pirates!

K: Humm, No, it’s unfit for you„„(作犹豫状)

P: I just like this film, Old King, you tell lies.You don’t keep your promise.(作气愤欲泣状)

K;Oh yes, I play it for you.(作为难状)But please be quite, I’m afraid your parents wound not like us doing these.P: Don’t tell so much!I have been an adult man of 7 years old.I promise it to you.(作自豪自信状)


P: Fight him, kill him.Throw these bad guys into the sea„„(高声喊)K: Xu „„..(作禁声状).Remember your promise, young adult man.P: Oh? What promise? I have forgotten it.(作天经地义状)

K: Oh?!You are right(作理解状,因为Pirate一贯如此,出尔反尔)

P: Old King.I give you an honorable mission.(作自豪状)Be my horse, and I will ride on your back , let’s help these people in dangerous situation, just like a brave knight.(作勇敢状)

K: What!Ride on my back!Be your horse!(作惊异状)

P: Yes, your hearing is very good, any question?(作若无其事状)

K: No, No, sound a good idea!Very good!You are a brave Pirate.Now come on my back.(作无奈状)

P:(作高兴状,作跃上马背状)Hei!Let’s go!Kill all those bad men.Quick!Run quick!.......(意气风发状)


P: Oh, my god!Mummy, Daddy!(A,D作慌忙状,挡在电视机前)

M: Dad, what are you doing!? Naughty Pirate, isn’t your trick!?(作气愤状)

P:(作阳痿状)Mummy, it’s not my fault.Old king let me massage his back.Hei Hei(作心虚状,以掩饰内心的恐惧)

M: I don’t believe it.(作严肃状)Dad, isn’t really that?(询问K)

K: Yes, of course, I can’t image a child only 5 year old, can massage so good.Oh„„.(释然状,因为圆了我的谎)

M: Really.I don’t believe the litter pirate can massage, who taught him.(作怀疑状)Dear, isn’t you ?

F: No, I haven’t, but I decide to enjoy his massage another day, Do you think so, dear?

M: Yes, really a good suggestion.(P,D作惊恐状。A:发抖,D:挥汗)


P: Mummy, Do you feel a little cold?

K: Yes, I can feel it.(边挥汗边说冷)

M: No, it’s summer.Really hot, do you catch cold?

P: No, No, just my feeling.(更加发抖,一不小心被B看到了电视)

M: Pirate, what’s behind you?(疑问状)

P: Oh, nothing, nothing!(作惊恐状)

M: Move away.little Pirate!(作气愤状)

P: Oh no!The storm will come.(捂脸作害怕状)

M: Caribbean Pirate!What’s a bad film!Little Pirate!?(气愤状)

P: Mummy, I surrender.(作投降状)

M: Daddy ,this film is unfit for him , it is full of killing,force and negative passion, and it will let him become bad!

K: I know that, but I meat to let him watch Tom and Jerry and he like it very much.Yes? Pirate?(想转移话题与Pirate站在同一战线)

P: Yes, a very clever mouse and a stupid cat.(作博学状)

M: Dad, don’t let him watch so much TV, it wastes a lot of time, and it is bad for his eyesight.He may become short-sighted.(诚恳状)




旁白沈(在右侧)Once upon a time, in a kingdom far far away,a baby girl is born.国王丁(右侧上,左侧下,体现欣喜激动,又不失身为国王的威严): Thank godness!I finally got a child!Look at her, her skin is as pure as a snow.Her hair is as dark as the night.I would call her Snow White.My people , pray for heavenly blessing Snow white!旁白沈: Unluckly,Soon after the child was born, the queen died.Year passed, the king got married again.Snow white’s vain wicked stepmother the queen feard that some day Snow white’s beauty would surpass her own.So each day the queen consulted the magic mirror.巫后李(傲慢,不可一世的语气):

Magic mirror on the wall ,who is the fairest one of all? 魔镜杨璐彤:Fame is thy beauty,majesty.But hold ,a lovely maid I see, she is more fair than thee.巫后李(惊讶转生气):Alas for her!Reavel her name!魔镜杨璐彤:Snow white.魔镜巫后左侧下,巫后左侧上,猎人右侧上,见到巫后单膝跪地

巫后李(命令式语气):Take her far into the forest,and there,you will kill her!猎人刘(犹豫,不安,头保持低垂,小心翼翼看巫后一眼):But,your majesty,she’s princess!巫后李(非常生气,表情夸张,做出阴狠样子):silence!You know the penalty if you fail.And to make sure you do not fail,bring back her heart in this box!猎人刘(叹气,无奈,心痛):Yes,your majesty.巫后左侧下,猎人右侧下

旁白沈: Snow white was taken into the forest.When she picked the flowers, Hunter was pulling out his sword behind the princess 白雪公主右侧上,猎人紧随其后,白雪公主假装兴高采烈的在采花,猎人紧随其后,掏出匕首(拿拳头代替就可以)

白雪公主蔡(惊慌害怕,可以尖叫):What are you doing? You want to kill me ? 猎人刘:Oh,my god!Ican’t!How pretty you are!I love you so much!How can I kill you ? Forgive me ,I beg of your highness!Forgive me!白雪公主蔡:but I don’t understand!猎人刘:The queen!She wants to kill you!Now,Run,run away and hide!白雪公主开跑,慌乱的四周跑,猎人左侧下。旁白沈:At this time, a young bear was running by.The hunter shot it and took the heart to the queen.Snow White began to run into the wild forest until it was almost evening.She saw a little house.白雪公主蔡(惊喜,开心!指着某处):oh, there is a little house,(转疲惫)I will eat a little and lie down.白雪公主困了然后躺在地上睡觉。在讲台稍微往前的位置,面向观众。七个小矮人上(除了巫后,王子,公主在那躺着,剩下人全从右侧站成一队上,(小矮人顺序:沈1,任2,黄3,卢4,刘5,杨璐彤6,丁7)在白雪公主后围成一个半圈,蹲着好奇打量白雪公主。卢:Who is she?

杨璐彤:I don’t know.But what a beautiful girl!黄推一推白雪公主,白雪公主醒来。任:How do you do? 白雪公主蔡:How do you do ? My name is Snow White...Nice to meet you!小矮人齐:Nice to meet you, too.白雪公主和小矮人右侧下,沈左侧下 旁白黄:On the other hand, when the bad queen ate the heart, she took out the mirror and asked.魔镜和巫后左侧上

巫后李(骄傲,狂妄,不可一世):Magic mirror on the wall.Who now is the fairest one of all? 魔镜杨璐彤:Snow white , the fairest one of all.She still lives 巫后李(极度羞愤):I‘ve been tricked!旁白黄:The queen made a poisonous apple and dressed herself like an old woman.She came to the house.魔镜右侧下,巫后到讲台后把苹果拿好。扮作老太太模样。先躲在讲台后。白雪公主右侧上,在小矮人家里做家务。

巫后从讲台后出来敲门:Apples.Very delicious apples!白雪公主:Good morning grandma.巫后:Could you have a taste this one,please?

白雪公主蔡:Oh,thank you.(咬一口,倒在地上,苹果扔一边,脸面向观众,手自然垂下)

巫后(放肆的大笑):hahaha…Now I’m the most fairest in the land!巫后左侧下。

小矮人们右侧上,半圆,半蹲,朝向观众 丁:What happened?

刘(把手指放到白雪公主鼻子下)喊:She‘s dead!


旁白黄:Snow white was so beautiful ,even in death ,that the dwarfs could not find it hearts to burry her.They fashioned a coffin of glass and gold,and keep the enteral vigils at her side.The prince who search far and wide, heard of the maiden who slept in the glass coffin.王子杨文轩左侧上:快步走过去,单膝跪地,拉起白雪公主的手,亲一下,可以隔着校服。:I love you,I want you to be my wife.白雪公主醒来,对王子说:What happened? 王子:Will you marry with me? 白雪公主:Yes,I will!旁白黄:The prince took snow white to his country and lived a happy life from then on 所有人上台,谢幕。

第五篇:The Queen英文剧本

After weeks of campaigning on the road...Tony Blair and his family, finally strolled the few hundred yards to the polling station, this election day morning.Amongst the Labour faithful up and down the country...there is an enormous sense of pride in Mr.Blair's achievements.And the confidence that he is about to become the youngest Prime Minister this century.Q:Have you voted yet, Mr.Crawford?--Yes, Ma'am...I was there when they opened, first in line, at 7 o'clock...I don't mind telling you...It wasn't for Mr.Blair.Q:Your not a moderniser then?--Certainly not...We're in danger of losing too much, that is good about this country, as it is.------------There is a growing sense of excitement...Q:I envy you, being able to vote.Not the actually ticking of the box, although...it would be nice to experience that once.But the sheer joy of being partial.--Yes...Of course one forgets that as Sovereign, you're not entitled to vote.Q:No...--Still, you won't catch me feeling sorry for you.You might not be allowed to vote, Ma'am...but it is your government.Q:Yes...I suppose that is some consolation.Q:Good morning.--Shall I draw the curtains.Q:Yes...So, did you stay up all night?--Yes, Ma'am.Q:And was it as expected?--Yes, Ma'am.Mr.Blair.By a landslide.Q:Oh, I see...They've stopped the traffic, completely...For Tony Blair's first day of power, in London.You got the ceremonial with tourists, the official...and you got a lovely summer's day...Tony Blair waving to the crowds, people waving to them there...I guess most of them do know it's the...the Prime Minister waiting...Lining in the streets there.--The Prime Minister is on his way, Ma'am.Q:To be, Robin..The Prime Minister to be...I haven't asked him yet.He's a hard one to read, isn't he?--Yes...On the one hand his background is quite establishment...father a conservative, educated at Fettes.Where he was tutored by the same man as the Prince of Wales.Q:Well, we'll try not to hold that against him.--On the other, his manifesto promises the most radical modernisation...and shake up of the constitution in 300 years.Q:Oh, you mean he is going to try and modernise us?--I wouldn't let it past him...he's married to a woman with known anti-monarchist sympathies...you may remember her curtsy, the first time you met.It could best be described as..shallow.Q:I don't measure the depth of a curtsy, Robin.I leave that to my sister.--The atmosphere at Downing Street is expected to very informal...Everyone on first name terms...at the Prime Minister's insistence.Q:What, as in call me Tony?--Yes, Ma'am.Q:Oh, I don't like that.Could we send him a protocol sheet?

P:Funny, I'm actually rather nervous.--Why? You've met her often enough before.P:I know, but..never one to one...and never as Prime Minister.--Well, just remember..you're a man that's just been elected by the whole nation.P:But she's still...you know..The Queen.--When we reach the audience room...I will knock.We will not wait to be called..we shall go straight inside.Standing by the door, we bow..from the neck...I will introduce you...The Queen will extend her hand..you go to her...bow again..then shake her hand.A couple of other things...It's Ma'am as in ham...not mam as in farm.And when you're in the presence...at no point must you show your back.P:The presence?--Yes, sir...That's what it is called, when you're in Her Majesty's company.Would you like to sit down, Mrs.Blair? Q:How nice to see you again, Mr.Blair.And congratulations.The children must be very proud?P:I hope so.Q:You have three, haven't you?P:That's right.Q:Oh, how lovely.Such a blessing...children.Please, do sit down.P:Thank you.Q:Have they shown you how to start a nuclear war, yet?P:Ah, no...Q:Oh, first thing we do.Apparently...Then we take away your passport, and spend the rest of the time sending you around the world.P:You obviously know my job, better than I do...Q:Well you are my 10th Prime Minister, Mr.Blair.My first, of course, was Winston Churchill,he sat in your chair...in a front coat...and top hat.He was kind enough to give, a shy young girl like me, quite an education.P:I can imagine...Q:With time, one has hopefully added experience to that education.And a little wisdom...better enabling us to execute our constitutional responsibility.To advise, guide, and warn the government of the day.P:Advise which I...look forward to receiving.Q:Yes, we'll save that for our weekly meetings.If there's nothing else, I believe we have some business to attend to.P:Of course...Your Majesty, my party has won the election...so I come now to ask your permission to form a govern...Q:No, Mr.Blair.Mr.Blair, I ask the question.The duty falls upon me as your Sovereign to invite you to become Prime Minister...and to form a government in my name.And if you agree, the custom is to say yes...P:Yes...Q:Mrs.Blair...Lovely to see you again.And congratulations.You must be very proud.--Yes...Q:And exhausted, I imagine...Where will you be spending the summer?--France.Q:Oh, lovely.P:You'll be at Balmoral, right? Q:Yes, I can't wait.It's a wonderful place.You know my great great grandmother Victoria said of it...in Balmoral all seems to breed...freedom and peace and make one forget the world and its sad turmoils.Oh, excuse me.Oh, yes of course...I'm so sorry, we're going to have to leave it there.Not to short was it? 15 minutes...One doesn't want to be rude.--No, no.--hank you very much for coming, now fuck off!P:I know, what was all that about?--God knows...Diana.Whatever it is it will be something to do with Diana.Princess Diana embroiled in more controversy as she pulls out of a meeting with MP's...Princess Diana moved today to patch up her relations with the former royal nanny...Princess Diana flew to Milan today for the memorial service for the murdered Italian fashion designer...Gianni Versace.Where tonight, another royal controversy sparkles...after finding herself embroiled in her second controversy this week...I am not a political figure...Princess Diana sailed out into the Mediterranean...in one of Mr.Mohamed al-Fayed's yachts today...with his son.A quarter of a million pounds, for photographs which appear to show the couple embracing...Once again, her judgement's under scrutiny...--Robin Janvrin.What?I want everyone in ASAP.Ma'am?Ma'am?Ma'am, Mr.Janvrin is here to see you.Q:What?--Good evening, Ma'am.I'm sorry to disturb.But I just had a call from our Embassy in Paris.It's The Princess of Wales.--Why?What's she done now? P:I see, em...Who are we speaking to then?Right, well keep me updated.It's Diana, she's been in a car accident in Paris.--Is it serious? P:Apparently..Dodi Fayed is dead.Let's just recap on the details of those injuries, Maxine.Yes Nick, what they're saying is...that the Princess is in the intensive care unit of a south-east Paris hospital.She has a concussion, a broken arm, and...--What was she doing in Paris? I thought she was supposed to be in London.Q:Oh, you know what she's like.Charles, isn't this awful?What are you going to do about the boys?--Let them sleep until we know more.Q:Yes, that's sensible.--I should go to Paris.I told my people to start organising a jet.Q:What, a private one?--Yes...Q:Isn't that precisely the sort of extravagance they always attack us for?--How else am I supposed to get to Paris at this time of night?The airport at Aberdeen will be closed.---Charles...Use the royal flight.They keep one plane on permanent standby...in case I should kick the bucket.Q:No mummy!That's out of the question.This isn't a matter of state.--What are you talking about? Q:Diana is no longer a member of the royal family.She's not a HRH.This is a private matter.--She's mother to your grandchildren.---What is happening now?---I don't know...I can't hear...everyone's shouting.--Thanks for coming in.The Ambassador, from Paris.Good evening, sir.---Yes?--I have just spoken to our Ambassador in Paris, Ma'am...I'm afraid it's not good news...No!No, no, no...Diana, Princess of Wales, has died, after a car crash in Paris.The french government announced her death just before 5 o'clock this morning.P:What have I got on this week?--You're writing your maiden conference speeches, Prime Minister.P:Well, let's cancel everything else.This is going to be massive...I'd better make a statement in the morning.--Well, you'll be pleased to know I've already started coming up with ideas.P:God, she's only been dead an hour...--Well, would you prefer I didn't do my job?

--They're going go to go back to sleep.Try anyway...My private secretary's office have found a travel agency open in New York that will...sell me a flight to Paris, with an hours stop over in Manchester.Perhaps now you might like to consider whether it's still an extravagance to bring back the mother...of the future King of England...In one of our planes? Q:Alright...of course.John, I don't want the boys to see the news and get upset...first thing in the morning, I want the radio taken out of the bedroom, and the television taken out of the nursery.--Yes, Ma'am.--Well, well, well...Q:Yes.--Are you alright?Your sister called.From Tuscany.Q:Well, I hope you told her to come back, cut her holiday short.--I did.Q:I can't imagine she was pleased...--That's putting it mildly.Q:What did she say?--Something about Diana managing...to be even more annoying dead than alive...Q:Just make sure you never let the boys hear you talk like that.--Of course...Something to help you go down.Q:No, I think I'll write my diary a little longer.--Fine.I'm going to bed.We've heard nothing official from the Palace yet, we still don't know when we're gonna get any further statements from inside the Palace..or of course when the royal family are due back.P:That's how she will remain, in our minds, our hearts...forever.OK? Got it!--Where will you do it?P:We'll do it at the church.On the way in.--Alright, I'll organise it.P:Hang on...I wanna watch this.This is not the time for incriminations, but for sadness...however I would say that I always believed the press would kill her in the end...but not even I could imagine they'll take such a direct hand in her death...as seems to be the case.It would appear that every proprietor and editor...of every publication that has payed for intrusive and exploitative photographs of her...has blood on his hands today.--Not the press, mate.You got the wrong villain.Tony...P:got to go...--You about to speak to The Queen?P:Yeah...--Ask her if she greased the breaks.P:Now, now...P:Hello?Right, okay...Q:Is The Prince of Wales with the boys?--Yes, Ma'am Q:And he's going to Paris?--Yes...I'm sorry to disturb, Ma'am...Ma'am...but I have the Prime Minister for you, from his constituency.Lucky you..Q:Thank you, Robin.I'll take it in the study.P:Good morning, Your Majesty.Q:Prime Minister.P:May I say right away, how very sorry I am...and that the thoughts and prayers of my family are with you at this terrible time.And with the Princes, in particular.Q:Thank you.P:Is it your intention to make some kind of appearance?Or statement? Q:No, no!Certainly not.No member of the royal family will speak publicly about this.This is a private matter.We would all appreciate it, if it could be respected as such.P:I see.I don't suppose anyone has had time to think about the funeral, yet? Q:We've spoken with the Spencer family, and it is their wish...it is their expressed wish, that this should be a private funeral with a memorial service to follow, in a month or so.P:Right...Q:And given that Diana was no longer a member of the royal family...we have no other choice, but to respect their wishes.P:I see...you don't feel that in view of her high profile popularity...it might be an idea to pay tribute to her life and achievements?Or even just to her as a mother? Q:Well, as I said, it's her family's wish...P:And the public, Ma'am? The British people...you don't think a private funeral might be denying them a chance...Q:A chance to what?P:To share in the grief.Q:This is a family funeral, Mr.Blair, not a fairground attraction.I think The Princess has already paid a high enough price...for exposure to the press...don't you?Now, if there's nothing else, I must get on.The children have to be looked after.P:Of course...well, goodbye Your Majes...Her instinct is to do nothing.Say nothing..and give her a private funeral.--Are you surprised?She hated her guts.P:Well, I think it's a mistake...They screwed up her life, let's hope they don't screw up her death.Where can I find a black tie? Q:Oh, the chaplain called.He wanted to know, whether we should make any changes in the service..any...special mention of Diana.--What did you say? Q:Well, I told him not to change a thing.--Quite right...Q:I think the less attention one draws to it, the better.For the boys.--Yes...Q:But I think maybe we should find some company for them...Some young people.--I'll take them for a long walk, this afternoon..up Craggie Head.Q:Yes, but no guns Phillip..it is Sunday.And we're going...in fact...I believe...to Sedgefield, the Prime Minister's constituency...where he is about to make a statement...yes the Prime Minister coming now, with his wife Cherie...--He's on.Alastair, he's on.Come on!P:...as her own life was often, sadly touched by tragedy...she touched the lives, of so many others in...in Britain, throughout the world...with joy...and with comfort.The people, everywhere...not just here in Britain, everywhere...they kept faith, with Princess Diana.They liked her, they loved her...they regarded her, as one of the people...she was the people's Princess.And that's how she will stay...how she will remain in our hearts...and in our memories...forever.--A little over the top, don't you think? P:The people of Britain, he said...kept faith with Princess Diana...they loved her..she was the people's Princess.--Did we remember the Royal Standard?---Yes, Sir.--And flowers?---Yes, Sir.--Good, 'cause if we leave it to the rural undertakers...they'll bring her back in a wooden crypt.--Hello?---This is Lord Airlie, may I speak with the Prime Minister, please?--One moment, please.Lord Airlie..The Lord Chamberlain in charge of the funeral..you're meeting him at the airport.P:Lord Airlie.--Good afternoon, Prime Minister, it's my job to organise all the ceremonial events.There is simply no precedent for the funeral of an ex-HRH.P:Perhaps we shall plan for any contingency.--Yes, I propose a meeting at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning at Buckingham Palace...Officials from all three Palaces, representatives from the Spencer family, the emergency services...would you send some of your people? P:Absolutely, of course.Precedent!? Where do they find these people?

--Prime Minister...P:I'm so sorry, Sir.If there's anything I..or my government, can do...--They stood up, as we drove past, in cafes? in restaurants...removed their hats, this was Paris, one of the busiest cities in the world...and you could hear a pin drop.P:I imagine it will be the same here.--The Palace would still prefer to see this as a private funeral.What are your feelings on that? P:I...I think that will present us with difficulties.--So do I...My mother, The Queen...comes from a generation of best equipped...she grew up in the war...I think..what we need..what this country needs...is a more modern perspective, if you follow...Balmoral is...P:I think I understand...An aircraft of the Queen's flight...brought The Princess' body home this evening...where the Prime Minister, Tony Blair, had gathered with members of his government.A single black hearse crossed the tarmac...and a Royal Air Force guard of honour, moved slowly forward.Q:Has anyone heard from the Spencer's yet?Have they made up their minds when the funeral will be?--Well I don't know.Nobody tells me anything.President Clinton was with his wife, when he heard the news last night.We liked her very much...we admired her work for children...for people with AIDS, for the cause of ending the scour of landmines...--On our walk today one of the ghillies said he'd seen a large stag up Craggie Head...He reckoned, 14 pointer.We haven't had one as big as that on the estate, for years...No, quite...Anyway...I thought it might be a good distraction...for the boys.Q:What..stalking?You don't think that's a bit soon, do you?--I think anything that gets them outside, is a good idea....she became an increasingly unhappy figure.The couple divorced in August of last year.It was the love story that brought crowds into the streets...they came to see The Queen, of course, and The Prince...but most of all, they came to see Diana.Q:I'm going to bed.--I'll ring the Lord Chamberlain's office.Say we are going to send representatives for the meeting tomorrow morning, 10 o'clock.---Thank you, Stephen.She gave us so much.Why couldn't we have given her a little something...and left her alone?It just hurts me so much.I've never experienced anything like this.I can't...I keep waiting to wake up, like it's a bad dream.--Right, it's 10 o'clock.Let's get started, shall we?And thank you all for coming, at such short notice.I think we all agree that this is an extraordinarily sensitive occasion...which presents us with tremendous challenges.logistically, constitutionally...practically, diplomatically and procedurally.Christ...P:After 18 years of opposition...I am proud to stand before you, as the new Prime Minister of our country...--Labour, Prime Minister.P:I want to set an ambitious course to modernise this country...to breed new life in to old institutions.To make privileged something for the many...not the few...--Flipping heck...You think the royals are nutters?You should meet their flunkies...Two and a half hours of whether she should be carried in a hearse or a gun carriage.Anyway, you got raves in the press.This lot calls you the nation's mourner-in-chief.This lot says you're the only person who's correctly judged, the mood of the country.Even The Mail is impressed.The people's Princess, mate...you owe me.--Gordon for you...P:Tell him to hang on.Alastair...So they've come to their senses? Is it going to be a public funeral?--Yeah, Saturday..It's a whopper!The Abbey, the works...P:Great.Has anyone told the queen yet?--I don't know.No doubt some flunky will be dispatched.Grovelling on all fours.Q:Do you think it's wise for the boys to go stalking so soon?Anything that gets them into the fresh air, is a good thing.Maybe they shouldn't take their guns? I mean, if a photographer were to see them, it might send out the wrong signal?--If there is a photographer out there...he could be the first kill of the day.Q:I see Mr.Fayed was buried last night...At midnight.No cameras, no fuss.Very dignified.Why do they do that? Why do they bury their bodies so soon after their death?--Islamic tradition...something to do with the heat.It stops the body decomposing Q:Yes, come in!--Good morning, Ma'am...Ma'am.Q:Yes, Robin...what can we do for you?--Ma'am.There was a meeting at the Palace, this morning...Q:About the funeral arrangements, yes...--The Lord Chamberlain faxed over these plans for you to consider.There is now general agreement, Ma'am...that a public funeral, would be more appropriate.Q:I see...And what form will this funeral take?--At the moment they're suggesting...and of course, these are early days...basing it on Tay Bridge.---Tay Bridge? Q:What?---But Tay Bridge is to go down for my funeral.--Indeed, Ma'am.But it would be for practical reasons only...it's the only one which has been...rehearsed.The only one that could be put together, in time...---But I supervised those plans myself...--Indeed...And the Lord Chamberlain was at pains to stress that the spirit of the occasion will be quite different, for example...the suggestion is that instead of 400 soldiers...400 representatives of the Princess' various charities march behind the coffin.And instead of foreign heads of state...and crown heads of Europe...the guests would include...a sprinkling of actors of stage and screen...fashion designers...and other...Celebrities.---Celebrities?Q:Was there anything else?--No, Ma'am.Oh, yes, one other thing...the police commissioner was keen that you consider...the idea of a condolence book.It would give the growing crowds something to do..make marshaling them easier.Q:Oh, yes, yes of course...--Oh, and the flowers...Q:What flowers?--The flowers outside Buckingham Palace...At the moment they're blocking the path through the Main Gate..and will make things difficult for the changing of the guards.Q:Oh, fine.Just move them away.--Actually, the Lord Chamberlain was wondering whether we shouldn't leave the flowers...and send the guards through the North Gate Q:Oh, yes, yes of course.Yes, that's quite right.--Stephen Lamport on one.P:Who?--The Prince of Wales' private secretary.Balmoral.He says it's urgent.P:Good morning.--Good morning, Prime Minister.The Prince of Wales has asked me to thank you again for your kind words yesterday.P:Not at all.--The Prince feels that...you and he...are both modern men, of similar mind...who could work well together, at this difficult time.P:Ah, well..please thank His Highness and assure him he can count on my full support.At all times.Was that it?--Yes...Goodbye.Bizarre.Why is Charles doing this?--What? P:Creeping up to me like this.Banging on about being modern.He did it at the airport, when he asked me to deal with his mother.--Because he knows that if the Queen continuous to get it wrong over Diana...then the royals become public enemy number one.And he's terrified of being shot, apparently.P:Who, Charles?--His people have already been on to us..to ask for extra protection.He probably thinks that if he seems to be on our side...then that would leave The Queen in the firing line.P:What..so it's okay for his mother to take the bullet, and not him...What a family!

--Wait, where are they? Q:They're up at Craggy Head.--I'll come with you.Do you want me to drive?Q:No, certainly not.--I thought you were going to get a new one of these? Q:What for..it's perfectly alright.--I was thinking last night what Diana might have done...had it been me that died in the tunnel in Paris.She would certainly have taken the boys to Paris.I rather regret not doing that know.Q:What, and expose them to the media?that would have been a dreadful thing to do.No, they're much better of here...it's private, they're protected.--Whatever else you may have thought of Diana, she was a wonderful mother.She adored those boys, and never let them forget it.Always warm, and physical...never afraid to show her feelings...Q:Especially whenever a photographer was in sight.--She may have encouraged all that, but still...that was always the extraordinary thing about her...her weaknesses, and transgressions...only made the public love her more.And ours only make them hate us.Why is that?Why do they hate us so much? Q:Not us, dear...--What?Yesterday, when we brought the coffin back...there was a noise, a bang, I don't mind telling you...I thought it was a gun.I thought someone had taken a shot at me.Q:I think I'm going to walk back.I don't feel like stalking.--Oh, are you sure?Q:I'll take the dogs.Walkies? yes...Come on...Do you think...you'll ever be Queen?No I don't, no.Why do you think that?I like to be a Queen of people's hearts, in people's hearts.But I don't see myself as being Queen of this country.I don't think many people would want me to be Queen...Actually, when I say many people, I mean the establishment that I married into.Because they've decided...that I'm a non-starter.Q:Charles and I had a talk in the car today.He was good enough to share with me, his thoughts on motherhood.--What did he say?Q:How wonderful Diana was...--That's changing his tune.Q:...and natural.They see me as a threat of some kind.--Oh, for Gods sake!Q:Maybe he's got a point...Maybe we are partly to blame...--Oh, I can't watch this.Q:No, no wait..please, no..leave it!We encouraged the match.We signed of on it, both of us.You were very enthusiastic, remember?--She was a nice girl.Then...And I was sure he'd give the other one up...or at least make sure his wife toed the line.Isn't that what everyone does?Q:Is it? Well, there were three of us, in this marriage...so it was a bit crowded.--I can't bear it anymore..If you're watching, I'll sleep next door.Early start tomorrow.Q:Any luck with your stag?--No, but close..A couple of hundred yards at one point.One of the boys even got a shot off.We'll get him tomorrow.See you in the morning.Not to worry.Night night.Charles continued to love a woman he'd fallen for years before...--The good news is that the Palace has agreed to video screens in the Royal Parks...P:And the bad news?--Crash barriers...P:What about them?--Well they're now predicting...more than two million people in the center of London.There aren't enough barriers to line the route.So we've gone tapping into the french for theirs.And there's something else I think you should see...Can we run that piece again?Of course.You're gonna love this...I don't like their behaviour..very disgraceful.What do you think madam?I think it's disgusting, that they have not appeared or said a word...relating to all this.P:Look, I know all this.--Wait for it..Not to have a flag up, I think it's a disgrace on the whole royal family.OK, The Queen's not in residence today...but where the hell is the flag?You see what I'm saying about the establishment? P:Don't tell me there isn't a flag flying at half mast over Buckingham Palace..To people she was their king and queen, when them two were together it was a fairytale come true...P:Will someone please save these people from themselves.Fine, I'll call Balmoral.Because as Prime Minister, I really got nothing better to do.Q:Come on dogs, come on...Is the firelights alright?A bit damp.Well I brought some stew..just in case.I think it's lamb..we could always have that cold.--No, we'll be alright.Q:Stay.Robin had a call from the Prime Minister, who expressed his concern...--About what? Q:About the flag above Buckingham Palace.He thinks it should be flying at half mast.--I hope Robin told him there isn't a flag above Buckingham Palace.There's the Royal Standard, which flies for one reason only...to denote the presence of the monarch.Since you're here, the flag pole is bare, which is as it should be.---Isn't it possible, that for some people...the Royal Standard, is just a flag...And that the flag pole being bare, sends out the wrong signal..Q:No, that's not the point.--The point is, it's more than 400 years old.It hasn't been lowered for anyone.----Your grandfather didn't get the flag at half mast, when he died.If you're mother died tomorrow, she wouldn't either.---Yes, granny.But sometimes, in a situation like this, one has to be flexible.It is just a flag.Q:What about the Union Jack? Was Mr.Blair's next suggestion..----For heavens sake?--The next thing he'll be suggesting...you change your name to Hilda and mine to Hector.Who does he think he's talking to?You're the Sovereign, the Head of State...you don't get dictated to.You've conceded the idea of a public funeral...you've opened up the parks, that's enough.Q:Shh...the boys..--You wait..In 48 hours, this will all have calmed down.--Where once it seemed comforting...for the first time my parents can see...what it's been like for me all these years...being up against her popularity.But they're still making the mistake of thinking that the Diana they knew...from living and dealing with her...will eventually be the one seen by the public..but it won't!The two Dianas, the public's and ours, bear no relation to one another, at all..I've been thinking, the flag of St.George's is at half mast over High Grove?---Yes, sir.--Well, make sure we get a picture of that in the papers, will you?---I'll get on to the tabloids, call in a few favours.--What about a statement of gratitude, to the crowds?something heartfelt, from myself and the boys...thanking people for all the flowers...and so on.---Right.Di was wonderful, because she stood up to the establishment...we have no-one doing that now...she said you're detached, elitist people...we are paying million of pounds to be better than us...and you gotta get out there amongst the people...we have a wonderful new Prime Minister in England, Tony Blair...a compassionate young man, who after 18 years...of establishment toil and row...is such a breath of fresh air, and I feel he will...do something about this in England..--Do you think this will be the first stirrings of...P:Of what?--I don't know..something more interesting...Maybe this time people will finally have seen them for what they actually are.P:Which is?--A bunch of freeloading...emotionally retarded...nutters!P:That's just absurd.--Why?They have a ludicrous cocoon of privilege and wealth...and they don't pay tax.P:Yes they do.--Not on all their income.The Queen alone costs us, what..30..40 million a year? P:Look..If you wanna have a serious conversation...--I do..P:About the constitution.--We don't have one.P:About ways in which we as a government...could phase out hereditary privileges, then fine...--If you're gonna leave will you take the plates? P:But, you know, spare me the whole off with their heads thing.--Why? P:Because it insults your intelligence.The Queen can not be expected to change...P:It's unimaginable this country being a republic.Certainly in her lifetime.--Why? P:Because no-one would wear it...No-one wants it.It's just..daft.--It's not a mother thing, is it?P:What?--Well, if she were alive now...your mother would be exactly the same age.I mean..you always say how stoical she was...old-fashioned, uncomplained...lived through the war..Oh, come on..who does that sound like? P:I'm gonna go do the washing-up.--That's the stalking party off...Right...I'd better have a look at those papers.---“Show us there's a heart, in the house of Windsor”, says The Sun.“It's proof the royals are not like us”, The Mirror.“Time to change the old guard at Buckingham Palace”, Express.“One can't help wondering who's advise they're taking...for it's clearly the wrong advise”..--I'll try not to take that personally.P:People have been yearning for a change in this country...good..the result is a quiet revolution now taking place...lead by the real modernisers..the British people.Revolution? Who wrote this?Where does this come from?--Where does it come from?You just won a huge landslide majority.People wanna see a change.Why, what did you think it meant?

--Hurry up dear, your tea is getting cold.Q:Is that it?--Yes Ma'am, just the letter of condolence...to the widow of the Ambassador to Brasil.Q:Good, thank you.Tea!--Mr.Janvrin...The Prime Minister wishes to speak to Her Majesty.--Ma'am...Apparently the Prime Minister is on the phone, for you..---Tell him to call back.Q:No, no.It's alright.I'll take it.Prime Minister...P:Good morning, Your Majesty...sorry to disturb..but I was just wondering whether you'd seen any of today's papers?Q:We've managed to look at one or two...P:In which case my...next question would be...whether you felt some kind of response, might be necessary? Q:No...I believe a few, over eager editors...are doing their best to sell newspapers...and it would be a mistake to dance to their tune..P:Under normal circumstances I would agree.But..well, my advise is...I've been taking the temperature among people on the streets..And..well, the information I'm getting...is that the mood...is quite delicate...Q:So, what would you suggest, Prime Minister?Some kind of a statement? P:No, Ma'am.I believe that the moment for statements, has passed..I would suggest flying the flag at half mast above Buckingham Palace...and coming down to London, at the earliest opportunity.It would be a great comfort to your people...and would help them with their grief.Q:Their..grief?If you imagine I am going to drop everything, and come down to London, before I attend to my grandchildren...who have just lost their mother..then you're mistaken!I doubt there is anyone, who knows the British people more than I do, Mr.Blair...nor who has greater faith in their wisdom and judgement.And it is my belief they will any moment reject this..this mood...which is being stirred up by the press.In favour of a period of restrained grief...and sober private mourning.That's the way we do things in this country...quietly..with dignity.That's what the rest of the world has always admired us for.P:If that's your decision, Ma'am...then of course, the government will support it..Let's keep in touch.Q:Yes.Let's.--Bloody fool...and now your tea's gone cold.---Tony...Robin Janvrin on one.He was listening in..P:Robin.--I understand how difficult her behaviour must seem to you.How unhelpful...but try to see it from her perspective.She's been brought up to believe...it's God's will...she is who she is.P:I think we should leave God out of it.It's just..not helpful.--she just won't have seen anything like this since the abdication...and I can not emphasise enough what affect that had on her.Unexpectedly becoming King as good as killed her father.I'm afraid she's in a state of shock.This public reaction has completely thrown her.P:Alright...but first we have to deal with these terrible headlines.I'll see what I can do with the press.--I'm most grateful, Prime Minister.P:Well I can't promise anything...it's not me they want to see.Ask Alastair to come and see me.--Yes...Cancel what I'm doing tonight.Q:Good morning.--Your Majesty.Morning, Ma'am.Q:Thomas..where have they gone today?--Up to Abergannie Ridge, Ma'am.Q:All that way..Remind me..that's right at the fork?--That's right, Ma'am..You follow the track for about a mile...and then you come to...Q:The river.--One of the lads will drive you..Q:No, no.I'll manage..thank you.Oh!Bugger it!Oh,how stupid!Hello, Thomas..--Hello, Ma'am...Q:I'm afraid I've done something rather foolish.I've broken the prop shaft crossing the river.--Are you sure, Ma'am? Q:Yes, of course I'm sure.It's the front one, not the rear.It was a four-wheel drive.Don't forget..I used to be a mechanic during the war.--And, are you alright? Q:Yeah yeah, I'm perfectly alright...--We'll come about straight away.Q:Oh, would you..Thank you very much.I'll wait by the car.You are kind..bye.Oh..you're a beauty..Shoo..go on!go on...go on..--Just been told there are news crews outside...waiting for you to come and speak to the people..P:Yes...--What's all that about? P:I told The Queen's private secretary I'd do what I could, to help with the press.--Why? Don't you think she deserves it?Sitting up there on her 40000 acres.P:Yeah, but allowing her to hang herself, might not be in our best interest either.Besides...I think there's something...ugly, about the way everyone started to bully her..The first thing you obviously think about, is...the rest of your family.And I think..she wanted me to pass on to the people here, crowding around her...Q:How are the boys?--Not so good, tonight.A lot of slamming doors..I think they saw the papers.Q:Oh no..I'll take them out early again, tomorrow morning...Let them take it out on the stag.What do you think of the way the royal family have behaved?They've made a serious mistake.Pardon?They've made a serious mistake.Why, what do you mean?Well, they should have came...the family should have come down...to Buckingham Palace, on Sunday afternoon..all of them...That girl has been left on her own.She's on her own up there...and the place is empty.--Oh please...Sleeping in the streets and pulling out their hair...for someone they never knew..and they think we're mad.Have you seen the latest funeral guest list? Q:No...--I suggest you keep it that way..A chorus line of soap stars and homosexuals..Apparently Elton John is going to be singing.That would be a first for Westminster Abbey.Condolence books are now being signed in our embassies in every major city in the world.And in London alone, the number has reached 40.It reminds me of one of those films.A few of us in a fort...hordes of Zulus outside.So it's vital you hold firm.Stick to your guns...you wait..they will come to their senses soon..they have to.Come on!Move over cabbage!

Good morning, it's 6 o'clock on Thursday 4th of September.I'm Penny Smith...and I'm Matthew Lorenzo..as the first people start camping out...on the route of Princess Diana’s funeral cortege...questions are being asked about why the Queen...hasn't addressed her subjects...at this time of national grief.This is what the newspapers are saying this morning.The Sun...Where is our Queen? Where is her flag?--The Express, show us you care...picture of a grumpy Queen.The Mail, let the flag fly at half mast...and inside..the Queen should be here to show her respect.But the flip side is, they're more popular now...than Churchill's chocolate.P:Did any of them pick up on our statement of support?--Well, just the one...Statements of support, doesn't sell papers.--Ma'am...Ma'am...the Prime Minister for you, Ma'am.I'm afraid he's rather insisting.Q:I'll take it in the kitchen.Good morning, I'm so sorry to disturb you.I'm just expecting a phone call to come through here.Out!Oh, there it is..Thank you.Good morning, Prime Minister.P:Good morning, Ma'am.You've seen today's headlines?Q:Yes, I have.P:Then I'm sure you'll agree..the situation has become..quite critical.Ma'am?A poll that's to be published in tomorrow's papers...suggests that 70 precent of people believe that your actions have damaged the Monarchy.And that, one in four, are now in favour...of abolishing the Monarchy all together.As your Prime Minister...I believe it is my constitutional responsibility...to advise the following...Is Queen Elizabeth up yet?

Q:Mummy?one..fly the flag at half mast above Buckingham Palace and all other royal residences...two..leave Balmoral and fly down to London at the earliest opportunity...three..pay respects, in person, at Diana's coffin...and four..make a statement via live television...to my people and the world.Swift prosecution of these matters might, he felt...just might..avert disaster.--You will have to talk to the Lord Chamberlain about all this.Q:Well I have..and to Robert Fellows, and it seems they both agree with Mr.Blair.--Oh, I see...Q:Something's happened..there's been a change..some...shift in values.When you no longer understand your people, mummy...maybe it is time to hand it over to the next generation?--Oh, don't be ridiculous..remember the vow you took? Q:I declare that my whole life, whether it be long or short...shall be devoted to your service.--Your whole life.That is a commitment to God...as well as your people.Q:But what if my actions are damaging the Crown?--Damaging it!?You're the greatest asset this institution has...one of the greatest it has ever had.The problem will come when you leave..but you mustn't think about that now...Certainly not today.Q:Oh, mummy..--You must show your strength...reassert your authority.You sit on the most powerful throne in Europe.Head of an unbroken line that goes back more than a thousand years.Do you think any of your predecessors would have dropped everything...and gone up to London because a bunch of hysterics..carrying candles, needed help with their grief?As for that...silly Mr.Blair..with his Cheshire Cat grin...--Mr.Janvrin on the phone for you,Sir..---Yes?What?I can't hear!That's madness...the whole thing!Bloody madness!--I've just been told...You've...decided to follow the Prime Minister's advise...I just want to say, I...admire...I think it's the right decision.Let's hope we haven't left it too late.Clearly The Queen has had a change of heart...she's clearly responding to the need to feel...that the royal family is somehow engaged.These are flowers that have been brought to the gates of Balmoral...so that she can actually see some token, of what's been expressed down here in London..--Fish Fingers..do you want any? P:I'll be right there..Thank God, for that!Britain's Queen Elisabeth will deliver a televised address Friday...the royal family has been accused of not showing enough remorse...over Princess Diana's death...--Where are the boys? Have they already left? Q:Yes...they left for London, after breakfast, with Charles.--It's not right, you know...Q:No, but further discussion is no longer helpful, either.--Oh, well..I suppose it does give the ghillies time to find another stag for the boys.Now there's has been shot.Q:What?--Haven't you heard?He wandered over to one of the neighbouring estates...where one of the commercial guests got him.Q:Oh..really?Which estate?--Here's your box.There's some policy and stuff in here that's important.Have you seen the papers? P:No, I thought I'd give them a miss today..of course I've seen the papers!--Not bad, eh..Your Majesty have come down to London...Who says that? Tony Blair.Mr.Father of the nation.--Ma'am...Good morning, Ma'am.Q:Good morning.--Is it his Lordship, you've come to see? Q:No, please don't disturb him..I've come on another matter..I hope you don't mind?--There he is..a beauty, isn't he?An imperial, Ma'am.14 pointer.Q:He was wounded?--Yes...We got our guest in very close..had him lined up perfect.And still...an investment banker, Ma'am..from London.I'm afraid the stalkers had to follow him for miles, to finish him off..Q:Let's hope he didn't suffer too much.Please pass my congratulations, to your guest.--I will, Ma'am...God bless you, Ma'am.Q:Thank you.--Ma'am? Q:Yes, Robin...--I've done a draft, of your television address.Q:Thank you.Was there anything else?--No, Ma'am.Landing in 15 minutes.--I've got The Queen's speech.Shall I give Tony a copy?No, let me have a look at it first...He's next door.The Queen is getting out of the car...and is going to talk to people.It's extremely unusual..this is almost unprecedented..I think perhaps the last time The Queen was among her people...outside the Palace..was the day the war in Europe ended.--They sent a copy of The Queen's speech...Well, let's get the frost off it first.I've phoned them with a couple of suggestions...to make it sound like it came from a human being.P:Yeah, alright Alastair..--Well at least the old bat has finally agreed to visit Diana's coffin.P:When you get it wrong, you really get it wrong...that woman has given her whole life in service to her people,50 years doing the job, she never wanted...a job she watched kill her father...she's executed it with honour, dignity, and as far as I could tell...without a single blemish, and now we're all baying for her blood.All because she's struggling to lead the world in mourning for someone who threw everything she offered back in her face.and who for the last few years seemed committed 24/7to destroying everything she holds most dear.Q:Hello..would you like me to place those for you?--No...Q:Oh...--These are for you.Q:For me?Thank you.Thank you very much.--There's been a last minute addition from Downing Street.They're suggesting adding, 'and as a grandmother'...here.Q:Right.So what I say to you now, as your Queen, and as a grandmother...I say from my heart.--You think you can say it?Q:Do I have a choice?---We're ready for you, Your Majesty.Just to confirm, this is going out live.Q:Fine.---And you'll be at the front of the 6 o'clock news..on all the channels.Q:Yes.--Okay, nice and quiet..Ten seconds, everyone!We cross now, live, to Buckingham Palace...for the Queen's tribute to Princess Diana.Q:Since last Sundays' dreadful news...we have seen throughout Britain, and around the world...an overwhelming expression of sadness at Diana's death.We have all been trying, in our different ways, to cope...it is not easy to express a sense of loss...since the initial shock, is often succeeded by a mixture of other feelings...disbelief, incomprehension, anger..and concern for those who remain.We have all felt those emotions in these last few days...so what I say to you now, as your Queen, and as a grandmother...I say from my heart.--Heart..What heart?She doesn't mean a word of this.That's not the point.What she's doing is extraordinary.That's how to survive.Listen to you..a week ago you were the great moderniser...making speeches about the people's Princess.Now you've gone weak at the knees.You know..I don't know why I'm so surprised..at the end of the day, all Labour Prime Ministers...go ga-ga for the Queen.What? Q:I, for one, believe that there are lessons to be drawn from her life...and from the extraordinary, and moving, reaction to her death.I share in your determination, to cherish her memory.I hope that tomorrow we can all, wherever we are...join in expressing our grief, at Diana's loss...and gratitude for her all too short life.May those who died, rest in peace...and may we, each and everyone of us...thank God, for someone who made many, many people, happy.Diana's coffin, now on the move...the short distance from St.James' Palace...to her home at Kensington Palace, for the final night...before her burial tomorrow.It's incredible...less than a week.Who could have imagined, such scenes?--Diana was the very essence of compassion, of duty,of style, of beauty.A very British girl...who transcended nationality.Someone with a natural nobility...who was classless, and who proved in the last year...that she needed no royal title to continue to generate...a particular brand of magic.I would like to end by, thanking God...for the small mercies he's shown us at this dreadful time...for taking Diana at her most beautiful and radiant.And when she had joy, in her private life.Above all, we give thanks for the life of a woman...I'm so proud to be able to call my sister.The unique, the complex...the extraordinary, and irreplaceable, Diana.Who's beauty, both internal and external...will never be extinguished from our minds.--So, off to see your girlfriend? P:Now, now.--You know, I hope she shows you some respect this time.It's quite a debt of gratitude, she owes you.Mr.Saviour of the Monarchy.P:I doubt she'll see it that way..Robin..good to see you.--Prime Minister.P:Tony, please.--The Prime Minister, Your Majesty.Q:Do sit down.P:Thank you.It's good to see you again.After what's been..quite a summer.I'm referring to your visit to India..and Pakistan.Where your comments on ending historic disagreements...went down very well.On the commonwealth heads of government meeting...I spoke to the Prime Minister of Malawi...and he was saying how much he appreciated your...tough stands on Nigeria...I meant to tell you at the time, but...you were being monopolised, rather...I imagine those occasions must be quite difficult.24 heads of government, each clamouring for a private audience.Also we have another chance to speak, since..that week.And I wanted to offer my apologies.Q:Whatever for?P:In case you felt manhandled, or..managed, in any way.Q:No, not at all.I don't think I shall ever understand, what happened this summer.P:Well..the circumstances were exceptional, Ma'am..and in the end you showed great personal strength...courage and humility.Q:You're confusing humility, with humiliation.P:That's not true.Q:You didn't read the cards on the flowers outside the Palace, that Friday.P:I actually think history will show, it was a good week for you.Q:And an even better one for you, Mr.Blair.P:But there are 52 weeks in the year,Ma'am.and 2500 in the time since you've been Queen.And when people come to assess your legacy,they won't remember those few days.Q:Oh,really?You don't think what affection people once had for...for this institution has been diminished?P:No,not at all.You're more respected now, than ever.Q:I gather some of your closest advisers were less fulsome in their support.P:One or two...but as a leader, I could never have added my voice to that chorus.Q:Because you saw those headlines, and you thought...one day that might happen to me.And it will, Mr.Blair.Quite suddenly, and without warning.So..shall we get on with the business in hand?Oh, look...I do love this time of day.Shall we walk, while there is still light?You know the clocks go back next week, it will be dark before five.I do hope you're a walker? P:I am...Q:Good..I always think these meetings have a far greater chance of success...if the Prime Minister is a walker.As a matter of fact, that's how I think best..on my feet..I've never been one for sitting around endlessly...a good walk and fresh air sorts everything out.One in four..you said..wanted to get rid of me.P:For about half an hour.But then...you came down to London, and all that went away.Q:I've never been hated like that before.P:Then, that must have been difficult..Q:Yes...very.Nowadays people want glamour, and tears, the grand performance.I'm not very good at that, I never have been...I prefer to keep my feelings to myself.And foolishly I believed that was what people wanted from their Queen...not to make a fuss, nor wear one's heart on one's sleeve...duty first, self second.That's how I was brought up...that's all I've ever known.P:You were so young when you became Queen.Q:Yes...Yes, a girl.But I can see that the world has changed...and one must..modernise.P:Well, perhaps that's where I can help.Q:Don't get ahead of yourself, Prime Minister, and remember...I am the one supposed to be advising you.Come,dogs!Tell me,Mr Blair,what might we expect from our first parliament? P:Er...well,ma'am,top of the list is education.We want to reduce classroom sizes.Q:Yes.P:And create a lower teacher-pupil ratio.

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