
时间:2019-05-15 13:23:53下载本文作者:会员上传


名师预测2009年高考英语写作热点题目 1.书面表达热点预猜(1)

假设你是李红,你的一位美国笔友Robert写E-mail问及你高考后暑假的安排,请根据以下要点,写一封100词左右的email回复他, 可以适当增加细节。

1.学开车 2.参加英语培训课程 3.去北京看奥运会 4.游览北京的名胜


Dear Robert,How time flies!_____________________________________________________







范文(One possible version)

Dear Robert:

How time flies!The happy days we shared often shines in my memory.What about you? As you know, my college entrance exam is approaching, which also announces the end of this sort of pressing study life.However,I intend to have a meaningful summer vacation.First, I will learn to drive to get a driving license, which is a new activity for a high school graduate in China.I will have a good rest, enjoying my hobbies.Then I will take some English courses to improve my English communication ability, With the 2008 Olympics beginning, I will be a participant of it, watching the basketball match between China and the US.I have been dreaming of Kobe’s performance long.After that, I will pay a visit to some tourist attractions to widen my horizon.That is the plan for my vacation.I am looking forward to being told about your arrangements of vacation.Give me your quick reply soon, OK?

Best wishes!


如今世界粮食短缺,价格飞涨,给部分地区造成社会动荡。假设在你校开展的研究性学习中,你们小组以“World Food Crisis”为题进行研究,现在请你代表你们小组向全体同学简要介绍你们的研究成果。主要内容如下:

造成的原因 1.气候变化,造成粮食减产



应对的措施 1.注重环保,改善生态




自己的贡献 1.……




3.参考词汇:城市化 urbanization 生物燃料 biofuels

Hello, everyone,Now I’ll tell you something about our research project The World Food Crisis on behalf of our group.As you know, food shortages have hit many countries in the world and even caused social unrest in some areas.______________________________________________






范文(One possible version)

Hello, everyone,Now I’ll tell you something about our research project The World Food Crisis on behalf of our group.As you know, food shortages have hit many countries in the world and even caused social unrest in some areas.But who is responsible for the current world food crisis? First, annual world grains output has declined because of climate change.Then lots of farmland has been lost due to the rapid development of industry and urbanization.Besides, faced with the rising energy prices, people have turned to the production of biofuels, which has worsened the severe situation.Then what should we do to deal with the problem? On one hand, we should focus on the environmental protection and improve the ecology.On the other hand, strict measures should be taken to protect farmland.Of course, to build a harmonious world the developed countries should take their responsibilities to help the poor ones experiencing food shortage.As for me, I will call on the people around me to live thriftily.And for the moment, I think, we should study hard to develop science and help solve the food shortage in the future.3.书面表达热点预猜(3)


学习情况 几乎都在学习半天学习半天活动 几乎都在做其他事情

16% 24% 60%

娱乐休闲 体育活动 游玩和购物 上网看电视

20% 40% 40%

去图书馆 经常 偶尔 几乎没有

5% 23% 72%

课外兴趣小组 经常 偶尔 不参加

10% 20% 70%

范文(One possible version)

This form displays the result of a survey on how to spend students’ weekend.It says that few students are glued to their schoolwork any more.Instead, they prefer to surf on the internet, watch TV, go shopping rather than involve in sports games.Library and interest groups are available but not favourable.Personally I think, students are now freed from heavy burden but their spare time is not well arranged.They are expected to spend some time on what they learn instead of hanging out.More time should be spent not only on green field but also in the libraries to build up themselves physically and mentally.Besides, more interest groups should be established for students to widen their horizon and sharpen their brains so that they can become more creative eventually.All these will contributes a lot to a well-informed and highly qualified teenager.In conclusion, students should be more scheduled with colorful and fruitful activities.4.书面表达热点预猜(说明文)


焦虑症状 建 议

头晕、乏力、睡眠不好、食欲不振等 1.考前制定好合适的复习计划








Dear editor,I’m Li Ming of Senior Three, Guangming Middle School.I’m writing to tell you about some symptoms of anxiety among us students before exams.__________________________________


Li Ming

范文(One possible version)

I am Li Ming of Senior Three, Guangming Middle School.I am writing to tell you about some symptoms of anxiety among us students before exams.Most of us feel nervous whenever we’re taking an important exam.Some will feel dizzy or tired, some will suffer from lack of sleep, and some will lose their appetite.In fact, all these symptoms have terrible effects on our exams and we are all eager to get rid of them.First of all, in my opinion, it’s important for us to have a fight attitude towards exams.They are only a means of checking how we are getting along with our studies, so there is no need to worry too much about the results.Study hard every day and make careful plans for every exam.In this way we can avoid suffering from the pressure of exams.Besides, enough sleep can make us energetic and enable us to perform well in an exam.Therefore, during the period of exams, we should not stay up too late.We can also try a warm bath or a cup of warm milk before going to bed.They might help us to have a sound sleep.(We’d better go out for a walk or do some outdoor exercises before and during an exam so that we can keep ourselves relaxed and then concentrate ourselves on exams.)











Dear Mr.Wang,We’re so pleased that you are willing to share our views.In the course of the general revision, what we need is solid foundation.________________





范文(One possible version)

Dear Mr.Wang,We’re so pleased that you are willing to share our views.In the course of the general revision, what we need is solid foundation.As you know, we didn’t learn well enough in the first two years, so please slow down and make sure we have really mastered something.Besides, we need a little more time to think for ourselves.As for those important points which also make us confused, would you please give us more practice in case we forget? Meanwhile, we need your instruction, for example, in how to write in natural English.I still have another request: assign us less homework in order that we can do it more efficiently.By the way, we often feel frustrated, which has a very bad effect on our study.We would appreciate it if you would give us some encouragement from time to time.6.书面表达热点预猜(记叙文,图表作文)


时间 地点 演讲者 评委 观众

上周六上午 学校操场 每班2名选手,共20人 5位英语














2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3)开头和结尾已为你写好。Dear Peter, I am writing to offer my sincere congratulations …

Congratulations again.Yours, Li Hua 范文:

Dear Peter, I am writing to offer my sincere congratulations to you on your winning the first prize in the Chinese Chess Network Challenge.As your friend, I just want you to know how glad I am at your success.“Everything comes to him who waits.” For these years, you’ve shown great interest in Chinese chess and kept on practicing it every day.Not only have you read many books about Chinese chess strategy, but also you have competed in all kinds of Chinese chess contest.Finally, you succeeded in wining the online competition!So I’m so happy that you become champion of this network challenge.At last, I hope to play Chinese chess with you so that we can make progress together.Please tell me when you have time.Congratulations again.Yours, Li Hua

2.(介绍古筝)假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Peter对中国传统乐器很感兴趣,写信请你向他介绍一款中国传统乐器,请给Peter写一封回信,内容要点如下: 1)古筝是最古老的中国传统乐器之一,有2500多年历史; 2)古筝是拨弦乐器,早期有5根弦,发展至今有21-25根弦; 3)古筝音色圆润清亮,音域宽广,有“东方钢琴”的美称; 4.随信附寄一张古筝乐曲光盘。注意:


2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3)开头语和结束语已给出。

参考词汇:the Chinese Zither 古筝;plucked instruments拨弦乐器;string琴弦;sonorous圆润低沉的;the Chinese piano东方钢琴 Dear Peter, I have gladly received your letter …

Best wishes!Yours, Li Hua 范文:

Dear Peter, I have gladly received your letter telling me that you’re interested in traditional Chinese musical instruments.Now, I’d like to tell you something about the Chinese Zither, one of the most ancient Chinese musical instruments with a long history of over 2500 years.The Chinese Zither is a plucked instrument and is played with both hands.In the early times it had 5 strings and has developed into 21 to 25 strings up to now.The Chinese Zither has a wide range and sonorous sound.As its playing appears and sounds like playing the piano, the Chinese Zither is sometimes called “the Chinese piano”.Enclosed with the letter is a CD of masterpieces of the Chinese Zither.I hope you’ll enjoy it.Best wishes!Yours, Li Hua 3.(成语故事)假如你是李华,你的美国网友Peter对你博客里的一幅漫画很感兴趣,给你留言询问其含义。

请你根据以下提示给他回贴。1)成语“闻鸡起舞”的典故; 2)成语寓意。注意:


2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3)开头语已给出。

参考词汇:patriotic爱国的;crow啼叫,报晓 Dear Peter, The picture is about a Chinese idiom “wen ji qi wu”.…

Yours, Li Hua 范文:

Dear Peter, The picture is about a Chinese idiom “wen ji qi wu”.This idiom originated from a well-known story happened in Xin Jin Dynasty.In order to serve their country well, two patriotic young men, named Zu Ti and Liu Kun, both got up and practised sword playing the moment they heard the cock crow.Day by day and year in, year out, they never stopped.Later, they all made great contributions to protecting their country.Nowadays, people usually use the phrase “rising up upon hearing the crow of a rooster to practise sword playing” to signify that someone is exerting himself to do something worthwhile.It is also used to describe that a person of noble aspirations exerts himself in time.If you have any other questions about this idiom, please tell me.Yours, Li Hua 4.(留言条:邀请看京剧)假定你是李华,你想邀请在中国留学的英国好友Peter观看京剧表演,但Peter不在家,你给他写张留言条,内容要点: 1)你到Peter家的目的; 2)介绍京剧;



2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3)开头语和结尾语已为你写出。

参考词汇:quintessence精华,精粹;ornate华丽的 Dear Peter, …

Yours, Li Hua


Dear Peter, I came to see you but you were out.I’d like to invite you to see Beijing Opera with me next week, since you have always wanted to know more about Chinese culture since the first day to China.With a history of nearly 200 years, Beijing Opera is a form of traditional Chinese theatre, which is considered as the quintessence of Chinese culture.The performers in ornate costume perform various stories happened in history to audience by singing, dance and motions.I can tell you more about it when we meet.Please let me know when you will be free and I will buy the tickets in advance.I sincerely hope that you can accept my invitation and I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.Yours, Li Hua


1)时间:报名截至时间5月20日;活动时间:5月30日下午3:00—5:00 2)地点:学校演讲厅

3)内容和形式:个人或小组朗诵中华经典文学作品 4)奖项:评出前十名颁奖 注意:



参考词汇:中华经典文学朗诵Chinese Classics Reciting



In order to improve the students’ spoken Chinese and encourage them to read more Chinese classics, a Chinese Classics Reciting contest among the students will be held in the school lecture hall from 3 p.m to 5 p.m on 30th May.It is organized by the Student Union.Those who want to take part in the contest, please sign up in the Student Union office before May 20th.The contesters should recite Chinese classics individually or in a group.The first 10 winners will be given prizes.Everyone is welcome to participate init.The Student Union May 10, 2016


1)讲座时间:5月15日(星期日)上午8:00—11:00; 2)讲座地点:艺术楼演讲大厅;



2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3)开头和结尾已为你写好。

参考词汇:calligraphy书法;improvise v.即兴表演 Dear David, … Yours, Li Hua


Dear David, I’m writing to invite you to the lecture on Chinese calligraphy which is the art of writing Chinese characters and especially refers to the rules of writing with a brush.The lecture will be given by Shen Peng, a famous calligrapher, in the lecture hall of the Art Building on May 15th this Sunday.As far as I know, you like the traditional culture of China, so you will enjoy it.The lecture will last from 8 a.m to 11 a.m, mainly consisting of three parts: one and a half hours’ listening to the lecture, half an hour’s discussion and one hour for observing the calligrapher improvising on the spot.I will be very glad if you come.Looking forward to your early reply.Yours, Li Hua 7.(爱心活动报道)假如你是李华,最近你校学生会向即将毕业的高三学生征集旧书、二手物品,由学生会组织爱心义卖活动以资助本校经济困难的学生。请根据下面的提示,为校报英语角写一篇活动报道。内容包括: 1)活动时间和地点; 2)活动过程;



2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:义卖charity sale


On the afternoon of May 25th an charity sale was held by the Student Union on our school playground.Although it was hard work, students actively took part.In order to organize it successfully, we made full preparations.Before the sale, from the students we collected various used books, second-hand goods which were still in good condition and classified them.When the day came, students and teachers all came and took an active part in it.At the end of the activity, we raised 5000 yuan in total.All the money we raised will go to the students from poor families in our school to help finish their studies.It’s such a meaningful activity that students are all looking forward to the next charity sale.8.(高考助威活动报道)假如你是李华,高考前夕,你校组织高

一、高二学生为高三学生加油助威活动。请你根据以下提示写一份关于此次活动的英文报道。1)活动时间和地点; 2)活动过程; 3)你的感想。注意:

1)词数100左右; 2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


As the CEE is approaching, a yearly activity named “Come on Senior Three” was held on our school playground on the afternoon of May 30th.Aiming to help Senior 3 students to relieve stress and cheer them up, not only teachers but also the students in Senior One and Senior Two all took an active part in the activity, and they gave wonderful and inspiring speeches, besides which, students and teachers sang songs together and they all enjoyed themselves very much.In my opinion, this kind of activity is a great way to deal with study pressure for Senior 3 students, for they can get away from the study for a moment and get relaxed and refreshed.Therefore with the pressure gone, I think they will do well in the examination.9.(介绍端午节)假定你是李华。你刚从英国为期五天的旅游回来,感谢好友Rick的款待。得知他对中国的文化非常的感兴趣,特别是即将到来的端午节,请你写一封信介绍中国的端午节。内容要点: 1)感谢他的招待。



2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3)开头和结尾已为你写好。Dear Rick, How is everything going?---Best wishes.Yours sincerely, Li Hua

范文: Dear Rick, How is everything going? I had a five-day trip to London last week.I would like to express my gratitude for your hospitality and kindness when I was in London.Knowing that you take a great fancy to Chinese culture, especially the Dragon Boat Festival, I would love to introduce it to you.The Dragon Boat Festival, one of the most traditional festivals in China, falls on the May 5th in the lunar calendar.People celebrate this festival in memory of Qu Yuan, who was a Chinese poet.Besides, people in China will also hold a variety of activities to honor him, such as dragon boat racing、eating zongzi and so on.Welcome to China.You will have an unforgettable experience if you come to China before this festival.Best wishes.Yours sincerely, Li Hua

10.(介绍春节)假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Mike想了解中国的春节,请你给他写封回信介绍这个节日。要点如下: 1)春节的由来及寓意; 2)春节的庆祝活动;



2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3)开头和结尾已为你写好。Dear Mike, In your last letter, you mentioned that you want to know something about the Spring Festival.I am writing to tell you about it.…

Yours , Li Hua

范文: Dear Mike, In your last letter, you mentioned that you want to know something about the Spring Festival.I am writing to tell you about it.Spring Festival has a long history, which was originally celebrated to scare away a fierce beast “Nian”.Slightly different from that in the past, it is now given new meanings and regarded as a way for people to enjoy reunion with their families however far they live or work.On the New Year’s Eve, each family has its members gathered together.They tell each other their lives in the past year, exchange gifts and eat a lot of delicious meals in the warmth of the family.Children can get lucky money in red paper.People have a good time, holding opera performances, and other celebrations.I hope you will come here and experience this wonderful festival.Yours, Li Hua

11.(介绍广场舞)假定你是李华。近日有网友在推特贴出了中国大妈带领美国大妈在新泽西大跳广场舞的照片,你的美国朋友David看过后,很想了解中国流行的广场舞(square dance)的相关情况。请你用英语给他写封回信,要点包括: 1)广场舞跳的时间、地点、参与人员等; 2)广场舞流行的原因; 3)广场舞的缺点。注意:


2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3)开头语和结束语已为你写好。Dear David,I am writing to tell you something about the square dance in China.Yours, LiHua


Dear David, I am writing to tell you something about the square dance in China.In the morning or after dinner, people, especially elderly women, will gather in squares to dance to popular music.More and more young people are also joining in now.There are many reasons behind its popularity.First of all, China has made great progress in its social and economical development in the past decades, and people have more time and energy to enjoy themselves.Besides, doing the square dance is a good way for people to keep fit.However, just as each coin has two sides, this kind of dance has also leads to some problems.For example, dancers play loud music and occupy lots of public places, which annoy many other people.Maybe square dancers need to make some changes.Yours, Li Hua

12.(应聘信)假定你是李华。你在校英文报上看到了一则招聘启事。A Research Assistant Wanted Our university in the countryside is looking for a research assistant.Candidates must have strong computing skills.Ideally suits a graduate from computing fields.Contact Albert Lee at Lee@Yahoo.com for application or for more information.请阅读启事并写一封应征邮件。内容要点如下: 1)陈述应征原因;

2)说明应征相关经验; 3)被聘用后的决心。注意:


2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3)开头和结尾已为你写好。Dear Ms Lee, …

I’m looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely, Li Hua


Dear Ms Lee, I have learned from your advertisement that you are in need of a research assistant.I believe I can do the job well, so I’d like to apply for it.I’m Li Hua, a boy aged 18, and I have just graduated form high school.I’ve been very interested in computer,so my computer teacher used to asked me to help him in class.Besides, I was chosen to take part in a computer design competition.8 Luckily our group took the first place in it.Hard working and energetic, I shall be a freshman of computer science.Thus, I’m convince that I’m qualified for the job.Once hired, I would be very grateful and I would devote myself to the post.I’m looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely, Li Hua

13.(安慰信)假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Tony因考试发挥失常,成绩不理想而情绪低落。请给他写封信表示安慰,要点如下: 1)表示难过和理解;

2)找出错误原因并及时改正; 3)鼓励他重拾自信,实现梦想。注意:


2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3)开头和结尾已为你写好。Dear Tony, …

Yours , Li Hua


Dear Tony, I’m sorry to hear that you didn’t do well in your exam and that you are very worried about your study.I quite understand how you feel now.There is no doubt that we should keep a good state of mind.As we know, failure is the mother of success.We should spare no efforts to analyze the cause of failure, which could help us find out the mistakes we made and try to make up for the lack of knowledge and skills in those areas.Only in this way can we make progress in our study.I hope that by the time this letter reaches you, you’ll be feeling much better.Let’s work hard together and turn our dream into reality.Yours, Li Hua








2.活动的内容(了解编织艺术的历史:1000多年;观看编织艺术的展览;用竹子编椅子,窗帘,装饰品)3.约定与Tom见面的时间和地点 4.期待对方的回复

参考范文 Dear Tom,Here comes a piece of good news.The Campus Culture Festival will be hosted this Friday.Since you have a strong passion for Chinese folk art, it’s a great pleasure for me to invite you to join us.The activity is scheduled to last approximately two hours, from 3:30pm to 5:30pm in the school hall.It covers a wide variety of content.Not only can we appreciate numerous appealing weaving works ranging from chairs to decorations, but also we’ll watch the documentary concerning the history of the weaving art.In addition, some distinguished professors will be invited to deliver a lecture about how to promote the development of the weaving art, during which time you will be definitely gain a better understanding of it.By the way, if you are available, we’ll meet at three outside the school gate.How I hope you can take my invitation into consideration!Your timely reply will be highly appreciated.Yours, Li Hua 预测热点2:共享单车



假设你是李华,你校的新高一交换生TOM对共享单车感到新奇,请你写一份邮件,邀请他去体验共享单车。内容包括: 1.现象

2.共享单车兴起的原因 3.约TOM周末骑共享单车

参考范文 Dear Tom,Learning that you have a strong fancy for the shared—bikes,I am glad to tell you some relevant information about it.Currently,the bike—sharing program is popular among people ranging from the old and the young,as a result of which such a bike can be seen here and there.The shared—bikes come into being for the reason that it solves the last kilometer problem efficiently and makes contribution to reducing air pollution.So beneficial is the shared-bike that we ought to have a try.I sincerely invite you to ride the shared-bikes with me this weekend.Looking forward to your early reply.Yours, Li Hua 预测热点3:广场舞


随着人们生活水平的提高,“广场舞大妈”们掀起了一场广场舞热潮,甚至把广场舞跳出了国门。请以广场舞为主题,完成一篇文章,内容包括: 1.描述当前广场舞的现状 2.分析这种现象产生的原因 3.陈述利弊以及表明个人态度


It is a common phenomenon that people,including the elderly people as well as some young people, will gather in the dancing square late in the evening due to the fact that people’s physical and mental life develop rapidly.When it comes to square dance, it is universally acknowledged that it makes a tremendous difference to people’s life.For instance, not only dancing women promote people’s relationship but also it makes contributions to people’s health.However, dancing has some disadvantages of its own despite its advantages.When dancing, the dancing women play loud music unconsciously, which gives rise to dissatisfaction.Personally speaking, I am definitely in favor of such behaviors.By the way, I do hope the dancing women can try their best to regulate the volume of music.Only in this case can we create a harmonious community together.预测热点4:人际关系


假如你是李华,高三生活已经结束,同学多年,友情、爱情弥足珍贵,请你给你最喜欢的同学或者老师写一封信,要点如下: 1.写信目的



参考范文 Dear Mrs Zhang,I’m writing to express my sincere gratitude to you.You are the very person who gave me a hand when necessary.One month ago, with the College Entrance Examination around the corner, I was nervous and in low spirits, being afraid of letting my parents down because of my average academic performance.When I was at a loss and on the point of giving up, as my headteacher, you asked me to go to your office.Instead of blaming me, you comforted me and discussed with me the reasons for my failing in the exam.More unforgettably, you managed to help me with my study and always inspired me from time to time.Gradually, I learned how to adjust to myself and stayed calm in the College Entrance Examination.Mrs Zhang, I’m more than grateful for what you have done for me, from which I’ve got to know it is never too late to get back when there is still hope.Wish you happiness and good health.Sincerely yours,Li Hua 预测热点5:科学技术




Recently, students in our class have had a discussion on whether space is worth exploring.30% of us think space exploration is not worthwhile.They think space is too far away from us and our daily life.And the money spent on space exploration can be used to solve the earth’s problems such as starvation and pollution.On the other hand, 70% think space is worth exploring because we have benefited a lot from it, such as using satellites for communication and weather forecast.What’s more, with further space research, we may solve the population problem by moving to other planets one day.Also, space research will enable us to find new sources to solve the problem of energy shortages on the earth.












注意: 1.100字左右;2.不得逐字翻译。

核电站nuclear power station太阳能solar energy


Last week, we had a debate about whether we should develop nuclear power stations.Opinions are divided.During the debate, Some students said we should develop nuclear power stations, since it would bring much electricity to people, and reduce the pressure of using electricity in the world.Meanwhile, it can create more jobs.However, the others thought the government should limit the number of nuclear power stations, since they will cause all kinds of pollution, air pollution included.They thought solar energy power stations, which are environmentally friendly , should be developed.In my opinion, we should ……


(二)如今世界粮食短缺,价格飞涨,给部分地区造成社会动荡。假设在你校开展的研究性学习中,你们小组以“World Food Crisis”为题进行研究,现在请你代表你们小组向全体同学简要介绍你们的研究成果。主要内容如下:



3.参考词汇:城市化 urbanization 生物燃料 biofuels

Hello, everyone,Now I’ll tell you something about our research project The World Food Crisis on behalf of our group.As you know, food shortages have hit many countries in the world and even caused social unrest in some areas.______________________________________________________





Hello, everyone,Now I’ll tell you something about our research project The World Food Crisis on behalf of1

our group.As you know, food shortages have hit many countries in the world and even caused

social unrest in some areas.But who is responsible for the current world food crisis? First, annual

world grains output has declined because of climate change.Then lots of farmland has been lost

due to the rapid development of industry and urbanization.Besides, faced with the rising energy

prices, people have turned to the production of biofuels, which has worsened the severe situation.Then what should we do to deal with the problem? On one hand, we should focus on the

environmental protection and improve the ecology.On the other hand, strict measures should be

taken to protect farmland.Of course, to build a harmonious world the developed countries should

take their responsibilities to help the poor ones experiencing food shortage.As for me, I will call on the people around me to live thriftily.And for the moment, I think,we should study hard to develop science and help solve the food shortage in the future.3.书面表达热点预猜



This form displays the result of a survey on how to spend students’ weekend.It says that few

students are glued to their schoolwork any more.Instead, they prefer to surf on the internet, watch

TV, go shopping rather than involve in sports games.Library and interest groups are available but

not favorable.Personally I think, students are now freed from heavy burden but their spare time is not well

arranged.They are expected to spend some time on what they learn instead of hanging out.More

time should be spent not only on green field but also in the libraries to build up themselves

physically and mentally.Besides, more interest groups should be established for students to widen

their horizon and sharpen their brains so that they can become more creative eventually.All these

will contributes a lot to a well-informed and highly qualified teenager.In conclusion, students should be more scheduled with colorful and fruitful activities.4.书面表达热点预猜(说明文)







Dear editor,I’m Li Ming of Senior Three, Guangming Middle School.I’m writing to tell you about some

symptoms of anxiety among us students before exams.__________________________________

Yours,Li Ming


Dear editor,I am Li Ming of Senior Three, Guangming Middle School.I am writing to tell you about

some symptoms of anxiety among us students before exams.Most of us feel nervous whenever we’re taking an important exam.Some will feel dizzy or

tired, some will suffer from lack of sleep, and some will lose their appetite.In fact, all these

symptoms have terrible effects on our exams and we are all eager to get rid of them.First of all, in my opinion, it’s important for us to have a fight attitude towards exams.They

are only a means of checking how we are getting along with our studies, so there is no need to

worry too much about the results.Study hard every day and make careful plans for every exam.In

this way we can avoid suffering from the pressure of exams.Besides, enough sleep can make us energetic and enable us to perform well in an exam.Therefore, during the period of exams, we should not stay up too late.We can also try a warm bath

or a cup of warm milk before going to bed.They might help us to have a sound sleep.(We’d better go out for a walk or do some outdoor exercises before and during an exam so

that we can keep ourselves relaxed and then concentrate ourselves on exams.)













Dear Mr.Wang,We’re so pleased that you are willing to share our views.In the course of the general revision, what we need is solid foundation.As you know, we

didn’t learn well enough in the first two years, so please slow down and make sure we have really

mastered something.Besides, we need a little more time to think for ourselves.As for those

important points which also make us confused, would you please give us more practice in case we

forget? Meanwhile, we need your instruction, for example, in how to write in natural English.I

still have another request: assign us less homework in order that we can do it more efficiently.By the way, we often feel frustrated, which has a very bad effect on our study.We would

appreciate it if you would give us some encouragement from time to time.Yours,Zhanghua



书,号召全校同学行动起来,为环保运动做出自己的努力。同时下周六学校将组织同学 在全市进行环保宣传活动,征召志愿者到校学生会报名。


(3)倡议书格式以提供,不计入总词数;(4)参考词汇:征召(新人)recruit。May, 2010

Dear brothers and





Yours sincerely,Li Hua

University Students' Union



出一点爱,世界将 变成美好人间!”此话题为学生熟知,与高中生的生活实际贴近,而且





【参考范文】May, 2010

Dear brothers and sisters,On behalf of the University Students' Union, I, the Chairman of the Union , am earnestly

calling for yo ur active participation in our environmental protection campai gn.It is the duty of

every global villager;man just can not sustain his glorious c i vilization without a rewarding

environment, which will be possible only if man makes considerable efforts to protect the

environment.Do you cherish precio us opportunities to volunteer in our joint efforts in environmental

protection? Here is a great one not to be missed by any enthusiastic youth;Right next Saturday,our university is to run a publicity campaign to advocate environmental protection across the city.The University Students' Union will be in charge of recruitment of volunteers.Let's join our h

ands and take action immediately.Yours sincerely,Li Hua



假设你是李华,在互联网上看到英国高中生David登的一则启事 :希望结识一位中国朋友,以便学校中国的语言、文化。请你以李华的名义用英文给David发一封电子邮件,主要内容






注意:(1)电子邮件的格 式以为你写好,不计入总词数;(2)词数:100左右。

Dear David,I've



Yours since rely,Li Hua







Dear David,I've learned it from the Inter net that you want to make a Chinese friend s o as to learn the

Chinese language and cu lture.I'm glad that you show such great interest in China and I world like

to be your friend.I will try my best to write to you as often as possible to introduce y ou the Chinese culture.When you have an opportunity to come to China, I'll teach you how to speak Chinese and show

you aroundsome famous historical places of interest.Anyway, I am goingto help you as much

as I can.How do you think?

I'm looking forward to your reply.2011年高考英语作文题目预测之三:南方旱灾






What Lessons Should Be L earned From the Drough t

The drought in the south-west China lasts for several months, which makes people

face water and food scarcity.We should learn lessons from it.The droughtcan be cause by severalfactors.________________________________________________________________________


【猜题理由】我国西南地区的旱灾牵动着国人的心,在为之痛心的同时,我们也应从中吸取教训。通过这篇文章来唤起人们的节约用水 和环保意识。环保意识也是全


【构思点拨】此类作文一般分三段式:第一段点明主题:旱灾给我们带来的反思(已给出);第二段分析出现旱灾的原因;第三段写作为人类,在天灾面前应如何 从自



What Lessons Should Be L earned From the Drough t

The drought in the south-west China has lasts for several months, which makes people face

water and food scarcity.We should learn lessons from it.The drought can be cause by several factors.Firstly, about 63 percent of cities in China

are facing water scarcity.The situation is worsened by pollution a nd industrialization.In

addition, too many treeshave been cut down, so forest cove rage has been decreasing rapidly.What's more, some water conservation projects haven't been functioning properly, thuspeople there have had to rely more heavily on rainfall for their water supply.Most of China's irrigation systems are very old.In order to prevent this case coming about again, we should improve our awareness of saving water, makin g proper use of water and recycling water.Meanwhile, we ought to plant more trees and protect environment toprevent loss of water and soil erosion.Of course, thegovernments should increase investment and repair water conservation pro jects as timely as possible.2011年高考英语作文预测之人物介绍





【构思点拨】考题 首先以2010年春节晚会引人刘谦这位大家熟知的魔 术师,然后又以表格的形式对刘谦做介绍。写作时注意应以时间顺序为主,是考生有章可循、有话可说,大家可以根据表格分为三段介绍。


Born in 1976 in Taiwan,Liu Qian is one of the greatest young magicians in the world.He became interested in magic when he was seven years old.At the age of 12,he won Taiwan‘s Children Magic Contest.As a youn g magician from Taiwan,he is popular wide for his magic shows.Countries he has performed in include the United States,Japan,South Korea,the UK and so on.He is known for his interaction with his audiences.He thinks it is actually thinking rather than one’s controlling skills that makes magical shows successful.What‘s more,he suggests the magician think carefully about how to design the shows creatively to make them appear more interesting.At the 2010 CCTV’s Spring Festivals Gala,Liu Qia n performed an amazing magic trick,which makes him the hottest mag ician in the mainland.



上传: 戴剑国 更新时间:2013-2-8 1:48:25 2013届高考英语作文预测10大热点(精选6篇范文)

1.网上交友 2.俗语写作 3.记叙文4.面对失败的态度 5.漫画写作6.留言条、邀请函 7.魔术 8.食品安全9.环境保护(地震、核泄漏)10.中东非洲动荡 特选取6篇范文,以供参考!~



Dear David,I've learned it from the Inter net that you want to make a Chinese friend so as to learn the Chinese language and culture.I'm glad that you show such great interest in China and I world like to be your friend.I will try my best to write to you as often as possible to introduce you the Chinese culture.When you have an opportunity to come to China, I'll teach you how to speak Chinese and show you around some famous historical places of interest.Anyway, I am going to help you as much as I can.How do you think? I'm looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely, Li Hua 2.俗语写作


The early bird will catch worms

An old saying “The early bird will catch worms” reminds us that if people want to be successful and outstanding, they must plan ahead of time and make their efforts to overcome all the possible difficulties.For example, the Chinese athletes' excellent performance in 2010 Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver is definitely the result of their early planning and hard training.If they don' t set the aim and word work, even though they have the best talents, they can't compete with others and get more medals.Another case in point is my learning experience.I was good at English, but I couldn't pass the exam, for I wasn't prepared well before the examination.I had many things to solve at that time.As I met the complex things, I was at a loss.The reason was that I had no plan and involved in many things and didn't study more hard, so I failed.In short, the saying shows us the important of planning, working hard and constantly trying.3、留言条 假设你是李华,星期天你要和你的同班同学李明一起去敬老院参加义务劳动,你去找他,但他没有在家,你给他留言说明要求,内容如下:






(2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文 连贯。

Dear Li Ming,______________________________________________________________ Li Hua 【猜题理由】2010年高考写作题应该是学生较为熟悉的、身边的与他们生活、学习密切相关的话题。因为高考有一定的连续性,2011年有些省份仍可能采用应用文进行考查。



Dear Li Ming,This Sunday we'll go to the nursing home and do some voluntary labor.You were out, when I dropped in on you.Therefore, I had to leave a message to you.According to what monitor said, we'll meet at the gate of our school at 9:30 tomorrow morning and start out together by bike.So you should take your bike and don't forget to take some washing powder, barber tools and weeding tools so that we can help them with washing clothes, cutting their hair and get rid of some weed in the garden.At last, you should remember to take some food for lunch because we'll stay the re for chatting with them at noon.If you come back, you'll phone me at once.Li Hua



(1)对获得的帮助表示感谢;(2)消除与 同学之间的误会;(3)努力学习,实现人生梦想;(4)对学弟、学妹的建议。


High school is regarded as the best time in a person's life.As a senior 3 student, it won't take lon g before I graduate._____________________________________________________________________




High school is regarded as the best time in a person's life.As a senior three student, it won't take long before I graduate.Now, I have much to share with my fellow students.Firstly, I would like to show my appreciation to those standing by me all the way, teachers, pare nts and friends included.Without their help and advice, my life would be different.Secondly, it's high time to say sorry to classmates whom I hurt or misunderstood.Communication and smiles act as bridges to friendship.Above all, I've made up my mind to make every effort to study, for I believe hard work is the key to success.Just as the old saying goes, “no pains, no gains.”

Finally I hope that all the younger fellows can make full use of time, because time and tide wait for no men.5、邀请函


(1)祝贺 她顺利通过考试,她的学习进步很大,为她骄傲;



(4)地点:阳关俱乐部(The Sun Club)302房间;





(3)参考词汇:欢送会 farewell party

Dear Jane, Congratulations on your passing all the exams.____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Yours faithfully, Li Hua 【猜题理由】该素材围绕与学生的日常生活相关的话题,体现“生活化”的特点。本篇写作要求写一篇邀请函,能够充分体现生活实际和语言的交际功能。

【构思点拨】写邀请函时一方面需要说明邀请理由,另 一方面要把活动的时间、地点、乘车路线等细节问题一定要交代清楚。


Dear Jane, Congratulations on your passing all the exams.I am delighted you have really made great progress in your two years of studying in China.All you have gained is the result of your hard work.We are proud of you and we all appreciate your help with our English We'll always remember the wonderful time we spent together.It's pity that you have to go back soon!So a farewell party for you will be held i n Room 302 in the Sun Club this Saturday evening.Could you come by 6:00 p.m.? We'll have dinner together.By the way,you may take Bus N o.332 in front of your hotel and i t will take you directly to the club.I wish you success and fulfillment in the years ahead!Yours faithfully, Li Hua 6.随着日本核泄漏的严重性日益加大,上周你校同学举行了一场英语辩论会。辩论的题目是:“是否应该发展核电站?”参加辩论的A组和B组的同学意见截然不同。请根据下表提供的信息,给某杂志社写一篇英语短文,客观地介绍辩论的情况。开头已经给出。

A组的意见 B组的意见


注意: 1.100字左右;2.不得逐字翻译。核电站nuclear power station 太阳能solar energy Last week, we had a debate about whether we should develop nuclear power stations.Opinions are divided.During the debate, Some students said we should develop nuclear power stations, since it would bring much electricity to people, and reduce the pressure of using electricity in the world.Meanwhile, it can create more jobs.However, the others thought the government should limit the number of nuclear power stations, since they will cause all kinds of pollution, air pollution included.They thought solar energy power stations, which are environmentally friendly, should be developed.In my opinion, we should ……





建议:教室是学习的地方,需要安静;学生不应该在教室里使用手机;应该集中注意力学习。(附:自己再想一条建议)注意:信的开头已给出;词数: 100左右。Dear Editor, I’m a senior high school student.Yours sincerely, Wang Li

【参考范文】 Dear Editor, I’m a senior high school student.Now many students use mobile phones.They think it’s a fashion to use mobile phones.Besides,it’s very convenient to get in touch with their families and friends by using mobile phones.But some students break the rules in class.They bring their mobile phones to the classroom and we often hear the ring of mobile phones in class.Some of them even waste precious time in class typing short messages on the mobile phones.In my opinion,the classroom is a place for students to gain knowledge.Those with mobile phones shouldn’t take mobile phones to the classroom.We are supposed to concentrate on our studies.The school should make a rule to forbid the students to use mobile phones in the classroom.Yours sincerely,Wang Li

素材2法国哲学家卢梭说过:“No Thanksgiving would be no virtue.”(没有感恩就没有真正的美德。)如今社会上一些人缺乏感恩之心,少数人甚至在父母年老体弱时都不愿意赡养。



Not only do our parents give us life, but they also give us endless love and support, always sharing our happiness and sorrow.【参考范文】Not only do our parents give us life, but they also give us endless love and support, always sharing our happiness and sorrow.I’m very grateful to my parents.They give me so much love and spare no efforts to support me.I still remember once I was seriously ill,they were so worried and almost kept me company the whole night.Now I’m in Senior 3.Luckily for me, my parents can understand my stressful condition and often communicate with me with encouraging words.Furthermore,they give me enough personal space,which I appreciate so much.What I should do now is to study hard.When I grow up,I will try my best to make my parents live a happy life.素材3 公安部发布了《关于处罚醉酒驾驶的征求意见稿》,提出搭乘醉酒司机车的乘客也应该受到惩罚。此事引起了社会的广泛关注与热议。请根据下表提供的信息,以“Should passengers be responsible for drunk drivers?”为题写一篇100词左右的英语短文。(开头已给出)正方反方 1.乘客的搭乘等于纵容酒后驾驶


Should passengers be responsible for drunk drivers? Nowadays whether passengers should be responsible for drunk drivers has become a hot issue in China.【参考范文】

Should passengers be responsible for drunk drivers? Nowadays whether passengers should be responsible for drunk drivers has become a hot issue in China.People’s opinions differ greatly as follows.Some people are in favor of punishing passengers as well as drunk drivers.They argue that knowing the driver is drunk means encouraging drunk driving.Besides,drunk driving is a great threat to the safety of both the driver and the passenger.That’s why passengers have the responsibility to prevent the drunk drivers from driving.Others are opposed to punishing passengers.It’s unfair for passengers to be fined because sometimes passengers cannot decide whether the driver is drunk or not.From my point of view,both drivers and passengers should be responsible for the road safety to avoid traffic accidents.素材4你今年暑假到一家肯德基(KFC)/麦当劳(McDonald’s)快餐店做保洁员(cleaner)工作。你每天工作七个小时,为期3周。这项工作辛苦且枯燥,你感到非常疲劳,几乎半途而废。每天你都要起早贪黑地工作。在新学期开始之前,你终于完成了这项工作,并由此认识到了劳动的意义。你认为这是一次成功的体验。

注意:1.必须使用第一人称; 2.词数100左右。


During the summer holiday this year, I thought I should do something meaningful instead of staying at home with nothing to do,so I got a job at a KFC/McDonald’s fast food restaurant and worked there as a cleaner.I worked seven hours a day for three weeks.The job was hard and boring and seemed endless, which made me so tired that I nearly gave it up halfway.After all, I stuck to it with determination.Every day I went to work early in the morning and got home late in the evening.Finally, I finished the job before the new term began.Now, I understand what labour means,and I think it is really a successful experience.素材十

近来某报社对人们日常信息的来源进行了调查,请根据下面表格所示的调查结果给CCTV9《英语新闻》栏目组写一封信。72%,看电视 1.提供给人们更加生动的画面;


12%,看报纸 1.新闻报道比电视更具深度; 2.看报纸不受时间限制;

3.看报纸要动脑筋,有益于智力开发。注意:1.描述出不同的看法和观点; 2.词数:100左右;

3.参考词汇:调查—survey;智力—intelligence;生动的—vivid 【参考范文】

Dear Editor,We did a survey on how people get news.For most of us today, television is our main source of news.According to the survey on the ways of getting news, 72% of people watch TV, and only 12% read newspapers.Most people agree that TV presents more vivid pictures to the TV viewers.Besides, TV reports are very direct and brief.However, some people think the newspaper is a better source of news in many ways.First of all, newspapers can cover events in depth.Also,there is no time limit for reading a newspaper.In addition, readers use their brains to follow and get a news report, which helps improve their intelligence.In my opinion,watching TV is a better way to get news.Yours, Li Hua



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    2016高考英语书面表达热点预测 高考英语作文预测一:文化交流 假设你是李华,在互联网上看到英国高中生David登的一则启事:希望结识一位中国朋友,以便学习中国的语言、文化。请你......


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