影评《星际迷航 暗黑无界》:星际迷航好看的不是战争,而是异想天开

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第一篇:影评《星际迷航 暗黑无界》:星际迷航好看的不是战争,而是异想天开


影评《星际迷航 暗黑无界》:星际迷航好看的不是战争,而是异


影评《星际迷航 暗黑无界》:星际迷航好看的不是战争,而是异想天开 文/天堂中的花花猫 还记得孩童时看过的动画片《星际旅行》么?柯克船长带着他的小组,驾驶着星际战舰在宇宙中到处探 [...]




并不需要多精彩,无聊的如同第4集《抢救未来》一样都没关系,只要能看到进取号飞船那熟悉的外形我就满足了。当然无论是战争还是科普还是文艺,我都依旧喜欢那些宇宙的探索和异样的文明。希望导演能在未来进取号的5年科学考察中拍出足够科学,另类和充满想象的东西,毕竟这年头所有的电影都在打战,看多了就无聊了。星际迷航好看的不是战争,而是异想天开,什么时候能回归正图一集呢? 其实围绕着星际迷航还有很多东西这一系列的电影都没有交代清楚,比如说联盟的构成,地域,各个星球的风土人情啊,也许是因为连续局说了很多,但是毕竟看N年前的连续局提不起兴趣。


对法国电影有种莫名奇妙的情结,每次在看一部新片前总要挣扎一下,总觉得应该会很无聊,想着要不要换部美国电影轻松一 [...]

影片讲述的是伊朗两个不同家庭的一桩纠纷。电影的开场是纳德和西敏在为女儿的抚养权而争吵:西敏想带女儿出国,离开国 [...]

开始的时候觉得这无非是一部喜剧,一个俗套的“丑小鸭”喜欢上帅哥的故事,为了引起帅哥阿亮学长注意,小水和死党们按 [...]

廊桥遗梦?!是啊,是追寻那份遗留在桥边美好的一个心情,还是追寻那个只有两个人存在的梦境。简单,真挚却又让人深深 [...]




先撤点与电影本身无关的体验。去看早场电影的经历还是挺有意思的,也让我对美国文化有了新的体会。再进入早场观影人群体验之前,我先说下《星际迷航》的影迷群体。《星际迷航》是传统意义上的科幻片,其是一个庞大的体系,涉及电视、电影、小说、漫画、游戏等众多媒介。笼统的说,《星际迷航》系列的一大观影群体,是在美国被称为“Nerd”的一类人。个人认为最准确的翻译应该是“技术宅”。《生活大爆炸》中Sheldon是典型的Nerd。在美国如果想找这类人可以去各种Comic Con大会,你会在这些漫画、科幻节上找到各种各样“极端”Nerd,很多人都可以用外星语对话……但是《星际迷航》的观众群体又不仅限于Nerd,这点与动漫改编的电影有很大的区别。《星际迷航》系列覆盖的观众群体更广,这与其有众多电视剧系列是密不可分的。《星际迷航》电视剧于1966年登陆电视荧屏,经久不衰,被美国人奉为经典中的战斗机。回到早场观众的话题上。首先,在这个点儿去看电影的不是已经放假的学生就是没有工作的赋闲人士。赋闲人士又分两种:退休的和领社会救济金的。本场的观众目测素质不高,衣衫褴褛且大都拎着大包小包,很多人看完《暗黑》后就又直接逃票去看另一场电影。那些年纪较大的观众看着就是典型的退休了的“种在沙发中土豆”:大肚子,大可乐,大薯条……虽然观影人员素质一般,但在场的观众都对《星际迷航》系列有一定的认识,看到关键桥段的时候就高喊口号。从这点上来看,《星际迷航》作为美国特有的文化已经渗入了社会的各个阶层。

“Space,the finalfrontier”——《星际迷航》电影系列

简单说下已经上映的12部星际迷航电影的关系。这12部电影大体可分为3大系列:1)theOriginal Series(TOS)6部,2)the Next Generation(TNG)4部,3)the J·J·Abrams系列(JJA)或前传系列2部。影片的上映时间和故事年份的关系如下表。

上映年份 故事年份



个人认为,《暗黑》最大亮点在几位年轻主演的表演。特别是Cumberbatch的演出可谓惊艳绝伦,霸气外露。当可汗说出“Now, shall we begin?!”的时候我第一次体会到了什么叫做霸气的英音。回想Cumberbatch近几年的作品,其都展现出了极高的演出水准。除了大家熟悉的《福尔摩斯》,《锅匠,裁缝,士兵,间谍》外,大家也可看下英剧《一战往事》,康在里面的演出可谓完美。除此之外,饰演《星际迷航》核心二人组的ChrisPine和ZacharyQuinto的表演也是可圈可点。Quinto在JJA的第一部《星际迷航》中已经胜利的接过了老戏骨LeonardNimoy的班,其所饰演的Spock得到了大众的认可,甚至连《生活大爆炸》中的Sheldon也承认Quinto是例外中的例外:打破了他新演员不如老演员饰演同一角色的定理。想想也不容易,要得到那么多代,那么多影迷的新的认可,Quinto得承担多大的压力。但在本片中,Quinto所饰演的Spock只能说是中规中矩,并无太大展现空间。相较之,饰演Kirk船长的Pine的演技那可以说是有了巨大的飞跃,他在和正统学院派Cumberbatch的几场对手戏中可谓不落下风。让我们对这个年轻演员的未来充满期待。除三位主演外,企业号上的其他船员也在众青年演员的努力下变的更为丰富,演员之间的配合也更加默契:伯恩霸权无言杀手骨头医,同样姓Cho的假周杰伦驾驶员,阿凡达娜美公主顺风耳,战斗民族重口音全才,僵尸肖恩机械师......真心希望这些人不要因为合同原因而影响合作,像他们的前辈一样团结起来为我们带来一部又一部的JJA星际迷航佳作。


最后想聊聊导演J·J·Abrams及其创作团队。这样优秀的作品不可能是一个人完成的,JJA就有一个相对稳定合作多年的创作团队。JJA与Roberto Orci及AlexKurtzman一同创作了多部优秀的科幻美剧,包括大家熟悉的《Lost》、《Fringe》、《Revolution》等。RobertoOrci及Alex Kurtzman真心是两位大

牌科幻剧本写手,《蜘蛛侠2》,《变形金刚2》等大片中也有他们的名字。与此同时,高产的JJA以导演和制作人的身份参与了很多优秀影视剧的创作。作为导演,《超级8》和《星际迷航》系列为其积攒了很高的人气。今年JJA又宣布了从Lucas接手续拍另一宇宙科幻经典《星球大战》系列,这个科幻大咖大有要统一宇宙的气势。JJA在美剧领域所获得成就无需赘述。值得一提的是,由他作为制片人,Jonathan Nolan(ChristopherNolan的弟弟)导演的美剧《Person of Interest》渐入佳境,值得科幻迷们一追。

提及JJA,不禁让我联想起另外两位导演:Christopher Nolan和JossWhedon。三位导演都是拍摄商业片的好手,同时也都是讲故事的高手,三人各自风格化明显:JJA致力于太空科幻,史诗初现;CN有很强的电影哲学,努力打造DC英雄的复杂人格;JW则首先完美集合了Marvel英雄,提供轻松幽默的娱乐大餐。三位导演轮番为我们提供精彩的科幻盛宴实乃影迷的一大幸事。











和Star Trek的结缘,就是从TOS开始的。因为追剧不喜欢从中间追,每个没完没了的美剧集都是从第一季第一集开始看,而当遇到ST这个万年大坑时,也毫不犹豫的从1960年代的原初系列开始我的trek。

Star Trek是科幻剧中“太空歌剧”最杰出的代表作。光看trek这个单词(漫长艰苦的旅行之意)就有就有种诗歌的美感和传奇的韵味。不是Star War,不是Star Gate,倒是和阿瑟克拉克的Space Odysseys(太空奥德赛,又译太空漫游)有异曲同工之妙。

Star Trek的剧情也如歌剧,优美而充满哲思。在阿波罗登月成功的历史大背景下,包括主创吉恩罗登贝里在内的所有人,都对人类未来在太空中的生存状况充满了乐观大胆的想象:未来人类不仅实现了曲速飞行,跨越了星际距离鸿沟,而且和星际间多个高等文明有效交流,以至于形成一个星际联邦。


这才是我所了解的Star Trek,我所喜爱的太空歌剧。



从我自己的观感来说,20世纪后半叶延续了五十年的太空歌剧时代,从2009那部重启版Star Trek就结束了。现在的ST是什么呢?太空激战,光魔视效,爆炸,坠毁,用星际旅行宏大的世界观做背景,刻画屈指可数的几个进取号船员间的爱恨情仇。那些可贵的思想实验不见了,没有引发任何思考——至少当我走出暗黑无界的放映厅时,内心真的没啥感觉。




作为重启版第二部,大家很自然的就猜测反派会不会是1982年电影版第二部里的可汗,后来JJ一再放话宣称反派名叫John Harrison,而且是星联的一名军官,再说BC那个出身长相和老版电影里的可汗也差太远。于是大家开始扒拉TOS寻找新反派,陷入众说纷纭状态。

但事实证明,全是JJA在放可耻的烟幕弹。什么John Harrison,就是“可汗”好吗?公映前保留悬念无可厚非,但这个悬念的谜底,也太没有惊喜了吧。


原著中的可汗是一个希特勒式的人物,雄才大略,残忍高傲。他不理会Kirk的怜悯,宁死不降,死前还要背诵着《白鲸记》里最决绝的仇恨之句(From hell's heart, I stab at thee.For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee),引爆创世星,誓与Kirk同归于尽。而他的死,催生了壮丽的创世星的诞生。





我曾经认为,让Star trek从太空歌剧退变成单纯动作片的罪魁祸首是JJA,但现在我突然觉得,这根本不是一个导演的责任。是我们生活的现实时代变了,登月时代衍生的科幻黄金时代已结束,高科技下焦虑浮躁的现世中,我们也只能期待像暗黑无界这样的片子了。


星际迷航: 开启未来

00:01:19 星舰凯尔文号,返回星舰基地 00:01:19 U.S.S.Kelvin, go for Starfleet Base.00:01:21 星舰基地,我们给你发了信息 收到了吗?

00:01:21 Starfleet Base, we've sent you a transmission.Did you receive? 00:01:23 凯尔文,你复核过这些读数么?

00:01:23 Kelvin, have you double-checked those readings? 00:01:25 我们的感应器读数快疯了 你该过来看看

00:01:25 Our gravitational sensors are going crazy here.You should see this.00:01:28 看起来像是雷暴

00:01:28 It looks like a lightning storm.00:01:29 你们发过来的信息似乎不大可能

00:01:29 What you've sent us doesn't seem possible.00:01:31 是的,我知道 所以才给你们发过去

00:01:31 Yes, ma'am.I understand.That's why we sent it.00:01:34-报告-仍然在可视距离外

00:01:34-Report.-It's still out of visual range.00:01:35-等我20秒-舰长请注意

00:01:35-Give me 20 seconds.-Alert Captain Robau 00:01:37 星际舰队建议你的星舰谨慎行事

00:01:37 that Starfleet advises your ship to proceed with caution.00:01:41 分化显示屏幕

00:01:41 Polarize the viewscreen.00:01:42 这是来自克林贡的么? 00:01:42 Could whatever this is be of Klingon origin? 00:01:44 舰长,有图像了

00:01:44 Captain, we have visual.00:01:45-重复,会是克林贡的飞船么?-不可能的,中尉 00:01:45-Repeat.Could this be Klingon?-Negative, Lieutenant.00:01:48 你离那还有七万五千公里...00:01:48 You're 75,000 kilometers from...00:01:50 舰长,你看到这个了么? 00:01:50 Captain, are you seeing this? 00:01:54 老天 00:01:54 My God.00:02:16 有读数了

00:02:16 I have a reading.00:02:18-对方要向我们开火了!-红色警报!00:02:18-They've locked weapons on us!-Red alert!00:02:20 鱼雷在320度锁定了我们

00:02:20 Torpedo locked on us at 320 degrees, 00:02:22-标签2-武器准备!00:02:22-mark 2.-Arm weapons!00:02:25 D五号回避模式

00:02:25 Evasive pattern Delta-five!00:02:29 非常之快!00:02:29 Incoming fast!00:02:36 相位炮开火!报告损坏情况 00:02:36 Fire all phasers!Damage report.00:02:39 曲速引擎损毁了!从没遇到这种情况

00:02:39 Warp drive's been knocked out!Never seen anything like it.00:02:43 武器系统失去连接 主动力剩38% 00:02:43 Weapons are off-line.Main power 38%.00:02:45-他们再次开火!-全部能源集中前端防护罩!00:02:45-They're firing another!-All power to forward shields!00:02:56 中尉!00:02:56 Lieutenant!00:03:03 气压稳定器失效

00:03:03 Atmospheric stabilization has been lost.00:03:04-防护罩还在运转吗?-失去氧气,7号至13号甲板 00:03:04-Were our shields even up?-Oxygen failing, Decks 7 to 13.00:03:06-长官,伤亡已经确认-防护罩能量只剩11%而且还在下降 00:03:06-We have confirmed casualties, sir.-Shields 11% and dropping.00:03:08 10%,9%,仍在下降

00:03:08 Ten percent.Shields at nine.We're dropping here.00:03:10 所有剩余能量转移至防护罩 逃生梭做好撤离准备

00:03:10 All remaining power to forward shields.Prepare shuttles for evacuation.00:03:17 你好 00:03:17 Hello.00:03:19 我方指挥官要求与你方指挥官见面

00:03:19 My commander requests the presence of your Captain 00:03:22 想就停火进行磋商

00:03:22 in order to negotiate a cease-fire.00:03:24 你可以坐上逃生梭到我们舰艇上来

00:03:24 You will come aboard our ship via shuttlecraft.00:03:27 拒绝将会是不明智的

00:03:27 Your refusal would be unwise.00:03:42 跟我来

00:03:42 Walk with me.00:03:50 如果15分钟内没我的消息 就疏散船员

00:03:50 If I don't report in 15 minutes, evacuate the crew.00:03:53-舰长,我们应该...-我们身处无法求救的地方

00:03:53-Sir, we could issue...-There is no help for us out here.00:03:56 使用自动驾驶 00:03:56 Use autopilot.00:03:59-然后离开舰船-遵命,舰长

00:03:59-And get off this ship.-Aye, Captain.00:04:01 现在,你是舰长了,柯克先生 00:04:01 You're Captain now, Mr.Kirk.00:05:17 他心跳在加快

00:05:17 His heart rate's elevated.00:05:41 看看这艘船 00:05:41 Look at this ship.00:05:44-你对这船眼熟么?-谁是你的指挥官?

00:05:44-Are you familiar with this craft?-Who is your commander? 00:05:49-是他吗?-我代表尼禄舰长说话

00:05:49-Is it him?-I will speak for Captain Nero.00:05:52 那问问尼禄舰长 是谁授权他攻击星际舰船

00:05:52 Then ask Captain Nero what gives him the right to attack a Federation vessel.00:06:11 你知道史巴克大使在哪么?

00:06:11 Do you know the location of Ambassador Spock? 00:06:17 我并不熟悉史巴克大使

00:06:17 I'm unfamiliar with Ambassador Spock.00:06:21-现在是星历几年?-星历?

00:06:21-What is the current stardate?-Stardate? 00:06:26 22-33-04 00:06:26 Twenty-two thirty-three zero-four.00:06:30 你们从哪来的? 00:06:30 Where are you from? 00:06:38(已死亡)

00:06:40 长官,他们锁定了我们的信号 他们又要发动攻击了 00:06:40 Sir, they're locked on our signal.They're launching again!00:06:42 B6号机动模式!全面开火!

00:06:42 Bravo-six maneuver!Fire full spread!00:06:53-17号,开火!-我宣布启动13号令!

00:06:53-Seventeen more out!-I'm initiating General Order 13!00:06:56-马上撤离!-遵命,长官!00:06:56-We're evacuating!-Yes, sir!00:07:03 所有船员注意,我是舰长 请马上从舰上撤离

00:07:03 All decks, this is the Captain speaking.Evacuate the ship immediately.00:07:07 各就位登上逃生梭 重复,马上撤离...00:07:07 Get to your designated shuttlecraft.Repeat.Evacuate...00:07:09 那是乔治的声音 出什么事了?

00:07:09 That's George's voice.What's happening? 00:07:11 你要在逃生梭上生孩子了,快走 00:07:11 You'll deliver in the shuttle.Go!00:07:18 快走!这艘关闭了!走,拉他起来!

00:07:18 Move!This one's closed!Let's go!Get him up!00:07:22 我在路上了 00:07:22 I'm on my way!00:07:25-乔治-你没事吧,谢天谢地 00:07:25-George.-You're okay.Thank God.00:07:27 37号医疗梭已经准备好了 你马上过去,能做到么?

00:07:27 I have medical shuttle 37 standing by.Get to it now.Can you do that? 00:07:30-是的-一切都会好的

00:07:30-Yes.-Everything's gonna be okay.00:07:32-一定要按我说的去做,37号医疗梭-乔治, 孩子就要出生了 00:07:32-Do exactly as I say.Shuttle 37.-George, it's coming.00:07:36-我们的孩子,马上就要出生了-我马上就到 00:07:36-Our baby, it's coming now.-I'm on my way.00:07:45 自动驾驶功能已损坏

00:07:45 Autopilot function has been destroyed.00:07:48 只能手工操作

00:07:48 Manual operation only.00:07:51 赶快离开甲板 快进入逃生梭!快,快!

00:07:51 Clear those decks now!Get to the shuttles!Move, move, move!00:07:53 去机库甲板 去机库甲板!走吧!

00:07:53 Get to the hangar deck!Get to the hangar deck!Let's move it!00:07:58-是个大家伙-保持呼吸,你会没事的

00:07:58-That was a big one.-Just keep breathing.You'll be fine.00:08:01-孩子也没事,对吗?-是的,孩子也没事 00:08:01-And the baby, too, right?-And the baby, too.00:08:09 到了,继续呼吸并向后靠

00:08:09 Right here.Go ahead and sit back.00:08:16 舰长呼叫37号逃生梭 我妻子在那吗? 00:08:16 Captain to shuttle 37.Is my wife onboard? 00:08:18-是的,她在-我要你们现在就离开,听到了吗? 00:08:18-Yes, sir, she is.-I need you to go now.Do you hear me? 00:08:21-长官,我们要等你-不,现在就走,马上起飞

00:08:21-We're waiting on you, sir.-No, just go.Take off immediately.00:08:24-这是命令-好的,长官 00:08:24-That's an order.-Yes, sir.00:08:26 不,等等!我们还不能走 00:08:26 No, wait!We can't go yet!00:08:31 请停下,停下!00:08:31 Please stop!Stop!00:08:35 乔治?逃生梭要起飞了 你在哪?

00:08:35 George? The shuttle's leaving.Where are you? 00:08:38 宝贝,听我说

00:08:38 Sweetheart, listen to me.00:08:40 我不和你一起走了 00:08:40 I'm not gonna be there.00:08:42-不-只有这样,你们才能活下去

00:08:42-No.-This is the only way you'll survive.00:08:45 你还在舰上? 你得到这里来!00:08:45 Are you still on the ship? You have to be here!00:08:47 如果我不击退他们 我们谁都走不了

00:08:47 The shuttles will never make it if I don't fight them off.00:08:50 乔治,没有你我做不到

00:08:50 George, I can't do this without you.00:08:53 好了,现在你用力推

00:08:53 Okay, I need you to push now.00:09:36(武器下线,护罩损毁)00:09:41(撞击航向启动)00:09:58(撞击时间)

00:10:13-是男孩还是女孩?-是个男孩 00:10:13-What is it?-It's a boy.00:10:15 男孩? 00:10:15 A boy? 00:10:17 告诉我他长什么样 00:10:17 Tell me about him.00:10:20 他很漂亮 00:10:20 He's beautiful.00:10:23 乔治,你该在我身边的 00:10:23 George, you should be here.00:10:27 碰撞警报 00:10:27 Impact alert.00:10:30-我们给他取什么名字呢?-可以用你父亲的名字

00:10:30-What are we gonna call him?-We can name him after your father.00:10:34 “提比略”?你开玩笑吧? 别,这名字不好 00:10:34 “Tiberius”? You kidding me? No, that's the worst.00:10:39 还是用你父亲的名字吧 就叫他吉姆

00:10:39 Let's name him after your dad.Let's call him Jim.00:10:44 吉姆,好的,就叫吉姆 00:10:44 Jim.Okay.Jim it is.00:10:52-宝贝,能听到我说么?-能

00:10:52-Sweetheart, can you hear me?-I hear you!00:10:55 我很爱你,爱你

00:10:55 I love you so much.I love you...00:11:43 【片名:星际迷航】 00:12:02(美国爱荷华州)

00:12:17 嘿,你疯了么? 这车是老古董了

00:12:17 Hey, are you out of your mind? That car is an antique.00:12:19 你以为你母亲离开星球了 你就可以开着这个离开了么

00:12:19 You think you can get away with this just 'cause your mother's off planet? 00:12:21 马上给我滚回来

00:12:21 You get your ass back home now!00:12:24 小子,你可是住在我家里 而且那是我的车

00:12:24 You live in my house, buddy.You live in my house, and that's my car.00:12:27 如果你刮伤了一点儿 我就打烂你的屁股...00:12:27 You get one scratch on that car, and I'm gonna whip your...00:12:44 耶!00:12:44 Yeah!00:12:55 嘿,小家伙!00:12:55 Hey, Johnny!00:13:16 市民,靠边停车 00:13:16 Citizen!Pull over.00:13:45 不!00:13:45 No!00:14:13 有什么问题吗,警官? 00:14:13 Is there a problem, Officer? 00:14:15 市民,你叫什么?

00:14:15 Citizen, what is your name? 00:14:18 我叫詹姆斯·提比略·柯克 00:14:18 My name is James Tiberius Kirk.00:14:24(瓦肯星)

00:14:39 球体体积的计算公式是什么?

00:14:39 What is the formula for the volume of a sphere? 00:14:41 3/4Π乘上半径的立方

00:14:41 Four-thirds pi times the radius cubed.00:14:44 1.26 00:14:44 One-point-two-six.00:14:45 椭圆

00:14:45 An ellipse.00:14:46 上夸克的电荷是多少?

00:14:46 What is the electrical charge of an up-type quark? 00:14:48 正2/3 00:14:48 Positive two-thirds.00:14:50 2,396,324的平方根是什么?

00:14:50 What is the square root of 2,396,324? 00:14:55-维数怎么计算...00:14:55-1,548.-1,548.-What is the dimensionality...00:14:57 维数等于对数除以„

00:14:57 Dimensionality equals the logarithm and divided by...00:15:00 „非排斥性和竞争性„ 4/3Π乘上半径的立方

00:15:00 Non-excludability and non-rivalry...Four-thirds pi times the radius cubed.00:15:04 道德上是值得称赞的 但不是应尽的

00:15:04 When it is morally praiseworthy but not morally obligatory.00:15:11 史巴克!00:15:11 Spock!00:15:14 我想你已经准备好给我新的羞辱了

00:15:14 I presume you've prepared new insults for today.00:15:17 肯定无疑的 00:15:17 Affirmative.00:15:27 这是你第35次试图引发我的情绪反应了

00:15:27 This is your thirty-fifth attempt to elicit an emotional response from me.00:15:31 你既不是人类也不是瓦肯 所以这个宇宙中没你的立足之地

00:15:31 You're neither human nor Vulcan, and therefore have no place in this universe.00:15:34 看,他有人类的眼睛 看起来很悲伤,不是吗? 00:15:34 Look.He has human eyes.They look sad, don't they? 00:15:37 也许情绪反应和物理刺激是有关的

00:15:37 Perhaps an emotional response requires physical stimuli.00:15:42 你爸是个叛徒,知道不,叛徒 娶了人类妓女

00:15:42 He's a traitor, you know.Your father.For marrying her.That human whore.00:16:16 他们说你是叛徒

00:16:16 They called you a traitor.00:16:22 我族把情感隐藏得很深

00:16:22 Emotions run deep within our race.00:16:26 在很多方面,远比人类深沉

00:16:26 In many ways, more deeply than in humans.00:16:28 我们的逻辑让我们 能够拥有人类少有的安详 00:16:28 Logic offers a serenity humans seldom experience.00:16:33 控制情感 而不是被情感所控制

00:16:33 The control of feelings, so that they do not control you.00:16:40 你是说我应该做个完全的瓦肯人

00:16:40 You suggest that I should be completely Vulcan, 00:16:44 可是你却娶了人类

00:16:44 and yet, you married a human.00:16:46 作为派驻地球的大使 观察和了解人类行为„ 00:16:46 As ambassador to Earth, it is my duty 00:16:49 „是我的职责

00:16:49 to observe and understand human behavior.00:16:52 娶你母亲是„

00:16:52 Marrying your mother was 00:16:55 „合理的 00:16:55 logical.00:16:59 史巴克,你完全可以自由决定你的命运

00:16:59 Spock.You are fully capable of deciding your own destiny.00:17:05 你面临的问题是 你要选择哪条路?

00:17:05 The question you face is, which path will you choose? 00:17:11 这个只能由你决定

00:17:11 This is something only you can decide.00:17:20 史巴克,过来,让我看看你 00:17:20 Spock, come here, let me see you.00:17:25-不-史巴克 00:17:25-No.-Spock.00:17:35 没什么好担心的 你会做得好的 00:17:35 There's no need to be anxious.You'll do fine.00:17:40 母亲,我一点都不担心 00:17:40 I am hardly anxious, Mother.00:17:42 而“好”有多种定义 “好”是不够的

00:17:42 And “fine” has variable definitions.“Fine” is unacceptable.00:17:46 好吧 00:17:46 Okay.00:17:55-我能问你一个私人问题么?-当然 00:17:55-May I ask a personal query?-Anything.00:18:01 我是否该选择完成瓦肯人的 科林纳尔戒律仪式„

00:18:01 Should I choose to complete the Vulcan discipline of Kolinahr 00:18:06 „并去除所有的情感? 00:18:06 and purge all emotion, 00:18:10 我相信你不会觉得 这是对你的偏见

00:18:10 I trust you will not feel it reflects judgment upon you.00:18:16 史巴克 00:18:16 Spock.00:18:20 一如既往,无论你选择什么

00:18:20 As always, whatever you choose to be, 00:18:24 你母亲都以你为荣

00:18:24 you will have a proud mother.00:18:31 你已经超出了你导师的期望

00:18:31 You have surpassed the expectations of your instructors.00:18:35 你的最终记录是无可挑剔的 除了一件事

00:18:35 Your final record is flawless, with one exception.00:18:39 我看到你也对星际舰队提出了申请

00:18:39 I see that you have applied to Starfleet as well.00:18:43 有其它选择也是合理

00:18:43 It was logical to cultivate multiple options.00:18:45 合理,但非必需

00:18:45 Logical, but unnecessary.00:18:48 你已被瓦肯科学院录取了

00:18:48 You are hereby accepted to the Vulcan Science Academy.00:18:51 这的确是令人瞩目的,史巴克 00:18:51 It is truly remarkable, Spock, 00:18:52 尽管有不足之处 但你取得了如此之高的分数

00:18:52 that you have achieved so much despite your disadvantage.00:18:56 全体起立!00:18:56 All rise!00:19:01 教长,可以说明白一点么 00:19:01 If you would clarify, Minister, 00:19:05-你指的不足是哪方面?-你人类母亲

00:19:05-to what disadvantage are you referring?-Your human mother.00:19:13 委员们,教长们,我只得辞谢了 00:19:13 Council.Ministers, I must decline.00:19:16 还没有瓦肯人拒绝过研究院的职位

00:19:16 No Vulcan has ever declined admission to this Academy.00:19:19 那么既然我是半个人类 你的记录将不会受到玷污

00:19:19 Then as I am half human, your record remains untarnished.00:19:22 史巴克,你已经承诺按瓦肯人的方式行事

00:19:22 Spock, you have made a commitment to honor the Vulcan way.00:19:26 你今天为什么还来这里呢?

00:19:26 Why did you come before this council today? 00:19:28 是为了表明你的反叛而满足情感需要吗? 00:19:28 Was it to satisfy your emotional need to rebel? 00:19:31 我只想表达我的感激之情

00:19:31 The only emotion I wish to convey is gratitude.00:19:35 谢谢,教长们 谢谢你们对我的好意

00:19:35 Thank you, Ministers, for your consideration.00:19:40 多福多寿

00:19:40 Live long and prosper.00:19:50(美国爱荷华州)00:19:58-你好么?-嘿

00:19:58-How are you?-Hey.00:20:04-嗨-嗨 00:20:04-Hi.-Hi.00:20:11 嗨,我要杯卡宾火茶 三瓶百威经典装

00:20:11 Hi, I'd like a Klabnian Fire Tea, three Budweiser Classics, 00:20:17-两杯卡达西日出和„-试试斯拉苏吧,口味很好

00:20:17-two Cardassian Sunrises and...-Gotta try the Slusho.It's good.00:20:21 混合斯拉苏,谢谢

00:20:21 The Slusho mix.Thank you.00:20:22 一个女人喝这么多有点太多了 00:20:22 That's a lot of drinks for one woman.00:20:27-还要一杯杰克,不加冰的-来两杯,她的算我账上

00:20:27-And a shot of Jack, straight up.-Make that two.Her shot's on me.00:20:29 我付我的好了,谢谢但不用了

00:20:29 Her shot's on her.Thanks but no thanks.00:20:32 你连我的名字都不想知道„

00:20:32 Don't you want to at least know my name 00:20:34 „就完全拒绝我了?

00:20:34 before you completely reject me? 00:20:35-我大可不必知道-你大可不必知道

00:20:35-I'm fine without it.-You are fine without it.00:20:39 我是吉姆,吉姆·柯克 00:20:39 It's Jim.Jim Kirk.00:20:42 如果你不告诉我你的名字 我就给你瞎起一个

00:20:42 If you don't tell me your name, I'm gonna have to make one up.00:20:46-我叫乌胡拉.-乌胡拉?不会吧!00:20:46-It's Uhura.-Uhura? No way!00:20:48 我正想给你取这个名字呢

00:20:48 That's the name I was gonna make up for you.00:20:51-乌胡拉什么?-就叫乌胡拉 00:20:51-Uhura what?-Just Uhura.00:20:53 你那里都没用姓么?

00:20:53 They don't have last names in your world? 00:20:55 乌胡拉就是我的姓 00:20:55 Uhura is my last name.00:20:57 那么,在你那人们没有名字么?

00:20:57 Well, they don't have first names in your world? 00:21:01 打扰一下,哥们 00:21:01 Excuse me, buddy.00:21:03 那么,你是个学生,你在搞研究 你学什么的? 00:21:03 So, you're a cadet, you're studying.What's your focus? 00:21:06 外星语言学 你肯定不知道那是什么意思

00:21:06 Xenolinguistics.You have no idea what that means.00:21:08 研究外星语言 语态学、音韵学、语法

00:21:08 The study of alien languages.Morphology, phonology, syntax.00:21:14 就是说你的舌头很灵活

00:21:14 It means you've got a talented tongue.00:21:17 真让我刮目相看 00:21:17 I'm impressed.00:21:19 一开始 我还以为你是个乡巴佬

00:21:19 For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick 00:21:21-那些只和农场动物做爱的人-哦,并不仅仅这些 00:21:21-who only has sex with farm animals.-Well, not only.00:21:27 这家伙没有骚扰你吧,啊?

00:21:27 This townie isn't bothering you, right? 00:21:29 难以置信 但还没有我摆平不了的事呢 00:21:29 Beyond belief.But it's nothing I can't handle.00:21:32 你能摆平我 那就是一个邀请了

00:21:32 You could handle me.That's an invitation.00:21:34-嘿,最好注意点礼貌-放松,小娇娘,我只是在开玩笑

00:21:34-Hey, you better mind your manners.-Relax, cupcake.It was a joke.00:21:38 嗨,乡下佬,也许你不会数数 但我们是四对一

00:21:38 Hey, farm boy.Maybe you can't count, but there are four of us and one of you.00:21:43 那就多找些人来 这样才可以平等地打一场

00:21:43 So get some more guys, and then it'll be an even fight.00:21:50 大家伙,住手 00:21:50 Guys, stop it.00:21:54 住手!00:21:54 Stop it!00:22:17 别打了!00:22:17 Enough!00:22:26 伙计们,他吃够苦头了!00:22:26 Guys, he's had enough!00:22:33 出去,你们都出去 00:22:33 Outside, all of you.00:22:35-马上!-遵命,长官 00:22:35-Now!-Yes, sir!00:22:37-他都不听-我刚刚买了饮料

00:22:37-He wouldn't even listen!-I just bought a drink.00:22:39-你能相信这么?-一点都不公平

00:22:39-Can you believe this?-It's not really fair.00:22:41-走吧-你没事吧,孩子? 00:22:41-Come on.-You all right, son? 00:22:44 你口哨吹得可真响 知道么?

00:22:44 You can whistle really loud, you know that? 00:22:48 知道吗,当酒保告诉我你是谁时 我简直不敢相信

00:22:48 You know, I couldn't believe it when the bartender told me who you are.00:22:50-那我是谁呢,派克舰长?-你父亲的儿子 00:22:50-And who am I, Captain Pike?-Your father's son.00:22:57 能再来一瓶么?

00:22:57 Can I get another one? 00:22:59 毕业时 我被分配到了凯尔文星舰

00:22:59 For my dissertation, I was assigned the U.S.S.Kelvin.00:23:01 我钦佩你父亲的地方 在于他从不服输

00:23:01 Something I admired about your dad, he didn't believe in no-win scenarios.00:23:06 无疑他已经得到了教训 00:23:06 He sure learned his lesson.00:23:07 这就取决于你如何定义赢了

00:23:07 Well, it depends on how you define winning.00:23:09-你还好好地活在这,不是吗?-谢谢 00:23:09-You're here, aren't you?-Thanks.00:23:11 你知道,凭直觉做事 也是他的天性

00:23:11 You know, that instinct to leap without looking, that was his nature, too.00:23:14 而在我看来 这也是星际舰队所缺乏的

00:23:14 And in my opinion, it's something Starfleet's lost.00:23:17-你跟我说这些干嘛?-因为在你被打的时候„

00:23:17-Why are you talking to me, man?-'Cause I looked up your file 00:23:20 „我看了你的档案

00:23:20 while you were drooling on the floor.00:23:23 你的能力测试分数相当高 这是怎么了?

00:23:23 Your aptitude tests are off the charts.So what is it? 00:23:26 你喜欢做中西部最高智商的惯犯?

00:23:26 You like being the only genius-level repeat-offender in the Midwest? 00:23:29 或许我喜欢这样 00:23:29 Maybe I love it.00:23:31 那就是在父亲死后 你就过一种低于普通的生活

00:23:31 So your dad dies.You can settle for a less-than-ordinary life.00:23:35 或者你觉得你应该做更有价值的事情?

00:23:35 Or do you feel like you were meant for something better? 00:23:39 更与众不同? 00:23:39 Something special? 00:23:43-加入星际舰队-加入? 00:23:43-Enlist in Starfleet.-Enlist? 00:23:47 你们这月肯定是远远没招够人

00:23:47 You guys must be way down on your recruiting quota for the month.00:23:49 如果你有你父亲一半的气概 星舰舰队就能运用你的才能

00:23:49 If you're half the man your father was, Jim, Starfleet could use you.00:23:54 四年内你就能成为官员 八年里就将拥有自己的舰船

00:23:54 You can be an officer in four years.You can have your own ship in eight.00:23:59 你知道星际舰队的使命,对吗? 这非常重要

00:23:59 You understand what the Federation is, don't you? It's important.00:24:02 它是一支维护和平和人道主义的舰队

00:24:02 It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...00:24:04-说完了吗?-我说完了 00:24:04-Are we done?-I'm done.00:24:12 河滨飞船厂 新兵招募梭明早八点离开

00:24:12 Riverside Shipyard.Shuttle for new recruits leaves tomorrow, 0800.00:24:20 你父亲只做了12分钟的舰长

00:24:20 Now, your father was captain of a starship for 12 minutes.00:24:24 可他救了800条人命 包括你和你母亲

00:24:24 He saved 800 lives, including your mother's.And yours.00:24:30 我敢说你会做得更好 00:24:30 I dare you to do better.00:25:57 车不错呀,哥们 00:25:57 Nice ride, man.00:26:02 给你了 00:26:02 It's yours.00:26:04 四年?我三年就能做到 00:26:04 Four years? I'll do it in three.00:26:23 放松些,先生们 00:26:23 At ease, gentlemen.00:26:43-还是不知道你的名字-你需要看医生

00:26:43-Never did get that first name.-You need a doctor.00:26:47 我告诉过你们,我不需要医生 该死的,我就是个医生 00:26:47 I told you people, I don't need a doctor, damn it, I am a doctor!00:26:49 你得回到你的座位上

00:26:49 You need to get back to your seat.00:26:50 我有座位 在没有窗户的浴室里

00:26:50 I had one in the bathroom with no windows.00:26:51-现在就回你的座位去-我有恐机症

00:26:51-You need to get back to your seat now.-I suffer from aviaphobia.00:26:54 意思是害怕会死在能飞的东西里

00:26:54 It means fear of dying in something that flies.00:26:55 先生,为了你的安全,请坐下 不然我会让你坐下

00:26:55 Sir, for your own safety, sit down, or else I'll make you sit down!00:27:01-好吧-谢谢

00:27:01-Fine.-Thank you.00:27:04 这是派克舰长 我们即将起飞

00:27:04 This is Captain Pike.We've been cleared for takeoff.00:27:08 我可能会吐在你身上 00:27:08 I may throw up on you.00:27:10 我认为这些船会很安全

00:27:10 I think these things are pretty safe.00:27:12 别迎合我了,孩子 只要船身有一点裂缝

00:27:12 Don't pander to me, kid.One tiny crack in the hull 00:27:15 我们的血液就会在13秒内沸开 00:27:15 and our blood boils in 13 seconds.00:27:17 太阳耀斑随时可能出现 把我们都烤焦在座位上 00:27:17 A solar flare might crop up, cook us in our seats.00:27:20 那你就像安多里亚 带状疱疹那样坐等着吧

00:27:20 And wait till you're sitting pretty with a case of Andorian shingles.00:27:23 看看当你眼球出血时 你还会不会这样轻松

00:27:23 See if you're still so relaxed when your eyeballs are bleeding.00:27:26 太空充满了疾病和危险 掩盖在黑暗和寂静中

00:27:26 Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence.00:27:30 好吧,我真不愿向你透露这个事实 星际舰队是在太空里服役的 00:27:30 Well, I hate to break this to you, but Starfleet operates in space.00:27:34 是啊,好吧,反正我也无处可去了 00:27:34 Yeah, well, I got nowhere else to go.00:27:36 前妻离婚时把整个该死的星球都夺走了

00:27:36 The ex-wife took the whole damn planet in the divorce.00:27:40 我只剩下身上这副老骨头了 00:27:40 All I got left is my bones.00:27:47-吉姆·柯克-麦考伊,伦纳德·麦考伊 00:27:47-Jim Kirk.-McCoy.Leonard McCoy.00:28:11(三年后)

00:28:38 尼禄舰长,请到驾驶台来

00:28:38 Captain Nero!You've been requested on the Bridge, sir.00:28:42 艾尔说时间到了 00:28:42 Ayel says it's time.00:28:49 长官,我们已经到达了你预定的坐标 这里什么都没有 00:28:49 Sir, we've arrived at the coordinates you calculated.There's nothing here.00:28:54-你的命令是什么-我们等着 00:28:54-What are your orders?-We wait.00:28:57 我们等着那个让我们家园毁灭的人出现

00:28:57 We wait for the one who allowed our home to be destroyed, 00:29:01 就像我们25年来所做的一样 00:29:01 as we've been doing for 25 years.00:29:05-那在我们杀了他之后呢?-杀了他? 00:29:05-And once we've killed him?-Kill him? 00:29:08 我不会杀了他 我要让他目睹这一切

00:29:08 I'm not gonna kill him.I'm gonna make him watch.00:29:26 俘虏那艘舰艇!00:29:26 Capture that ship!00:29:29 欢迎回来,史巴克 00:29:29 Welcome back, Spock.00:29:35 怎么这么高兴?

00:29:35 Why are you so happy? 00:29:36-我不知道你在说什么-不,我也没想你懂

00:29:36-I don't know what you're talking about.-No, I don't suppose you do.00:29:39 美女们,你们好 00:29:39 Hello, ladies!00:29:41-我要再去测试一次-你一定在开玩笑

00:29:41-I'm taking the test again.-You gotta be kidding.00:29:42 是的,明天早上 我希望你能去

00:29:42 Yeah, tomorrow morning, and I want you there.00:29:44 知道不,比看你第三次自取其辱„ 00:29:44 You know, I've got better things to do 00:29:46 „我有更重要的事情要做

00:29:46 than watch you embarrass yourself for a third time.00:29:48 吉姆,我是医生,我很忙 00:29:48 I'm a doctor, Jim.I'm busy.00:29:49 老骨头,难道你一点都不关心 那个没人通过的考试么? 00:29:49 Bones, it doesn't bother you that no one's ever passed the test? 00:29:52 吉姆,那是小林丸号啊 没人能通过测试

00:29:52 Jim, it's the Kobayashi Maru.No one passes the test.00:29:54 而且没人想去第二次 更别说三次了

00:29:54 And no one goes back for seconds, let alone thirds.00:29:58 我得学习去了 00:29:58 I gotta study.00:30:00 学习,见鬼吧 00:30:00 Study, my ass.00:30:05-吉姆,我想我爱上你了-这真奇怪 00:30:05-Jim, I think I love you.-That is so weird.00:30:10-灯-开灯 00:30:10-Lights.-Lights on.00:30:12 你刚是不是说“这真奇怪”? 00:30:12 Did you just say, “That is so weird”? 00:30:14-是的,是这样说,但„-你不爱我? 00:30:14-Yeah, I did, but...-You don't love me, too? 00:30:16 哦,老天,我室友

00:30:16 Oh, my God, my roommate!00:30:18 但你不是说晚上她不在么?

00:30:18 But I thought you said she was gone for the night.00:30:19 显然不是 快点,躲到床下

00:30:19 Obviously she's not.Quick, get under the bed.00:30:21-床下„-快,去床底下

00:30:21-Under...-Look, just get under the bed.00:30:23-得啦-不能让她看到你

00:30:23-Come on!-She can't see you here.00:30:24-为什么不能?-因为我向她保证过„ 00:30:24-Why not?-Because I promised her 00:30:26-„不再带男人回来过夜-真的?

00:30:26-I'd stop bringing guys back to the room.-Really? 00:30:27-嗯,那么你带过多少个„-快下去,下去!

00:30:27-Well, how many guys have you...-Just down!Just down!00:30:32-嘿-嘿 00:30:32-Hey.-Hey.00:30:33-怎么样?-很好 00:30:33-How are you?-Good.00:30:35 真奇怪 我刚在远程感应实验室„

00:30:35 The strangest thing, I was in the long-range sensor lab...00:30:38 是呀,我还以为你在那过夜呢 00:30:38 Yeah, I thought all night.00:30:40 我那时正在追踪恒星系 结果却收到一个紧急信号

00:30:40 I was tracking solar systems and I picked up an emergency transmission.00:30:44-真的?-是的,来自克林贡监狱行星

00:30:44-Really?-Yeah.From a Klingon prison planet.00:30:48-不会吧-是的 00:30:48-No.-Yeah.00:30:50 一支克林贡舰队被摧毁了 有47艘飞船

00:30:50 A Klingon armada was destroyed.Forty-seven ships.00:30:52 那今晚你不回实验室了?

00:30:52 So you're not going back to the lab tonight? 00:30:59-盖拉,他是谁?-什么谁是谁? 00:30:59-Gaila, who is he?-Who's who? 00:31:01 躲在你床下喘气的那个

00:31:01 The mouth-breather hiding under your bed.00:31:03 你能听见我喘气? 00:31:03 You could hear me breathing? 00:31:05-是你!-明天是个大日子 00:31:05-You!-Big day tomorrow.00:31:07-你通不过的,快滚-盖拉,改天见

00:31:07-You're gonna fail.Get out.-Gaila, see you around.00:31:10 如果我过了 就告诉我你的名字

00:31:10 If I pass, will you tell me your first name? 00:31:11-不,晚安-我认为你接收到的„ 00:31:11-No!Good night.-I think the fact 00:31:13 „那个警报非常有意思

00:31:13 that you picked up a transmission is very interesting.00:31:18 我们收到了星舰小林丸号的遇难信号

00:31:18 We are receiving a distress signal from the U.S.S.Kobayashi Maru.00:31:21 它已经失去动力 无法飞行

00:31:21 The ship has lost power and is stranded.00:31:23 星际舰队指挥部命令我们前去救援

00:31:23 Starfleet Command has ordered us to rescue them.00:31:25 “星际舰队指挥部要求我们前去营救它们

00:31:25 “Starfleet Command has ordered us to rescue them, 00:31:29 “舰长” 00:31:29 ”Captain.“ 00:31:32 两艘克林贡舰艇进入了中立区

00:31:32 Two Klingon vessels have entered the Neutral Zone 00:31:33-并用武器锁定了我们-没事

00:31:33-and are locking weapons on us.-That's okay.00:31:37-没事?-对,不必担心那个

00:31:37-That's okay?-Yeah, don't worry about it.00:31:39 他是不是说“不必担心那个”? 00:31:39 Did he say, ”Don't worry about it“? 00:31:42 他是不是没把这个模拟测试当回事? 00:31:42 Is he not taking the simulation seriously? 00:31:44 三艘更多的战船解除隐身模式 并锁定了我们

00:31:44 Three more Klingon warbirds decloaking and targeting our ship.00:31:47-我想这也不是个问题-舰长,他们开火了

00:31:47-I don't suppose this is a problem either.-They're firing, Captain.00:31:50 通知医疗队准备接受„

00:31:50 Alert Medical Bay to prepare to receive all crew members 00:31:53 „受损船只上的人员 00:31:53 from the damaged ship.00:31:54 在克林贡战船的包围下„

00:31:54 And how do you expect us to rescue them 00:31:56 „你要我们如何去救援他们,舰长?

00:31:56 when we're surrounded by Klingons, Captain? 00:31:58 通知医疗队 00:31:58 Alert Medical.00:32:02 我方船只被击中 防护罩能量为60% 00:32:02 Our ship is being hit.Shields at 60%.00:32:05-知道了-那么,我们应该,我不清楚„ 00:32:05-I understand.-Well, should we, I don't know, 00:32:07 „反击吗? 00:32:07 fire back? 00:32:09-不-当然不

00:32:09-No.-Of course not.00:32:18 这是怎么了?发生什么事了? 00:32:18 What is this? What's going on? 00:32:24 准备光子炮 准备还击克林贡战船

00:32:24 Arm photons.Prepare to fire on the Klingon warbirds.00:32:26-是,长官-吉姆,他们的还开着防护罩 00:32:26-Yes, sir.-Jim, their shields are still up.00:32:28 是吗? 00:32:28 Are they? 00:32:31 不,防护罩没了 00:32:31 No.They're not.00:32:34 向所有敌舰开火

00:32:34 Fire on all enemy ships.00:32:35 一枪一个就够了 别浪费子弹

00:32:35 One photon each should do.Let's not waste ammunition.00:32:38 已获取目标敌舰并锁定,开火

00:32:38 Target locked and acquired on all warbirds.Firing.00:32:46-所有敌舰已被摧毁,舰长-开始营救受损星舰船员

00:32:46-All ships destroyed, Captain.-Begin rescue of the stranded crew.00:32:49 那么!我们把敌舰全都消灭了

00:32:49 So!We've managed to eliminate all enemy ships, 00:32:52 舰上没有一个人受伤

00:32:52 no one onboard was injured, 00:32:54 小林丸号船员的营救也在有条不紊地进行中

00:32:54 and the successful rescue of the Kobayashi Maru crew is underway.00:33:04 这小子是怎么打败你的测试的?

00:33:04 How the hell did that kid beat your test? 00:33:09 我不清楚 00:33:09 I do not know.00:33:12 召开这次会议是为了解决一个棘手的问题

00:33:12 This session has been called to resolve a troubling matter.00:33:16 詹姆斯·T·柯克,请到前面来 00:33:16 James T.Kirk, step forward.00:33:20 柯克学员,委员会收到投诉

00:33:20 Cadet Kirk, evidence has been submitted to this council 00:33:22 说你违反了星际法典17章„ 00:33:22 suggesting that you violated the ethical code of conduct 00:33:25 „第43条规则的行为规范

00:33:25 pursuant to Regulation 17.43 of the Starfleet code.00:33:30 在我们开始前,你有什么要申辩的吗?

00:33:30 Is there anything you care to say before we begin, sir? 00:33:34 是的,我想我有权直面我的原告吧

00:33:34 Yes, I believe I have the right to face my accuser directly.00:33:42 请到前面来

00:33:42 Step forward, please.00:33:44 这是史巴克指挥官 是我们最优秀的毕业生之一

00:33:44 This is Commander Spock.He is one of our most distinguished graduates.00:33:48 过去的四年里 他一直在设计小林丸号测试

00:33:48 He's programmed the Kobayashi Maru exam for the last four years.00:33:54-指挥官?-柯克学员,你用某种方法„

00:33:54-Commander?-Cadet Kirk, you somehow managed 00:33:57 „在程序代码中安装和激活了某个子程序

00:33:57 to install and activate a subroutine in the programming code, 00:34:00 从而改变了测试中的环境

00:34:00 thereby changing the conditions of the test.00:34:03-你的意思是?-在学术术语中,你作弊

00:34:03-Your point being?-In academic vernacular, you cheated.00:34:09 我来问你一个 大家都知道答案的问题好了

00:34:09 Let me ask you something I think we all know the answer to.00:34:13 这测试本身就是作弊,是吧? 00:34:13 The test itself is a cheat, isn't it? 00:34:16 我的意思是 你把它设计成不可战胜

00:34:16 I mean, you programmed it to be unwinnable.00:34:18 你的论点完全排除了 无法战胜这种可能性

00:34:18 Your argument precludes the possibility of a no-win scenario.00:34:20-我从不相信无法战胜-那么你不仅违法了条令„

00:34:20-I don't believe in no-win scenarios.-Then not only did you violate the rules, 00:34:24 „也没有理解该课程的本意

00:34:24 you also failed to understand the principal lesson.00:34:26 那么请明示

00:34:26 Please, enlighten me.00:34:28 所有的人,特别是你,柯克学员

00:34:28 You of all people should know, Cadet Kirk, 00:34:30 一位舰长不能逃脱死亡 00:34:30 a captain cannot cheat death.00:34:35 特别是我? 00:34:35 I of all people? 00:34:37 你的父亲,乔治·柯克中尉 在他的战舰被摧毁前„

00:34:37 Your father, Lieutenant George Kirk, assumed command of his vessel 00:34:40 „接受了指挥权,不是吗? 00:34:40 before being killed in action, did he not? 00:34:42 我认为你是无法接受 我打败了你的测试这个事实 00:34:42 I don't think you like the fact that I beat your test.00:34:44 何况你也没有体会到这个测试的目地

00:34:44 Furthermore, you have failed to divine the purpose of the test.00:34:46-请再明示-测试的目的是体验恐惧

00:34:46-Enlighten me again.-The purpose is to experience fear, 00:34:50 直面必死无疑的恐惧

00:34:50 fear in the face of certain death.00:34:52 去接受这种恐惧,并做好自我控制 管理好所有的船员

00:34:52 To accept that fear, and maintain control of oneself and one's crew.00:34:57 这是每个星际舰队舰长都必备的素质

00:34:57 This is a quality expected in every Starfleet captain.00:35:03 对不起,长官 00:35:03 Excuse me, sir.00:35:11 我们收到了瓦肯的求救信号

00:35:11 We've received a distress call from Vulcan.00:35:13 由于我们的主舰队 在劳伦森星系执勤

00:35:13 With our primary fleet engaged in the Laurentian system, 00:35:16 我在此要求所有学员马上到第一库区报道 散会

00:35:16 I hereby order all cadets to report to Hangar One immediately.Dismissed.00:35:27-那尖耳的混蛋是谁?-不认识,但我喜欢他

00:35:27-Who was that pointy-eared bastard?-I don't know, but I like him.00:35:36 弗吉曼,“一号常规”号 杰拉切,星舰法拉格号 00:35:36 Fugeman, Regula One!Gerace, U.S.S.Farragut!00:35:39 麦考伊,星舰企业号 麦格拉思,星舰沃尔科特号 00:35:39 McCoy, U.S.S.Enterprise!McGrath, U.S.S.Wolcott!00:35:42 雷德,星舰胡德号 欢迎来到星际舰队,一路顺风 00:35:42 Rader, U.S.S.Hood.Welcome to Starfleet, and Godspeed.00:35:48 他没叫到我的名字 00:35:48 He didn't call my name.00:35:51 指挥官?先生,你没叫到我名字 我是柯克,詹姆斯·T 00:35:51 Commander? Sir, you didn't call my name.Kirk, James T.00:35:56 柯克,你还在学术审查阶段

00:35:56 Kirk, you're on academic suspension.00:35:57 所以你只能留在地面 直至委员会作出裁决

00:35:57 That means you're grounded until the Academy Board rules.00:36:00 好了,听着!我只念这些名单一遍 只有一遍

00:36:00 All right, listen up!I'm gonna read this list one time, and one time only!00:36:04 吉姆,委员会会网开一面的 大概吧

00:36:04 Jim, the Board will rule in your favor.Most likely.00:36:10-听着,吉姆,我要走了-好吧 00:36:10-Look, Jim, I gotta go.-Yeah.00:36:14 好,去吧,注意安全 00:36:14 Yeah, you go.Be safe.00:36:23-让开一下-嗯,好的,当然 00:36:23-Excuse me.-Yeah.Yeah.Sure.00:36:30 该死 00:36:30 Damn it.00:36:34-跟我来-星舰牛顿号,乌胡拉,星舰法拉格号

00:36:34-Come with me.-U.S.S.Newton!Uhura, U.S.S.Farragut!00:36:38 彼得罗夫斯基,星舰安塔里斯号 各就位,祝大家好运 00:36:38 Petrovsky, U.S.S.Antares!Go to your stations and good luck.00:36:45-老骨头,我们去哪?-待会就知道 00:36:45-Bones, where are we going?-You'll see.00:36:50-指挥官,能说句话么?-当然,中尉? 00:36:50-Commander, a word?-Yes, Lieutenant? 00:36:51-我不算是你最优秀的学生么?-你当然是

00:36:51-Was I not one of your top students?-Indeed you were.00:36:54 我难道没有在多种情况下„

00:36:54 And did I not on multiple occasions demonstrate 00:36:56 „展示出超强的听感 并在子空间传输测试中获得„ 00:36:56 an exceptional aural sensitivity and, I quote, 00:36:59 „“无双的辨别音域异常情况的能力”„

00:36:59 ”an unparalleled ability to identify sonic anomalies“ 00:37:02-„的赞扬么?-你当然是

00:37:02-in subspace transmissions tests?-Consistently, yes.00:37:05 我想你也知道我是有资格 并非常想

00:37:05 And while you were well aware that my unqualified desire 00:37:07 在星舰企业号服役的 但我却被指派到了法拉格号?

00:37:07 is to serve on the U.S.S.Enterprise, I'm assigned to the Farragut? 00:37:10 这是为了防止别人认为我有失公允

00:37:10 It was an attempt to avoid the appearance of favoritism.00:37:14 不,我已被分配到企业号

00:37:14 No.I'm assigned to the Enterprise.00:37:20-好吧,我想你是的-谢谢

00:37:20-Yes, I believe you are.-Thank you.00:37:23-你要做什么?-我在帮你忙

00:37:23-What are you doing?-I'm doing you a favor.00:37:26 我不能把你一个人 可怜兮兮地留在这里

00:37:26 I couldn't just leave you there, looking all pathetic.00:37:27 坐下,我要给你打个 预防梅尔维尔病毒„

00:37:27 Take a seat.I'm gonna give you a vaccine against viral infection 00:37:31-„感染的疫苗-为什么?

00:37:31-from Melvaran mud fleas.-What for? 00:37:35-让你得点病症-你说什么?

00:37:35-To give you the symptoms.-What are you talking about? 00:37:37 你的左眼一会儿会失明 00:37:37 You're gonna start to lose vision in your left eye.00:37:39 是吧,已经失明了 00:37:39 Yeah, I already have.00:37:41 哦,还有你头会很痛 还会拼命流汗

00:37:41 Oh, and you're gonna get a really bad headache and a flop sweat.00:37:43-你把这个叫做帮忙?-是的,你欠我人情了 00:37:43-You call this a favor?-Yeah.You owe me one.00:37:48 柯克,詹姆斯·T,他不能上企业号

00:37:48 Kirk, James T.He is not cleared for duty aboard the Enterprise.00:37:53 医疗法则上说„

00:37:53 Medical code states the treatment 00:37:54 „病人的治疗和转移是由„

00:37:54 and transport of a patient is to be determined 00:37:56 „他的现任主治医师决定的,也就是我

00:37:56 at the discretion of his attending physician, which is me.00:38:00 所以我得带上柯克登船

00:38:00 So I'm taking Mr.Kirk aboard.00:38:01 不然请你去跟派克舰长解释„

00:38:01 Or would you like to explain to Captain Pike 00:38:04 为什么在这个紧急关头„

00:38:04 why the Enterprise warped into a crisis 00:38:06 „舰船上却没有资深医疗官?

00:38:06 without one of its senior medical officers? 00:38:09-你请便-你也请便,走

00:38:09-As you were.-As you were.Come on.00:38:30-我可能要吐在你身上了-吉姆,你得看看这个

00:38:30-I might throw up on you.-Jim, you've got to look at this.00:38:35-吉姆,看看-什么? 00:38:35-Jim, look.-What? 00:38:36 看 00:38:36 Look.00:39:07(联邦星际战舰企业号)


00:39:34-We need to get you changed.-I don't feel right.I feel like I'm leaking.00:39:38 糟糕,是那个尖耳混蛋

00:39:38 Hell, it's that pointy-eared bastard.00:39:58-史巴克先生-舰长 00:39:58-Mr.Spock.-Captain.00:40:01-工程部报告说可以起飞了-谢谢

00:40:01-Engineering reports ready for launch.-Thank you.00:40:04 女士们先生们 这是这艘最新旗舰的处女航

00:40:04 Ladies and gentlemen, the maiden voyage of our newest flagship 00:40:06 今天本该大肆庆祝一番的

00:40:06 deserves more pomp and circumstance than we can afford today.00:40:10 而我们的平安归来就是对它最好的庆祝 开始吧

00:40:10 Her christening will just have to be our reward for a safe return.Carry on.00:40:14 所有船员注意,我是派克舰长 请做好起飞准备

00:40:14 All decks, this is Captain Pike.Prepare for immediate departure.00:40:17 舵手,打开推进器 00:40:17 Helm, thrusters.00:40:18 系泊器收回,舰长 空港控制室宣布就绪

00:40:18 Moorings retracted, Captain.Dock Control reports ready.00:40:21 推进器已点火 和太空港开始分离

00:40:21 Thrusters fired.Separating from spacedock.00:40:33 舰船已离开太空港,舰长 所有舰船已准备好曲速飞行

00:40:33 The fleet's cleared spacedock, Captain.All ships ready for warp.00:40:36-输入目标瓦肯星的坐标-遵命,舰长,目标已载入 00:40:36-Set a course for Vulcan.-Aye-aye, Captain.Course laid in.00:40:41 最大曲速,出发

00:40:41 Maximum warp.Punch it.00:41:01 中尉 舵手麦考纳去哪了?

00:41:01 Lieutenant, where is Helmsman McKenna? 00:41:03 长官,他得了肺蠕虫病 他无法工作

00:41:03 He has lungworms, sir.He couldn't report to his post.00:41:06 我是田光苏鲁 00:41:06 I'm Hikaru Sulu.00:41:07-你是个飞行员,对吗?-的确是,长官 00:41:07-And you are a pilot, right?-Very much so, sir.00:41:11 我也不知道这是出了什么问题 00:41:11 I'm not sure what's wrong here.00:41:14-是不是没放手刹?-不是,我会搞定的,我只是„ 00:41:14-Is the parking brake on?-No.I'll figure it out.I'm just...00:41:18 你把外部惯性减震器打开了吗?

00:41:18 Have you disengaged the external inertial dampener? 00:41:26-曲速飞行就绪,长官-那我们走吧 00:41:26-Ready for warp, sir.-Let's punch it.00:41:35-我们在哪?-医务室

00:41:35-Where are we?-Medical Bay.00:41:37-这样做真不值得-苦难磨砺其心智

00:41:37-This isn't worth it.-A little suffering's good for the soul.00:41:39-嗨,你怎么样-过来

00:41:39-Hi!How are you?-Come here.00:41:41-我嘴巴很痒,这样正常么?-这些症状不会持续很久的

00:41:41-My mouth is itchy.Is that normal?-Well, those symptoms won't last long.00:41:44-我来给你注射个中效镇静剂-真希望没认识你

00:41:44-I'm going to give you a mild sedative.-I wish I didn't know you.00:41:48 别这么孩子气

00:41:48 Don't be such an infant.00:41:51 这要持续多久„

00:41:51 How long is it supposed to...00:41:53 难以置信 00:41:53 Unbelievable.00:41:56-正在以最大曲速飞行,舰长-俄国小伙,你叫什么?

00:41:56-Engines at maximum warp, Captain.-Russian whiz kid, what's your name? 00:41:58-尚科?谢波夫?-契柯夫少尉,帕维尔·安德烈维奇,长官 00:41:58-Chanko? Cherpov?-Ensign Chekov, Pavel Andreievich, sir.00:42:02 好的,契柯夫,帕维尔·安德烈维奇 开始全舰任务说明通告 00:42:02 Fine, Chekov, Pavel Andreievich.Begin ship-wide mission broadcast.00:42:06 是的,先生,非常荣幸 00:42:06 Yes, sir.Happy to.00:42:08 少尉授权码,9-5-W-W-2 00:42:08 Ensign authorization code nine-five-Wictor-Wictor-two.00:42:12 授权码无法识别

00:42:12 Authorization not recognized.00:42:14 少尉授权码

00:42:14 Ensign authorization code 00:42:16 9-5-V-V-2 00:42:16 nine-five-Victor-Victor-two.00:42:21 授权码正确 00:42:23 请大家注意

00:42:23 May I have your attention, please? 00:42:26 在22:00点,遥感勘测到 中立区有异常情况

00:42:26 At 2200 hours, telemetry detected an anomaly in the Neutral Zone.00:42:32 看起来像是太空雷暴

00:42:32 What appeared to be a lightning storm in space.00:42:36 之后不久,星际舰队接收到了 瓦肯高级指挥官的求救信号

00:42:36 Soon after, Starfleet received a distress signal from the Vulcan High Command 00:42:40 说他们的星球发生了强烈的地震

00:42:40 that their planet was experiencing seismic activity.00:42:45 我们的任务是评估瓦肯星的情况

00:42:45 Our mission is to assess the condition of Vulcan 00:42:48 并在必要时协助他们疏散

00:42:48 and assist in evacuations if necessary.00:42:52 我们将在3分钟后达到瓦肯 谢谢大家

00:42:52 We should be arriving at Vulcan within three minutes.Thank you for your time.00:42:59-雷暴-吉姆,你醒了,感觉怎样?

00:42:59-Lightning storm.-Jim, you're awake.How do you feel? 00:43:05-天呀,兄弟-怎么了? 00:43:05-Good God, man.-What? 00:43:09-这是什么回事?-疫苗的不良反应,见鬼!

00:43:09-What the hell's this?-A reaction to the vaccine, damn it!00:43:12 切贝尔护士,我要50毫升的可的松 00:43:12 Nurse Chapel, I need 50 cc's of cortisone!00:43:15 好的,长官 00:43:15 Yes, sir!00:43:18 „像是太空雷暴

00:43:18...appeared to be a lightning storm in space.00:43:21-嘿!-我们得让舰船停下来 00:43:21-Hey!-We gotta stop the ship.00:43:24 吉姆,我不是开玩笑 你得把心率降下来

00:43:24 Jim!I'm not kidding!We need to keep your heart rate down!00:43:28 电脑,告诉我船员乌胡拉的位置 00:43:28 Computer, locate crew member Uhura.00:43:30 知道不,从医学院毕业后我还没见过 对疫苗反应这么剧烈的 00:43:30 You know, I haven't seen a reaction this severe since med school.00:43:32-我们在飞向陷阱-该死的,吉姆,别动

00:43:32-We're flying into a trap!-Damn it, Jim, stand still!00:43:37 别弄了!00:43:37 Stop it!00:43:47-乌胡拉!乌胡拉„-柯克!你在这干什么? 00:43:47-Uhura!Uhura...-Kirk!What are you doing here? 00:43:49 从克林贡监狱行星发来的信息 实际上是„

00:43:49 The transmission from the Klingon prison planet.What exactly...00:43:51 哦,天呀 你的手怎么了?

00:43:51 Oh, my God, what's wrong with your hands? 00:43:53 这是„听着 谁袭击了克林贡人?

00:43:53 It's...Look, who is responsible for the Klingon attack? 00:43:55-什么?-还有舰船„

00:43:55-What?-And was the ship...00:43:56 舰船怎么了? 00:43:56 Was the ship what? 00:43:58-我的嘴怎么了?-你的舌头麻了?

00:43:58-What's happening to my mouth?-You got numb tongue? 00:44:00-舌头麻了?-我能治好的 00:44:00-Numb tongue?-I can fix that.00:44:02-什么舰船?-罗慕伦

00:44:02-Was the ship what?-Romulan.00:44:04-什么?我„-罗慕伦 00:44:04-What? I...-Romulan.00:44:06-罗慕伦?-是的 00:44:06-Romulan?-Yeah!00:44:07-是的-是吗? 00:44:07-Yes.-Yes? 00:44:09 该死!00:44:09 Damn it!00:44:44 尼禄舰长,七艘联邦战舰正在赶来 00:44:44 Prod Nero.Seven Federation ships are on their way.00:44:49-吉姆!-怎么回事? 00:44:49-Jim!-What's going on? 00:44:50-吉姆,回来-柯克!00:44:50-Jim, come back!-Kirk!00:44:51-舰长,派克舰长,长官„-吉姆,快回来!00:44:51-Captain!Captain Pike, sir...-Jim, come back here!00:44:53 „我们得停下舰船-柯克,你怎么会„ 00:44:53...we have to stop the ship!-Kirk, how the hell 00:44:55 „上到企业号来了?

00:44:55 did you get onboard the Enterprise? 00:44:56 舰长,这个人对疫苗„

00:44:56 Captain, this man's under the influence 00:44:58-„产生了严重的副作用-老骨头,拜托„

00:44:58-of a severe reaction to a vaccine.-Bones, please...00:45:00 他有非常严重的幻觉 我会负全责

00:45:00 He's completely delusional, and I take full responsibility.00:45:02 瓦肯星爆发的不是自然灾害

00:45:02 Vulcan is not experiencing a natural disaster.00:45:03 它是被罗慕伦人攻击了

00:45:03 It's being attacked by Romulans.00:45:05 罗慕伦人?柯克学员,我想 你今天已经够引人瞩目了

00:45:05 Romulans? Cadet Kirk, I think you've had enough attention for one day.00:45:08 麦考伊,带他回医疗室

00:45:08 McCoy, take him back to medical.00:45:10-我们待会再谈-遵命,舰长

00:45:10-We'll have words later.-Aye, Captain.00:45:11 听着,长官,今天我们 看到的异常状况„ 00:45:11 Look, sir, that same anomaly that we saw today...00:45:13 舰长,柯克先生不应该到战舰上来

00:45:13 Mr.Kirk is not cleared to be aboard this vessel, Captain.00:45:15-我知道,你是个很棒的吵架高手-按照规章„ 00:45:15-I get it.You're a great arguer.-By Regulations...00:45:16-我还想和你再辩论一次-„他将成为偷渡者

00:45:16-I'd love to do it again....that makes him a stowaway.00:45:18-我可以把这个学员带走„-有本事试试 00:45:18-I can remove the cadet...-Try it!00:45:19-柯克„-我是在努力拯救你们„

00:45:19-Kirk...-This cadet is trying to save the Bridge.00:45:21 在用曲速飞行前往援救任务途中 建议我们完全停下?

00:45:21 By recommending a full stop mid-warp during a rescue mission? 00:45:24 这不是一场营救任务 听我说,这是一次攻击行为 00:45:24 It's not a rescue mission.Listen to me, it's an attack.00:45:26 有什么证据? 00:45:26 Based on what facts? 00:45:29 我现在所看到的同样的异常 这个太空雷暴„

00:45:29 That same anomaly, a lightning storm in space that we saw today, 00:45:32 „在我出生那天也出现过

00:45:32 also occurred on the day of my birth, 00:45:34 就在罗慕伦的舰船攻击凯文号前

00:45:34 before a Romulan ship attacked the U.S.S.Kelvin.00:45:37 你是知道这个的,长官 我读过你的报告 00:45:37 You know that, sir, I read your dissertation.00:45:39 那艘拥有强大而先进的武器装备的舰船

00:45:39 That ship, which had formidable and advanced weaponry, 00:45:42 自那之后就从未出现过

00:45:42 was never seen or heard from again.00:45:44 凯尔文号就是在克林贡附近被攻击的

00:45:44 The Kelvin attack took place on the edge of Klingon space, 00:45:46 而在昨晚23:00时 也有一次攻击事件

00:45:46 and at 2300 hours last night, there was an attack.00:45:49 47艘克林贡战舰被罗慕伦人摧毁

00:45:49 Forty-seven Klingon warbirds destroyed by Romulans, sir, 00:45:52 而据报告说罗慕伦人就在 那艘巨大的战舰上

00:45:52 and it was reported that the Romulans were in one ship, one massive ship.00:45:56 那你是怎么知道这事的?

00:45:56 And you know of this Klingon attack how? 00:46:01 长官,是我截取并翻译了这段信息

00:46:01 Sir, I intercepted and translated the message myself.00:46:05-柯克的报告是正确的-长官,那是个陷阱

00:46:05-Kirk's report is accurate.-We're warping into a trap, sir.00:46:07 我敢断定 罗慕伦人正在等我们

00:46:07 The Romulans are waiting for us, I promise you that.00:46:11 他说得很有道理

00:46:11 The cadet's logic is sound.00:46:14 而且乌胡拉中尉十分精通语言学

00:46:14 And Lieutenant Uhura is unmatched in xenolinguistics.00:46:16 接受她的结论是明智的

00:46:16 We would be wise to accept her conclusion.00:46:18 扫描瓦肯空间 搜索罗慕伦人传输的信息

00:46:18 Scan Vulcan space.Check for any transmissions in Romulan.00:46:21 长官,我不一定能分辨瓦肯语和罗慕伦语

00:46:21 Sir, I'm not sure I can distinguish the Romulan language from Vulcan.00:46:24 你呢?你能说罗慕伦语吗? 学员„

00:46:24 What about you? Do you speak Romulan, Cadet...00:46:26 乌胡拉 我三种语言都会,长官 00:46:26 Uhura.All three dialects, sir.00:46:28-乌胡拉,接替中尉的工作-是的,长官 00:46:28-Uhura, relieve the lieutenant.-Yes, sir.00:46:31 汉尼提,呼叫星舰杜鲁门号 00:46:31 Hannity, hail the U.S.S.Truman.00:46:33 其他星舰都已离开曲速通道 并到达瓦肯

00:46:33 All the other ships are out of warp, sir, and have arrived at Vulcan, 00:46:35 但我们已经无法和他们取得联络 00:46:35 but we seem to have lost all contact.00:46:38 长官,没有发现罗慕伦的信号

00:46:38 Sir, I pick up no Romulan transmission, 00:46:41-这个区域也没有其他人发送的信号-因为他们被攻击了

00:46:41-or transmission of any kind in the area.-It's because they're being attacked.00:46:49 启动防护罩 红色警报

00:46:49 Shields up.Red alert.Shields up.Red alert.00:46:49 启动防护罩 红色警报 00:46:53 五秒钟后到达瓦肯

00:46:53 Arrival at Vulcan in five seconds.00:46:55 4,3,2„

00:46:55 Four, three, two...00:47:00-紧急躲避!-马上启动

00:47:00-Emergency evasive!-On it, sir.00:47:10-损坏报告-防护罩仍在工作

00:47:10-Damage report!-Deflector shields are holding.00:47:12 坚守岗位!工程部奥尔森,报告情况!00:47:12 All stations!Engineer Olson, report!00:47:24 全力后退 右舷90度

00:47:24 Full reverse.Come about starboard 90 degrees.00:47:26 飞到他们的下面去,苏鲁

00:47:26 Drop us down underneath them, Sulu.00:47:47 长官,还有一艘联邦星舰

00:47:47 Sir, there's another Federation ship!00:47:49-把它消灭-发射鱼雷

00:47:49-Destroy it, too.-Fire torpedoes.00:47:51 舰长,他们启动了鱼雷

00:47:51 Captain, they're locking torpedoes.00:47:52 将备用能量传送给前端防护罩

00:47:52 Divert auxiliary power from port nacelles to forward shields.00:48:03-苏鲁,报告情况-防护罩能量为32% 00:48:03-Sulu, status report.-Shields at 32%.00:48:05 他们的武器威力很强,长官 我们无法承受下一次攻击了

00:48:05 Their weapons are powerful, sir.We can't take another hit like that.00:48:08 帮我接通星舰指挥部

00:48:08 Get me Starfleet Command.00:48:09 舰长,罗慕伦舰船往瓦肯星大气层中 投放了某种„

00:48:09 Captain, the Romulan ship has lowered some kind of high-energy pulse device 00:48:12 „高能量脉冲装置

00:48:12 into the Vulcan atmosphere.00:48:13 它的信号看来阻隔了我们的通信„

00:48:13 Its signal appears to be blocking our communications 00:48:15-„传送能力-所有能量转至防护罩

00:48:15-and transporter abilities.-All power to forward shields.00:48:17 所有武器准备开火

00:48:17 Prepare to fire all weapons.00:48:23-武器准备就绪-等等!00:48:23-Weapons ready.-Wait!00:48:26-船身,放大影像-是的,长官 00:48:26-The hull.Magnify.-Yes, sir.00:48:34 舰长,对方呼叫我们

00:48:34 Captain, we're being hailed.00:48:37 你好 00:48:37 Hello.00:48:40 我是克里斯托弗·派克舰长 你是哪位?

00:48:40 I'm Captain Christopher Pike.To whom am I speaking? 00:48:43 嗨,克里斯托弗,我是尼禄 00:48:43 Hi, Christopher.I'm Nero.00:48:45 你公然攻击联邦舰队

00:48:45 You've declared war against the Federation.00:48:47 现在撤退的话,我会同意 和罗慕伦在中立区„

00:48:47 Withdraw, I'll agree to arrange a conference with Romulan leadership 00:48:50-„召开会谈-我不代表罗慕伦帝国

00:48:50-at a neutral location.-I do not speak for the Empire.00:48:54 我们是独立的 00:48:54 We stand apart.00:48:57 就如你的瓦肯人船员一样 不是吗,史巴克?

00:48:57 As does your Vulcan crew member.Isn't that right, Spock? 00:49:03 抱歉,我想我们并不认识

00:49:03 Pardon me, I do not believe that you and I are acquainted.00:49:06 是的,我们不认识,尚不 00:49:06 No, we're not.Not yet.00:49:10 史巴克,我想让你看样东西

00:49:10 Spock, there's something I would like you to see.00:49:14 派克舰长,你的传送器已经无法使用了

00:49:14 Captain Pike, your transporter has been disabled.00:49:19 你也看到了其他战舰的下场 你没得选择

00:49:19 As you can see by the rest of your armada, you have no choice.00:49:23 你要登上小艇 到纳拉达上来谈判

00:49:23 You will man a shuttle and come aboard the Narada for negotiations.00:49:28 就这样 00:49:28 That is all.00:49:38-他会杀死你的,你知道的-活着回来是不可能的 00:49:38-He'll kill you.You know that.-Your survival is unlikely.00:49:40 舰长,谈判必将劳而无获 去那船上是种错误

00:49:40 Captain, we gain nothing by diplomacy.Going over to that ship is a mistake.00:49:43 我也同意 你得重新考虑你的策略

00:49:43 I, too, agree.You should rethink your strategy.00:49:45 我知道

00:49:45 I understand that.00:49:48 我需要一位受过高级肉搏训练的船员

00:49:48 I need officers who've been trained in advanced hand-to-hand combat.00:49:51-我受过训练,长官-跟我来

00:49:51-I have training, sir.-Come with me.00:49:55 柯克,你也过来 你本就不该在这里的

00:49:55 Kirk, you, too.You're not supposed to be here anyway.00:49:57-契柯夫,你掌舵-遵命,舰长

00:49:57-Chekov, you have the conn.-Aye-aye, Captain.00:50:21 准备红物质

00:50:21 Prepare the red matter.00:50:25 是,长官 00:50:25 Yes, sir.00:51:05 没有传送器 我们无法传送出去

00:51:05 Without transporters, we can't beam off the ship, 00:51:07 我们无法帮助瓦肯 我们完成不了任务 00:51:07 we can't assist Vulcan, we can't do our job.00:51:09 柯克先生,苏鲁先生,工程师奥尔森 将从飞行器中跳下去

00:51:09 Mr.Kirk, Mr.Sulu, Engineer Olson will space-jump from the shuttle.00:51:14 你们要降落在他们钻入大气层的„

00:51:14 You will land on that machine they've lowered into the atmosphere 00:51:17 „那个扰乱我们设备的武器上 你们得进去,废了它们 00:51:17 that's scrambling our gear.You'll get inside, you'll disable it, 00:51:20 然后你们才能被传送回舰船 00:51:20 then you'll beam back to the ship.00:51:22 史巴克先生,我将企业号的指挥权授予你

00:51:22 Mr.Spock, I'm leaving you in command of the Enterprise.00:51:25 一旦我们有了传送能力和通信能力恢复

00:51:25 Once we have transport capability and communications back up, 00:51:28 你就马上向星际舰队汇报 这里的情况

00:51:28 you'll contact Starfleet and report what the hell's going on here.00:51:31 如果失败了,那就撤退 00:51:31 And if all else fails, fall back 00:51:33 把星舰撤退到劳伦星系

00:51:33 and rendezvous with the fleet in the Laurentian system.00:51:35 柯克,我提升你为大副

00:51:35 Kirk, I'm promoting you to first officer.00:51:36-什么?-舰长? 00:51:36-What?-Captain? 00:51:38 抱歉,我不能理解人类复杂的玩笑

00:51:38 Please, I apologize, the complexities of human pranks escape me.00:51:41 史巴克,这不是玩笑 而我不是舰长了,你才是

00:51:41 It's not a prank, Spock.And I'm not the Captain, you are.00:51:47 走吧 00:51:47 Let's go.00:51:51 长官,如果我们搞定了那钻头 你怎么办?

00:51:51 Sir, after we knock out that drill, what happens to you? 00:51:53 我想你们应该过来接我

00:51:53 Well, I guess you'll have to come and get me.00:51:56 照料好那艘船,史巴克 这战舰还是全新的呢 00:51:56 Careful with the ship, Spock, she's brand new.00:52:10 普瑞医生,请汇报 00:52:10 Dr.Puri, report.00:52:11 这是麦考伊 普瑞医生在六号站,他死了 00:52:11 It's McCoy.Dr.Puri was on Deck 6.He's dead.00:52:16 那么你正好代替他 担任主医疗官的职务

00:52:16 Then you have just inherited his responsibility as chief medical officer.00:52:20 好的,告诉我所不知道的

00:52:20 Yeah, tell me something I don't know.00:52:22 37号穿梭机,你可以起飞了 00:52:22 Shuttle 37, you're clear forward!00:52:25 89号穿梭机,这是星舰企业号 你可以起飞了 00:52:25 Shuttle 89, U.S.S.Enterprise, you are clear forward.00:52:28 间隔检查显示正常和稳定

00:52:28 Interval check shows positive and steady.00:52:31-带上炸药了吗?-哦,是的

00:52:31-You got the charges, right?-Oh, yeah.00:52:33 早想给罗慕伦混蛋点颜色瞧瞧了 是吧? 00:52:33 I can't wait to kick some Romulan ass.Right? 00:52:36-是的-当然是 00:52:36-Yeah.-Hell, yeah.00:52:42 太空梭操纵员,我们现在 建议你打开防护罩

00:52:42 Shuttle command, we advise you activate your shields now.00:52:58 那你以前受过哪些格斗训练?

00:52:58 So what kind of combat training do you have? 00:53:00 击剑 00:53:00 Fencing.00:53:05 准备跳伞 00:53:05 Pre-jump.00:53:10 太空梭机长,你已经离开 企业号空域了

00:53:10 Shuttle commander, you are clear from U.S.S.Enterprise airspace.00:53:20 先生们,马上到达跳伞点了

00:53:20 Gentlemen, we're approaching the drop zone.00:53:22 我们只有一个机会 落在那个平台上 00:53:22 We have one shot to land on that platform.00:53:25 他们可能有防备 所以别急着拉开降落伞

00:53:25 They may have defenses, so pull your chute as late as possible.00:53:29 3、2、1 00:53:29 Three, two, one.00:53:33 记住,如果不把那钻头打掉

00:53:33 Remember, the Enterprise won't be able to beam you back 00:53:35 企业号就无法把你们传送回去 00:53:35 until you turn off that drill.00:53:39 祝你们好运 00:53:39 Good luck.00:54:02 长官,行动小组正在进入大气层

00:54:02 Away team is entering the atmosphere, sir.00:54:05 两万米

00:54:05 Twenty thousand meters.00:54:31 离平台还有5800米

00:54:31 Approaching the platform at 5,800 meters.00:54:33 柯克呼叫企业号 离目标还有5000米

00:54:33 Kirk to Enterprise.Distance to target, 5,000 meters.00:54:40 距离平台4600米

00:54:40 Forty-six hundred meters from the platform.00:54:42 距离目标4500米

00:54:42 Forty-five hundred meters to target.00:54:45 4000米

00:54:45 Four thousand meters.00:54:47-3千米-3千米

00:54:47-Three thousand meters.-Three thousand meters.00:54:49-2千米-打开降落伞

00:54:49-Two thousand meters.-Pulling chute.00:54:57-2千米-打开降落伞,奥尔森

00:54:57-Two thousand meters!-Come on, pull your chute, Olson!00:55:01 不,再等等,1500米

00:55:01 No, not yet!Not yet!1,500 meters!00:55:04-奥尔森,打开降落伞-奥尔森打开降落伞 00:55:04-Olson, open your chute!-Olson, pull your chute!00:55:07 1千米

00:55:07 One thousand meters!00:55:14 不 00:55:14 No!00:55:21 奥尔森!00:55:21 Olson!00:55:24 奥尔森不见了,长官 00:55:24 Olson is gone, sir!00:55:45 柯克已经着陆,长官 00:55:45 Kirk has landed, sir.00:57:51 把手给我,快!

00:57:51 Give me your hand!Come on.00:58:00 炸药在奥尔森身上 00:58:00 Olson had the charges.00:58:02 我知道 00:58:02 I know.00:58:06-我们怎么做?-这样 00:58:06-What do we do?-This.00:58:21 干扰信号消失了 传送能力重新建立

00:58:21 The jamming signal's gone.Transport abilities are reestablished.00:58:24-长官,传送控制器已就绪-契柯夫,打开重力传感器

00:58:24-Transporter control is reengaged, sir.-Chekov, run gravitational sensors.00:58:28 我想知道他们对星球到底做了什么

00:58:28 I want to know what they are doing to the planet.00:58:29 遵命,指挥官 舰长,对不起,舰长 00:58:29 Aye, Commander.Captain.Sorry.Captain.00:58:37 钻头已经被破坏了,长官 但我们已经钻到星球内核了

00:58:37 The drill's been sabotaged, sir, but we have reached the planet's core.00:58:40 发射红物质

00:58:40 Launch the red matter.00:58:57 柯克呼叫企业号 他们刚向钻头钻出的孔„

00:58:57 Kirk to Enterprise.They just launched something at the planet 00:59:00 „发射了什么物质

00:59:00 through the hole they just drilled.00:59:02-收到了吗,企业号?-是的,长官 00:59:02-Do you copy, Enterprise?-Yes, sir.00:59:04-分析数据-传送器已经可以操作

00:59:04-Analyzing data now.-Transporter is now operational.00:59:05 舰长,重力感应器的读数 已经超出读数范围 00:59:05 Captain, gravitational sensors are off the scale.00:59:08 如果我的计算没有错误的话 00:59:08 If my calculations are correct, 00:59:10 他们正在制作一个奇点 这个奇点将吞噬整个星球 00:59:10 they're creating a singularity that will consume the planet.00:59:18 他们在瓦肯星中心制造了黑洞?

00:59:18 They're creating a black hole at the center of Vulcan? 00:59:21-是的,长官-这个星球还剩多少时间? 00:59:21-Yes, sir.-How long does the planet have? 00:59:26 几分钟,长官,只有几分钟 00:59:26 Minutes, sir.Minutes.00:59:29 警告瓦肯星指挥中心 全频道通知星球上的人„

00:59:29 Alert Vulcan Command Center to signal a planet-wide evacuation, 00:59:32-„全面疏散-史巴克,等等!

00:59:32-all channels, all frequencies.-Spock, wait!00:59:33-保持标准环绕轨道-是的,长官 00:59:33-Maintain standard orbit.-Yes, sir.00:59:35-你要去哪?-去疏散瓦肯人高级议会

00:59:35-Where are you going?-To evacuate the Vulcan High Council.00:59:37 他们的职责是保护我们的文明历史

00:59:37 They are tasked with protecting our cultural history.00:59:39-我的父母也在那里-不能用传送他们过来么?

00:59:39-My parents will be among them.-Can't you beam them out? 00:59:41 不行 他们在卡提克神龛

00:59:41 It is impossible.They will be in the katric ark.00:59:44 我得亲自过去

00:59:44 I must get them myself.00:59:46-契柯夫,你接手舵手-遵命 00:59:46-Chekov, you have the conn.-Aye.00:59:52-柯克呼叫企业号!把我们传送回去-待命,正锁定你们的信号

00:59:52-Kirk to Enterprise!Beam us out of here!-Stand by.Locking on your signal.00:59:56-收回钻头,我们出发-是,长官,回收!

00:59:56-Retract the drill.Let's move out.-Yes, sir.Pull it up!01:00:03 我无法锁定你们 别动,别动!

01:00:03 I can't lock on to you.Don't move.Don't move!01:00:06-柯克!-苏鲁!01:00:06-Kirk!-Sulu!01:00:15 苏鲁!01:00:15 Sulu!01:00:19 撑住 01:00:19 Hold on!01:00:23 抓到你了!现在拉开我的降落伞 01:00:23 I got you!Now pull my chute!01:00:32 柯克呼叫企业号 我们没有降落伞在下降!把我们传送回去!01:00:32 Kirk to Enterprise!We're falling without a chute!Beam us up!01:00:37-我在努力,我无法锁定你们的信号-把我们传送回去 01:00:37-I'm trying.I can't lock on to your signal.-Beam us up!01:00:39-你们移动地太快了-传送回去

01:00:39-You're moving too fast.-Beam us up!01:00:41 我能做到,我能做到!01:00:41 I can do that.I can do that!01:00:44-控制好舰船-是,长官 01:00:44-Take the conn!-Aye, sir.01:00:46 黑洞正在扩大

01:00:46 The black hole's expanding.01:00:47 如果不马上离开 我们将无法撤离到最小安全距离

01:00:47 We won't reach minimum safe distance if we don't leave immediately.01:00:51 让开!让开!让开!

01:00:51 Move, move, move, move, move!01:00:53 我能做到!我能做到!让开,让开,让开

01:00:53 I can do that!I can do that!Move, move, move, move!01:00:55 快,给我手动控制!我能锁定

01:00:55 Quick, give me manual control!I can lock on!01:00:58 把我们传送回去 01:00:58 Beam us up!01:01:01 企业号,你在哪里? 01:01:01 Enterprise, where are you? 01:01:03 撑住,撑住,撑住!01:01:03 Hold on, hold on, hold on!01:01:04 现在,现在,现在!快点

01:01:04 Now, now, now!Do it now!Now, now, now, now!01:01:08 好的,好的,好的!撑住!撑住!补偿重力,还有„

01:01:08 Okay, okay, okay!Hold on!Hold on!Compensating gravitational pull, and...01:01:18 抓到你们了!01:01:18 Gotcha!01:01:29-谢谢-不客气

01:01:29-Thanks.-No problem.01:01:34 你们走开 我要到地面去

01:01:34 Clear the pad.I'm beaming to the surface.01:01:38 什么地面?

01:01:38 The surface of what? 01:01:40 什么,你要到下面去? 你疯了吗?

01:01:40 What, are you going down there? Are you nuts? 01:01:43 史巴克,你不能这样做 01:01:43 Spock, you can't do that!01:01:44-通电-史巴克!01:01:44-Energize.-Spock!01:02:25-史巴克!-星球马上就要没了

01:02:25-Spock!-The planet has only seconds left.01:02:27 我们必须撤离 01:02:27 We must evacuate.01:02:29 妈妈,现在就走!01:02:29 Mother, now!01:02:53-史巴克呼叫企业号,马上带我们走-锁定体积

01:02:53-Spock to Enterprise.Get us out now.-Locking volume.01:02:55 别动,呆在原地

01:02:55 Don't move.Stay right where you are.01:03:04 即将传送 5,4,3,2„

01:03:04 Transport in five, four, three, two...01:03:11-妈妈!-我找不到她了!01:03:11-Mother!-I'm losing her!01:03:13 我找不到她了!我找不到她了!01:03:13 I'm losing her!I'm losing her!01:03:14 不!她不见了,她不见了 01:03:14 No!I lost her.I lost her.01:04:13 代理舰长日志,星历2258.42 01:04:13 Acting Captain's Log, Stardate 2258.42.01:04:18 派克舰长依然没有消息

01:04:18 We have had no word from Captain Pike.01:04:22 因此我宣布„

01:04:22 I have therefore classified him 01:04:24 „他已成为名叫尼禄的战犯的人质

01:04:24 a hostage of the war criminal known as Nero.01:04:27 尼禄,他摧毁了我的母星„

01:04:27 Nero, who has destroyed my home planet 01:04:29 „和上面6百万居民中的绝大部分 01:04:29 and most of its six billion inhabitants.01:04:33 然而我们文明的精华幸存了下来

01:04:33 While the essence of our culture has been saved 01:04:36 留存在现在驻留于这艘飞船上的长者当中 01:04:36 in the elders who now reside upon this ship, 01:04:40 我推测只有不超过1万名幸存者

01:04:40 I estimate no more than 10,000 have survived.01:04:47 我现在是一个濒危种族中的一分子了

01:04:47 I am now a member of an endangered species.01:05:17 我很遗憾 01:05:17 I'm sorry.01:05:21 我很遗憾 01:05:21 I'm sorry.01:05:24 我很遗憾 01:05:24 I'm so sorry.01:05:40 你需要什么?就告诉我 01:05:40 What do you need? Tell me.01:05:43 告诉我 01:05:43 Tell me.01:05:52 我需要每个人继续好好工作

01:05:52 I need everyone to continue performing admirably.01:06:05 好的 01:06:05 Okay.01:06:25 你一定有很多问题要问我

01:06:25 You must have a lot of questions for me.01:06:29 我只有一个问题问你 01:06:29 I only have one for you.01:06:32 我需要星际舰队边境防御网的 子空间密码

01:06:32 I need the subspace frequencies of Starfleet's border protection grids, 01:06:37 特别是地球周围的那些

01:06:37 specifically those surrounding Earth.01:06:41 克里斯托弗,回答我的问题 01:06:41 Christopher, answer my question.01:06:45 不,而你要为对一个安宁的行星犯下的„

01:06:45 No, you answer for the genocide you just committed 01:06:47-„种族屠杀罪行负责-不,我防止了种族屠杀 01:06:47-against a peaceful planet.-No, I prevented genocide.01:06:53 在我的时间,我来的地方 这只是一艘采矿船

01:06:53 In my time, where I come from, this is a simple mining vessel.01:06:58 我选择去做一个正直的劳动者 01:06:58 I chose a life of honest labor 01:07:01 来养活我自己和我那要为我生儿育女的妻子

01:07:01 to provide for myself and the wife who was expecting my child.01:07:06 我当时不在那星球上,我要工作 而星际联邦却袖手旁观„ 01:07:06 I was off planet, doing my job while your Federation did nothing 01:07:11 „看着我的人民在他们的星球四分五裂时 被活活烧死 01:07:11 and allowed my people to burn while their planet broke in half.01:07:14 而史巴克,他并没有帮助我们 他背叛了我们!01:07:14 And Spock, he didn't help us.He betrayed us!01:07:17 不对,你搞错了 01:07:17 No, you're confused.01:07:19 你们的情报有误,罗慕伦并没有被摧毁

01:07:19 You've been misinformed.Romulus hasn't been destroyed.01:07:21 他现在就在那里

01:07:21 It's out there right now.01:07:23 你在向联邦为一件没有发生的事情问责

01:07:23 You're blaming the Federation for something that hasn't happened.01:07:25 它发生了!我看着它发生的!

01:07:25 It has happened!I watched it happen!01:07:27 我亲眼看见的!别告诉我这事没发生过!01:07:27 I saw it happen!Don't tell me it didn't happen!01:07:34 当我失去她的时候,我对自己发誓要报仇

01:07:34 And when I lost her, I promised myself retribution.01:07:39 我用了25年来计划这针对联邦的复仇

01:07:39 And for 25 years I planned my revenge against the Federation, 01:07:43 早已忘却正常生活的滋味

01:07:43 and forgot what it was like to live a normal life.01:07:47 但我没有遗忘那痛苦

01:07:47 But I did not forget the pain.01:07:51 而这痛苦是所有幸存的瓦肯人共有的

01:07:51 It's a pain that every surviving Vulcan now shares.01:07:56 我的目的,克里斯托弗 01:07:56 My purpose, Christopher, 01:07:58 并不是简单的为了避免我深爱的家乡的毁灭

01:07:58 is to not simply avoid the destruction of the home that I love, 01:08:04 而是为了创造一个脱离联邦而自由的罗慕伦

01:08:04 but to create a Romulus that exists free of the Federation.01:08:11 你看,只有这样她才能被真正地拯救 01:08:11 You see, only then will she be truly saved.01:08:15 这就是为什么我要毁掉联邦剩下的所有行星

01:08:15 That is why I will destroy all the remaining Federation planets, 01:08:20 先从你的开始 01:08:20 starting with yours.01:08:23 那我们就没有什么可谈的了

01:08:23 Then we have nothing left to discuss.01:08:29 你会给我关闭地球防御网的密码的

01:08:29 You will give me the frequencies to disable Earth's defenses.01:08:35 半人马蛞蝓 01:08:35 Centaurian slugs.01:08:38 它们会附着在你的脑干上

01:08:38 They latch on to your brain stem 01:08:41 放出一种会让你回答任何问题的毒素

01:08:41 and release a toxin that will force you to answer.01:08:46 请告诉我密码,长官 01:08:46 Frequencies, please, sir.01:08:48 克里斯托弗·派克,联邦星舰企业号舰长 01:08:48 Christopher Pike, Captain, U.S.S.Enterprise...01:08:51 如你所愿 01:08:51 As you wish.01:09:00 你是否已确定尼禄正朝地球进发?

01:09:00 Have you confirmed that Nero is headed for Earth? 01:09:02 他们的航行轨道只能指向这个目的地,舰长

01:09:02 Their trajectory suggests no other destination, Captain.01:09:05-谢谢,中尉-地球可能是他的下一个目的地 01:09:05-Thank you, Lieutenant.-Earth may be his next stop, 01:09:08 但我们必须假定联邦的每一个行星都是目标

01:09:08 but we have to assume every Federation planet's a target.01:09:10 别坐那椅子 01:09:10 Out of the chair.01:09:12 那么,如果目标是联邦 为什么不杀了我们?

01:09:12 Well, if the Federation is a target, why didn't they destroy us? 01:09:16 为什么会?为什么要浪费弹药? 明显我们不是威胁

01:09:16 Why would they? Why waste a weapon? We obviously weren't a threat.01:09:19 不是这么回事 01:09:19 That is not it.01:09:21 他说过要我亲眼看些什么

01:09:21 He said he wanted me to see something, 01:09:22 看我母星的毁灭

01:09:22 the destruction of my home planet.01:09:24 他到底怎么做到的,我得问问?

01:09:24 How the hell did they do that, by the way? 01:09:26 我说,那帮罗慕伦人怎么弄到这种武器的?

01:09:26 I mean, where did the Romulans get that kind of weaponry? 01:09:28 如果能在工程学上理解„

01:09:28 The engineering comprehension necessary 01:09:30 „如何去制造一个黑洞,就能给我们答案

01:09:30 to artificially create a black hole may suggest an answer.01:09:34 这样的科技可以在理论上用来„

01:09:34 Such technology could theoretically be manipulated 01:09:36 „制造一个时空隧道

01:09:36 to create a tunnel through space-time.01:09:38 该死,老兄,我是医生,不是物理学家 01:09:38 Damn it, man, I'm a doctor, not a physicist.01:09:40 你这是在暗示他们来自于未来吗?

01:09:40 Are you actually suggesting they're from the future? 01:09:42 如果你排除了不可能性 不管剩下什么,可能性多小„

01:09:42 If you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, 01:09:45-„一定就是答案-真有诗意 01:09:45-must be the truth.-How poetic.01:09:47 那么这个来自未来的愤怒的罗慕伦人 要派克舰长干什么? 01:09:47 Then what would an angry future Romulan want with Captain Pike? 01:09:51 作为舰长,他必然知道 星际舰队防御网的底细

01:09:51 As Captain, he does know details of Starfleet's defenses.01:09:54 我们需要做的就是追上那艘飞船

01:09:54 What we need to do is catch up to that ship, 01:09:56 关闭它,夺过来,并且救回派克

01:09:56 disable it, take it over and get Pike back.01:09:58 总之我们的在技术上就不是对手

01:09:58 We are technologically outmatched in every way.01:10:00 尝试去营救不符合逻辑

01:10:00 A rescue attempt would be illogical.01:10:02 尼禄的飞船不得不在我们赶上他们的时候 退出曲速航行

01:10:02 Nero's ship would have to drop out of warp for us to overtake them.01:10:05 那如何安排工程人员„

01:10:05 Then what about assigning engineering crews 01:10:07-„去尝试加大我们的曲速飞行距离呢?-现存的船员正在维修„ 01:10:07-to try and boost our warp yield?-Remaining crew are repairing 01:10:10-„低层船舱上的辐射泄漏„-好了!好了!

01:10:10-radiation leaks on the lower decks...-Okay!All right!01:10:12 „以及损坏的子空间通信设备,没有这个„

01:10:12...and damage to subspace communications, without which 01:10:13-„我们就无法联系星际舰队-肯定有某种办法„

01:10:13-we cannot contact Starfleet.-There's got to be some way...01:10:15 我们必须和其他的星舰汇合

01:10:15 We must gather with the rest of Starfleet 01:10:18 „让我们的下一次交战能够势均力敌 01:10:18 to balance the terms of the next engagement.01:10:20 那就没有下一次的交战了

01:10:20 There won't be a next engagement.01:10:21 到我们和舰队汇合的时候,就太晚了 01:10:21 By the time we've gathered, it'll be too late.01:10:24 但你说过他是来自未来的 知道将要发生的事?

01:10:24 But you say he's from the future, knows what's gonna happen? 01:10:27 那么合理的做法就应该是出其不意

01:10:27 Then the logical thing is to be unpredictable.01:10:29 你在假设尼禄知道将要发生的事情

01:10:29 You're assuming that Nero knows how events are predicted to unfold.01:10:33 那么相反地,尼禄的这次出现 已经影响了历史的进程

01:10:33 The contrary, Nero's very presence has altered the flow of history, 01:10:35 从袭击星舰凯尔文开始„

01:10:35 beginning with the attack on the U.S.S.Kelvin, 01:10:37 „一直到今天的事件

01:10:37 culminating in the events of today, 01:10:38 因而产生了一系列无法被„

01:10:38 thereby creating an entire new chain of incidents 01:10:41 „任何一方预料的新事件

01:10:41 that cannot be anticipated by either party.01:10:44 被替换的宇宙(平行宇宙假说)01:10:44 An alternate reality.01:10:46 没错 01:10:46 Precisely.01:10:48 不管我们之前的经历如何 如果时空连续性被破坏„

01:10:48 Whatever our lives might have been, if the time continuum was disrupted, 01:10:53 „我们随后的命运也将改变 01:10:53 our destinies have changed.01:10:55 苏鲁先生,标绘出往劳伦森星系的航线 3级曲速

01:10:55 Mr.Sulu, plot a course for the Laurentian system, warp factor 3.01:10:57 史巴克,别这么做 01:10:57 Spock, don't do that.01:10:59 飞回去和舰队其他的人开大会 是在浪费大量的时间

01:10:59 Running back to the rest of the fleet for a confab is a massive waste of time.01:11:03 这是派克舰长在离开飞船时发布的命令

01:11:03 These are the orders issued by Captain Pike when he left the ship.01:11:05 他也命令我们回去救他

01:11:05 He also ordered us to go back and get him.01:11:07 史巴克,你现在是舰长,你必须要作出„ 01:11:07 Spock, you are Captain now.You have to make...01:11:08 我十分明白我的职责,柯克先生

01:11:08 I am aware of my responsibilities, Mr.Kirk.01:11:10 我们每浪费一秒钟 尼禄就离他的下一个目标更近一步 01:11:10 Every second we waste, Nero's getting closer to his next target.01:11:12 说得没错,所以我命令你接受„

01:11:12 That is correct, and why I'm instructing you to accept the fact 01:11:14-„只有我在发号施令的现实-我不会允许你往回飞„

01:11:14-that I alone am in command.-I will not allow us to go backwards...01:11:17-吉姆,他才是舰长!-„去逃避这个难题 01:11:17-Jim, he's the Captain!...away from the problem, 01:11:19-而不是去追上尼禄!-保安,把他赶出去

01:11:19-instead of hunting Nero down!-Security, escort him out.01:11:29-嘿!-够了,吉姆!01:11:29-Hey!-Enough, Jim!01:11:38 让他离开这艘飞船 01:11:38 Get him off this ship.01:12:00-电脑,我在哪儿?-地点,织女三

01:12:00-Computer, where am I?-Location, Delta Vega.01:12:03 M级行星,不安全(地球也是M级)01:12:03 Class-M planet.Unsafe.01:12:05 西北方14公里处有一座星际舰队哨站

01:12:05 There is a Starfleet outpost 14 kilometers to the northwest.01:12:09 请留在舱内„ 01:12:09 Remain in your pod 01:12:10-„直到星际舰队授权回收-你不是开玩笑吧

01:12:10-until retrieved by Starfleet authorities.-You gotta be kidding me.01:12:55 星历2258.42 01:12:55 Stardate 2258.42.01:12:59 还是44,随便 01:12:59 Or 44.Whatever.01:13:03 代理舰长史巴克把我驱逐到了第三织女星

01:13:03 Acting Captain Spock has marooned me on Delta Vega, 01:13:07 为此我相信他违反了安保协议49.09条

01:13:07 in what I believe to be a violation of Security Protocol 49.09 01:13:11 强迫犯人接受被驱逐到一个星球上的待遇

01:13:11 governing the treatment of prisoners aboard a star...01:15:21(这位实际上就是星际迷航最早几部电影中 史巴克的演员)01:15:24 詹姆斯·T·柯克 01:15:24 James T.Kirk.01:15:28-你说什么?-你怎么找到我的? 01:15:28-Excuse me?-How did you find me? 01:15:33 你怎么知道我名字的? 01:15:33 How do you know my name? 01:15:36 我曾是也将一直是你的朋友

01:15:36 I have been and always shall be your friend.01:15:44-听着,我不认识你-我是史巴克 01:15:44-Look, I don't know you.-I am Spock.01:15:53 屁话 01:15:53 Bullshit.01:15:54 再次见到你真是十分高兴,老朋友

01:15:54 It is remarkably pleasing to see you again, old friend.01:15:58 特别是在今天发生的事情之后 01:15:58 Especially after the events of today.01:16:02 先生,我很感激你今天为我做的事

01:16:02 Sir, I appreciate what you did for me today, 01:16:04 但如果你是史巴克 你应该知道我们不是朋友,根本不是 01:16:04 but if you were Spock, you'd know we're not friends.At all.01:16:08 你讨厌我,我因为违抗命令被你驱逐到这儿 01:16:08 You hate me.You marooned me here for mutiny.01:16:11-违抗命令?-是的 01:16:11-Mutiny?-Yes.01:16:13 你不是舰长?

01:16:13 You are not the captain? 01:16:18 不,不,你是舰长 派克被抓去当人质了

01:16:18 No, no, you're the captain.Pike was taken hostage.01:16:25 尼禄抓的 01:16:25 By Nero.01:16:32 你对他了解多少?

01:16:32 What do you know about him? 01:16:35 他是一个十分麻烦的罗慕伦人

01:16:35 He is a particularly troubled Romulan.01:16:38-请你允许我,这样会简单些-你要干什么?

01:16:38-Please, allow me.It will be easier.-What are you doing? 01:16:44 我们的意识,会交汇成一体 01:16:44 Our minds, one and together.01:16:49 129年之后„

01:16:49 One hundred twenty-nine years from now, 01:16:52 一颗恒星将会爆炸 进而可能会毁掉整个银河系 01:16:52 a star will explode and threaten to destroy the galaxy.01:16:57 那就是我来的地方,吉姆,未来 01:16:57 That is where I'm from, Jim, the future.01:17:05 一颗恒星超新星爆发,吞噬着它经过的一切

01:17:05 A star went supernova, consuming everything in its path.01:17:12 我向罗慕伦人承诺,我会挽救他们的星球 01:17:12 I promised the Romulans that I would save their planet.01:17:21 我们配备上了最快的飞船 01:17:21 We outfitted our fastest ship.01:17:24 用红物质,我可以制造一个黑洞

01:17:24 Using red matter, I would create a black hole 01:17:27 那会吸收掉那颗正在爆炸的恒星 01:17:27 which would absorb the exploding star.01:17:31 我当时正在途中,意想不到的事情发生了 01:17:31 I was en route, when the unthinkable happened.01:17:35 那超新星摧毁了罗慕伦星

01:17:35 The supernova destroyed Romulus.01:17:44 我没有时间了 01:17:44 I had little time.01:17:48 我必须吸取出红物质 并将它射向那颗超新星

01:17:48 I had to extract the red matter and shoot it into the supernova.01:18:09 当我启程返航时,我被拦截了下来

01:18:09 As I began my return trip, I was intercepted.01:18:12-他自称叫尼禄-罗慕伦帝国的最后子民

01:18:12 He called himself Nero, last of the Romulan Empire.01:18:16 当我尝试逃跑时,我们俩同时被拉进了黑洞

01:18:16 In my attempt to escape, both of us were pulled into the black hole.01:18:28 尼禄首先通过,他是第一个到达的

01:18:28 Nero went through first.He was the first to arrive.01:18:38 尼禄和他的船员们用了25年来等待我的到来

01:18:38 Nero and his crew spent the next 25 years awaiting my arrival.01:18:42 但尼禄等待的这些年„ 01:18:42 But what was years for Nero 01:18:46 对我而言只是几秒

01:18:46 was only seconds for me.01:18:49 当我穿过黑洞时„

01:18:49 I went through the black hole.01:18:53 尼禄正在等着我

01:18:53 Nero was waiting for me.01:19:02 他认为我该为他所失去的世界负责

01:19:02 He held me responsible for the loss of his world.01:19:07 他扣留了我的飞船,并留下我的性命 01:19:07 He captured my vessel and spared my life, 01:19:11 只为了一个原因 01:19:11 for one reason.01:19:13 这样我就会了解他的痛苦 01:19:13 So that I would know his pain.01:19:17 他把我传送到这里好让我目睹他的复仇

01:19:17 He beamed me here so that I could observe his vengeance.01:19:23 正如他无能为力去拯救他的星球 01:19:23 As he was helpless to save his planet, 01:19:26 我也无能为力去救我的星球 01:19:26 I would be helpless to save mine.01:19:32 几十亿的生命因为我而消逝,吉姆 01:19:32 Billions of lives lost because of me, Jim.01:19:37 因为我失败了 01:19:37 Because I failed.01:19:42 原谅我,情感转移是意识交汇的的副作用

01:19:42 Forgive me.Emotional transference is an effect of the mind-meld.01:19:53-那么说你也有情感-是的 01:19:53-So you do feel.-Yes.01:19:57 穿梭时空到过去,你改变了我们的生活 01:19:57 Going back in time, you changed all our lives.01:20:00 吉姆,我们该走了 01:20:00 Jim, we must go.01:20:04 离这儿不远有个星际舰队的哨站

01:20:04 There is a Starfleet outpost not far from here.01:20:08 等等,在你来的时空里„ 01:20:08 Wait.Where you came from, 01:20:14 „我认识我的父亲吗? 01:20:14 did I know my father? 01:20:17 是的 01:20:17 Yes.01:20:19 你经常说起他是你加入星际舰队的动机

01:20:19 You often spoke of him as being your inspiration for joining Starfleet.01:20:23 他骄傲地活着,看着你成为企业号的舰长

01:20:23 He proudly lived to see you become Captain of the Enterprise.01:20:28 舰长? 01:20:28 Captain? 01:20:29 我们必须尽快地把你送回那艘飞船

01:20:29 A ship we must return you to as soon as possible.01:20:40-3级曲速,长官-目标1-5-1,标签3 01:20:40-Warp 3, sir.-Course 1-5-1, mark 3.01:20:43-劳伦森星系,长官-谢谢,先生们

01:20:43-Laurentian system, sir.-Thank you, gentlemen.01:20:46-你要见我?-是的,医生

01:20:46-You wanted to see me?-Yes, Doctor.01:20:50 我明白詹姆斯·柯克是你的朋友

01:20:50 I am aware that James Kirk is a friend of yours.01:20:53 我意识到像这样地支持我的工作应该很难

01:20:53 I recognize that supporting me as you did must have been difficult.01:20:56 你这是在说“谢谢”吗? 01:20:56 Is that a thank-you? 01:20:58 我只是在认可你的难处 01:20:58 I am simply acknowledging your difficulties.01:21:00 请允许自由发言,长官

01:21:00 Permission to speak freely, sir.01:21:04-欢迎你这么做-是吗?那好吧 01:21:04-I welcome it.-Do you? Okay, then.01:21:07 你的瓦肯人脑瓜短路了?

01:21:07 Are you out of your Vulcan mind? 01:21:10 你这个选择符合逻辑吗,把柯克赶走?

01:21:10 Are you making a logical choice, sending Kirk away? 01:21:12 大概吧,但这样正确吗? 01:21:12 Probably.But the right one? 01:21:14 知道吗,在我老家我们有个谚语: 01:21:14 You know, back home we got a saying, 01:21:16 “如果你要在肯塔基马赛上比赛„

01:21:16 ”If you're gonna ride in the Kentucky Derby, 01:21:17 “„就不要把你最宝贝的骏马留在马厩” 01:21:17 “you don't leave your prize stallion in the stable.” 01:21:20 挺古怪的隐喻,医生

01:21:20 A curious metaphor, Doctor, 01:21:21 这样说一匹骏马要在被驯服之后 才能激发它的潜能

01:21:21 as a stallion must first be broken before it can reach its potential.01:21:26 我的天,老兄 你至少假装这是个艰难的抉择

01:21:26 My God, man, you could at least act like it was a hard decision!01:21:28 我正尽我所能„

01:21:28 I intend to assist in the effort 01:21:29 „去重新建立和星际舰队的通信

01:21:29 to reestablish communication with Starfleet.01:21:32 尽管如此,如果我哭着在舰桥走来走去 能够更好地鼓舞士气的话„ 01:21:32 However, if crew morale is better served by my roaming the halls weeping, 01:21:36 „我会乐意听从你在医学上的专家建议 01:21:36 I will gladly defer to your medical expertise.01:21:40 失陪了 01:21:40 Excuse me.01:21:46 可怕的绿血妖怪

01:21:46 Green-blooded hobgoblin.01:22:25 有人吗!01:22:25 Hello!01:23:09 什么事? 01:23:09 What? 01:23:14 你知道这多让人难以接受吗?

01:23:14 You realize how unacceptable this is? 01:23:16-真有意思-什么? 01:23:16-Fascinating.-What? 01:23:18 好吧,我敢说你只是在尽你的职责 01:23:18 Okay, I'm sure you're just doing your job, 01:23:19 但你就不能早那么一点点来吗?

01:23:19 but could you not have come a wee bit sooner? 01:23:21 我来这里6个月了

01:23:21 Six months I've been here, 01:23:22 就靠这些蛋白质颗粒和有好伙食的承诺过活

01:23:22 living off Starfleet protein nibs and the promise of a good meal!01:23:26 而且我知道这是怎么一回事,好吗?

01:23:26 And I know exactly what's going on here, okay? 01:23:28 惩罚,不是吗?进行中的 01:23:28 Punishment, isn't it? Ongoing.01:23:30 就为了一件明显是意外的事情

01:23:30 For something that was clearly an accident.01:23:32-你是蒙哥马利·斯科特-你认识他?

01:23:32-You are Montgomery Scott.-You know him? 01:23:35 对,就是我,你找对地方了

01:23:35 Aye, that's me.You're in the right place.01:23:37 除非这附近还有另一个努力工作 而且同样挨饿的星际舰队官员

01:23:37 Unless there's another hardworking, equally starved Starfleet officer around.01:23:41-我-少来!住嘴!01:23:41-Me.-Get aff!Shut up!01:23:43 你都不吃东西!你就能吃,比如,一颗豆子„ 01:23:43 You don't eat anything!You can eat, like, a bean, 01:23:46 „你就饱了,我说的是食物,真正的食物

01:23:46 and you're done.I'm talking about food.Real food.01:23:49 不过你现在到了,谢谢你 东西在哪儿? 01:23:49 But you're here now, so thank you.Where is it? 01:23:52 你实际上就是那位„

01:23:52 You are, in fact, the Mr.Scott 01:23:54 „提出超曲速传送假说的斯科特先生

01:23:54 who postulated the theory of transwarp beaming.01:23:56 这就是我说的,你以为我怎么那么生气?

01:23:56 That's what I'm talking about.How do you think I wound up here? 01:24:00 我和我的导师在„

01:24:00 I had a little debate with my instructor 01:24:01 „相对论性物理学以及 它和子空间旅行的关联上有些分歧

01:24:01 on the issue of relativistic physics and how it pertains to subspace travel.01:24:05 他好像认为类似柚子的物体的传送距离„

01:24:05 He seemed to think that the range of transporting something like a grapefruit 01:24:09 „不能超过大概100英里 01:24:09 was limited to about 100 miles.01:24:11 我告诉他我不单只能把一只柚子 从一颗星球„

01:24:11 I told him that I could not only beam a grapefruit from one planet 01:24:14 „传送到相同恒星系的邻近星球上 01:24:14 to the adjacent planet in the same system, 01:24:16 随带一提,这很容易 01:24:16 which is easy, by the way, 01:24:18 我还能这样传送一个生命体 01:24:18 I could do it with a life-form.01:24:19 所以,我用亚切少将的宝贝小猎狗作了实验 01:24:19 So, I tested it on Admiral Archer's prize beagle.01:24:22-我知道那条狗,它怎么了?-它重新出现时我会告诉你的

01:24:22-I know that dog.What happened to it?-I'll tell you when it reappears.01:24:26 我不知道,对此我的确感到内疚 01:24:26 I don't know.I do feel guilty about that.01:24:28 如果我告诉你你的超曲速理论是正确的„

01:24:28 What if I told you that your transwarp theory was correct, 01:24:31 „并且传送上一艘正在以曲速飞行的飞船 的确是可行的呢?

01:24:31 that it is indeed possible to beam onto a ship that is traveling at warp speed? 01:24:34 我想如果这个公式已经被发现了 我应该听说过的

01:24:34 I think if that equation had been discovered, I'd have heard about it.01:24:37 你没有听说过它的原因,斯科特先生„ 01:24:37 The reason you haven't heard of it, Mr.Scott, 01:24:39 „是因为你还没有发现它

01:24:39 is because you haven't discovered it yet.01:24:47-你是从未来来的吗?-是的,他是,我不是 01:24:47-Are you from the future?-Yeah, he is.I'm not.01:24:51 好吧,那真不错 那个时候还有三明治吃吗?

01:24:51 Well, that's brilliant.Do they still have sandwiches there? 01:24:54 呃,她有一点点不稳定 01:24:54 Well, she's a wee bit dodgy.01:24:55 护罩发射器完全报废了 其他的一些东西也是

01:24:55 Shield emitters are totally banjaxed, as well as a few other things.01:24:59 你们上去吧 01:24:59 On youse go.01:25:01 那么说企业号已经经历处女航了,对吗?

01:25:01 So the Enterprise has had its maiden voyage, has it? 01:25:04 她真是个国色天香的姑娘 01:25:04 She is one well-endowed lady.01:25:05 我真想亲手摸摸她丰满的引擎机舱

01:25:05 I'd like to get my hands on her ample nacelles, 01:25:08 如果你能原谅我用工程师行话这么说的话 01:25:08 if you'll pardon the engineering parlance.01:25:11 除了有一点,就算我相信你,好吧„

01:25:11 Except, the thing is, even if I believed you, right, 01:25:14 „在你来的地方,我做过的事 顺带一句,我还没做 01:25:14 where you're from, what I've done, which I don't, by the way, 01:25:18 我们说的始终是在企业号以超光速飞行时„ 01:25:18 you're still talking about beaming aboard the Enterprise 01:25:20 „在没有一个合适的接收台的情况下 传送你们上去

01:25:20 while she's traveling faster than light without a proper receiving pad.01:25:23 快走开!这不是小孩的攀登架

01:25:23 Get off there!It's not a climbing frame.01:25:26 超曲速传送的概念就像是 要用一个更小的子弹去击中另一个子弹

01:25:26 The notion of transwarp beaming is like trying to hit a bullet with a smaller bullet 01:25:31 而同时还带着眼罩,骑着马

01:25:31 whilst wearing a blindfold, riding a horse.01:25:34 那是什么? 01:25:34 What's that? 01:25:35 你用来实现超曲速传送的等式

01:25:35 Your equation for achieving transwarp beaming.01:25:40 少来了

01:25:40 Get out of it.01:25:46 想想看!01:25:46 Imagine that!01:25:47 我从没把宇宙当成一个运动着的物体来想过

01:25:47 It never occurred to me to think of space as the thing that was moving.01:25:50 你跟我们一起走,对吧? 01:25:50 You're coming with us, right? 01:25:54-不,吉姆,这不是我的使命-你的使„ 01:25:54-No, Jim.That is not my destiny.-Your...01:25:59 他„另一个史巴克不会相信我的

01:25:59 He...The other Spock is not gonna believe me.01:26:01 只有你能解释到底发生了什么事

01:26:01 Only you can explain what the hell's happened.01:26:02 无论如何不能让他意识到我的存在

01:26:02 Under no circumstances can he be made aware of my existence.01:26:05 你要向我保证

01:26:05 You must promise me this.01:26:06 你是说我不能告诉你说我这是在 执行你的命令?

01:26:06 You're telling me I can't tell you that I'm following your own orders? 01:26:09-为什么?怎么回事?-吉姆,这是个你不能违反的规则

01:26:09-Why not? What happens?-Jim, this is one rule you cannot break.01:26:13 为了制止尼禄 你必须自己取得那艘飞船的控制权 01:26:13 To stop Nero, you alone must take command of your ship.01:26:17-怎么做?通过杀死你吗?-最好不要

01:26:17-How? Over your dead body?-Preferably not.01:26:20 不管怎么说,星舰章程有第619条

01:26:20 However, there is Starfleet Regulation 619.01:26:23 第619条说明任何指挥官„

01:26:23 Six-one-nine states that any command officer 01:26:26 „如果因手头的任务而被个人情感影响„ 01:26:26 who's emotionally compromised by the mission at hand 01:26:29 „必须停止执行之前的命令 01:26:29 must resign said command.01:26:34 你是说我必须要让你们俩情绪激动起来

01:26:34 So, you're saying that I have to emotionally compromise you guys.01:26:38 吉姆,我刚失去了我的母星 01:26:38 Jim, I just lost my planet.01:26:42 我可以告诉你,我情绪很激动

01:26:42 I can tell you, I am emotionally compromised.01:26:46 你要做的就是让我表现出来

01:26:46 What you must do is get me to show it.01:26:49 好了,老弟 是死是活,让我们抛诸脑后吧

01:26:49 Aye, then, laddie.Live or die.Let's get this over with.01:26:57 不,走开,你不能跟我去 走开

01:26:57 No, go.You cannae come with me.Go on.01:27:02 知道吗,穿梭时空到过去,改变历史„

01:27:02 You know, coming back in time, changing history, 01:27:05 „这是作弊 01:27:05 that's cheating.01:27:09 这是我和一个老朋友学的小把戏 01:27:09 A trick I learned from an old friend.01:27:20 愿你多福多寿

01:27:20 Live long and prosper.01:27:43 斯科特先生!01:27:43 Mr.Scott!01:27:49 斯科特先生,能听到我说话吗? 01:27:49 Mr.Scott, can you hear me? 01:27:59 撑多一会儿

01:27:59 Hold on a second!01:28:02 噢,不 01:28:02 Oh, no.01:28:06 别担心,我„ 01:28:06 Don't worry, I...01:28:19 不,不!01:28:19 No.No!01:28:31(应急舱盖)

01:28:39 涡轮机排泄阀门启动

01:28:39 Turbine release valve activated.01:28:49 你没事吧?你没事吧? 01:28:49 You all right? You all right? 01:28:53 我头晕而且全身湿透了,除此之外我很好

01:28:53 My head's buzzing and I'm soaked, but otherwise I'm fine.01:28:56 史巴克舰长!检测到未授权人员使用水力涡轮机控制面板

01:28:56 Captain Spock!Detecting unauthorized access to Water Turbine Control Board.01:29:02 放到显示屏

01:29:02 Bring up the video.01:29:07 保安,封锁工程舱

01:29:07 Security, seal the Engineering Deck.01:29:09 在第三涡轮机区有入侵者

01:29:09 We have intruders in Turbine Section 3.01:29:12 相位枪设成击晕模式 01:29:12 Set phasers to stun.01:29:25-站住!-不,不!01:29:25-Halt!-No, no!01:29:31 跟我走吧,小娇娘 01:29:31 Come with me, cupcake!01:29:42-你是谁?-和他一起的 01:29:42-Who are you?-I'm with him.01:29:43-他和我一起的-我们正以曲速航行

01:29:43-He's with me.-We are traveling at warp speed.01:29:45 你们怎么传送上船的?

01:29:45 How did you manage to beam aboard this ship? 01:29:47 呃,你是天才,你来想答案吧

01:29:47 Well, you're the genius, you figure it out.01:29:48 身为这艘星舰的代理船长 我命令你回答这个问题

01:29:48 As acting captain of this vessel, I order you to answer the question.01:29:52 呃,我不回答,代理船长

01:29:52 Well, I'm not telling, Acting Captain.01:29:55 怎么,这„ 01:29:55 What, did...01:29:56 这不会激怒你吧,对吗?我的不合作态度?

01:29:56 That doesn't frustrate you, does it? My lack of cooperation? 01:29:59-这不会让你发怒-你是一名星际舰队成员吗?

01:29:59-That doesn't make you angry.-Are you a member of Starfleet? 01:30:02 我„是的,能给我一条毛巾吗? 01:30:02 I...Yes.Can I get a towel, please? 01:30:05 我命令你向我解释你们怎么做到在这艘船„

01:30:05 Under penalty of court martial, I order you to explain to me 01:30:07 „以曲速航行时传送上船的? 否则你将被送上军事法庭

01:30:07 how you were able to beam aboard this ship while moving at warp.01:30:09-呃„-别回答他

01:30:09-Well...-Don't answer him.01:30:11 你会回答我的

01:30:11 You will answer me.01:30:14-我还是不选边的好-你这是怎么了,史巴克? 01:30:14-I'd rather not take sides.-What is it with you, Spock? 01:30:20 你的星球刚被摧毁,你的母亲被杀害

01:30:20 Your planet was just destroyed, your mother murdered, 01:30:22-而你一点也不伤心-如果你在假设„

01:30:22-and you're not even upset.-Lf you are presuming 01:30:25 „这些经历会或多或少地影响 我指挥这艘飞船的能力„

01:30:25 that these experiences in any way impede my ability to command this ship, 01:30:28-„那你就错了-然而,你也是那位„ 01:30:28-you are mistaken.-And yet, you are the one 01:30:30 „说过畏惧也是一名指挥官必备的情绪的人 01:30:30 who said fear was necessary for command.01:30:33 我说,你看到他的飞船了吗 你看到他的所作所为了吗? 01:30:33 I mean, did you see his ship? Did you see what he did? 01:30:37-是的,我当然看到了-那你到底害怕不害怕? 01:30:37-Yes, of course I did.-So are you afraid or aren't you? 01:30:39 我不会让你就情感的好坏问题对我说教的

01:30:39 I will not allow you to lecture me about the merits of emotion.01:30:42-那为什么你还不制止我?-不要靠近我,柯克先生

01:30:42-Then why don't you stop me?-Step away from me, Mr.Kirk.01:30:44 感觉不到愤怒是什么样子的? 或者心碎? 01:30:44 What is it like not to feel anger? Or heartbreak? 01:30:48 或者为那个生育你的女人的死„ 01:30:48 Or the need to stop at nothing 01:30:49 „义无反顾地去复仇的渴望?

01:30:49 to avenge the death of the woman who gave birth to you? 01:30:51-离我远一点-你毫无感情!

01:30:51-Back away from me.-You feel nothing!01:30:53 对这件事你甚至连推算都不作 01:30:53 It must not even compute for you.01:30:56 你从未爱过她!01:30:56 You never loved her!01:31:22 史巴克!01:31:22 Spock!01:32:01 医生,我不再适合出勤了

01:32:01 Doctor, I am no longer fit for duty.01:32:04 我在此放弃我的指挥权

01:32:04 I hereby relinquish my command, 01:32:05 基于我已经被个人情绪所影响的这个事实

01:32:05 based on the fact that I have been emotionally compromised.01:32:10 请在舰船日志上记录下时间和日期

01:32:10 Please note the time and date in the ship's log.01:32:39 我喜欢这艘船!你们知道,这真刺激 01:32:39 I like this ship!You know, it's exciting!01:32:45 好了,恭喜你,吉姆 01:32:45 Well, congratulations, Jim.01:32:46 现在我们既没有舰长 也没有该死的大副去替代他

01:32:46 Now we've got no captain, and no goddamn first officer to replace him.

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