
时间:2019-05-15 13:12:49下载本文作者:会员上传


Reese Witherspoon's Oscar address


Reese Witherspoon

Jamie Foxx: And the Oscar goes to: Reese Witherspoon, Walk The Line.Narrator:This is the first Academy Award and nomination for Reese Witherspoon.Being from Nashville, Tennessee, she knew the music, the feeling, the attitude, and the culture of the country music scene.She even played Mama Maybelle Carter in a 4th grade play.Oh, my goodness.Never thought I'd be here in my whole life, growin' up in Tennessee.I--I want to say that Johnny Cash and June Carter had a wonderful tradition of honoring other artists and musicians and singers.And I really feel that tradition tonight.It is very important and--and I really feel it.So I want to thank the Academy for this incredible honor.I want to say thank you to so many people who helped me create this role;everyone at FOX, Cathy Konrad, James Keach, for producing the film.A very special thank you to Jim Mangold who directed the film and also wrote this character, who is a real woman, who has dignity and honor and fear and courage;and she's a real woman.And I really appreciate that.It was an incredible gift that you gave me, so thank you.And T-Bone Burnett for helping me realize my lifelong dream of being a country music singer.Thank you, T-Bone.And I want to say thank you to Joaquin Phoenix who just put his heart and soul into this performance.His commitment and passion for this character and for this performance was just remarkable, and I feel so lucky to have gone on this journey with you.I'm so blessed to have my family here tonight.My mother and my father are here.And I just want to say thank you so much for everything, for being so proud of me.It didn't matter if I was making my bed or makin' a movie.They never hesitated to say how proud they were of me, and that means so very much to a child.So, thank you, mom and dad.I want to say thank you to my wonderful husband and my two children--who should be goin' to bed.And thank you for loving me so much and supporting me.I want to say that my--my grandmother was one of the biggest inspirations in my life.She taught me how to be a real woman, to have strength and self-respect, and to never give those things away.And those were a lot of qualities I saw in June Carter.And people used to ask June how--how she was doin'.And she used to say, “I'm just tryin' to matter.” And, I know what she means, you know.I'm just trying to matter and live a good life and make work that means something to somebody.And you have all made me feel that I might have accomplished that tonight.So, thank you so much for this honor.杰米·福克斯: 奥斯卡最佳女主角是:里斯·威瑟斯庞,《一往无前》!

旁白: 对于里斯·威瑟斯庞而言,这是她第一次获得奥斯卡提名,幸运获奖的她来自田纳西州的纳什维尔,她精通乐理,熟悉乡村音乐的感觉、文化和态度。四年级的时候,她甚至扮











Well,I wish I know how to quit you!



First of all,I want to thank two people who don’t even exist, or I should say……They do exist because imagination of Annie Proulx

and the artistry of Larry McMurtry and Diana Ossana.首先我想感谢两位不存在的人,或者我该说存在于原著作者Annie Proulx

和编剧Larry McMurtry、Diana Ossana娜想像中的人。

Their names are Ennis and Jack.他们的名字是艾尼斯和杰克!

And they told all of us who make Brokeback Mountains so much about

not just all the gay men and women whose love are denied by the society

but just as important the greatness of love itself……


Thank you,thank you members of the Academy for the tremendous honor

and to Everyone of Focus Features

in particularly David Linde and James Schamus,thank you for your love and support.谢谢你们,感谢影评协会给予的这个无上荣耀,也感谢发行公司Focus Features的每位成员,特别感谢监制David Linde和James Schamus所给予的爱与支持!

To Bill Polla,Tory Masker,Iera sherk,George Pallo,and many thanks,and speacil thanks to David Lee

and thanks to my wife many thanks and

special thanks to my wife Jane Lin,and my boys Haan and Mason,I love you!

感谢Bill Polla、Tory Masker、Iera sherk、George Pallo,特别要感谢David Lee,还要感谢我太太林惠嘉,还有我的孩子李涵和李淳,我爱你们!

On brokeback, I felt you were with me everyday.And I just did this movie After my father pass away,more than any other,I make this for him.在断背山上,我感觉你们每日都与我同在,我父亲在这部电影完成之前就逝世了,谨将这部电影献给我的父亲。

And finally I to my mother and family

and every body in Taiwan、Hong Kong、China……谢谢大家的关心!

最后,我要对我的母亲、我的家人,还有所有台湾、香港、中国的朋友们说“Thanks for taking care of me!”apple1225 2006-03-08 20:14 断背山获奥斯卡最佳导演等三项大奖

【中央社 】

(中央社记者颜伶如旧金山五日专电)被美国媒体形容典礼基调俨然是“同性恋奥斯卡(新闻、网站、图片)”(gay oscar)的第七十八届奥斯卡金像奖今晚热闹登场,台湾导演李安执导的“断背山”八项提名领先,最后总共拿下三奖,他也成为奥斯卡影史上首位赢得最佳导演的亚洲导演。




入围最佳影片的“断背山”、“柯波帝:冷血告白”都是以男同志为主角,另一部入围最佳女主角的“窈窕老爸”更是以变性人的心路历程为主题,因此不少媒体形容本届奥斯卡充满同性恋风味,可以说是一届“同性恋奥斯卡”(gay oscar)。

当地时间2月25日,第85届奥斯卡(85th Annual Academy Awards),2013年《名利场》杂志奥斯卡派对(2013 Vanity Fair Oscar Party)举行,众星亮相。图为李安捧奖杯亮相。《少年派的奇幻漂流》已经斩获了最佳电影配乐奖,而影片呼声最高的最佳导演奖尚未颁出。不过,在国外媒体看来,无论李安能否捧得最佳导演奖,“少年派”在金球奖上都是失意的。



尽管“少年派”失意金球奖,但是外国媒体一致认为,它将在下月举行的奥斯卡颁奖典礼上大有作为。最佳导演、最佳摄影、最佳视觉效果、最佳配乐  奥斯卡金像奖:最佳外语片奖.最佳摄影奖 最佳艺术指导奖.最佳音乐奖的卧虎藏龙(2000)

断背山(2005)最佳改编剧本奖 最佳导演奖 最佳电影配乐奖


▪ 201385最佳影片少年派的奇幻漂流(提名)

▪ 201385最佳导演少年派的奇幻漂流(获奖)

▪ 201385最佳改编剧本少年派的奇幻漂流(提名)

▪ 201385最佳剪辑少年派的奇幻漂流(提名)

▪ 201385最佳摄影少年派的奇幻漂流(获奖)

▪ 201385最佳视觉效果少年派的奇幻漂流(获奖)

▪ 201385最佳音响效果少年派的奇幻漂流(提名)

▪ 201385最佳音效剪辑少年派的奇幻漂流(提名)

▪ 201385最佳艺术指导少年派的奇幻漂流(提名)

▪ 201385最佳原创配乐少年派的奇幻漂流(获奖)

▪ 201385最佳歌曲少年派的奇幻漂流(提名)

▪ 200678最佳影片断背山(提名)

▪ 200678最佳导演断背山(获奖)

▪ 200173最佳外语片卧虎藏龙(获奖)▪ 200173最佳影片卧虎藏龙(提名)▪ 200173最佳导演卧虎藏龙(提名)▪ 199668最佳影片理智与情感(提名)▪ 199567最佳外语片饮食男女(提名)▪ 199466最佳外语片喜宴(提名)


(she dreamed a dream, and accepting her oscar, says: “it came true”.she thanks les miserables director tom hooper, the film's cast and her friends and family.)“i must thank you hugh jackman-hugh you're the best.my husband, by far and away the greatest moment of my life was the one where you walked into it.i love you so much.here's hoping that one day not too soon, the misfortunes of fantine will only be found in stories, and never in real life.”



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