①Journal of Finance,②Journal of Financial Economics,③Review of Financial Studies。
这三个比较起来,Journal of Finane的主编,很不喜欢纯数学的论文。可能Review Of Financial Studies是最喜欢数理模型的,当然既有理论,又有数据支持的最好。另外,Journal of Financial Economics发表的公司财务方面的文章很多,Review of Finacial Studies比较倾向于所谓的市场微观结构、资产定价和期权定价这些方面,而Journal of Finance可能是这三个里面最综合的,当然现在他的主编比较倾向于资本市场理论方面的文章,他也更喜欢数学模型一些。
big macs,big/large-cap stock,mega-issue 大盘股 offering,list 上市 bourse 证交所
corporate champion 龙头企业 Shanghai Exchange 上海证交所 pension fund 养老基金 mutual fund 共同基金
hedge mutual fund 对冲式共同基金 share 股票 valuation 股价 underwriter 保险商
government bond 政府债券 saving account 储蓄帐户 equity market 股市 shareholder 股东 delist 摘牌
mongey-loser 亏损企业 inventory 存货
traded company,trading enterprise 上市公司 stakeholder 利益相关者
transparency 透明度
market fundamentalist 市场经济基本规则 damage-contral machinery 安全顾问 efficient market 有效市场
intellectual property 知识产权 opportunistic practice 投机行为 entrepreneur 企业家 cook the book 做假帐
regulatory system 监管体系 portfolio 投资组合
money-market 短期资本市场 capital-market 长期资本市场 volatility 波动
diversification 多元化 real estate 房地产 option 期权
call option 看涨期权 put option 看跌期权 merger 并购
arbitrage 套利
Securities and Exchange Commission 〈美〉证券交易委员会 dollar standard 美元本位制 budget 预算 deficit 赤字 bad debt 坏帐
macroeconomic 宏观经济 fiscal stimulus 财政刺激 a store of value 保值
transaction currency 结算货币 forward exchange 期货交易
intervention currency 干预货币 Treasury bond 财政部公债 current-account 经常项目 pickup in rice 物价上涨 Federal Reserve 美联储 inflation 通货膨胀 deflation 通货紧缩
tighter credit 紧缩信贷
monetary policy 货币政策 foreigh exchange 外汇
spot transaction 即期交易 forward transaction 远期交易
option forward transaction 择期交易 swap transaction 调期交易 quote 报价
settlment and delivery 交割 buying rate 买入价 selling rate 卖出价
spread 差幅 contract 合同 at par平价 premium 升水 discount 贴水
direct quoation method 直接报价法 indirect quoation method 间接报价法 dividend 股息 domestic currency 本币
floating rate 浮动利率 parent company 母公司 credit swap 互惠贷款
venture capital 风险资本 book value 帐面价值
physical capital 实际资本
IPO(initial public offering)新股首发;首次公开发行 job machine 就业市场
welfare capitalism 福利资本主义 collective market cap 市场资本总值 golbal corporation 跨国公司 transnational status 跨国优势 transfer price 转让价格 consolidation 兼并 leverage 杠杆
Federal Reserve 美联储
financial turmoil/meltdown 金融危机 file for bankruptcy 申请破产 bailout 救助
take over 收购
buy out 购买(某人的)产权或全部货物 go under 破产
take a nosedive(股市)大跌 tumble 下跌 falter 摇摇欲坠 on the hook 被套住
shore up confidence 提振市场信心 stave off 挡开, 避开
liquidate assets 资产清算 at fire sale prices 超低价 sell-off 证券的跌价
account number 帐目编号
depositor 存户
pay-in slip 存款单
a deposit form 存款单
a banding machine 自动存取机
to deposit 存款
deposit receipt 存款收据
private deposits 私人存款
certificate of deposit 存单
deposit book,passbook 存折
credit card 信用卡
principal 本金
overdraft,overdraw 透支
to counter sign 双签
to endorse 背书
endorser 背书人
to cash 兑现
to honor a cheque 兑付
to dishonor a cheque 拒付
to suspend payment 止付
cheque,check 支票
cheque book 支票本
order cheque 记名支票
bearer cheque 不记名支票
crossed cheque 横线支票
blank cheque 空白支票
rubber cheque 空头支票
cheque stub,counterfoil 票根
cash cheque 现金支票
traveler's cheque 旅行支票
cheque for transfer 转帐支票
outstanding cheque 未付支票
canceled cheque 已付支票
forged cheque 伪支票
Bandar's note 庄票,银票
banker 银行家
president 行长
savings bank 储蓄银行
Chase Bank 大通银行
National City Bank of New York 花旗银行
Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation 汇丰银行
Chartered Bank of India,Australia and China 麦加利银行
Banque de I'IndoChine 东方汇理银行
central bank,national bank,banker's bank 中央银行
bank of issue,bank of circulation 发行币银行
commercial bank 商业银行,储蓄信贷银行
member bank,credit bank 储蓄信贷银行
discount bank 贴现银行
exchange bank 汇兑银行
requesting bank 委托开证银行
issuing bank,opening bank 开证银行
advising bank,notifying bank 通知银行
negotiation bank 议付银行
confirming bank 保兑银行
paying bank 付款银行
associate banker of collection 代收银行
consigned banker of collection 委托银行
clearing bank 清算银行
local bank 本地银行
domestic bank 国内银行
overseas bank 国外银行
unincorporated bank 钱庄
branch bank 银行分行
trustee savings bank 信托储蓄银行
trust company 信托公司
financial trust 金融信托公司
unit trust 信托投资公司
trust institution 银行的信托部
credit department 银行的信用部
commercial credit company(discount company)商业信贷公司(贴现公司)
neighborhood savings bank,bank of deposit 街道储蓄所
credit union 合作银行
credit bureau 商业兴信所
self-service bank 无人银行
land bank 土地银行
construction bank 建设银行
industrial and commercial bank 工商银行
bank of communications 交通银行
mutual savings bank 互助储蓄银行
post office savings bank 邮局储蓄银行
mortgage bank,building society 抵押银行
industrial bank 实业银行
home loan bank 家宅贷款银行
reserve bank 准备银行
chartered bank 特许银行
corresponding bank 往来银行
merchant bank,accepting bank 承兑银行
investment bank 投资银行
import and export bank(EXIMBANK)进出口银行
joint venture bank 合资银行
money shop,native bank 钱庄
credit cooperatives 信用社
clearing house 票据交换所
public accounting 公共会计
business accounting 商业会计
cost accounting 成本会计
depreciation accounting 折旧会计
computerized accounting 电脑化会计
general ledger 总帐
subsidiary ledger 分户帐
cash book 现金出纳帐
cash account 现金帐
journal,day-book 日记帐,流水帐
bad debts 坏帐
investment 投资
surplus 结余
idle capital 游资
economic cycle 经济周期
economic boom 经济繁荣
economic recession 经济衰退
economic depression 经济萧条
economic crisis 经济危机
economic recovery 经济复苏
inflation 通货膨胀
deflation 通货收缩
devaluation 货币贬值
revaluation 货币增值
international balance of payment 国际收支
favourable balance 顺差
adverse balance 逆差
hard currency 硬通货
soft currency 软通货
international monetary system 国际货币制度
the purchasing power of money 货币购买力
money in circulation 货币流通量
note issue 纸币发行量
national budget 国家预算
national gross product 国民生产总值
public bond 公债
stock,share 股票
debenture 债券
treasury bill 国库券
debt chain 债务链
direct exchange 直接(对角)套汇
indirect exchange 间接(三角)套汇
cross rate,arbitrage rate 套汇汇率
foreign currency(exchange)reserve 外汇储备
foreign exchange fluctuation 外汇波动
foreign exchange crisis 外汇危机
discount 贴现
discount rate,bank rate 贴现率
gold reserve 黄金储备
money(financial)market 金融市场
stock exchange 股票交易所
broker 经纪人
commission 佣金
bookkeeping 簿记
bookkeeper 簿记员
an application form 申请单
bank statement 对帐单
letter of credit 信用证
strong room,vault 保险库
equitable tax system 等价税则
specimen signature 签字式样
banking hours,business hours 营业时间
Aandrijven and Besturen,(Aandr.Best.), 1385-0091, Selective AAS History Series,(AAS Hist.Ser.), 0730-3564, Selective ABB Review,(ABB Rev.), 1013-3119, Selective Aberdeen's Magazine of Masonry Construction,(Aberdeen's Mag.Mason.Constr.), 1055-4408 ACA Facade,(ACA Facade), Selective Accident Analysis & Prevention,(Accid.Anal.Prev.), 0001-4575, Selective Acero Inoxidable,(Acero Inoxidable), Core Acero Latinoamericano,(Acero Latinoam.), 0034-9798, Selective ACI Materials Journal,(ACI Mater.J.), 0889-325X, Selective ACI Structural Journal,(ACI Struct.J.), 0889-3241, Selective ACM Computing Surveys,(ACM Comput.Surv.), 0360-0300, Selective ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing,(ACM Trans.Asian Lang.Inf.Process.), 1530-0226, Selective ACM Transactions on Computational Logic,(ACM Trans.Comput.Log.), 1529-3785, Selective ACM Transactions on Computer Systems,(ACM Trans.Comput.Syst.), 0734-2071, Selective ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction,(ACM Trans.Comput.-Hum.Interact.), 1073-0516, Selective ACM Transactions on Database Systems,(ACM Trans.Database Syst.), 0362-5915, Selective ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems,(ACM Trans.Des.Automat.Electron.Syst.), 1084-4309, Selective ACM Transactions on Graphics,(ACM Trans.Graph.), 0730-0301, Selective ACM Transactions on Information Systems,(ACM Trans.Inf.Sys.), 1046-8188, Selective ACM Transactions on Internet Technology,(ACM Trans.Internet Technol.), 1533-5399, Selective ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software,(ACM Trans.Math.Softw.), 0098-3500, Selective ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems,(ACM Trans.Program.Lang.Syst.), 0164-0925, Selective ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology,(ACM Trans.Softw.Eng.Methodol.), 1049-331X, Selective ACOM,(ACOM), 1101-0681, Selective Acta Aerodynamica Sinica,(Acta Aerodyn.Sin.), 0258-1825, Selective Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica,(Acta Aeronaut.Astronaut.Sin.), 1000-6893, Selective Acta Armamentarii,(Acta Armamentarii), 1000-1093, Priority Acta Astronautica,(Acta Astronaut.), 0094-5765, Selective Acta Crystallographica B,(Acta Crystallogr.B), 0108-7681, Selective Acta Crystallographica C,(Acta Crystallogr.C), 0108-2701, Selective Acta Crystallographica D,(Acta Crystallogr.Sect.D), 0907-4449, Selective Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography,(Acta Crystallogr.Sect.A: Found.Crystallogr.), 0108-7673, Selective Acta Crystallographica Section E,(Acta Crystallogr.Sect.E), 1600-5368, Selective Acta Materialia,(Acta Mater.), 1359-6454, Core Acta Mechanica,(Acta Mech.), 0001-5970, Core Acta Metallurgica Sinica(China),(Acta Metall.Sin.(China)), 0412-1961, Core Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters),(Acta Metall.Sin.(Engl.Lett.)), 1006-7191, Core Acta Metallurgica Slovaca,(Acta Metall.Slovaka), 1335-1532, Core Acta Oecologica,(Acta Oecol.), 1146-609X, Selective Acta Petrologica Sinica,(Acta Petrol.Sin.), 1000-0569, Selective Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica,(Acta Polytech.Scand.), 1239-0518, Priority Acta Technica CSAV,(Acta Tech.CSAV), 0001-7043, Selective Active and Passive Electronic Components,(Act.Passive Electron.Compon.), 0882-7516, Selective Acupuncture and Electro-Therapeutics Research,(Acupunct.Electro-Ther.Res.), 0360-1293, Selective ADAm.Soc.Mech.Eng., Adv.Aerosp.Div.Newsl.), 0733-4230, Selective Adgeziya Rasplavov i Pajka Materialov,(Adgez.Rasplav.Pajka Mater.), 0136-1732, Selective Adhesives & Sealants Industry,(Adhes.Sealants Ind.), 1070-9592, Selective Adhesives Age,(Adhes.Age), 0001-821X, Selective Advanced Battery Technology,(Adv.Battery Technol.), 0001-8627, Selective Advanced Ceramics Report,(Adv.Ceram.Rep.), 0268-9847, Selective Advanced Composite Materials,(Adv.Compos.Mater.), 0924-3046, Core Advanced Composites Bulletin,(Adv.Compos.Bull.), 0951-953X, Priority Advanced Composites Letters,(Adv.Compos.Lett.), 0963-6935, Core Advanced Engineering Informatics,(Adv.Eng.Inform.), 1474-0346, Selective Advanced Engineering Materials,(Adv.Eng.Mater.), 1438-1656, Core Advanced Functional Materials,(Adv.Funct.Mater.), 1616-301X, Selective Advanced Manufacturing,(Adv.Manuf.), 1481-8354, Selective Advanced Manufacturing Technology(AMT),(Adv.Manuf.Technol.), 0790-8482, Selective Advanced Materials & Composites News,(Adv.Mater.Compos.News), 1521-3145, Priority Advanced Materials & Processes,(Adv.Mater.Process.), 0882-7958, Core Advanced Materials(FRG),(Adv.Mater.(FRG)), 0935-9648, Priority Advanced Packaging,(Adv.Packag.), 1065-0555, Selective Advanced Powder Technology,(Adv.Powder Technol.), 0921-8831, Priority Advanced Robotics,(Adv.Robot.), 0169-1864, Selective Advanced Technology of Electrical Engineering and Energy,(Adv.Technol.Electr.Eng.Energy), 1003-3076, Selective Advances in Cement Research,(Adv.Cem.Res.), 0951-7197, Selective Advances in Ceramics,(adv.Ceram.)Advances in Engineering Software,(Adv.Eng.Softw.), 0965-9978, Selective Advances in Materials Science & Technology,(Adv.Mater.Sci.Technol.), 1316-2012 Advances in Physics,(Adv.Phys.), 0001-8732, Selective Advances in Polymer Technology,(Adv.Polym.Technol.), 0730-6679, Priority Advances in Special Electrometallurgy(Ukraine),(Adv.Spec.Electrometall.(Ukraine)), 0267-4009, Selective Advances in Structural Engineering,(Adv.Struct.Eng.), 1369-4332, Selective Advances in Technology of Materials and Materials Processing,(Adv.Technol.Mater.Mater.Process.J.(ATM)), 1440-0731, Priority Advances in Textiles Technology,(Adv.Text.Technol.), 1472-0256, Selective Advances in the Astronautical Sciences,(Adv.Astronaut.Sci.), 0065-3438, Selective AEG News,(AEG News), 0899-5788, Selective Aerosol Science and Technology,(Aerosol Sci.Technol.), 0278-6826, Selective Aerospace America,(Aerosp.Am.), 0740-722X, Selective Aerospace Control,(Aerosp.Control), 1006-3242, Selective Aerospace Engineering,(Aerosp.Eng.), 0736-2536, Selective Aerospace Science and Technology,(Aerosp.Sci.Technol.), 1270-9638, Selective AESAm.Soc.Mech.Eng., Adv.Energy Syst.Div.Newsl.), Selective AF ManTech Highlights,(AF ManTech Highl.), Priority AFRL Technology Horizons,(AFRL Technol.Horiz.), Selective Agricultural Research,(Agric.Res.), 0002-161X, Priority AI Communications,(AI Commun.), 0921-7126, Selective AIAA Journal,(AIAA J.), 0001-1452, Selective AIChE Journal,(AIChE J.), 0001-1541, Selective AIFM Galvano Tecnica e Nuove Finiture,(AIFM Galvano Tec.Nuove Finit.), 1121-855X, Selective Air & Cosmos, Aviation Magazine International,(Air Cosmos Aviat.Mag.Int.), 1240-3113, Selective Air Force Magazine,(Air Force Mag.), 0730-6784, Selective Air International,(Air Int.), 0306-5634, Selective Air Traffic Control Quarterly,(Air Traffic Control Q.), 1064-3818, Selective Air Transport World,(Air Transp.World), 0002-2543, Selective Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology,(Aircr.Eng.Aerosp.Technol.), 0002-2667, Selective Aircraft Technology Engineering & Maintenance,(Aircr.Technol.Eng.Maint.), 0967-439X, Selective Airline Business,(Airl.Bus.), 0268-7615, Selective AISE Steel Technology,(AISE Steel Technol.), 0021-1559, Core AIST Bulletin of Metrology,(AIST Bull.Metrol.), 1347-1473, Selective AIST Today,(AIST Today), 1346-5805, Priority AIST Today(International Edition),(AIST Today(Int.Ed.)), 1346-602X, Selective AJ Focus,(AJ Focus), 0951-5380, Selective Alcatel Telecommunications Review,(Alcatel Telecommun.Rev.), 1267-7167, Selective Alexandria Engineering Journal,(Alex.Eng.J.), 1110-0168, Priority Alloy Digest,(Alloy Dig.), 0002-614X, Core Alluminio e Leghe,(Allum.Leghe), 1122-1429, Priority Altech Newsletter,(Altech Newsl.), Selective Alternative Fuel News,(Altern.Fuel News), Selective Aluglobe,(Aluglobe), Core Aluminium,(Aluminium), 0002-6689, Core Aluminium AutoDesign Review,(Alum.AutoDes.Rev.), Core Aluminium Extrusion,(Alum.Extrus.), Core Aluminium Extrusion Markets,(Alum.Extrus.Markets), 1464-7753, Selective Aluminium Finishing,(Alum.Finish.), Core Aluminium Flat Rolled Markets,(Alum.Flat Rolled Mark.), 1464-8847, Selective Aluminium International Today,(Al.Int.Today), 1475-455X, Core Aluminium Scandinavia,(Alum.Scand.), 0282-2628, Core Aluminium Times,(Alum.Times), 1465-8240, Priority Aluminium World,(Alum.World), Core Aluminum Now,(Alum.Now), 1525-1330, Core Aluminum Transactions,(Alum.Trans.), 1521-0200, Core Aluscope,(Aluscope), Core Aluselect,(Aluselect), Core Alutopia(Japan),(Alutopia(Jpn.)), 0285-5240, Core AMDAm.Soc.Mech.Eng., Appl.Mech.Div.Newsl.), Selective American Ceramic Society Bulletin,(Am.Ceram.Soc.Bull.), 0002-7812, Selective American Fastener Journal,(Am.Fasten.J.), 1064-3834, Selective American Heritage of Invention & Technology,(Am.Heritage Invent.Technol.), 8756-7296, Selective American Journal of Epidemiology,(Am.J.Epidemiol.), 0002-9262, Selective American Journal of Industrial Medicine,(Am.J.Indust.Med.), 0271-3586, Selective American Laboratory,(Am.Lab.), 0044-7749, Selective American Machinist,(Am.Mach.), 1041-7958, Priority American Metal Market,(Am.Met.Mark.), 0002-9998, Priority American Tool, Die & Stamping News,(Am.Tool, Die & Stamp.News), 0192-5709, Selective AMPTIAC Quarterly,(AMPTIAC Q.), Selective Analele Universitatii “Dunarea de Jos” din Galati/The Annals of,(An.Univ.“Dunarea de Jos” Galati/Ann.“Dunarea de Jos” Univ.), 1221-4566, Selective Analele Universitatii “Dunarea de Jos” din Galati: Fascicula X,(An.Univ.“Dunarea de Jos” Galati: Fasc.X Mec.Apl.), 1221-4612, Selective Analele Universitatii “Dunarea de Jos” Galati.Fascicula VIII,(An.Univ.“Dunarea de Jos” Galati, Fasc.VIII Tribol.), 1221-4590, Selective Analele Universitatii “Dunarea de Jos” Galati: Fascicula IX,(An.Univ.“Dunarea de Jos” Galati: Fasc.IX Metal.Stiinta Mater.), 1453-083X, Priority Analele Universitatii “Dunarea de Jos” Galati: Fascicula XI,(An.Univ.Dunarea An.Univ.“Dunarea de Jos” Galati: Fasc.XI), 1221-4620, Selective Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing,(Analog Integr.Circuits Signal Process.), 0925-1030, Selective Analysis and Applications,(Anal.Appl.), 0219-5305, Selective Analyst,(Analyst), 0003-2654, Selective Analytica Chimica Acta,(Anal.Chim.Acta), 0003-2670, Selective Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry,(Anal.Bioanalytical Chem.), 1618-2642, Selective Analytical Letters,(Anal.Lett.), 0003-2719, Selective Anasta News, Selective Anhui Gongye Daxue Xuebao(Journal of Anhui University of,(Anhui Gongye Daxue Xuebao(J.Anhui Univ.Technol.)), 1671-7872, Selective Annales de Chimie, Science des Mat閞iaux,(Ann.Chim., Sci.Mat閞.), 0151-9107, Selective Annals of Biomedical Engineering,(Ann.Biomed.Eng.), 0090-6964, Selective Annals of Cases on Information Technology,(Ann.Cases Inf.Technol.), 1537-937X, Selective Annals of Occupational Hygiene,(Ann.Occup.Hyg.), 0003-4878, Selective Annual Report of the Ceramics Research Laboratory, Nagoya,(Annu.Rep.Ceram.Res.Lab., Nagoya Inst.Technol.), 1347-1694, Selective Annual Report of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University,(Ann.Rep.Fac.Eng., Kyushu Univ.), 1348-3730, Selective Annual Report of the Institute of Engineering Innovation, School,(Annu.Rep.Inst.Eng.Innov.Sch.Eng.Univ.Tokyo), 1347-653X, Selective Annual Report of the Southwest Research Institute,(Annu.Rep.Southwest Res.Inst.), Selective Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics,(Annu.Rev.Fluid Mech.), 0066-4189, Selective Annual Review of Materials Research,(Annu.Rev.Mater.Res.), 1531-7331, Core Annual Statistics of Materials-Processing Industries of Japan,(Annu.Stat.Mater.Process.Ind.Jpn.), Selective Anoplate News,(Anoplate News), Selective Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials,(Anti-Corros.Methods Mater.), 0003-5599, Priority Appliance,(Appliance), 0003-6781, Selective Applicable Analysis,(Appl.Anal.), 0003-6811, Selective Applied Artificial Intelligence,(Appl.Artif.Intell.), 0883-9514, Selective Applied Catalysis A: General,(Appl.Catal.A: Gen.), 0926-860X, Selective Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,(Appl.Catal.B: Environ.), 0926-3373, Selective Applied Clay Science,(Appl.Clay Sci.), 0169-1317 Applied Composite Materials,(Appl.Compos.Mater.), 0929-189X, Priority Applied Engineering in Agriculture,(Appl.Eng.Agric.), 0883-8542, Selective Applied Mathematical Modelling,(Appl.Math.Model.), 0307-904X, Selective Applied Mechanics Reviews,(Appl.Mech.Rev.), 0003-6900, Priority Applied Surface Science,(Appl.Surf.Sci.), 0169-4332, Selective Applied Thermal Engineering,(Appl.Therm.Eng.), 1359-4311, Selective Applied Welding,(Appl.Weld.), Selective APSCC Newsletter,(APSCC Newsl.), 1226-8844, Selective Aquatic Toxicology,(Aquat.Toxicol.), 0166-445x, Selective Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering,(Arab.J.Sci.Eng.), 1319-8025, Selective Architects' Journal,(Arch.J.), 0003-8466, Selective Architectural Science Review,(Archit.Sci.Rev.), 0003-8628, Selective Archive of Applied Mechanics,(Arch.Appl.Mech.), 0939-1533, Selective Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology,(Arch.Environ.Contam.Toxicol.), 0090-4341, Selective Archives of Environmental Health,(Arch.Environ.Health), Selective Archives of Metallurgy,(Arch.Metall.), 0860-7052, Core Archives of Neurology,(Arch.Neurol.), Selective Archiwum Nauki o Materia^D/lach,(Arch.Nauki Mater.), 0138-032X, Core Archiwum Odlewnictwa/Archives of Foundry,(Arch.Odlew./Arch.of Foundry), 1642-5308, Core Argonne National Laboratory Research Highlights,(Argonne Natl.Lab.Res.Highlights), Selective Argonne News Digest,(Argonne News Dig.), Selective Armada International,(Armada Int.), 0252-9793, Selective Artificial Intelligence,(Artif.Intell.), 0004-3702, Selective Artificial Intelligence and Law,(Artif.Intell.Law), 0924-8463, Selective Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and,(Artif.Intell.Eng.Des.Anal.Manuf.), 0890-0604, Selective Artificial Intelligence Review,(Artif.Intell.Rev.), 0269-2821, Selective Artificial Organs,(Artif.Organs), 0160-564X, Selective ASCE News,(ASCE News), 0197-4076, Selective Ascent,(Ascent), 1079-6983, Selective Ascent Technology Magazine,(Ascent Technol.Mag.), 1036-3769, Selective ASHRAE Journal,(ASHRAE J.), 0001-2491, Selective ASHRAE Transactions,(ASHRAE Trans.), 0001-2505, Selective Asian Ceramics,(Asian Ceram.), 1369-684X, Selective Asian Ceramics and Glass,(Asian Ceram.Glass), 1470-0344 Assembly,(Assembly), 1050-8171, Priority ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal,(ASTM Geotech.Test.J.), 0149-6115, Selective ASTM Journal of Composites Technology & Research,(ASTM J.Compos.Technol.Res.), 0884-6804, Priority ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation,(ASTM J.Test.Eval.), 0090-3973, Priority ASTM Special Technical Publication,(ASTM Spec.Tech.Publ.), 0066-0558, Priority ASTM Standardization News,(ASTM Stand.News), 0090-1210, Selective ATC News Bulletin,(ATC News Bull.), Selective Atomic Energy,(At.Energy), 1063-4258, Selective Atomic Spectroscopy,(At.Spectrosc.), 0195-5373, Selective Atomnaya Energiya,(At.Energiya), 0004-7163, Selective ATZ Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift,(ATZ Automobiltech.Z.), 0001-2785, Selective AusIMM Bulletin,(AusIMM Bull.), 1034-6775, Selective AusIMM Proceedings,(AusIMM Proc.), 1034-6783, Selective Australasian Welding Journal,(Australas.Weld.J.), 1039-0642, Priority Australian Civil Engineering Transactions,(Aust.Civ.Eng.Trans.), 0819-0259, Selective Australian Concrete Construction,(Aust.Concr.Constr.), 1034-7860, Selective Australian Journal of Soil Research,(Aust.J.Soil Res.), 0004-9573, Selective Australian Journal of Structural Engineering,(Aust.J.Struct.Eng.), 1328-7982, Selective Australian Mining,(Aust.Min.), 0004-976X, Selective Australian Numismatic Post,(Aust.Numis.Post), Selective Auto Technology,(Auto Technol.), 1616-8216, Selective Auto World,(Auto World), 0043-0315, Selective Automated Software Engineering,(Autom.Softw.Eng.), 0928-8910, Selective Automation in Construction,(Autom.Constr.), 0926-5805 Automobil Industrie,(Automob.Ind.), 0005-1306, Selective Automotive Engineer(UK),(Automot.Eng.(UK)), 0307-6490, Selective Automotive Engineering International,(Automot.Eng.Int.), 0098-2571, Selective Automotive Industries,(Automot.Ind.), 1099-4130, Selective Automotive Light Metals,(Automot.Light Met.), 1471-6011, Core Automotive Manufacturing Solutions,(Automot.Manuf.Solut.), 1471-6038, Selective Automotive News,(Automot.News), 0005-1551, Selective Automotive News Europe,(Automot.News Eur.), Selective Automotive Recycling,(Automot.Recycl.), 1058-9376, Selective Automotive Sourcing,(Automot.Sourcing), 1354-4306, Selective Automotive Supply,(Automot.Supply), 1622-860X, Selective Automotive Update,(Automot.Update), Selective Aviation Week & Space Technology,(Aviat.Week Space Technol.), 0005-2175, Selective Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine,(Aviat.Space Environ.Med.), 0095-6562, Selective Avtomaticheskaya Svarka,(Avtom.Svarka), 0005-111X, Selective Avtomobil'naya Promyshlennost',(Avtomob.Prom-st.), 0005-2337, Selective Battelle Environmental Updates,(Battelle Environ.Updates), Selective Bautechnik,(Bautechnik), 0932-8351, Selective Bechtel Briefs,(Bechtel Briefs), Selective BEDAm.Soc.Mech.Eng., Bioeng.Div.Newsl.), Selective Behaviour & Information Technology,(Behav.Inf.Technol.), 0144-929X, Selective Beijing Gongye Daxue Xuebao(Journal of Beijing Polytechnic,(Beijing Gongye Daxue Xuebao(J.Beijing Polytech.Univ.)), 0254-0037, Selective Beijing Jixie Gongye Xueyuan Xuebao(Journal of Beijing Institute,(Beijing Jixie Gongye Xueyuan Xuebao(J.Beijing Inst.Mach.)), 1008-1658, Selective Bergsmannen,(Bergsmannen), 0284-0448, Selective Beton-und Stahlbetonbau,(Beton Stahlbetonbau), 0005-9900, Selective Betoni,(Betoni), 1235-2136, Selective Betonwerk + Fertigteil-Technik,(Betonw.Fert.tl.-Tech.), 0373-4331, Selective Better Roads,(Better Roads), 0006-0208, Selective Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering,(Bio-Med.Mater.Eng.), 0959-2989, Selective Biofouling,(Biofouling), 0892-7014, Selective Biomaterials,(Biomaterials), 0142-9612, Priority Biomedical Engineering,(Biomed.Eng.), 0006-3398, Priority Biomedical Engineering Applications, Basis and Communications,(Biomed.Eng.Appl., Basis, Commun.), 1016-2356, Selective Biomedical Materials,(Biomed.Mater.), 0955-7717, Selective Bioremediation Journal,(Bioremediat.J.), 1088-9868, Selective Biuletyn Instytutu Spawalnictwa,(Biul.Inst.Spaw.), 0867-583X, Selective Blech Rohre Profile,(Blech Rohre Profile), 0006-4688, Selective blue inc.,(blue inc.), Selective BMES Bulletin,(BMES Bull.), Selective Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica y Vidrio,(Bol.Soc.Esp.Ceram.Vidr.), 0366-3175, Selective Boletin Tecnico,(Bol.Tec.), 0376-723X, Selective Brazilian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering,(Braz.J.Mater.Sci.Eng.), 1415-7004, Core Brick Bulletin,(Brick Bull.), 0307-9325 Brick Clay Record,(Brick Clay Rec.)Brick in Architecture,(Brick Archit.), 0743-0043 Brick Matters,(Brick Matters)Brick News,(Brick News), 1099-3959 Brickwork Design Magazine,(Brickwork Des.Mag.)Bridge,(Bridge), Priority Bridge Builder,(Bridge Build.), 1099-4327, Selective Bridge Engineering,(Bridge Eng.), 1478-4629, Selective British Ceramic Proceedings,(Br.Ceram.Proc.), 0268-4373, Priority British Ceramic Transactions,(Br.Ceram.Trans.), 0967-9782, Priority British Plastics and Rubber,(Br.Plast.Rubber), 0307-6164, Selective Building and Environment,(Build.Environ.), 0360-1323, Selective Building Engineer,(Build.Eng.), 0969-8213, Selective Building Research and Information,(Build.Res.Inf.), 0961-3218, Selective Building Research Establishment Good Building Guide,(BRE Good Build.Guide)Building Research Establishment Information Paper,(BRE Inf.Pap.)Building Sciences,(Build.Sci.), Selective Building Services Engineering Research & Technology,(Build.Serv.Eng.Res.Technol.), 0143-6244, Selective Buildings,(Buildings), 0007-3725, Selective Buletinul Institutului National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare in Sudura,(Bul.Inst.Natl.Cercet.-Dezvoltare Sudura Incercari Mater.Silikaty,(Ceram.Series A,(Chin.J.Mech.American Society of Mechanical Engineers.Computers and,(CIEAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers.Design,(DESIGNAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers.Dynamic Systems,(DSCAm.Soc.Mech.Eng., Eng.Technol.Manage.Group Newsl.), Selective e.nz magazine,(e.nz mag.), 1175-2025, Selective E.S.A.Bulletin,(E.S.A.Bull.), 0376-4265, Selective EAA Aluminium Quarterly Report,(EAA Alum.Q.Rep.), Core Earth & Mineral Sciences,(Earth Miner.Sci.), 0026-4539 Earth Science,(Earth Sci.), 1000-2383, Selective Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics,(Earthq.Eng.Struct.Dyn.), 0098-8847, Selective Earthquake Spectra,(Earthq.Spectra), 8755-2930, Selective Ecological Engineering,(Ecol.Eng.), 0925-8574, Selective Education for Information,(Educ.Inf.), 0167-8329, Selective EDUnews,(EDUnews), 1682-8380, Selective EE Times,(EE Times), 0192-1541, Selective EEDAm.Soc.Mech.Eng., Env.Eng.Div.Newsl.), Selective Electric Power,(Electric Power), 1004-9649, Selective Electric Power Components & Systems,(Electr.Power Compon.Syst.), 1532-5008, Selective Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters,(Electrochem.Solid State Letters), 1099-0062, Selective Electrochemistry,(Electrochemistry), 1344-3542, Selective Electrochimica Acta,(Electrochim.Acta), 0013-4686, Selective Electromagnetics,(Electromagnetics), 0272-6343, Selective Electronic Design,(Electron.des.), 0013-4872, Selective Electronic Device Failure Analysis,(Electron.Device Fail.Anal.), 1537-0755, Selective Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering,(Electron.J.Geotech.Eng.), 1089-3032, Selective Electronic Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences:,(Electron.J.Math.Phys.Sci.: Conf./Semin.Ed.), 1538-3318, Selective Electronic Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences: Regular,(Electron.J.Math.Phys.Sci.: Regul.Ed.), 1538-3326, Selective Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering,(Electron.J.Struct.Eng.), 1443-9255, Selective Electroplating & Finishing,(Electroplat.Finish.), 1004-227X, Selective Elektrichestvo,(Elektr.), 0013-5380, Selective Elektrokhimiya,(Elektrokhim.), 0424-8570, Selective Elektrometallurgiya,(Elektrometall.), Core Elektronnaya Obrabotka Materialov,(Elektron.Obrab.Mater.), 0013-5739, Selective Elektrotekhnika,(Elektrotekh.), 0013-5860, Selective Elevator World,(Elev.World), 0013-6158, Selective Empirical Software Engineer,(Empir.Softw.Eng.), 1382-3256, Selective Ends Report,(Ends Rep.), 0966-4076, Selective Energy Sources,(Energy Sources), 0090-8312, Selective Energy User News,(Energy User News), 0162-9131, Selective Energy World,(Energy World), 0307-7942 Engineer,(Eng.), 0046-1989, Selective Engineer(London),(Engineer(London)), 0013-7758, Selective Engineered Casting Solutions,(Eng.Cast.Solut.), 1523-4371, Selective Engineered Systems,(Eng.Syst.), 0891-9976, Selective EngineeringAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers.Electronic and,(EPPDAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers.Fuels and,(FACTAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers.Fluids,(FEDAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers.Heat Transfer,(HTDAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers.Internal,(ICEBritish Brick Society,(Inf.American Society of Mechanical Engineers.Information,(ISPS-Am.Soc.Mech.Eng., Inf.Storage Process.Sys.Div.Newsl.), Selective ITE Journal,(ITE J.), 0162-8178, Selective Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki, Metallovedenie i Termicheskaya Obrabotka,(Itogi Nauki Tekh., Metalloved.Term.Obrab.), 0202-7739, Core Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki, Metallurgicheskaya Teplotekhnika,(Itogi Nauki Tekh., Metall.Teplotekh.), 0202-7755, Core Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki, Metallurgiya Tsvetnykh Metallov,(Itogi Nauki Tekh., Metal.Tsvetn.Metall.), 0202-7747, Core Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki, Proizvodstvo Chuguna i Stali,(Itogi Nauki Tekh., Proizv.Chuguna Stali), 0202-7763, Core Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki, Prokatnoe i Volochil'noe Proizvodstvo,(Itogi Nauki Tekh., Prokatnoe Volochil'noe Proizv.), 0202-7771, Core Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki, Svarka,(Itogi Nauki Tekh., Svarka), 0202-778X, Priority Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki, Tekhnicheskii Analiz v Metallurgii,(Itogi Nauki Tekh., Tekh.Anal.Metall.), 0202-7801, Core IVD Technology,(IVD Technol.), 1093-5207, Selective Izobretateli-Mashinostroeniyu,(Izobret.Mashinostr.), Selective Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Estonskoi SSR, Fizichesko,(Izv.Akad.Nauk Est.SSR, Fiz.Mat.), 0367-1429, Selective Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Estonskoi, Khimicheskaya,(Izv.Akad.Nauk Est., Khim.), Selective Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Kazakhskoj SSR.Ser.,(Izv.Akad.Nauk Kazakh.SSR, Fiz.-Mat.), 0002-3191, Selective Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, Mekhanika Tverdogo Tela,(Izv.Akad.Nauk, Mekh.Tverd.Tela), 0572-3299, Selective Izvestiya Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk, Metally,(Izv.Ross.Akad.Nauk, Met.), 0869-5733, Core Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Chernaya Metallurgiya,(Izv.V.U.Z.Chernaya Metall.), 0363-0797, Core Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Khimiya i Khimicheskaya,(Izv.V.U.Z.Khim.Khim.Tekhnol.), 0579-2991, Selective Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Mashinostroenie,(Izv.V.U.Z.Mashinostr.), 0536-1044, Selective Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Tsvetnaya Metallurgia,(Izv.V.U.Z.Tsvetn.Metall.), 0021-3438, Core Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenij.Aviatsionnaya Tekhnika,(Izv.V.U.Z.Aviats.Tekh.), 0579-2975, Selective JAERI Persistent QuestResearch Act.), Selective JAERI-Data/Code,(JAERI-Data/Code), Selective JAERI-Research,(JAERI-Res.), Selective JAERI-Review,(JAERI-Rev.), Selective JAERI-Tech,(JAERI-Tech), Selective Jane's Defence Weekly,(Jane's Def.Wkly.), 0265-3818, Selective Jane's International Defense Review,(Jane's Int.Def.Rev.), 0020-6512, Selective Japan Metal Bulletin,(Jpn.Met.Bull.), 0021-4523, Core Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1,(Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.1), 0021-4922 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 2, Letters,(Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.2, Lett.), 0021-4922-2, Selective Japanese Railway Engineering,(Jpn.Railw.Eng.), 0448-8938, Selective JBI Journal,(JBI J.), 0254-5241, Selective JCBA Journal,(JCBA J.), Selective JEC Composites,(JEC Compos.), 0754-0876, Priority JFCC Review,(JFCC Rev.), 0916-4553 Ji Xie She Ji Yu Yan Jiu(Machine Design and Research)(China),(Ji Xie She Ji Yu Yan Jiu(Mach.Des.Res.)(China)), 1006-2343, Priority Jinshu Chengxing Gongyi(Metal Forming Technology)(China),(Jinshu Chingxing Gongyi(Met.Form.Technol.)(China)), 1000-8446, Core Jisuan Lixue Xuebao(Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics),(Jisuan Lixue Xuebao(Chin.J.Comput.Mech.)(China)), 1007-4708, Selective Jisuanji Celiang yu Kongzhi/Computer Measurement & Control,(Jisuanji Celiang yu Kongzhi/Comput.Meas.Control(China)), 1671-4598, Selective Jisuanji Jicheng Zhizao Xitong/Computer Integrated Manufacturing,(Jisuanji Jicheng Zhizao Xitong/Comput.Integr.Manuf.Sys.(China)), 1006-5911, Selective Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao(Chinese Journal of Mechanical,(Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao(Chin.J.Mech.Eng.)(China)), 0577-6686, Selective JOM,(JOM), 1047-4838, Core Journ.Mater.Tekhnol.Instrum.,(Journ.Mater.Tekhnol.Instrum.), Selective Journal European d'Hydrologie,(J.Eur.Hydrol.), 1023-6368, Selective Journal of Access Services,(J.Access Serv.), 1536-7967, Selective Journal of Acoustic Emission,(J.Acoust.Emiss.), 0730-0050, Selective Journal of Adhesion,(J.Adhes.), 0021-8464, Selective Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology,(J.Adhes.Sci.Technol.), 0169-4243, Priority Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology,(J.Adv.Concr.Technol.), 1346-8014, Selective Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems,(J.Adv.Manuf.Syst.), 0219-6867, Selective Journal of Advanced Materials,(J.Adv.Mater.), 1070-9789, Core Journal of Advanced Materials(UK/Russia),(J.Adv.Mater.(UK/Russia)), 0969-6849, Priority Journal of Advanced Transportation,(J.Adv.Transp.), 0197-6729, Selective Journal of Aerospace Engineering,(J.Aerosp.Eng.), 0893-1321, Selective Journal of Agricultural & Food Information,(J.Agric.Food Inf.), 1049-6505, Selective Journal of Air Traffic Control,(J.Air Traffic Control), 0021-8650, Selective Journal of Aircraft,(J.Aircr.), 0021-8669, Selective Journal of Algebra and its Applications,(J.Algebr.Appl.), 0219-4988, Selective Journal of Alloys and Compounds,(J.Alloy.Compd.), 0925-8388, Priority Journal of Analytical Science,(J.Anal.Sci.), 1006-6144, Selective Journal of Anshan University of Science and Technology,(J.Anshan Univ.Sci.Technol.), 1672-4410, Selective Journal of Applied Biomaterials & Biomechanics,(J.Appl.Biomater.Biomech.), 1722-6899, Priority Journal of Applied Crystallography,(J.Appl.Crystallogr.), 0021-8898, Selective Journal of Applied Electrochemistry,(J.Appl.Electrochem.), 0021-891X, Selective Journal of Applied Fire Science,(J.Appl.Fire Sci.), 1044-4300, Priority Journal of Applied Mathematics & Computing,(J.Appl.Math.Comput.), 1598-5865, Selective Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,(J.Appl.Math.Mech.), 0021-8928, Selective Journal of Applied Mechanics(Transactions of the ASME),(J.Appl.Mech.(Trans.ASME)), 0021-8936, Selective Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics(Russia),(J.Appl.Mech.Tech.Phys.(Russia)), 0021-8944, Selective Journal of Applied Polymer Science,(J.Appl.Polym.Sci.), 0021-8995, Selective Journal of Applied Sciences,(J.Appl.Sci.), 0255-8297, Selective Journal of Applied Systems Studies,(J.Appli.Syst.Stud.), 1446-7738, Selective Journal of Architectural and Planning Research,(J.Archit.Plann.Res.), 0738-0895, Selective Journal of Architectural Engineering,(J.Archit.Eng.), 1076-0431, Selective Journal of Architecture,(J.Archit.), 1360-2365, Selective Journal of Architecture and Planning(Transactions of AIJ),(J.Archit.Plan.(Trans.AIJ)), 1340-4210, Selective Journal of Astronautical Sciences,(J.Astronaut.Sci.), 0021-9142, Priority Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education and Research,(J.Aviat./Aerosp.Educ.Res.), 1065-1136, Selective Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,(J.Beijing Univ.Aeronaut.Astronaut.), 1001-5965, Selective Journal of Beijing University of Chemical Technology(Natural,(J.Beijing Univ.Chem.Technol.(Nat.Sci.Ed.)), 1671-4628, Selective Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers,(J.Bioact.Compatible Polym.), 0883-9115, Selective Journal of Biomaterials Applications,(J.Biomater.Appl.), 0885-3282, Selective Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition,(J.Biomater.Sci., Polym.Ed.), 0920-5063, Selective Journal of Biomechanical Engineering(Transactions of the ASME),(J.Biomech.Eng.(Trans.ASME)), 0148-0731, Priority Journal of Biomedical Materials Research,(J.Biomed.Mater.Res.), 0021-9304, Priority Journal of Bridge Engineering,(J.Bridge Eng.), 1084-0702, Selective Journal of Cave and Karst Studies,(J.Cave Karst Stud.), 1090-6924, Selective Journal of Cellular Plastics,(J.Cell.Plast.), 0021-955X, Selective Journal of Central China Normal University(Natural Sciences),(J.Cent.China Norm.Univ.(Nat.Sci.)), 1000-1190, Selective Journal of Central South University of Technology,(J.Cent.S.Univ.Technol.), 1005-9784, Selective Journal of Central South University of Technology(China),(J.Cent.South Univ.Technol.(China)), 1005-9792, Selective Journal of China University of Geosciences,(J.China Univ.Geosci.), 1002-0705, Selective Journal of Chinese Society for Corrosion and Protection,(J.Chin.Soc.Corros.Prot.), 1005-4537, Priority Journal of Civil Engineering and Management,(J.Civ.Manage.), 1392-3730, Selective Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing,(J.Clin.Monit.and Computing), 1387-1307, Selective Journal of Cluster Science,(J.Cluster Sci.), 1040-7278, Selective Journal of Coastal Research,(J.Coast.Res.), 0749-0208, Selective Journal of Coatings Technology,(J.Coatings Technol.), 0361-8773, Selective Journal of Cold Regions Engineering,(J.Cold Reg.Eng.), 0887-381X, Selective Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,(J.Colloid Interface Sci.), 0021-9797 Journal of Composite Materials,(J.Compos.Mater.), 0021-9983, Core Journal of Composites for Construction,(J.Compos.Constr.), 1090-0268, Selective Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,(J.Comput.Appl.Math.), 0377-0427, Selective Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering,(J.Comput.Methods Sci.Eng.), 1472-7978, Selective Journal of Computer Security,(J.Comput.Secur.), 0926-227X, Selective Journal of Computer-Aided Materials Design,(J.Comput.-Aided Mat.Des.), 0928-1045, Selective Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering,(J.Comput.Inf.Sci.Eng.(Trans.ASME)), 1530-9827, Priority Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering,(J.Comput.Civ.Eng.), 0887-3801, Selective Journal of Construction Engineering and Management,(J.Constr.Eng.Manag.), 0733-9364, Selective Journal of Construction Research,(J.Constr.Res.), 1609-9451, Selective Journal of Constructional Steel Research,(J.Constr.Steel Res.), 0143-974X, Core Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet,(J.Consum.Health Internet), 1539-8285, Selective Journal of Crystal Growth,(J.Cryst.Growth), 0022-0248, Selective Journal of Dalian Institute of Light Industry,(J.Dalian Inst.Light Ind.), 1005-4014, Selective Journal of Data Acquisition & Processing,(J.Data Acquis.Process.), 1004-9037, Selective Journal of Database Management,(J.Database Manage.), 1063-8016, Selective Journal of Difference Equations and Applications,(J.Differ.Equ.Appl.), 1023-6198, Selective Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control,(J.Dyn.Syst.Meas.Control(Trans.ASME)), 0022-0434, Priority Journal of Earthquake Engineering,(J.Earthq.Eng.), 1363-2469, Selective Journal of Ecological Chemistry,(J.Ecol.Chem.), 0869-3498, Selective Journal of Educational Technology Systems,(J.Educ.Technol.Syst.), 0047-2395, Selective Journal of Elastomers and Plastics,(J.Elastomers Plast.), 0095-2443, Selective Journal of Electroceramics,(J.Electroceram.), 1385-3449, Selective Journal of Electron Microscopy,(J.Electron Microsc.), 0022-0744, Selective Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena,(J.Electron Spectrosc.Relat.Phenom.), 0368-2048, Selective Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations,(J.Electron.Commer.Organ.), 1539-2937, Selective Journal of Electronic Materials,(J.Electron.Mater.), 0361-5235, Selective Journal of Electronic Packaging(Transactions of the ASME),(J.Electron.Packag.(Trans.ASME)), 1043-7398, Priority Journal of Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries,(J.Electron.Resour.Med.Libr.), 1542-4065, Selective Journal of Electronic Testing,(J.Electron.Test.), 0923-8174, Selective Journal of End User Computing,(J.End User Comput.), 1063-2239, Selective Journal of Energetic Materials,(J.Energ.Mater.), 0737-0652, Selective Journal of Energy and Development,(J.Energy Dev.), 0361-4476, Selective Journal of Energy Engineering,(J.Energy Eng.), 0733-9402, Selective Journal of Energy in Southern Africa,(J.Energy South.Afr.), 1021-447X, Selective Journal of Energy Resources Technology(Transactions of the ASME),(J.Energy Resour.Technol.(Trans.ASME)), 0195-0738, Selective Journal of Engineering and Applied Science,(J.Eng.Appl.Sci.), 1110-1903, Selective Journal of Engineering and Technology Management,(J.Eng.Technol.Manag.), 0923-4748, Selective Journal of Engineering Design,(J.Eng.Des.), 0954-4828, Selective Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power(Transactions,(J.Eng.Gas Turbines Power(Trans.ASME)), 0742-4795, Priority Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment,(J.Eng.Marit.Environ.), 1475-0902, Selective Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology(Transactions of,(J.Eng.Mater.Technol.(Trans.ASME)), 0094-4289, Core Journal of Engineering Mathematics,(J.Eng.Math.), 0022-0833, Priority Journal of Engineering Mechanics,(J.Eng.Mech.), 0733-9399, Selective Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics,(J.Eng.Phys.Thermophys.), 1062-0125, Selective Journal of Engineering Technology,(J.Eng.Technol.), 0747-9964, Selective Journal of Environment & Development,(J.Environ.Dev.), 1070-4965, Selective Journal of Environmental Engineering,(J.Environ.Eng.), 0733-9372, Selective Journal of Environmental Engineering(Transaction of AIJ),(J.Environ.Eng.(Trans.of AIJ)), 1348-0685, Selective Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management,(J.Environ.Eng.Landsc.Manage.), 1648-6897, Selective Journal of Environmental Health,(J.Environ.Health), 0022-0892, Selective Journal of Environmental Hydrology,(J.Environ.Hydrol.), 1058-3912 Journal of Environmental Quality,(J.Environ.Qual.), 0047-2425, Selective Journal of Environmental Radioactivity,(J.Environ.Radioact.), 0265-931X, Selective Journal of Environmental Science and Health.Part A: Toxic,(J.Environ.Sci.Health Part A: Toxic Hazard.Subst.Environ.Eng.), 1093-4529, Selective Journal of Environmental Systems,(J.Environ.Syst.), 0047-2433, Selective Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence,(J.Exp.Theor.Artif.Intell.), 0952-813X, Selective Journal of Explosives Engineering,(J.Explos.Eng.), 0889-0668, Selective Journal of Faculty of Engineering, University of Tehran,(J.Faculty of Engineering, University of Tehran), 1026-0803, Priority Journal of Ferrocement,(J.Ferrocement), 0125-1759, Selective Journal of Fire Protection Engineering,(J.Fire Prot.Eng.), 1042-3915, Selective Journal of Fire Sciences,(J.Fire Sci.), 0734-9041, Selective Journal of Fluid Mechanics,(J.Fluid Mech.), 0022-1120, Selective Journal of Fluids and Structures,(J.Fluids Struct.), 0889-9746, Selective Journal of Fluids Engineering(Transactions of the ASME),(J.Fluids Eng.(Trans.ASME)), 0098-2202, Priority Journal of Forensic Sciences,(J.Forensic Sci.), 0022-1198, Selective Journal of Functional Polymers,(J.Funct.Polym.), 1008-9357, Selective Journal of Fusion Energy,(J.Fusion Energy), 0164-0313, Selective Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,(J.Geotech.Geoenviron.Eng.), 1090-0241, Selective Journal of Global Information Management,(J.Glob.Inf.Manag.), 1062-7375, Selective Journal of Harbin Engineering University,(J.Harbin Eng.Univ.), 1006-7043, Selective Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series),(J.Harbin Inst.Technol.(New Series)), 1005-9113, Selective Journal of Hazardous Materials,(J.Hazard.Mater.), 0304-3894, Selective Journal of Heat Transfer(Transactions of the ASME),(J.Heat Transf.(Trans.ASME)), 0022-1481, Priority Journal of High Speed Networks,(J.High Speed Netw.), 0926-6801, Selective Journal of High Temperature Society of Japan,(J.High Temp.Soc.Jpn.), 0387-1096, Selective Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,(J.Hydraul.Eng.), 0733-9429, Selective Journal of Hydraulic Research,(J.Hydraul.Res.), 0022-1686, Selective Journal of Hydrologic Engineering,(J.Hydrol.Eng.), 1084-0699, Selective Journal of Hydrology,(J.Hydrol.), 0022-1694 Journal of Industrial Hemp,(J.Ind.Hemp), 1537-7881, Selective Journal of Infrastructure Systems,(J.Infrastruct.Syst.), 1076-0342, Selective Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry,(J.Inorganic Biochem.), Selective Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems,(J.Intell.Fuzzy Syst.), 1064-1246, Selective Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems,(J.Intell.Robot.Syst.), 0921-0296, Selective Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures,(J.Intelligent Mater.Syst.Struct.), 1045-389X, Core Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Information,(J.Interlibr.Loan Doc.Deliv.Inf.Supply), 1072-303X, Selective Journal of Internet Cataloging,(J.Internet Cat.), 1091-1367, Selective Journal of Internet Commerce,(J.Internet Commer.), 1533-2861, Selective Journal of Iron and Steel Research International,(J.Iron Steel Res.Int.), 1006-706X, Core Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering,(J.Irrig.Drain.Eng.), 0733-9437, Selective Journal of Japan Foundry Engineering,(J.Japan Foundry Eng.), 1342-0429, Core Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals,(J.Jpn.Inst.Light Met.), 0451-5994, Core Journal of Japan Research Institute for Advanced Copper-Base,(J.Jpn.Res.Inst.Adv.Copper-Base Mater.Technol.), 1347-7234, Core Journal of Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers,(J.Jpn.Soc.Mech.Eng.), 0021-4728, Selective Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition),(J.Jilin Univ.(Earth Sci.Ed.)), 1671-5888, Selective Journal of Jilin University: Engineering and Technology Edition,(J.Jilin Univ.: Eng.Technol.Ed.), 1671-5497, Selective Journal of Jinan Univeristy(Science and Technology),(J.Jinan Univ.(sci.Technol.)), 1671-3559, Selective Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications,(J.Knot Theory Ramif.), 0218-2165, Selective Journal of Laser Applications,(J.Laser Appl.), 1042-346X, Selective Journal of Library Administration,(J.Libr.Adm.), 0193-0826, Selective Journal of Lightwave Technology,(J.Lightwave Technol.), 0733-8724, Selective Journal of Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants,(J.Long-Term Eff.Med.Implant.), 1050-6934, Selective Journal of Low Temperature Physics,(J.Low Temp.Phys.), 0022-2291, Selective Journal of Machine Learning Research,(J.Mach.Learn.Res.), 1532-4435, Selective Journal of Macromolecular SciencePhys.), 0022-2348, Selective Journal of Macromolecular Science-Pure and Applied Chemistry,(J.Macromol.Sci.-Pure Appl.Chem.), 1060-1325, Selective Journal of Magnetic Resonance,(J.Magn.Reson.), 1090-7807, Selective Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,(J.Magn.Magn.Mater.), 0304-8853, Selective Journal of Management in Engineering,(J.Manage.Eng.), 0742-597X, Selective Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering(Transactions of,(J.Manuf.Sci.Eng.(Trans.ASME)), 1087-1357, Selective Journal of Marine Design and Operations,(J.Mar.Des.Oper.), 1476-1556, Selective Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology(Part A),(J.Mar.Eng.Technol.(Part A)), 1476-1548, Selective Journal of Marine Science and Application,(J.Mar.Sci.Appl.), 1671-9433, Selective Journal of Materials and Metallurgy,(J.Mater.Metall.), 1671-6620, Core Journal of Materials Chemistry,(J.Mater.Chem.), 0959-9428, Priority Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,(J.Mater.Eng.Perform.), 1059-9495, Core Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,(J.Mater.Civ.Eng.), 0899-1561, Selective Journal of Materials Processing Technology,(J.Mater.Process.Technol.), 0924-0136, Priority Journal of Materials Research,(J.Mater.Res.), 0884-2914, Priority Journal of Materials Science,(J.Mater.Sci.), 0022-2461, Priority Journal of Materials Science and Technology(Bulgaria),(J.Mater.Sci.Technol.(Bulgaria)), 0861-9786, Priority Journal of Materials Science Letters,(J.Mater.Sci.Lett.), 0261-8028, Priority Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics,(J.Mater.Sci.: Mater.Electron.), 0957-4522, Selective Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine,(J.Mater.Sci.: Mater.Med.), 0957-4530, Priority Journal of Mathematical Logic,(J.Math.Log.), 0219-0613, Selective Journal of Mechanical Design(Transactions of the ASME),(J.Mech.Des.(Trans.ASME)), 1050-0472, Priority Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology,(J.Med.Eng.Technol.), 0309-1902, Selective Journal of Medical Systems,(J.Med.Syst.), 0148-5598, Selective Journal of Metals, Materials and Minerals,(J.Metals, Mater.Mine.), 0857-6149, Selective Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,(J.Micromech.Microeng.), 0960-1317, Selective Journal of Microscopy,(J.Microsc.), 0022-2720, Selective Journal of Mining Science,(J.Min.Sci.), 1062-7391, Selective Journal of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics,(J.Nanjing Univ.Aeronaut.Astronaut.), 1005-2615, Priority Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,(J.Nanoscience Nanotechnology), 1533-4880, Selective Journal of National University of Defense Technology(China),(J.Natl.Univ.Def.Technol.(China)), 1001-2486, Selective Journal of Network and Systems Management,(J.Netw.Syst.Manag.), 1064-7570, Selective Journal of New Energy,(J.New Energy), 1086-8259, Selective Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids,(J.Non-Cryst.Solids), 0022-3093, Selective Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics,(J.Non-Newton.Fluid Mech.), 0377-0257, Selective Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation,(J.Nondestr.Eval.), 0195-9298, Selective Journal of Nondestructive Testing,(J.Nondestruct.Test.), 1435-4934, Priority Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials,(J.Nonlinear Opt.Phys.Mater.), 0218-8635, Selective Journal of Nonparametric Statistics,(J.Nonparametr.Stat.), 1048-5252, Selective Journal of Northeastern University, Natural Science(China),(J.Northeast.Univ., Nat.Sci.(China)), 1005-3026, Selective Journal of Nuclear Materials,(J.Nucl.Mater.), 0022-3115, Core Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology(Japan),(J.Nucl.Sci.Technol.(Jpn.)), 0022-3131, Selective Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene,(J.Occup.Environ.Hyg.), 1545-9624, Selective Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering,(J.Offshore Mech.Arct.Eng.(Trans.ASME)), 0892-7219, Priority Journal of Offshore Technology,(J.Offshore Technol.), 0968-784X, Selective Journal of Optical Technology,(J.Opt.Technol.), 1070-9762, Selective Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics,(J.Opt.A: Pure Appl.Opt.), 1464-4258, Selective Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,(J.Optim.Theory Appl.), 0022-3239, Selective Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials,(J.Optoelectron.Adv.Mater.), 1454-4164, Selective Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities,(J.Perform.Constr.Facil.), 0887-3828, Selective Journal of Phase Equilibria,(J.Phase Equilibria), 1054-9714, Core Journal of Physics D, Applied Physics,(J.Phys.D, Appl.Phys.), 0022-3727, Selective Journal of Physics, Condensed Matter,(J.Phys., Condens.Matter), 0953-8984, Selective Journal of Plastic Film & Sheeting,(J.Plast.Film Sheeting), 8756-0879, Selective Journal of Polymer Materials,(J.Polym.Mater.), 0970-0838, Selective Journal of Polymer Research,(J.Polym.Res.), 1022-9760, Priority Journal of Polymer Science, Part A, Polymer Chemistry,(J.Polym.Sci.A, Polym.Chem.), 0887-624X, Priority Journal of Polymer Science, Part B, Polymer Physics,(J.Polym.Sci.B, Polym.Phys.), 0887-6266, Priority Journal of Polymers and the Environment,(J.Polym.Environ.), 1566-2543, Selective Journal of Porous Materials,(J.Porous Mater.), 1380-2224, Selective Journal of Porous Media,(J.Porous Media), 1091-028X, Selective Journal of Power Sources,(J.Power Sources), 0378-7753, Selective Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology(Transactions of the ASME),(J.Pressure Vessel Technol.(Trans.ASME)), 0094-9930, Priority Journal of Product Innovation Management,(J.Prod.Innov.Manage.), 0737-6782, Selective Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and,(J.Prof.Issues Eng.Educ.Pract.), 1052-3928, Selective Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry,(J.Prosthet.Dent.), 0022-3913, Selective Journal of Protective Coatings & Linings,(J.Prot.Coat.Linings), 8755-1985, Selective Journal of Quality Technology,(J.Qual.Technol.), 0022-4065, Selective Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry,(J.Radioanal.Nucl.Chem.), 0236-5731, Selective Journal of Raman Spectroscopy,(J.Raman Spectrosc.), 0377-0486, Selective Journal of Rare Earths(English Edition),(J.Rare Earths(Engl.Ed.)), 1002-0721, Selective Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites,(J.Reinf.Plast.Compos.), 0731-6844, Priority Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and,(J.Res.Natl.Inst.Stand.Technol.), 1044-677X, Selective Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials,(J.Sandw.Struct.Mater.), 1099-6362, Core Journal of Scheduling,(J.Sched.), 1094-6136, Selective Journal of Seismology,(J.Seismol.), 1383-4649, Selective Journal of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering,(J.Seismol.Earthq.Eng.), Selective Journal of Shanghai University,(J.Shanghai Univ.), 1007-6417, Selective Journal of Shenyang Architectural and Civil Engineering,(J.Shenyang Archit.Civ.Eng.Univ.(Nat.Sci.)), 1671-2021, Selective Journal of Ship Production,(J.Ship Prod.), 8756-1417, Selective Journal of Ship Research,(J.Ship Res.), 0022-4502, Selective Journal of Sichuan University: Engineering Science Edition,(J.Sichuan Univ.: Eng.Sci.Ed.), 1009-3087, Selective Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and,(J.Softw.Maint.Evol.: Res.Pract.), 1532-060X, Selective Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology,(J.Sol-Gel Sci.Technol.), 0928-0707, Selective Journal of Solar Energy Engineering(Transactions of the ASME),(J.Sol.Energy Eng.(Trans.ASME)), 0199-6231, Priority Journal of Solid State Chemistry,(J.Solid State Chem.), 0022-4596 Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management,(J.Solid Waste Tech.Manage.), 1088-1697, Selective Journal of Solution Chemistry,(J.Solut.Chem.), 0095-9782, Selective Journal of Southeast University(English Edition),(J.Southeast Univ.(Engl.Ed.)), 1003-7985, Selective Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets,(J.Spacecr.Rockets), 0022-4650, Selective Journal of Spacecraft Technology,(J.Spacecr.Technol.), 0971-1600, Selective Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation,(J.Stat.Comput.Simul.), 0094-9655, Selective Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design,(J.Strain Anal.Eng.Des.), 0309-3247, Priority Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering,(J.Struct.Constr.Eng.), 1340-4202, Selective Journal of Structural Engineering,(J.Struct.Eng.), 0970-0137, Selective Journal of Structural Engineering(New York, N.Y.),(J.Struct.Eng.(New York, N.Y.)), 0733-9445, Selective Journal of Structural Geology,(J.Struct.Geol.), 0191-8141 Journal of Superconductivity,(J.Supercond.), 0896-1107, Selective Journal of Supercritical Fluids,(J.Supercrit.Fluids), 0896-8446, Selective Journal of Surveying Engineering,(J.Surv.Eng.), 0733-9453, Selective Journal of Synchrotron Radiation,(J.Synchrotron Radiation), 0909-0495, Selective Journal of Systems and Software,(J.Syst.Softw.), 0164-1212, Selective Journal of Taiwan Foundry Society,(J.Taiwan Foundry Soc.), 1011-6761, Priority Journal of Technical Association of Refractories Japan,(J.Tech.Assoc.Refract.Jpn.)Journal of Technology in Human Services,(J.Technol.Hum.Serv.), 1522-8835, Selective Journal of the ACM,(J.ACM), 0004-5411, Selective Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association,(J.Air Waste Manage.Assoc), 1047-3289, Selective Journal of the American Ceramic Society,(J.Am.Ceram.Soc.), 0002-7820, Priority Journal of the American Helicopter Society,(J.Am.Helicopter Soc.), 0002-8711, Selective Journal of the American Institute for Conservation,(J.Amer.Inst.Conserv.), 0197-1360, Selective Journal of the American Society for Information Science and,(J.Am.Soc.Inf.Sci.Technol.), 1532-2882, Selective Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry,(J.Am.Soc.Mass Spectrom.), 1044-0305, Selective Journal of the Australasian Ceramic Society,(J.Australas.Ceram.Soc.), 1018-6689, Selective Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and,(J.Brazil.Soc.Mech.Sci.Eng.), 1678-5878, Selective Journal of the China Railway Society,(J.China Railw.Soc.), 1001-8360, Selective Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society,(J.Chin.Chem.Soc.), 0009-4536, Selective Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers,(J.Chin.Inst.Eng.), 0253-3839, Selective Journal of the Electrochemical Society,(J.Electrochem.Soc.), 0013-4651, Selective Journal of the European Ceramics Society,(J.Eur.Ceram.Soc.), 0955-2219, Selective Journal of the Indian Institute of Science,(J.Indian Inst.Sci.), 0019-4964, Selective Journal of the Institute of Energy,(J.Inst.Energy), 0144-2600 Journal of the Institution of Engineers(India)Part MR: Marine,(J.Inst.Eng.India, Part MR, Mar.Eng.Div.), 0971-0450, Selective Journal of the Institution of Engineers(India)Part PR,(J.Inst.Eng.India, Part PR, Prod.Eng.Div.), 0257-6708, Selective Journal of the Institution of Engineers(India), Part CV, Civil,(J.Inst.Eng.India, Part CV, Civ.Eng.Div.), 0020-336X, Selective Journal of the Institution of Engineers(India), Part EN,(J.Inst.Eng.(India), Part EN, Env.Eng.Div.), 0251-110X, Selective Journal of the Institution of Engineers(India), Part MC,(J.Inst.Eng.India, Part MC, Mech.Eng.Div.), 0020-3408, Selective Journal of the Institution of Engineers(India), Part MM,(J.Inst.Eng.(India), Part MM, Metall.Mater.Sci.Div.), 0257-4411, Selective Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals,(J.Jpn.Inst.Met.), 0021-4876, Core Journal of the Japan Society for Composite Materials,(J.Jpn.Soc.Compos.Mater.), 0385-2563, Priority Journal of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy,(J.Jpn.Soc.Powder Powder Metall.), 0532-8799, Priority Journal of the Japan Welding Society,(J.Jpn.Weld.Soc.), 0021-4787, Selective Journal of the Korean Institute of Metals and Materials,(J.Korean Inst.Met.Mater.), 0253-3847, Core Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Materials,(J.Mech.Behav.Mater.), 0334-8938, Priority Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids,(J.Mech.Phys.Solids), 0022-5096, Selective Journal of the Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan,(J.Min.Mater.Process.Inst.Jpn.), 0916-1740, Priority Journal of the Optical Society of America.B, Optical Physics,(J.Opt.Soc.Am., B, Opt.Phys.), 0740-3224, Selective Journal of the Reliability Analysis Center,(J.Reliab.Anal.Cent.), Priority Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society,(J.Serb.Chem.Soc.), 0352-5139, Selective Journal of the Society of Materials Engineering for Resources of,(J.Soc.Mater.Eng.Resour.Jpn.), 0919-9853, Selective Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan,(J.Soc.Mater.Sci., Jpn.), 0514-5163, Core Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy,(J.S.Afr.Inst.Min.Metall.), 0038-223X, Priority Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineers,(J.S.Afr.Inst.Civ.Eng.), 1021-2019, Selective Journal of the Tiles & Architectural Ceramics Society,(J.Tiles Archit.Ceram.Soc.), 0264-5157 Journal of the Transportation Research Forum,(J.Transp.Res.Forum), 1046-1469, Selective Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry,(J.Theor.Comput.Chem.), 0219-6336, Selective Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,(J.Therm.Anal.Calorimetry), 1388-6150, Selective Journal of Thermal Envelope & Building Science,(J.Therm.Envelope Build.Sci.), 1097-1963, Selective Journal of Thermal Spray Technology,(J.Therm.Spray Technol.), 1059-9630, Priority Journal of Thermal Stresses,(J.Therm.Stresses), 0149-5739, Selective Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer,(J.Thermophys.Heat Transf.), 0887-8722, Selective Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials,(J.Thermoplast.Compos.Mater.), 0892-7057, Priority Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health,(J.Toxicol.Environ.Health), 0098-4108, Selective Journal of Transportation Engineering,(J.Transp.Eng.), 0733-947X, Selective Journal of Travel Research,(J.Travel Res.), 0047-2875, Selective Journal of Tribology(Transactions of the ASME),(J.Tribology(Trans.ASME)), 0742-4787, Priority Journal of Turbomachinery(Transactions of the ASME),(J.Turbomach.(Trans.ASME)), 0889-504X, Selective Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of,(J.Univ.Electron.Sci.Technol.China), 1001-0548, Selective Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing,(J.Univ.Sci.Technol.Beijing), 1001-053X, Selective Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(English,(J.Univ.Sci.Technol.Beijing(Engl.Ed.)), 1005-8850, Priority Journal of Urban Planning and Development,(J.Urban Plan.Dev.), 0733-9488, Selective Journal of Vibration and Acoustics(Transactions of the ASME),(J.Vib.Acoust.(Trans.ASME)), 1048-9002, Priority Journal of Vibration and Control,(J.Vib.Control), 1077-5463, Selective Journal of Visualization,(J.Vis.), 1343-8875, Selective Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation,(J.Vis.Comput.Animat.), 1049-8907, Selective Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems for Signal, Image, and,(J.VLSI Signal Process.Syst.Signal Image Video Technol.), 0922-5773, Selective Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management,(J.Water Resour.Plan.Manage.), 0733-9496, Selective Journal of Water Supply: Research & TechnologyAQUA), 0003-7214, Selective Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering,(J.Waterw.Port Coast.Ocean Eng.), 0733-950X, Selective Journal of Wide Bandgap Materials,(J.Wide Bandgap Mater.), 1524-511X, Selective Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics,(J.Wind Eng.Ind.Aerodyn.), 0167-6105, Selective Journal of Zhejiang University(Science),(J.Zhejiang Univ.(Sci.)), 1009-3095, Selective Journal of Zhengzhou University(Engineering Science),(J.Zhengzhou Univ.(Eng.Sci.)), 1671-6833, Selective JSAE Review,(JSAE Rev.), 0389-4304, Selective JSME International Journal, Series A: Solid Mechanics and,(JSME Int.J., Ser.A: Solid Mech.Mater.Eng.), 1344-7912, Core JSME International Journal, Series B: Fluids & Thermal,(JSME Int.J.Ser.B Fluids Therm.Eng.), 1340-8054, Selective JSME International Journal, Series C: Mechanical Systems Machine,(JSME Int.J.C: Mech.Syst.Mach.Elem.Manuf.), 1344-7653, Selective JSME News,(JSME News), 1340-8763, Selective Juzhi Gongye(Polyester Industry)(China),(Juzhi Gongye(Polyest.Ind.)(China)), 1008-8261, Selective Kanazawa Kogyo Daigaku Zairyo Sisutemu(Materials Systems),(Kanazawa Kogyo Daigaku Zairyo Sisutemu(Mater.Syst.)), 0286-6013, Selective Kawasaki Scope,(Kawasaki Scope), Selective Kawasaki Steel Giho,(Kawasaki Steel Giho), 0368-7236, Core Kawasaki Steel Technical Report,(Kawasaki Steel Tech.Rep.), 0388-9475, Core Kei Kinzoku Yosetsu(Journal of Light Metal Welding and,(Kei Kinzoku Yosetsu(J.Light Met.Weld.Constr.)), 0368-5306, Core Keramica,(Keramica), 0871-780X Keramicos,(Keramicos), 1017-7973 Keramische Rundschau Klima und Raum,(Keram.Runsch.Klima Raum)Keramische Zeitschrift,(Keram.Z.), 0023-0561, Selective Key Engineering Materials,(Key Eng.Mater.), 1013-9826, Core Khimicheskie Tekhnologii,(Khim.Tekhnol.), Selective Khimicheskoe i Neftegazovoe Mashinostroenie,(Khim.Neftegazov.Mashinostr.), 0023-1126, Selective Khimiya I Tekhnologiya Topliv I Masel,(Khim.Tekhnol.Topl.Masel), 0023-1169, Selective Khimiya I Tekhnologiya Vody,(Khim.Tekhnol.Vody), 0204-3556, Selective Khimiya Tverdogo Topliva,(Khim.Tverd.Topl.), 0023-1177, Selective Kinki Aruminyumu Hyomen Shori(Journal of Aluminum Finishing,(Kinki Aruminyumu Hyomen Shori(J.Alum.Finish.Soc.Kinki)), 0285-6689, Priority Kino Zairyo(Function and Materials),(Kino Zairyo(Funct.Mater.)), 0286-4835, Selective Kinzoku(Materials Science & Technology),(Kinzoku(Mater.Sci.Technol.)), 0368-6337, Core Kjemi,(Kjemi), 0023-1983, Selective Klei/Glas/Keramiek,(Klei/Glas/Keram.)Knowledge Bridge,(Knowl.Bridge), 1606-9536, Selective Kobe Research and Development,(Kobe Res.Dev.), 0373-8868, Core Koenronbunshu(Transactions of the Japanese Society for Strength,(Koenronbunshu(Trans.Jpn.Soc.Strength Fract.Mater.)), 0917-4486, Selective Kogaku Gijutsu(Engineering and Technology),(Kogaku Gijutsu(Eng.Technol.)), 0454-1405, Selective Kogyo Zairyo(Engineering Materials),(Kogyo Zairyo(Eng.Mater.)), 0452-2834, Core Koks i Khimiya,(Koks Khim.), 0023-2815, Selective Kokushikan Daigaku Rikogaku Kenkyusho Hokoku(Bulletin of Science,(Kokushikan Daigaku Rikogaku Kenkyusho Hokoku(Bull.Sci.Eng.Res.), 0915-4299, Selective Kompozitsionnye Polimernye Materialy,(Kompoz.Polim.Mater.), 0203-3275, Selective Kongzhi Lilun yu Yingyong/Control Theory & Applications(China),(Kongzhi Lilun yu Yingyong/Control Theory Appl.(China)), 1000-8152, Selective Konstruieren & Giessen,(Konstr.Giessen), 0341-6615, Selective Konstruktion,(Konstruktion), 0720-5953 Kontrol Diagnostika,(Kontrol Diagn.), Selective Korean Journal of Ceramics,(Korean J.Ceram.), 1225-9381 Koroze a Ochrana Materialu,(Koroze Ochr.Mater.), 0452-599X, Core Korrosionsinstitutet Rapport,(Korrosionsinst.Rapp.), 0348-7199, Selective Korroziya: Materialy, Zashchita,(Korroziya: Materialy, Zashchita), Priority Kovove Materialy,(Kovove Mater.), 0023-432X, Priority Kristallografiya,(Kristallografiya), 0023-4761, Selective Kuangye Yanjiu yu Kaifa(Mining Research and Development),(Kuangye Yanjiu yu Kaifa(Min.Res.Dev.)), 1005-2763, Selective Kumamoto Daigaku Kogaku Kenkyu Kiki Senta Hokobu(Report of,(Kumamoto Daigaku Kogaku Kenkyu Kiki Senta Hokoku(Rep.Exp.Mach.), 0289-694X, Selective Kunststoffe Plast Europe,(Kunstst.Plast.Eur.), 0945-0084, Selective Kurri Progress Report,(Kurri Prog.Rep.), 0919-1038, Selective Kuznechno-Shtampovochnoe Proizvodstvo(Obrabotka Metallov,(Kuznechno-Shtampov.Proizv.(Obrab.Metall.Davleniem)), 0201-7296, Selective Kybernetes,(Kybernetes), 0368-492X, Selective l'Industria Laterizi,(Ind.Laterizi), 1123-8208 Lakes and Reservoirs,(Lakes Reserv.), 1320-5331, Selective Lamiera,(Lamiera), 0391-5891, Selective Land and Water,(Land Water), 0192-9453, Selective Laser Focus World,(Laser Focus World), 1043-8092, Selective Lasers in Engineering,(Lasers Eng.), 0898-1507, Selective Le Vide: Science, Technique et Applications,(Vide, Sci.Tech.Appl.), 1266-0167, Selective Leadership and Management in Engineering,(Leadersh.Manage.Eng.), 1532-6748, Selective Legal Reference Services Quarterly,(Legal Ref.Serv.Q.), 0270-319X, Selective Liangang(Steelmaking)(China),(Liangang(Steelmaking)(China)), 1002-1043, Core Liangzi Dianzi Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics,(Liangzi Dianzi Xuebao/Chin.J.Quantum Electron.(China)), 1007-5461, Selective Liaoning Gongcheng Jishu Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Liaoning,(Liaoning Gongcheng Jishu Daxue Xuebao/J.Liaoning Tech.Univ.), 1008-0562, Selective Library & Archival Security,(Libr.Arch.Secur.), 0196-0075, Selective Lift Applications & Equipment,(Lift Appl.Equip.), 1545-0570, Selective Light Metal Age,(Light Met.Age), 0024-3345, Core Light Metals News,(Light Met.News), Priority LIRR's Selected Papers on Refractories,(LIRR's Selected Pap.Refract.)Liteinoe Proizvodstvo,(Liteinoe Proizvod.), 0024-449X, Core Liuti Lixue Shiyan yu Celiang,(Liuti Lixue Shiyan yu Celiang), 1007-3124, Selective Livarski Vestnik,(Livarski Vestn.), 0024-5135, Selective Ljevarstvo,(Ljevarstvo), 1330-2132, Selective Logos,(Logos), Selective Luft-und Raumfahrt,(Luft-Raumfahrt), 0173-6264, Selective M.C.Gill Doorway,(M.C.Gill Doorway), Selective Macchine Utensili,(Macch.Utens.), 1126-3377, Selective Machine Design,(Mach.Des.), 0024-9114 Machine Learning,(Mach.Learn.), 0885-6125, Selective Machine Vision and Applications,(Mach.Vis.Appl.), 0932-8092, Selective Machinery,(Machinery), 0024-919X, Selective Machinery and Steel, Austria,(Mach.Steel, Austria), 0255-3066, Selective Machinery Lubrication,(Mach.Lubr.), Selective Machining Science and Technology,(Machin.Sci.Technol.), 1091-0344, Selective Macplas International,(Macplas Int.), 0394-3453, Priority Macromolecules,(Macromolecules), 0024-9297, Selective Madencilik,(Madencilik), 0024-9416, Selective Magazine of Concrete Research,(Mag.Concr.Res.), 0024-9831, Selective Magdeburger Wissenschaftsjournal,(Magdebg.Wiss.), 0949-5304, Selective Magnesium,(Magnesium), 0891-6942, Selective Magnesium Industry,(Magnes.Ind.), 1590-959X, Core Magnesium Monthly Review,(Magnesium Mon.Rev.), 0047-5491, Selective Magnesium Research,(Magn.Res.), 0953-1424, Selective Managing Automation,(Manag.Autom.), 0895-3805, Priority Manufacturing Engineering,(Manuf.Eng.), 0361-0853, Selective Marine and Freshwater Research,(Mar.Freshw.Res.), 1323-1650, Selective Marine Engineers Review,(Mar.Eng.Rev.), 0047-5955, Selective Marine Georesources & Geotechnology,(Mar.Georesour.Geotechnol.), 1064-119X, Selective Marine Scientist,(Mar.Sci.), Selective Marine Structures,(Mar.Struct.), 0951-8339, Priority Maritime IT & Electronics,(Marit.IT Electron.), 1476-6027, Selective Maritime Policy and Management,(Marit.Policy Manage.), 0308-8839, Selective Masonry International,(Mason.Int.), 0950-2289 Masonry Society Journal,(Masonry Soc.J.), 0741-1294 Materia Japan,(Mater.Jpn.), 1340-2625, Priority Material Handling Business,(Mater.Handl.Bus.), 1533-4309, Selective Material Handling Management,(Mater.Handl.Manage.), 1529-4897, Selective Materiale Plastice,(Mater.Plast.), 0025-5289, Priority Materiales de Construcci,(Mater.Constr.), 0465-2746, Selective Materialovedenie,(Materialoved.), Selective Materialprufung,(Materialprufung), 0025-5300, Selective Materials and Design,(Mater.Des.), 0261-3069, Priority Materials and Geoenvironment,(Mater.Geoenvironment), 1408-7073, Selective Materials and Manufacturing Processes,(Mater.Manuf.Process.), 1042-6914, Priority Materials and Structures,(Mater.Struct.), 1359-5997, Priority Materials and Technology,(Mater.Technol.), 1580-2949, Core Materials at High Temperatures,(Mater.High Temp.), 0960-3409, Priority Materials Australia,(Mater.Aust.), 0818-3597, Core Materials Characterization,(Mater.Charact.), 1044-5803, Core Materials Chemistry and Physics,(Mater.Chem.Phys.), 0254-0584, Priority Materials Engineering,(Mater.Eng.), 1075-8577 Materials Evaluation,(Mater.Eval.), 0025-5327, Priority Materials for Mechanical Engineering(China),(Mater.Mech.Eng.(China)), 1000-3738, Selective Materials Forum,(Mater.Forum), 0883-2900, Core Materials Handling & Logistics Today,(Mater.Handl.Logist.Today), Selective Materials Letters,(Mater.Lett.), 0167-577X, Priority Materials Performance,(Mater.Perform.), 0094-1492, Core Materials Physics and Mechanics,(Mater.Phy.Mech.), 1605-2730, Selective Materials Protection(China),(Mater.Prot.(China)), 1001-1560, Core Materials Research,(Mater.Res.), 1516-1439, Priority Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings,(Mater.Res.Soc.Symp.Proc.), 0272-9172, Priority Materials Science(Russia),(Mater.Sci.(Russia)), 1068-820X, Core Materials Science and Engineering A,(Mater.Sci.Eng.A), 0921-5093, Core Materials Science and Engineering B,(Mater.Sci.Eng.B), 0921-5107, Selective Materials Science and Engineering C: Biomimetic Materials,(Mater.Sci.Eng.C: Biomimetic Mater., Sens.Syst.), 0928-4931, Selective Materials Science and Engineering R,(Mater.Sci.Eng.R), 0927-796X, Priority Materials Science and Technology,(Mater.Sci.Technol.), 0267-0836, Core Materials Science and Technology(Japan),(Mater.Sci.Technol.(Jpn.)), 1347-4774, Core Materials Science Forum,(Mater.Sci.Forum), 0255-5476, Core Materials Science Research International,(Mater.Sci.Res.Int.), 1341-1683, Core Materials Technology(UK),(Mater.Technol.(UK)), 1066-7857, Core Materials Technology Highlights,(Mater.Technol.Highlights), Core Materials Today,(Mater.Today), 1396-7021, Core Materials Transactions,(Mater.Trans.), 1345-9678, Core Materials World,(Mater.World), 0967-8638, Core Mathematical & Computational Applications,(Math.Comput.Appl.), 1300-686X, Priority Mathematical and Computer Modelling,(Math.Comput.Model.), 0895-7177, Selective Mathematical Geology,(Math.Geol.), 0882-8121, Selective Mathematical Methods in Operations Research,(Math.Methods Oper.Res.), 1432-2994, Priority Mathematical Problems in Engineering,(Math.Probl.Eng.), 1024-123X, Selective Mathematical Structures in Computer Science,(Math.Struct.Comput.Sci.), 0960-1295, Selective Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids,(Math.Mech.Solids), 1081-2865, Selective Matsushita Denko Giho(Matsushita Electric Works Technical,(Matsushita Denko Giho(Matsushita Electr.Works Tech.Rep.)), 0285-5054, Selective MC Magazine,(MC Mag.), Selective MDAm.Soc.Mech.Eng., Mater.Div.Newsl.), Selective Measurement,(Measurement), 0263-2241, Selective Measurement Science and Technology,(Meas.Sci.Technol.), 0957-0233, Selective Mecanique & Industries,(Mecan.Indust.), 1296-2139, Selective Meccanica(Milano),(Meccanica(Milano)), 0025-6455, Selective Mechanical Engineering Bulletin, 0379-5527, Selective Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,(Mech.Syst.Signal Process.), 0888-3270, Priority Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures,(Mech.Adv.Mater.Struct.), 1537-6494, Priority Mechanics of Composite Materials(Latvia),(Mech.Compos.Mater.(Latvia)), 0191-5665, Priority Mechanics of Materials,(Mech.Mater.), 0167-6636, Priority Mechanics of Structures and Machines,(Mech.Struct.Mach.), 0890-5452, Priority Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials,(Mech.Time Depend.Mater.), 1385-2000, Selective Mechanics Research Communications,(Mech.Res.Commun.), 0093-6413, Selective MEDAm.Soc.Mech.Eng., Manuf.Eng.Div.Newsl.), Selective Meiji Daigaku Rikogakubu Kenkyu Hokoku(Research Reports, School,(Meiji Daigaku Rikogakubu Kenkyu Hokoku(Res.Rep., Sch.Sci.), 0916-4944, Selective Meijyo Daigaku Rikogakubu Kenkyu Hokoku(Reports of the Faculty,(Meijyo Daigaku Rikogakubu Kenkyu Hokoku(Rep.Fac.Sci.Technol.,), 0386-4952, Selective Mekhanika Kompozitnykh Materialov,(Mekh.Kompoz.Mater.), 0203-1272, Core Mekhanika Kompozitsionnykh Materialov i Konstruktsij,(Mekh.Kompoz.Mater.Konstr.), Selective Mekhanika Tverdogo Tela,(Mekh.Tverd.Tela), 0321-1975, Selective Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering and Design, Kyoto Institute,(Mem.Fac.Eng.Des., Kyoto Inst.Technol.), 0911-0305, Selective Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University,(Mem.Fac.Eng., Kobe Univ.), 0368-9638, Selective Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University,(Mem.Fac.Eng., Kyushu Univ.), 1345-868X, Selective Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Miyazaki University,(Mem.Fac.Eng., Miyazaki Univ.), 0540-4924, Selective Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Osaka City University,(Mem.Fac.Eng., Osaka City Univ.), 0078-6659, Selective Memoirs of the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research,(Mem.Inst.Sci.Ind.Res., Osaka Univ.), 0369-0369, Selective Metal Architecture,(Met.Archit.), 0885-5781 Metal Bulletin,(Met.Bull.), 0026-0533, Selective Metal Bulletin Monthly,(Met.Bull.Mon.), 0373-4064, Priority Metal Casting Technologies,(Met.Cast.Technol.), Selective Metal Center News,(Met.Cent.News), 0539-4511, Selective Metal Construction News,(Metal Constr.News), 8756-2014, Selective Metal Finishing,(Met.Finish.), 0026-0576, Selective Metal Finishing News,(Met.Finish.News), Selective Metal Forming,(Met.Form.), 1040-967X, Selective Metal Home Digest,(Met.Home Dig.), 1085-8474, Selective Metal Industries(China),(Met.Ind.(China)), 0977-0379, Core Metal Powder Report,(Met.Powder Rep.), 0026-0657, Core Metal Producing & Processing,(Met.Prod.Process.), 0149-1210, Priority Metal Science and Heat Treatment(Russia),(Met.Sci.Heat Treat.(Russia)), 0026-0673, Core Metal World,(Metal World), Selective Metall,(Metall), 0026-0746, Core Metall i Lit'e Ukrainy,(Met.Lit'e Ukr.), Core Metalleiologika Metallourgika Chronika,(Metalleiologika Metall.Chron.), 1105-2430, Selective Metalloberfl che ,(Metalloberfl che), 0026-0797, Core Metallofizika I Novejshie Tekhnologii,(Metallofiz.Novejsh.Tekhnol.), 0204-3580, Selective Metalloobrabotka,(Metalloobrabotka), Selective Metallosnabzhenie I sbyt,(Metallosnabzhenie sbyt), Selective Metallovedenie i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov,(Metalloved.Term.Obrab.Met.), 0026-0819, Core Metallurg,(Metall.), 0026-0827, Core Metallurgia Italiana,(Metall.Ital.), 0026-0843, Core Metallurgical Analysis(China),(Metall.Anal.(China)), 1000-7571, Core Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A,(Metall.Mater.Trans.A), 1073-5623, Core Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B,(Metall.Mater.Trans.B), 1073-5615, Core Metallurgical Plant and Technology International,(Metall.Plant Technol.Int.), 0935-7254, Core Metallurgical Science and Technology,(Metall.Sci.Technol.), Core Metallurgicheskaya i Gornorudnaya Promyshlennost',(Metall.Gornorudn.Prom-st.), 0543-5749, Core Metallurgist(USSR),(Metallurgist(USSR)), 0026-0894, Core Metals & Mining International News,(Met.Min.Int.News), Priority Metals and Materials International,(Met.and Mater.Int.), 1598-9623, Core Metalurgia & Materiais ABM,(Metal.Mater.ABM), 0104-0898, Selective Metalurgia(Bucharest),(Metalurgia(Bucharest)), 0461-9579, Core Metalurgia y Electricidad,(Metal.Electr.), 0026-0991, Selective Metalurgija,(Metalurgija), 0543-5846, Core Metalworking Production,(Metalwork.Prod.), 0026-1033, Selective Metalworking Technology Update,(Metalwork.Technol.Update), Selective mfg,(mfg), Selective MHDAm.Soc.Mech.Eng., Mater.Handl.Eng.Div.Newsl.), Selective Microchimica Acta,(Microchim.Acta), 0026-3672, Selective Microelectronic Engineering,(Microelectron.Eng.), 0167-9317, Selective Microscale Thermophysical Engineering,(Microscale Thermophys.Eng.), 1089-3954, Selective Microscope,(Microscope), 0026-282X, Selective Microscopy Research and Technique,(Microsc.Res.Tech.), 1059-910X, Selective Microwave Journal,(Microw.J.), 0192-6225, Selective Microwaves & RF,(Microw.RF), 0745-2993, Selective Military and Aerospace Electronics,(Mil.Aerosp.Electron.), 1046-9079, Selective Military Engineer,(Mil.Eng.), 0026-3982, Selective Military Technology,(Mil.Technol.), 0722-3226, Selective Min.Res.Expl.Bull.,(Min.Res.Expl.Bull.)Mineral Industry Surveys, Aluminum,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Alum.), Priority Mineral Industry Surveys, Antimony,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Antimony), Priority Mineral Industry Surveys, Arsenic,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Arsenic)Mineral Industry Surveys, Bauxite and Alumina,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Bauxite Alum.), Priority Mineral Industry Surveys, Beryllium,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Beryllium), Priority Mineral Industry Surveys, Bismuth,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Bismuth), Priority Mineral Industry Surveys, Cadmium,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Cadmium), Priority Mineral Industry Surveys, Cement,(Miner.Ind.Surv.Cem.), Selective Mineral Industry Surveys, Chromium,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Chromium), Priority Mineral Industry Surveys, Cobalt,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Cobalt), Priority Mineral Industry Surveys, Columbium(Niobium)and Tantalum,(Miner.Ind.Sur.Columbium(Niobium)Tantalum), Priority Mineral Industry Surveys, Copper,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Copper), Priority Mineral Industry Surveys, Ferroalloys,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Ferroalloys), Selective Mineral Industry Surveys, Gallium,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Gallium), Selective Mineral Industry Surveys, Germanium,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Germanium), Priority Mineral Industry Surveys, Gold,(Miner.Ind.Sur., Gold), Priority Mineral Industry Surveys, Indium,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Indium), Priority Mineral Industry Surveys, Iron and Steel,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Iron Steel), Priority Mineral Industry Surveys, Iron and Steel Scrap,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Iron Steel Scrap), Priority Mineral Industry Surveys, Iron Ore,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Iron Ore), Priority Mineral Industry Surveys, Lead,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Lead), Priority Mineral Industry Surveys, Lithium,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Lithium), Selective Mineral Industry Surveys, Magnesium,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Magnes.), Priority Mineral Industry Surveys, Magnesium Compounds,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Magnes.Compd.), Priority Mineral Industry Surveys, Manganese,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Manganese), Priority Mineral Industry Surveys, Mercury,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Mercury), Selective Mineral Industry Surveys, Mining and Quarrying Trends,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Min.Quarr.Trends), Priority Mineral Industry Surveys, Molybdenum,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Molyb.), Priority Mineral Industry Surveys, Nickel,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Nickel), Priority Mineral Industry Surveys, Platinum-Group Metals,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Platin.-Group Met.), Selective Mineral Industry Surveys, Precious Metals,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Precious Met.), Priority Mineral Industry Surveys, Rare Earths,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Rare Earths), Priority Mineral Industry Surveys, RecyclingMet.), Selective Mineral Industry Surveys, Rhenium,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Rhenium), Selective Mineral Industry Surveys, Selenium and Tellurium,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Selenium Tellurium), Selective Mineral Industry Surveys, Silver,(Miner.Ind.Sur., Silver), Priority Mineral Industry Surveys, Slag--Iron and Steel,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Slag--Iron Steel), Priority Mineral Industry Surveys, Statistical Summary,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Stat.Summ.), Priority Mineral Industry Surveys, Strontium,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Strontium), Selective Mineral Industry Surveys, Thorium,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Thorium), Selective Mineral Industry Surveys, Tin,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Tin), Priority Mineral Industry Surveys, Titanium,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Titan.), Priority Mineral Industry Surveys, Tungsten,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Tungsten), Priority Mineral Industry Surveys, Vanadium,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Vanadium), Priority Mineral Industry Surveys, Wollastonite,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Wollastonite), Selective Mineral Industry Surveys, Zinc,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Zinc), Priority Mineral Industry Surveys, Zirconium and Hafnium,(Miner.Ind.Surv., Zirconium Hafnium),
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马刚:让艺术与思想完美结合 92-95 职场_人与书 人与书 96 中国金融出版社 8月书讯 2 中国金融出版社 图书推荐 97
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