
时间:2019-05-15 05:41:18下载本文作者:会员上传



1、Lastnight I _____ a _______.In the________, I was an___________.Ken_____with me.Hewas ___________, too.Firsh,we ________________________.Then we_______

____________________.There weremany_____and _______.Finaifywe _____on Mars.It was very cold on Mars.There ________________.There_________air.There_______no ________.But________________Martians.We were_________ofthe

Martians,but________________________.Soonwe__________________.we had

a louoffunonMars.3Yesterday_________,Mocky_______to_____________AnnandKen.AnnandKen_________________________.AnngaveMockyabig________.Moncy______hungry,sohe______the__________very________.suddenly_______________________.4Mocky__________and________.He________sick.Ken________Mockyon

______________.Mocky__________againandthe________________everywhere!Hewas OKThenhe_________thetabie.ThenextdayMocky__________AnnandKenagain.He_______________to eatanybananas.5Yesterdaywasschool_____________.Ken,David, andJohnran_________

______race.Daidranveryfast.He ____________andhe won___________.Ken______________.John__________.Ann,MaryandJane_______________second_______.Mocky____very_________

6Jane_____________.She_________________.Mary_______________.Ann______________.Ann________win____race.Mocky_____sad.Mocky__________todo the______________.He_________verywell.AnnandKen______happy______________________Mockywona_______ in





(1)陈述句:人称+be going to+动词原形

Iam going to play with friends.(2)疑问句:be+人称+going to+动词原形

Are you going to play with friends?


宾语(句尾):meyouhimherthem3、①Tony is going to visit relatives tomorrow.(they, play with friends)


②They are going to take some photos next Sunday.(he, take a test)


③My friends are going to go on vacation next week.(we, read some books)_________________________________________________________

④What is Jenny going to do? She is going to see the doctor.(your friends, surf the net)__________________________________________________________

⑤When are you going to go to Beijing?(Lisa, Jiangmen)


⑥Are they going to make models?(she, write a letter)

___________________________________________________________ ⑦Is Ben going to help dad? No, he isn’t.(they, have a party)

____________________________________________________________ ⑧Are you going to meet some friends? Yes, I am.(your Dad, get a haircut)____________________________________________________________ ⑨What’s the matter with you? I have a toothache.(him, a fever)

____________________________________________________________ ⑩What’s the matter with her? She has a stomachache.(Tony, a cold)




一 单项选择

1CanI ask you ______questions ?AanyBsomeCa2Thank you _____ telling me about your day.AatBforCto3It’s 6:00 p.mLet’s eat _____.A dinnerBlunchCbreakfast---When do you go to bed at night ?---I go to bed __ 9:30.A inBonCat5----What do you do ?____AI’m a student.BI’m Chinese.CI’m tall.6What do you do __the weekend ?AonBinCto7_____ do you eat dinner ?At 7:00.A WhyBWhichCWhen8I ________ play football.Sometimes I play basketball.AsometimesBoftenCUsually

9Usually I go shopping and watch TV._______I go hiking.AusuallyBoftenCSometimes

10I like music.I often ________ on the weekend.Aplay footballBplay sportsCplay the piano

11Which ______do you like best ? A seasonBseasonsCa season12I like winter.I can ______snow.Aplay withBplay onCplaying in

13Winter is beautiful ,but it’s _____ cold _____ me.Ato.....forBtoo......forCtoo......to

14________ is your favourite season ?AWhatBWhichC Why 15I can swim ______summer.AinBonCunder

16Can I help you ?______.ASureBYes ,I canC Yes,I can’t.17Do you have lunch at school ? AYes,I do.B Yes,I can.C No ,it is.18There are 3 months in winter.They are ____________________

ANovember ,December and January BOctober,November and December 19When is your mother’s birthday ? ______ is in January.AHis birthdayBHer birthday

20Is your birthday in March ? ______.AYes ,it isB Yes ,they are.21Toady is April _______.A1stB1th

22Everyone _______ to get a birthday card.AlikeBlikes

23Does she have a birthday card ?________.ANo, she doesn’t.BYes ,she don’t.24___________ is Teachers’ Day.ASeptember 10thB October 9th.25What are you doing ?I’m _______birthday card.A makingB makeing26When is Aunt Mary’s birthday ? Her birthday is ______ November.AinBonCto

27What’s the date today ? It’s ________.AMay 1stBMonday28Which season do you like best ?I like ______ best.AsummerBSeptemberCMonday

29Why do you like winter ? Because I can _______ a long time.AswimBsleepingCsleep

30I can’t play football in the rain.I can’t go hiking ,______.AtooBeitherCto

31----Hello!----Hi!John._________ Zhang Peng.AI’mB This isCThat’s

32Do you want to go to the zoo ? ________.

AByeBSureCThank you

33-----____________?-----She’s reading a book ?

AWhat are you doing ? B What’s your mother doing ?

CWhat’s your father doing ?

34-----See you later.------_________.AHelloBGoodbyeCYou’re welcome.35The bear are ______ under the tree.A sleepBsleepingC sleeps

36What ____ the mother elephant doing ?AamB areCis

37Can tigers really swim ?______

A Yes,they can.BYes,he can.C No, they can.38---_______?-----They are climbing trees.AWhat is he doing ? B What are the monkeys doing ? C What are you doing ?

39What is John doing ?--__________?

AHe’s taking picturesB She is taking pictures.C He is taking pictures.40What are you doing ?-----__________.AI’m watching insects.B I watching insects.C They are watching insects.41----________------They are in the woods.A Where is he ? B What are they doing ? C Where are they ?

42Are they doing an experiment ?---____________

AYes,he isBNo,they are.C No,they aren’t.43 Where is John ?-----__________

AShe’s in the woodsBHe’s in the woods.C They’re in the woods.44-----___________--------No,she isn’t.A Is he playing chess ? B She is collecting leaves.C They are collecting leaves.45Wu Yifan ______writing a report.They ______counting insects.AareisBisisCisare

46Hello, _________Amy.Can I speak to your mom please?

AI’mBthis isCthat is

47Mike ,________ a call for you.Athere areBthere’sC there

48---_______are the boys ?-----They are in the woods.AWhatBWhenCWhere

49----Are you eating bread ?-----_______

ANo,we isn’tBNo, we are.CNo, we aren’t.50Are the bears fighting ?-----___________

AYes,they aren’tBYes,he is.CYes,they are.二连词成句

1doeatwhenyoudinner? _____________________________?




6seasonyouwhichdobestlike? _______________________

7dolikewhyyouwinter ? __________________________



10isJuneUncle Bill’sinbirthday.11myisJulybirthdayin._______________________________


_________________________________________ ?


14National DayourisOctober 1st..__________________________


16isDecember 12thbirthdayZhang Peng’s?










1When do you go to school ?ASure.2Let’s watch TV together.BAt 7:00 am.3What do you do on the weekend ?CI’m a teacher.4Can I ask you some question ?DUsually I watch TV.5What do you do ?EOK...1Do you like spring ?AIt’s cold.2When do you go to school ?BNo, I don’t.3Which season do you like best ?CI like fall best.4What’s the weather like in winter ?DI go to school at 7:00.5What do you do ?EI’m an English teacher.1When is your birthday ?AIt’s Monday.2What’s the date ?BMike.3Is her birthday March 2nd ?cIt’s June 1st.4What day is it today ?DIt’s in May.5Who has a birthday in December ?EIt’s Monday.1What is your father doing ?AHe’s writing a letter.2Can I speak your dad ,please ?BShe’s washing the clothes.3What is your mother doing ,Sarah ?CPlease hold on.4Are you doing your homework ?DI’m cleaning my room.5What are you doing ?ENo, I’m drawing pictures.1What are they doing ?ANo,they aren’t.2Are you see any elephants ?BIt is jumping.3Can lions really swim ?CI see two monkeys.4What is it doing ?DThey are running.5What do you doing ?EYes,I do.四辨别发音


2sayplaytodaymay-------Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday




7classglasspassvasepath-----namelakecake face snake taste








1I _____(am is are)to my friend.2 John and Mike _______(am isare)reading a book.3The pandas ______(am isare)climbing trees.4 Mr Hu is _______(drawdrawing)pictures.5He can ________(writewriting)a report about the ants.七读一读,给下列节日选择月份

Teachers’ Day ______ National Day _________Children’s Day ______New Year’s Day_____

Tree--planting Day__________Arm y Day___________Christmas Day



1What do you do _____the weekend ?2I usually get up _____ 6:00.3I go to work at 9:00 ____the evening.4Thank you _____ telling me about your day.5What do you have ____ lunch _____Mondays ?6I can play ____ snow _____ winter.7Winter is beautiful ,but it’s too cold _____me.8My birthday is _____October.9I’m making a birthday card _____ for my friend.10Mom ,there’s a call ____you.11The elephant is drinking water ______it’s trunk.12They are _____ the woods.13Come and have a look ____the ants.14She is running ______ us.15I like sweet things ,too.Do an experiment ___ me ,please.九小知识点

1What ____you do on the weekend ?What _____ he do on the weekend ?(dodoes)

_______ she have a computer ? No,she does’t.2Excuse me.Can I ask you ______ questions ?(any some)

Do you see _______animals?Yes, I see ________pandas.(anysome)3How’s everybody _______(do doing)?

4Everyone _______(like likes)to get birthday cards.5Who _____(have has)a birthday in October ?

十前面用an 的词ante-mailexperimentan interesting book!


国庆练习Unit 2.My week A.Let’s talk 按要求写句子。

1.I love English.(一般疑问句,肯定回答)2.Mr Young is my music teacher.(一般疑问句)3.I have music on Thursdays.(就划线部分提问)4.We have Chinese on Tuesdays.(一般疑问句)5.Is he very strict ?(肯定回答)6.I have art on Thursdays.(否定句)7.My mother is strong.(写出问句)8.Mr Zhang is my PE teacher.(就划线部分提问)9.Mike is very funny.(否定句)10.We are good students.(一般疑问句,肯定回答)A.Let’s learn


1.on Tuesdays 2.have Chinese and maths 3.our science teacher 4.computer class 5.your art teacher 6.have a cooking class

Let’s spell

一、找出下列各组单词划线部分发音与众不同的一个。()1.A.eat B.meet C.teacher D.head()2.A.read B.bread C.repeat D.meet()3.A.bee B.feed C.beef D.great

二、判断下列各组单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“√”,否则打“×”。1.see meet()2.head teacher()3.tea eat()5.read sea()5.teeth coffee()6.feed beef()

B.Let’s talk 按要求写句子。

1.I often read books in this park.(一般疑问句)2.Do you often play football ?(肯定回答)3.Yes , I often listen to music on Sundays.(写出问句)4.It’s a storybook.(写出问句)5.No, I don’t play ping-pong on Saturday.(写出问句)6.I like this park.(一般疑问句,否定回答)7.We often play football.(一般疑问句)8.What’s this ?(用“一本英语书”回答)9.Is that a book ?(否定回答)10.That’s a pencil.(就划线部分提问)11.It’s a pencil.(就划线部分提问)12.This is a pencil.(就划线部分提问)B.Let’s learn


1、洗衣服 2.看电视 3.做作业 4.看书 5.踢足球6.在星期四 7.在周末

9.in this park 10.clean my room 11.play the pipa 12.draw pictures

8.Saturday afternoon 1.I have PE on Mondays.(就划线部分提问)2.I often play sports on Sundays.(一般疑问句)

3.We often read books on the weekend.(就划线部分提问)4.I like sports.(否定句)

5.We have music on Tuesdays.(否定句)6.I watch TV on Thursdays.(否定句)7.I have a football class.(一般疑问句)8.We have art on Fridays.(写出问句)9.They like apples.(就划线部分提问)

10.I often play ping-pong on Sundays.(写出问句)11.Today is Monday.(就划线部分提问)12.What about you ?(同义句)


1.S____________ is the last(最后)day of a week.2.S____________ is the first(第一)day of a week.3.Today is _____________.Tomorrow(明天)is Monday.4.What do you do on the w___________ ? I often w__________ TV and r_______ b________.5.I like W_____________.Because we have PE on that day.三、选择填空。

()1.What do you have ______ Mondays ? A.on B.at C.in()2.______ you have maths ? A.Do B.Are C.Is()3.Do you often read books in the evening ?________ A.Yes , I don’t.B.No , I don’t C.No , I do()4.I have Chinese ______ maths on Mondays.A.and B.or C.with()5.I __________ like sports.A.no B.not C.don’t()6.I need a box of ___________.A.crayon B.crayons C.pencil()7.Do you read books _____ the weekend ? A.on B.in C.at()8.He’s _________.A.friend B.fun C.funny()9.What’s that ? _______ a book.A.It’s B.This is C.That is()10.I need some _______.A.rulers B.pencil C.crayon


1.the , books , do , weekend , read , you , on(?)2.have , Thursdays , what , on , you , do(?)3.I , watch , sometimes , TV(.)4.do , you , what, Sundays , do , on , often(?)5.play , do , often , you , sports(?)6.you , your , do , clothes , often , wash(?)7.we , have , Tuesdays , what , on , do(?)8.maths , Fridays , I , Chinese , on , and , have(.)9.have , class , with , cooking , grandpa , a , I , your(.)


1.My Little Cat

I love animals(动物)very much.But I love my little cat best.My little cat's name is MImi.When I get home ,she walks to me.When she feels hungry,she meows loudly(大声地).Now she's very fat.Mimi is very lovely.I like my little cat——Mimi.Read the following sentences,choose true(T)and False(F).仔细阅读,在下列句子前标上T(正确)或F(错误)。()1.My favorite animal's name is Mimi.()2.My cat is very fat now.()3.Mimi is not lovely.()4.When the cat is hungry ,she meows loudly.()5.I don't like Mimi.2.I Love My Family I have a happy family.There are four people in my family.They are my father,my mother, my sister and I.My father is a doctor.My mother is a housewife(家庭主妇).My sister and I are pupils(小学生).My father is very tall.He likes reading.My mother is a little fat.She likes watching TV.My sister is very beautiful.She likes singing.They love me ,and I love them too.Read the following sentences,choose true(T)and False(F).()1.There are four people in my family.()2.My father is not a doctor.()3.My mother likes reading.()4, My sister likes watching TV.()5.My sister is a pupil.3.A Bedroom(卧室)This is Tom's bedroom.It's a big and clean room.The desk is near(在……附近)the window.The light(灯)is on the desk.Some flowers are also on the desk.A small table is near the bed.A TV is on it.Two pictures are on the wall.A little cat is under the chair.A football is under the bed.Read the following sentences,choose true(T)and False(F).()1.This bedroom is Tom's.()2.The light is on the bed.()3.A TV is on the small table.()4.A little cat is under the chair.()5.A football is under the table.4.Our School

Our school is NO.1 Primary School in the city.It's very big and clean.You can see many trees, grass and flowers in it.There are about 900 students in our school.All of the students study hard.And there are nearly(几乎,差不多)50 teachers in our school.The teachers work hard ,too.Read the following sentences,choose true(T)and False(F).()1.Our school is very big and clean.()2.You can see many trees, grass and flowers in our school.()3.There are about 600 students in our school.()4.All of the students study hard.()5.here nearly(几乎,差不多)50 teachers in our school.5.A Good Student

Li lei is a good student.He is ten years old.He studies in Yu Cai Primary School.He gets up very early every morning.He goes to school by bike.He studies hard.He likes to help others.When he is at home, he always helps his mother do housework(家务;家务活).We all love him.We think he is a good student.Read the following sentences,choose true(T)and False(F).()1.Li lei is a good student.()2.He is ten years old.()3.He goes to school by bus.()4.He doesn't help his mother do housework.()5.We all like Li Lei.6.My Foreign Classmate

I have a foreign(外国的)classmate(同学)He is John.He comes from America.He is eleven years old.He is a black man His father is s doctor.Hie mother is an English teacher in our school.She teach us English.John and I always play together after class.He likes playing basketball(篮球).He likes to live in China

Read the following sentences,choose true(T)and False(F).()1.My oreign classmate's name is John.()2.John comes from England.()3.He is a black man.()4.His mother is a doctor.()5.His mother()1.There are six seasons in a year.teaches us English.7.Children's Day(儿童节)

It's June(六月)1 st today.It's Children's Day.The school is off(停着的;休歇的).Mary is ten years old.She is going to see a film.Tom is thirteen years old.He is going to the park.Mike is twelve.He is going to play football.All of them are very happy.Choose the best answer ,A,B,C or D,to these question.在选项A,B,C或D中选择一个最佳的答案。


1、is Children's Day.A.June 1 st

B.July1 st

C.October 1 st

D.June 2 nd()

2、How old is Mary? A,12

B, 10

C, 14

D.15()3.Mary is going to

on Children's Day.A,see a film

B, the park

C, play football

D.the zoo()

4、is going to the park on Children's Day.A,Mary


C, Mike

D.Mary and Mike()5.What is Mike going to do ? A.He is going to the park.B.He is going to the hospital.C.He is going to play football.D.He is going to see a film.8.Seasons

There are four seasons in a year,spring, summer,autumn and winter.In spring ,the trees and grass are begin to grow.In summer the sun keeps burning(燃烧)in the sky and people feel very hot.In autumn,the crops(庄稼)mature(成熟)and the leaves turn yellow.In winter,it snows and snow is white.Read the following sentences,choose true(T)and False(F).()2.Spring is very cold.()3.The sun keeps burning(燃烧)in the sky in summer.()4.In autumn,it snows.()5.In winter ,the trees and grass are begin to grow.一、Read and judge阅读短文,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。Passage 1

Many parts of the world have four seasons.They are spring, summer, fall and winter.Spring follows winter.It becomes warmer and the days become longer.Plants begin to grow and many animals have babies.Summer is the hottest season.It does not get dark until late.Plants grow fast.In fall the days get shorter.The weather turns cooler.Trees may lose their leaves.Some birds fly

to warmer places.Winter is the coldest season.It gets early in the evening.Plants stop growing and many trees are bare(光秃)。1.All parts of the world have four seasons.()

2.Many animals have babies in spring.()3.Summer is the hottest season.()4.The day become longer in fall.()

5.Winter comes.The plants stop growing.()Passage 2 Mary and Kate are sister.They just had a physical examination(体检)。These are some of the results.Mary

Kate Age



110cm Weight(体重)40kg

30kg Hair

long, black

short , brown



blue They are healthy.1.Mary is Kate’s sister.()

2.Kate is older than Mary.()3.Mary has long and brown hair.()4.Mary is 10kg heavier than Kate.()5.Their eyes’ colour are same.()

Passage 3 On Sunday morning, Mr Baker takes Mike and Joan to a plane.He opens the door of the plane and lets the children in.Soon the plane begins to up.Joan looks out of the window, “Oh, we’re like birds in the sky!” She says.She looks at the houses, but they are like toy houses.Mike looks out of the window, too.He sees some buses.They look like toy buses.The people on the ground look very, very small, too.Then the plane comes down and down, and stops on the ground.Mike and Joan are very happy.1.Mr Baker takes Mike and Joan to a plane because they’re going to school.()2.The children see some birds in the sky.()3.The children can see some people on the ground.()4.Mike doesn’t look out of the window.()5.They are very happy.()Passage 4 Lily and Lucy are twins.They come from America.They came to China in 2004 because their parents came to China to work.Their father is an engineer, and their mother is a teacher.Lily and Lucy are 12 years old.They are in Grade 5, but they are in different classes.Lily is in Class 1 and Class 3.They walk to school every day.They have many friends in China.The girls and their friends often play together.They like hiking with their friends in summer and making snowmen with them in winter.They enjoy their life in China.1.Lily and Lucy are American girls.()2.Their mother is an engineer.()3.Lily and Lucy are in the same class.()4.Lily and Lucy like hiking and making snowmen in winter.()5.They live in China now.()

二、read and choose阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Passage 5 Dear Peter,Thank you for your letter and some wonderful stamps.I like them very much.I also collect stamps.I’m sending some Monkey King stamps to you.I thing you’ll like them.Now I’m going to answer some of your questions.You ask me about the weather in Beijing in winter.It’s quite cold and it often snows in winter.After snowing the ground is white.And I can skate on ice.It’s very interesting to skate.I like winter best.You ask me when is the best time to come to China.I think the best time to come to China is in spring or in fall.It’s often too hot in summer and it’s cold in winter.I have to finish this letter now.Ask your brother to come to China with you.Welcome to Beijing soon.Yours,Li Lei

()1.What season does Li Lei like best?__________ A.Spring B.Summer C.Fall D.winter()2.Which country is Li Lei in?___________ A.America B.China C.England D.Canada()3.What does Peter give Li Lei?______.A.Food B.Stamps C.Snow D.nothing

()4.What is the best time to come to China?_________.A.Spring B.Summer C.Fall D.Spring and fall()5.What is the text(文章)about?()A.Letter B.Notice C.Report D.News Passage 6

In a small village, there is a teacher, a doctor, a driver and a policeman.They are all good friends.What are their names? One is Mike, one is Jack, one is Tom and the other is John.Mike’s, Jack’s and Tom’s children are classmates.John has not any children.He teaches his friends’ children at school.Mike has many hens and he gives the driver and the doctor eggs.Jack’s child goes to school to the doctor’s house.The doctor’s is behind Jack’s.()1.The four people live in a small__________.A.factory

B.school C.village D.park()2.Are all the four people good friends? A.Yes, they are B.No, they aren’t.C.No, two of them are.D.No, three of them are()3.John is ____, Mike is _______, and Tom is _______.A.a doctor, a policeman, a driver.B.a teacher, a policeman, a doctor.C.A policeman, a teacher, a driver.D.a driver, a doctor, a teacher.()4.Which is right?______ A.Jack’s house is behind the doctor’s

B.Jack gives his friends eggs.C.Some of their children are in the same class.D.John hasn’t any children..()5.Jack’s child goes to school to______

A.Mike’s house.B.the teacher’s house.C.the doctor’s house.D.John’s house

Passage 7 Mr Black and Mrs.Black live at 15King Road.They have two children.One is seven and the other is nine.In the morning Mr Black goes to work and the children go to school.Their father takes them to school everyday.Mrs.Black stays at home.She does a lot of housework in the morning.And in the afternoon, sometimes she goes to see her friends, sometimes she goes shopping.They have dinner at a 6:15.After that they play games, or go for a walk, or watch TV.()1.There are ______ people in the Black family.A.two B.three C.four

D.five()2.Mr.Black takes his children to school every_______? A.afternoon B.evening C.day D.week()3.Mrs.Black sometimes_______ in the afternoon.A.takes a walk in the park B.watches TV C.reads a book

D.goes to see her friends()4.How do the children go to school?______ A.by car B.by bus C.on foot D.by bike.()5.What do they often do after dinner? A.stay at home.B.go to school C.see their friends D.play game or watch TV.三、Read and arrange读句子,排序

()Hello, Mike.I’m ZhangPeng.What are you doing?()Yes, it’s in front of the post office.()I’m watching TV.What about you?()How can I get to the post office?()You’re welcome.()Hello.This is Mike speaking.()You can go there by No.11 bus.()I’m listening to music.What are you going to do tomorrow?()Thank you.()I’m going to the park with my parents.But where is the park? Can you tell me?

四、Read and answer阅读短文回答问题

Mary is a worker.She works in a glass factory in London.Mary doesn’t work on Sunday.She usually gets up early.She doesn’t like staying at home.After breakfast she often drives he red car to see her friend Jane.Jane is a doctor.She lives with her parents near London.Mary drives to Jane’s house in about forty minutes.There they talk about their jobs(工作), their families and their friends.Then in the afternoon they often go shopping.They have a good time.1.What does Mary do? __________________________ 2.Where does she work? __________________________

3.Does she like staying at home? __________________________

4.When does she see her friends? __________________________ 5.What do they talk? __________________________



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    1.My Little Cat I love animals(动物)very much.But I love my little cat best.My little cat's name is MImi. When I get home ,she walks to me.When she feels hungry,s......


    英译汉 1. move your knee2. have a stomachache3. do printing on the paper 4. computer corner5. go on a field trip6. swimming trunks 7. play volleyball8. art room......


    2B练习 一.Words 单词 1. 天气2. 节日3. 场所 4. 厨具 5. 动词词组 二.Grammar语法 1. 请写出可数名词变复数变化规则2. 请写出动词变现在分词形式变化规则3. 请写出现在进行......


    一、单项选择题1、下面哪一项不是我国婚姻法规定的结婚必备条件。(B )A 男女双方具有结婚合意B 没有遗传学上的疾病C 双方达到法定婚龄D 符合一夫一妻制2、下面关于亚血缘群婚......


    记叙文练习教学目标:1、读懂题目,能抓住题目的关键词答题。 2、留心分值的设置,确定答题要点数量。 3、通过阅读题目短文,学习作文的写法。第一练例1、阅读短文,回答问题。 种辣......


    一、 同音字辨析 (一)复习1 fù ( )亲 ( )宴 ( )近( )女 ( )习( )责 ( )盖 ( )主席( )部 ( )裕 师( ) 2 xié ( )作 威( ) 改( )归正 裹( ) 斜( ) 和( ) ( )带 拖( ) 3 yù 宝( ) ( )见 沐( ) 索溪( ) 富( ) ( )望 养( )忧( )......


    五年级句子练习一、照样子换个说法。 五( )班 姓名( ) 例1:大榕树是鸟的天堂。 大榕树不是鸟的天堂吗? 1·杭州西湖是人间天堂。 z·瑶琳仙境是富春江旅游风景线上的一颗明珠......


    一、写出下列动词的现在分词: play_____________run______________swim_____________make_____________ go______________ like____________ write_____________ _ski_____......