
时间:2019-05-15 05:49:15下载本文作者:会员上传









The nicer personality you have, the better your life will


Hi everyone.I’m Julia.Today I want to talk about an original word——personality.Last year, people created many new words, like gelivable and jiong.These words are sometimes strange, but they’re also funny.They are used by many TV shows and newspapers.There is a word that I am interested in——personality.People translate it into 人品.It is so popular to say this word.For example, if you ask your mother for fifty Yuan as pocket money;but she gives you a hundred Yuan, then you might say“See, I have a good personality!”But do you know what the meaning of personality is?

Personality doesn’t mean what you look like or what people think of you.It depends on your heart.Every detail in your life will show your personality.Personality is one of the most important parts of a person’s life.I have read a story;it shows how personality changes a person’s life.There was a rich man, he had a lot of money, but he had a very poor personality.After a long time, no one liked making friend with him.And soon, the Christmas came;three goats came to his house and told him what his future will be.After he saw this, he felt scared and decided to improve his personality to change his life.He tried to help poor people with his money and became kind-hearted.To his surprise, he found that his friends accepted him and he began to live a new life.Now you see how important personality is.So please use your ability to build a nicer personality.Look, a better life is waiting for your smile.


希望之星英语演讲稿 第一环节:


Good afternoon!Every body!My name is Shi Yuhang.I come from a beautiful city, Huainan.Today, I am an ambassador.My ambassador manifesto is: Anhui, a charming place, a fly place, a friendly province, a open province.Welcome to Anhui!Then, let me sing a song for you.This song’s name is you and me: You and Me, heart joined heart,,We are family.Travel one dream,,thousand miles,,Meeting in Anhui.Come together;Put your hand in mine.You and Me, from one world, we are family.大家下午好!我的名字是石宇杭。我来自一个美丽的城市,淮南。今天,我是一个大使。我的大使宣言是:安徽,一个迷人的省,一个腾飞的省,一个友好的省,一个开放的省。安徽欢迎你!然后,让我为你唱一首歌。这首歌的名字是我和你,心与心,我们是一家人。为梦想,千里行,相聚在安徽。走到一起;把你的手给我。你和我,来自一个世界,我们是一家人。



Hello, every body.I come from a charming city, Huainan.Now, let me have a brief introduction about Huainan.1.美食

It cannot be denied that there are many delicious foods in Huainan.But when mention cates or special food, the first thought of my mind is tofu and Huainan beef soup.Now I want to have a brief introduction about the two kinds of food.Tofu, I think when I mention it, many people may laugh at me.Is it a cate? I can see it everywhere.It’s so common.But I can be sure to tell you, in Huainan, tofu is not just a simple ingredient, but also a kind of culture.If you come to my hometown, I will show you a tofu feast.At present, Huainan tofu products have as many as dozens of species, more than 30 kinds of cooking methods, and it can make more than 400 kinds of dishes.Huainan tofu is like a treasure, just like jade board.Huainan beef soup is also a famous specialty.The material are exquisite, it must take the cattle of Huai River as raw material and using the ox bone to boil soup.And it only uses homemade butter to made red oil.Ah, the beet soup looks fine and tastes good.It is so delicious!I just want to say, welcome to my hometown, I’ll show you a food you a foot feast!





Huainan is a beautiful and rich city.It has different kinds of products.I’ll introduce you some of them.in Huainan, tofu is not just a simple ingredient, but also a kind of culture.If you come to my hometown, I will show you a tofu feast.At present, Huainan tofu products have as many as dozens of species, more than 30 kinds of cooking methods, and it can make more than 400 kinds of dishes.Huainan tofu is like a treasure, just like jade board.If you come to my hometown, I will show you a tofu feast.The other specialty of Huainan is purple gold inkstone of bagongshan.Using bagongshan stone to make inkstone began in han dynasty and thrived in tang dynasty, because of years of violence and war, this area gradually changed into the wild.After various dynasties, the inkstone is almost extinct.It represents the confluence of the culture of chu and han, appearing to be more precious.3.名校:

In my opinion, the most representive university of Huainan is anhui university of science and technology(安理工),although it is just a college of the second rank.The university was founded in 1945, covers an area of 1400 mu with three campuses.So why I said it is the most representive?

First, the most famous major is blasting, which can reach the top ten of the national university in this major.It has close contacted with our local resources.Huainan is rich in coal, coal-mining is also a hot industrg.And blasting is a necessary part in coal-mining.Second, I don’t want to say that, but most of the students in this university is local residents.It supplies more and more outstanding graduates to local coal-mining, decreasing the probability of the coal accidents, we have to thank it deeply.There are also many other colleges in Huainan, for example, Huainan normal university(淮师院),huainan union university(淮南联大).but I think we should have a long-term sight, to build more high level universities, and cultivate more talents to contribute to our hometown.4.历史:

I come from a beautiful city named Huainan ,Which is located in the north of Anhui as Province as an important center city Huainan is a young city, built in 1952 with an area of 259,6square kilometers and the population of 2,425,000.In Xia and Shang Dynasty,Huainan is part of “Huai Yi”.in the following years ,it had different names and

belonged to different counties.it is until the March of 1949,The people’s Republic of China decided to set up the Huainan City.And in January,1977,Fengtaibecame part ofHuainan.in july ,2004,孔店乡、三和乡and the othe five towns were included in Huainan City.From then on,Huainan has become the city ,it administers 5 districts and 1 county.As the city which has the most areas in Anhui Province, it has the local legislative power and it is a very beautiful city..5.名人:

I come from a beautiful city named Huainan,which is located in the north of Anhui Province as an important center city.Although Huainan is a young city,there are a lot of famous people from here.perhaps you know Liu An,in the Westem Han Dynasty ,he is very famous as the king of Huainan.He is the inventor of tofu ,and the author of “Huainanzi”,leaving us a lot of things.周涛,as we all know,she is a famous hosted in cctv.She is so charming and elegant She has hosted Spring Festival Gala many times successfully.And we strongly believe there will be more and more famous people in Huainan in the future.6文化:

I come from a beautiful city named Huainan, which is located in the north of Anhui province as an important center city.And We have a variety of cultural events, just like the Huagudeng and Chinese Beancurd Cultural Festival.Huagudeng is known as “Oriental ballet”,which is popular in the Huaihe Valley in Anhui province.Dancing is the main content of the comprehensive art form,it’s music is from folk song.it is the mixture of songs , dances and operas it attracts lots of people because of its unique style.7民俗:跟文化部分差不多


Huainan is not only an important energy city but also a beautiful city with long history.If you come to my hometown Huaninan, you will fall in love with it at once.Let me show you around it.The next tourist Bagongshan Forest Park, it’s not only a famous national forest park,it’s not only a famous national forest park,but a geology park.The ancient famous national forest park,but a geology park.The ancient famous war 淝水之战took place here about 1,600 years ago.All famous national forest park, but a geology park.The ancient

Famous war 淝水之战took place here abut 1,600 years ago.All kinds of trees and plants, clean air ,lovely animals and birds, clear streams ,magical legends, attract lots of tourists from home and abroad.There.are so many attractive tourist spots in Huainan.I haven’t enough time to introduce them one by one.You”d better come to visit it in your own eyes.Come on, come to my hometown Huainan,you”ll be our distinguished guest.




来源:东楚晚报 时间:2013-2-24














































Good afternoon everyone, I am very happy to be here and introduce myself.My name is _______, I am ______ year old and studying in _____________ primary school.My English teacher is _______, I learning English in Mia.It’s a happy family, we do have fun there everyday.We sing we dance and we play games along with our class, and we even do cook as a part of our class.Speak at cook, of course, we kids are not allowed to operate anything dangerous during class such as knife.I will show one of our cooking procedure later as my talent show on stage, trust me you will love it.Thank you.Good morning everyone, I am very happy to introduce myself here.My name is ______, I am _____ year old, I studying in ________ primary school.I am very enjoy math, English and sport.My favorite color is ________ and ________.There are ______ people in my family, my_____, my _____, my ______.Normally my mother take charge of cooking and I do some help.For this Hope Star match, my target is to learn more because all competitors are so powerful, I can learn much from them.Thank you.Respectedjudges and my dear friends.My name is ________.I study in ______ primary school.Today I am very glad to have this chance to give a speech to you.We all use the word respect quite often.But what does it mean? It means esteem for the worth or excellence of a person.First of all, we should respect ourselves.Each one of us is created in God’s image.Each one of us is unique—a very special creation of God.Therefore each one of us should value ourselves highly.Secondly we should respect our elders.It includes our parents, elders, and teachers.In doing so we are respecting not only their age but their wisdom and the good they have done to society.Thirdly we should respect the law, our government, our nation, our national anthem and our national flag.We should always remember with thanks all those people who sacrificed so much for our nation’s freedom.Finally let it be noted that love and respect go hand in hand.The Bible says that a husband should love and respect his wife and the wife in turn must respect her husband.So let us respect all people who come our way–even those who hold a different opinion than ours!Thank you.Good day all my judges and friends, its a great honor to be here and show myself out.I’m _____ year old, studying in _______ primary school.There is an ancient Chinese saying I believing in my soul deeply that is the universal rule never, ever betray effort.Dose anyone know what sentence do I mean?(停顿,环视,天道酬勤,)I am not talented, but I love to be on the stage and show myself to audience.So I learning, I fighting.Finally, I am on this stage.I hope and also believe we , we all competitors will deliver an amazing match here.Let’s fighting!Thank you.Good day all my judges and friends, its a great honor to be here and show myself out.I’m _____ year old, studying in ________________ primary school.Today I want to tell a story.Long ago, there lived a young man, called LiSheng, who had just married a beauty.The bride was very willful.One day, she had an idea that a coat of fox fur would look pretty on her.So she asked her husband to get her one.But the coat was rare and too expensive.The helpless husband was forced to walk around on the hillside.Just at the moment, a fox was walking by.He lost no time to catch it by the tail.“Well, dear fox, let's make an agreement.Could you offer me a sheet of your skin? That isn't a big deal, is it?.”The fox was shocked at the request, but she replied calmly, “Well, my dear, that's easy.But let my tail go so that I can pull off the skin for you.” So the delighted man let her free and waited for the skin.But the moment the fox got free, she ran away as quickly as she could into the forest.The story can be well used for reference that it is hard to ask someone to act against his own will, even though only a little sometimes.That’s all about the story.Thanks.Hello everyone.I am _______.I am ______ years old.I study in __________ primary school.Today I’m going to give a speech about the sun.The Sun gives us light.My teacher says that it is a ball of fire.So it keeps us warm and gives us heat.My mother dries our clothes in the sun.Plants make their food with the help of sunlight.When the sun rises it becomes day and when it sets it becomes night.The sun rises in the East and sets in the West.Every day morning I look at the sun through my window.The sun rises early in the morning even before I get up.I like a sunny day as I can play outside with my friends.If there is no sun it will be dark everywhere.So I like the sun very much.Thank you.7 Good morning!It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a interview,I hope I can make a good performance today.I'm confident that I can succeed.Now I will introduce myself briefly.I am ______ years old, born in _______ province.Now I am studying in_______ Primary School.I am in Grade _______, Class_______.There are ____ people in my home, my _____ my _____,and me.My father is tall, he is a ______.They give all their love to me, and I love them too.I’m a kind of people who even something happened, I will ____________________________.I have studied __________ and ___________ after school.I’m enjoy it, because it can ________________________________.Thank you for your attention.Have a nice day.Hello, my name is _________.I live in ____________, from _____________ primary school, Grade ______.I have a happy family.In my family, there are ______ people in my family.Daddy is _________ and Mummy is ________.They love me very much just like I love them.Usually, I love drawing, singing and smiling.That's why my parents feel very proud of me.I'm quite active and always be ready to make friends with others.As a little child, sometimes I feel unhappy.I can't play all the times because I need to finish homework.And, I have to follow adults and obey them.But I still enjoy to be a child, in my small world and the big family.That's all, thank you very much.Hello, everyone, it's my honor to stand here to introduce myself.My name is _______, from Class ____, Grade ____, _______ Primary School.I'm doing well in my study, besides I'm the _______ of my class and I get on well with my classmates.I'm a happy and talented girl.I'm good at _______________ and many of my _____________ have won prizes.At the same time, I like _____________.I'm interested in learning English very much, and I believe that I will do well in future.I won't let you down!Thanks for your listening.Goodmorning, everybody!Today, I`m very happy.Let me introduce myself to you.My name is _______.My English name is_________.I’m _______ years old.I study in Class _____Grade ______ in the _______Primary School.I’m an active girl.I like__________ and __________,because I think they’re very interesting.And I also skip rope at school everyday.I’d like eating ____________________.They’re tasty.My favorite color is __________.On weekends, I like reading in my room.I have a happy family.My father, my mother and me.My dream is to be a ______________, because I like __________ very much.I’m a happy girl.Thank you for listening!Please remember me!

Hello everyone.My Chinese name is _________ and English name is ________, from _______ primary school, grade _______, I’m _____ years old.Where ever and when ever I am, I always want to grab more knowledge and improve myself.Cause I like the feeling to be stronger, to be a leader, to make else people admire me.Some people may consider me as nobody because I’m young, but I will prove they are wrong by showing my overwhelming ability, to reach it, I need more experience from large activities such as this Hope Star competition.At last, best wishes to all my opponents and myself, lets do perfect performance together.Thank you.My name is _________.I am _____years old.I am in grade _____.My favorite subject is _______.I want to be a _____.I have a pet.It’s a _________.Its name is ______.I have no brothers and sisters.I am an only child in my family.I like reading books.Today I am going to tell you the story of two Frogs.Two frogs were playing on a rainy day.Slowly, they hopped and hopped and came into a house.There was a churn of milk lying outside.Both the frogs fell into thechurn.They tried to escape by swimming , But in vain.One of the frogs lost hope and said “I can’t swim any more” and he drowned to the bottom.The other did not lose hope.He kept on swimming.Slowly, His movements churned the milk into butter.The frog climbed on to a pat of butter and hopped out of the Pot.The moral of the story is God will be always with some one who keeps on trying hard.Thank you.Ladies and Gentlemen, It’s my great pleasure to be here introducing my self and giving a speech.My name is ____________.I live in Kunming.I like to____________.I have a ____________.I want to be a ____________.Today the topic of my speech is trying is better than crying.As children, we have to always understand that life is always full of ups and downs.Throughout our life, we will be faced with many disappointments.Success and disappoints are just two sides of the same coin.Therefore we should never allow disappointments to win over us.Most of the times, thinking and crying over failures will not offer any solutions but some times elevates the original issues making it more difficult to resolve.For example, an unexpected low score in an examination is just a reminder that we should work harder next time.Its just an opportunity given by god to show to the world that you are up for it.Face it with your heads up, try harder and prove to the world that you are a true champion.If you start worrying about it, it will affect your confidence, making you weaker.So when your hopes and dreams and goals are dashed, search among the wreckage and try harder, you may find a golden opportunity hidden in the ruins.Trying is always better than crying.Thank you.Good day all my judges and friends, its a great honor to be here and show myself out.I’m _____ year old, studying in _______ primary school.Today I want to talk about true friend.Every one of us needs a true friend who can help us in our dire need.Most of the people flock around us in good circumstances but run away in bad circumstances.They respect us in our good times, but begin to insult and degrade us in our bad days.They are not our friends.They are our enemies.A true friend does not isolate us in our bad times.He renders help secretly without telling to anyone that he has helped.He gives us right guidance and shows us the right way of life.He does not misguide us.A true friend forbids us from cheating others or telling a lie.He forbids us from insulting others or pulling others down our owninterests.I hope everyone can have some true friends, thanks.Hello, my name is_______.I am_______ years old.Now I am studying in_______Primary School.I am in Grade _______, Class_______.I live in____________.There are _______ members in my family—father, mother and me.My father is a___________ but my mother is working in ______________.I love both of them.In my spare time, I like ____________, and my favorite color is_______.Also I love__________very much, such as ________________.I hope I can learn English well, because I think it’s very important.But____________ is favorite subject, because it is very interesting.I wish I can become a________in the future.Hello everyone.I am ____________.I am ____________years old.I study in _________ primary school.I am in the ____________ grade.Our teacher is ____________.My favorite subject is ____________.I can ____________ well.I don’t like _________________.I want to be ____________.I like to travel.Today I want to introduce you a place of historical interest in China---The Great Wall.The Great Wall of China is a wall built mainly with stone, brick and wood.The wall was built along the northern borders of China to protect the Chinese Empire against raids by different nomadic groups from the North.The first part of the wall was built by the first Chinese Emperor more than 2000 years ago.The Great Wall of China is a part of the UNESCO World Heritage List.When you have time, you could travel to there, but please don’t go there on golden week holiday.Thank you.



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