
时间:2019-05-15 05:49:23下载本文作者:会员上传



秘诀一:背诵一篇经典范文胜过自己写十篇文章。秘诀二:背诵最好的方法就是随身携带!利用每天大量的零碎时间疯狂操练,你一定能成 功!秘诀三:记不住和智商没有任何关系,每个人都是伟大的天才!记不住的唯一原因就是: 重复得远远不够!秘诀四:天才的秘诀就是:通过反复的练习,把一件事情做到炉火纯青的境界!成功之路第一篇 暑假打工 文体:记叙文

【题目要求】 暑假过后,你的外籍教师要同学们汇报自己假期所从事的社会活动和自己的感想。请 写一书面材料交给外教: 你在2005年暑假到一家肯德基(KFC)快餐店做保洁员(cleaner)工作,你每天工作 7个小时,为期3周,这项工作辛苦且枯燥,并使你感到非常的疲惫,这几乎使你半途放 弃。在新学期开始之前,你终于坚持完成了这项工作,并且认识到了劳动(labor)的意 义,你认为这是一次成功的体验。注意: 1.必须用第一人称。2.字数在100词左右。


Summer Holiday Part-time Job [1] During the summer holiday of 2005, I thought I should do something meaningful instead of staying at home and watching TV.So I got a job at a KFC fast food restaurant and worked there as a cleaner.Every day I went to work early in the morning and got home late in the evening.I worked 7 hours a day for three weeks.[2] The job was hard, boring and seemed endless, which made me so tired that I almost quit half way.After all, I stuck to it with my determination.[3] Finally, I finished the job before the new school term began.[4] Now, I understand what labor means.I think it was really a successful experience.【参考译文】 [1] 2005年的暑假,我觉得应该做些有意义的事,而不是呆在家里看电视。所以我在肯 德基快餐店找了份做清洁的工作。我每天早上很早就开始工作,晚上很晚才回家。我每天 工作7个小时,连续做了3个星期。[2] 那份工作辛苦、无聊并且似乎永无止境,弄得我疲惫不堪差点中途放弃。但我终究 还是靠着意志力坚持了下来。[3] 最后,我在新学年开始前结束了这份工作。1 [4] 现在,我明白了劳动的意义。我觉得那真是一次成功的经历。成功之路第二篇 广告与现代生活 文体:议论文

【题目要求】 请根据以下提供的要点写一篇议论文,阐述一下广告业已经成为当今社会很重要的一 种行业,字数在100词左右。(1)生活中充斥着各种各样的广告,广播、电视及电脑使广告成为我们日常生活中的 一个重要部分。(2)广告不仅能促销,还能提供我们需要的各种最新消息。(3)广告行业还创造了很多的就业机会。

【李阳疯狂英语经典范文】 Advertisements in Our Life [1] We live in a world of advertisements.We see and hear them everywhere.No one can avoid being influenced by advertisements.Radio, television and computers have made it possible for advertisements to attract the attention of millions of people.Therefore, it has become an important part of our daily life.[2] On one hand, advertising greatly promotes sales;on the other hand, in their efforts to tell people about products and events, advertisements provide us with a large amount of the latest information.Meanwhile, to make an advertisement, a lot of people will have to work together.So with the development of advertising a lot of jobs are being created.[3] In a word, advertising is an important business.【参考译文】 [1] 我们生活在一个广告的世界里,到处都可以看到、听到广告。没有人能避免受到广告 的影响。收音机、电视和电脑使广告能够吸引成百上千万人的注意力。因此,广告已经成 为我们日常生活中的一个重要部分。[2] 一方面,广告大大地促进了销售;另一方面,广告为了宣传产品和企业的活动,会提 供给我们大量的最新信息。同时,为了制作广告,很多人必须一起工作。所以,广告的发 展也创造了大量的工作机会。[3] 总之,广告是一个重要的产业。成功之路第三篇 口头通知——欢迎美国代表团 文体:口头通知

【题目要求】 假如你是班长,根据下面的内容和提示,写一篇100字左右的口头通知,以便向同学 们宣布。事由:欢迎美国学生来校参观 参观时间:10月22日上午9:00 —12:00 参观人数:约50人。活动安排:1.8:30在校门口欢迎。2.9:00带客人到会议室开联欢会。

3.领客人参观植物园、校办工厂。2 4.11:00在操场进行篮球比赛。5.客人12:00离校。注意事项: 1.对客人要友好大方。2.要用英语交谈。

【李阳疯狂英语经典范文】 American Students' Visit Boys and girls, [1] May I have your attention, please? About fifty American students will come to visit our school on October the 22nd.We'll meet them at the school gate at 8:30 a.m.At 9:00, we'll take them to the conference room, where a get-together will be held.After that, we'll show them around our botanical garden and the school-run factory.At 11:00, there will be a basketball match on the playground.They'll leave our school at 12:00.[2] We must talk with them in English.Please be friendly and courteous to them.Remember, we not only stand for our school, but also stand for China.[3] Thank you.Hope you have a good time.【参考译文】 同学们: [1] 请注意!10月22号大约50名美国学生要来我校参观。上午8点30我们要在学校门口迎 接他们。9点钟,我们将带他们到会议室举行一个联欢会。然后,我们要带他们参观我们的 植物园和校办工厂。11点钟,我们将在操场上进行篮球比赛。他们12点离开我校。[2] 我们一定要用英语和他们交谈,对他们要友好、礼貌。记住,我们不仅仅代表我们学 校,还代表中国。[3] 谢谢,希望你们能和美国朋友玩得开心!成功之路第四篇 写好英语作文的秘密 文体:鼓励信

【题目要求】 请你仔细阅读所给的英文信,然后给 Worried 写一封回信。要求包括以下内容: 1.鼓励他振作起来,不要灰心。2.记一些惯用词组和句型结构,将他们组织在一起并用其造句。3.多读英语,告诉他通过大量阅读才能正确使用语言。4.多背诵一些好的短文。Dear Helpful, I'm a Senior Three student and I'm in trouble.I used to like English, but now I am having some problems in English, especially in English writing.Though I know English is a very important subject, I think now it has become a little difficult for me.My poor writing skills have caused me to get low marks on my English exams.This has made me dislike English and I am afraid to take any more exams.I really want to change my situation and enjoy learning English again.I wonder why so many students like English and can get good results in English exams.I do want to be one of the best students and go to a famous university after graduation.This is my dream, but my English is not good enough.What should I do? 3 Worried

帮助者,您好!我是一名高三的学生,我遇到了麻烦。我一直喜欢英语,但是现在在英语学习上我有 些问题,特别是英语写作。我知道英语是一门非常重要的科目,但我觉得现在英语对我来 说已经变得有点困难。糟糕的写作让我英语考试总是得低分,弄得我都不喜欢英语了,我 也害怕参加更多的考试。我真的想改变这种状况,重新喜欢上英语。我奇怪为什么那么多 学生喜欢英语并能考高分。我真的想成为一名优秀的学生,毕业后能进入著名大学。这是 我的梦想,但我的英语不够好。我该怎么办? 焦虑者 注意: 不要逐字逐句翻译,字数在100词左右。

【李阳疯狂英语经典范文】 Secrets to Writing a Beautiful Article Dear Worried, [1] I have received your letter and I'm glad to give you some suggestions.First of all, don't be disappointed.Many students find it difficult to write well.In my opinion, if you want to improve your writing, you should do the following things.First, do some studying with the set phrases and sentence structures.Keep a list of them and then try to make some sentences with them.Second, read English as much as possible.There are many things that can't be learnt immediately.You must see

them in books many times.Then you'll be able to use them correctly yourself.So, in order to write well, you must learn to read a lot.Finally, you'd better recite some good passages.The more passages you read, the better you will write.[2] I'm sure you can improve your written English as long as you study hard.Remember, practice makes perfect.Helpful

【参考译文】 焦虑者,你好![1] 我已收到你的来信,很乐意给你一些建议。首先,不要失望。很多学生都觉得写 好作文很困难。我觉得,如果你想提高你的写作能力,就应该做下面这些事情。第一,学习一些固定搭配和句型,把它们记下来并试着造句。第二,尽量多读英语,很多东西不可 能立即学会,你要在书中见过很多遍,然后才能正确使用。所以,为了写好作文,你必须 学着多读。最后,你最好背诵一些好的文章,读得越多,写得就越好。[2] 我相信只要努力学习,你的英语写作一定会提高。记住,熟能生巧。帮助者 成功之路第五篇 工作求职 文体:求职信

【题目要求】 下面是某中外合资企业刊登在昨天的 China Daily 上的一则招聘广告: Office secretary, with experience in bookkeeping, typing, public relations, operating PC(personal computer).4 Address, age, health condition.Write to A518, Charlie Office.假设你是李华,现年20岁,身体健康,学习英语6年,学过广告中所列项目。通信地 址是北京市745信箱(P.O.Box 745)。请根据广告中提出的招聘职务、应聘条件和你自己的简要情况,写一封自荐信。字数: 100词左右。(通信时间、地址可不列出)

【李阳疯狂英语经典范文】 Job Hunting P.O.Box 745, Beijing Dear Sir or Madam: [1] I have read your advertisement in yesterday's China Daily.I feel I will be fit for the job needed in your company.I'm 20 years old and in good health.After graduation from a middle school, I have studied English for six years.I studied bookkeeping, typing and public relations.I am good at both operating PC and English.I can read, write, listen to and speak English.I'm interested in the position of a secretary.[2] I want very much to be accepted by your company.I'll work hard if I can be a member of your company.Li Hua

【参考译文】 北京市745信箱 尊敬的先生/女士: 我在昨天的《中国日报》上看到贵公司的招聘广告,我认为我很适合贵公司的这个职 位。我今年20岁,身体健康。中学毕业后,我学了六年英语。我还学过簿记、打字和公共 关系。我擅长电脑操作和英语,能用英语进行听说读写。我对秘书一职很感兴趣。我十分希望贵公司能录用我。如果能成为贵公司的一员,我将会十分努力地工作。李华 成功之路第六篇 学生是否应该参加体育锻炼 文体:议论文

【题目要求】 假如你叫李华,你校高三同学正在开展一场讨论。讨论主题是:高三学生要不要参加 体育锻炼? 请你根据下表提供的信息,给某英文报社写一封信,介绍讨论情况。55%的学生认为 应该每天进行体育锻炼。可以做早操、打乒乓球、打篮球,但 时间不要过长。锻炼能增加体质,减少疾病。运动使大脑休息,45%的学生认为 体育浪费时间。锻炼使人疲劳。运动以后很兴奋,较长时间不能复习功课。运动中可能会受伤。5 使复习效果更好。注意: 字数在100词左右。

【李阳疯狂英语经典范文】 Whether Students Should Take Physical Exercise Dear Editor, [1] I'm writing to tell you about the discussion we've had about whether students of Senior 3 should take physical exercise.55% of the students think they should take exercise every day, such as doing morning exercises, playing ping-pong and basketball, but it shouldn't take up too much time.Proper exercise can build up one's body and reduce diseases.What's more, sports let students' brains have a rest so that they can study effectively.[2] On the other hand, 45% believe taking exercise is a waste of time and it is tiring.After having sports, they are much too excited for a long time to pay attention to their lessons.It's also possible to get hurt in sports.Yours sincerely, Li Hua

【参考译文】 尊敬的编辑,我写信是为了告诉你我们关于高三学生是否应参加体育锻炼的讨论结果。有55%的同 学认为他们应该每天做运动,像做早操、打乒乓球和打篮球,但不能花太多时间在这些运 动上。适当的运动能增强体质和减少患病。还有,运动能使同学们的大脑得到休息以便他 们能更有效地学习。另一方面,有45%的同学认为运动是在浪费时间并且十分累人。在运动过后,他们会 长时间都很兴奋以至于不能专心学习。而且,在运动中很容易受伤。此致 李华 成功之路第七篇 因特网的作用 文体:说明文

【题目要求】 在日常生活中,因特网起着越来越重要的作用。请根据下表所给提示为某英文报纸写一篇 题为 On the Internet 的征文稿。因特网的主要用途: 信息 通讯 娱乐 看国内外新闻、获取其他信息 发 e-mail、打电话 欣赏音乐、观看体育比赛、玩棋牌游戏 6 学习生活 远程课程、阅读各种书籍、自学英语 购物、聊天等 注意: 1.字数在100词左右。


【李阳疯狂英语经典范文】 On the Internet [1] The Internet is playing a more and more important role in our daily life.On the Internet, we can read news both from home and abroad and learn about all kinds of other information as well.We can also send messages by e-mail, make phone calls, take classes, read various kinds of books and learn foreign languages by ourselves, enjoy music, watch sports, play chess, cards and so on.Besides, we can even do shopping, have a chat with others and make friends with them on the Internet.[2] In a word, the Internet has made our life richer and more colorful.【参考译文】 因特网在我们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色。在网上,我们能阅读国内外的新闻 而且还能了解到其他各种信息。我们还可以用电子邮件发信息、打电话、上课、阅读各种 各样的书和自学外语、听音乐、观看体育比赛、下棋、打牌等等。此外,我们甚至可以在 网上购物,跟别人聊天并交朋友。总之,因特网使我们的生活变得更加丰富多彩。成功之路第八篇 经典图表描述 文体:说明文

【题目要求】 有一批外宾将来红星电视机厂参观,请根据下表所提供的信息,用英语为该厂写一篇简单 介绍。年代 人数 人员 设施 80年代初建时期 200多 多为初中毕业生 3个车间,设备简单 现在 2000多 80%为大学生 15个装备有先进设备的大车间 10多种不同型号的彩色电视机,畅销全国及世界各地。产品 黑白电视机 7 注意:字数在120词左右。

【李阳疯狂英语经典范文】 The Red Star Television Factory [1] The Red Star Television Factory, which produces TV sets of fine quality, was set up in the 1980s.There were only a little more than 200 workers then, and most of them were junior middle school graduates.The working conditions were poor;there were only three workshops with some simple equipment.The main products then were black and white TV sets.[2] In the past 20 years, great changes have taken place in this factory.The number of workers and engineers has risen to over 2, 000, and 80% of them are college graduates.Fifteen big workshops are well equipped with modern machines, and there are over ten different types of color TV sets, which are sold all over the country and to many parts of the world as well.【参考译文】 生产优质电视机的红星电视机厂创建于20世纪80年代。那时只有200多个工人,他们当中 大多数都是初中毕业生;工作环境很简陋,只有3个车间和一些简单的设备。那时主要的产 品是黑白电视机。在过去的20年当中,工厂发生了很大的变化。工人和工程师的人数已经增加到2000多人,而且有80%是大学毕业生;拥有15个大型车间,并配备有现代化的设备;现在生产超过10 种不同的彩色电视机,并销往全国和世界各地。成功之路第九篇 农村儿童失学问题 文体:议论文

【题目要求】 请根据下表,给《中国日报》写一篇稿件,谈谈农村儿童失学的主要原因及

你的看 法。1.家庭贫穷,供不起儿童上学,他们不得不去赚钱养家。原因 2.部分家长认为女孩上学无用,不愿意让她们上学。3.部分儿童对功课不感兴趣,不愿意上学。1.每个儿童包括女孩都应该有受教育的机会。看法 2.全社会都应重视儿童教育,他们对国家的未来将起到重 要的作用。注意: 1.不要逐字逐句翻译。2.语句要通顺连贯。8 3.字数在100词左右。

【李阳疯狂英语经典范文】 Rural Education [1] Now in the rural areas, there are many children out of school.I think one of the reasons is that their families are too poor to afford their schooling.As a result, they have to stay at home to earn money to support their families.Another reason is that many parents think it's useless for the girls to study and they would not like them to go to school.The third reason is that some children are not interested in their lessons, and would not like to go to school.[2] In my opinion, all children including girls should have the chance to receive an education.People should pay more attention to the education of children because they will play a very important part in the future of our country.【参考译文】 现在的农村地区有许多失学儿童,我认为原因之一是由于家庭贫穷,父母无力支付他们的 学费。所以,他们不得不留在家中挣钱来补贴家用。另外一个原因是许多父母认为女孩子 上学没有用而不让她们上学。第三个原因是一些孩子对读书不感兴趣,不愿意上学。依我看来,所有的孩子,包括女孩,都应该有机会接受教育。人们应更加关注儿童的教育 问题,因为他们将在我们国家的前途中扮演非常重要的角色。成功之路第十篇 网络学校 文体:说明文

【题目要求】 请根据以下表格用英语向来访的外宾介绍你校新建的网络学校的情况。组成部分 功 能 多媒体 教学系统 使教与学更为方便 在课堂上获得更多的信息,学到更多知识。向师生开放 电子阅览室 可收发电子邮件 可通过因特网查找最新信息 远程教学系统 只要家中有电脑,任何人都可以学习本校课程 有助于改善学校管理 校务管理系统 满足现代化学校的需要 9 注意: 1.介绍需包括表格中主要内容,可适当增减信息使内容连贯。2.字数在100词左右。

【李阳疯狂英语经典范文】 New Century Net-School Ladies and gentlemen, [1] Welcome to our New Century Net-School!Our net-school is made up of four parts.The Multimedia Teaching System makes teaching and learning easier and much more interesting.Students can get more information and knowledge in class.The Ereading room, where we can send e-mails to all parts of the world and get the latest information from the Internet, is open to both teachers and students.The Long-Distance Teaching System is for the students who are not studying in our school.They can study at home if they have a computer.The School Management System helps to improve our school management and meets the needs of a modern school.[2] Thank you.【参考译文】 女士们,先生们: 欢迎来到我们的新世纪网校!我们的网校是由四部分组成的。多媒体教学系统使教与 学变得更容易而且更加有趣。学生们在课堂上可以获得更多的信息和知识。在电子阅览室 里,我们可以向世界各地发送电子邮件,也可以从因特网上获取最新的资讯。电子阅览室 对师生均开放。远程教学系统是专为那些不能够在我们学校上学的学生设立的。只要有电 脑,他们就可以在家里学习。学校管理系统有助于改善我们学校的管理并满足现代化学校 的需求。谢谢大家。成功之路第十一篇 北京奥运 文体:书信

【题目要求】 假如你是李华,你的美国朋友 David 来信询问有关北京为迎接2008年奥运会而进行 的城市美化工作的情况。请你根据下表的内容用英语写一封短信,并欢迎他届时来北京。口 号 “绿色奥运” 122亿美元 环境 美化内容 环保 目标 使用清洁能源,处理和再利用污水 花园城市:天再蓝些,水再清些 大面积植树、种草、栽花 计划投资 10 注意:

1.字数在100词左右。2.生词提示:slogan 口号

【李阳疯狂英语经典范文】 The Beijing Olympic Games Dear David, [1] How nice to hear from you again.Now let me tell you something about the beautifying work being done in Beijing for the 2008 Olympic Games.Our slogan is “Green Olympics”.12.2 billion dollars will be spent on this project.A lot more trees, flowers and grass will be planted in many places to make Beijing more beautiful.We will use clean energy and try our best to make waste water clean and reuse it.In 2008, you will see Beijing as beautiful as a garden, with cleaner water and a clearer sky.[2] I look forward to meeting you in Beijing in 2008.Yours, Li Hua

【参考译文】 亲爱的大卫,很高兴再次收到你的来信。现在就让我跟你讲讲北京为迎接2008年奥运会正在进行的美化 工程情况吧。我们的口号是“绿色奥运”。这个工程将耗资122亿美元。为了使北京变得更美 丽,我们将会在许多地方种植更多的树木、花卉及草坪,我们将使用无污染能源,并尽最 大努力净化废水以重新使用。在2008年,你将会看到北京如花园般美丽,北京会有更加纯 净的水、更加明朗的天空。期盼2008年我们在北京相会!李华 成功之路第十二篇 中学生是否有必要带手机去学校 文体:议论文

【题目要求】 现在,很多学生带手机上学。为此,某英语报在你校组织了一场讨论。讨论的主题:中学 生是否有必要带手机去学校。请你根据下表提供的信息。给报社写一封信,客观地介绍讨 论情况。大多数同学认为 大多数老师认为 你的观点 中学生年龄尚小,还不能自控; 用手机玩游戏,发短信浪费时 可方便与家长、同学联 追求时尚可以理解,但 间;容易引起攀比;如需打电 系,是一种时尚。学习是首要任务。话,学校里有公用电话可供使 用。注意: 字数在100词左右。【李阳疯狂英语经典范文】 Mobile Phones at School Dear Editor, [1] I’m writing to tell you about the discussion we've had about whether it is necessary for middle school students to carry mobile phones to school.[2] The majority of the students think that it is more convenient for them to keep in touch with their parents and classmates if they have a mobile phone.And what's more, it's the latest fashion.[3] However, most teachers think middle school students are not old enough to control themselves.It is a waste of time for students to play games and send messages to each other by mobile phone.And it's easy to cause the students to vie with each other.If necessary, they can make phone calls by using public phones on the campus.[4] In my opinion, following the fashion is understandable.But as middle school students, we should put all our heart into our studies.Yours truly, Li Hua

【参考译文】 亲爱的编者,[1]我给您写信是想跟您说说我们进行的那场关于中学生是否应该带手机上学的讨论的 情况。[2]大多数学生都认为,如果他们带手机上学的话,会更方便同家长、同学联系,而且 带手机也比较时髦。[3]然而,大部分老师都认为,中学生年龄尚小,没有足够的自控性,学生们用手机玩 游戏以及彼此发信息是浪费时间。而且这很容易造成同学之间的攀比,如果有必要的话,他们可以用校园里的公用话机打电话。[4]我认为,赶时髦是可以理解的,但作为中学生,我们应该全身心地投入到学习上。此致 李华 李阳老师特别奉献 英语是我最喜欢的科目 文体:议论文

【题目要求】 英语是被广泛使用的国际化语言,如果你要与外国朋友做生意,你得学会英语;大型国际 会议,英语是工作语言;世界上有很多英文版的书,要阅读他们需要用英语;要想更好地 了解外国人并为世界和平出力,你也要懂英语。正是因为英语如此重要,所以英语是我最 喜欢的科目。写作提示: 1.本文从不同角度阐述英语的重要性,用一般现在时。2.注意句子的变化,不要全部使用一个句式。

【李阳疯狂英语经典范文】 English Is My Favorite Subject [1] English is my favorite subject, because it's such a widely used language.It is important for everyone to learn English well in our

rapidly developing world.12 [2] English has now become an international language, because it is used by almost every country in the world.If you want to do business with foreigners, you have to learn English, because most of them speak and write in English.English is one of the working languages at international conferences.Today, many great reports, papers, and books are written in English, so if you want to read them, you must know English well.If you know English, you can also understand people from other countries better and contribute more effectively to world peace.[3] No matter what you do in the future, English will always be important.So we should pay more attention to learning English in order to make our country powerful, competitive, and international.【参考译文】 [1]英语是我最喜欢的科目,因为英语是一门应用十分广泛的语言。在我们迅速发展的 世界里,学好英语对每个人来说都至关重要。[2]现在,英语已经变成了一种国际语言,因为几乎世界上的每一个国家都在使用英 语。如果你想同外国人做生意,你必须学英语,因为绝大部分外国人都说英语、写英语。英语是国际会议上的工作语言之一。如今,许多重要的报告、论文以及书籍都是用英语写 的,因此如果你想读懂它们的话,你就必须掌握英语。如果你懂英语,你就能够更好地和 来自其它国家的人沟通,并能够更加有效地为世界和平出力。[3]不管你未来做什么,英语都同样重要。因此为了使我们的国家更加强大、更加具有竞争 力、更加国际化,我们应该更加重视学英语

















Summer Holiday Part-time Job

[1] During the summer holiday of 2005, I thought I should do something meaningful instead of staying at home and watching TV.So I got a job at a KFC fast food restaurant and worked there as a cleaner.Every day I went to work early in the morning and got home late in the evening.I worked 7 hours a day for three weeks.[2] The job was hard, boring and seemed endless, which made me so tired that I almost quit half way.After all, I stuck to it with my determination.[3] Finally, I finished the job before the new school term began.[4] Now, I understand what labor means.I think it was really a successful experience.成功之路第二篇:广告与现代生活








Advertisements in Our Life

[1] We live in a world of advertisements.We see and hear them everywhere.No one can avoid being influenced by advertisements.Radio, television and computers have made it possible for advertisements to attract the attention of millions of people.Therefore, it has become an important part of our daily life.[2] On one hand, advertising greatly promotes sales,on the other hand, in their efforts to tell people about products and events, advertisements provide us with a large amount of the latest information.Meanwhile, to make an advertisement, a lot of people will have to work together.So with the development of advertising a lot of jobs are being created.[3] In a word, advertising is an important business.成功之路第三篇:口头通知——欢迎美国代表团















American Student’s Visit

Boys and girls,[1]May I have your attention, please? About fifty American students will come to visit our school on October the 22nd.We’ll meet them at the school gate at 8:30 am.At 9:00, we’ll take them to the conference room, where a get-together will be held.After that, we’ll show them around our botanical garden and the school-run factory.At 11:00, there will be a basketball match on the playground.They’ll leave our school at 12:00.[2] We must talk with them in English.Please be friendly and courteous to them.Remember, we not only stand for our school, but also stand for China.[3] Thank you.Hope you have a good time









Dear Helpful,I’m a Senior Three student and I’m in trouble.I used to like English, but now I am having some problems in English, especially in English writing.Though I know English is a very important subject.I think now it has become a little difficult for me.My poor writing skills have caused me to get low marks on my English exams.This has made me dislike English and I am afraid to take any more exams.I really want to change my situation and enjoy learning English again.I wonder why so many students like English and can get good results in English exams.I do want to be one of the best students and go to a famous university after graduation.This is my dreaming, but my English is not good enough.What should I do?





Secrets to Write a Beautiful Article

Dear Worried,[1] I have received your letter and I’m glad to give you some suggestions.First of all, don’t be disappointed.Many students find it difficult to write well.In my opinion, if you want to improve your writing, you should do the following things.First, do some studying with the set phrases and sentence structures.Keep a list of them and then try to make some sentences with them.Second, read English as much as possible.There are many things that can’t be learnt immediately.You must see them in books many times.Then you’ll be able to use them correctly yourself.So, in order to write well, you must learn to read a lot.Finally, you’d better recite some good passages.The more passages you read, the better you will write.[2]I’m sure you can improve your written English as long as you study hard.Remember, practice makes perfect.Helpful





下面是某中外合资企业刊登在昨天的China Daily上的一则招聘广告:

Office secretary, with experience in bookkeeping, typewriting, public relations, operating PC(personal computer).Address, age, health condition

Write to A518, Charlie Office

假设你是李华,现年20岁,身体健康,学习英语6年,学过广告中所列项目。通信地址是北京市745信箱(P.O.Box 745)。


【李阳疯狂英语经典范文】 Job Hunting

Dear Sir or Madame:

[1] I have read your advertisement in yesterday’s China Daily.I feel I will be fit for the job needed in your company.I’m 20 years old and in good health.After graduation from a middle school, I have studied English for six years.I studied bookkeeping, typewriting and public relations.I am good at both operating a PC and English.I can read, write, listen to and speak English.I’m interested in the position of a secretary.[2] I want very much to be accepted by your company.I’ll work hard if I can be a member in your company.Li Hua


















Whether Students should Take Physical Exercise

Dear editor,[1] I’m writing to tell you about the discussion we’ve had about whether students of Senior 3 should take physical exercise.55% of the students think they should take exercise every day, such as doing morning exercises, playing ping-pong and basketball, but it shouldn’t take up too much time.Proper exercise can build up one’s body and reduce diseases.What’s more, sports let their brains have a rest so that they can study effectively.[2] On the other hand, 45% believe taking exercise is a waste of time and it is tiring.After having sports, they are much too excited for a long time to pay attention to their lessons.It’s also possible get hurt in sports.Yours sincerely,Li Hua




在日常生活中,因特网起着越来越重要的作用。请根据下表所给提示为某英文报纸写一篇题为On the Internet的征文稿。

因特网的主要用途 信息„„看国内外新闻、获取其他信息




生活„„ 购物、聊天等





On the Internet

[1] The Internet is playing a more and more important role in our daily life.On the Internet, we can read news both at home and abroad and learn about all kinds of other information as well.We can also send messages by e-mail, make phone calls, take classes, read various kinds of books and learn foreign languages by ourselves, enjoy music, watch sports, play chess, cards and so on.Besides, we can even do shopping, have a chat with others and make friends with them on the Internet.[2] In a word, the Internet has made our life richer and more colorful.成功之路第八篇:经典图表描述




年代„„„„„„人数 „„人员„„„„„„设施„„„„„„„„„„„„产品






The Red Star Television Factory

[1] The Red Star Television Factory, which produces TV sets of fine quality, was set up in the 1980’s.There were only more than 200 workers then, and most of them were junior middle school graduates.The working conditions were poor,there were only three workshops with some simple equipment.The main products then were black and white TV sets.[2] In the past 20 years, great changes have taken place in this factory.The number of workers and engineers has risen to over 2,000, and 80% of them are college graduates.Fifteen big workshops are well equipped with modern machines, and there are over ten different types of color TV sets, which are sold all over the country and to many parts of the world as well.成功之路第九篇:农村儿童失学问题















Rural Education

[1] Now in the rural areas, there are many children out of school.I think one of the reasons is that their families are too poor to afford their schooling.As a result, they have to stay at home to earn money to support their families.Another reason is that many parents think it’s useless for the girls to study and they would not like them to go to school.The third reason is that some children are not interested in their lessons, and would not like to go to school.[2] In my opinion, all children including girls should have the chance to receive an education.People should pay more attention to the education of children because they will play a very important part in the future of our country.成功之路第十篇:网络学校













New Century Net-school Ladies and gentlemen,[1] Welcome to our New Century Net-school!Our net-school is made up of four parts.The Multimedia Teaching System makes teaching and learning easier and much more interesting.Students can get more information and knowledge in class.The E-reading room, where we can send e-mails to all parts of the world and get the latest information from the Internet, is open to both teachers and students.The Long-distance Teaching System is for the students who are not studying in our school.They can study at home if they have a computer.The School Management System helps to improve our school management and meets the needs of a modern school.[2] Thank you.成功之路第十一篇:北京奥运








环保„„ 使用清洁能源:处理和再利用污水 目标„„花园城市:天再蓝些,水再清些



2.生词提示:slogan 口号


Beijing Olympic Games

Dear David,[1] How nice to hear from you again.Now let me tell you something about the beautifying work in Beijing for the 2008 Olympic Games.Our slogan is “Green Olympics”.12.2 billion dollars will be spent on this project.A lot more trees, flowers and grass will be planted in many places to make Beijing more beautiful.We will use clean energy and try our best to make waste water clean and reuse it.In 2008, you will see Beijing as beautiful as a garden, with cleaner water and a clearer sky.[2] I look forward to meeting you in Beijing in 2008.Yours,Li Hua











Mobile Phones at School Dear editor,[1] I’m writing to tell you about the discussion we’ve had about whether it is necessary for middle school students to carry mobile phones to school.[2] The majority of the students think that it is more convenient for them to keep in touch with their parents and classmates if they have a mobile phone.And what’s more, it’s the latest fashion.[3] However, most teachers think middle school students are not old enough to control themselves.It is a waste of time for students to play games and send messages to each other by mobile phone.And it’s easy to cause the students to vie with each other.If necessary, they can make phone calls by using public phones on the campus.[4] In my opinion, following the fashion is understandable.But as middle school students, we should put all our heart into our studies.Yours truly,Li Hua










English Is My Favorite Subject

[1] English is my favorite subject, because it’s such a widely used language.It is important for everyone to learn English well in our rapidly developing world.[2] English has now become an international language because it is used by almost every country in the world.If you want to do business with foreigners, you have to learn English, because most of them speak and write in English.English is one of the working languages at international conferences.Today, many great reports, papers, and books are written in English, so if you want to read them, you must know English well.If you know English, you can also understand people from other countries better and contribute more effectively to world peace.[3] No matter what you do in the future, English will always be important.So we should pay more attention to learning English in order to make our country powerful, competitive, and international.


【Kim’s Note】You will have to introduce yourself hundreds of times in your life.It is worth the time and effort to practice until you can do it perfectly.Introducing yourself well is a good way to make a first impression.Use our example as a model for your own self-introduction.[1] Hello everybody.My name is Stone.I come from Guangdong province in China.I am very happy to come here to study with you.[2] When I arrived at this school three days ago, I fell in love with it.It is so beautiful and exciting here, and everyone is kind to me, especially Kim.This class feels just like one big family to me.[3] I’m interested in sports, music and mountain climbing.I also enjoy『享受;喜爱』 playing soccer.I would love to play with you sometime.[4] I hope I can become your friend soon.Thank you very much.【李阳疯狂英语“三最”口腔肌肉训练记录为:14秒】



[1] 嗨,大家好。我的名字叫石头,我来自中国广东。我很高兴来这里和你们一起念书。[2] 当我三天前来到这个学校时,我就喜欢上它了。这里是那么美丽,那么振奋人心,这里的每个人都对我很亲切,特别是Kim老师。而这个班集体对我来说就像一个大家庭。[3] 我对运动、音乐和爬山很有兴趣。我也喜欢踢足球。我非常想和你们一起踢球。[4] 最后,我希望我能很快成为你们的朋友,谢谢。

【额外成就感】 enjoy * I enjoyed reading these books very much.(我很喜欢读这些书。)

* Tom doesn't enjoy going to school.(汤姆不喜欢上学。)

* I enjoyed the party very much.(我非常喜欢这次聚会。)* I enjoy meeting new people.(我喜欢结识新朋友。)

* What do you enjoy doing in your free time?(你在闲暇时间喜欢做什么?)

【Kim’s Note】 The news is an excellent source of learning material.The pronunciation of news broadcasters is the most standard pronunciation and the material in the story is always something interesting to talk about with others.The vocabulary and phrases in news stories are often challenging, but easy to remember because they are in the context of useful sentences.Follow along with this news report until you sound like a professional!

[1] Five people suffered minor injuries『伤害;损害』when an earthquake measuring 6.2 on the Richter scale struck Taiwan this morning.It caused some panic『恐慌;惊慌』but little serious damage.James Pomfret reports:

[1] 今天早上台湾发生6.2级地震,有五人受轻伤。地震引起了市民的惊慌,但是几乎没有严重损失。占姆士•庞夫瑞特报道:

[2] “The earthquake struck at 10.35 this morning [girls screams], rocking Taipei for 20 seconds, though much of the city was left unscathed『未受伤的;未受损失的』.Only a few buildings were damaged.This hospital's outer wall was unable to withstand『抵挡;反抗;经得起』the shock, crashing『碰撞;倒下;坠落』onto the pavement, though no one was injured.”


[3] “There were power cuts in some areas and public transport was disrupted『使分裂;使瓦解』, including the Mass Rapid Transit system, which was closed temporarily『暂时地;临时地』for safety checks.”


[4] “According to the central weather bureau, the quake measured 6.2 on the open-ended『无限制的』Richter scale, with its epicenter『震中』 at sea off Taiwan's north-east coast.Just last night, a quake measuring 6.3 originated『发源;来自;产生』from a similar area, but the 2 quakes are not believed to be related.Nine minor aftershocks『余震』have been recorded.”

[4]“根据中央气象局报告,此次地震达到无限量震级6.2 级,震中心位于台湾东北海岸外海域。昨晚,几乎同一海域发生了6.3级地震,但据推测两场地震并无关联。记录显示有九次微小余震。”

[5] “Taiwan's financial market perhaps suffered most.The stock market fell more than 1.7 per cent, on worries『担心』that aftershocks could affect the island's industries.Taiwan's last major quake occurred in September 1999, measuring 7.6 on the Richter scale.50,000 buildings were destroyed and 2,400 people died in that quake.James Pomfret, TVB News.”


【额外成就感】 injury * He escaped from the train wreck without injury.(他在这次火车事故中没有受伤。)

* Most people protect themselves from injury to their self-esteem.(大多数人保护自己使自尊心不受伤害。)panic * There was a panic when the fire started.(火灾发生时引起了一场惊恐。)

unscathed * He walked away from the accident completely unscathed.(他安然无恙地从事故现场走开了。)

withstand * Children’s furniture must withstand kicks and blows.(孩子用的家具必须经得起拳打脚踢。)

crashing * The motorcycle crashed into the fence.(摩托车猛地撞在围栏上。)

* An airliner crashed west of Denver last night.(昨夜一架客机在丹佛西边坠毁)* His company crashed last year.(他的公司去年破产了。)

disrupt * An accident has disrupted railway services into and out of the city.(一次交通事故使进出这座城市的铁路交通陷于混乱。)

on worries ★★★★★ 五星级新闻短语

* People were buying lots of extra groceries on worries that a typhoon might hit the island.(由于担心台风袭击岛屿,人们都在购买额外食品。)

* Extra protection was ordered for the president on worries of an assassination attempt.(由于担心暗杀企图,总统安排了额外的警备。)

【Kim’s Note】This is a five star news expression.It is very common in news reports about disasters or possible dangers.





1、How are you doing, jane?你好吗,简?

2、How are you?你好吗?

3、How do you do?你好吗?

4、How is everything?一切都好吗?

5、How is everything with you?一切都好吗?

6、How is everything with going?一切都好吗?

7、How is the world around you?你周围的世界怎么样?

8、How is life treating you?生活过的怎么样?

9、How have you been?你最近好吗?

10、How is your family?你的家人怎么样?

11、How is your daughter doing?你的女儿好吗? 第二集

1、I’m really glad to see you。能见到你真的高兴。(再次见面)

2、Good to see you。见到你真高兴。(再次见面)

3、Good to see you again。见到你真高兴。(再次见面)

4、I’m glad to see you again。见到你真高兴。(再次见面)

5、Pleased to see you again。见到你真高兴。(再次见面)

6、Glad to see you again。见到你真高兴。(再次见面)

7、I’m really glad to meet you。能见到你真高兴(初次见面)。

8、Nice to meet you。能见到你真高兴(初次见面)。

9、Pleased to meet you。能见到你真高兴(初次见面)。

10、It’s so nice to meet you。能见到你真高兴(初次见面复杂说法)。

11、It’s a pleasure to meet you。能见到你真高兴(初次见面复杂说法)。

12、I’m very glad to meet you。能见到你真高兴(初次见面)。

13、Nice meeting you。再见(聊了一会天说再见)。

14、It was a pleasure meeting you。再见(聊了一会天说再见)。

15、Nice talking to you。再见(聊了一会天说再见)。

16、It’s been nice talking to you。再见(聊了一会天说再见)。第三集

1、I’m sorry I’m so late。对不起,我来晚了。

2、I’m sorry I can’t come。对不起,我来不了。

3、I’m sorry I can’t help you。对不起,我帮不了你。

4、I’m sorry I over slept。对不起,睡过头了。

5、I’m sorry I lost your book。对不起,向你借的书让我弄丢了。

6、I’m sorry I dialed the wrong number。对不起,我打错电话了。

7、I’m sorry I took you for someone else。对不起,我把你当成另外一个人了(我认错人了)。

8、I’m sorry I have to cancel the appointment。对不起,我不得不取消约会。

9、I’m sorry I didn’t notice you。对不起,我没有注意到你。

10、I’m sorry I forget to tell you。对不起,我忘了告诉你了。

11、I’m sorry I forgot your name。对不起,我忘了你的名字了。第四集

1、Isn’t it a small world?这世界真小,不是吗?(注意small world的发音)

2、Isn’t it a lovely place?这难道不是一个很好的地方吗?

3、Isn’t it pleasant weather?这难道不是很好的天气吗?

4、Isn’t it a coincidence?这难道不是一个巧合吗?

5、Isn’t it an interesting story?这难道不是一个有趣的故事吗?

6、Isn’t it a wonderful idea?这难道不是一个好主意吗?

7、Isn’t it astrange dream?这难道不是一个奇怪的梦吗?

8、Isn’t it a silly question?这难道不是一个愚蠢的问题吗?

9、Isn’t it a mystery?这难道不是一个谜吗?

10、Isn’t it a something?这难道不是一个东西?

11、Isn’t it a miracle?这难道不是一个奇迹吗?It’s really something。真了不起。


1、How’s everything here?这里的一切都好吗?

2、Everything is ok。一切都好?

3、Everthing is ready。都准备好了?

4、Everthing is going fine。每件事都进行的非常顺利。

5、Thank you for everything。谢谢你为我所做的一切。

6、Everything’s taken good care of。一切都妥善处理了,没有问题了。

7、Everything will be just fine。一切都没有问题的。

8、You are everything to me。男孩子对女孩四说,你是我的一切。

9、Money is everything to him。对他来说钱是一切。

10、Tell me everything about it。告诉我关于他的一切。第六集

1、you look so beautiful。你看上去真漂亮。

2、You look nice!你看上去很漂亮。

3、You look great!你看起来很好。

4、You look good!你看上去真漂亮。

5、You look awesome!你看起来太棒了。

6、You look like a million dollars!你看起来像百万富翁。第七集

1、How about a cup of coffee。来杯咖啡怎么样?

2、How about some beer?去喝啤酒好吗?

3、How about seeing a movie tonight?今晚去看电影好吗?

4、How about having a picnic this weekend?这周末我们去吃野餐好吗?

5、How abouteating out tonight?今晚出去吃饭好吗? 第八集

1、That’s a neat idea。那个主意真不错。

2、That’s a good idea。那是个好主意。

3、That’s a beautiful idea。那是个好主意。

4、That’s a nice idea。那是个好主意。

5、That’s a great idea。那是个好主意。

6、That’s a wonderful idea。那是个好主意。

7、That’s a great suggestion。那是个好的建议。

8、That sounds great。听起来不错。

9、That sounds terrific。听起来很棒。

10、That sounds like a great idea。听起来是个好主意。第九集

1、I’m afraid I must be going。恐怕我得走了。

2、I’m afraid it’s too late。恐怕太晚了。

3、I’m afraid you’re wrong。恐怕你错了。

4、I’m afraid there’s no hope。恐怕没有希望了。

5、I’m afraid I can’t do this for you。恐怕我不能帮你做这件事情。第十集

1、Don’t let me down。别让我失望。

2、Don’t give up。不要放弃。

3、Don’t be late。不要迟到了。

4、Don’t do that。不要做这样的事情。

5、Don’t mention it。不用谢。

6、Don’t trick me。没骗你

7、Don’t say a word。一句话都不要说。

8、Don’t worry about it。别担心。

9、Don’t waste my time。不要浪费我的时间。

10、Don’t get me wrong。不要误解我。

11、Don’t miss the boat。不要错过那个船。

12、Don’t take any chances。不要心存侥幸心理,不要冒险。第十一集

1、I had a really bad day。我今天真倒霉。

2、I’m really sorry。我真的对不起。

3、You’re really lucky。你真的很幸运。

4、You’re really something。

5、The exam was really difficult。考试真的很困难。

6、The weather is really awful。天气真糟糕。

7、His English is really good。他的英语真棒。

8、He’s working really hard。他的工作真努力。

9、It was really not my fault。真的不是我的错。

10、You really shouldn’t say that about her。你不应该那样说她。

11、I really need your help。我真需要你的帮助。第十二集

1、May I use the phone?我可以用电话吗?

2、May I come in?我可以进来吗?

3、May I use your bathroom?我可以用一下你的洗手间吗?

4、May I ask you a question?我可以问你个问题吗?

5、May I ask you something?我能问你一些问题吗? 第十三集

1、I’m sure you’ll enjoy it。你一定会喜欢的。

2、I enjoy losing face。我喜欢露脸。

3、I enjoy yelling English。我喜欢喊英语。

4、I enjoy working with all of you。我喜欢与你们在一起工作。

5、I enjoy traveling。我喜欢旅行。

6、I enjoy teaching。我喜欢教学。

7、I enjoy helping people。我喜欢帮助别人。

8、I enjoy watching TV。我喜欢看电视。

9、I enjoy every day of my life。我喜欢我生活的每一天。

10、I enjoyworking with youvery much。我喜欢和你一起工作。第十四集

1、Are you kidding me?你是在跟我开玩笑吧?(当有人说一个意料之外的事情用这个句型)

2、Are you trying to cheat me?你想骗我吗?

3、Are you trying to kill me?你想害死我呀?(如开车的话,一会撞着这个,一会撞着那个)

4、Are you challenging me?你想挑战我吗? 第十五集

1、Why don’t youjoin us?为什么不加入我们呢?

2、Why don’t you try?为什么不试一试呢?

3、Why don’t you do as I do?为什么不按照我的要求做呢?

4、Why don’t you listen to me?为什么不听我的呢?

5、Why don’t you learn chinese?为什么学中文呢?

6、Why don’t you cooperate with me?你为什么不跟我们合作呢?

7、Why don’t you work with me?为什么不跟我工作呢?

8、Why don’t you join the English club?为什么不参加英语俱乐部呢? 第十六集

1、I felt thesame way。我也有同感。

2、The same to you。你也一样。

3、It’s all the same。都一样。

4、We work in the same company。我们在一个公司工作。

5、We went to the same university。我们在同一所大学毕业的。

6、Let’s meet of the same time tomorrow。让我们明天同一时间见面。第十七集

1、How can I thank all of you?我该怎么感谢大家呢?

2、How can I do something?我怎么能够去做这件事呢。(我不能去做这件事)

3、How can I do this?我怎么能做呢?

4、How can I afford it?我怎么能负担的起呢?

5、How can I forget it?我怎么能忘记呢?

6、How can I accept it?我怎么能够接受呢?

7、How can I marry him(her)?我怎么能嫁给他(她)呢? 第十八集

1、I’d like to meet your daughter someday。我想那一天见见你女儿。

2、I’d like to speak to Mr,Lee。

3、I’d like to talk to you for a minute。我想和你聊几分钟。

4、I’d like to know more about your company。我想了解贵公司更多的情况。第十九集

1、Why are you back so early?你怎么这么早就回来了。

2、Why are you always late?你为什么总是这么晚呢?

3、Why are you always sick?你为什么总是病呀?

4、Why are you so upset?你为什么这么沮丧?

5、Why are you so excited?你为什么这么兴奋呀? 第二十集

1、I’m exhausted。我累死了。

2、I’m tired。我太累了。

3、I’m sleepy。我困了。

4、I’m hungry。我饿了。

5、I’m thirty。我三十了。

6、I’m starving。我快饿死了。

7、I’m broke。我流产了。

8、I’m finished。我完了。第二十一集

1、Why didn’t you tell me?你为啥不早点告诉我?

2、Why didn’t you call me?你为什么不打电话给我呢?

3、Why didn’t you wait for me?你为什么不等我呢?

4、Why didn’t you let me know earlier?你为什么不早点让我知道呢? 第二十二集

1、what do you recommend?你有什么建议?

2、what do you do you think?你认为怎么样?

3、what do you suggest?你有什么建议?

4、what do you like?你喜欢什么? 第二十三集

1、I appreciate your help?我对你的帮助表示满意?

2、I appreciate your cooperation。我对你的合作表示感激。

3、I appreciate your understanding。我对你的理解表示感激。

4、I appreciate your courage。我很欣赏你的勇气。第二十四集

1、Don’t forget to intvite Linda for dinner。别忘了邀请琳达吃饭。

2、Don’tforget to tell him。别忘了告诉他。

3、Don’t forget to take your ID card。别忘了带身份证。

4、Don’t forget to give me a call when you arrive。你到了别忘打电话给我。

5、Don’t forget to bring your wife next time。别忘了下次带妻子来。第二十五集

1、Maybe you shoulddo it again。也许你可以再做一次。

2、Maybe you should tell her about it。也许你应该吧这儿事告诉她。

3、Maybe you should say sorry to her。也许你应该向她表示道歉。

4、Maybe you should try Crazy English。也许你应该说说疯狂英语。第二十六集(动名词作主语)

1、Finding a good job is not easy these days。现在找份好工作不容易。

2、Saying is easy.Doing is difficult。说起来容易,做起来难。

3、Driving is exciting。开车真是刺激。

4、Lying is a bad habit。说谎话是一个坏习惯。第二十七集

1、I prefer hot weather to cold weather。比起天冷,我更喜欢天热。

2、I prefer tea to coffee。比起咖啡,我更喜欢茶。

3、I prefer swimming to running。与跑步相比,我更喜欢游泳。

4、I prefer winter to summer。比起夏天,我更喜欢冬天。第二十八集

1、I guess it’s going to rain。我猜要下雨了。

2、I guess you’re right。我想你是对的。

3、I guess I need a doctor。我想我得去看医生。

4、I guess he won’t come。我猜他不回来了。第二十九集

1、I promise I won’t do it again。我保证不会再干这种事了。

2、I promise I won’t do anything stupid。我保证不会做任何愚蠢的事。

3、I promise I’ll never lie again。我保证我不会再撒谎。

4、I promise to pay you back。我保证还你钱。第三十集

1、I’m crazy about American movies我痴迷于美国电影。

2、I’m crazy about learning English。我痴迷于学习英语。

3、I’m crazy about Chinese food。我特别喜欢中国菜。

4、I’m crazy about sports。我特别喜欢体育运动。第三十一集

1、I can’t affordto go out to eat every night。我不能每天晚上都出去吃饭。

2、I can’t afford to live in a big city。我住不起大城市。

3、I can’t afford to travel abroad。我没钱旅游。

4、I can’t afford to buy a house。我买不起房子。第三十二集

1、I’m dying to go home。我渴望回家。

2、I’m dying to speak English。我渴望说英语。

3、I’m dying to speak good English。我渴望说一口流利的英语。

4、I’m dying to hear your news。我渴望听到你的消息。

5、I’m dying to take a vacation。我渴望度个假。第三十三集(现在完成进行时)

1、How long have you been learning English。你学英语多久了。

2、How long have you been working here?你在这里工作多久了。

3、How long have you been staying in China?你在中国呆了多久了。

4、How long have you been waiting?你等了多久了。第三十四集

1、Thank you for encouraging me。谢谢你鼓励我。()

2、Thank you for teaching me English。谢谢你教我英语。

3、Thank you for your advice。谢谢你的建议。

4、Thank you for your support。谢谢你的支持。

5、Thank you for trying。谢谢你努力。

6、Thank you for your trying。谢谢你的尝试。第三十五集(Am I allowed to do something)

1、Am I allowed to smoke here?我可以在这吸烟吗?

2、Am I allowed to park here?我可以在这停车吗?

3、Am I allowed to sit here?我可以坐在这里吗?

4、Am I allowed to use your car tonight?今晚我可以用你的车吗? 第三十六集

1、Let me konw if you change your mind。如果改变你的注意,请告诉我。

2、Let me konw if you need money。如果你需要钱,请告诉我。

3、Let me konw if anything goes wrong。如果有任何差池,请告诉我。

4、Let me konw if there’s any difficulty。如果有任何困难,请告诉我。第三十七集

1、Are you sure you can make it?你确信你能做到吗?

2、Are you sure you know how to get there?你确信你知道那里的路吗?

3、Are you sure you can manage it yourself?你确信你能自己搞定吗?

4、Are you sure you really love her?你确信你真的爱她吗? 第三十八集

1、Is it okay for me to call you tonight?今晚我可以打电话给你吗?

2、Is it okay for meto hand in my paper tomorrow?是明天我可以交论文吗?

3、Is it okay for me to ask her out?约她出去玩可以吗?

4、Is it okay for me to come on Wednesday?周三来可以吗? 第三十九集

1、It was kind of strange。有点奇怪。

2、It was kind of boring。有点无聊。

3、It was kind of a surprise。有点令人吃惊。

4、It was kind of exciting。有点激动。第四十集

1、I know you’ll be able to take care of it。我知道你能照顾它。

2、I’ll take care of everything。我会照顾好一切。

3、I’m afraid I can’t take care of this。我恐怕处理不了这件事。

4、I’ll leave this in your care。我将离开你的关心。第四十一集

1、That’s impressive!太棒了!

2、Your English is so impressive。你的英语太棒了!

3、His experience is impressive。他的经验太丰富了。

4、Your determination is impressive。你的决心太棒了!

5、Beijing’s history is very impressive。北京的历史太伟大了!

6、That story is really impressive。那个故事真是太让人惊讶了!

7、The night view of shanghai is very impressive。上海的夜景非常令人难忘!

8、Everything in your company is so impressive。贵公司的一切都令人印象深刻。

9、Your resume is extremely impressive。你的简历令人印象深刻。

10、The development of china is really impressive。中国的发展真是令人称奇。

11、Your daughter is very impressive。你的女儿真是太棒了!

12、My daughter is very impressive。我的女儿真是太棒了!第四十二集

1、AS a matter of fact,I don’t really like American food。其实,我并不是很喜欢美国菜!

2、AS a matter of fact,you’re right。其实,你是对的。

3、AS a matter of fact,I’m leaving tomorrow night。事实上,我明天晚上要走。

4、AS a matter of fact,Beijing is the best city I have ever visited。事实上,北京是我访问过的最棒的城市。

5、AS a matter of fact,I don’t really like living in big cities。事实上,我不喜欢在大城市生活。

6、AS a matter of fact,I have been studying English for twenty years。事实上,我英语已经学了二十年了。第四十三集

1、I believe your can make it。我相信你一定可以做到。

2、I believe china is a very pretty country。我相信中国是个非常美丽的城市。

3、I believe anthing is possible。我相信任何事情都有可能。

4、I believe I’m the best。我相信我是最棒的。

5、I believe that children are the future。我相信孩子是我们的未来。

6、I believe we are doing the right thing。我确信我们在做正确的事情。第四十四集

1、Do you know what I mean?你知道我的意思吗?

2、Do you know who she is?你知道她是谁吗?

3、Do you know what to do?你知道干什么吗?

4、Do you know his background?你知道他的背景吗?

5、Do you know anything about America?你了解美国的情况吗?

6、Do you know how old he is?你知道他多大了吗? 第四十五集

1、I know very little about china。我对中国不了解。Little表示否定,2、I know very a little about china。我对中国有点了解。A little 表示肯定。

3、I know nothing about computers。我对电脑一无所知。

4、I know very little about football。我对足球了解很少。

5、I know very little about western music。我对西方音乐了解很少。

6、I know very little about English grammar。我对英语语法不了解。

7、I know very little about her。我对她不了解。第四十六集

1、Don’t give up!别放弃!

2、Don’t make fun of me!不要开我玩笑!

3、Don’t tell me what to do!不要告诉我该做什么!

4、Don’t make a fool of yourself!

5、Don’t judge a book by its cover!不要以貌取人!

6、Don’t count on it。不要依赖他!第四十七集

1、Can/Could you tell me your name?你能告诉我的名字吗?请问你叫什么名字?有礼貌的问

2、What’s your name?你叫什么名字?随便的问

3、Can you tell me why you came to China?你能告诉我你为什么来中国吗?

4、Can you tell me how to study English?你能告诉我你怎样学英语吗?

5、Can you tell me what I should do?你能告诉我我应该怎样做吗?

6、Can you tell me something about your company?你能告诉我关于你公司的一些事情吗?

7、Can you tell me how to become a successful person?你能告诉我如何才能做一个成功的人吗? 第四十八集

1、Do you remember me?你还记得我吗?

2、Do you remember meeting me in Beijing?你还记得在北京见过我吗?

3、Do you remember how to say this in English?你还记得这个用英语怎么说吗?

4、Do you remember her telephone number?你还记得她的电话号码吗?

5、Do you remember what I told you?你还记得我告诉你什么了吗?

6、Do you remember being here before?你记得来过这里吗? 第四十九集

1、Do you enjoy your work?你喜欢你的工作吗?

2、Do you enjoy traveling?你喜欢旅游吗?

3、Do you enjoy learning English?你喜欢学英语吗?

4、Do you enjoy speaking English?你喜欢说英语吗?

5、Do you enjoy meeting new people?你喜欢认识新的朋友吗?你喜欢打交道吗?

6、Do you enjoy watching movies?你喜欢看电影吗? 第五十集

1、That sounds like fun!听起来挺有趣!

2、That sounds like a good idea。听起来是个好主意!

3、That sounds like a very exciting job。听起来是个很好的工作!

4、That sounds like something I would be interested in。听起来是一个我感兴趣的事情!

5、That sounds like a wonderful place!听起来是一个棒极了的事情。

6、That sounds like a great vacation。听起来是一个非常棒的假期呀!第五十一集

1、Tell me about your family!跟我讲讲你家的情况!

2、Tell me about your country!跟我讲讲你的国家!

3、Tell me about your experiences as a ceo。跟我讲讲你做ceo的经历。

4、Tell me about how you learned to speak such good English。你到底如何把英语说的这么好的,跟我讲讲。

5、Tell me about your trip to china。跟我讲讲你的中国之旅怎么样。

6、Tell me about your business。跟我讲讲你的业务情况。第五十二集

1、Can you help me with my English?你能帮我学英语吗?

2、Can you help me with my homework?你能帮我做作业吗?

3、Can you help me with my bags please?你能帮我包好吗?

4、Can you help me with this directions?能帮我读一下这个说明书吗?

5、Can you help me with something?能帮我个忙吗?

6、Can you help me with a problem?能帮我解决一个问题吗? 第五十三集

1、In my opinion Chinese people are very friendly!在我看来,中国人非常的友好!

2、In my opinion we should’t buy that stock。我认为什么股票都不要买了。

3、In my opinion she is a very capable woman。我认为她是一个很有能力的女人。

4、In my opinion we should be more careful。在我看来我们应该更加小心。

5、In my opinion English is easy。在我看来英语很容易。

6、In my opinion he is an excellent teacher。在我看来他是一个棒极了的老师。第五十四集(现在进行时表示将来干什么)

1、What are you doing this weekend?这周末你打算干什么?

2、What are you doing tonight?今天晚上你打算干什么?

3、What are you doing after graduation?毕业以后你打算干什么?

4、What are you doing this summer?这个夏天你打算干什么?

5、What are you doing later this afternoon?今天下午你有什么打算吗?

6、What are you doing after work?下班以后干什么? 第五十五集

1、Are you satisfied with my work?你对我的工作满意吗?

2、Are you satisfied with your new job?你对你的新工作满意吗?

3、Are you satisfied with your marriage?你对你的婚姻满意吗?

4、Are you satisfied with your progress in English?你对英语的进步满意吗?

5、Are you satisfied with the results? 你对结果满意吗?

6、Are you satisfied with your life?你对你的生活满意吗? 第五十六集

1、That’s wonderful。太好了

2、Kim is a wonderful teacher。科姆是个好老师。

3、Jim is a wonderful student。吉姆是个好学生。

4、That’s a wonderful idea。真是个好主意。

5、My mother is a wonderful woman。我妈妈是个好女人。

6、China is a wonderful country。中国是个好国家。

7、She has a wonderful personality。她的个性很好。第五十七集

1、would you like to have dinner with me?你愿意和我共进晚餐吗?

2、would you like to get together this weekend?你想这个周末聚一聚吗?

3、would you like to see a movie tonight?今晚你想去看电影吗?

4、would you like to try some Beijing duck?要不要尝一下北京烤鸭?

5、would you like to know how to improve your English?你想知道如何改进你的英文吗?

6、would you like to meet my family?你想见到我的家人吗? 第五十八集

1、would you like some coffee?你想来点咖啡吗?——国际化主人问候的说法

2、would you like somewater?你想来点水吗?

3、would you like some more time?要不要多点时间呀?

4、would you like some advice?要不要多点建议呀?

5、would you like some help?要不要多点帮助呀?

6、would you like something to drink?要不要来点喝的呀? 第五十九集

1、That would be great。那太好了!

2、That would be perfect。太完美了!

3、That would be nice。太好了!

4、That would be terrific。太棒了!

5、That would be super。太棒了!

6、That would be wonderful!太棒了!第六十集

1、I’m tired of my life。我厌倦了我的生活。(每天朝五晚九)

2、I’m tired of studying all the time。我讨厌所有时间都学习。

3、I’m tired of your excuses。我特别讨厌借口。

4、I’m tired of doing the same thing all of the time。我讨厌做同样的事情。

5、I’m tired of looking at your face。我讨厌看着你的脸。

6、I’m tired of her complaining。我特别反感人们总是抱怨。




广东李阳文化教育发展有限公司由“疯狂英语”创始人李阳老师于一九九五年九月创建,是一家从事语言文化教育事业推广的企业;其前身是李阳•克立兹国际英语推广工作室。公司的中心品牌为“李阳疯狂英语”及“疯狂汉语”。李阳老师专门指派疯狂英语教学专家对学校进行教学质量管理和教师培训。李阳疯狂英语学校以一流的专业口语培训为龙头,在教学中坚持使用 “李阳疯狂英语快速突破法”和“李阳疯狂英语课文快速背诵法”为教学两大法宝,开设了三大类王牌课程,即:


2、李阳疯狂英语Crazy Baby少儿英语专业培训;




到底什么是李阳疯狂英语呢? 定义:





I enjoy losing face.I enjoy making mistakes.这些信念已经在全世界广泛流行。




































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