
时间:2019-05-15 05:55:01下载本文作者:会员上传





1.Michael Phelps, _______ American swimmer, was reported to be addicted to drugs after _____Olympic Games in Beijing.A.an;theB.the;anC.a;anD.the;the

2.---What do you think of the Brarck Obama’s first visit to China?

---_______.Many important countries think highly of it.A.It’s really somethingB.It depends

C.It’s just so-soD.It’s very normal

3.---You couldn’t have prepared _______ meal for us.---I’m glad you like it so much.A.a more deliciousB.the most delicious

C.more deliciousD.most delicious

4.When he was studying in Beijing, he _______on his aunt there and have dinner with her

once a month.A.should callB.would callC.could callD.might call

5.The questionnaire takes ten to fifteen minutes to complete and can be used along with the assessment interview.A.mainlyB.punctuallyC.approximatelyD.precisely

6.---This young people works very hard and I think he has a promising future.---Yes, what he is doing now will _______ in the near future.A.make upB.pay offC.pay forD.make it

7.The bond of true affection had pulled us six very different men from six very different countries across Antarctica;we proved in the end that we weren't very different _____.A.for allB.as usualC.after allD.in particular

8.---The girl is gaining weight recently.---I’m afraid so.She always has a great deal more, chocolate and sweets, for example,_____ necessary.A.thatB.whatC.whereD.than

9.With each problem _______ the globe and the area_______, the APEC Summit closed successfully in Singapore.A.concerning;discussedB.concerned;discuss


10.After many celebrations of China’s 60th birthday, most countries agree that China is not _______ it used to be and _______ China will play a more important role in the world.A.what;thatB.what;/C.which;thatD.that;that


Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together.However, I was not thinking about the golden chain when I had to help people whotheir way and parked in front of my house.I was growing tired of helping so many people.Almost everyI was awakened during a sound night’s sleep and had to someone out.Many times I wasby some penniless motorists who did not even thank me for the helps that they received and some even complained that I could have done.One day, a young man with a week-old beard climbed out of aautomobile.He had no money and no food.He asked if I could give him some , offer him gasoline and a meal.I told him that if he wanted to work for me, he could cut the grass, but the work wasn’t necessary.Though sweaty and hungry, he worked hard.After working all day, he sat cool himself.I thanked him for his work and gave him the money he.I then offered him someI never saw him again.He probably thinks I helped him out that day, but that is notit was.I didn’t help him.He helped me to people again to repay their trust in me.He helped me to once again want to do something for those who are him for some of my belief in the basicof others and for giving me back a little of theI had lost.Because of him, I once again felt part of a golden chain of kindness thatus to others.I may have fed his body that day, but he fed my 11.A.foughtB.foundC.madeD.lost



14.A.taken for granted B.put up withC.turned downD.taken up with





19.A.in the sunB.in the shadeC.in the fieldD.in the car




23.A.the situationB.the thingC.the issueD.the way

24.A.believe inB.watch overC.look afterD.care about

25.A.in troubleB.in dangerC.in tearsD.in fear








When it comes to your skin, there is an extremely important fact that you must keep in mind: Your skin is the largest organ of your body.As an obvious result, skin health and maintenance is vital.Your skin does everything from protecting you from the to assisting you with breathing.Your skin keeps your body hydrated(含水的)and regulates your body's temperature.In the end, this really is only the beginning of all of the various vital functions that your skin provides to you.Despite the extreme importance of a person's skin, the reality is that many people simply do not pay much attention to issues relating to the health of their skin.With that in mind, there are some prime tips and pointers that you must always keep in mind when it comes to the health and protection of your skin.Protection against harmful rays from the sun is one of the most important steps that you need to take.With this in mind it is vitally important that you make certain you use solid protection when you go out into the sun.Your diet also has a direct effect on the health of your skin.The most important aspect of your diet in relation to the health of your skin is to make certain that you eat a proper amount of food items that contain the proteins and nutrients necessary for cellular maintenance, repair and

regeneration.With this in mind, your skin cells actually rely on a sufficient amount of carbohydrates.Water is also important to the Health of your skin.While you certainly have heard it before, it actually is true that you should drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of fresh and pure water every day.There are many health benefits you can get from drinking water daily, including maintaining healthy skin.Finally, when it comes to the health of your skin today and into the future you should avoid smoking all together.In addition, you should drink alcohol only in moderation.Both smoking and too much alcohol consumption can negatively affect the health of your skin in significant ways.31.The underlined word “” in the first paragraph probably refers to _______.A.bad weatherB.a favorable environment

C.all the chemicalsD.the cells making up the skin

32.The writer lists some of the functions of skin in the beginning part to _______.A.make an analysis of the main topic of the passage

B.draw readers’ attention to the main topic of the passage

C.give a brief introduction to the main topic of the passage

D.give the readers a summary of the main topic of the passage

33.Which of the following does not help maintain the health of skin?

A.Drinking alcohol in moderation.B.Including adequate carbohydrates in diet.C.Using solid protection when exposed to the sun.D.Drinking enough fresh and pure water every day.34.The most suitable title of the passage may be _______.A.An essential organ of our bodyB.Tips for soft and smooth skin

C.Habits and skin healthD.How to keep our skin healthy


When our son, Alex, was young, he hated to travel.We endured refusals to visit one more museum, even if it was the Louvre.We coped with a child who resisted even a taste of onion soup in Paris and who insisted he would like nothing more than ordering room service at the hotel and watching TV.Over the years, we have come up with several hard-earned but realistic strategies to help kids cope on long-distance trips.First, we recognize that some children have trouble adjusting to new environments, food, time zones and schedules.So, in advance of a trip to England, we gave our son a taste of the new culture by making shepherd’s pie for supper.He loved the mashed potatoes, chopped meat and brown gravy(肉汁).For Italy, we sampled homemade pesto served over linguine.For Amsterdam, I cooked up a pot of comforting pea soup and baked a delicious apple pancake called pannekoeken.Then, when we traveled to these places, he ate these foods and they seemed like a taste of home.In addition to food, we always sample the culture beforehand by reading books and renting movies from the countries we will be visiting.For Italy, the book Italian Folktales by Italo Calvino and the films Johnny Stecchino, Cinema Paradiso, and Il Postino gave our son a glimpse of the Italian way of life.For Britain, we rented Mr.Bean and Billy Elliot, and enjoyed stories by J.R.R.Tolkien and E.Nesbit.For Amsterdam, he finished The Diary of Anne Frank.Before we leave home, we also ask Alex to go through our tour books and pick out activities that appeal to him.He was excited about visiting the London Dungeon and the Imperial War Museum, and taking a ride in the London Eye.They turned out to be big hits.Because Alex’s preferences were given equal attention, he was more tolerant of his parents’ selections, such as visiting Charters Cathedral and the Van Gogh Museum.We’ve also learned the hard way that dragging our son out of bed early in the morning, thus café, work out at the hotel gym, or take a long walk.This makes our time together much more

enjoyable.35.According to the writer, parents are advised to _______.A.cook children’s favorite foodB.postpone traveling until the kids are in college C.allow their kids a ride in the London EyeD.take children’s interest and preferences into account 36.Cinema Paradiso and Il Postino are mentioned as _______.A.particular desires of childrenB.an approach to interest the future possible visitC.highly appreciated films for touristsD.comfortable activities children could pick out 37.The underlined word “grumpy” in the last paragraph is similar in meaning to _______.A.bad-temperedB.tolerantC.energeticD.nervous 38.Which of the following might serve as a possible title for this passage? A.Kids and Parents.B.Joys of Traveling.C.Whether You Go or Not.D.How to motivate Kids to travel


Going up to university to study for a degree means you have decided to study professionally, rather than as an amateur;so being a student is now your profession for at least the next four years:This involves a change of attitude in many ways.Now, instead of taking several subjects, you have chosen one major subject because you find it interesting and worth exploring further.You also have before you the goal of getting a degree.The degree and the stages you have to pass through to achieve it give you motivation.You are no longer forced to stay in school all day, and apart from your class time, you organize your own time and place for studying.Another change is in the relationship with those who teach you.You are there to study actively rather than to be taught passively.Your teachers may or may not urge you, but they do want you to share their interest in the subject and they want you to succeed.If you get work back with a poorer mark than you expected and with various criticisms, don’t feel discouraged by this;if you don’t understand what is wrong and how to improve, ask your teacher to explain and don’t be satisfied until you do understand.Professionalism involves training and practising.Some activities, like reading, note-taking, speaking and discussing are basic to studying.Make sure you can do these effectively.You have to use time well, and practice to improve your skills.Effective reading is part of your training.Since it is a learned skill we can change the way we did since in primary school and relearn it.Learn how to read fast---how to read with your eyes rather than your throat, how to ignore words like “of” and “the”, and how to keep what you read.You take notes in class for yourself, not for anyone else, so make your notes easy to read, economical and pleasing to the eye.Vary the arrangement on the page to suit the material(diagrams, columns, underlining), use colored pens for different topics to catch the eye and make things stand out.Work out your own shorthand speedwriting.Group discussions give you a chance to train your ability to express yourself.Don’t be the non-speaking member of the group.Take an active part in the discussion.In the future you are almost certainly going to have to be good at speaking, so get into the way of talking about your subject now.This is actually more fun than sitting being silently uncomfortable.Nobody will think what you say is foolish.Everyone will be thankful not to face embarrassing silence.高三英语练习八参考答案



1.Theme/ outline2.degree3.differences4.forced5.whenever

6.silently7.Avoid8.Note-talling9.colors10.actively 更正:

任务型阅读9__________ 之后加for different colors



September 26, 2013

一.语境填词(根据提示用适当的单词或短语填空)选修七Unit 1

1.His 残疾)made him 笨拙)but couldn‟t stop him from achieving his(抱负).

2.He got to school(气喘吁吁)because hedidn‟t want the teacher to be 生气)at his 旷课).

3.Students(和……)teachers have easy 接近)to our library where there are 充足的)books.4.Your marriage(获得)your parents’(赞同).(祝贺)to you!

5.I want to(辞职(闲坐)and doing(换句话说), I want to lead a life of leisure.二.单选(复印的练习选修八Units 1-2)

1.After suffering a heart attack, Michael Jackson was pronounced dead, ________a tragic end to the world's most popular entertainer.A.markingB.to markC.markedD.having marked

2.Maybe you have been to many famous restaurants, but nowhere else________on such nice ducks.A.you can feastB.can you taste C.you can tasteD.can you feast

3.He saw her coming, and advised me to hide behind the door,________ advice I took at once.A.whoseB.whatC.thatD.which

4.AIDS is said________the biggest challenge to both men and women in that area over the past few years.A.that it isB.to beC.that it has beenD.to have been

5.This is the only means that I can think of,_____we can succeed in finding out the truth.A.in whichB.by whichC.thatD.which

6.My dream in life is to become a doctor, ___________who changes the world.A.oneB.the oneC.itD.that

7.Be ________—you can‟t expect me to finish all this work in so little time.(2012·山东,33)A.reasonableB.confident C.creativeD.grateful

8.The hospital described his________as “satisfactory” while he felt there was something wrong.A.conditionB.situation C.energyD.position

9.Yesterday I had a word with the CEO of the company,______who used to teach at Beijing University.A.oneB.the one C.thatD.it

10.Our school forbids________,that is to say, we are not allowed________at school.A.to smoke;to smoke B.students' smoking;smoking

C.students' to smoke;smoking D.students' smoking;to smoke

11.All of us have already known________she will choose is the opportunity to go abroad.A.thisB.thatC.whatD.which

September 27, 2013

一.语境填词(根据提示用适当的单词或短语填空)选修七Unit 2

1.Tomorrow, I‟ll(留出)some time to(陪

伴)my wife to the concert.2.This(声明)(注定)affect

their marriage.They may get(离婚).

3.She 打电话)her husband,a(职员)in a bank,telling

him she 渴望)a(兼职的)job.4.Please(让我一个人待着).I have(渴望)to

talk to you guys.5.To our(惊讶), after we 测试)the products, we found

many of them could cause children to be(超重).


They can run all day.They never complain and if they demand a pay rise you

can justremove their batteries:many premiership managers must dream of having a

robotic(机器人的)football player.In fact, robotics researchers believe that by 2050 a robotic football team will take

to the field that will be able to defeat the current human world champions.It's an ambitious goal which sounds more like science fiction than reality—but the

plan to develop the robotic equivalent of Brazil is already well on its way.This week, teams of robots from all over the world are taking part in Robocup

2007—the robotic football World Cup.This year the event is taking place at Georgia Tech University in the US for the

biggest ever demonstration of robotic footballing prowess.While they might not have the guile or pace of Wayne Rooney just yet, scorelines

that stretched into double figures proves that these robo-soccer stars certainly have a

grasp of the game's fundamentals.The groups ranged from the “Humanoid League” right through to robots so small

they can only be seen with a microscope in the inaugural “Nano­Cup”.

For robots to play football, various technologies have been developed including

artificial intelligence so the robots know who to pass to and how best to defeat an

opponent as well as sophisticated robotics and sensors.After the fun and games of the

Robocup is over, the technologies developed for scoring winning goals is then

transferred to a number of other more useful applications such as developing robots

that can be used in search and rescue in large scale disaster.1.The first paragraph is mainly about ________.A.the features of robotic football players

B.a part of an interesting science fiction

C.a report on a football game in a newspaper

D.a scene of the 2007 Women's Football World Cup

2.The INCORRECT description on Robotcup 2007 is ________.A.it will be held in Georgia Tech University in the US

B.robots from a few countries have joined in the festival

C.robotic football players have ever achieved best

D.the sizes of robotic football players are different

3.What do the scores of the robo-soccer stars prove?

A.Robo-soccer stars are equal to football players in skills.B.Robo-soccer stars will defeat the human world champions.C.Robo-soccer stars understand the basic knowledge of the game.D.Robo-soccer stars have the pace of the famous stars.4.The main idea of the last paragraph is that ________.A.robots can be used to search for and save victims in accidents

B.the advanced robots can defeat other players in a game

C.the robots with artificial intelligence know how to pass balls

D.the technology developed for robots can be used in other fields

5.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.World Cup for robots kicks off

B.Robots join in the world cup football

C.Robotic soccer stars are popular

D.Robots promote the popularity of football

September 28, 2013


1.At the(的)meeting, the journalists witnessed the conflicts between

two parties with 相反的)interests.2.He 敦促)me to 丢弃)the sinking ship and swim

to the 岸边).

3.After 反思)on what happened, I became 意识到)that we

didn‟t find the right(目标)audiences.4.At the camp, we provide 食宿)and we aim to establish a

harmonious(关系)between kids.5.He had a narrow escape and fled from the burning car,(拖)his

injured leg.Ⅱ.阅读理解

Have you ever wondered why each of us has different handwriting?

Handwriting,also known as brain writing,is as individual to the person as

fingerprints.Occupations,relationships,personal problems as well as health-related

issues can be identified in a person‟s writing.Analyzing handwriting goes back to the

1600s and originated in Europe.Is handwriting analysis scientific?

OK,you ask,so what traits can be found while analyzing handwriting? Many

traits can be shown provided the writing is in cursive(草书的),because printing has

some limitations.Cursive provides the analyst with the upstrokes(向上的一笔)in

writing which are very important.Many personality traits including being outgoing,temper,anger towards the opposite sex,generosity and hundreds more can be found

when analyzing handwriting.Handwriting is very interesting because not only can you change your

personality and watch your writing change as well,but also the reverse is true!

Sometimes there are personalitytraits that we wish we did not have,but we don‟t

know how to get rid of them.One way to change your personality is to use

handwriting therapy.The person learns how to change their writing to rid themselves

of unwanted traits,and practices this under the watchful eye of a trained


Handwriting analysis is becoming a recognized part of therapy.Analyzing

handwriting has many different aspects.For instance,it is used in the court of law

when dealing with fake documents.Companies are beginning to hire handwriting

analysts to assist them in finding the right person for the right job.This is because

handwriting analysis is a science—it is not guesswork.It is used as a tool to determine

the compatibility(适应性)of an individual to the requirements of a job as well as the

compatibility of one individual to another.All in all,handwriting analysis is scientific and has endless possibilities.Next

time you see someone‟s signature or handwriting,you now know that this person‟s

personality is right out there in front of you,just waiting to be discovered!

1.Which of the following is not associated with handwriting according to the first


A.Fingerprints.B.Occupations.C.Relationships.D.Personal problems.2.Why do people want to make handwriting analysis?

A.Because analyzing handwriting goes back to the 1600s.B.Because analyzing handwriting originated in Europe.C.Because many personality traits can be found in handwriting.D.Because printing has some limitations.3.What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?

A.Handwriting is very interesting.B.Handwriting therapy can help change your personality.C.Your personality can change your handwriting.D.Your handwriting is hard to change.4.We can infer from the last paragraph that ________.A.there are still many waiting to be discovered in handwriting

B.discovering a person‟s personality is difficult

C.handwriting analysis makes no sense

D.different person has different handwriting

September 29, 2013


1.Dear, it‟s(两周)since we got separated and I‟m(盼望)hear

from you.2前几天), I 购买)a camera, which could(调

节)its focus automatically.3.弄干)your coat(否则), you won‟t be able to(参加)in the activity together with me.4.Some people are(捐赠)money for the people(在困难中)

while others are doing(志愿的)work to help them.5.To celebrate the 10th(周年)of our shop, we need some people to(分发)brochures for our products to the passers-by.Whoever is interested please(点击)here.二.短文填词

Mind Your Behavior in Public Places

Last Sunday,I ______________ sightseeing with my friends in the Fairy Lake Park.The park was__________________ of freshness and beauty of spring,with the sun _________________ and birds singing.When I was enjoying the fantastic scenery around,something unpleasant c__________________ my eyes.A young couple in a boat were eating,talking and laughing loudly as if they________________ the only people in the world.What„s___________________,they spat and even threw rubbish into the lake,totally ____________ the noticeable sign ”No Littering” nearby.What a ___________________!

Such behavior______________ me deep in thought.If all visitors to the Fairy Lake Park do ____________________ the couple did,the lake will be severely polluted and soon turned into a huge dustbin.I think all of us should mind our behavior in public _______________.Only in this way can we ___________________ in more comfortable and beautiful surroundings.


高三政治作业:5 姓名班级


















































化发展③创造事物客观联系实现主体的发展意图 C.网络监督是公民参政的重要形式,便于公民直接参与管理国家事务











接选举产生 ②三沙市人民代表大会是我国的根本政


治制度 ③三沙市人民代表大会是我国国家权力机

7、在探索政府购买社会组织服务新模式的过程中,关的组成部分 ④三沙市的行政机关、司法机关都由三



A.取消行政审批提高政府效能 B.强化权力制衡规范政府的行为 C.加强执法监督科学文明执法 D.转变政府职能建设服务型政府8、1981年里根就任总统时,美国正遭受自大萧条以来最严重的经济危机。在供给学派主张的影响下,他以“里根经济学”引导美国走出滞胀危机。下列符合其思想的政策措施是①增加对失业者的补贴②扩大政府

沙市人民代表大会产生 A.①③④B.②③④C.①②③D.①②④



安全;只有精确,才能取得成功。我们的任务就是,精确,精确,再精确。“精确”一词说明了①意识活动室和国家大剧院联合举行新闻发布会,正式启动2013年“建设美丽首都,做文明有礼的北京人--市民高雅艺术殿堂文明行“活动。开展上述活动的文化生活依据有①文化可以促进社会的全面进步②文化对人的影响具有潜移默化的特点③优秀文化能够丰富人的精神世界④文化根源于经济又反作用于经济 具有主动创造性②意识能发现和创造规律③主观要做到与 A.①②B.②③C.①④D.③④ 客观相符合④事物的发展是前进性和曲折性的统一 16、2012年12月3日在北京开幕的第一届“城市矿

A.②③B.①④C.①③D.③④ 产”博览会上,国内多个“城市矿产”示范基地和知


②意识是一种直接现实性的活动③应该坚持两点论与重点 A.矛盾双方能够依据一定条件相互转化

论相统一④人们能够认识和利用规律造福人类 B.事物的性质及变化取决于人的意志











































I want to go to the Dabie Mountain with my classmates after the college extrance examination.This is the dream of our class because we can’t forget the friends in the mountain.In the April, 2011, our school led the students in Senior 2 to the Dabie Mountain.5 rommates and I lived in a farmer’s house.It was the most unforgettable experience in my high school life.We were waken up every morning by the cocks.After having the delicious breakfast, we climbed the mountain to a Hope School.We taught the kids Maths and Chinese.The equipment in the classroom was so poor, but the kids’eyes were so bright.In the afternoon, we climbed to the house which our friends stayed, and enjoyed the warm sunshine.The local residents’ warm reception moved us, too.The two weeks passed quickly.When we left there, we all promised to go back to there after the college extrance examination.We want to bring some beautiful, fashional clothes to the girls and some books to the kids.I am looking forwards to going back to the Dabie Mountain.(190w)欧阳君婷



In some schools, students check their homework with each other, does it benefitthe students?

In my opinion, it does benefit students.Once I had a wise teacher who taught us Chinese.She asked us to read other’s composition, wrote down the strengths and the weaknesses of it and gave marks to it.It was really an interesting task.We got more interests of writing and we trained our reading ability without reading some awful, long works written by masters.As a result, our class became the best class in Chinese subject in our school.However, not all of the homework need to be corrected by ourselves.In my view , the homework with our own idea needs to be checked by each other because it can make us widen our sight.Reading and checking other’s homework can benefit us.If I am to be a teacher, I will tell the students the benefits of checking homework in this way and teach them how to learn from it.(168w)欧阳君婷

I’m a member of school team潘子文

Last year, I joined my school basketball team.That was a great because everyone in it could learn to play well.One day, there was a match after school on Friday.Lots of teachers and schoolmates came to watch our match.Fortunately, I had a chance to play in it because one of the players was absent.Ten minutes after the match began, I was injured.I was unwilling to give it up.I stood up again and finished my performance.I got 15 points, 6 rebounds and 4 assists.At last, we won this game and I won my coach’s hand.How proud I’m being a member of my school team.(118w)


Watching American damas means wasting time

Following American great films , American damas have gradually become popular among Chinese people , especially us middle school students , which brought about a heated discussion and fixed up many a student’s eyes.Some hard-working students ,who are compared to the ancient learners by the other side , argue that it is these soap operas we are fond of that really decrese our scores in the exams and that our dreams will just fall off our hearts according to the situation at present.But as is know to all, ancient learners usually stands for a kind of fool who are not creative but only know quantities useless knowledge on books.As a result ,more people may hold the opposite view that it is by watching American damas that we can best understand the US culture ,which makes great differences to our English learning.But this is only looked on as an unbelievable reason by those hard-working studentseven though who are for watching TV add that now we students under too much pressure will get relaxed in the meanwhile and that we should well combine relax with study to make sure that we study more effectively.But just as the saying popular last year goes “Our dream is always besutiful while life is quite true.”Sometime we have perfect wishes and expect ,but get a bad result.TV damas are always good at catching people’s attention and then curiosity drives you to watch the whole.So interesting it is that you entirely forget to notice what the actors talk but what they do to others , So far you have spent plenty of you time , however what did you really get ? Noting.What’s more , what if we devote amounts of time to watching TV ? The only answer is to have little time in other subjects.Not only do we have English but also other such as math and physics that are much more difficult to learn , Most importantly , what if we hardly have time in math and physics ? Yeah ,maybe in some way those hard-working students are true.Our scores in exams will decrese rapidly without doubt but improments in English may not be so clear as what we lose.So what do you get ? Only endless regret and a lesson paid for with blood ? It’s the biggest mistake a student makes in such a country---China ,where scores turn out the most important and the best means to messure a student.In addition , in order to free Chinese culture from other’s , the China Govement has taken a series of steps to attract our attention to our mother language ,which in turn means that foreign language , especially English ,will be less important.The biggest difference for us is that English will take up less percent of scores in College Entrance Examination.It’s not worthwhile to waste masses of time to do something nearly useless.I know this may be too realistic but life is the same realistic as it.I’m only a student in the countryside, and College Entrance Examination is the best and easiest way to success.I have no chance to bet , I must take responsibilities for myself ,or no one will do that for me.I must divide under the guide of CEE my time into proper pieces ,and make sure I don’t waste too much time.So ,I can’t watch TV to improve my English but to do more exercise just for my dream.I can’t make decisions for you ,because each of us is different.But you’d better not always follow you heart.Sometimes their direction against your will can be quite right.I strongly believe hope is just there waiting for us.Look!It’s waving at us!



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