What 2012 means to you ? A blockbuster? A number?
Doomsdays? Believe it or not, a large quantity of people’s answer would be the last one.why? Do you really believe 2012 will be the end of the world?
After watching the movie 2012, we never failed to forget the
scenes of catastrophes.Maybe wecan comfort ourselves that a film is just a film, but look around, why a serious of earthquakes volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, floods, droughts took place on our planet lately? Just a coincidence? Or omens? Furthermore, the Long Count in the
Mayan calendar predicted that the world will end on Dec.21th, 2012.The Mayans were extremely good at math and astronomy, and their prophecies always turned out to be precise.Do you believe doomsday now? However, there are also many
non-believers who hold the opposite view, Dr Morrison, for axample, an astronomer at the NASA Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif, said,” I get angry at the way people are being manipulated and frightened to make money.There is no ethical right to frighten children to make a buck.” Furthermore, the old folks of Maya claimed that some people have mistaken their prediction, and the truth were that 2012 was the end of the old calendar 5, 125-year cycle and the start of the new calendar, but not the end of civilization.Last but not the least.Both NASA(the National Aeronautics and Space Administration)and CERN(the European Center for Nuclear Research)assure us that everything is fine.Are you confused? Which side of view do you take? On my point of view, it makes nonsense to figure out what is true or what is not ,or worry about the unknown.What really matters is that we cherish the moment and hope for future without giving up forever.No matter what happens, we stay together to be prepared for the future, create miracles, love each other and avoid man-made disaster ,like environmental
pollution, excessive exploitation of resources, terrorist attacks, nuclear war and hatred.Facing the strength of nature, we are so small and
helpless.But if we, people all over the world, Unite as a wall to confront disaster, we will come around-------reborn!Just as Days to See>,which is written by Helen Keller, said,” sometimes I have thought it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorro Ladies and Gentlemen,Welcome to our “Speech Corner”.Now it’s my turn to give my speech on the end of the world.As the sun has started to expand into a red giant consuming the earth in flames, the earth is doomed to reach the end of its life span.Yes, it is the end of the world.But you don’t need to rush to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to board the Noah’s ark or rack your brains about the philosophical question that which dies first, your body or your spirit.All you need to do is wait for a ship which will take you to another world in 24 hours and carry one bag with you.Well, as for myself, what shall I do in such a short time and what shall I take and leave behind? Firstly, I will carry a camera with me to keep minutes of what I have done in the 24 hours.Then, I will prepare a nutritional breakfast and share with my family in a harmonious atmosphere.After the breakfast, I will do something that I dare not do in the previous years and break the barriers which prevent me from living my life to the fullest.Maybe I will do a “dine and dash”.Finally, I will pay a visit to some special persons in my life.I will visit my best friends to speak out the words I should have told rather than bury them deep in my heart.I will visit those who have misunderstood me to clear up the unpleasurable cloud which has lasted for years.I will visit those who have hurt but taught me how to live a life to show my appreciation.They have marked on my history of life and I will cherish them even when I’m not on this planet.When the evening closes in, I’ll go back home and pack my bag.I can spare anything but my photos, which are the most priceless treasure in my life.I cannot afford to leave them behind.Besides my photos, I will take the book Jane Eyre into my bag, which teaches me that dignity and love are the value of a person.And I hope that the next generation will have a chance to read this masterpiece.After I pack my bag, I’ll board the ship without any regret, because I do believe that we human beings will create another beautiful world when we are united as a whole. 看到书上说,地球环境污染很厉害,这样下去,在很多年后,地球会毁灭,世界末日演讲稿。 如果今天就是世界末日,我会做些什么呢? 如果今天是世界末日,那么,就是说,我还有24小时,我不会恐惧,一点也不会,我要做我要做的事,就算是死去,也不要有太多的遗憾。 如果把24小时分成六份,那么,第一份,我要去找他,告诉他,一直一直,我都在爱他,从来没有变过,我需要他的陪伴,只是四个小时,就是永远了。我要给他做饭,我要抱他,如抱自己心爱的孩子一样紧紧地抱住他。 第二份,我要给我的那些真诚的朋友,四个小时,够了吧,吃饭,唱歌,我要跟他们一起疯一起闹,我们要唱《世界末日》那首歌,我要喝很多的酒,很多很多的,要不然就没有机会了,我爱他们,他们那样真诚,那样好,如果有下辈子,我们还要做朋友,还要做朋友。 第三份,我想,我是留给徐徐的,可是,我找不到他了,他去了哪里呢?去了哪里呢?在北京?可是QQ也没有上,手机也换号了,我不该打扰他的生活的,他是不想让我打扰他的生活的,六年了,他下定了决心要重新生活的,没有我,原来,他也可以生活得这么好。可是,我仍然怀念他,所以,这四个小时,让我去找他,无论用什么方法,无论结果如何,这四个小时,去找他。 第四份,我要去找伊伊,告诉她,她是我唯一玩了十六年的朋友,亲爱的朋友,虽然我们之间有那么多的不快,可是,亲爱的,我们仍然生活了十六年,我们彼此是那样的了解,只有我们,才能疯得那样尽兴,闹得如疯子,演讲稿《世界末日演讲稿》。我不会忘记那一年的快乐,还有建哥哥,还有小汪,还有孟歌还有……永远,永远不会忘记那一段单纯快乐的日子。 第五份,我要留给自己,我要睡觉,一个小时思考,三个小时睡觉,希望自己做些美梦,最美最美的梦,在这四个小时里,我只想自己,只为自己着想,做一个真正的自己,我要大声地哭泣,还要大声笑。 第六份,也就是最后一份了,我要留给我的家人,到世界末日的最后四个小时里,我要跟他们在一起,我要拥抱他们,每一个人,然后在一个房间里,聊天,我要告诉他们我爱他们,非常地非常地爱,我要亲吻他们每一个人,我要告诉他们,我以生在这个家里而骄傲,下辈子,如果还有下辈子,让我做爸爸妈妈的父母,我一定好好地爱他们疼他们宠他们,一定…… 那么,所有的时间都过了,24小时过去了,毁灭开始了,一切都不存在了,过去了,都过去了,地球变得荒芜,慢慢地,有了生命,那些植物,那些小小的动物,然后,又有一种动物开始进化,再然后……我不知道,因为我,已经不存在了。 世界末日剧本 一、场景布置(以下只是布置的基本条件,宣传部可根据方案自行设置亮点)场外: 1、大礼堂外的通往南门的路和通往文学院的路插各个社团的祝福旗 2大礼堂门外的设立1气球拱门 3、礼堂的门外至里面铺红色地毯 4、从大礼堂入口门口处到礼堂的门拉出一条彩带设置的路5、5大礼堂里面的礼堂们(2个)设置2个气球拱门 6、创意迎接重要嘉宾方式:向日葵 负责部门:组织部 7、末日祝福版 负责部门:宣传部 场内: 1、舞台设计 负责部门:宣传部 2、场地设计 负责部门:宣传部 二、正式开始 序:2012,我们在一起 开场表演:演员构成:3幕末日发生时的演员(社团联合会) 辩论与演讲协会 解释:3幕演员配合音乐与辩协(2男2女)的配音共同完成末日地球爆炸前的场景 灯光要求:偏暗 绝大多数采用追光或者暗光 音乐要求:悲情不失大气 大气不失温暖 温暖不失紧张 ppt要求:表演时屏幕只需要简单文字,色调以黑色为主。在表演进入爆炸前的最后10秒钟。屏幕逐渐变为彩色。出现一个地球,地球上的数字开始倒计时。10,9,8,···1.屏幕上的地球爆炸。(同时声音,音效,表演同时进行完毕) ····························································· 随着爆炸声响起,幕落,灯光暗。荧光舞蹈准备 ····························································· 开场舞:荧光舞 健身舞蹈协会 机械舞 灯光要求:暂无 ····························································· 主持人开场 (注意:主持人开场音乐、领导上台音乐、颁奖音乐)(介绍嘉宾时同时播放嘉宾个人ppt)(灯光要求:舞台打亮,但不刺眼) ···························································· 领导致辞 ···························································· 颁奖 ····························································· 表演拉开序幕(注意:下面的节目所需相关灯光和音乐,需要网络部及时跟进) ····························································· 第一幕 爱的起航 (注:每段的幕开始后,需要网络部在一个投影上播放相关无声视频,舞台幕布拉起,画外音配合视频播放,时长20s-30s 节目一:《小手拉大手》 吉他弹唱 吉他协会、社团联合会 节目二:《白雪公主》 话剧 惊蛰话剧社 节目三:《》 舞蹈 健身舞蹈协会 幕落、幕起(注:这一篇章的节目结束后,在拉幕布的时候,无灯光要求,要求全场黑暗,开始进行下一篇章的画外音) 第二幕 梦的绽放 节目四:《世俗民情》 戏剧表演 戏曲协会 节目五:《》 艾吗乐队 外校嘉宾表演(暂定) 节目六:《非诚勿扰》 环保时装小品 环保协会(暂定) 节目七:《change》 热舞 青年志愿者协会 节目八:《跆拳风》 跆拳道表演 跆拳道协会 幕落、幕起 (同上) 第三幕 2013我们同在一片蓝天下 节目九:《辩论赛》 小品 社团联合会文艺部 节目十:《》 舞蹈 社团联合会(暂定) 节目十一:《》 武术表演 武术协会 节目十二:《》 pink noise 校内嘉宾 结束 刚看完的电影《2012》故事讲述的是人类遭到毁灭时的情景以及人类在此极度危难之下所做出的种种想法和行动。而作为一个活在现实生活中的人。仅仅只能做到的就是!就是将自己心中的那份感触记录下来。 大灾难的前兆结束后所带来的影响,已经可以说是史无前例的了,南北磁场变化,各大洲板块崩裂下沉,海平面发生大型海啸等等都预示着人类的毁灭已经到来了。 “思想”转会5年前,当美国政府第一个知道这件事请以后第一个做出的判断就是“方案”于是开始联络各个国家参与此次行动,最终有46个国家参加了,在这点上我就想说剩下的国家为什么不参与,就因为他们国家的经济不够强悍,所以他们没有活下来的资格么,可是连我自己也在同一时间意识到,生命的意义有时候确实会发生改变,不能因为为了救这些不能给大家带来“帮助”:的人们而影响到更多的人。取舍生命:总是最难抉择的事情),于是找到了世界上最大劳动力的国家来承担拯救世界危机的重担。就这样5年的时间过去了,诺亚方舟计划就在基层人民不知道的情况下开始了„„直至世界末日的到来它也终于问世于世界之中。 最后它所承载的是希望,同时也是回忆以及悲伤。当影片最后打出的一个时间时感悟也由此成为连成在了一起。0001年1月27日,这是一个新的时代然而又是不同的时代,“我们”不是创造世界的造物主,但我们确是亲生经历世界被毁灭并且被重新创造的见证者,我们所迎来的是昔日之光——同样的光芒,却不同的时间所散发的光芒。我们要学会创造,并且重新认识这个世界,我们在这里见证,我们要在这里留下新的历史!第二篇:英文演讲稿世界末日前一天我会做什么