Goodmorning ,ladiesandgentlmen.Goodmorning ,myteachersandfriends.老师们,同学们,大家好
I’’mKelly,I’minClass3,Grade5.I’mBobo , I’minClass6,Grade2.我们听英语,听出不一样的快乐,我们说英语,说出多彩校园生活。
WelikeEnglish.首先,有请郭校长为英语周致辞。Mr.Guo.Welcome.1.英语童谣来到我们的学校,更融入了我们的生活,请欣赏一年级为我们带来的英语童谣表演NumberSongs.No.2isfromGrade4.TheFunny words.3.白雪公主和七个小矮人的故事,你一定听说过吧,请欣赏英语剧SnowWhite,fromGrade5.4,No.4isfromgrade2,.请欣赏二年级带来的儿歌表演A reyousleeping?
5.同学们,你们喜欢喜羊羊吗? 请欣赏六年级带来的英语剧表演Thesheepandthewolf.6.伟大的航海家哥伦布发现了新大陆,同学们。让我们随着音乐和哥伦布穿越大海,一起远航,请欣赏三年级英语剧表演 Iamsailing.我们读英语,读遍世界的每个角落
Ibelieve,Icando.Thankyou , myteachers.Thankyou, myfriends.Seeyounextyear.Bye – bye.
ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the english speaking competition in mathematic dpt.first, let me introduce the hostess for today, a pretty young lady her name is… who is from class_3 grade XX.standing here beside me is jacky, he is also from class_3 grade XX.there are all together 17 contestants to compete in today’s english speech competition all form mathematic dpt
i hope we can exchange of how to learn english better.these experiences will be very useful for the students in our dpt.so i hope we’ll make good use of this opportunity.at first,with great honor,we’d like to introduce the guests at present.they’re mr****,miss***,welcome!
we are honored to have you here,and we hope you can enjoy yourselves today.now i have the great privilege of presenting today’s judges.l and g,miss*** ,mr***, ,welcome
.thank you for being a part of the competition.now let’s welcome professor tang to give us the opening address.than you professor
ok,now let’s go over the rulers of the competition.there are 2 parts in today’s competition, the 1st is prepared speech,each of the contestants has 3 minutes to present a prepared speech.the 2ed part is unprepared speech,each of the contestants has 2 minutes to present your unprepared speech,after your speech,you have 2 minutes to answer questions raised by the judges.during your speech,a staff member will raise a yellow board as a signal that there is half a minute left.then a a red board will be raised to let the speaker know that the time has run out.so please raise the board.thank you!
according to the performance of every contstant ,5 scores will be given by our 5 judges,the fullmark is 10,the final score is the average excluding one of the highest and one of the lowest scores.l and g ,the top 2 winners today will be able to attend the college final to be held next month.we all look forward to your wonderful performances,and we wish you the best of luck.now the topic for today`s prepared speech is and for every contestants to chose.let’s welcome c n.1
thank your for c n 1,now let’s welcome c n.2
thank you for c n.2.here ,l and g ,i would like to announce the score of c n 1 is.congratulations!,now let`s welcome c n 3.l and g ,welcome back to english speech competition in mathematic dpt
now let`s begin the unprepared speech.let`s welcome c n 1
judges, question please
thank your for c n 1,now let`s welcome c n 2
thank you for c n 2.here ,l and g ,i would like to announce the score of c n 1 is
and now let’s have a short breath and wait for the final results.for this period,let`s welcome miss to give us a comment on this competition.welcome
l and g ,after our judges` discussion,the exciting moment is coming.first ,i would like to announce the third winners:
welcome to the stage and let`s to give the prize.and then tne second winner is :
welcome to the stage and let`s to give the prize.l and g can you feel the most exciting monment ,right now ,what i am going to announce is the first winner:
welcome to the stage and let`s to give the prize.congratulations to all the contestants and our thanks to all guests and judges.thank you for comiong!
till now ,l and g ,our competition has to an end.let`s look forword to the next year`s competition!
thanks again!
合 :大家上午好!
梅:In the past month,we hope that planning harvesting,we moved our successful harvest.Today we gather all the students here to be held, on campus for the tenth school culture and art Festival.合 :“青春使命继往开来”商州初中第十届校园文化艺术节文艺演出现在开始
1,(甲)我们的理想在希望的田野上,前进,排山倒海不可阻挡,前进,走向复兴创造辉煌。请欣赏大合唱《在希望的田野上》《走向复兴》。梅:Hold fast to your dreams, no matter how big or small they are.The path to dreams may not be smooth and wide, even some sacrifices are needed
Wonderful performance, isn’t it?However,it’s known among
us,let’s welcome
Terrific!Chinese kongfu is full of magic , have you been
excited by that ? Ok.Now, let's enjoy
Now,let’s enjoy the chorus
Beatiful!That's the first word appears in my mind.What do you expect next ? all right ,warm applause for the aerobics
< create miracle >
6,(丙)一段刚劲有力、激情四射的舞蹈之后,再来欣赏一段优美的舞蹈《crycry 》
Let us into a livelydance and dance a beautiful youth, dance very life of our own youth image《crycry 》
Do you know Xie Na? D o you like her?next,let’s enjoy the
dancing tegether.8,(乙)下面请欣赏现代舞《Dr.joli》
Jolin is a famous singer,she is good at dancing,and she hopes that everyone is happy and healthy everyday,now welcome
Childhood is so amazing and wonderfull,do you still remember it? Now let’s recall it with singing.10,(甲)刚才的歌曲是否让你会想起了你的童年?那么提到舞蹈《梅花梅朵》你会想到什么呢?下面有请周洋等同学为大家带来的精彩舞蹈《梅花朵朵》。
We get drunk in the beautiful poem.And the moving music can also make us excited.11,(乙)印度是一个美丽的国度,也充了满神秘的色彩,身着轻纱的美妙舞姿更是令人感到无限的美好,看,天竺少女来了!India is an amazing country, Wearing a gauze graceful dance
always makes me feel beautiful, warm applause for
We are lucky because we can enjoy the dancing
Our school life is wonderful ,it fulls of laugh and happy,thanks for their dancing,now let’s enjoy the next dancing together.14,(乙)接下来请欣赏舞蹈《mymy 》有请13级1班陈晓燕等同学登场!
Next warm applause for the dancing
It is our appreciation to the joke from class nine grade nine 16,(甲)我们的祖国,不再饱受凌辱;我们的祖国,事业蒸蒸日上;我们的祖国,日益走向富强。请欣赏诗朗诵《我的祖国》
because of love, we get together.because of love, we hold
together.because of love, we believe we can make a better
world.let’s enjoy the poem
There is a teacher who has a special family name---------
Hua,welcome Mr Hua.18,(丙)青春是一首美丽的诗,是一支动听的歌,是一卷多彩的画,是一抹迷人的景。少女时代是最纯美的时刻,那么如何用舞蹈去诠释她呢?请欣赏舞蹈《少女时代》
Warm winds bring us a happy season.On the exciting stage, we are shining our vigorous youth.warm applause for
There is always no boundary among songs , having finished those dancing , do you want to listen to piano ? Well , just hands for Chen Sihan
She did a good job,now let’s enjoy Tibetan national dancing
Love is sunshine,it makes pepole feel warm;love is spring
water,it moisns the growth of life.let’s enjoy the dancing
A clay pot sitting in the sun will always be a clay pot.It has to go through the white heat of the furnace to become
porcelain,let’s enjoy the dancing
23,(乙)让我们用掌声欢迎13级6班同学为我们带来的舞蹈《Believeme》。If you don't want to ,Then you don't have to believe me,let’s justice the dancing together.24,(丙)清朝末年,文学家梁启超写了一篇优美的文章《少年中国说》,鼓励青少年 追求进步,建设祖国。今天,我们把这篇文章搬上了舞台,现在就请大家欣赏《少年中国说》。
Liang Qichao wrote an article to encourage the youths to
contribute our motherland.let’s enjoy the choral speaking
The poem is very touching and our mothers are great!Ok, it’s time to dance,so, are you ready?
How graceful dangcing!it delivers the passion and style in
shangzhou.then let’s enjoy another dancing
All along the road ,we have shedded sweat and passion
All along the road, we have created songs like a musician
All along the road ,we have witnessed every episode of our completion,warm applause for choru
To learn to thank others makes our morality permanent.let’s enjoy sign language
There is a child named diaoyu islands,he really wants to get back to the embrace of motherland.apreciate a poem
30,(丙)我们唱着东方红,当家作主站起来;我们讲着春天的故事,改革开放富起来。一句句豪迈的歌词曾激励着无数中华儿女努力拼搏、奋勇前进。请欣赏14级3班的歌伴舞《走进新时代》 We’ll hear the cheers ,Joy and laughter everywhere!We’re together here to share.let’s apreciate the song with dancing
I hope everyone enjoyed the dancing just now.next up is aerobics
By a random chance we meet together ,By the solid belief we unite forever,let’s enjoy the dancing from class 3 grade nine.33,(丙)伴随着改革开放的潮流,全面建设小康社会的新时代使命,中华人民共和国经历了六十多周年的辛勤努力,终于在世人面前展现出了自已伟大和坚强的民族精神,下面请大家领略祖国的风光秀丽,感悟人民的团结奋进,见证祖国的繁荣昌盛。请欣赏15级4班带来的诗朗诵《我的祖国》
it is here, that we enjoy the joy and happiness brought by friends It is here, that we feel the care and thoughtfulness from our motherland, welcome
甲:艺术是一抹彩虹,染饰着我们的生活。艺术是一泓清泉,润泽着我们的生命 乙:一张张灿烂的笑脸,一场场精彩的表演,已经深深地定格在我们的记忆里。丙:在12.9这样一个值得纪念的日子里,让我们用青春与激情去创造美好的明天。Happy time is always short , we always feels it limitied.And this time's farewell is for next time's meet again。So , let's have a happy emnding!Memorising this great day!
开场: 杨:Good
morning ,ladies
morning ,my
杨:I’’m David , I’m in
Anna , I’m
5, Grade
4.杨:Learn English.Speak English.Enjoy English.Love English.We all like English.郑:我们听英语,听出不一样的快乐,我们说英语,说出多彩校园生活。我们演英语,演出属于我们自己的STILE.郑:Welco me
to our
Zhong Shanlu School
郑:First, let’s get to know the guests.杨:首先,让我们一起认识今天到场的嘉宾。他们是:……
1.中山路小学校长致辞(10 mins)郑: Let’s welcome Pricipal Mr Chen.杨:有请陈校长致辞。2.欧文英语校长致辞(10 mins)郑:Thank you, Mr.Chen.杨: Let’s welcome the principal Ms.Xu, from Owen Englsih.郑:有请欧文英语俆校长致辞。
杨:the Sighing ceremony.郑:签字仪式
4.外籍老师代表致辞(5 mins)装扮成圣诞老人,发糖 杨:Look,who’s coming? 郑:Santa Clause is coming.5.学生代表致辞(5 mins)
杨: How happy we are to have such a foreign English teacher class in our school!郑:在学校就可以有高质的外籍老师英语课,我们是多么高兴啊!Let’s welcome William from Class 5, Grade 4.杨: 有请来自四年级五班的张茂桥同学发言。
四年级:On, in under.Apple song.(歌曲表演唱)郑:David,do yo like singing English songs? 杨: Yes, yes.郑:Let’s enjoy the English songs from Grade 4.On, in under.Apple song.杨: 请欣赏四年级歌曲表演。On, in under.Apple song.三年级:A story telling(3 mins)王佳琦 郑:I like the story, The Three pigs.Do you like it? 杨: Yes, yes.郑:Let’s enjoy a story telling the three pigs.杨: 请欣赏三年级的英语讲故事。三只小猪。
六年级:I saw the wind(诗歌朗诵)郑:I saw the wind.杨: Nor you or I.郑:but when the leaves are falling.杨: I know the wind is passing by.郑:请欣赏六年级诗歌朗诵:I saw the wind.一年级二年级:: what’s your name? Head, shoulders, knees and toes.(歌曲表演唱)How are you? ABC song.(歌曲表演唱)郑:English songs and chants help us learn English.杨: Let’s welcome the little children from Grade 1 and 2.they will sing for us.郑:有请一二年级的弟弟妹妹们带来的歌曲表演唱what’s your name? Head, shoulders, knees and toes.How are you? ABC song.Ending : 郑:我们读英语,读遍世界的每个角落 杨:我们唱英语,唱出身边真善美的歌。郑: 同学们,让我们喊出我们的口号
believe , I
you , my
teachers.Thank you , my friends.Merry Christmas and happy new year.
B:Ladies and gentlemen,my dear friends.G:女士们,先生们,亲爱的朋友们。
B:Welcome to the Christmas Party.I’m very happy to host the party for you.Thank you for your coming.On this romantic Christmas Day, let’s share the happiness together.Merry Christmas!G:欢迎参加圣诞派对。我非常高兴能为大家主持,感谢你的都来。在这浪漫的圣诞节日里,让我们一起共享欢乐。圣诞快乐!
B:First of all.It’s my great honor to introduce our guests to all of you.They are Mr Huang and Miss Qian.Let’s welcome!G:首先,我非常荣幸地向大家介绍我们的客人:黄老师和钱老师。让我们欢迎他们!B:Now let’s welcome Mr Huang to make a speech for us.G:现在让我们欢迎黄老师为我们讲话。
B:Thanks.The 7th English Culture of Yangzi No.4 Primary now starts.G: 扬子四小第七届英语文化节开幕。
(第1个节目)When Christmas comes to the town当圣诞来到城镇 二
(1、4)班 B:No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve,Hoping Santa's on his way.Putting up the Christmas tree With friends you come around.it's so much fun when Christmas comes to town.G:圣诞节来临,没有人会在圣诞夜睡着,希望圣诞老人已经在路上了,让我们大家装饰起圣诞树,与朋友们聚在一起!
B:Please appreciate the song: When Christmas comes to the town!G:请欣赏歌曲:当圣诞来到城镇!
(第2个节目)Winne The Phoo 小熊维尼 五(4)班
B:Hello, everyone, do you like Winne The Phoo? Today, Winne and his friends come and join us.Look, they are coming.G:同学们,你们喜欢维尼吗?今天,维尼和他的朋友们也来到了这里。瞧,他们来了。
(第3个节目)Old Macdonald had a farm 老麦克唐纳有个农场 二()班 B:Thank you for your excellent performance.G:谢谢你们的精彩演出。B:Old Macdonald had a farm.And on his farm he had a cat, a dog, a duck, a cow, a turkey, a pig and a sheep.So many lovely animals.Look, they’re coming.G:老麦克唐纳有一个农场。在他的农场里有猫、狗、鸭子、奶牛、火鸡、猪和绵羊。这么多可爱的动物!看,它们来了。
(第4个节目)The little match girl 卖火柴的小女孩
B:Now a poor little match girl is coming.Best wishes to the little match girl.Let’s welcome her.G: 可怜的买火柴的小女孩来了,祝她好运,让我们欢迎她的到来。
(第5个节目)Three butterflies 三只蝴蝶 一
B: There are three lovely butterflies.They are red butterfly, yellow butterfly, white butterfly.Listen to their story.G: 有三只可爱的蝴蝶。它们是红蝴蝶,黄蝴蝶和白蝴蝶。听听它们的故事。
(第6节目)The snow white 雪公主 五()班
B: A long time ago, there was a queen.She had a pretty daughter named Snow White.Soon after the child was born, the queen died.The queen married another queen.The stepmother didn’t like her very much.She made Snow White do the housework all day and all night.Let’s enjoy the nice story.G: 一个可爱美丽的公主因为后母嫉妒其美貌而被迫逃到森林,偶遇善良的七个小矮人。最后在他们帮助下,克服了后母的诅咒,找到真爱的王子。让我们欣赏这个美丽的故事。
(第7节目)English songs英语歌曲联唱 一(1 2)班
B:Where there is music, there is joy;where there is music, there is hope.G:哪里有音乐哪里就有快乐,哪里有音乐哪里就有希望。
B:Let’s enjoy the English songs to explore the joys and hopes.Now let’s welcome the students from Class1and2, Grade1 to perform for us.G:让我们在英语歌曲中去探寻快乐与希望吧。现在欢迎一年级1班和2班的小朋友为我们带来英语歌曲联唱!
(第8节目)The cat and the bell猫和铃铛 四(1)班 B:Mice afraid of cats, that is a truth.But today the mice in a big house want to change this piece of truth.They have got an idea.Is it really a good idea?
B: So now no more seconds wasted.Let’s welcome the students from Class1, Grade4.G:不浪费时间了。让我们欢迎四年级1班的同学为我们带来表演。
(第9节目)Indiscriminate Yu provides several 滥竽充数 三(3)班
B:Do you know the story about Nanguo, it tells us hold what you really know and tell what you do not know-this will lead to knowledge.Now welcome the students from Class3, Grade3.They will show us the story.G:你们知道南郭先生的故事吗?这个故事告诉我们知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。现在让我们欢迎三(3)班的同学为我们展现这一故事。
(第10节目)Mr.Dongguo and the wolf东郭先生和狼
B: Nanguo is going, Dongguo is coming.One day Mr Dongguo was walking in the road.Suddenly a wolf ran very fast to him.What happened next? Please watch… G: 一天,东郭先生在一条路上走着。突然,有一只野狼飞快地朝他跑来。然后发生了什么?请看……
(第11节目)Big big world大大世界 五()班
B: We’re in a big big world.How to express our love? Let’s welcome the students in Class5, Grade5.They will bring us a song : Big big world.(第12节目)Snow White and seven drawves白雪公主和七个小矮人 六(1)班
B:All of us like Snow White.She is beautiful.Look, Snow White is coming, too.Let’s have a look what she is like.G:我们都喜欢白雪公主。她很美丽。看,白雪公主又来了。我们看看她是什么样子的。
(第13节目)Three bears三只小熊六(2)班
B:Do you know three bears? What happened to the bear family? Let’s welcome the students in Class2, Grade6.They will bring us a show.G:你知道三只小熊吗?小熊家发生了什么呢?欢迎六年级2班的同学为我们带来表演。
(第14节目)The tigers look for the food 老虎找食物 五(5)班
B:The twin tigers are very hungry.But they don’t like ice-creams, cakes.They only like meat.Do they eat any meat at last? Guess!G:双胞胎老虎非常饥饿,他们在寻找食物,可是他们不喜欢吃蛋糕,冰激凌。他们喜欢吃肉。那么最后他们吃到肉了没有呢?猜一猜!
B: OK, let’s welcome the students in Class5, Grade5.They will bring us a short play: The tigers look for the food.G:
B:Hello, everybody.Till now, our party has come to an end.Thanks again to all of you!G: 大家好。到现在为止我们的派对接近尾声了。再次感谢大家!
B:My dear friends, Let me finally wish you all a merry Christmas and happy new year.May Santa Claus make all our dreams come true.See you, everybody.Merry Christmas!(Music)G:亲爱的朋友们,最后让我祝大家圣诞快乐、新年快乐。愿圣诞老人实现我们所有的愿望。再见!圣诞快乐!