
时间:2019-05-15 05:37:44下载本文作者:会员上传


English Resume 英文履歷邱玉容


1.Résumé, Curriculum Vitae(CV)及 Personal data sheet都是指英文履歷表,是紀錄個人學經歷,求職時必備的文件之一。

2.Résumé helps people get interviews, not jobs.寄履歷只是為了爭取面詴機會,還談不上找到工作。所以學習如何用一張紙向陌生的主管介紹、推銷自己,求一個見面的機會,真是格外的重要。

3.An average recruiter rarely gives more than 10 seconds of attention to a résumé in deciding whether it merits a complete reading.履歷表的壽命很短,雇主用數秒的時間,來決定哪些該放入桌下的回收筒,哪幾張放在桌上,找時間「另眼相看」。根據數字統計,雇主花在過濾篩選的時間,平均每份履歷不到10秒鐘。And one-page résumés are read more often than multi page ones.而且「單頁」的履歷較「多頁」的吃香。

4.既然「單頁」履歷比較吃香,那麼 Every word in your résumé;should be there for a reason.你所打出來的每一個字,都必須清楚傳達你的訊息,並表現你的個人優勢,好讓自己脫穎而出。性別、年齡、身高、體重、健康、婚姻、星座、血型、宗教……這些會是你的優勢嗎?在不了解你「未來雇主」的「口味」之前,他們決不是優勢。在國外,有法律規定,這些都只會造成discrimination也就是各方面的歧視,所以一概不准出現在履歷表上。想要知道我多高?就給我個面詴機會吧!

5.Your résumé must pass the “Quick scan test” 你的履歷表必須通過第一關「不到十秒的掃描考驗」!所以在版面設計上就得加把勁,務必Visually inviting吸引目光。遠看、近看都像在看一幅8½x11的藝術品。

6.注意留白:white spaces--to be reader-friendly.上下左右的留邊,及段落之間的空行反而能突顯你打出來的重點,密密麻麻只會埋沒你的關鍵字。誰有耐性與時間,研究分析三行以上的描述,找出你的重點呢?





2.Job objective.寫上你要找的工作或職位。求職廣告上常常同時徵求多種不同人才,務必註明你找的是哪一個職位。秘書?程式設計員?還是卡車司機?


▲ 若有出國遊學的經驗,應列出校名及選修的課程

▲ 若在補習班上過相關課程也可列出

▲ 列出曾經通過的語言測驗

▲ 列出熟悉的電腦知識、軟體




6.Reference 推薦人。若先徵求過師長同意,可將師長姓名、聯絡方式列於此處,反之則不用寫。


履歷表其實只是附件,求職信Application Letter/Cover Letter才是主要部分。信的格式及內容相當重要,請參考講義第三頁。




Tips from a Recruiter: Don't Make Me Read Your Resume I will read your résumé unless it's , but(just as you didn't want to write your résumé)I really don't want to read your résumé.To put it another way, I don't want to read it because Imust in order to make a yes/no decision.Ideally, I can decide to speak to you based on a few sentences in the body of an email/application, and then primarily read the résumé to prepare for our initial dialogue and use it as a framework during the call.Give me a few sentences to make me want to have that talk.P

I never ask for or expect a fullwith addresses and dates and all the formatting.Personally, I don't want to read that either, and I'd rather not task applicants with the hassle.All we're trying to do is start a conversation, and it shouldn't take much to get it started.Reading only a few sentences before making a decision will clearly make my job easier, but it will make the job seeker's life a bit better as well.There is much less pressure to have the perfect résumé if you can get past the first stage without that document being carefully judged.Invest five minutes in the application, and you can spend less time customizing résumés.Roughly 50% of the applications I receive areonly.In 2013, almost 90% of my client hires included additional content.The data set is not large, but over my 15 years I'd expect that the figures would be rather consistent.Whether applying for an advertised job via email, an online application, or even if you are just blindly sending a résumé in the off chance a company might consider you for hire, the key concepts to address in the content that accompanies the résumé are: Tell Me What Prompted You to Apply for the Job

Where did you see the ad? If you were on the major , you saw hundreds.What was it about this ad that caught your eye and made you act? One sentence is plenty.If you saw the ad on the company's website, kudos–you weren't out trolling the boards;you were actually looking into us.What did you like about us?

Show Me Why You Believe You Are Qualified

It isn't necessary to write a long and detailed summary of your experience here, and you shouldn't.One or two sentences that distill the most relevant experience will get us to the next step.You can quantify years of experience in the industry and with a couple technologies listed in the ad, reference a noteworthy accomplishment, or briefly describe how a current or past role prepared you.A link to past work might help in certain cases.Express Interest

If you've covered what prompted your application and your qualifications nicely, a simple “I'm very interested in learning more about this position…” can suffice.If you feel you may need just a bit more to put you over the top, demonstrating that you did a minute of research on the company can help.Is there a product we offer that you'd like to know more about? Did the way we described our culture have particular appeal to you?

Mention the Company's Name, Twice

Doing this lets me know you cared enough not to send a pure form letter.Applications that use

generic phrases like “your company”(or the worst, “your esteemed organization”)name scream “I'm just looking for any job” and not “I'd like to be an employee of COMPANY”.The first mention can be in the opening sentence when you list the job itself(“…apply for Senior Python Developer at COMPANY”), and specify again in your closing.Don't Do Anything Stupid or Desperate

Referencing the wrong company name due to cut/paste miscues is a common one, and although we are willing to forgive a small error it does give the appearance that the candidate has applied to several positions simultaneously(which is fine, but decreases our odds of hiring).Creating a tone that you are desperate to work is not helpful, regardless of how true it is.Make the recipient want to hire you based on your skills and not on sympathy.Don't ask me to hire you, just explain why I should want to.And a few tips for specific situations…

If You Are Asked for a Salary Requirement…

If you are uneasy about providing salary requirements, at least acknowledge the request tactfully(as opposed to completely ignoring it).Try something like “It's difficult to provide an accurate salary requirement before knowing any other elements of employee compensation packages, as well as the job responsibilities and company's expectations for this role.”

If You Are Applying for a Job in a Different City…

Recruiters receive many résumés from out-of-town applicants.When we see a non-local

address without any explanation, it is often safe to assume that you are applying for many jobs all across the country.There is nothing wrong with that, but the odds that we will hire you become much lower if you are looking everywhere(more choices lower the chance you'll choose us).Combine this with the complexity of relocation–cost of living differences, moving costs and potential reimbursement, changing schools for young children, etc.– and the recruiter has to weigh the

decision to spend time with you or someone local.Therefore, unless your résumé is spectacular, an non-local applicants may not be given the same level of consideration.When targeting a move to a specific city, mention this in the body of your application.Companies will pay close attention to candidates that have concrete plans to move to their city, and agency recruiters are much more likely to work with you if you are only seeking jobs in one or two locations.If you can provide a future local address on a résumé, that may help.If You Are Somewhat Underqualified for the Job…

There will be times when a job looks very appealing but your experience clearly falls a bit short.In this situation, the opportunity to write a few sentences in support of your résumé is your best shot at consideration.Recruiters will often give at least one chance to underdog candidates who attempt to make up for a lack of years with some enthusiasm or an interesting story.It is much harder to say no to someone who demonstrates that they are eager to work for you.














11.中文:宋体10-12号 英文:time new roman/arial;切忌字体多样化;重要信息加粗(英文)或换成黑体(中文)




1. 注意job description上的简历文件名要求

2. 若无特殊要求,以姓名+手机号格式保存

3. 简历是否放附件遵循公司要求,用2003版word格式保存简历附件

4. 把简历做附件时,确保正文有内容

5. 建议把求职信放在正文中

6. 通过招聘网站投简历是否合适:不同hr的收简历喜好不同

7. 确保简历的版式和字体没有错误





Jiang DaoliDolly Jiang蒋道理














1.应聘岗位:Objective HR assistant for ABC Company教育背景:Education Educational background 自我评价:Skills and qualifications 工作/实习经验:Internship(experience)出版刊物:Publications(关注是否与应聘职位有关)获奖情况:Honors and awards 社会活动:Campus activities(6,7按照做的哪个好排列)兴趣爱好:Hobbies(不建议写与应聘职位不相关的兴趣爱好,建议出现team work的球




北京大学 学位专业本科英语专业 年月 2006-2011年




Resume of



High level management position with high technology corporation.Be able to apply strong team building, project management and business development skills cumulated in passed years.Utilize strong R&D skills in communication, network and software development in product development.SUMMARY

An integrated person with rich management experience and extensive R&D skills.More than 6 years department and project management experience in first class high technology companies.Strong experience in team building, processes establishment and improvement, particularly for communication and software products.Skilled in customer oriented communication and coordination.More than 10 years SW/HW R&D experiences in wireless communication, IP network and software development industry, from system level design to partial function implementation.Special skills in:

Strong experience in team building, project management and coordination.Software development lifecycle and process management.Project planning, budget control and manage deliverables on schedule.Business development and customer oriented communication.Solid knowledge of wireless communication technologies such as GSM, TDMA, CDMA and 3Gsystems such as WCDMA and UMTS.Expert of wire/wireless voice/data communication system design, protocol analysis and implementation, such as GSM Phase2+, GPRS, SS7, INAP, ISUP and so on.Strongly experienced in C/C++, VB, Java, Tcl/Tk, OO programming.Strongly experienced in hardware system design and embedded system design.Network programming and routing protocols' implementation such as BGP4, OPSF, MPLS, VPN and so on.Fluently speak: Chinese, English and Japanese.CAREER HISTORY

2001.022001.02: Famous Technologies China Software Design Center(Agilent CSDC)Beijing, P.R China

Department Manager

1997.101997.10: Golden Cellular Communication Co., Ltd.(GCC)

Beijing, P.R.China

Director of R&D department

1989.011989.1: Master of Electronic Engineering

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China

1980.9-1984.8: Bachelor of Electronic Engineering

Shanghai Railway College, Department of Electronic and Communication Engineering, Shanghai, China

Behavior Interview, May 1998, Hewlett Packard Academy

Project Start-up, June 1998, Hewlett Packard Academy

Project Management Fundamentals, May 1999, Hewlett Packard AcademyAdvanced Planning and Risk Management, April 1999, Hewlett Packard Academy


1.IEEE senior member, member of Communication Society, Computer Society and Signal Processing Society.2.Member of China Electronic Association.3.The First Award of Management Contribution of Agilent China Software Design Center.4.1992, Second Award of Science and Technology Progress in MEI of China.Reference Available Upon Request.对ZMZ英文履历的点评









Professional Experience:


Qualifications &Professional Designations:

Hobbies(If need):

在Professional Experience 之前的要素,描述不用太长篇,高度概括即可。面试人,特别是老外,可从中看出你的英文概括能力(长句的使用)。

2、英文简历中,专业经验、经历(Professional Experience)部分是重头戏。因为这个部分是面试人最感兴趣和关心的,以后即使在面试时,也差不多围绕这个在说话。写简历的人需要花大“手笔”去描述这个部分。怎样才能描述好,要抓住以下几个关键:


工作业绩Achievement: 如完成了多少指标,如何完成的?管理多少人,利润提高了多少?等等。

在A,B 中,要不厌其烦地用比较数字说明问题,因为猎头或面试人可能对你的专业不很了解,但每一个人都对跳跃的数字感兴趣,并且记得住,如:团队由最初的3人发展到现在的15人,经销商由99年的3家扩展到2001年的23家等等。


这个部分用词也有讲究,能令人兴奋和印象深刻的词很多,如:rebuild up, developed, exceed, participated, enhanced, coordinated, conducted, assisted processed, implemented,management,prepared, consolidated, contributed more than % for, over, revenue, growth, excellent performance,top,strategy, awarded, significant increase, milestones, etc.3 Education

Qualification & Professional designation 这两部分,可按照标准的一些格式如实附上,如:Education

California State University, Fullerton

Master of Business Administration degree with a finance specialty.May 2001

Bachelor of Arts degree with concentration in Accounting, May 1993

Professional Designation

Certified Management Accounting, October 1999.Member of IMA since 1994.Certified in Financial Management, April 2001.CPA candidate, passed the entire CPA Exam in May 1994.Member of CACPAs since 1995.4 最后一个部分可以简单写一些你的个人爱好(Hobbies)和个人情况(Personal Information).面试时,面试人(包括很多老外),通过对你这部分看似平常的,非工作性的情况的了解,(特别是请高级管理层),更能评估你这个人目前的状态和你对社会、家庭的一些看法,以及看出你解决一些实际问题的思路和能力。





Central University of XXXX Department of Economics XXXXX(100000)EDUCATION:

Central University of XXXX

Department of Economics Management, Major: International Enterprise Management

Bachelor of Management 2002

Academic Achievements

University Scholarship(level III)for Academic Excellence

Merit of Excellence for Research Paper on social research

Title:“Thoughts on Creativity in Enterprise Management”


Excellent written and spoken English skills.Certifications:

CET 6.BEC Level 2(achieved EXCELLENCE in Spoken English Exam).COMPUTER SKILLS:

Proficient in office applications: Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Outlook.Knowledge of and experience with Photoshop, FreeHand.Proficient in C, Basic, and FoxBASE programming languages.Passed Microsoft ATC(Advanced)Office XP Exam.Certifications: Microsoft Office2000 Expert, Microsoft Outlook2000 Proficient User.MARKETING EXPERIENCE:

XXXX GuangZhou June 2001

Marketing Representative

Conducted marketing planning with other team members.Analyzed current consumers and competitors.Predicted future target consumers and developed marketing strategies.Several major survey results and suggestions were adopted by the company.Pointzero Survey, Inc., April 2000

Market Surveyor

Conducted survey in lower-class residential areas.Collected data and analyzed current and future market.Completed heavy workload ahead of deadline, and was highly praised by the employer.XXXX University GuangZhou 2000present English Translator(written English), part-time

Translated business documents and Economics articles.INTERESTS:

Enjoy mountain climbing, swimming, painting and piano.Won first prize in University's “Visual Art Competition '99 ”(Brush Painting).Won second prize in University's “Zoom in on Our Times” Poster Design Competition(2000).Active participant in Chinese traditional writing and painting events.Art works were chosen for collections of Chinese Traditional Art Association.CHARACTER PROFILE:

Outgoing, hardworking and team-oriented.



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