
时间:2019-05-15 06:22:52下载本文作者:会员上传



The Scent of a Woman is the kind of film that many would think belongs to a bygone era.While it is frank and contemporary without sugar coating it illustrates the value of character over glitz and how small acts can have long lasting consequences.The film pits two characters who are diametrical opposites.Al Pacino plays the world weary retired Army Lt.Colonel who through a stupid accident looses his sight and his way of life.Chris Donnelly is a young prep school kid on a scholarship whose way of life may be coming to an end owing to the acts of richer kids at the exclusive prep school who pull a stupid stunt.The blind Lt.Colonel needs an escort so that he can go to NYC and have a rip roaring time before he makes a fateful decision.The poor preppy needs to earn a few bucks to travel and is in desperate need of some advice on how to get through his crisis at school.The interplay between the two characters is mind boggling.It is more riveting than the best Grisham novel.Both characters are asked to make life and death decisions that call for them to reach deep into their inner core.The right decision is unhappily the tougher decision to make.Two terrific scenes that are not to be missed.The first is in the New York ballroom where the blind Lt.Colonel teaches the actress Miss Anwar to dance the tango.It is so smooth and dramatic that even a couch potato is tempted to reach for the Yellow Pages in search of dance lessons.The second and most profound is the speech that Al Pacino makes in defense of Chris Donnelly at the prep school disciplinary hearing.It has to go down as one of the great orations of all times.The Scent of a Woman is very satisfying on many levels.The character development is superb, dialogue terrific, glamorous locations and a story line that requires the characters to show themselves to be the people they really are.The film has a lot of funny lines and great drama.(ZZ from IMDB)

Film Review

By Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

Scent of a Woman

Directed by Martin Brest

Universal Studios Home Video 01/93 DVD/VHS Feature Film

Rand potentially physically dangerousunfettered, unforced, and highly enjoyable.Unfortunately, considering how sound the bulk of the picture is, the final moments, with their overt pandering to a Hollywood-style ending, are a severe liability.Certainly, such “triumphs” are fun to watch, but they cheapen Scent of a Woman.Would it have cost the production team that much to inject a little realism into the film's last reel?

The movie is as long as its storyline demands.It doesn't seem like two and one-half hours, and less time with these characters would have cheated the audience.Aided by an emotive score from Thomas Newman, the picture has opportunities to soar.Hampered by the script's limitations, however, Scent of a Woman falls short of being a masterful production

There are few films that I consider to be truly great.I don't mean 'great' in the pedestrian sense of “that's great.” I'm talking “true greatness.”

Scent of a Woman has true greatness.It has everything that a timeless classic should have.Unforgettable characters, superb acting, a script that is profound and moving;heartwarming at times and heartrending at others.Music that accents each moment perfectly and is never obtrusive.Scenes that are so perfectly directed and edited and imbued with such powerful emotions that they leave indelible impressions on the mind and heart.Scent of a Woman revolves around two main characters: Lieutenant Colonel Frank R.Slade(played by Al Pacino)and prep school student Charlie Simms(played by Chris O'Donnel.)

Take a moment to step into the internal world of Col.Frank Slade.Take a look around.See anything? You won't, because Col.Slade is blind.His sight was taken from in in a freak accident some five years before.Col.Slade is a man accustomed to power, to barking orders and taking charge in every situation.Even in his prime, he was impossible to live with.Now, years later, he's blind, “handicapped”, and living at the behest of others.He has not adjusted gracefully to this setback.Now meet Charlie Simms.Charlie is an honor student attending Baird prep school.Unlike the other Baird boys, his family is not wealthy, so he's on financial aid.He's a quiet, introspective and kindhearted young man.He's also very intelligent.He needs an easy weekend job to make some extra money.He see's an ad to housesit a disabled man over the weekend, so he investigates it.The man in need of sitting is Col.Slade, of course.Charlie's first encounter with the Colonel is a memorable one, as the Colonel gives him firsthand experience of what a military “dressing down” is like delivered at an extremely loud volume.Charlie is obviously a bit put off by this, but the Colonel's family and caretakers plead with him, so he takes the job.Little does he realize that Col.Slade has his own plans, and they don't involve sitting around being baby sat.Once his family leaves, Col.Slade bullies Charlie into accompanying him on a flight to New York by sheer force of his personality.Charlie attempts to resist, but he is simply outmanuevered by the wiley Col.Slade.Col Slade explains to Charlie that he going to New York to take “a little tour of pleasures” that he has been denied by his condition.With much persuasion, Charlie finally agrees to go.Charlie's first impression of Col.Slade is that he is loud, crude, egotistical and highly antagonistic.But as Charlie helps the Colonel navigate from one first class New York locale to another, he and

the Colonel gradually develop a strong mutual respect.Over time, he discovers that the Colonel does have a heart, and can in fact be very charming(especially if there's a lady around.)

But despite this, Charley has not seen the worst yet.Eventually, he must confront the Colonel's most deeply hidden fears and outrage concerning his inability to function as he once did.This moment in the movie is *charged* with emotion as both Pacino and O'Donnel deliver riveting performances.In fact, there are so many standout performances in this movie that the Motion Picture Association should slap it with an anti-trust suit;)

Another thing this film does exceptionally well is balance the characters of Frank Slade and Charlie Simms.Slade is an outspoken, overbearing bully who has grown weary of the world and with his own failures.Charlie is an earnest and kindly young man who believes that all mistakes can be made right.When they first meet, it seems clear that there is a major power imbalance, with Col.Slade brutally running over Charlie's quiet protestations.But as these two get to know one another better, it becomes clear to both the viewer and to Col.Slade that Charlie possesses great strength, but it is a quieter strength than the Colonels.It is the strength of true integrity and conviction.There are many beautiful scenes where these two men discover profound truths about themselves and each other as a result of their conflicts.Scent of a Woman is a rare and beautiful movie.It's a movie about how one man is lost in despair, and how a younger man helps him find his way.There are so many outstanding aspects to this movie that I could go on for pages, but instead I'll just ask you to watch it.Prepare to be amazed.穿帮镜头





Film review of《Scent of a Woman》 The first time I saw “ Scent of a Woman ” this topic, be it attracted the sweet colourful.After watching that, no sweet colourful content, but also not disappointed, because it gives a man a great feeling.The film tells, Charlie is a secondary school students, a forthright and sincere, shy.Charlie is a part-time and attend school on a scholarship of poor students, this Thanksgiving, have no money to travel with the students and in order to get a Christmas back home ticket, so took a look after the work of the blind.Once served in the army a 26 year blind lieutenant colonel appearance is that informal section, vulgar mouth repeatedly, used his outgoing loud scolded the Charlie, curse everything.Charlie in the hostess request took the job, he was in a school met a trouble, he and another high students George saw other three classmates we cheat the supervisor's prank, the supervisor of the angry requires two witnesses must tell the name of pranksters, poor students to Charlie, the supervisor at the harvard graduate students use the allure and dropped out of the threatened, or not? Sell or not to sell? This is a let Charlie fear problem, let him so helpless and Huang waterfront.The students by seeing a prank and questioning by the headmaster.Or compromise, or abide by the principle, was quiet at the way to college the waves, life was forced to face a choice.Lieutenant colonel was general patton's adjutant, experienced war

and many setbacks, in an accident eyes was blown the blind.Complete a “last gasps” like travel decently after the end of his own life.All day he at home doing nothing, lost live courage and confidence.Long-term blind flange to make life history of lieutenant colonel particularly sensitive hearing and smell, and can even smell the perfume taste each other by identifying the height, hair colour and eye color.It originates from the life of his deep understanding and comprehension.He is ready to used up the last energy to enjoy a better life.He took Charlie getaways, eat delicacies, fast-driving boy, dance tango, live luxury hotel...And then want to end her life.Fate they meet at one of life's crossroads, with a different technique of suture each other each other scars, let the different life mutual

redemption and eventually make the same explanation.Charlie tried to prevent the lieutenant colonel of suicide, and from then on, they were a father and son between such as feelings.Frank also recovered the live courage and strength.He in the school auditorium for the wonderful defense Charlie, make Charlie exempted from penalties.No matter what the life is tame or ferocious, we all need to our

choice, to go way, want to the pursuit of the goal make efforts.And death can never become an excuse to escape and ways, alive need to have

choose death more than big of courage, bear the responsibility of courage.译文:







The Scent of a Woman

The Scent of a Woman is the kind of film that many would think belongs to a bygone era.While it is frank and contemporary without sugar coating it illustrates the value of character over glitz and how small acts can have long lasting consequences.The film pits two characters who are diametrical opposites.Al Pacino plays the world weary retired Army Lt.Colonel who through a stupid accident lost his sight and his way of life.Chris Donnelly is a young prep school kid on a scholarship whose way of life may be coming to an end owing to the acts of richer kids at the exclusive prep school who pull a stupid stunt.The blind Lt.Colonel needs an escort so that he can go to New York city and have a rip roaring time before he makes a fateful decision.The poor preppy needs to earn a few bucks to travel and is in desperate need of some advice on how to get through his crisis at school.The interplay between the two characters is mind boggling.It is more riveting than the best Grisham novel.Both characters are asked to make life and death decisions that call for them to reach deep into their inner core.The right decision is unhappily the tougher decision to make.Two terrific scenes that are not to be missed.The first is in the New York ballroom where the blind Lt.Colonel teaches the actress Miss Anwar to dance the tango.It is so smooth and dramatic that even a couch potato is tempted to reach for the Yellow Pages in search of dance lessons.The second and most profound is the speech that Al Pacino makes in defense of Chris Donnelly at the prep school disciplinary hearing.It has to go down as one of the great orations of all times.The Scent of a Woman is very satisfying on many levels.The character development is superb, dialogue terrific, glamorous locations and a story line that requires the characters to show themselves to be the people they really are.The film has a lot of funny lines and great drama.This movie make me feel the difficulties are just a little case, we should have a optimistic attitude to tackle it!And life is wonderful!


Ding Yeqin


Brief Introduction

Charlie Simms is a student at a private preparatory school, though is one of few students there from a modest background, attending on scholarship.To pay for his flight home to Gresham, Oregon for Christmas, Charlie takes a job over Thanksgiving looking after a cantankerous, irascible retired U.S.Army Lt.Colonel named Frank Slade, who is now blind and prone to alcoholism.But on night, Charlie, along with a friend George Willis, Jr.was witness to a notorious act of vandalism at the school, and is being pressured by the school's headmaster Trask to divulge the names of the perpetrators, which they both know.When Charlie refuses to talk, Trask offers a bribe: a letter of recommendation that would virtually guarantee his acceptance to Harvard.But, Charlie still says nothing.During the Thanksgiving Day, colonel took Charlie to New York City.Colonel has a room reserved at the Waldorf-Astoria.During dinner at the Oak Room, he reveals the purpose for the trip: to eat at an expensive restaurant, stay at a luxury hotel, visit his big brother, make love to a beautiful woman, and then

Then , they travel to the Colonel's older brother's home for Thanksgiving dinner.Charlie tells colonel about his complications at school.Later, Charlie and colonel encounter a beautiful young woman.The blind Colonel takes her for a tango on the restaurant's dancing floor.The next morning, Charlie carried colonel to have a ride by Ferrari.When they return, Charlie found colonel preparing to shoot himself.Charlie’s words make him give up.On the auditorium stage, colonel finishes with a speech on the nature of integrity, defending Charlie's choice to be silent.The commit was moved by colonel’s speech.They decided that Charlie be excused from any further response to the matter.In the end of this film, Colonel was playful with his niece's children.Colonel finds the beauty of life finally.Appreciation

Let life be beautiful like summer flowers

Lt.Colonel Frank Slade was a hero;Lt.Colonel Frank Slade was an excellent soldier;Lt.Colonel Frank Slade even once was an aide of president;Lt Colonel Frank Slade received a lot of honors, Whereas, he is an embittered, lonely, blind veteran now.His world in dark now, all of those glorious things have gone.The world has kissed his soul with its pain, so he return in angry.Colonel became a cynical person, curse other and hurt himself.Charlie’s coming was unexpected but didn’t change colonel’s plan---kill himself after their touring.Two men encountered and it changed both of their lives.Man barricades against himself when he was in pain, so does Colonel.He decided to lavish his rest life, he plans to have a little tour of pleasures: stay in a first-class hotel, eat an agreeable meal, drink a nice glass of wine, see his big brother, make love to a terrific woman., and then “blow his brains out.” let the life be beautiful like summer flowers.Death like autumn leaves.If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.That’s what the Tagore said in Stray Birds.Colonel loses his passion, so he decided to suicide.But at the same time, he also loses the opportunity of finding the beauty of life.He has made his weapons his gods, when his weapons win he is defeated himself.When colonel went to visit his bother, the Closest Family member in the world, what he got is the dislike from his nephew—ruddy.What he did in the past is fight against everyone, even include his family.People couldn’t understand hate him..Living for him, is a kind of torture.But death, is a way of moksa(佛教、印度教、耆那教中的)解脱,从轮回中得到解脱).The sadness of his soul is her bride’s veil.It waits to be lifted in the night.When colonel back to hotel from his bother’s home, he feels lonely in his deep heart.We can see the sorrow in his face.The strongest soldier has the softest heart.The tough surface couldn’t hide the soft heart.When the night comes, everything was revealed in the dark: Solitude, sorrow, pains, fears……Death like autumn leaves.We live in this world when we love it.When colonel tried to shot himself, Charlie gives him a piece of hope.He said:” I’ll give you two reasons.You can dance the tango and drive the Ferrari better than anyone I’ve ever seen.”

Tango---one of the most passionate dances in the world.Ferrari---one of the most fabulous sports cars in the world.Both of them can represent a love for life.Colonel shouldn’t to suicide.He still has the love for life.“If by life you were deceived, don’t be dismal, don't be wild!In the day of grief, be mild, merry days will come, believe.” It is Charlie who let colonel realized his strength in his character sees the meaning of living and regains his self-confident.Charlie’s compassion, courage, integrity have saved colonel’s life.We love, we live.The actor---Al Pacino’s performance was fabulous, astonishing and amazing.Look at the history of film, it was so difficult to find such a complicated role than this: Violent, conceited, depression, lust, honest and compassionate.But Pacino act naturally.I have been doubt whether he was really blind.He looks like a real blind man in this film.The way he watch, the way he walk, the way he says, all of these features made people was touched by his perform.When you saw the tango part, the blind man was so immersed in dancing , as if you were brought to this rounded dancing floor, and you were the person he danced with.Pacino is the colonel.Because of him, this film became a classical movie.


Review on “Scent of a woman”

There are always some moments you suddenly understand some parts of life, something touches your soul and moved your heart deeply.“Scent of a woman”, which told us a story about struggles in life and finally finding the meaning of it, is such kind of thing.When the handsome man Charlie meets the stubborn blind retired Colonel Frank, I thought it was about a youngster growing up with the help of an elder man, maybe in a way full of beauties and perfumes.But I was wrong.The bitter man, enslaved to booze and abrasive criticism of those who come into contact with him, was proved to be so talent and humor.His great sense of woman, his shocking words and modal particle “huh”, his posture while tangoing with the young lady and the heart shaking speech for Charlie, are still playing in my mind.One unforgettable scene is Frank's talking with his niece and nephew happily while back from NY.To me, Charlie’s insist on not being a snitch is indigestible, but I can see the bravery and goodness in his soul.That’s why Frank finally breaks the ice and drops the masquerade and then back to a normal life, which also made Frank save Charlie from being expelled from school.I’ve learned that each person has something unique to offer to the others.Frank and Charlie, they are both at the crossroads of their life.Charlie persuades Frank to live on and Frank, touched by Charlie’s integrity, helps convince the Students’ Committee in Baird that Charlie deserves no punishment.I’ve learned that it is

precious that there is someone by your side.They help you to perceive how life would be and which way shall we choose.Life is full of obstacles and mistakes;the right attitude towards life is to make a right decision, to chase something, to hold on and to live on.Frank was intended to commit suicide after a weekend of exquisite, high-class living, just because he

couldn’t find a proper thing or person to live for.But actually, his relatives love him.And his talents in smelling and the internal character finally attracted and conquered the beautiful teacher in Baird.Just as the ending-speech, “the path made of principle” may be vague in fog.There are thorns like frustrations and jitters in that way, but as long as you tango on if you’re tangled up, you’ll finally find the meaning of life.



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