中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝
——在第十届中国西部国际博览会暨第二届中国西部国际合作论坛上的致辞 中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝 2009年10月16日
Towards Greater Development and Opening-up of Western China
Address by H.E.Wen Jiabao Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China At the Second Western China International Cooperation Forum 16 October 2009
Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear Friends,金秋十月,蜀地飘香。今天,来自世界各国的朋友聚首成都,共商中国西部地区开放、合作、发展大计。首先,我谨代表中国政府对各位来宾表示诚挚的欢迎!衷心祝愿本届博览会和论坛取得圆满成功!
Today, in this beautiful season of autumn, friends from across the world are gathered in Chengdu to discuss ways to promote opening-up, cooperation and development of western China.On behalf of the Chinese government, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the distinguished guests and I sincerely wish this Forum and the Western China International Economy and Trade Fair a great success!
Western China, with its vast landmass, large population, beautiful landscape and rich resources, borders 14 countries and has a great potential for development.Ten years ago, the Chinese government made a major strategic decision to implement the Western Development Strategy with a view to changing the backward outlook of western China, building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, improving national land development pattern, promoting balanced regional development, expanding the scope of opening-up both internally and externally, and fostering new economic growth areas.Over the past 10 years, the Chinese government has been scaling up support for the western region through planning guidance, policy support, financial input, project development and human resources exchanges.We have provided over 3.5 trillion RMB yuan in transfer payment and special subsidies to the western region and earmarked more than 730 billion RMB yuan from the central government's fiscal resources to construction projects in the region.These efforts have led to enormous achievements in economic, social and cultural development and ecological conservation in western China, a region that is experiencing faster growth, better quality of development, greater changes in the urban and rural outlook and more benefits to the people than at any period in history.——综合经济实力大幅跃升。2000至2008年,西部地区生产总值从1.66万亿元增加到5.82万亿元,年均增长11.7%;地方财政收入从1127亿元增加到5159亿元,年均增长19.6%;固定资产投资由6111亿元增加到3.58万亿元,年均增长22.9%。这几项主要指标增速均高于全国平均水平。
-Significant increase in overall economic strength.Between 2000 and 2008, the western region's GDP grew from 1.66 trillion to 5.82 trillion RMB yuan, representing an average annual growth rate of 11.7%.Local fiscal revenues increased from 112.7 billion to 515.9 billion RMB yuan, up by 19.6% annually.Fixed asset investment jumped from 611.1 billion to 3.58 trillion RMB yuan, growing by 22.9% each year.All these figures are higher than the national average.—— 基础设施建设取得重大突破。10年间,西部地区新增公路通车里程88.8万公里,其中高速公路1.39万公里;新增铁路营业里程8000多公里;民用机场达到79个,占全国机场总数的49.4%。青藏铁路、西气东输、西电东送等标志性工程相继建成投入运营,重大水利、能源、通讯设施建设全面推进。
-Major breakthroughs in infrastructure development.Over the past ten years, the western region's highway mileage has increased by 888,000 kilometers, including 13,900 kilometers of expressway, and its railway mileage by over 8,000 kilometers.The number of civil airports has grown to 79, taking up 49.4% of the country's total.A host of landmark projects, including the Qinghai-Tibet railway, West-to-East gas transmission project and West-to-East electricity transmission project have been completed and put into operation.And the development of major water conservancy, energy and telecommunications projects is in full swing.——生态环境保护明显加强。我们在西部地区深入实施退耕还林、退牧还草、天然林保护、京津风沙源治理、三峡库区国土整治及水污染治理、三江源保护等重点生态工程。环境综合治理初见成效,一批循环经济试点积极推进。今天的西部天更蓝、地更绿、水更清,发展环境更加优美。-Stronger protection of the environment.We are conscientiously implementing a range of major ecological projects in western China, including returning farmland and grazing land to forest and grassland, virgin forest protection, dust storm reduction projects to protect the environment of Beijing and Tianjin, land management and water pollution treatment project in the Three Gorges reservoir areas and conservation of the waterhead areas of the Yangtze River, Yellow River and Lancang River.Our comprehensive environmental protection efforts have achieved initial success and a series of pilot projects on circular economy are making steady progress.The western region today enjoys clearer sky, greener land, cleaner water and a better environment for development.—— 保障改善民生成效显著。西部地区教育、医疗、文化、就业和社会保障事业全面发展,人民生活水平不断提高。2008年城镇居民人均可支配收入和农民人均纯收入,分别比1999年增长105%和74%;农村贫困人口减少了954万人,贫困发生率下降了1.6个百分点。各族群众生产生活条件得到很大改善。
-Notable progress in protecting and improving people's well-being.Education, healthcare, culture, employment and social security programs are all moving forward in the western region, and people's living standards continue to rise.In 2008, urban per capita disposable income and rural per capita net income increased by 105% and 74% respectively from the 1999 levels.Rural poor population was down by 9.54 million and poverty occurrence rate declined by 1.6 percentage points.The living and working conditions of people of all ethnic groups have improved significantly.——特色优势产业快速发展。能源及化学工业、优势矿产资源开采及加工业、特色农牧产品加工业、装备制造业、高技术产业、旅游产业发展势头良好,涌现一批具有较强竞争力的名优品牌和企业集团。成渝、关中、北部湾等重点经济区,加快形成引领和带动西部大开发的战略高地。
-Rapid growth of competitive industries.There has been sound momentum in the development of the energy and chemical industries, the exploitation and processing of the rich mineral resources, the processing of local agricultural and animal husbandry products, equipment manufacturing, hi-tech industries and tourism.A number of highly competitive well-known brands and enterprises have come into being.Chengdu-Chongqing, Guanzhong, Beibu Gulf and other major economic zones are fast becoming strategic areas in leading and stimulating the development of the entire western region.—— 改革开放深入推进。国有企业改革取得积极进展,非公有制经济加快发展。已有近20万家东部企业到西部地区投资创业,投资总额超过2.2万亿元。2008 年,西部地区实际利用外资总额达到66.2亿美元,进出口贸易总额达到1068亿美元。改革开放成为西部地区加快发展的重要动力。
-Deepening reform and opening-up.The reform of state-owned enterprises has made good progress and the non-public sector has grown at a faster pace.Nearly 200,000 businesses from eastern China have invested a total of over 2.2 trillion RMB yuan in the western region.In 2008 alone, the western region utilized US$6.62 billion of overseas investment and its import and export volume reached US$106.8 billion.Reform and opening-up have become a major driving force behind the accelerated development of the western region.今天的西部地区经济发展、社会进步、民族团结、边疆稳定,正在成为我国重要的生态安全屏障、战略资源接续地和沿边开放的前沿阵地。这不仅为西部地区加快经济社会发展、缩小同东部地区的发展差距奠定了坚实的物质技术基础,也为进一步扩大国内有效需求、推进改革开放和现代化进程开辟了更为广阔的市场空间。实践证明,中国政府实施西部大开发的战略决策是完全正确的!
The western region today enjoys economic growth, social progress, ethnic unity and stability in the border areas.It's becoming an important ecological security shield, a reservoir of strategic resources and the frontier of opening-up in the border areas.This has laid a solid material and technological foundation for the western region to speed up economic and social development and close the development gap with the eastern region.It has also broadened the market space for China to further expand effective domestic demand and advance reform, opening-up and modernization.What has happened proves that the strategic decision of the Chinese government to develop the western region is a correct one.女士们,先生们,朋友们:
Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear Friends,去年以来,中国西部地区经受了特大自然灾害和国际金融危机的双重冲击。中国政府在全面实施应对国际金融危机的一揽子计划中,继续坚定不移地深入推进西部大开发。中央扩大内需投资43%以上投向西部地区民生工程、基础设施、生态环境、产业振兴、技术创新和灾后重建等领域,并且带动了地方和社会资金投入西部大开发。今年上半年,西部地区生产总值增速达到11.8%,城镇固定资产投资增长42.1%,地方财政收入增长12.8%,社会消费品零售总额增长19%,均高于全国平均增速。特别需要指出的,汶川地震灾后恢复重建取得重大阶段性成果,一座座学校、医院、工厂、村庄、城镇在废墟上拔地而起。这场惊天动地、气壮山河的抗震救灾斗争,所弘扬的伟大的中华民族精神,所体现的高尚的国际人道主义精神,将永载中国和人类社会文明进步的光辉史册!
Since the beginning of last year, the western region has suffered the double blow of a devastating natural disaster and the international financial crisis.While comprehensively implementing the package plan in response to the financial crisis, the Chinese government has continued to firmly press ahead with the Western Development Strategy.Over 43% of the central government's investment to boost domestic demand is allocated to projects essential to people's livelihood, infrastructure development, ecological conservation, industrial rejuvenation, technological innovation and post-disaster reconstruction in western China.It has generated more local and non-public investment in the western region.In the first half of this year, GDP in western China grew by 11.8%.Urban fixed asset investment rose by 42.1%, local government revenues increased by 12.8% and total sales of consumer goods grew by 19%.All these figures were higher than the national average.It is particularly worth mentioning that major progress has been made in rehabilitation and reconstruction since the Wenchuan earthquake.Schools, hospitals, factories, villages and towns have been rebuilt on the debris.The strong and heroic rescue and relief operation, together with the great spirit of the Chinese nation and the noble spirit of international humanitarianism it has demonstrated, will be remembered as a glorious chapter in the history of China and the human civilization.当前,中国西部地区经济社会继续保持良好发展势头。但长期积累的结构性、体制性问题还很突出,国际金融危机的影响日益显现。中国政府前不久出台了《关于应对国际金融危机保持西部地区经济平稳较快发展的意见》,就是要进一步加大对西部大开发的支持力度,充分发挥西部回旋余地大、增长潜力大的优势,为巩固全国经济企稳回升势头作出更大贡献。一要围绕建立贯通国内外的大枢纽和大通道,加快构建适度超前、功能配套、安全高效的现代化基础设施体系;二要支持西部地区大力调整产业结构,形成特色优势产业、高新技术产业、新兴战略性产业协调发展的新格局;三要加大生态环境保护和建设力度,积极推动清洁发展、循环发展、安全发展,建设以低碳排放为特征的工业、建筑、交通体系;四要加快发展以改善民生为重点的社会事业,切实解决教育、医疗卫生、就业、社会保障领域存在的突出矛盾,努力提高政府公共服务水平;五要大力加强人力资源素质建设,积极引进海内外优秀人才和智力到西部创业,着力培养西部经济社会发展急需的各类人才队伍;六要继续深化改革开放,推动西部地区同国内外的交流合作向更广领域、更大规模、更高层次迈进。中国政府将逐步增加对西部地区财政转移支付规模,扩大内需新增投资继续向西部地区倾斜,继续落实和完善财税、金融、土地、环保、产业等方面政策,为加快西部地区开发开放创造更好的市场环境。
While continuing to enjoy sound economic and social development, the western region is also confronted with some persistent structural and institutional problems and the impact of the international financial crisis is being felt more acutely.Not long ago, the Chinese government issued the Opinions on Countering the International Financial Crisis and Maintaining Steady and Fairly Rapid Economic Growth in the Western Region.The purpose is to give even bigger support for development in western China.The western region has broad space for further development and enormous growth potential.The Opinions are aimed at making full use of these advantages, so that the region can make greater contributions to stability and recovery of the national economy.First, we will build major transport hubs and passageways that connect China with the rest of the world.Focusing on this objective, we will speed up the construction of a modern infrastructure system which is forward-looking, fully-functional, safe and highly efficient.Second, we will support the western region in vigorously adjusting its industrial structure so that local competitive industries, hi-tech industries and emerging strategic industries will grow in a coordinated manner.Third, we will step up effort to protect and improve the eco-environment.We will actively promote clean, circular and safe development and build industrial, construction and transport systems featuring low carbon emissions.Fourth, we will accelerate the development of social programs with a special emphasis on improving people's well-being.We will take concrete steps to solve outstanding problems in education, healthcare, employment and social security.And we will endeavor to improve public services offered by the government.Fifth, we will strengthen human resources development.We will attract high-level professionals from home and abroad to the western region to start up projects and businesses.We will train people with various skills to meet the urgent needs of economic and social development in western China.Sixth, we will continue to deepen reform and opening-up, and work for broader and bigger exchanges and cooperation between the western region and the rest of China and the world at large at a higher level.The Chinese government will gradually increase the scale of transfer payment to the western region.We will continue to give it preferential treatment in making new investment to boost domestic demand.We will follow through on and improve policies regarding taxation, finance, land, environmental protection and industrial development to create more enabling market conditions for faster development and opening-up in the western region.明年1月是中国实施西部大开发战略10周年,我们正在研究制定新的10年深入推进西部大开发的政策。我在这里可以告诉大家,中国政府实施西部大开发战略的决心不会动摇,政策不会改变,力度不会减弱。这是因为西部地区的开发水平将决定中国现代化的进程,西部地区的开放水平将决定中国对外开放的广度和深度。我们将统筹国际国内两个大局,把全面提高西部地区开发开放水平放在更加突出的战略地位,努力把西部地区建设成为现代产业发展的重要集聚区域、统筹城乡改革发展的示范区域、生态文明建设的先行区域,加快构建具有全局和战略意义的新的经济增长极!
We will mark the 10th anniversary of the Western Development Strategy in January 2010.We are now working on policies to advance the strategy in a new decade.I want to assure you here that the Chinese government will not waver in its resolve, alter its policy or slacken its efforts in implementing the strategy.This is because the level of development in the western region will determine the pace of China's overall modernization, and the level of its opening-up will determine the depth and the breadth of the opening-up of the whole country.We will bear in mind the big picture at home and abroad and put the promotion of development and opening-up of the western region in an even higher strategic position.We will strive to turn the western region into a major cluster of modern industries, a model of coordinated urban and rural reform and development and a champion in fostering a conservation culture.In this way, we will make western China a new growth area of overarching and strategic importance!
Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear Friends,这场百年罕见的国际金融危机正推动世界经济政治格局大调整、大变革。但和平与发展的时代主题没有变,经济全球化和区域合作的趋势没有变,科技革命引领未来发展的方向没有变。中国政府将始终不渝坚持对外开放的基本国策,加快完善内外联动、互利共赢、安全高效的开放型经济体系。把西部地区作为新时期开发开放的战略重点。推动西部地区与周边国家的全面合作,推动中国与世界各国共同发展繁荣。为此,我提出以下倡议:
The extremely severe international financial crisis is driving major adjustments and changes in the international economic and political landscape, but peace and development remain the main themes of our times, the trend toward economic globalization and regional cooperation continues to move forward, and the future will be shaped by the scientific and technological revolution.The Chinese government will firmly adhere to the basic state policy of opening-up.We will speed up effort to improve our open economic system featuring close interactions between home and abroad, win-win progress, security and efficiency.We will give strategic priority to the western region in our development and opening-up endeavor in the new era.We will promote all-round cooperation between the western region and neighboring countries to contribute to the common development and prosperity of China and all countries of the world.To this end, I would like to put forward the following proposals:
First, deepen energy and transportation cooperation.The western region of China and our neighboring countries are highly complementary in energy and resources and there is a solid foundation for cooperation and bright prospects for development.We will build on the achievements in energy and resources cooperation with neighboring countries and explore new areas and ways to expand our cooperation.We will also encourage international energy enterprises to participate in energy projects in the western region, including energy efficiency enhancement, coal-mine hazards prevention and control and coal-bed gas development.The Chinese government will vigorously develop major international transport routes through its southwest and northwest.We look forward to reaching consensus with countries concerned on a new Eurasia land bridge, so that together, we can plan for and build a bridge of international business ties, a bridge of people-to-people and cultural exchanges, and a bridge of friendship and cooperation.第二,深化经贸和投资合作。中国西部地区拥有各类口岸100多个,已经形成边境地区综合口岸体系。中国政府支持西部沿边地区与周边国家进一步扩大经贸往来和边民互市,推进国际合作中心和沿边开发开放区建设,加强在基础设施领域的交流与合作,在进出口商品经营范围、进出口商品配额、许可证管理、人员往来等方面,简化手续,放宽准入。我们将合理规划建设产业转移重点承接地区和示范园区,引导外资投向西部地区高新技术产业、先进制造业、现代农业和现代服务业。中国西部地区与周边国家拥有丰富的旅游资源,应该共同打造跨国旅游精品和世界古文明旅游走廊。我们欢迎各国朋友到中国西部、到中国各地观光游览和度假,亲身感受中国的发展变化和投资环境。
Second, deepen economic, trade and investment cooperation.The western region of China has over 100 ports of various types.Together, they form a comprehensive port system in the border areas.The Chinese government supports border areas in western China in further expanding economic and trade exchanges with neighboring countries, including trade among border inhabitants.We will develop international cooperation centers and border development and opening-up zones.We will step up exchanges and cooperation in infrastructure.We will streamline procedures and lower the access threshold with regard to the scope and quota of imports and exports, licensing management and personnel exchanges.We will make proper planning for the development of major recipient areas of industrial relocation and demonstration parks.We will encourage foreign investment in hi-tech industries, advanced manufacturing, modern agriculture and modern services industry in western China.The western region of China and the neighboring countries boast rich tourism resources.We should work together to develop premium transnational tourism products and a tourism corridor showcasing ancient civilizations of the world.We welcome friends from all countries to the western region and other parts of China for sight-seeing and vacation, so that they can feel for themselves China's progress and investment environment.第三,深化节能和环保合作。中国政府高度重视气候变化,积极支持西部地区同周边国家和其他国家开展节能和环保领域的国际合作,鼓励引进先进技术、设备和管理经验,支持联合开发利用新能源和可再生能源,加强污染治理、生态恢复、土地复垦、灾害预防、水土保持等方面的合作,引导外商投资发展绿色经济、循环经济。中国已经并将继续为应对气候变化作出切实努力。我们愿同国际社会一道携手推动哥本哈根会议取得积极成果。
Third, deepen cooperation in energy conservation and environmental protection.The Chinese government takes very seriously the issue of climate change.We actively support the western region in carrying out international cooperation with neighboring and other countries in energy conservation and environmental protection.We encourage the introduction of advanced technologies, equipments and managerial expertise.We support joint endeavors to develop and use new and renewable energies.We will intensify cooperation in pollution treatment, ecological rehabilitation, land reclamation, disaster prevention and water and soil conservation.And we encourage foreign investment in the development of a green and circular economy.China has already made, and will continue to make earnest efforts to tackle climate change.We are ready to work with the international community to achieve positive outcomes at the Copenhagen Conference.第四,深化区域和国际合作。近些年来,中国西部地区与周边国家开展双边与多边合作取得积极进展。中国政府欢迎中国—东盟自由贸易区明年如期全面建成,并将继续深入拓展与上海合作组织国家经贸合作,积极推进“澜沧江—湄公河次区域合作”,积极办好广西南宁中国—东盟国际博览会、中国西部国际博览会和中国南亚商务论坛。我们将继续加强和深化区域金融合作,设立并完善“中国—东盟投资合作基金”,为上海合作组织成员国提供信贷支持,参与东亚区域外汇储备库建设。我们呼吁世界各国加强宏观政策协调,坚决反对贸易和投资保护主义,促进多哈回合谈判早日取得均衡、普惠、共赢的成果,建立更加公正合理的国际经济新秩序。
Fourth, deepen regional and international cooperation.Progress has been made in recent years in the bilateral and multilateral cooperation between the western region of China and the neighboring countries.The Chinese government welcomes the full completion of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area next year as scheduled.We will continue to deepen and expand business cooperation with members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO).We will actively push forward Lancang-Mekong Sub-region cooperation.We will ensure the success of the China-ASEAN Expo in Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the Western China International Economy and Trade Fair and the China-South Asia Business Forum.We will further strengthen and deepen regional financial cooperation.We will set up and improve the China-ASEAN Fund on Investment Cooperation.We will provide credit support to SCO member states.And we are involved in the development of an East Asian regional foreign exchange reserve pool.We call on all countries of the world to enhance coordination on macroeconomic policies, resolutely oppose trade and investment protectionism, and work for balanced and win-win outcomes that benefit all parties at the Doha Round negotiations at an early date, and build a more equitable and reasonable new international economic order.女士们,先生们,朋友们:
Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear Friends,中国西部地区已经进入全面开发开放的新阶段,这里将是一片充满美好发展前景的投资热土。我们一如既往地欢迎和支持国内外有识之士到中国西部投资兴业,播种美好希望,收获光明未来!
The western region of China has entered a new phase of all-round development and opening-up.With bright prospects for development, it is an ideal place for investment.We welcome people with vision from home and abroad to invest and start businesses in western China and we will, as always, give them support.Here you sow the seeds of hope.Here you will harvest a bright future.谢谢大家!
Thank you.
——在第四届中国西部国际合作论坛上的致辞 中共四川省委书记、省人大常委会主任 刘奇葆
一是抓住机遇,积极拓展合作空间。泛亚各国你中有我,我中有你,经济相互依存,相互补充。当前,泛亚各国都在大力进行经济结构调整,加大对环保、新能源、科技创新的投入,加强医疗、教育、文化、交通等民生事业发展,这为深化泛亚合作提供了新机遇。四川将继续实施充分开放合作战略,与各国、各地区开展更大规模的经贸交流与合作,为促进世界经济的发展与融合做出更 多贡献。