
时间:2019-05-15 07:14:48下载本文作者:会员上传



1.This experiment turned out to be _____ failure, but, as we know, success often comes after _____ failure.A.a, aB.不填, theC.a, theD.a, 不填

2.He is the only one of the students who _____ a winner of scholarship for three years.A.isB.areC.have beenD.has been

3.When I first set _____ in Australia, I didn’t know what the future might have in _____ for me.A.my foot, the storeB.a foot, the storeC.foot, storeD.feet, stores

4.We all know that, _____, the situation will get worse.A.not if dealt carefully withB.if not carefully dealt with

C.if dealt not carefully withD.not if carefully dealt with

5.The murderer found his feet _____ together.A.tiedB.to tieC.tyingD.tie

6.The road was muddy and narrow.The fog(雾)_____ our trouble and danger.A.came up withB.added up toC.added toD.added in

7.What do you mean, there are only ten tickets? There _____ be twelve.A.wouldB.shouldC.willD.shall

8.She hates the smell of smoke;she forbids people _____.She forbids _____.A.smoking, smokeB.smoke, to smoke

C.to smoke, smokingD.to smoke, to smoke

9.There was _____ time _____ I hated to go to school.A.a, thatB.the, thatC.the, whenD.a, when

10.Since you have repaired my TV set, _____ is no need for me to buy a new one.A.itB.thisB.thatD.there

11.You _____ us by not coming to our party.We were _____ at your absence.How _____ you were!

A.disappointed, disappointing, disappointing

B.disappointed, disappointed, disappointed

C.disappointed, disappointed, disappointing

D.disappointed, disappointing, disappointed



1.I would really appreciate ______ back this afternoon.A.you to callB.your callingC.you callD.you will call

2.I will appreciate ____ if you can give me some more help in my study.A.youB.itC.thatD./

3.From the dates ______ on the gold coin it was confirmed that it was made 500 years ago.A.marking B.marked C.to be marked D.having marked

4.Since I have just come back from my holiday, there must be _____ things to dothese days.A.a great deal ofB.a great manyC.many aD.a large amount of

5.-Howare you feeling today? Any _______?

-No.I am feeling even worse now.A.betterB.wellC.lessD.more

6.Which is ______ country, China or the United States?

A.a largeB.largerC.a largerD.the larger

7.Some oil ____ the water, and this will keep air out of the water.A.adding to B.add to C.added to D.is added to

8.The colorful lights ______ the attraction of the festival.A.added toB.added up toC.addedD.added up

9.It is believed that if a book is ______ it will surely ______ the readers.A.interested;interestB.interesting;be interested


10.The questions the reporter asked were _______ and they really made me ________.A.embarrassed;embarrassingB.embarrassing;embarrassed


11.I like spending my spare time ______ the piano at home.A.practicing playingB.to practice playingC.practicing to playD.to practiceto play

12.Would you please repeat your address and phone number? I _____ quite catch you.A.didn’tB.won’tC.don’tD.couldn’t

13.It is said that ______ building will be put up as a landmark of the city.A.a 48-storeys-highB.a 48-storeys highC.a 48 storeyed highD.a48-storey-high

14.At a rough estimate, Nigeria is _______ Great Britain.A.three times the size asB.the size three times of

C.three times as the size ofD.three times the size of

15.It was my first trip to Europe.You can hardly imagine the difficulty I had_______ my way around.A.foundB.to findC.findingD.find

16.It was not unusual in ________90s that people in _________ fifties went to universities for further studies.A.不填;theB.the;theC.the;theirD.不填;their


Unit 3 Under the sea


1.扯进来:赚得 ________________2.在远处 __________________


5.正要做某事 __________________6.吓死了 __________________

7.仔细考虑 ____________________8.意识到 __________________

9.与此同时,在此期间 ______________10.颠倒 _________________ Ⅱ.用I部分中短语的适当形式填空

11.It was several minutes before I ___________ what was happening.12.I'll call you when he comes._________________ , I must give you something

to do.13.The plane turned over and flew ____________.14.I made out three figures moving ______________.15._____________ angry shoppers demanded their money back.16.He was sure there was a great future _________________ me.17.We need to ____________ a lot more new business.18.I______________ when I saw the horrible face.第三题:语法专练

1.Please excuse my ________ in without ________.A.come;askingB.coming;asking

C.to come;being askedD.coming;being asked

2.No one can prevent the plan __________.A.from carrying outB.to be carded out

C.being carded outD.to carry out

3.The bird was lucky that it just missed __________.A.catchingB.being caught

C.to be caughtD.to catch

4.Most of the artists _________ to the party were from South Africa.A.invitedB.to invite

C.being invitedD.had been invited

5.__________ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one's skin.A.ExposedB.Having exposed

C.Being exposedD.After being exposed

6.He has always insisted on his ________ Dr.Turner instead of Mr.Turner.1

A.been calledB.being called

C.having calledD.called

7.While shopping, people sometimes can't help _______ into buying something they don't ________ really need.A.to persuadeB.persuading

C.being persuadedD.be persuaded

8.Little Jim should love ________ to the theatre, but his father refused him because it was late.A.to be takenB.to take

C.being takenD.taking

9.The well was found __________ when we got there.A.diggingB.to be dug

C.to digD.being dug

10.__________ in the mountains for a week, the two students were finally saved by the local police.A.Having lostB.LostC.Being lostD.Losing

11.Tom as well as his parents_______going to Japan next week.A.areB.isC.willD.was

12.He felt that he_______ the coldness that had grown between them.A.was blamed toB.was to blame for

C.was to be blamed forD.blamed

13.It was a time_______ the killer whales helped the whalers catch the baleen whales.A.whenB.thatC.thenD.which

14.The conference will begin in an hour;________ , let's have a rest.A.on the meantimeB.in the meantimes

C.in the meantimeD.in meanwhile

15.That's the best way to ________ into the dangerous area.A.get people getB.stop people to get

C.keep people gettingD.prevent people getting

16.If we would throw ourselves, heart and soul, _______ our studies, we should eventually get good result.A.out ofB.outC.intoD.on

17.She was scared _______ when hearing the sound of explosion.A.to deathB.deathC.of deathD.with death

18.Chinese, as most people think, is the most beautiful ________ in the world.A.wordB.voiceC.soundD.tongue

19.After the war, a new school building was put up ________ there had once been a theatre.A.thatB.whereC.whichD.in which

20.A fast food restaurant is the place ________, just as the name suggests, eating is performed quickly.A.whichB.whereC.thereD.what

21.We visited the factory ________ makes 80 percent of the toys in the city.A.whereB.thereC.in whichD.which

22.--You've left the light on.--Oh, I have.________ and turn it off.A.I'll goB.I've goneC.I goD.I'm going

23.--What are you going to do this afternoon?

--I am going to the cinema with some friends.The film ________ quite early, so we __________ to the bookstore after that.A.finished;are goingB.finished;go

C.finishes;are goingD.finishes;go

24.--Did you have a good time at the party?

--Thanks.I appreciated _________ to your home.A.to be invitedB.being invited

C.to have invitedD.having invited

25._________ from other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plants and animals not found in any other country in the world.A.Being separatedB.Having separated

C.Having been separatedD.To be separated


I’ve loved my mother’s desk since I was just tall enough to see above the top of it as mother sat doing letters.Standing by her chair, looking at the ink bottle, pen, and white paper, I decided that the act of ___36___ must be the most ___37___ thing in the world.Years later, during her final illness, mother ___38___ different things for my sister and brother.“But the ___39___”, she said, “is for Elizabeth”.I never saw her angry, and never saw her cry.I knew she ___40___ me, she showed it in action.But ___41___ a young girl, I wanted heart-to-heart talks ___42___ mother and daughter.They never happened.And a gulf(深渊)opened between us.I was “too emotional”.___43___ she lived “on the surface”.As years passed and I graduated from college, I loved my mother and I wrote to her in ___44___ words and asked her to let me know in any way she chose that she did ___45___ me.I posted the letter and waited for her answer.___46___ came.My hope turned to ___47___, then little interest, finally, peace---it seemed that nothing happened.I couldn’t be sure that the ___48___ had even got to Mother.I only knew that I had written it, and I could ___49___ trying to make her into someone she was not.Now the ___50___ of her desk told me, as she’d ___51___ been able to, that she was ___52___ that writing was my chosen work.I ___53___ the desk carefully and found some papers ___54___----a photo of my father and a one-page letter, folded and refolded many times.“Give me an answer”, my letter asks, “in any way you chose”.Mother, you always chose the ___55___ that speaks louder than words.36.A.speakingB.writingC.lookingD.listening










46.A.No oneB.NoneC.SomethingD.Neither












1.bring in2.in the distance3.help out4.a pack of

5.be about to do sth.6.be scared to death7.reflect on

8.be/ become aware of/ that9.in the meantime10.upside down

11.was aware of12.in the meantime13.upside down

14.in the distance15.A pack of16.ahead of

17.bring in18.was scared to death

第三题: 语法专练

1---5 DCBAC6---10 BCADB


I.11---15 BBACD16---20 CADBB21---25 DACBC 完形


46---50BCDBA51---55 CDBAC


1.Police have found_____ appears to be the lost ancient statue.A whichB.whereC.howD.what

2.When I first met Bryan I didn’t like him, but I _____ my mind.A have changedB.changeC.had changedD.would change

3.The driver wanted to park his car near the roadside but was asked by the police ____.A not to doB.not toC.not doD do not

4.The door ____ open, no matter how hard she pushed.A shouldn’tB.couldn’tC.wouldn’tD.mightn’t

5.At the last moment Tom decided to ____ a new character to make the story seem more likely.A put upB.putinC putonD.put off

微写作强化练写作素材 :1.刚才在网上看到了你们的夏令营广告。2.我很想参加。3.十年来我一直在学英语,并且能很流畅地用英语交流。4.如果能成为你们的一员,我将不胜感激。提示:尽量使用高级表达:because引导的原因状语从句;I’ll appreciate it if...等。连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)

1.Police have found_____ appears to be the lost ancient statue.A whichB.whereC.howD.what

2.When I first met Bryan I didn’t like him, but I _____ my mind.A have changedB.changeC.had changedD.would change

3.The driver wanted to park his car near the roadside but was asked by the police ____.A not to doB.not toC.not doD do not

4.The door ____ open, no matter how hard she pushed.A shouldn’tB.couldn’tC.wouldn’tD.mightn’t

5.At the last moment Tom decided to ____ a new character to make the story seem more likely.A put upB.putinC putonD.put off



提示:尽量使用高级表达:because引导的原因状语从句;I’ll appreciate it if...等。连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)

1.Police have found_____ appears to be the lost ancient statue.A whichB.whereC.howD.what

2.When I first met Bryan I didn’t like him, but I _____ my mind.A have changedB.changeC.had changedD.would change

3.The driver wanted to park his car near the roadside but was asked by the police ____.A not to doB.not toC.not doD do not

4.The door ____ open, no matter how hard she pushed.A shouldn’tB.couldn’tC.wouldn’tD.mightn’t

5.At the last moment Tom decided to ____ a new character to make the story seem more likely.A put upB.putinC putonD.put off



提示:尽量使用高级表达:because引导的原因状语从句;I’ll appreciate it if...等。连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)


Unit 1 Great scientists


1.This new e _______________for the car works well.2.The farmers in this area had a good harvest last year thanks to the s______________ farming.3.The doctor had my eyes e _____________for weakening.4.The meeting c________________ at eight o'clock.5.They were d _______________ in their attempt(企图)to reach the top of the mountain.6.The little brave girl e _________________ the crime(罪行)of the criminal(罪犯)。

7.He was a____________________ in the book.8.He b ____________________ me for my negligence(疏忽大意)。

9.I think you are too s_________________ on the boy.10.He finished his work in a p__________________ way.11.We must try to a________________the causes of the strike.12.He became e__________________ about classical music.13.He has c____________________the whole job already.14.Be c_________________ when you cross the street.15.You should not r_________________ the invitation from your old friend.16.The class needs a s__________________ teacher.17.Kindness is one of the prime minister's c __________________.二、短语翻译












______________ ___________these reasons,he said nothing.2.我们的英语老师对我们要求严格。

Our English teacher_____________ __________ ___________us.3.让我们一起去听来自北京大学的李教授的演讲

Let's _________the lecture by professor Li from Beijing University.4.他的粗心大意的驾驶导致了这起严重的交通事故。

His careless driving _________ ____________the serious traffic accident.5.他捐赠食物和衣服给红十字会。

He _____________food and clothing __________the Red Cross.Unit 2 The United Kingdom 词汇专项练习


1.The common interests u_________________ the two countries.2.The class ___________________of(组成)56 members.3.Our class is d_______________ into two groups during the discussion.4.What he said in the meeting p______________________ all of us.5.The bad ______________(影响)of the flood is that no people are dared to swim in that river.6.The c_______________ of transportation in this area brings hope to this mountain village.7.Her beautiful singing drew the a_____________ of the professor.8.The film “Hero” has much a________________ for the youth.9.The habit of c____________________ stamps benefit him a lot.10.U______________ is a particular type of clothing worn by all the members of a group or organization such as the police,the army,etc.二、短语翻译






1.If you continue working like that,your body will________ _______(垮下来)。

2.Their____________(婚礼)will__________ _____________(举行)in May.3.这道数学题把小明给难住了,无论他怎么努力也无法计算出正确的答案。

This maths problem ___________Xiaoming.No matter how hard he tried,he couldn't _________ ___________ the right answer


Chen Shuibian's attempt to __________Taiwan ________ ___________China could not be achieved forever.5.未来,地铁将会逐步取代公共汽车成为人们的主要交通工具。

The underground will_______ _______ _______ _______the bus to become the main vehicle for the people in the future.6.我们没有必要再浪费时间讨论去哪儿度假了,因为计划已取消了。

There is ______ __________ that we'll waste time discussing where to go for our holiday,for the plan has been cancelled.7.很使我感到高兴的是,父亲给我买了一台电脑作为生日礼物。

__________ to my joy,Father bought me a computer _______ a birthday gift


Tonny ________one of his legs _______when playing football.9.今天下午教室里竟然一个人也没有,真是奇怪。

_______ _______ __________that there shouldn't have been any student in the classroom.Unit 3 Life in the future I.Vocabulary 1.Two men are a______________the police in their enquires.2.You will be r_______________to assist Mrs Smith in preparing a report.3.Take two of the t_________________three times daily before meals.4.Decide what you want to do, don‟t just i________________ others.5.A new factory is to be l______________________ in the city center.6.His first speech as president made a strong i_________________ on his audience.7.Applicants for the job must have p________________ experience.8.He‟s c_______________disturbing me.9.I r____________her how much the fare was.II.Useful Phrases 1.接受_______________________ 2.立刻,马上__________________ 3.消失,看不见__________________ 4.打扫,横扫___________________ 5.突然看见____________________ 6.有可能______________________ III.Complete the following sentences according to the texts.1.___________ ___________(担心)the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days.2.As a result, I ___________ ___________(遭受)“time lag”.3.This ___________ ___________ ___________(与…相似)the “jet lag” you get when flying.4.I found later that their leaves __________ the house __________(给…提供)much –needed oxygen.5.They are purple or blue and the colour changes ___________ ___________(取决于,依赖于)their mood.6.Confused by the new surroundings, I was hit by the ___________ ___________(缺乏)fresh air.Part 4 Multiple Choice 1.Soon we lost sight of that famous astronomer _________ himself LiQiang.A.called

B.calling C.to call D.call 2.______________ from the heart trouble for years, he has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes.A.Suffered B.Suffering

C.Having suffered D.Being suffered 3.Though ________ money, his parents managed to send him to school.A.lacked

B lacking of

C.lack of D.lacking 4.One island and two lakes _______________ the country.A.make up B.makes up of C.is made up of D.consists of

5.___________ in her skirt, the little girl tried to make herself ___________ at the party.A.Dressed;notice B.Dressing;noticed C.Dressed;noticed D.Dressing;noticing

6.He is the only one of the students who _________________ a winner of scholarship for three years.A.is


C.have been

D.had been 7.She was glad to have a comfortable chair ________________.A.sit

B.to sit

C.sitting D.to sit in

8.The university wants its undergraduates to _______ a regional language, if time permits A.take up

B.take after

C.take on

D.take over 9.Generally speaking, when_______ according to the directions, the medicine has no side effect.A.taken


C.to take

D.to be taken 10.Information has been published_______ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities.A.which



D.when 11.In the traffic accident, his father came close to________.A.be killed

B.being killed


D.killing 12.There is a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means _______ trouble.A.making

B.to make

C.to have made

D.having made

Unit 4 Making the news 词汇专项练习


1.After graduation he took an o______________ as a teacher in the city.2.An expert is a man who is engaged in p______________ business.3.All his c______________ who work with him in the same factory are all ready to help others.4.You should c_____________ on your work when you study.5.We also can a__________________ knowledge during playing.6.He hit me on the head with a ball d_____________ which made me very angry.7.He felt g________________ after he stole some money from the old couple.8.He worked as a e________________ in that newspaper.9.She graduated from English d__________________ of Beijing University.10.Don't just say almost,nearly……,what we need is a____________ number.11.Before marrying,they always made an a ___________ in that park.12.Her father will never a_____________of her marriage to you.二、短语翻译








1.They found that cave_________ _________(意外地, 偶然地)。

2.They are all________ ____________that idea(反对)。

3.You should concentrate yourselves on the class and avoid ________ ________.4.The famous professor has been __________ _________(指控)stealing his student's ideas and publishing them.5.What the government has done this year will be of________ _______(对… 有益)all the citizens living in Guangzhou.6.___________ had they got to the airport __________(一…就)the plane took off.Unit 5 First aid 词汇专项练习


1.The lung is an o________________ and so is the heart.2.He tried to kill himself by taking p_________________.3.He has gone to the hospital for special t__________________.4.I was only m_______________ interested in the story I read in the newspaper.5.Her ankle s_____________ after the fall.6.Her foot was very s_________________ after the accident.7.I can't s______________________ toothpaste out of the tube.8.What is the typical s______________________ of SARS?

9.She is suffering from a lung i___________________.10.He p________ a silver cup to the winner.11.Did you attend your uncle's wedding c__________________.12.An a________________ is a vehicle for taking people to and from hospital.13.A b_______________ is a long strip of cloth which is covered around a wounded part of someone's body to protect or support it.14.The streets in the centre of the city were c__________up with traffic because of an accident.15.The storm did a lot of d______________ to the building and crops in Hunan province.二、短语翻译












1.He suddenly________ _________ __________ _______(昨晚他突然病了)。

2.Sunglasses can_______ ________ ________ _________ the sun' s rays(保护我们的眼睛免受……)。

3.You may __________ ______________(烫伤)by hot liquids.4.First degree burns __________ ___________when they are pressed(变成白色)。


一、1.engine 2.character 3.scientific 4.examined 5.concluded

6.defended 7.exposed 8.absorbed 9.blamed 10.severe

11.positive 12.analyse 13.enthusiastic 14.completed 15.spin

16.cautious 17.reject 18.view 19.movement 20.strict 21.characteristics

22.concluded 23.expose 24.valuable 25.enthusiastic 26.defeat

27.absorbed 28.cures 29.virus 30.analyse

二、1.steam engine 2.put forward 3.draw a conclusion 4.in addiction


6.be strict with 7.make sense 8.lead to 9.point of view work on

三、1.Apart from 2.is strict with 3.attend 4.led to 5.contributed to 参考答案2:

一、1.united 2.consists 3.divided 4.puzzled 5.influence

6.convenience 7.attention 8.attraction 9.collecting 10.industrial

11.convenience 12.attraction 13.puzzle 14.uniform 15.suggestion

16.thrilled 17.splendid 18.debating 19.influence 20.construct

二、1.divide…into 2.The Union Jack 3.leave out

4.to one„s surprise 5.break away from

三、1.puzzle 2.project of protecting 3.arranging 4.break down

5.wedding take place 6.puzzle ; work out 7.which; tourist attraction

8.break away from 9.take the place of 10.are debating about

11.rising; setting 12.for the second time 13.looked around; putting

14.in sight 15.moved to; installed 16.no need; cancelled

17.referred to 18.Much; as 19.had hurt 20.It was strange Unit 3 Life in the future 参考答案3 Part 1






6.impression 7.previous


9.reminded Part 2

1.take up 2.in no time 3.lose sight of

4.sweep up 5.catch sight of 6.It is likely that Part 3

1.Worried about

2.suffered from

3.is similar to

4.provided;with 5.depending on

6.Confused;lack of Part 4 Multiple Choice 1-5 BCDAC 6-10 ADAAC 11-12 BB Unit 4参考答案4:

一、1.occupation 2.professional


4.concentrate 5.acquire

6.deliberately 7.guilty


9.department 10.accurate



二、1.Concentrate …on

2.accuse…of 3.so as to 4.depend on

5.pass on

6.work on

三、1.by accident/chance 2.opposite to 3.defend ; against

4.accused of 5.benefit to 6.Hardly; when

Unit 5









9.infection 10.presented

11.ceremory 12.ambulance 13.bandage

14.choked 15.damage

二、1.prevent sb from doing sth 2.sense of touch 3.squeeze out 4.in place

5.over and over again 6.carry out 7.put one„s hands on

8.a number of 9.be proud of 10.cut off

三、1.fell ill last night 2.protect our eyes from

3.get burnt

4.turn white



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