关于植树节的英语作文:命题英语作文 去西山植树

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第一篇:关于植树节的英语作文:命题英语作文 去西山植树

关于植树节的英语作文:命题英语作文 去西山植树



1.It, fine, last Sunday 2.we, go, West Hill, by bus 3.some, plant trees, other, carry water 4.because, we, work hard, tired, happy 5.all, know, stop form, blow, and, city, make, beautiful ___________________________________

It was fine last Sunday.We went to West Hill by bus.Some

students planted trees, others carried water.Because we worked hard, we were tired, but we felt happy.We all know trees can stop the wind from blowing the sand towards the city, and they can make the city beautiful.


选校网高考频道 专业大全 历年分数线 上万张大学图片 大学视频 院校库



近年高考VS 2008高考











选校网专业大全 历年分数线 上万张大学图片 大学视频 院校库




北京卷:情景作文部分是看图写作文,四幅图是春游捡拾山上垃圾,试题内容似乎是身边实景,春游是娱乐,而捡拾垃圾保护环境是一种社会义务公德并给人以启迪。立论很好,图画简洁明了, 仍具有半开放性特征,一般水平的学生都能写出一些东西来,同时又为高水平的同学提供了发挥的余地。(美编,配图——北京卷书面表达题图)

浙江卷:要求考生根据“Working Individually or Working in a Team”话题提示,从两方面进行阐述,并说明自己喜欢的方式及理由。这种形式是许多考生平时经常训练的一种文体,有一定的发挥余地,考生有话可说。今年的书面表达实际上是2006、2007年试题的翻版,话题贴近学生生活,人人有话可说,有感可发,且发挥空间大,有很强的开放性,属于半开放式作文。













In an English speech competition, you are asked to describe the following picture and explain to the judges how you understand it.具体步骤如下
















One possible version:

From the picture I can see a pair of proud compasses and a hard-working pencil.The compasses are big, drawing a circle with ease, while the pencil is small, drawing a line with great effort.I think the compasses are reasonable to be proud because no one else can do the job better.At the same time, however, he should realize the pencil has his own advantages.The pencil can do other shapes better than the compasses, even pictures.So in my opinion, while we are confident in ourselves, we should recognize strengths in others and show due respect for them.命题走势·时代感












08年江苏卷的书面表达仍为一种以表格提示类的半开放式的写作,要求考生写一篇“学会倾听”(Being a good listener)的说明性文字,文章取材注重联系社会实际,贴近学生现实生活,注意德育渗透,体现了新课标理念,在选材内容上与新大纲目标和要求一致。考生感到有话可说,下笔也相对容易些。考生得分的关键在于用词的准确性和语言的连贯性(例如衔接词的使用)。09年的高考将会与进一步与学生的生活密切相关,更具人性化;可能会有关于“勇敢”“勇气”“坚持”“团结”“众志成城,团结一行”“帮助”“友爱”等方面的话题作文;可能会与奥运有关,与2008年的汶川地震中大家体现的精神有关。所以在09年的高三复习备考中考生应该在遣词造句上多下功夫,学会在一定的语境中准确使用语法,尽可能大胆尝试使用高级词汇和较复杂语法结构(复合句,分词,同位结构等),使考生作文亮点频出,精彩纷呈。



二、注意三个积累1)单词、词组和短语(特别是动词搭配)的积累;2)常用句型的积累; 3)日常交际用语的积累。













When spring comes, the earth puts on a gorgeous dress, the birds chirp and chirp happily, many little elves start to move again, and the earth returns to a vibrant scene.

March 12 is Tree Planting Day. In the morning, the headmaster decided to personally lead us to plant trees on the mountain. We all picked up the shovel and were ready to start.

On the way, we were breathing fresh air, and birds were circling and dancing above us, singing happy songs for us. The soft spring breeze floated gently through our ears, as if saying: “Let's compare to see who gets to the top of the mountain first.” The grass beside the road seemed to also say: “Have a nice trip.” The headmaster seemed to be a guide, introducing us to the mountains and waters here.

When we finally reached the top of the mountain, the teachers, like majestic generals, observed the terrain on the mountain, made tree planting plans and directed us to plant trees. The students took shovel, dug small holes, and carefully put down the young trees for fear of breaking their tender roots. Then they carefully buried the young trees and poured water, so that the young trees were officially planted. At noon, we finally planted all the saplings. The students were sweating and lying on the ground, but they were very happy.

Through this activity, we have deepened our love for nature and our awareness and responsibility to protect the environment, which will become the most meaningful activity in my life.


Today is Tree Planting Day. In the afternoon, all the students in our class, led by the head teacher, Mr. Dong, took shovel to the open ground beside the playground to participate in tree planting activities.

Mr. Dong first divided our work according to the on-duty group, and then talked about the standard of digging tree pits and the problems that should be paid attention to. The work began, and suddenly, there was a scene of enthusiasm on the ground. Some students carry bricks and tiles, some clean up debris, some transport saplings, and some dig tree pits. Everyone looks like a little tiger, full of energy. Look, Zhang Taizhen and Fang Yekuan are working hard. They are holding the long shovel and digging hard; Sun Jiuhao and Li Chuanzhen were so tired that sweat oozed from their forehead. They took off their cotton-padded clothes and threw them on the ground to continue their work; Wang Lili, who is usually pampered at home, is also working hard at this time. After a while, she grinds out several big blisters on her hands, but she does not care about it. She still waves a shovel and keeps working.

After a while, the students dug all the pits according to the standard. Under the teacher's command, they put the saplings in the pits one by one, filled them with soil, and stepped firmly. Row after row of small trees stood upright and neat.

The work is over. Although the students were very tired, they all smiled happily when they saw rows of saplings planted by themselves standing there neatly and waving to us in the breeze.


Today is Tree Planting Day. I am “fully armed”, holding a shovel in one hand and a sapling in the other, and carrying a bag on my back. This bag is full of fertilizer, carrying a shoulder pole on my shoulder, and hanging two large buckets at both ends, which are full of water. I set out with my classmates towards the hillside.

Soon, we came to the hillside, and saw that the originally deserted hillside was now full of people. Looking at other students working in the sky, I didn't want to fall behind. I picked up the shovel and dug hard. However, less than a few centimeters down, I felt powerless. But I was not discouraged. I stepped on the shovel with one foot and wanted the shovel to penetrate deeper. Finally, my kung fu did not disappoint anyone. With my firm determination and unremitting efforts, the shovel finally went down for more than half of the time. I pressed down hard before digging up a hole. I put fertilizer in the hole and gently put the saplings in. But I was worried that the waist of the sapling was broken, so I filled the soil and stepped on it. I felt that there should be no problem before I felt relieved. Finally, pour water, and you're done. “Yeah! I succeeded!” I cried excitedly.

When I saw the dense saplings that could not be seen, I thought: if the road was covered with trees, it would not only help us purify the air, but also help birds to set up their nests in the trees in the near future. What a beautiful picture!

In my opinion, trees can play a very important role, although they are not very important. We should plant more trees!


“Tree Planting Day is coming.” I shouted happily, “Mom and Dad, where are we going to play this time?” “Forest Park.” Mom and Dad answered in unison. “Is there any activity?” I asked. “You will know later,” Mom and Dad replied mysteriously. I went out with curiosity.

“Finally,” I cheered. After a while, my parents also got off the bus and took me to the gate of the forest park. They said mysteriously, “Close your eyes and follow us.” I was puzzled, and my curiosity drove me to follow them. After a while, I quietly opened my eyes and saw myself standing on a clearing, while my parents were moving a small tree. I ran to help them, and they laughed. We began to plant trees. My father was responsible for digging, my mother was responsible for carrying water, and I was responsible for catching small worms. The earthworm is very naughty. It will show its face from this hole, and then show its head from that hole. I am so anxious that I will cry. After a lot of hard work, I finally caught an earthworm. Slowly I felt the trick of catching earthworms, and then I caught two, three, four... I put the earthworms next to the tree my parents planted, and loosened the soil with a shovel. The little earthworm hid in the soil head on. After all the work was completed, we looked at the small tree with pride.

The sun is setting and we are going home. Before I left, I named the small tree Zhuang Zhuang, wrote it down with cardboard and hung it on it, promising to see it again next year.


With a clear sky and a gentle breeze, we have ushered in the annual Arbor Day. I invited two good friends to plant trees in the wasteland of the country. We can do it as we say.

On that day, when the sun had just risen, we took the saplings, shovel and buckets and ran happily to the nearby countryside. The tulips on both sides of the path deeply attracted us. They are colorful, some are blooming, and some are blooming. We strolled along the country path, found a place suitable for planting trees, and began to get busy. Feifei dug with a shovel one by one and worked hard. With her efforts, the pit was dug quickly, deep and large.

Then, Xi Xi put the sapling into the pit, and she squatted to hold the sapling. Feifei used a shovel to fill the root of the young tree with the excavated soil, and then compacted it to ensure that the young tree would not fall, and the young tree was planted. At this time, I had already fetched a full bucket of water from the small river. I struggled to lift the bucket full of water to the sapling, and poured the water evenly around the sapling with a spoon. The sapling drank enough water “Gudong, Gudong”, as if to say to us with a smile: “Thank you for planting me so well, and let me drink sweet water.” We looked at our work results with pride, and felt very happy.

After a while, a group of birds flew over. They flew around the saplings, chirping, as if to say, “Good kids! You have made a contribution to protecting the environment.”


March 12th is Tree planting Day.This year our school bought enough trees before that day.On that day , we didn't had classes.The teachers and our classmates planted trees around our school.We began to planted trees as soon as we got to school.some students dug the holes.Some students put the trees into the holes.Some students put the earth back to the holes.Then we pushed the earth hard with our feet.At last we watered the trees as much as possible.From then on we looked after the trees carefully and the trees grew very well.It made our shcool more beautiful.And How happy we are!

第五篇:去游泳 英语作文

This summer vacation, I think I will go swimming.I will go with the family or students, whenever I encounter waterinstantly made great play, sometimes like an arrow, plough, challengethe limits of their swimming speed;and constantly changing strokes,alone happily and water play;sometimes they hold breath, like idlebig tortoise, slowly sinking pool at the bottom of the pool, enjoythe quiet......

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