商务英语常用短语 来源

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第一篇:商务英语常用短语 来源

商务英语常用短语 来源: 每天坚持学英语的日志


hall 大会

rostrum 讲台

public gallery 旁听席

notice board 布告牌

to convene, to convoke 召开

convocation 会议

standing orders, by-laws 议事程序

rules of procedure 议事规则

constitution, statutes 章程

procedure 程序

agenda 议程

timetable, schedule 日程表,时刻表

item on the agenda 议程项目

other business 其他事项

to place on the agenda 列入议程

working paper 工作文件

opening 开幕

the sitting is open 会议开幕

appointment 任命

to appoint 任命,委派

speaker 报告人

to make a speech, to deliver a speech 做报告

to ask for the floor 要求发言

to give the floor to 同意...发言(美作:to recognize)

to take the floor, to address the meeting 发言

declaration, statement 声明

Am I in order? 我这样做符合议程规定吗?

call to order 要求遵守秩序

to raise a point of order 提出关于议程的问题

general debate 长时间的讨论

receivability 可以接受,可接纳

stand 立场,主张

consensus 意见

advisory opinion 顾问意见

proposal 建议

to table a proposal 提出建议

clarification 澄清

comment 评论

to second, to support 赞成to adopt 通过

to oppose 反对

to raise an objection 提出异议

to move an amendment 提出修正案

to amend 修正

second reading(法案、议案的)二读

substantive motion 实质性的动议

decision 决定

ruling 裁决

to reject 拒绝,驳回

resolution 决议

draft resolution 决议草案,提案

first draft, preliminary draft 草案初稿

whereases 正式文件的开场白,前言

motivations 表明动机

operative part 生效部分

report 报告

factual report 事实报告

minutes, record 记录

summary record 摘要纪录

verbatim record 逐字纪录

memorandum 备忘录

to postpone, to adjourn, to put off 推迟,延期closure 闭幕式

closing speech 闭幕词

to adjourn the meeting, to close the meeting 散会




A contact phone number 联系电话

A couple of一些

A direct flight 直飞航班

A four-star hotel 四星级宾馆 A full membership 正式会员 A passing fashion 过时的款式 A pot of coffee 一壶咖啡

A temporary replacement 临时顶班


Accommodationn.住宿 Accompanyv.陪伴 Accomplishv.实现 Account number 帐号 Accountancy 会计工作 Accountant 会计

Accounting会计工作,清算帐目 Accounts Department 财务部 Achievev.完成,取得 Acousticsn.音响效果 Adequateadj.足够的 Advertisingn.广告 Agendan.日程安排 Agree on 同意 Air letter 航空信

Airport gift shop 机场礼品商店 Alarm system 警报系统 Alliancen.联合 Alternativen.选择 Ambitionn.理想,抱负 Amendmentn.改正

An associate membership 附属会员

Analysis 分析 Applicant 申请人 Apprenticen.学徒 Approachn.方法 Approachv.接近Aptituden.能力

Arguablyadv.可争辩的 Aspectn.方面

Aspirinn.阿司匹林 Assembly line 生产线 Assessv.评估

Assessmentn.评估 Assumev.假定为 Attachv.贴上

Attendancen.出席 Attituden.态度 Audiencen.听众 Auditv.审核

Autonomous 对什么负责

Availableadj.可以弄到的,可以做到的Awkwardadj.尴尬的Backlogn.积压未处理之事 Badmintonn.羽毛球

Balancen.天平Balconyn.阳台 Batchn.一批,一组

Be familiar with 对什么熟悉 Be flattered 高兴,得意 Be free from 没有什么的 Be involved 卷入 Be keen on 喜欢 Be responsible for

Bear no relation with 和。。没有关系


Boardroom 董事会会议室 Booking reference 预定记录 Booklet 小册子 Bottom 底端

Bowlingn.保龄球 Braken.刹车

Brand image 品牌形象 Break down 把总数分目 Break up 中断

Breakdownn.分类 Bring down 降低

Broadadj.广泛的,广义的 Brochuren.小册子 Budgetn.预算

Business associate 商业合作伙伴

Business class 商务舱

Business objective 商业目标 Businesslikeadj.有条不紊 By all means 好的,当然可以 Calculatorn.计算器 Campaignn.运动 Carry-onn.继续 Case study 案例研究 Cash card 现金卡 Cash flow 资金流动 Cash machine 提款机 Cashiern.收银员 Catalogue 产品目录

Cater for 包办宴席,供应伙食 Centimetern.厘米 Certificaten.证书 Chain 连锁店 Chairv.主持

Charactern.文字 Chatn.v.聊天 Check-out 收银台 Clause n.条款 Clientn.客户 Collaboration 合作 Collectionn.搜集 Combination n.组合 Come out 总计,共达 Comedyn.喜剧 Commerce 商业


Companion 同伴

Company profile 公司介绍 Compatibleadj.可兼容的 Competitionn.竞争 Competitive 竞争的Competitorn.竞争对手 Complicatedadj.复杂的 Comply 遵守

Component 零部件

Comprehensiveadj.全面的 Computer discs 电脑磁盘

Computer package 电脑软件包 Computer-aidedadj.计算机辅助的Concession 让步

Confidentialadj.机密的 Confirmationn.确认 Connectv.连接 Connectionn.连接 Consequencen.结果


Consist of 由什么组成 Constrainn.约束 Consultantn.顾问 Consultationn.咨询 Containern.集装箱

Continuouslyadv.连续的 Contract 合同

Contribute to 有助于

Controversyn.争议,争论 Conveniencen.便利 Convenientadj.便利 Convincev.使信服 Cookern.烹饪器具 Cookeryn.烹调

Correspondencen.通信,信件 Corridorn.走廊

Corrosion testing 抗腐蚀性测试 Counterpartn.相互对应的人或物

Countersignv.副署,联署 Couriern.送信件的人 Courier service 特派服务 Creditn.信用贷款 Credit card 信用卡 Criminaln.罪犯 Cuisine 烹调

Current account 活期帐户 Currentlyadv.目前的 Curriculum vitae 履历 Cut back 削减

Cyclev.骑自行车 Deadlinen.截止日期 Debitv.贷,借出 Debit card 借记卡 Definitionn.定义 Deliver 送货

Delivery 送货


Dentaladj.牙科的,牙医的 Deposit account 定期帐户 Destination 目的地 Destination 终点 Dimensionn.尺寸 Diploma 证书

Direct selling 直销 Disciplinev, n.纪律 Discountn.折扣 Discount 折扣

Discreetadj.考虑周到的 Dishwashern.洗碗机 Dispatchv.发货


DIYDo-It-Yourself 的缩写 Documentn.文件

Door-to-door service 上门服务 Double check 再次确认 Downturnn.下降 Downturn 下降趋势 Draftn.草稿

Durableadj.耐用的 Easen.安逸,舒适

Economical class 经济舱 Economicsn.经济学

Education sector 教育部门 Electronic circuit 集成电路 Electronic 电子的 Eliminatev.消除 Elitist 杰出人物的一个

Emergency repairn.紧急维修 Employv.雇佣 Enlargev.放大 Ensurev.保证 Ensure 保证

Entertainmentn.娱乐 Established 建立的Exceptionaladj.条件优越的 Exchange rate 汇率

Exclusivelyadv.专门的 Executiveadj.行政的 Executiven.行政人员

Executive committee 主管人员会议

Existv.存在 Expandv.扩大 Expandv.扩展

Expectationn.期盼 Expendituren.开支 Experienced 有经验的 Expirev.到期,届满 Extensionn.延伸 Extraadj.额外的 Extractv.抽出

Extremelyadv 非常的Eye-catchingadj.引人注目



Fashionableadj.流行的 Fatiguen.疲劳

Fatigue test 抗疲劳度测试 Featn.功勋,功绩 Feedbackn.反馈 Filingn.整理文档 Filling station 加油站 Finalize 最后定下来

Financial manager 财务经理 Financial statement 财务报表 Fire drill 消防演习

Fit sb in 安排时间见某人 Fix up 安排

Flat out 以最快速度,倾全力 Flexingn.弯曲

Footwearn.鞋类商品 For the benefit of 为了。。的利益

Formallyadv.正式的 Frequentadj.经常的 Garagen.车库 Gasolinen.汽油

Genuinelyadv.真心的 Geographicaladj.地域的,地理的Go head 着手 Go up 上涨 Graphics 制图

Grossadj.全部的,总计的 Groupv.把。。分组 Guaranteev.保证

Guest speaker 客座发言人 Hand over移交 Handlev.处理

Hang around 逗留,闲逛 Hang up 挂电话

Hangingadj.悬挂的 Harborn.港口 Harnessv.利用

Have an account with 在某处有帐号

Hazardn.危险,公害 Headphonen.耳机 High flier出类拔萃的人 Higher-up 上司

High-street 商业街的大街 Holdingsn.持有的股份 Hold-up 阻塞,停滞 Hourly rate 每小时的报酬 Humanitarianadj.人道的 I don’t suppose 我认为…不 I reckon 我认为

Ideallyadv.理想的 Identityn.辨认 Identity card 身份证 Ignorev.忽视, 忽略


In advance 提前 In case 万一

In fashion 流行,时髦

In particular 特别,尤其是 In the post 邮寄

In theory 从理论上说 In touch 保持联系

Incentiven.动机,诱因 Incomen.收入

Inconvenientadj.不方便 Independence 独立 Individualadj.个人的 Individualadj.个体的 Indoor football 室内足球

In-house schemes 公司内部的培训计划

Initial 首字母,首先的 Initiallyadv.开始时 Initiativen.主动性 Injectionn.注射 Injuryn.伤害 Innovative 创新的 Installationn.安装 Installmentn.安装 Institutionn.公共设施

Instruction manuals 产品使用说明书

Integrationn.综合Intensivelyadv.集中的 Interact with 同。。交流 Internaladj.内部的 Internal mail 内部邮件 Interpretern.口译 Invoice 发票

Involve 包括,包含 Irradiatev.照耀 Islen.走廊


IT(information technology)信息产业

Itchingadj.痒的 Jazzn.爵士乐 Keyboardn.键盘 Kitchenware 厨房用具 Labelv.把…贴上标签 Laser printer 激光打印机 Launchv.发起,开办 Laundryn.洗衣店 Lay out 设计,编排版面 Layoutn.版面设计 Leasen.出租

Leave… open-ended 在(时间或时段上)留有余地

Leisure facility 娱乐设施 Letter of application 申请书 Life insurance 人身保险 Likelyadj.可能的Line manager 部经理门 Logon.徽志

Look fit and healthy 看上去健康的Loudspeakern.扩音器 Loyaltyn.忠诚 Mail order 邮购订购

Mail-order business 邮购业务 Maintenance Department 维修部门

Maintenance 维修 Maken.品牌

Make a note of 把什么记下来 Make an entry 把…记入

Make both ends meet 使收支平衡

Managing Director 总经理 Manipulationn.操纵 Manualadj.手工的 Manufacturev.生产 Marital status 婚姻状况 Market share 市场份额 Match 与。。相配 Matinee 日场演出

MD(Managing Director 的缩写)总经理


Media analyst 传媒分析师 Medical evidence 医学证明 Medium-sizedadj.中型的 Medium-sized 中型的 Memory button 存储键 Men swearn.男士用品 Menun.菜单 Metron.地铁

Microphonen.扩音器 Minibus 小巴

Mini-business 小生意

Minoradj.轻微的,不重要的 Mirrorn.镜子

Mobile phone 移动电话

Modular courses 由几个部分组成的课程

Moldingn.模制 Motivate 促动,激发 Motorwayn.高速公路 Move up 提升,上升 Multi-national 跨国公司 Muscular tension 肌肉紧张 Nationality 国籍 Neglectn.忽视 Networkn.网络

Non-profitadj.非赢利的 Non-residentadj.非居留的 Note down 记下 Noticen.通知 Notifyv.通知




Office stationary 办公用品 On average平均

On four weeks ‘notice(辞职前的)四星期的通知 On offer 提供

On second thought 转念一想 On the board 董事会

On the guarantee 在保修期内 On the waiting list 在后选人之列 Ongoingadj.进行中的Operating division 运作部门 Operating manual 操作手册 Opt for 选择

Optimisticadj.乐观的 Optionn.选择

Originallyadv.最初 Out of date 过期 Outgoingn.支出

Outstandingadj.未付款 Overalladj.全部的Overcrowdedadj.过于拥挤的 Overseasadv.海外的 Owev.欠钱 Packn.包

Packagen.包裹 Palmn.手掌 Panicn.恐慌

Paper handkerchief 纸巾 Particularadj 尤其 Partitionn.隔开物 Part-time 零工 Pass on 传递 Password 密码 Pay off 盈利

Pencil sthin.用铅笔记下来 Pension scheme 养老金计划 Pensioner 靠养老金过活的人 Percentagen.百分比 Performancen.表现

Performance report 业绩报告 Permanentadj.永久的 Personal quality 个人品质 Personalityn.个性 Personnel file 人事档案 Philosophyn.哲学 Photocopiern.复印机 Photocopiern.影印机 Pick up sb 用车接送某人 Pick up 恢复,变好 Playern.商家 Plug in 把…插入

Policy making 政策制定 Portableadj.手提的 Preciselyadv.准确的 Preconceivedadj.预想 Predictv.预见



Presentationn.介绍,陈述 Pressuren.压力 Presume律师 Preventv.预防

Previouslyadv.在以前 Primeadj.重要的Printer paper 打印纸

Prioritizingn.优先,重点 Priorityn.优先考虑的事情 Private sector 私人企业 Probation period 试用期 Proceduren.程序Product launch 产品发布

Production capability 生产能力 Programmen.节目 Progressn.进步

Promisingadj.有希望的 Promote


Promotional campaign 促销活动 Proportionn.比例 Proprietor 拥有人,业主 Provisionallyadv.暂时的 Public sector 公有部分 Public sector 国营企业 Purchase 购买

Purchasingadj.销售的 Put across 把。。将清楚 Put an emphasis 强调 Put off 推迟

Put…on board 将。。暂缓处理 Qualification 资格

Quality assurance 质量保证 Quality control 质量控制 Queuen.排队

Rangen.范围, 幅度 Receptionn.接待处 Receptionn.招待 Recessionn.衰退 Recommendv.推荐 Recruit 聘用

Recruitmentn.招聘 Reduced rates 优惠价 Reductionn.减少

Referencen.证明,介绍 Reflectiveadj.反光的Refreshmentsn.点心,便餐 Refundn.退款 Refundn.退款 Registerv.注册 Registerv.注册

Registration number 注册号 Regularadj.定期的 Relaxedadj 放松的 Relaxingadj.使放松 Reliabilityn.可靠性 Relievev.缓解

Relocationn.重新安置 Repackagev.重新包装 Repetitiveadj.重复的 Replacev.代替 Reputationn.名誉 Re-schedule 重新安排 Reservationn.预定

Residentadj.居住的,居留的,长住的Resignv.辞职 Restrictionn.限制 Retailv.零售 Retail sales 零售 Retail 零售

Return journey回程Revenuen.收入 Rewardn.报酬

Ridiculousadj.荒唐的 Rival 对手

Rockn.摇滚乐 Rolln.卷

Routine 例行公事 RSVP 敬请回复 Run into 遇到 Run out of 用完 Run out 用完

Run over 将…略微过目 Run through 将…过目 Rustle up 草草弄好

Safety regulation 安全规则 Salary range 工资幅度

Salary scale 工资的支付额度 Sales co-coordinator 销售点的协调员

Sales outlet 销售渠道

Sales representative 销售代表 Salt-water spray test 咸水喷洒实验


Secretarialadj.秘书的 Security badge 安全证章 Security camera 安全录像 Security pass 安全出入证 Security procedure 安全程序 Security 安全

Sedentaryadj.坐着的,不活动的Selection procedure 挑选程序 Seminarn.研讨会 Senior 高级的Sensitiveadj.敏感的 Seriouslyadv.严肃的 Service sector 服务部门 Sessionn.会议,会期 Set targets 制定目标 Shareholder

Shareholdern.股东 Sharp pain 巨痛


Shed light on 阐明 Sheet 纸张

Shipmentn.装货 Shorthandn.速记 Shorthand 速记

Short-sightedness近视 Short-waven.短波 Show room 样品间

Showroom物品陈列室 Sideways 横向的 Sign out 签名 Signature

Significantadj.显著的Slotn.空位,空档 Snackn.快餐,便餐 Soft drink 软饮料

Software package 软件包 Software 软件 Solicitor 律师 Sort out 解决

Spaciousadj.宽敞的 Spare part 零件 Special offer 特价


Specializev.专门研究 Specialize in 专门研究 Specialtyn.特色菜 Specificadj.特有的 Specific 特定的Specificationn.规格 Spinen.脊柱


Spring collection 春季产品总汇 Staff appraisal 员工评估 Staplev.装订 Staticadj.静的 Statisticsn.数据 Statusn.状态 Stereon.立体声 Stilladj.静止不动的 Stock control 库存控制

Stockbrokern.股票经纪人 Store display 商店的布置 Strainn.紧张

Strainedadj.紧张的 Strapv.捆绑

Strategic planning 战略规划 Strategyn.战略 Strengthn.力量 Stressv.强调

Strip down 把什么拆下来 Studion.工作室,播音室 Stylishadj.流行的Subordinateadj.下属的 Subscribern.订阅者 Subscriptionn.订阅 Subsidiaryn.子公司

Subsidiary 子公司 Subsidyn.补贴 Subwayn.地铁

Sufficientadj.足够的 Sufficientlyadv.充足的 Suitv.适合Supervisev.监督,监管 Supervise 主管

Suppliern.供应商 Supportn.支撑 Surface 表面 Surname 姓


Sweep off one’s feet 被深深吸引住


Switch on 开动(电器)Symptomn.症状

Take into account 考虑 Take it for granted 把。。看作理所当然

Take onn.雇佣 Take over 接收

Take the precaution to 采取预防措施


Target audience 目标观众 Team work 团队工作 Temporaryadj.暂时的 Termsn.条件 Termsn.条款

Terms and conditions 条件 Test-marketing 市场测试 Textile industry 纺织业 The exclusive rights 特权

The renewal of the contract 续签合同

These things happen 这些事情总是要发生的Thrilledadj.激动的 Tie up 使(人)忙碌 Tiltv.倾斜

Time distribution 时间分配 Time sheet 时间表 Tonen.音调,音量 Track suits 田径服 Trade fair 交易会 Trainee实习生 Transaction 交易 Transfer Tray 托盘


Tremendousadj.巨大的 Trial assembly 实验生产 Trial period 试用期 Trickn.窍门

Truthfuladj.诚实的 T-shirtn.体恤衫


Unapproachableadj.不可接近的Unload 卸货

Unreliableadj.不可靠的 Updaten.更新 Urgentadj.紧急的 Urgentlyadv.紧急的 Vacancyn.空缺 Vacancy 空位

Van 小货车

VDU screen(Visual Display Units 的缩写)电脑显示屏幕 Vegetariann.素食者 Ventilation 通风 Venuen.地点 Wanderv.徘徊 Warehousen.仓库 Weed out 剔除

Weighing machine 磅秤

Wheel cover 轮胎盖 Widenv.拓宽

Willingnessn.愿意 Withdraw 取钱


Word processor 文字处理机 Work record 工作记录

Working conditions 工作条件 Worldwide 全世界


Unit 1a Work roles 第一单元A

工作职责 Specification n.规定,说明 Infringement n.侵权


n.定工制,岗位责任制 Job description 岗位说明书,职责描述 Job brief

简要工作布置,工作概要 Management consultancy 管理咨询公司 Pie chart 饼分图,圆形分析图 Workset color 定工色牌,定工色块 Re-align v.重新调整

Peak occupancy(酒店)入住高峰期 Hierarchy n.等级制的公司 Superior n.上级 Project team 项目小组

Technical document 技术资料,技术手册Users’ manual 用户说明书,用户手册 Work from home 在家工作

Clock in and out(用自动记时钟)记录上下班时间;上、下班,也作clock on and off Nine to five 朝九晚五 IT consultant 信息技术顾问

Leisure group(从事宾馆、酒店等的)休闲、娱乐、餐饮集团公司 Jet


Work flexible hours 实行弹性工作时间

Temp vi.&.n.(当)临时雇员(尤指临时秘书),临时工(口语用法)PA abbr.Personal assistant 私人助理,也做P.A.A huge say 有很大的发言权 Initiative n.主动权

Team leadership 团队领导才能 Workshop n.研讨班




n.品质,特性 In-company adj.公司内部的 Screen n.筛选,审查

Describing work roles

描述工作职责 Sales(department)销售部

Launch marketing promotions 举办促销活动 Introduces products 推介产品 Demonstrate products 演示产品

Take care of complimentary presents 负责促销赠品工作Persuade customers to buy 说服顾客购买商品 Launch campaigns 组织商品推销活动 Place advertisements 刊登广告 Advertise products 为商品作广告 Bargain about price 讨价还价 Offer discount


Public relations(department)公关部

Talk to the press and the public 与新闻媒体和公众交流

Communicate information from the company 向外界披露公司信息 Give away publicity products 赠送宣传品 Entertain business clients 招待客户

Alter/ create/ develop/establish/ improve/ project/ promote corporate image



In change of development and maintenance of the company’s business resources负责公司业务资源的开发与维护

Engage in planning and organization corporate hospitality events负责

Unit 1b Company Structure 第一单元B

公司结构 词语准备

Organization n.企业,组织,机构 Hierarchical organization 层级制组织机构 Hierarchical management structure 层级制管理机构 Flat management structure 扁平化的管理机构 Owner manager 经理人,公司所有者

Project-based team 项目小组,也作Project team Competitive advantage 竞争优势

Established company(老牌)知名公司,著名企业,也作established corporation Start-up n.新兴公司,新创办的公司 Hierarchical company 层级制公司 Hierarchical structure层级制结构

Responsiveness n.快速反应能力 Operating process 经营环节,经营过程 Management process 管理环节,管理过程

Entrepreneurial organization 企业家组织机构,企业家机制 Information age organization 信息化时代的组织机构 Real-time adj.(与事件发生几乎同步的)同时的,实时的 Information-enabled learning process 以信息为手段的学习过程 Flexible working 弹性工作方式

Office-based staff 在办公室工作的员工,白领员工 Win-win-win situation 三赢局面

Business unit 事业单位(以各事业项目为单位的组织结构)Departmentalize 按部门划分,部门化

Product life cycle 产品寿命周期(通常指产品的开发、增长、高峰、衰退四个阶段)

Project-oriented culture 项目型公司文化

Teleworker 采用电子化办公方式的员工,在家办公的员工 Intranet(公司、企业)内部网、局域网 Flexible worker 采用弹性工作方式的员工

Virtual project team 虚拟项目小组(通过电子网络进行工作沟通)Paperwork 纸质文件,伏案工作,文字工作

Hard copy 电脑打印稿,硬拷贝(打印在纸上的电脑资料)Mobile personal information 移动个人信息系统

Unit 2A Stock &share 第二单元A 股市分析


graph n.走势图,曲线图

hostile takeover 恶意收购

share price 股票价格

Internet stocks 网络股

Teletext n.图文电视广告(系统)

hype n.天花乱坠的广告宣传

listings n.股票行情表

bandwagon n.浪潮,时尚

price/ earning ratio 市盈率,简称

safe investment 无风险投资,安全投资 P/E

earnings per share 每股利益,简称EPS

break-even point 收支平衡点,亏平衡点,不赔不赚 privatization n.私有化,民营化

brand awareness 产品的知名度,名牌效应 benefits package 一揽子福利,福利套餐,page hit 网页点击 综合福利

share option 优先认股权,股票期权,也作

phenomenal adj.惊人的 stock option

share split 股票分割,股票拆细

yardstick n.标准

perks n.好处,特权,额外收入,外快

sell-off n.(证券等)卖空,抛售

swap vt.Vi & n.换掉交易,调期交易,交换

float vt.(证券)上市,挂牌

Volatile adj.变化无常的,不稳定的,broker’s commission 经纪人佣金 易波动的

Listed company 上市公司

market share 市场份额

Established company 知名公司,也作 Established corporation

standard savings account 标准储蓄账户

Unit 2b

Mergers &acquisitions merger n.兼并,吸收合并

diversify vt.&vi.增加产品

acquire vt.购入,取得所有权

种类,开展多种经营 product portfolio 产品组合 WebTV n.网络电视



equity stake 股权

projected adj.预计的,推断的R&D abbr.Research and

mergers and acquisitions 兼并和收购,development研发,研究与开发,研发部门 公司并购,简称,M&A

portfolio(私人投资或金融 机构的)投资组合,产品组合

plummet vi.(价格)骤跌,股价崩盘

all-share adj.合股,完全 economies of scale 规模效益,规模经济

synergy n.协同效应,增效(作用)也作scale economies

risk-free venture


destabilizing adj.使(政府、经济等)不稳

prospect n.可能性,机会,全景 定的,破坏的payroll n.在职人员工资表,公司员工薪水名册工资总额takeover n.接管,收购

function n.(职能)部门,重大聚会,宴会 consortium n.联营企业,财团

competitive advantage 竞争优势 operator n.运营商,运营公司

inject vi.注入

consolidation n.创立合并

science-based culture 科技型公司文化 deregulation n.(价格、费用等)撤销管制

chief executive总裁,总经理 over-capacity n.生产能力过剩

worldwide presence在全球享有势力,参与国际竞争undercut vt.&vi.压价,与…..抢生意,拿较低 工资与…抢就业机会

non-executive chairman非执行主席 news release 新闻稿

Public Affairs Department公共事务部,相当于 公共关系部

Pharmaceuticals n.制药公司 Rationale n.依据,理由

第三单元A 词语准备

exhibitor n.参加展览会的厂商 Visual presentation 直观展示(会)prospective adj.可能的,未来的,预期的 Technical superiority 高技术含量 exposure n.(媒体)宣传

Top drawer 一流水平,最高地位,最上层,顶级Accessories n.装饰品,首饰,衣饰 Hand-picked adj.竞选的,仔细挑选的 Headlined n.头版头条新闻,头版重要新闻

Stand n.摊位,展位 Catering n.餐饮(服务)

Showcase n.& vt.展示精华的活动、场所,供亮相的地方;展示,展现

Showcase event 展示精华的盛会 Mail order 邮购

Mail order house 邮购公司 Interior designer 室内装饰公司 convention n.(大型)会议 Christmas ball 圣诞舞会

gourmet adj.(食物)精美讲究的 Per head 每人,按人,即位 Unit 3b entering a market 第三单元B 进入市场 词语准备

Pledged investment 合同投资,允诺投资

Exports n.出口产品 Strength n.强项,优势

Substantial opportunities 大量机会 Profile n.概况,简介

Venture n.商业冒险,(为盈利而大量投资其中的)企业Joint venture n.合资企业

Literature n.印刷广告,产品宣传资料 Mailshot n.(邮寄给潜在客户的)广告宣传信函 Import/export mechanisms 进/出口运作机制

Potential n.可能性,潜力,潜能,获得成功的潜在能力Advisable adj.最好

Fact-finding 实地考察,实情调查,实情调查的 Desk research 案头调研 Dead tree 纸质的 Perception n.观念,看法

Imperative adj.极重要的,必要的,命令式的

Discourteous adj.不礼貌的,粗鲁的,失礼的 Senior manager 高层经理 Small talk 闲聊

Proceedings n.(复数)(会议的)议项,项目 Audio-visual aids 试听设备,试听教具 Relationship-building 建立人际关系 Verbal agreement 口头约定,口头协议 Pizzeria n.(意大利)比萨饼店 Pasta n.意大利面食 Alternatively adv.或者 专有名词

DIT Department of Trade and Industry 贸易工业部(英国)Milan 米兰(意大利北部城市)Fiera 米兰国际展览中心

Hotel Wagner 瓦格纳酒店(米兰一著名酒店)Brera art gallery 意大利米兰布雷拉画廊

Leonardo da Vinci 列奥纳多•达•芬奇(意大利著名画家)Duomo 大教堂(意大利),即cathedral AC Milan

AC米兰队(意大利足球俱乐部,队员穿红黑相间条纹服)Inter Milan 国际米兰队(AC米兰队的同城对手,队员穿蓝黑相间条纹服)

Via Montenapoleone 蒙特拿破仑大街(意大利米兰集中世界精品的商业大街)第四单元A 词语准备

Refreshing adj.凉爽的,宜人的 Pager n.传呼机

Personal work organizer 个人电子工作记事器,电子商务通 Download vt.&n.下载

Access vt.&n.获取(网络信息)等 Pinpoint vt.确切描述 Scan vt.扫描

Web n.万维网(World Wide Web)的简称 Briefing n.情况通报会 Hotdesking n.办公桌轮用 Shift work 轮班工作,倒班制

Overtax vt.使……负担过重,使……受过重压力 Workplace n.工作场所

Employee loyalty 员工忠诚度,也作staff loyalty Telecommuting n.通讯上班(方式)Teleworking n.电子化办公方式,电子办公 Self-employed adj.&n.个性经营者 Cost-effective 有成本效益的 Opinion survey 民意调查 Space vt.(用间隔)分割 Facility n.场所

PA abbr.personal assistant 私人助理,也作P.A.Set-up n.(口)组织,结构 Voice mail 语音信箱;语音邮件 Electronic diary system 电子记事系统 High street(英)繁华的商业大街,商业的 Meetings culture 会议文化

Theatre n.阶梯式教室,阶梯式报告厅 Flat monitor 纯平显示器

Laptop n.膝上型电脑,泛指手提电脑。Notebook n.笔记型电脑 Handheld n.掌上型电脑 Portable n.可携式电脑 Desktop n.桌上型电脑 Floor-standing n.站立式电脑 Dumb terminal n.简易终端机 Workstation n.工作站电脑 Radar chart/diagram 雷达图


Staffordshire 斯塔福德郡(位于英格兰中部)Waitrose 连锁超市(著名英格兰食品连锁超市)

第四单元 B电子商务 e-business.n.电子商务 e-commerce.n电子贸易 transform vt&vi.使改变,使改观 Web-compatible adj.与网络兼容的 Streamline vt精简

Customer relationship management 客户关系管理,简称CRM Customer behavior 消费行为

Personalized adj 个性化的,针对个人的 Offering n提供的商品 Web-browser n 网络浏览器 Business process reengineering 业务流程重组,简称BPR Supply chain management 供应链管理,简称SCM Sales forecasts 销售预测信息 Inventory n库存 Accordingly adv相应的

In-service staff development 在职员工发展计划 Web-based distance learning 远程教育网络 Intranet n(公司、企业)内部网,局域网 Classroom-based teaching 课堂教学 Extranet.n(公司、企业)外部网 Product line 产品种类

Small and medium-sized businesses 中小型企业,简称SMBs Euro.n 欧元

Perception.n认识,观念,看法 Presence.n势力,存在,跻身 Inwardly focused 内向型,内敛型

Stand-alone 独一无二的,孤立的 Empower.vt授权给

Unit 5a 词语准备


n.积极性,激励,干劲 Job satisfaction工作满足感 Sceptical

adj.持怀疑态度的 Repackage vt.重新包装 Thorny issue棘手问题

Quit-but-stay人在公司,心却不在公司 Sever

vt.& vi.断绝,割断,中断 Staff car park员工停车场



Job rotation工作(岗位)轮换,工作轮调Job sharing轮岗制,工作分摊制

Outdoor assault courses野外突击培训课程 Predatory competitor掠夺性竞争对手 Perpetuation

n.永久存在,不朽 Motivational management激励管理

Going rate现行工资水平,现行收费标准,现行价格 Shop floor(总称)工人,(工厂工人的)工作场所 Remuneration



n.(机器等的)故障,停止运转 Resultant

adj.因……而产生的 Ill-feeling

n.猜忌,不信任,敌意 Disrupt

vt.扰乱,中断,瓦解 internal recruitment(从公司)内部招聘

recruitment agency=employment agency职业介绍所,招聘助理机构headhunting猎头(的做法)

executive search网罗高级主管人才(的做法)




headhunter=head-hunting company猎头,猎头公司 niche market=niche细分市场,空隙市场,小市场 Achilles heel阿基里斯的脚踵,致命点 Recruiter招聘者,招聘公司 activities经营项目,经营业务 vacancy空职位 largely大半,主要

on-line newsgroup网上新闻讨论组

replacement替换,更换,接替者,代替物,替换品 skill技术人员,技术工人 collate校对,整理

shortlist获。。的提名,初选,初选名单 appointee被任命者,受委托者


international presence参与国际竞争,在国际市场占有一席之地 commercially sensitive information商业机密 penultimate倒数第二的

signpost标示。。的朝向,为。。提供指导 psychometric test心理测试 hard-writing analysis笔迹分析 multinational=multi-national跨国公司 plc(public limited company)股份有限公司

Unit 6a Corporate culture 公司文化,企业文化 Awareness n.意识,认识程度 Mindset n.心态

Mission statement 公司宗旨,企业宣言

Dress code 着装要求

Operation 经营,业务,经营企业 Centralized power 中央集权 Empower vt.下放权力 Business idea 经营理念 Feeling of belonging 归属感 Status symbol 身份象征 Rebuke n.非难

Perceptiveness n.洞察力

Tree adoption program 绿树认养活动

Kroner n.(丹麦、挪威货币单位)克朗krone的复数形式Core values核心价值观

Co-worker n.工作伙伴

Cost-consciousness n.注重节约成本 Store concept 店面设计概念

Adaptation n.重新打造以适应,本土化

Pay-off n.包场,价值,也作payoff Career advancement 职业晋升

Management induction 新聘管理人培训课 Home furnishing 家居用品

Open plan office(室与室之间没有隔板的)开放性办公室Trek vi.&n.徒步旅行,徒步登山 Trekking n.徒步旅行,徒步登山 Trekker n.徒步旅行者,徒步登山者

Unit 6b 词语准备

hyper-competitive adj.高度竞争的,竞争激烈的 methodology n.一套方法,方法论

remuneration n.报酬,付酬

multinational n.跨国公司,也作multi-national,等于multinational company.cultural diversity 文化差异 structured interview 结构性面谈 non-structured interview 非结构性面谈 semi-structured interview 半结构性面谈 nepotism n.裙带关系 networking n.人际网,关系网 mediocre adj.中等水平的,平庸的

scenario n.(未来可能发生的)局面,情况,趋势

respondent n.(民意测试的)调查对象;(调查表,问卷表的)答卷人rationale n.全部理由,根本原因

marketplace n.市场,(思想的)交流场所,商业界 lower-performance adj.业绩低下的 cultural values 文化价值观

elite adj.杰出的,卓越的,精锐的 discharge vt.解雇,开除 joint venture 合资企业 management team 管理团队

synergy n.合作,协同作用,增效(作用)

core business 核心业务,主营业务,也作core activity household appliances 家用电器 management team 管理团队 team bonus 团体奖金

multi-lingual skills 多种语言技能 professional title 职称头衔

第七单元A行业刺探行为 hacker n(电脑)黑客

hack vi.&.n实施黑客攻击,编写出色的软件程序

hacking n.黑客攻击

industrial espionage 行业刺探行为 espionage n.刺探行为 imitation product 仿制品 market research 市场调研 infiltration n.渗透

paranoid adj.&.n.,多疑的,偏执狂的,偏执狂患者 disgruntled adj.不满意的,不高兴的

bug v.&.n.在……装窃听器,通过……窃听,窃听器 tender n.&.vi.投标

foul play 违规行为,犯规动作

consultants n.咨询公司,顾问公司(多用于公司名称中)court ruling 法庭裁决

academic adj.&.n.学术的,学者 shady practice不正当做法,暗箱操作 surveillance equipment 监视器材设备

in-house information security advisor 公司信息安全顾问 Fortune 《财富》 杂志(美国)Appraisal records 考核记录 Inside job内部作案,监守自盗 open access共享的

open access information共享信息 appraisal notes 鉴定,评语 temp n.&.vi.临时雇员,当临时雇员 technical know-how核心工艺,核心技术、第七单元B商业道德 Integrity诚信

Questionnaire 问卷表

Bullet point 弹头 原点 弹点 项目符号 文中用于引用的要点的圆点符号

Public sector 公共经济领域 Legal compliance 遵纪守法

Corporate philanthropy 企业慈善行为 Whistle-blower 内部举报人 Political correctness 政治正确性

Legal action 法律诉讼 Ethnic diversity 种族差异

Marching orders 行军令 解雇通知 逐客令 Market penetration 市场渗透 Whizzkid 杰出青年人才 杰出小子 Ethics officer 道德督察员 Official warning 正式警告 Hefty 重的 相当大的 Ethical practice 道德行为法规

Benchmark 基价 基准 尺度 参考标准 以........为参考标准 Source 寻求资源

Good press 新闻舆论的好评 Fat cat 大亨 有钱有势的人


global brand 全球化品牌 brand equity 品牌资产 brand awareness品牌知名度

perceived brand quality心目中的品牌品质 brand association品牌联想 global branding品牌全球化

globalize使。全球化v.globalization全球化n.logo标识(用于文具,包装等上做广告的符号,设计或字母)n.energizer兴奋食品(剂),增能食品n.position定位,为产品打开销路v.advertising campaign广告宣传活动

commercial(电视,电台,电影上播放的)商业广告n.all-American代表美国的,典型美国理想的adj.stereotype刻板印象,固有模式n.cultural stereotype模式化的文化印象,固有文化模式 epitomize象征v homogenous同种类的,同性质的,相同特征adj.cultural conflict文化冲突

stylish新式的,时髦的,漂亮的adj.global presence跻身国际市场,参与国际竞争,在国际市场上占有一席Unit 8b Global souring

Time to market 市场时效性 Time to volume 快速扩大产量 之地(拥有一定势力)

downturn(销售或利润)下降n.domestic product 本国产品 local equivalent当地同类产品 chic时髦(的),时尚(的)n.&adj style-conscious注重时尚的adj.point of sale(s)销售网点,(电子)销售刷卡机,简称pos机 selling point卖点

unique selling point独特的卖点或与众不同之处 brand benefits品牌的好处

repeat business回头客业务,因优质服务使顾客再来的生意 cash voucher(购买商品时可以此打折的)折扣券,优惠券

Time to money 全球运筹,实时变现 Warranty 担保(单),保修(单)Source 寻求(产品,原料等的)供应商 Global sourcing 寻求国际供应商,国际采购 Advance 进展

Catalyst 催化剂,刺激(促进)因素

Island hop 越(跳)岛作战,(短时间内)易地Island hopping 跳岛战略,环岛游,易地 Strategic alliances 战略合作关系 Added bonus 附加额外好处

Pacific Rim 环太平洋地区,太平洋沿岸各国 Modest quality 质量较差

Implications 涉及的问题,可能发生的后果 European Union(EU)countries 欧盟国家 Notice 通知,预先通知,提前预定 Manual labour 体力劳动 Production cycle 生产周期 Sub-continent 次大陆 Sales outlet 卖场,分销店 Leisurewear 休闲装

Exclusive market 专售高档商品的市场 Value for money 资金效益,物有所值程度 Rating 打分



regular hours 正常工作时间flexible hours 弹性工作时间

hot-desking 办公桌轮用making contacts 建立人脉关系an impressive job title 一个显要的职衔a pension 养老金

a good salary 可观的收入plan for disast有备无患

work experience 工作经验project manager 项目经理

working environment 工作氛围brainstorming rooms 头脑风暴室sales and marketing 销售和市场营销部globaiservices 环球服务部

developing markets 市场开发部career goal 职业目标

reward and recognition scheme嘉奖制度set your limits规定限

get organised安排有序parental leave 父母假,育儿假,照顾新生儿女假put pen to paper签订协议two become one 合二为一

find the perfect partner 理想搭档don’t feel guilty 勿感内疚

Be prepared to communicate and share credit and blame.要能够相互沟通,功过与共.trade fair event 商品交易会Training and staff development培训和员工发展 Flexible working hours 弹性工作时间Opportunities to travel 旅游机会

Opportunities for promotion升职提拔的机会Days off 几天短假

Company car 公司配给的汽车Incumbent progamme岗位培训课程 Grow and maintain customer relationship发展和维持客户关系

Research and development and manufacturing研发和生产

solo trader独立法人,独立经销店partnership合伙经营

franchise连锁店 特许经营start a business 创办企业

askfor permission 获得准许complain about a mistake 投诉一个错误 confirm something is OK 确认某事request information 索要信息

offer information 提供信息cancel arrangements 取消安排 request help 求助change a booking 改变预定

empioyment news 就业新闻give notice 预先通知

take voluntary redundancy 自愿接受裁退

make redundant 裁员employment issue 就业问题

good communication 良好沟通potential problem 潜在的问题

reasonable period 合理期限reasonable grounds 合理的理由

verbal warning 口头警告written warning 书面警告

disciplinary procedure 纪律程序unglamorous image乏味的形象

door-to-door work and cold calling挨家挨户的推销和进行不期而至的拜访

commercial director 销售总监email confirmation form 电子邮件确认表 build trust建立信任askclever questions 问恰当的问题

knowyour stuff了解你的产品beprepared to fail做好失败的准备 scheduling and technical provision to clients

exceptional interpersonal skill 超强人际交往力open your mind敞开心扉

sales executive 销售总监sales and advertising team 销售和总监能力 sales argument 销售赔款commercial targets 商业目标

marketing representative 营销代表finance manager 财会经理

benefits and incentives 福利和奖励freelance自由职业


1、To you, networking might mean attending a conference or trade fair event or meet new clients or partners.对人们而言,建立关系网络也许不仅仅意味着通过参加会议或商品交易会等活动认识新客户或合作伙伴.2、I'd got to a reasonably senior level and I wanted to help other people to maximise their potential.我身处高管职位,希望能够帮助其他女性充分发挥她们的潜能

3、I saw your advert for the post of client services executive in yesterday’s newspaper and I would like to apply for the position.我昨天在报纸上看见你们客服服务主管职位的招牌广告,我想申请这个职位。

4、Following recent feedback on working hours,the head of human resources will give a presentation on Thursday 2 July at 4.30pm in the conference room.5、I’m coming to the event next week called Lanuching your business online.下周我将参加“创办网上公司”的活动。

6、We've reviewed your sales figures and they're not really up to the level we need.我们查看了你的销售数据达不到我们所期待的水平。

7、No one at his old factory was available to comment on how they would be replacing the six workers.就如何接管这六个员工的工作,厂方尚未作出任何评论。

8、The aim of this report is to assess whether Ms chuhova was unfairly dismissed and if the correct procedure was followed by her line manager.这报告的目的是评估察哈娃女士是否被不合理解聘以及她的部门经理是否遵循;额正确的程序。

9、Working type up their every thought and send off emails with tremendous inaccuracy or complete pointlessness.。员工们把每个想法打好字,要么错误百出,要么完全不考虑礼节。

10、Now I speak to customers every day in the buzz of a target-driven environment.it’s fantastic.现在我每天和顾客交谈,目标明确,充满激情。真是妙不可言。

11、Don’t misunderstand the customers.不要误解顾客的意思

12、Don’t overload people with details.13、Salespeople are not necessarilyborn.销售人员不是天生的三、数字翻译


——sixteen billion turnover


—— nine hundred and seventy-eight million finnal income

160——one hundred and sixty countries

55,000——fifty five thousand employees

½ —— half of 55,000 in the USA—— four division—— six percent of revenue dedicated to research and development

5,000,000,000 —— five million dollars revenue in Europe

2,000,000,000 ——two billion dollars rest of world revenue

1906 ——nineteen oh six company founded

112,000,000,000 —— one hundred and twelve billion total market


Work inpairs.Choose one of the way of working below and prepare a mini-presentation on the topic for the rest of the class.A: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN„?


● Find someone you like.● Organise and plan how you share the work.●

Finding someone you like is the most important when you start a job-share.As job sharing is a way for two people to both fill one job,finding someone you like is very important for the success of the scheme.You may find one from your current workplace, or you may find one outside through all kinds of contacts.Organising and planing how you share the work is also important.If it’s shared reponsibility, there is no division of duties but two people have to split the hours clearly to ensure that the work flows continuously.If it’s divided responsibility, each partner has to be clear about his own case—load or project to focus on during his working hours.If it’s unrelated responsibility, the partners have to learn what their separate tasks are in the same department, and each has to do his own share well.Communication is another important factor to consider when you arrange the job-share,especially for shared responsibility.Partners have to communicate well so that jobs are done smoothly.Using email, voicemail messages, daily logs and notes are some techniques that help facilitate communication.B:WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN„?

Working from home

● Set up an office space in the house.●Plan your working hours and your breaks.●

Seting up an office space in the house is important whenworking from home.This will give you a feel of being in the office and concentrate more on work.In this way, it will easy for you to differentiate between wrok time and private time and you will not be easily distracted.it’s also important to plan your working hours and your breaks.Make it like in the office and set a timetable.But do not overwork yourself to make up for not being in the office every day.Make sure you have a break after you work for a few hours.In addiction, to make working from home really successful, you should make sure colleagues and clients can reach you as though you are in the office.This may help a lot to guarantee the efficiency.Part Two of the Speaking Test

(1)What is important when setting up your own business?


A good idea.Consider the market demand and target at potential customers.Knowing your customers.Keep a file of them.Adequate starting capital is also important.(2)What is important when your business is a partnership?


Good relationship with the other person.Mutual trust and full co-operation can bring out creativity.Both are willing to share responsibilities.Timely communication and decision making.(1)When setting up your own business, I think a good idea is very important.You should consider the market demand and target at potential customers.Under the guidance of the idea, you may cater for the urgent need of the customers, or solve the problems of the customers that other companies haven’t thought of.A good idea from the very beginning can avoid failure of a new company.Besides I think knowing your customers is also important..You ‘d better keep a file of your customers with names, age, profession and hobbies etc.Based on their personal information, you may guess the potential needs of the customers and inform them of your product lists at first time possible needs.Knowing your customers helps you to provide them with the information they need.Apart from the two points, I think adequate starting capital is also important.Only when you have enough money, can you provide varieties of products with good quality;or you can provide good service which is important to attract customers to your

(2)When your business is a partnership, relationship with the other person is very important.A good relationship with mutual trust and full co-operation brings out the potentials, experience and creativity to the full degree.With good relationship, it is easy for you to communicate with each other and deal with any new issues in time.Besides, it is also important that both are willing to share responsibilities.This will have direct impact on the success and failure of the business.With shared responsibilities, you can achieve your common objectives better and be strongly united against troubles and risks.On top of that, timely communication and decision-making will also help to improve the running of a business with partnership.六、作文memo1、you are a manager at Lar Bonner.After a meeting with staff, the company has agreed to extend parental leave for fathers from two weeks to three weeks.Write a memo to all staff.●refer to the previous meeting

●say when the news system will begin(25th September)

●remind staff that their manager need one month’s notice.To: All staff

From: Tom

Date: 25th July

Subject: Parental leave

Further to our previous meeting, I am pleased to confirm that parental leave for fathers has been extended to three weeks.The new system will come into operation as from 25th September.May I remind you that your managers will require one month’s notice.2、Say what has happened and why

Anounce the repreaentative’s visit

Say when and where his presentation will take place

Write 40-50 words only.Remember to include a To, From, Date and Subject line.To: All staff

From: Tom

Date: 1st October

Subject: resentation of new insurance policy

To offer staff a better health insurance scheme,We are now working with a new insurance company.Please note therefore that a representative from this company will present the new staff policy on 9th October at 2pm in the conference room.All staff are welcome to attend.WRITINGAn email1、You are a sminar organiser.You want to check details for an event next week with your two assistants.Write an email to your staff.Write 40-50 words.Say which rooms you have booked for the event.Ask them to confirm the schedule with secutity.Explain that one participant will be late.From: XXX

Subject: Confirmation of seminar details


To: Assistant seminar organiser

Please note that I have booked Room 101 and 102 for the seminar next week.I’d be grateful if you would now confirm this booking and the finalschedule for the event with security.Also note that Mr singh will be one hour late on the Monday morning.2、Dear [name]

Would you please send me details of the next health and safetytraining event? I’m aware that it is due in the near future.Regards


2.Dear [name]

Thanks for reminding me.The training event takes place on the 3rd September from 9-5 in the conference rooms.Please inform all department managers and forward the attached documents which are to be read before the event.Thanks


3.Dear Department Managers,Would you all please note that the next health and safety training event takes place on the 3rd September from 9-5 in the conference rooms.As you know this is a legal requirement.Please also find attached documents which you should be familiar with before the event.Thanks for your cooperation.[name]

4.Dear [name]

Thanks for informing the managers.Unfortunately, the training event has been postponed.The reason is the trainer is unavailable.He has suggested the 23rd September, so can you let all managers know?

Sorry for the Inconvenience.[name]

5.Dear Department Managers,Following my previous email, I am writing to inform you of a change in date to the health and safety training event.Due to the unavailability of the trainer on the 3rd September, the event will now take place on the 23rd.All other details remain the same.Apologies for any inconvenience caused.[name]



公司介绍McDonald's Corporation






特许经营模式 麦当劳采用特许经营的方式,在全球范围有越来越多的加盟店进入,达到产品标准化、服务标准化、促销标准化,进一步扩大了它的品牌。麦当劳提供日常营运操作、培训、营销、广告、人力资源、采购和店铺选址等广泛的支持和保障,让被特许人不仅在创业初始无后顾之忧,更能在未来餐厅发展上,赢在细节和执行。










V代表价值,即物有所值,是为了进一步传达麦当劳的 “向顾客提供更有价值的高品质“的理念。麦当劳的食品讲求味道、颜色、营养。价格与所提供的服务一致,让顾客吃了之后感到真正的物有所值。









麦当劳采用人性化管理,将其广大员工和人才视为最大的两大财富之一。麦当劳公司的合作者们首先是“队员”,其次才像其它公司的人一样是雇员。团体观念在一个工作条件艰苦的行业中是十分重要的,在麦当劳,艰苦的工作条件和激烈的竞争,要求每个人的必要的谅解和容忍的精神。为了提高服务质量,对工作人员的挑选非常认真,注意职工素质的训练,对新招来的职工必须进行为期10天的训练,才能正式提任店员。麦当劳特别重视管理人员和服务人员的培训,并且为了激发公司员工上下团结一致,麦当劳采取以下的措施,1善待员工,让他们懂得你是为他们着想的,2多参与员工们的活动,了解他们的苦衷,及时与员工们沟通3 给下属们创造良好的工作环境,让他们知道管理者处处体贴他们4认同员工的表现,向员工表示赞赏,不仅要口头肯定,还要适当加薪,让他们知道管理者随时在肯定他们的贡献5容忍每位员工的个性与风格,使他作为一个活生生的人存在吗不要把他们管理成仅会说话的机器。



SWOT 的分析

1、S: strength, 即优势快捷,美味,服务好,质量好






2、W: weakness, 即劣势。





知名度的提高,越来越多人 开始喜欢上麦当劳。



越来越多的人怀疑西式快餐的营养程度,成本越来越高,来自KFC的竞争越来越大。以及食品 原材料的保存,许多关于肉类的传染病的出现。质量和品牌的持续保证。市场分析

麦当劳市场分析 默认分类 2007-12-31 13:32:29 阅读1130 评论0字号:大中小 订阅











7、口碑宣传及耳语运动(Whisper Campaign)是极重要的沟通方式。此外,加强服务、维持良好品质都是必须落实执行的事项。(5)促销活动最常使用的方式是赠品与赠奖,举凡赠送小礼物、集点券、赠奖券等都非常流行与有效。(6)与其他企业合作做联合广告也是很有效果的方式。例如麦当劳与俏丽洗发精的联合广告即很成功。(7)社会爱心回馈活动、写作比赛、亲子活动、快乐家庭等顾客参与性的宣传与促销活动渐渐被快餐经营者所采用。(8)连锁店整体企业形象的塑造与提升,必须藉公益性活动、体育赞助活动以及捐血活动等慈善活动达成。(9)动用新闻性、话题性的讯息来做“议论纷纷”的宣传,可吸引大众传播媒体的注意与免费的宣传报道。(10)由各家分店的小商圈行销策略中,可做定点行销与广告表示的模范。同时,针对各商店附近的商圈特性、人潮特性加强促









1.整个企业 人生总是充满机遇的,只是我们很多时候没有发现。像克罗克发现了麦当劳特许经营的商机,而麦氏兄弟却没有,将这么好的机会让给了别人。一个企业最重要的是企业文化,树立好的口碑,敢于在行业领域中创新,处处为顾客着想。快餐行业中不仅仅产品的质量很重要的,同样餐厅氛围也是很关键的。另外,商业中要懂得抓住重点,像麦当劳将它的市场主要定位于年轻人,重点还要吸引孩子们,像在餐厅内设置游乐场所。服务的重要性,管理的完善性,管理者的智慧,良好的市场调查,质量的保证,顾客满意的重要性在麦当劳中都得到很好的体现。



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