举例论证(注意逻辑连接词的使用,take sth for example, a typical example can be found is in
对比论证、例1:The news media play an important role in modern society.Is the influence of the news media positive or negative?
It is widely acknowledged that news media such radio and television are a very influential part of our lives.While some people doubt whether it has a positive effect on us.In my point of view, I tend to believe that the positive side of news media holds more weight than its negative side.This essay will summarize some powerful reasons to support my opinions.中心句When it comes to its positive side, two main reasons must be mentioned firstly./ there are two main reasons why the news media are important and popular in the twenty-first century.分论点1The first one is that news reporting provides people with information about the events that just happened in their cities and even other countries.论据(因果论证)because we live in a world where full of fierce competition, thus whether we can get news timely and effectively is of great importance for us.If we can get the latest news quickly, which may mean we can make usually better-informed decisions and therefor have competition advantages.论点2 满足好奇心
论据2 满足好奇心,丰富谈话
Writing 1.Paragraphing Intro(50-70)3-4 sentences Body1(70-100)6-7 sentences Body2(70-90)4-6 sentences Conclusion(30-50)2-3 sentences 2.Approach questions Task Responses Structure sentences 3.Grammar and accuracy Proofreading Practice Write right in logic flow Avoid redundancy 4.How to write right? Cause A, Consequence B, Influence C Consequence B, Cause A, Influence C For instance, what do you think of public transport tools? A: I think public transport tools are very significant commuting tools to ordinary people(Consequence B), since they are not only eco-friendly but also can help individuals save time and cost(CauseA), thereby bringing huge convenience to people’s everyday lives.(Impact C)For example, what do you reckon about driving private cars? A: Since driving private cars to excess will lead to the excessive emission of heat-trapping gases(A), global warming and greenhouse effect would get serious(B), thereby posing a threat to sustainable development of societies(C).5.How to improve your sentences? 1.名词化; 2.被动语态 3.Terse and straightforward 原则: deliver complex meanings through simple sentences and words.TOPIC 1: Environment 1.Global warming is one of the most serious issues that the world is facing today.What are the causes of global warming? What measures can governments and individuals take to tackle the issue?
The past decades have witnessed an obvious rise in temperature in many parts of the world.Global warming is one of the thorny challenges these days, which would highly influence people’s daily life in the long run.In the following sections, this essay will identify the sources and suggest some viable solutions to this problem.The chief among a host of causes is the emission of heat-trapping gases in excess.With many countries around the world developing and industrializing, automation has become an indispensable part of individuals’ daily life.Driving private cars to commute to work is commonplace in most countries.Consequently, a huge amount of heat-trapping gases such as car exhausts, waste gases from plants, which are high in carbon dioxide, are contributing to the greenhouse effect and global warming.Apart from that, another significant reason is deforestation.With countless trees being cut down for cities sprawl(urban sprawl), more carbon dioxide will be released into atmosphere, which makes the condition more severe.With regard to the measures to resolve this complex issue, the first approach is raising public awareness for protecting environment.Local authorities and councils can promote the concept of environmental protection and the negative points of driving to excess, using door-to-door communication or advertisements on TV.From individual perspective, people are highly recommended to use public transport tools for travel and work.Also, riding bikes can be a very good alternative instead of driving private cars or over-sized trucks, for both transport and exercise.In conclusion, while enjoying the great convenience brought by modern-day industry, governments and individuals need to assume responsibilities for protecting our only earth for ourselves and offspring.2.Environmental problems are so big that they cannot be solved by any person or country alone.Instead, it should be solved at international level.To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Environmental degradation has become one of the biggest challenges humans face in the 21st century and it has posed a serious threat to our survival.To address this thorny issue, from my perspective, all nations worldwide should join forces instead of working individually.Environmental protection is ultimately teamwork, since the impact of environmental problems is always on a global scale.It is true that all humans share one ecosystem and one Earth for living.All elements inside are interrelated.For instance, a clear river of a country could be polluted by waste water dumped by its neighbouring countries.Therefore, the efforts to protect our environment from a single country are not adequate.Apart from that, another cause is the lack of skills and capital to cope with environmental issues in some countries.These nations are not capable of handling alone, because of the shortage of essential technologies and professionals.This is particularly true for those impoverished regions where people are often supported financially and draw on experience from developed countries.International support and cooperation play a vital role in helping these nations improve their environmental situations.On the other hand, although international cooperation is very significant, the detailed environmental problems each country faces are quite different.For example, the major source of pollution in China derives from the electrical industry while the problem in America is mainly caused by the widespread use of private cars.Hence, countries may take diverse measures to deal with their own problems.In conclusion, the cooperation at international level to wrestle with environmental deterioration is highly suggested.Yet, countries may be confronted with different problems and work individually for their own targets with different strategies.结语: 英语没有捷径,进步在于复习。
Many old building are protected by law because they are part of a nation's history.However,some people think knocked down to make way for new ones because people need houses and offices.How important is it to maintain old buildings? Should history stand in the way of progress?Old buildings sometimes conflicts with social advancement.Appealing as it is in the eyes of business people,tearing down old architect to make room for real-estate development is not a wise idea in many ways.The primarily reason is that old buildings,like our native language,forms our cultural identity and keep a unique record the history of a country.From this aspect,old buildings are considered very valuable as one of the symbols of the culture of a nation.For instance,the traditional Chinese residence in Beijing,Siheyuan,are once seen as the remains of the Old World,and were destroyed by people shortly after the founding of People's Republic of China.Until recently did the people and policy makers as well realize that it is an inexcusable and stupid idea to commit such a terrible deed because old buildings,once gone,are not restorable.But their economic values and aesthetic appeals have just caught the attention of Chinese people.Moreover,old buildings,if planed and preserved properly,could coexist with modern real-estate development.In France,aged buildings bring millions of dollars of revenue for the government and amazed thousands of tourists.Yet no one thinks the high-rising office buildings and apartment buildings make the old architect a sore of the eye.By contrast,the new learn from the old,a fact that makes them more attractive.We admit that not all old buildings should be treated equally and some of them do need to be torn down for various reasons such as safety and new buildings.However,we should not be too blind to see their value too.If only the real and practical factors are being considered,the country will be sorry for its loss in years to come.As we have discussed,old buildings are part of a country's history and are valuable in many ways.We should plan well and be wise enough to see their value.But the same time,we should also do our best to find solutions to make the old and the new coexist in harmony.
雅思是个能力考试(a proficiency test),与人们所熟悉的 achievement test 不同。
所谓 achievement test,是指那些对学生所学过的知识进行检测的考试。如每学期的期 中、期末考试。一般来说,在这样的考试前,学校都会安排复习,老师也许还会划定复习范围。这些考试都和教学大纲规定的内容和进度等有关。考试的内容一般不超出大纲规定的内容。以英语为例,大纲规定了词汇表,试题中如有超纲词要注明中文定义。所以,每当面临一个新的考试时,考生会很自然地问:看哪几本书?有没有词汇表?
一般来说,proficiency test 与教学进度、内容、教学大纲等无关,自然也与词汇表无关。市面上有“雅思词汇”
其实,词汇的最好学习方法是通过大量的阅读来学习,而这种大量的阅读正是雅思考试阅读部分所侧重的。备战一个 proficiency test 时,最好的准备方法就是:考什么,准备什么。考阅读,就通过阅读准备,而不是通过背词汇表准备。
常有考生问:考雅思需要多大的词汇量?很多人把词汇量看成是能力的标志,这又回到 achievement test 和 achievement test 问题上。如果能从知识和能力的方面划分考试的话,对词汇量的测试是知识型的测试。有些考生可以得很高的知识分,但能力欠佳,即所谓“高分低能”。换言之,词汇量不是能力标志。从另一个角度看,词汇量的统计也有问题。以下这些词怎么算:
act, actor, actress, action, active, activity, react, reactive, reaction, counteract, interact, hyperactive 等等,这到底算几个词。
如何自测口语和写作呢?看一看雅思口语和写作的题目,你自己离议论这些题目还差多远?要想在口语和写作考试中获得有意义的分数(6段),应该能达到“侃”的水平。如论述“大城市面临的交通问题的原因、现状、出路”;“在教育孩子的过程中„惩罚‟的作用”;“很多人感到越来越忙,没有闲暇时间,原因是什么,应该怎么办?”。这几个题目是去出现过的雅思作文真题(task 2)。口语题的难度也相差无几,如“论教育对一个民族的重要性”。
北语雅思想说的是,proficiency tests 是不能“准备”的,至少是不能以“期末复习、考试”那种形式来准备,更不能靠达到“五千”或是“八千”词汇来准备的。北语雅思的所有教师都考过雅思,有的了两次、三次,可是谁也不知道自己有多大的词汇量。什么人关注“自己”的词汇量呢?英语学习还不入门的学生,英语教学还是新手的教师。
还是那句话,考什么,你就应该能够做什么。比如,留学类的阅读的三篇文章都出自原文报刊,如“New Scientist”,那么考生就应该去看和这类杂志在难度、长度、题材有可比性的文章,通过阅读来学习词汇,而不是去背词汇表。读懂这样的文章靠什么?语法、词汇、背景知识等等,但这些都是次要的,主要的、乃至最重要的是:靠日积月累达到的量。
首先来看看对词汇要求最简单的口语。有关学好口语需要多少词汇量的问题几乎已经被讨论烂了,比较公认的结论应该是500-800日常词汇足矣。换句话说,如果你具备1,000以上的词汇,但口语仍然不好,那请一定不要把原因归结为词汇量不够,也请一定不要把解决办法定位于背单词。其实,除去因为缺乏练习造成的表达不够流利之外,口语不好的主要问题在于对一些小词掌握的不够到位。比如get,take,make这样的动词,搭配上不同的介词,几乎可以表达所有的日常动作。因此,当你觉得你有意思表达不出来时,先不慌查字典找单词,而应该问问自己,你是不是可以用已经学过的很简单的单词和词组来表达这个意思?所以说,为了提高口语,是没有必要专门背单词的,相反,应该把所知道的简单词汇学好,学精。你知道see是看见,是否知道see off是告别?你知道large是大,又知道at large表示逃亡在外么?再次向口语不好的朋友们推荐《学好17个动词走遍天下》,以后千万别动不动就拿起词汇书来背了。
接下来我们看看写作。雅思考试作文的批改方式比较特殊,是analytical scoring,而不是象TOEFL采取的global scoring。什么叫global scoring呢?其实它比较象我们中学时的作文评分方式,就是一眼看上去大概是什么水平,属于哪个档次,就给多少分。那么analytical scoring又是怎么回事呢?我们翻译过来叫做“分项评分”。雅思作文评分有三项:内容结构,连贯衔接,语言质量。每一项分别评分,要注意,在给每一项评分时是不受其他两项影响的。也就是说,哪怕你的文章离题万里,只要文字优美,那么语言那一项也是有可能打8分的。三项加起来除以三,就是一篇作文的最终得分。那么这种分项评分到底有什么好处呢?显然是有的,因为英语作为外语,普遍中国学生写作文时语言水平有限,因此如果把握好文章的内容结构,在连贯方面处理得好,完全可以将最终分数提上去。而把握文章的结构,做好连贯衔接,显然与词汇量的大小丝毫扯不上关系吧?退一步讲,如果要提高写作的语言质量,也几乎不取决于词汇量大小。关于这一点,我在《关于写作的一点个人体会》中详细阐述,这里不再废话。
象summary,short anwser question这样的题目,只需要你从原文中寻找特定的信息,哪怕它是个专有名词,你不认识,没关系,找出来填进去就是了。对于大多数人来说,最难的题当属T/F/NG,这种题怎么考呢?比如,文中讲Tom is taller than Mary。题目中说Tom is as tall as Mary。那么显然,这道题为FALSE。有人说这太简单了,雅思不会考这么简单的,其实这说明你没有意识到T/F/NG题的精髓所在罢了。对于雅思考试来说,无非就是把TOM,MARY这样的词换成谁都不认识的专有名词来吓唬人而已,因为T/F/NG题根本就不考你的词汇量,它考的是你对句意的把握。而能否正确把握句意,取决于你的语法和句子结构分析能力,与词汇量无关。下面举个真实考试的例子大家就明白了。
文中说&& is a poor predictor,%% is little better than &&.题目说%% is a good predictor.(&&和%%表示两个难词)。好,这个题答案是什么呢?是FALSE。为什么呢?很显而易见,这里的专有名词我都没写出来,认不认识肯定对答题不影响,这里题目考察的是对little better than这个语法结构的理解,你必须知道这个结构,才能正确把握句子的意思。那么什么人需要背单词呢?那就是连
poor,little这样的词都不认识的人才需要背,也就是我开头说的那些基础实在太差,词汇量可能只有三位数的人。而对于很多词汇量并不小的人,由于不认识little better than这个结构,照样无法做对题目。
本人是机械背单词的强烈反对者,因此从不推荐词汇参考书。如果非要说起来的话,找一本用法详细,注解丰富(最好有英文注解)的四级词汇书,足矣 :)
Topic: only when people make a large sum of money can they be said successful.Do you agree or disagree?
It is vital to define success although currently criteria are colorful.A sound definition of the term helps people to live and learn better.Moreover, it plays an important role in the construction of good social mores.It is wrong to say that people are not successful if they have failed to make a huge sum of money.The reason is that whether one is successful is not only measured with material yardstick but also against the spiritual criterion.Spiritual achievements and contributions bear little relationship with money.Put it in other word, many of those who have not earned sufficient money are considered successful for their accomplishments.For instance, my mother has never been able to make enough money but she is successful in that she has told us why we live.To emphasize the spiritual elements in the understanding of what success is is not to deny the importance of the ability to make money.On the contrary, the capability to make a massive sum of money in many cases is a kind of success.In terms of the individual development, any human being in a modern society where money is the main economic dimension must be able to live independently by means of earning and spending.In terms of the society development, a country must be rich enough to protect basic human rights, provide foods, and offer education to its members.Otherwise it is not successful.In conclusion, money is not the only standard of success, but it is necessary to be able to make money.