
时间:2019-05-15 10:54:11下载本文作者:会员上传



(一)经济理财类文章之背景词汇补充 表示经济萧条的词汇:depression, recession, economic slowdown, economic meltdown, slump, fragility, stagnation, slackness recession :a period when the economy of a country is not successful, business conditions are bad, industrial production and trade are at a low level and there is a lot of unemployment 2 表示经济繁荣的词汇:boom, flourish, thrive, prosperous, mushroom, prime, bloom 宏观经济的 macroeconomic 通货膨胀 inflation 通货紧缩 deflation 破产 insolvency 有偿还债务能力的 solvent 合同 contract 汇率 exchange rate 紧缩信贷 tighten credit creation 私营部门 private sector 财政管理机构 fiscal authorities 宽松的财政政策 slack fiscal policy 税法 tax bill 财政 public finance 财政部 the Ministry of Finance平衡预算 balanced budget 继承税 inheritance tax 货币主义者 monetarist 增值税 VAT(value added tax)收入 revenue 总需求 aggregate demand 货币化 monetization 赤字 deficit 经济好转 turnabout 复苏 recovery 成本推进型 cost push 货币供应 money supply 生产率 productivity 成本推进式通货膨胀 cost-push inflation 需求拉动式通货膨胀 demand-pull inflation 双位数通货膨胀 double-digit inflation 极度通货膨胀 hyperinflation 长期通货膨胀 chronic inflation 治理通货膨胀 to fight inflation 萧条的 sluggish 认购 subscribe to 支票帐户 checking account 货币控制工具 instruments of monetry control 借据 IOUs(I owe you)本票 promissory notes 货币总监 controller of the currency 支票清算或结算 check clearing 资金划拨 transfer of funds 可以相信的证明 credentials 被缠住 entangled 货币联盟 Monetary Union 再购协议 repo 精明的讨价还价交易 horse-trading 欧元 euro 公共债务 membership criteria 储备货币 reserve currency 劳动密集型 labor-intensive 股票交易所 bourse 竞争领先 front run 牛市 bull market 非凡的牛市 a raging bull 规模经济 scale economies 期货(股票)futures 回报率 rate of return 股票 equities 违约 default 现金外流 cash drains 经济人佣金 brokerage fee 存款单 CD(certificate of deposit)营业额 turnover 资本市场 capital market 布雷顿森林体系 The Bretton Woods System 道琼斯指数 Dow Jones index 经常帐户 current account 远期汇率 forward exchange rate 即期汇率 spot rate 实际利率 real interest rates 货币政策工具 tools of monetary policy 银行倒闭 bank failures 商业银行 commercial bank 商业票据 commercial paper 本票,期票 promissory notes 佣金(经济人)commission brokers 外汇储备 foreign exchange reserves 固定汇率 fixed exchange rate 浮动汇率 floating/flexible exchange rate 空头卖跌 selling short 按市价订购股票 market order 股票经纪人 stockbroker 国际货币基金 the IMF 八国集团 the G-8 监督 surveillance 可兑换性 convertibility 软通货 soft currency 限制 restriction 交易 transaction 汇率机制 exchange rate regime 直接标价 direct quotes 资本流动性 mobility of capital 赤字 deficit 本国货币 domestic currency 外汇交易市场 foreign exchange market 国际储备 international reserve 利率 interest rate 资产 assets 国际收支 balance of payments 贸易差额 balance of trade 债券 bond 资本 capital 资本支出 capital expenditures 商品 commodities 商品交易所 commodity exchange 期货合同 commodity futures contract 普通股票 common stock 联合大企业 conglomerate 货币贬值 currency devaluation 通货紧缩 deflation 折旧 depreciation 汇率 exchange rate 财政年度fiscal year 自由企业 free enterprise 国民生产总值 gross national product 库存 inventory 劳动力人数 labor force 债务 liabilities 市场经济 market economy 合并 merger 货币收入 money income 跨国公司 Multinational Corporation 个人收入 personal income 优先股票 preferred stock 价格收益比率 price-earning ratio 优惠贷款利率 prime rate 利润 profit/gains/ returns 回报 return on investment 使货币升值 revaluation 薪水 salary 季节性调整 seasonal adjustment 关税 tariff 失业人员 unemployed person 效用 utility 价值 value 工资 wages 工资价格螺旋上升 wage-price spiral 收益 yield 补偿贸易 compensatory trade, compensated deal 储蓄银行 saving banks 欧洲联盟 the European Union 抵押贷款 mortgage lending 业主产权 owner's equity 普通股 common stock 无形资产 intangible assets 收益表 income statement 抵押贷款 mortgage lending 九五折 a five percent discount;a 95 percent charge



1.我非常感谢……: Thank you very much for…… 2.热情友好的欢迎辞:gracious speech of welcome 3……之一:be one of 4.访问……是……:A visit to……has……

5.…是我多年梦寐以求的愿望:…has long been my dream

6……给予我一次……的机会……:(The visit will)give me(an excellent)opportunity to ……

7.我为……,再次表达(我的愉快之情和荣幸之感):I wish to say again that I am so delighted and privileged to……

8.(我对您为我到达贵国后所做的一切安排)深表感谢:I’m deeply grateful for everything you’ve done for me since my arrival in China.9.(我很高兴)有此机会(来贵公司工作),与中国汽车业的杰出人士合作共事:I‘m very glad to have the opportunity to work in your company with a group of brilliant people in China’s automobile industries.10……多年来一直盼望……:have been looking forward to ……for many years 11.我很感激……:I appreciate……

12.你若不在意的话,……:If you don‘t mind,…… 13.去……走走:tour around……

14.浦江商务旅游公司:Pu Jiang Business Travel Company 15.国家旅游局:the Chinese National Tourist Administration 16.经……批准的……:……approved by…… 17.在华……:……in China

18.以……为主要服务对象:provide services mainly to…… 19.公司的宗旨是……:We operate under the principal of …… 20.促进,改善,发展: improve,promote 21……及其周边地区:……and its surrounding areas 22.提供全方位的服务:offer an all-round service to…… 23.竭诚:do one’s best

24.坦诚相待:……in an honest partnership 25.商务:business activities 26.我们很高兴……:It gives us great pleasure to…… 27.再次接待……:to play host to …… once again

29.学校的全体师生员工:the faculty,students and staff of the university 30.向……表示热烈欢迎:……wish to extend one‘s warm welcome to …… 31.格林博士和夫人:Dr.and Mrs.Green 32.我相信……:I am convinced that…… 33.这次对……的访问:current visit to…… 34……必将为……:……will surely……

35.作出(重要)贡献:make an important contribution to…… 36.祝大家……:wish you all……

37.友好合作关系:the friendly relations and cooperation 38.我怀着非常愉快的心情(出席本届年会):It is with great pleasure that I am here to attend this annual meeting.39.值此……之际,……:On the occasion of……

40.我为能有机会……,向……致以深深的谢意。:I would like to express my deep appreciation to …… for this opportunity to……

41.就……问题进行发言:to address the meeting on the topic of……

42……为……提供了(理想的)场所:……provides us with an ideal arena where we will…… 43.我愿借此机会,就全世界范围内的环境保护问题,发表自己的一些看法,与各位一起商讨:I wish to take this opportunity to discuss with you my thoughts on the issue of world-wide environmental protection.44.在这举国同庆的夜晚,……:On the occasion of this evening of national celebration,…… 45.各位来宾:all the guests 46.光临我们的春节联欢晚会:come to this party to celebrate our Spring Festival 47.(在座)各位:all present here 48.轻松,欢快的:most relaxing and delightful 49.春节是我国一年中的良辰佳时:The Chinese Spring Festival is a very wonderful and joyous occasion in our tradition.50.我愿(希望)……:I hope…… 51.外国来宾:overseas visitors(guests)52.尽情品尝中国的传统美酒和佳肴:have a good time enjoying to one's hearts' content the finest traditional Chinese cuisine and wine 53.彼此沟通,增进友谊:to get to know each other and to increase our friendship 54.最后,我再次感谢各位嘉宾的光临,并祝各位新年身体健康,事业有成,吉祥如意:In closing,I'd like to thank you again for your presence and wish everyone good health,a successful career and the very best of luck in the new year.55.热情的迎接和款待:warm reception and hospitality 56.The past five days in China,……:在中国度过的这五天

57.令人愉快,难以忘怀:be truly pleasant and enjoyable and most memorable 58.我特别要称颂我们的中国合作者,他们的真诚合作与支持使这项协议得以签署:I particularly want to pay tribute to our Chinese partners for their sincere cooperation and support in concluding these agreements.59.我敬请各位与我一起举杯,为我们两家公司的永久友谊和合作而干杯!:May I ask all of you present here to join me in raising your glasses,to the lasting friendship and cooperation between our two companies.60.中美合资企业:a Sino-American joint venture 61.I have to say that……:我认为…… 62.business management:经营管理

63.由于……,所以……:……,due to…… 64.直率:direct and straightforward 65.I can't say our way of doing business is absolutely superior:我无法断言,我们的经营方式一定在他们之上。

66.优点和弊端:strong and weak points in…… 67.近年来,……:In recent years,…… 68.business executives:经理人员 69.毕竟,……:After all,……

70……已认识到……:……have recognized…… 71.更具人情味的……:the more humane way of …… 72.管理方式:management 73……在……中(上)存在差异:there are differences in …… between/among…… 74.现状:current situation 75.基于……,……:Considering the fact that……,……

76.轿车目前在中国的占有率为每580人一辆车。:There is only one car for every 580 Chinese at present 77.具有极大的诱惑力:be extremely attractive 78.(中国已将关税)从(23%)降到了(17%)。:……cut ……from…… to…… 79.创造条件:create conditions 80……and in turn for the inevitable opening of its auto market to the outside world:进而敞开其汽车市场大门(创造了条件)81.(IBM上海公司的)正式开张典礼:official launch of IBM of Shanghai 82.各位如此钟情IBM的产品,这对我们的业务来说是一个好兆头:It’s a sign of good business that you show so much interest in IBM products.83……,我感到万分荣幸:I regard it as a great honor that…… 84……期待着……:be looking forward to…… 85.在……地位:……position in……

86.富有(中华民族文化)特色的……:…… that is characteristic of Chinese national culture.87.安排了……的旅游路线:offer you…… tour program 88.各位将要……:You will……

89.景点和名胜 :scenic spots and historical sites 90.雄伟的古建筑群 :magnificent ancient architectural complexes 91.游览,参观 :visit 92.真正的 :authentic 93.观赏 :appreciate 94.中国烹调 :Chinese cuisine 95.欣赏,品尝 :enjoy 96.地方风味小吃 :local delicacies 97.我国人民传统的热情何好客将使得各位这次访问愉快而难忘:The traditional warmth and hospitality with which the Chinese people entertain our guests will make your visit a pleasant and memorable experience.98……拥有……:……has……

99……,占(人口总数的六分之一):……,constituting one-sixth of(her total population)100 劳动妇女:working women 101.取得(杰出的)成就:make outstanding achievements in the fields of…… 102.各行各业的(年轻妇女):young women in all professions 103……迫切希望……:be eagerly seeking…… 104……有权……:……have the right to…… 105.参加:participate in 106……,因此(在社会和家庭中享有经济独立和平等地位):……,thereby gaining economic independence and equal status in the society and at home.107.Right now,……:现在,……

108.elephant——>sheer size Reference:庞大的体形

109.zoo attractions:动物园园景

113.我代表我们代表团的全体成员,……:On behalf all the members of my delegation,114.During our stay,……:在我们逗留期间,……

115.impress sb.deeply Reference:给……留下很深刻的印象

116.欢迎各位参加“对外汉语”学习班:Welcome to the Program of “Chinese as a Foreign language”.117.近年来,世界各地学汉语者与日俱增:a worldwide interest in Chinese is increasing at an accelerating tempo 118.从某种意义上说,汉语是一种很古老的语言,其最早的汉字已有近四千年的历史了:In a sense,……,with its earliest writings dating back nearly for four thousand 119.随着……,……:With……,…… 120.我将适时介绍……:I will discuss in due time……

121.(汉语)对(中华民族的文化和思维)所产生的影响:the influence of the Chinese language on the cultural and intellectual development of the Chinese nation 122.对于这门拥有世界上使用人数最多,文学历史最悠久的语言来说,这股学习热潮早该出现了:Considering that Chinese has the largest number of speakers in the world and the greatest depth in its literature,this interest is long overdue.123.受到/接受完整的中等教育:receive a full secondary education

124.显然这一现象已经影响了全民科学和文化水平的提高,与现代社会格格不入:This fact has obviously affected the improvement of general scientific and cultural levels and is fully incompatible with a modernized society.125.因此,中国在努力发展经济的同时必须努力控制人口数量,并且提高人口素质:Therefore,China's efforts to develop the economy must be accompanied by equally vigorous efforts to control the population and improve its quality.126,人口增长也是中国普及中等教育比较缓慢的一个重要原因:Population increase is also a major factor behind China's relative slowness in establishing universal secondary school education.127.有人认为……:Some people hold the view that……

128.然而,更多人认为……::However,more people are of the opinion that……

129.深圳应该当好内地与香港之间的桥梁:Shenzhen should continue to play its role as a bridge linking Hong Kong and mainland.130.借助……的优势:make use of the advantages of…… 131……发展成为……:develop into……

132.国际商务港口Reference:international commercial port

133.今天,我们聚会在一起,……:Today,we meet here to …… 134.广泛领域:a wide range of areas 135……反映了……:……reflects…… 136.共同愿望:shared desire

137.对……产生积极影响:have a positive impact on…… 138.我深信……:I am deeply convinced that…… 139.携手合作:work together for……

140.本着……原则:in the principal of ……

141.会议的圆满结束:a successful conclusion of this meeting 142.牢记以下几点:keep certain points in mind 143.组建……(企业):set up……

144.Now,let me go on to the legal aspect of a joint venture.:下面我接着谈谈合资企业的法律问题

145……,……,都要记住这一点。:……with this in mind.146.You have to understand the extent of your liability for actions of the joint venture:你必须考虑自己对该合资企业的行为承担多少责任。

147.关注:be concerned about 148.现有市场:existing market 149.sales area:销售区域

150.We are not finished with you:我们跟你还没完呢!151.pick up the pieces and carry on:收拾残局,重整旗鼓,再图进取

152.I began my life as the son of immigrants,and with great efforts I worked my way up to the presidency of the Ford Company.:我是作为移民的儿子进入人世的,凭自己的努力,一步步地当上了福特汽车公司地总裁。

153.热情接待:warm reception 154.衷心的感谢:heartfelt thanks for 155.没有贵方的努力我们无法成功地达成合作协议:Without your effort it would have been impossible for us to reach the successful conclusion of our cooperative agreements 156.来华投资:come to invest in China 157.幅员辽阔:has vast land 158.劳动力资源丰富:abundant human resource 159.兴办(企业):establish 160.market strategy:市场营销战略 161.business dealings:商务运作 162.这种投资方法对我们合作双方来说,都有丰厚地经济回报:I would say that this type of investment will yield fat economic returns for both parties in our partnership.163.产品有着优异的价格性能比note:这里的“有着” Reference:enjoy 164.I shall focus my remarks primary on……:我想重点谈谈…… 165……differs greatly from……:与……是截然不同地 166.I am certain that……:我相信……

167.The future of economic cooperation with China should be viewed with a

combination of enthusiasm and realism.:我们应该带着满腔热忱和现实主义的精神来看待与中国未来的经济合作。168.越来越(流行):increasingly popular 169.to stay out traffic jams:以避免交通堵塞

170.College and high school students find biking an economical alternative to cars and buses.:大中小学生把自行车当作汽车和公交车的廉价代用工具。

171.I want to spend part of this lecture discussing……:我想在讲座上花点时间讨论…… 172.be incapable of doing sth.:不能够做某事

173.The computer's advantage over us is that……:电脑优于我们之处在于… 174.重复的,反复的:repetitive 175……,其历史可以追溯到……:Dating back to……,…… 176.贸易通道:thoroughfare 177.我社安排的“丝绸之路游”始于西安古城,止于新疆首府乌鲁木齐:“The Silk Road Tour” that we offer follows a route beginning from the ancient city of Xi'an and ending at Urumqi,the capital of Xinjiang.178.游客们沿线可以……:Along the route…… 180.高超的工艺:the superior workmanship 181.领略自然景观的魅力:take pleasure in the charms of the natural landscape 182.大量的:a wealth of 183……沿途:along……

184.(最精彩的)旅游节目(之一):tourist attractions 185.过去10年来,……:In the last ten years,…… 186.带来了(许多新的变化):bring about 187.高档消费品:high-grade consumer goods 188.请允许我介绍…: May I present somebody?/Allow meto introduce 189.为…而干杯:propose a toast to…

191.has been given the choice of……:……正面临……的选择 192.It was expected that…:人们希望……

193.have the freedom to(continue with their careers):享有……的自由 194.in favour of sb./sth.:支持某人(某事)195.处于世纪之交的:at the turn of the century 196.迅速发展为……:develop rapidly into……

197.上海金融业的发展尤为引人注目,现已逐渐形成了一个具有相当规模与影响的金融市场体系:The development of finance industry in Shanghai is particularly remarkable,with a fairly large and influential system of financial market coming into shape.198.成了各国大银行青睐的金融黄金宝地:become the favorite financial treasure destinations of major foreign banks 199.璀璨的:brilliant 200.远见卓识的(金融家):financiers and entrepreneurs with broad visions to……


中级口译真题之旅游类 Passage 1: A lot of people think that Scotland is a part of England.But,as any Scotsman will tell you,it certainly is not.In fact,until the eighteenth century Scotland was an independent country,with a parliament of its own.// The English had tried many times over many centuries to bring Scotland under their rule,They succeeded at last in 1707,and some Scots have never forgiven them.// Scotland is now governed from London,but in some ways it is still a separate nation.It has its own capital city(Edinburgh),its own law,and its own stamps.It even has a language of its own,spoken now by only a few people in the islands.// In some ways southern Scotland is like England,with its good farmland and low green hills.But in central and northern Scotland there are high mountains and deep valleys,fast rivers and cold lakes.//

Passage 2: Welcome to the world’s first national park,the Yellowstone Park of the United States!Look!In this paradise,nature puts on a spectacular display.Hot springs display brilliant colors of blue,yellow and orange.You won’t find any place else like it on Earth.// Scientific expeditions visited this northwest corner of Wyoming in 1870 and 1871.The men who observed the wonders of the area saw the need to protect them.Through their efforts,Yellowstone National Park was born in 1872.// The park’s thermal areas make it unique.Hot springs are also found in New Zealand and Iceland.But Yellowstone has more hot springs than the rest of the earth combined.// More than 200 hot springs and 10,000 other thermal features dot the park.Today,all are protected.The park does not allow visitors to wander off the walkways or touch the thermal features.//

参考答案 Part A Passage 1: 很多人认为苏格兰是英格兰的一部分。但是,任何一个苏格兰人都会告诉你:并不是这样的。其实,在18世纪以前,苏格兰一直是一个独立的国家,有自己的国会。// 几百年来,英格兰人多次企图把苏格兰置于自己的统治之下。他们终于在1707年成功了。为此,一些苏格兰人永远不会原谅他们。// 苏格兰现在由伦敦统治,但是在某些方面,仍然是一个独立的国家。它有自己的首都(爱丁堡)、自己的法津、自己的邮票。它甚至还有自己的语言,不过只是几个小岛上的少数人使用。// 在某些方面,苏格兰南部同英格兰很相似,有肥沃的农田和绿色的小山丘。但在苏格兰的中部和北部,有高耸的大山,深邃的山谷,湍急的河流和冰冷的湖泊。//

Passage 2: 欢迎来到世界第一座国家公园,美国的黄石公园!在这个人间仙境里,大自然呈现着壮观的景色。大家看!温泉展现出蓝、黄、橙等艳丽的色彩。地球上再也找不到任何地方可与此地相媲美。// 科学家探险队在1870和1871年来到怀俄明州西北角的这块地方。目睹此地奇景的人意识到保护美景的必要。通过他们的努力,黄石国家公园终于于1872年诞生。// 温泉区是这个国家公园的特色。虽然新西兰和冰岛也有温泉,但是黄石公园的温泉数比全世界其他地区加起来的总数还要多。// 整个公园布满了200多个温泉及一万多个温泉景观。今天,所有这些都受到保护。公园不允许游客偏离步道或触摸温泉景观。//

Passage 1: 现在我们谈美国之行的最后一部分——住宿。在美旅游时,找个地方住并不难,难的是找一个称心如意、价格合适的住所。// 如乘飞机前往,你会在机场看到许多宾馆的广告。如坐火车或驾车,你最好查询电话本(黄页)中的旅馆、汽车旅馆和公寓房栏目。// 住所可分为宾馆、汽车旅馆和度假村。宾馆舒适但价格昂贵。汽车旅馆通常邻近公路。度假村则位于山间、海边或邻近湖泊。// 至于住在哪儿,你得从广告中所提供的价格和服务的比较着手。在这种情况下,你还得打电话询问他们是否有你需要的房间。//

Passage 2: 欢迎光临巴塞罗纳。想到西班牙,你的脑海中会浮现出什么呢?美食佳肴?了不起的艺术及建筑?精彩的夜生活?// 这一切都可以在巴塞罗纳找到——而且还不只如此!这座城市的建筑物及教堂将会最先吸引你的注意力。巴塞罗纳是“现代主义”建筑风格的领袖。// 100多年来,西班牙建筑师使用自然主题及形状设计建筑物。他们以野生动物、水果及花朵装饰建筑物门面。// 巴塞罗纳比世界上任何其他城市有更多这样的建筑物。想要体验“现代主义”建筑,就要到黄金广场,这个地区有此风格中最具代表性的建筑物。// Passage 1: A lot of people think that Scotland is a part of England.But,as any Scotsman will tell you,it certainly is not.In fact,until the eighteenth century Scotland was an independent country,with a parliament of its own.// The English had tried many times over many centuries to bring Scotland under their rule,They succeeded at last in 1707,and some Scots have never forgiven them.// Scotland is now governed from London,but in some ways it is still a separate nation.It has its own capital city(Edinburgh),its own law,and its own stamps.It even has a language of its own,spoken now by only a few people in the islands.// In some ways southern Scotland is like England,with its good farmland and low green hills.But in central and northern Scotland there are high mountains and deep valleys,fast rivers and cold lakes.//

Passage 2: Welcome to the world’s first national park,the Yellowstone Park of the United States!Look!In this paradise,nature puts on a spectacular display.Hot springs display brilliant colors of blue,yellow and orange.You won’t find any place else like it on Earth.// Scientific expeditions visited this northwest corner of Wyoming in 1870 and 1871.The men who observed the wonders of the area saw the need to protect them.Through their efforts,Yellowstone National Park was born in 1872.// The park’s thermal areas make it unique.Hot springs are also found in New Zealand and Iceland.But Yellowstone has more hot springs than the rest of the earth combined.// More than 200 hot springs and 10,000 other thermal features dot the park.Today,all are protected.The park does not allow visitors to wander off the walkways or touch the thermal features.//


Passage 1: 41.Seattle is famous for its damp weather and its own rainforest.Seattleites will say they like how rain keeps the city green,how clean the air tastes afterwards.// The sunny,gorgeous weather and blue skies draw Seattleites from their cozy little homes,ready to dry out and have fun.People go hiking,biking,and canoeing.// Folks work in their gardens,wash their cars and attend outdoor concerts in the park—all in the same day!// People host barbecues and picnics and water-skiing parties.It’s sin around here to not thoroughly enjoy every moment of every golden day.//

Passage 2: Have you ever been to the Grand Gorge in New York State?Today I’d like to show you around there.It’s magnificent,with sheer sandstone rising 550 feet;three gushing falls,one over a hundred feet high;river rafting.// Some 70 miles of hiking trails that can be used for skiing when blanketed with snow;and a forest that harbors nearly every species of eastern North American trees,several specied of wild orchids and a variety of birds.// The place is the so-called “Canyons of the East”,a 17-mile gorge cut by the Genesee River on its way north to Lake Ontario.Although overshadowed by New York’s another wonder,Niagara Falls,60 miles to the northwest,the 14,350-acre preserve has noteworthy attractions.// In addition to a series of three talls that stair-step downriver and provide much of the gorge’s usual drama,there are striking rock formations.//

参考答案 Part A Passage 1: 西雅图以潮湿的气候及其雨林而闻名。西雅图人说他们喜欢雨水使城市常青,喜欢雨后清新的空气。// 睛朗、灿烂的天气和碧蓝的天空把西雅图人从舒适的小屋子里拽出来,准备晒太阳和玩乐。人们去远足、骑自行车、划独木舟。// 人们在园子里干活,洗车,参加公园里的露天音乐会——全在同一天里完成!// 人们举办户外烧烤、野餐、滑水聚会等活动。在这儿,不好好享受美好一天的每一时刻是一种罪过。// Passage 2: 你到过纽约州大峡谷吗?今天我想请你到那里一游。它的确非常壮观,两岸耸立着550英尺高的砂岩峭壁;三个瀑布奔流直下,其中一个超过100英尺高;木筏在水上漂流;// 约70英里的步行小道,在被大雪覆盖时,又可供滑雪使用;还有一片森林,里面北美洲东部的所有树种在那里几乎应有尽有,还有若干种野兰花和各种各样的鸟。// 这里就是所谓“东部大峡谷”——杰纳西河在向北流入安大略湖的途中形成一条17英里长的峡谷的所在地。尽管其西北60英里处纽约州的另一个奇观——尼亚加拉瀑布使它相形见绌,但这个占地14,350英亩的自然保护区有它吸引游人之处。// 除了三个呈阶梯式分布的瀑布和峡谷所呈现出的丰富自然景观外,还有令人叹为观止的岩石构造。//

Passage 1: 女士们、先生们,请跟我看黄石公园最壮观的景色之一:黄石公园大峡谷。大峡谷长37公里,深366米。你可看到黄石河穿梭在色彩缤纷的峡谷中。// 在峡谷的北面和南面,可观赏到截然不同的景色。你可以拍摄黄石公园壮丽的“下瀑布”。如果做好了运动的准备,可沿着小道往下走到瀑布底端。然后往上观看看倾泻而下的流水。// 峡谷南端是黄石湖,乃全世界最大淡水湖之一。不要去游泳,水太冷了!但是可以由“钓鱼桥”搭船游湖。慢慢地走走看看。在温泉区悠闲散步;// 在溪河旁寻找野生动物的踪迹;在大树下野餐;听野生动物的怒吼声;感觉溅在脸上的水花。公园为大家的福利及乐趣而建。祝大家玩得开心。//

Passage 2: 35当初,中国人刚刚知道远隔太平洋的彼岸有一个国家叫美利坚时,就给她起了一个最好的中国式的名字——美国,意思是“美丽的国度”。// 这样一个好名字,会使一个不了解美国的中国人对她也自然地产生好感。// 中国人熟知乔治·华盛顿、托马斯·杰斐逊和亚伯拉罕·林肯,也熟知独立战争、南北战争、珍珠港事件和美国人在二战中的杰出贡献。// 然而,考虑到朝鲜战争、越南战争,1972年中美上海联合公报等历史事件,中国人对美国的看法比对任何一个西方国家都显得更为复杂和富有变化。// Passage 1: Ladies and gentlemen,please follow me to one of the most spectacular sights of Yellowstone Park:the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone.It’s 37km long and 366 meters deep.You’ll see Yellowstone River winding through the colorful canyou.// Stop on both the south and north sides for different views.You may take pictures of Yellowstone’s magnificent Lower Falls.Or if you’re ready for some exercise,walk down the trail that leads to the bottom of the falls.Then look up at the plunging water.// South of the canyou lies Yellowstone Lake,one of the world’s largest freshwater lakes.Don’t plan on going for a dip—the water is too cold!But from Fishing Bridge you can take a boat excursion on the lake.Take your time exploring the park.Walk around the thermal areas.// Look for wildlife along rivers and streams.Have a picnic under a big tree.Listen to the wild roar and feel the spray on your face.The park was created for the benefit and enjoyment of all.Have a good time.//

Passage 2: When the Chinese first came to know that there was a country on the other side of the Pacific Ocean called the United States of America,they named it “Mei Guo”in Chinese,which literally means “beautiful country”.// A Chinese who happens to hear this name would have a positive image of America,even though he or she might have little knowledge of the country.// Since then,Chinese have become familiar with George Washington,Thomas Jefferson,and Abraham Lincoln,and with the American Revolution,the Civil War,the Pearl Harbor Incident and the outstanding service and sacrifice of the American people during the Second World War.// However,compared to other Western countries,Chinese images of the United States have shown greater complexity and inconsistency,in light of historical events such as the Korean War,the Vietnam War,and the Sino-US Shanghai Joint Communique in 1972.//



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