江西教师招聘面试英语说课稿:《A good read》5篇

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第一篇:江西教师招聘面试英语说课稿:《A good read》

江西教师招聘面试英语说课稿:《A good read》

Good morning/afternoon, my dear judges.I'm number 4.It's my great honor to have this opportunity to talk about my teaching ideas.Today my topic is “A good read”.My presentation consists of the following aspects.I Analysis of teaching materials This lesson is from Yilin-oxford press,volume two of grade 5,unit4.the main content of this unit is about book reading , though this lesson students can know the inportance of reading, this unit is meaningful to guide students develop a good reading habit.II Analysis of students Students in grade 8 have already learn english for many years, they can read and listen but they do not master the effective skills in listening , they have their own opinions ,but they are still shy to speak in english, so i will train their speaking and listening skills though different activities in the class.III Analysis of teaching aims According to the analysis of the teaching materials and my students, the teaching aim are as follows:(1)Knowledge aims: Students can get the main content of the dialogue though extensive listening.Students can get what book does daniel and sandy likes to read respectively.Students can master the scentence mattern “what are you doing ?” “what do you like to do?”(2)Ability aims: Students can know how to get the main idea by using extensive listening skills.Students can grasp the intensive listening skills in finding detailed information.Students can improve their speaking skills through dialuge and group discussion.(3)Emotional aims: Students can know the importance of reading and can develop a good habit of reading after learning this unit IV Analysis of teaching key points and difficult points According to the teaching aims , teaching key and difficult points are as follows key points: Scentence pattern: “-what are you doing ?-i am doing ” “-what do you like to do?-i’d like to do ”

Students can get main idea of listening material difficult points: Students can use the listening skills in finding different information of the listening material.Students can know the importance of reading and can try to develop a good reading habit.V Analysis of teaching methods and learning methods In order to realize the teaching aims and teaching key and difficult points effectively, i will use “task-based teaching method ” and “communicative teaching method”, let students to study in group discussion and coorperate with the classmates.VI Analysis of teaching aids In order to catch students’ attention, I will prepare multi-media and pictures.VII Analysis of teaching procedures Here comes to my most inportant part--analysis of teaching procedures.This part consist of five steps.Step1 warming up Firstly, i will show a group of mottos about book reading, then i will ask students to think what the mottos about.Then i will ask some students to share their own opinions, and i will summarize the topic of these mottos.by doing this, students’ attention and interest chould be aroused, and the topic of these mottos is related to the topic of this unit.Step2 pre-listening I will show some pictures of different book cover, and ask students what book classification does each book cover belong to, then i will tell them the book classification, and ask stuudents o discuss what kind of book do they like to read and why? After the hot discussion, i will ask some students to share.Finally i will tell students that there are two friends talking something about books too.The pictures of book cover and the questions is related to the the topic of the listening material.students can know something about book though these activities, which is helpful for students to understand the listening material.Step 3 while-listening In this step, i will play the tape twice.For the first time, i will ask students to have an extensive listening, and ask them a question “what are they talking about?” “How many kinds of books do they mentioned?” by this way, students can have a rough understanding of the listening material.Then, i will play the tape for the second time, ask students “what kind of book does daniel like to read and why?”“what kind of book does sandy like to read and why?” “ what does daniel and sandy read about respectively?” this time students should catch some detailed information and have a deep understanding to the listensing material.Though this way students’ listening ability can be trained.Step 4 post-listening After listening, i will ask students to imitate the dialuge in a real situation to practice the scentence pattern and their speaking ability.Then, Ask students to do a survey on “what do you like to read and why”in a group of four ,then choose some repoters to report.Finally,Ask students to have a discussion on why do we need to read in a group of four,then ask some of them to share their opinions.Though various activities, students can consolidate the knowledge of what they have learned.Students’ the wat of thinking can be expanded through this part.students can join in the class actively and be the host of the class.Step 5 summary and homework I will do a summary with students together by asking them questions, and tell students the importance of reading.By doing this , students;knowledge can be systematized.Ask students to choose his or her favourite book, introduce the book to the class and tell the class the reason why you choose it.The task is more meaningful and practical, it will inprove students’ interest of book reading.VIII Analysis of blackboard design



2013-06-25 19:41:18



1、使学生掌握介绍他人的句型:① Whoˊs this ?② This is..2、学习认读单词:grandfather , grandmother语言技能目标:①、使学生能够根据指令做动作。②、根据图片和情境说出单词和句子。③、在图文或场景下进行简单的英语交流和表演。情感态度目标:通过本课学习使学生有兴趣听、说英语、背歌谣,做游戏、敢干开口,乐于模仿,在鼓励性评价中树立信心在小组活动中积极参与合作,从而意识到交流对于学习英语的重要意义。充分利用教材和教师的多媒体教学所提供的学习资源,实现自由参与和创新,能主动与他人交流,并克服交流中的困难,使交际顺利进行。文化意识目标:能够恰当使用英语中家庭成员之间的称呼,问候语,了解英语国家中介绍他人的方式并对学生进行亲情教育。结合教学目标的要求,我把本课的重难点设置为

1、介绍他人的句型 This is ……





三、说课堂程序整个教学程序我采用了听、说、玩、演、唱一系列的教学活动,具体设计为热身——新知——趣味操练——巩固练习。Step1 课前热身1)电子琴伴奏演唱Father and mother 渲染课堂气氛2)出示组标并请四个学生到讲台前,背对学生戴上father , mother , brother , sister 的头饰,猜一猜他到底扮演的是哪一角色。3)检查上节课布置的对话表演。(小组活动)Step

2、新知导入1)教师把一张自己的家庭照片放在投影仪下并介绍This is a photo of my family.Whoˊs this? Do you know.自答:This is my father.为教学Whoˊs this 做准备,然后教师带着满脸疑惑反复用Who′s this? 询问照片中的其他人,这样一来Who′s this? 这一句式就会在情景中被输入。2)教师指着祖母的照片说This is my father′s mother.She′s my grandmother.然后指着爷爷的照片。反问Who′s that, do you know? Oh,自答She′s my grand father.板书三会单词并进行教学。3)每组学生拿着自己的家庭照在组内进行练习,然后选代表在班内介绍家人。Step 3.趣味操练1)玩比大小游戏:每组、每轮各派一名选手参赛,在讲台上抽出一张图片,根据图义说句子。This is my……说对的奖励小组小礼物一件,抽到爷爷、奶奶的加3分。抽到爸爸妈妈的加2分,抽到daugter, son ,sister, brother 加1分。几轮后统计得分,为获胜队颁奖。2)玩猜谜游戏:教师说:This is my father′s father 学生抢答;答对的奖励小礼物一件。学生也可说出This is my mother′s father。这个游戏可以让学生懂得英语中的gand father即表示爷爷也表示外公,grand mother 既可以表示奶奶也可以表示外婆。3)学生拿出自己准备的全家福玩听音指图游戏,教师发出指令,mother 学生即指出自己的妈妈并说:This is my mother.等等,每组都有必备答题和抢答题。4)组内合理分配家庭角色,然后小组出一人表演动作让表演人自行定小组猜,猜对小组有奖。Step 4.巩固补充1)作出一个chant Dad Dad father.Mum Mum mother.Grand pa Grand pa.Grand father.Grand ma Grand ma Grand mother.学会区分口语和书面语的小

区别,扩充了学生的知识面。2)教师给学生听一段串门的录音,然后创编并表演对话。Step 5.小结并布置任务 1)总结小组的战利品数目,学生掌声祝贺并鼓励未获胜小组下节课继续努力。为激活下节课气氛打下了基础。2)布置下节课任务,请学生用学过的单词称呼家庭成员并问好让爸爸妈妈用的数目评价学生优秀与否。最高3个为优,2个为良,1个为中。板书:略。









根据教材以及学生的特点,我制定了一下三个维度的教学目标: 【知识与能力】

结合注释解释全文大意,了解有关文言字词的读音及含义,如“嗜、辄、吝、褐、箪、汲、俦、觞、瓢、屡、娄、欤” 【过程与方法】









首先,我会给同学们3分钟,初读课文,结合注释了解文章大意。用PPT出示字词“嗜、辄、吝、褐、箪、汲、俦、觞、瓢、屡、娄、欤”,请学生读并解释,我来纠正。然后,我会提出一个问题:文章简述了五柳先生的哪些方面? 这是一个框架型问题,学生须在阅读时,对词句进行提炼和归纳,将本来互相渗透的内容归类,这个过程对于八年级的学生而言略有难度,但对语篇的提炼、归纳、总结能力是他们必须掌握的。通过这个环节,学生可对文章框架有了整体上的把握,为我们下一步从细节上深入做好了准备。(三)细读课文,深入研读

深入研读,意在通过文中的细节是如何支撑逻辑框架的,并且能够引导学生进一步整理文章中所描述的关于五柳先生的不同方面的表述,并探讨其背后的深意。因此,我会设置如下几个互相关联的问题: 1.“五柳先生”因何得名? 2.结合全文归纳:五柳先生有何爱好?他的生活状态又是怎样的? 3.五柳先生为什么“好读书,不求甚解”?读书难道不是应该读得明晰通透么? 4.摘取文中反映五柳先生思想志趣的词句。

5.根据我们以上的分析,总结一下:五柳先生是一位怎样的人? 这几个问题是从不同的角度出发,逐一分析,之后归纳总结出人物形象。通过这样一层层地铺垫,可减轻学生归纳人物形象的难度;其次,学生也可学习这种归纳思路,即分—总。(四)小组讨论,拓展延伸

本文语言上一大特点是多用否定句,如“先生不知何许人也,亦不详其姓字”“不慕荣利”“不求甚解”“家贫不能常得”“曾不吝情去留”“不蔽风日”“不戚戚于贫贱,不汲汲于富贵”,请大家以小组为单位,从文中找出这些否定句,想一想多用否定句有什么作用? 这属于开放型问题,答案比较抽象,学生理解起来也许有些困难,所以可以请学生以小组为单位进行讨论,然后出代表说明观点。在陈述观点时,只要有理有据即可。学生的不足之处,我会进行引导启发性纠正。通过这个环节,学生们对于本文的语言有了一定地认识,同时也为第二课时学习文言文知识做了一定地铺垫。






说课稿有很多,但是我们最终要的是掌握说课稿的形式,根据不同的内容进行有效的套用,才能够最快最有效的应对接下来的教师招聘面试,如果想了解更多的说课稿,可以寻找专业的易,公 教育老师进行指导!联系蒋老师








































● Good morning, my dear judges.I am No.28.I’m glad to interpret my teaching design here.The teaching content is Part A Read and write,Unit 2 of PEP Primary English, Grade 5.The topic of this unit is My favorite season.Now, I will explain the lesson from the following aspects.1.Firstly, let’s focus on the analysis of the teaching content.The lesson is a new period of Section A.It includes 2 parts: a passage and three related questions.In part 1,it is a converation ,and there are two persons talking about the season they like.In part 2,there are 3 questions,it mainly ask students to answer them after learning the passage carefully,and it can help the students review the knowledge of this lesson.2.Secondly, it is about the students.Our students are in Grade 5.They are active, curious, and interested in new things.And they have already mastered some basic English background knowledge after learning English for several years.So the teacher should attach importance to the communication with them, providing them the chances of using languages.3.Thirdly, I set the following aims.By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read, recognize, and use

these words:

And, these sentences:

By the end of the lesson,Ss can understand the passage and get useful information from the

passage through attentive listening and reading.Ss can use the target language to make a new conversation according to

the passage.In this lesson, the emotional aims are:

to foster Ss’ consciousness of good-cooperation and proper


to help Ss cultivate their abilities to analyze and solve problems

independently.to make sure that Ss can use the target languages correctly and skillfully.to develop Ss’ interests in English.The difficult points are:

The pronunciation of the new words and the use of the new sentences

4.Fourthly, it talks about teaching methods.In this lesson, I will mainly use “Task-based teaching method”, “Communicative language teaching method” ,“TPR teaching method”, and so on.5.Fifthly, let’s focus on the teaching procedures.I will finish the lesson in five steps.It will cost about 5 mins.After greeting with the Ss, I will begin the lesson by singing the song together with the Ss in order to help them form a better English learning surrounding ,and it provides situations to review the learnt knowledge for

the next step at the same time.It will cost about 15 mins.Firstly, after teaching the students the new words, I will encourage them to read the words by competition.We will praise the one who reads the fastest and the most accurate.Of course , I will never forget impart the knowledge of pronunciation rules in teaching the new words.And then, turn to page 18,let’s focus on the passage.And I will ask them to underline the key sentences of the passage at the same time.After learning the passage , I will let them read after me in order to make them read it fluently.And I check them to read it in pairs.And then, let them answer the following questions of the

passage.It will cost 10 mins, due to the Ss’ age, I set a situation of the seasons by showing some pictures on the blackboard to let the students describe.I ask them to focus on the passage again to draw the whole Ss’ attention to the understanding of the passage, and let them to find the desciption words about the seasons as quickly as possible.And then, I encourage

them to put up their hands to write their answers on the blackboard.It will cost 7 mins.In this step, I will give Ss a free space to show their abilities.I will show the pictures again, and then let them discuss the topic in groups ,and encourage some groups to show their ideas in front of the class.The activity is to develop Ss’ abilities of communication, and also, their abilities of cooperation will be well developed.Making a new dialogue is to check if Ss can use the target languages correctly and

skillfully.It will cost about 3 mins.In this step, I will guide the Ss to conclude what they learnt today and then , place the homework.6.Now, this is my blackboard design.That’s all for my teaching design.Thank you a lot for listening.(GONG)

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