
时间:2019-05-15 11:19:45下载本文作者:会员上传




Directions: Suppose your university is going to host a summer camp for high school students.Write a notice to 1)briefly introduce the camp activities, and 2)call for volunteers.Notice

June 20, 2014

To enrich extracurricular activities, our school intends to hold a summer camp for students from high school on July 6, 2015.The event will include English learning and basketball games.Thus, volunteers for this camp are badly needed to assist us in organizing the relevant affairs, including reception, distribution of documents, etc.Candidates must have adequate patience with the adolescents.Besides, the volunteers ought to have outstanding skills at English.Students who have previous experience as volunteers are preferred.Those who are interested in taking part in it may sign up with the monitor of their classes before June 30, 2014.投诉信

Direction: You just bought an English dictionary from a famous e-commerce site only to find it not as good as you expected.Write an email to the customer service center to

1)complain the poor quality of the dictionary, and

2)give reasons for your complaints.Dear Mr.Wang,(大家注意此处是逗号)

As a regular customer, I am writing this letter to complain about the quality of dictionary bought from the bookone.com.I ordered an Oxford Dictionary of Contemporary English a week ago.Apart from the delayed delivery, many pages in the dictionary are missing and some of the pages are reversed, which are totally unacceptable to me.I would like to get a refund or at least change it for a new one.And I trust that you will now consider this matter seriously and make an effort to prevent the recurrence of this kind.Yours sincerely,(逗号)

Li Ming(无符号,千万不要打点


Write a letter to your university canteen, making suggestions for improving its service.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET.Dear Sir or Madam,I am a student of our university, who often have meals in our canteen.Generally speaking, our canteen provides quite good food.However, I still have some suggestions for you to make our canteen more popular among students.To begin with, I wonder whether you could provide more varieties of food.We do not have many options when eating in our canteen now.To continue, some students have complained about the price of the food there, would you please lower it down?

I do hope to have a better canteen.And I would be highly grateful if you could take my suggestions into consideration.Yours sincerely,Li Ming


Write a letter inquiring a travel agency about the trip to Mount Huangshan.Some necessary details must be included.Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using “Li Ming” instead.Dear Sir or Madam,I would like to travel to Mount Huangshan this summer.I would be most grateful if you could send me information regarding the following aspects.First, my family will come with me.Therefore, I would like to know the details about this trip, such as the accommodation, the plans and the money it will cost.Besides, how do you deliver these materials to me? What’s the deadline before we make the final decision? How do I pay for you?

Thank you for your attention.I am looking forward to your immediate response.Yours sincerely,Li Ming



You want to apply for the following job: a personal secretary to the general manager, write a letter to Mr.Byron to:

1)show your interest,2)describe yourself, and

3)explain why you would be suitable for the job.Dear Mr.Byron,I am writing to apply for(求职)the position as the personal secretary to the general manager./(求学)(the opportunity for further study in your university).I am fully confident that I am the right candidate.To begin with, I major in secretary and will graduate from Peking University.I have a good academic performance in school and have been the top five students for four years in my grade.In addition, I am an open-minded, cooperative and ready-to-help girl.Enclosed is my resume to provide additional information.Thank you for your time and consideration.I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.Yours Li Ming


Directions: You find your study load is too heavy.Write a letter to your college teacher: 1)you need to withdraw from two courses,2)explain the reasons,3)ask if it is possible to obtain a refund.Dear Professor Smith,I am writing to formally request to withdraw from two courses: Introduction to Elementary Education and Teaching Methods.The main reason for reducing my course load is that I find it extremely difficult to manage six courses.Because I really have to work part time, I have no other choice but to decrease my course load.Besides, I would also like to request a tuition refund.I am sorry for any inconveniences I have caused by this change in plans.Thank you for your attention to these requests.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 82036600.I look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours Li Ming


Directions:Your friend Smith told you he had started his own business.Write a letter to him to congratulate him and give him some helpful suggestions.Dear Smith,I was happy to learn that you had opened your own firm and I would like to express my warmest congratulations.The final realization of your long-cherished dream should be attributed to your diligence, persistence and ambition.I am glad that your consistent pursuit of dream is rewarded now.As a good friend of you, I advise you to keep your ambition.Moreover, in response to challenges, please never overestimate the difficulties and underestimate your ability.Please accept my congratulations again.And I do believe you and your firm will achieve one success after another.Sincerely yours,Li Ming



You have just returned from a visit to a university in Great Britain.And you were warmly treated there by Professor Smith.Please write a letter to express your thanks to him for his hospitality.Dear Prof.Smith,I would like to thank you very much for your kind hospitality and the honor you showed me during my recent visit to your university.It was nice of you to introduce me so many of famous professors and celebrated scholars at your university.I feel obliged to you for the selfless assistance you render me.I appreciate it more than I can say.Finally, I wish I can have an opportunity to repay your kindness when you come to China in the near future.Again with many thanks.Sincerely yours,Li Ming



Write a memorandum of about 100 words to the student service department and ask them to fix a telephone for each dormitory.Your Memo should include:

(1)Your purpose.(2)The reasons.(3)Your sincere hope.Memo

Date: Aug.8, 2013

To: The leader of student service department

From: Li Ming

Subject: Telephone fixing

I would like to remind you that we are in need of a telephone for each dormitory.As university students, we need to cope with the daily increasing communications with teachers, friends and people outside the campus.We need a telephone to get and send message, which is important for us.Though most of us have mobile phones and e-mail address, a telephone in the dormitory is after all the most convenient and cheapest tool of communication.I hope that you will pay attention to this problem and solve it as soon as possible.


Harbin New Oriental School李海斌



Directions: you share with a room in the university with your classmate, because he always has friends to see him, brings your things without asking you and has a party in the room.Write a letter to your Accommodation Commission and require changing a new room next term.范文

Dear Sir or Madam,I, a student in the university, am formally writing the letter to you for the purpose of expressing my extreme complaints about my roommate.I must explain the reasons for my dissatisfaction.First of all, he has so many friends that they always come to visit him and disturb my studying.Secondly, because he always brings my things without asking me, I suffer from the pains of not finding them.Thirdly, he sometimes holds a party and never cleans the room.I will appreciate it if you could take actions to dispose it.I am looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Li Ming


弄坏了IPAD 范文

Dear friend,I, as your best friend, am cordially writing the letter to you for the purpose of expressing my apology for my mistake.I have always been cherishing this ipad as treasures.However, one day, I took this Ipad to home and then I put it on my studying table in my room when my mother was cleaning the room.As a consequence of my mother’s carelessness, she cleaned it on the floor.Unfortunately, its screen was broken.But I have bought a new one.If not possible, I am ready for any reasonable penalty.I felt sorry for any inconvenience and sadness I have caused.Yours sincerely,Li Ming


Directions: Four months ago, you got a job as an editor for a magazine.But now you find that the work is not what you expected.you decide to quit.Write a letter to your boss Mr.Wen:

1.tell him your decision to quit

2.give out your reasons, and

3.make an apology 范文

Dear Mr.Wen,I, as a staff of your company, am formally writing the letter to you for the purpose of quitting the job as an editor for a magazine.I have always been cherishing this job as treasures and appreciate the opportunity of having worked with you and other colleagues.However, there exist several reasons accounting for my leaving.First of all, my dream is that I can engage in my major that I learned in the university.Secondly, this job is beyond my ability to challenge.Thirdly, I want to further study to improve myself.I therefore decide to quit this job.Please accept my sincere apologies for any inconveniences my leaving may incur.Yours sincerely,Li Ming


Directions: give some advice to your library.范文

Dear Sir or Madam,I, a student in this university, am formally writing the letter to you for the purpose of putting forward some advice about my library.I can find no better suggestions other than the following two.For one thing, our library is so cold that some student studying here get a cold and therefore we should add the number of heaters.For another, in order to establish a better and more quiet studying environment, we should work out some rules to prohibit using mobile phones and talking with each other in the library.I will appreciate it if you could take my suggestions into consideration.I am looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Li Ming 推荐信(东西,事)

Iphone 5范文

Dear Sir or Madam,I, as you best friend, am happily writing the letter to you for the purpose of recommend a phone, Iphone5, to you as a result of its perfection.There exist several reasons accounting for my recommendation as follows.First of all, its appearance is concise and includes two colors: white and black.Secondly, some main popular functions, which involves QQ, Email, IE explorer and their like, is made into this kind of phone.Thirdly, its price is acceptable, which is a little higher than similar products in the market.I do hope that you can extract some time to buy it and I am sure that you will like it.I am looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Li Ming



China and America are holding cultural communication activity and exchanging students to study in the opposite country.Now write an email to the department concerned to apply for a foreign student to study in your home.范文

Dear Sir or Madam,I, a Chinese student, am sincerely writing the email to you for the purpose of applying for a foreign student to study at my home.I have been a dream of studying with a foreign student and I do hope that you can give me a chance to achieve my dream.There exist several reasons accounting for my application.First of all, I have a good knowledge of English and communicating in it flulently.Secondly, I can teach you Chinese culture and take you to Chinese museum to know about Chinese history.Thirdly, my home is near the school so we can walk to school.Thank you for taking my matter into consideration.I am looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Li Ming



You are a secretary of boss Mr.Wen.Next month your company will hold a conference about contemporary education reform in London on May 5th at 8:00.On behalf of your boss, write a letter to some people who take part in it invite them.范文

Dear Sir or Madam,I, on behalf of my boss Mr.Wen, am formally writing the letter to you for the purpose of inviting you to London at 8:00 on May 5th.We all know that you are busy but I do hope you can exert some time to take part in it.There are our plans as follows.First of all, we will discuss the problem in education.Secondly, we will study the directions of education.Thirdly, we will lead you to visit some schools.The conference may be ended on the plan.If convenient to you, would you please reply to let me know whether you can come or not? I am looking forward to meeting you on that day.Yours sincerely,Li Ming询问信

Directions: You want to study abroad at a certain university.Write a letter: 1.inquire about the situations there, and2.ask about qualifications,3.fees and accommodation 范文

Dear Sir or Madam,I, a Chinese student, am eagerly writing the letter to you for the purpose of asking for some information about your university.I have always been paying more attention to your university for these days.Would you provide some information as follows? First of all, could you tell me the situations there such as canteen, market and its like? Secondly, you had better give me some materials about qualifications.Thirdly, you can send some documents concerned about fees and accommodation.I will appreciate if very much if you could give me information that I want to know as soon a possible.I am looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Li Ming 感谢信


You will graduate from your university in July and you found that during four years in your university you friends and teachers made a lot of contributions to you.Now write a letter to your friends or teachers to express your thanks 范文

Dear my friend,I, as your best friend, am cordially writing the letter to you for the purpose of expressing my sincere appreciation for what you did for me before.I came across a trouble that I was stole by a thief when I was walking in the street and thereforeI have no money to support my daily study life in the university.However you contribute to my expense of me kindly for one month at the cost of saving your own allowance.If there were no your help, I would never have a happy life.I will remember it forever.I do hope that I can have a chance to meet you and I miss you from the bottom of my heart.I am looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Ming

报告*** 注意格式


I, _______, have been doing the research about______(主题)for _______(时间)and summarize the important points as follows.First of all, _______(结果—危害);Secondly, ________(结果—危害);Thirdly;__________(结果—危害).I suggest that some effective measures should be taken to _______/some laws and regulations should be worked out to _______ and some people should be educated to ______.关于汽车购买的报告

1. 买进口汽车的人越来越多 2. 买进品豪华车的人也在增多


1.中产阶级家庭不能支付现有税收 2.高收入家庭纳税很少 告示


The Students’ Union of your department is planning a Chinese Speaking Contest.Write an announcement/Notice(通知)which covers the following information: 1)the purpose of the contest, 2)time and place of the contest, 3)what is required of the candidates, 4)details of the judges and awards.You should write about 100 words.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use Department of Chinese Language and Literature at the end of the announcement.Chinese-Speaking Contest

To improve students’ ability to speak Chinese and enrich after-class activities, the Students’ Union of Department of Chinese Language and Literature is organizing a school-wide Chinese-speaking contest to be held on Saturday next week(14 January)at the Students’ Auditorium.Those who are interested in taking part in it may sign up with the monitor of their classes before Tuesday next week.Five professors will be invited to be judges.The first six winners will begiven awards.Everybody is welcome to be present at the contest.The Students’ Union

Department of Chinese Language and Literature


For the purpose of doing __________, we will hold __________ at ________(地点)on __________(月日,年).There are our plans as follows.First of all, ____________.Secondly, ___________.Thirdly, _____________.Everybody is welcomed to be present at _______(地点)

The Students’ Union


For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an announcement to welcome students to join to a club.You should write at least 120 words following the outline

given below:

1.本社团的主要活动内容 2.参加本社团的好处 3.如何加入本社团

Welcome to English Club

Welcome to English Club!It could serve as a platform to show your outstanding abilities and help you develop a range of great skills.You can be involved in a variety of activities including staging musicaldramas, holding group discussions, watching Oscar-winning movies, and so on.These after-class activities could offer you ample opportunities.First, your active participation is helpful to strengthening the sense of responsibility and managing interpersonal relations.Second, various activities organized by us could raise your level of proficiency in English.A good command of English empowers you to enjoy decided competitive edge over your peers.You can entries is January 22.Come on, join us now!

English Club


Directions: You are the president of a company.Write a memo Percy Shelley, the Vice President on the employee’s training on computer: The need to train the employeesDetailed informationAsk him to write a plan

To: Percy Shelley(某人), Vice President(职务)From: Li Ming(某人), President(职务)Subject: Computer Training of the Staff Date: January 10, 2010

As we discussed earlier this week, I agree with you that our firm is faced up with problem of the high rate of computer illiteracy of the staff.We need to make up a plan for training our employees in the new field.I would like you to design our own in-house computer-training program.We had better classify the employees and put them through the program for training in turn.Write up a brief proposal, describing what you think the program should cover.Assume the class runs four hours a week for eight weeks.Also, assume people have no prior computer knowledge or any formal coursework in computer.今年的重点:


Directions: You bought a new electronic dictionary from the supermarket three days ago, but now you find that the content of dictionary isn’t what you want to have.In addition, its functions are suit for what the assistant told you.Now write an email to Manager Mr.Wen to express your complaints and require changing a new one.Dear Mr.Wen,I, a customer buying an electronic dictionary three days ago, am formally writing the email to you for the purpose of expressing my extreme complaints about your service and your products.I must explain several reasons for my dissatisfaction.First of all, the content of dictionary is insufficient, not including the Oxford and Longman dictionary.Secondly, some functions are not useful and they are fit for what your assistants said.Thirdly, this electronic dictionary is higher

than it is worth.I will appreciate it very much if you could change a new type one.I am looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Li Ming


Directions: Some international department concerned is organizing the activity that China and America can exchange students to study and live in the respective country.Write the email to it and apply for a foreign student to study in your home.询问信

Directions: You want to study abroad at a certain university.Write a letter: 1.inquire about the situations there, and2.ask about qualifications,3.fees and accommodation 范文

Dear Sir or Madam,I, a Chinese student, am eagerly writing the letter to you for the purpose of asking for some information about your university.I have always been paying more attention to your university for these days.Would you provide some information as follows? First of all, could you tell me the situations there such as canteen, market and its like? Secondly, you had better give me some materials about qualifications.Thirdly, you can send some documents concerned about fees and accommodation.I will appreciate if very much if you could give me information that I want to know as soon a possible.I am looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Li Ming








非正式:(一般不考)——It depends

呼语: 特定的写信对象:Dear XX

不明确收信人:Dear Sir/Madam, or To Whom It May Concern




1)建议信:2007年及2009年Part A真题及解析。


Dear„/To Whom It May Concern,第一段: 写信目的,自我介绍,赞扬在先,仍需改进;

第二段: 建议细节;

第三段: 期望改进,表示感谢。

Yours sincerely,Li Ming

B.2007年Part A 真题及解析(建议信)


Write a letter to your university library, making suggestions for improving its service.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use “Li Ming” instead.Do not write the address.To Whom It May Concern,I am a student in this university who regularly comes to the library to spend my spare time.Generally speaking, the services you offer here are quite good;however, I have some suggestions for you to adopt.And I would like to extend my greatest appreciation if you are so kind as to take my suggestions into consideration.To begin with, will you please prolong the time for reading? In the daytime, most of the students are having classes, so they can’t come to the library.Moreover, some of the books on shelves are out of date.If you are so kind as to provide us some books such as the latest magazines, we will be very pleased.I really wish to have a more comfortable library.Thank you for your time and consideration.Yours sincerely,Li Ming


Dear XX/To Whom It May Concern,I am xxx who„.Generally speaking, the services you offer here are quite good;however, I have some suggestions for you to adopt.To begin with,„建议一;Moreover, „建议二。

Thank you for your time and consideration.And I would like to extend my greatest appreciation if you are so kind as to take my suggestions into consideration.Yours sincerely,Li Ming







非正式:(一般不考)——It depends

呼语: 特定的写信对象:Dear XX

不明确收信人:Dear Sir/Madam, or To Whom It May Concern







Dear XX/To Whom It May Concern,第一段: 自我介绍,陈述事由,提出建议;

第二段: 投诉细节(补救细节);

第三段: 期待改进。

Yours sincerely,Li Ming


Dear XX/To Whom It May Concern,I am xxx who….I am writing to express my dissatisfaction/disappointment about…(投诉信).具体事由.To improve the situation, it is advisable for you to take the following measures.To begin with,…细节一;Moreover, …细节二。

We trust that you will now consider this matter seriously and make an effort to prevent the recurrence of this kind.Yours sincerely,Li Ming







非正式:(一般不考)——It depends

呼语: 特定的写信对象:Dear XX

不明确收信人:Dear Sir/Madam, or To Whom It May Concern






Dear…,第一段: 表明写信目的:道歉,阐述道歉原因;

第二段: 提出解决方法;

第三段: 再次道歉。

Yours sincerely,Li Ming

B.2008 Part A 真题及解析(致歉信):


You have just come back from Canada and found a music CD in your luggage that you forgot to return to Bob, your landlord there.Write him a letter to

1)make an apology, and

2)suggest a solution.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not sign your own name at the den of the letter.Use “Li Ming” instead.Do not write the address.Dear Bob,I am writing to express my apology to you.Several days ago, I borrowed your music CD when I lived in your house.Unfortunately, after I came back from Canada, I found it in my luggage.I was in such a hurry that I forgot to return it to you.I will send it to you by post or express as soon as possible.If necessary, I will compensate for any troubles it may cause.Once again, I feel so sorry for any inconvenience caused.Please accept my apologies.Sincerely yours,Li Ming


Dear xx,I am writing to apologize to you for my failing to ….道歉理由。

Excuse me for my carelessness in making such a mess.To make up for the inconvenience caused, I would like to...补偿一。补偿二。

Once again, I feel so sorry for any inconvenience caused.Please accept my apologies.Sincerely yours,Li Ming







非正式:(一般不考)——It depends

呼语: 特定的写信对象:Dear XX

不明确收信人:Dear Sir/Madam, or To Whom It May Concern




4)辞职信:2005年Part A真题及解析(辞职信)。





Sincerely yours,Li Ming

B.2005年part a 真题及解析(辞职信):


Two months ago you got a job as an editor for the magazine design and fashion.but now you find that the work is not what you expected.You decide to quit.Write a letter to your boss, Mr.Wang,Telling him your decision, stating your reason(s), and making an apology.Write your letter with no less than 100 words.Write it neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter;use “Li Ming” instead.You do not need to write the address.Dear Mr.Wang,I am writing this letter to apologize that I will quit the position as an editor of your magazine for the reason of myself.Two months ago, I was accepted by the design and fashions as a member of it.I was deeply impressed by the kindness, diligence of all staff members around me.But during the span of working here, I have come to realize that the job probably is not suitable for me because I want a more peaceful life, such as a teacher.And you know that I am not an outgoing girl.I find that I am not able to devote all my efforts to a job which I do not really like.So I am awfully sorry to tell you my decision to quit.Please accept my apology.Yours sincerely,Li Ming


Dear XX,I am writing this letter to apologize that I will quit the position as …(职位)for the reason of myself.During the span of working here, I was deeply impressed by the kindness, diligence of all staff members around me.But I have come to realize that the job probably is not suitable for me because…理由(兴趣爱好专业)。

So I am awfully sorry to tell you my decision to quit.Thank you very much for offering the opportunity to with an outstanding staff here.Please accept my apology.Yours sincerely,Li Ming







非正式:(一般不考)——It depends

呼语: 特定的写信对象:Dear XX

不明确收信人:Dear Sir/Madam, or To Whom It May Concern









Yours sincerely,Li Ming


Dear Li Gang,I was really shocked and saddened to hear of your unhappy experience in the earthquake.There is little that anyone can say or do at a time like this to ease your grief, but I would express my deepest sympathy.In the next day or so you will receive a little package from me.I hope you like it, and that it will be useful at your present moment.What’s more, please don’t hesitate to contact me if there is anything else I can do now and always.I do hope you will soon get well again and be able to come back to school.Be assured of my availability and eagerness to help in any way I can.Yours sincerely,Li Ming


Dear XX,I was really shocked and saddened to hear of….There is little that anyone can say or do at a time like this to ease your grief, but I would express my deepest sympathy.In the next day or so you will receive a little package from me.I hope you like it, and that it will be useful at your present moment.What’s more, please don’t hesitate to contact me if there is anything else I can do now and always.I do hope you will soon get well again.Be assured of my availability and eagerness to help in any way I can.Yours sincerely,Li Ming

Dear XX,I was really sorry to hear of….I wish there were something I could say or do to….In the next day or so you will receive a little package from me.I hope you like it, and that it will be useful at your present moment.What’s more, please don’t hesitate to contact me if there is anything else I can do now and always.I do hope you will soon get well again.Be assured of my availability and eagerness to help in any way I can.Yours sincerely,Li Ming







非正式:(一般不考)——It depends

呼语: 特定的写信对象:Dear XX

不明确收信人:Dear Sir/Madam, or To Whom It May Concern










Yours sincerely,Li Ming


Dear Zhang Jian,I am just as proud as you can be of you and send my sincerest congratulations on your admission to Beijing University as a postgraduate.During the past four years, you kept improving and devoted yourself into your major study.I am delighted that the four years of your study has been rewarded in this way.It is obvious that you will have a promising future in front of you.Congratulations again.I wish you will make great achievement in you future study and life.I am looking forward to hearing more good news in your studies and research work.Yours sincerely,Li Ming


Dear XX,I am just as proud as you can be of you and send my sincerest congratulations on….During the past four years, you kept improving and devoted yourself into….I am delighted that the four years of your effort has been rewarded in this way.It is obvious that you will have a promising future in front of you.Congratulations again.I wish you will make great achievement in you future study and life.I am looking forward to hearing more good news in your studies and research work.Yours sincerely,Li Ming







非正式:(一般不考)——It depends

呼语: 特定的写信对象:Dear XX

不明确收信人:Dear Sir/Madam, or To Whom It May Concern






Dear…, 发出邀请;



Yours sincerely,Li Ming


Dear Professor Wang,It is my honor to inform you that there is a “Culture Festival” held in mu school.Would you like to give us an excellent lecture on Psychology in the auditorium of our campus at 6:30 P.M., Sept.13th?

Since psychology has caused more and more concerns among the students, and you are an expert in the area, we all expect your acceptance and your wonderful lecture.I very much hope that you will accept the invitation.And I am looking forward to hearing back from you.Yours sincerely,Li Ming


We are having a farewell party/a gather together/meeting/seminar in(place)on(date)at(time).Would you like to come?(不太正式)

It is my honor to inform you that there is an academic meeting in(place)on(date)at(time).We would be too glad to invite you as…(正式)

I very much hope that you will accept the invitation.And I am looking forward to hearing back from you.感谢信






非正式:(一般不考)——It depends

呼语: 特定的写信对象:Dear XX

不明确收信人:Dear Sir/Madam, or To Whom It May Concern






Dear…, 表示感谢;



Yours sincerely,Li Ming


Dear Jim,I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude.I am referring to that unfortunate accident the other day, when I was knocked off my bike by a taxi.If it had not been for your timely assistance in giving me first aid, I fear that the Consequences might have been much more serious.Everyone agrees that it was your quick-witted response in that emergency that has led to this satisfactory outcome.Although nowadays people in mounting numbers talk about the need to be unselfish, we see very few people practice what they preach.If there were more people like you, this world would be a much nicer place.Yours sincerely,Li Ming


Dear Jim,I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude.I am referring to….If it had not been for your timely…, I fear that ….Everyone agrees that it was your quick-witted response and kindness that has led to this satisfactory outcome.Although nowadays people in mounting numbers talk about the need to be unselfish, we see very few people practice what they preach.If there were more people like you, this world would be a much nicer place.(或回报,再次感谢)

Yours sincerely,Li Ming







非正式:(一般不考)——It depends

呼语: 特定的写信对象:Dear XX

不明确收信人:Dear Sir/Madam, or To Whom It May Concern




9)申请信:2006年Part A 真题及解析(申请信&请求信:工作,求学,奖学金)






Yours sincerely,Li Ming

B.2006年Part A真题及解析(申请信&请求信)


You want to contribute to Project Hope by offering financial aid to a child in a remote area.Write a letter to the department concerned, asking them to help find a candidate.You should specify what kind of child you want to help and how you will carry out your plan.Write your letter in no less than 100 words.Write it neatly on ANSWER SHEET2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter, use“Li Ming”instead.Do not write the address.(10points).To Whom It May Concern,I am writing this letter to you to ask if there is a child in need of financial sponsorship through the Hope Foundation。

I am willing to give financial aid to those children who have not had a chance to receive education in poverty-stricken area.I would like to help two kinds of children:first ,those who do not have a stable source which can cover their education fees, and second, those whose academic performance in school is excellent.I have decided to commit myself to save the necessary financial aid required to accomplish my goal.I would also like to be kept informed as to the academic progress of each student every term.I have not doubt(There is not doubt)that I meet the criteria required for a sponsor and look forward to hearing from you.Thank you for your consideration.Yours sincerely,Li Ming


I learnt from the newspaper that you want an accountant and I would like to apply for the job.I am writing to apply for

Enclosed is my resume to provide additional information about my undergraduate work.I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss further how my qualifications meet the needs of your organization.Thank you for your time and consideration







非正式:(一般不考)——It depends

呼语: 特定的写信对象:Dear XX

不明确收信人:Dear Sir/Madam, or To Whom It May Concern






第一段: 写信目的,指出写信人和被推荐人的关系;

第二段: 推荐原因(品质,能力,性格等):多写优点肯定成绩;

第三段: 总结说明被推荐人值得被推荐(例如能胜任某项工作)。


Dear sir/ Madam,It is with great pleasure that I recommend to you Zhang Jian, an outstanding graduate majoring in Business Administration.I have been in charge of Mr.Zhang’s class since they were freshmen, so I know his well.He is courteous, sincere and hardworking.He took several courses in computer science, which strengthened his administration ability.And his excellent communication ability and a good command of English add a lot to his managerial skills.I believe Zhang Jian is the right person for the position as an administrator in your company.I recommend him without reservation and believe you will find him a helpful and responsible staff member.Yours sincerely,Li Ming







非正式:(一般不考)——It depends

呼语: 特定的写信对象:Dear XX

不明确收信人:Dear Sir/Madam, or To Whom It May Concern






Dear …,自我介绍,表明写信目的是咨询某事;



Yours sincerely,Li Ming






日期---标题下一行右侧(Jan.7, 2012)


第一段: 通知目的;

第二段: 具体信息;

第三段: 联系方式、表示欢迎。



Jan.7, 2012

In order to improve students’ ability, the Postgraduate Association is recruiting volunteers for a conference about globalization which will be held in the coming May.To begin with, the volunteers are requested to speak English fluently and are expected to be active and open-minded.Furthermore, the volunteers will be trained for 5 days and therefore the senior students with more free time are preferred.Anyone who is interested with it please contact us, and send your resume to the email address: 123456@163.com



Dear editor/Prof./Dr./Sir or Madam To whom it may concern post:海报

a welcome speech:欢迎词 lost:寻物

found:招领announcement / bulletin:公告

notice: 通告/启示contribution/teachers/volunteers wanted:招聘


On behalf of…, I am now writing these few lines to extend my sincere gratitude for… I would like you to know how much your meant to me.I appreciate greatly your aid, if it had not been for your assistance in…, I fear that I would have been done …

Everyone agrees that it was you who……/It is said that your…that I would arrive at such splendid achievements/enjoy such a wonderful trip.You have a positive genius for…… I will never forget your painstaking labor and full cooperation/warm hospitality/hope and encourage in my life.I hope to have the opportunity of reciprocating.With this letter I would also like to formally invite you to……, I will feel very honored and pleased if you would come.I am looking forward to hosting you/seeing you next time.Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you!Words fail me when I want to express my sincere gratitude to you.Please accept my gratitude and give my kind regards to your family.2、询问信(请求信)

I am……, and I am now writing these few lines to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding……

The reasons for my urgent need of…are as following:

At the present, I am doing……and I intend to…… Therefore, I would be very obliged if you would kindly furnish me with details concerning……I would like to request/inquire……Other than that, I also would also like to inquire/request…… I feel terribly sorry for any inconvenience I have caused.Could you be so kind as to send me an e-mail on the above-mentioned aspects? Thank you for your kindness and your prompt attention to this letter will be highly appreciated.3、祝贺信

Good news travels fast!It was delightful for me to hear that…… I would like to extend to you my utmost congratulations(on…..).You must be…… And I feel very happy for you.……is quite exciting news!I know this is surely owing to your … It is a reward/an honor you richly deserve for your…… I have been watching your progress with admiration all the years, and I know more than anyone else how much effort you have put in.Now you prove to me a matured and well-rounded in every respect.Judging from your current success, I am confident that in the future you will go further.May all the years ahead fulfill your dreams and all go beautifully in your future life!


I am excessively sorry to apologize to you for my failing to…… Now, I am writing you this letter of apology to show my deep regret.Please accept my sincere apology.I hope you will understand me and excuse me for……

The reason is that……I had no way out because…… Therefore it is not in my power to 结果。I am sorry that I cannot finish… in time, naturally, I want to suggestthat I make up the loss(by…)…… If so, I will put everything else aside to…/ I would be very obliged if you will kindly write and tell me when and where you…… We may meet again and I hope to see you soon.Once again, I feelterribly sorry for any inconvenience I have caused.I do hope that you can understand my situation and accept my apology.5、投诉信

I am …… I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about……

The causes for my dissatisfaction lie upon three points as following: In the first place, …… In addition, …… Under these circumstances, I find it difficult to……

I am sure that you are able to thoroughly understand my discontent, which you are bound to replace with a satisfactory solution.Before I take any further action, I do hope you will address it promptly and swiftly.Thank you for your time and kind consideration.6、申请信

I am writing to apply for…… Here is my personal information for you./Here are reasons for my application If my application could be taken into favorable consideration, I would be very obliged.Enclosed are my score reports on all subjects and two recommendations.Should you grant me an interview, I would be most grateful.And I am looking forward to hearing from you at the earliest possible moment.7、邀请信

There will be a party/conference at/in…on…(in order to do sth.).It would be pleasant/honored to have you here.The occasion will start at…… During the party/conference, we will have lots of activities you will be interested in.This will be followed by a…….In addition, there will be…… I am sure you will enjoy a good time.I really hope you can make it.The conference/party would not be complete without you!I would feel honored by your presence.RSVP before最后期限。


With reference to your requirements, it affords me much pleasure to recommend… to you.As his…, I found him……

His performance in the school years was outstanding.First, he had been and showed great talents in… In addition, he has a very pleasant personality.He has developed a strong sense of…, and working with him is always…… I can state that he has all the qualities of being…/ I support his application without reserve.Therefore, I here recommend him to you with all my heart, I again apply myself to convincing you that he is the right candidate.I am sure that his future conduct/academic work will prove worthy of your confidence.I hope the above information will help you to know him clearly.If you need any further information about his qualification, please don’t hesitate to contact me at any time.I look forward to hearing from you at the earliest possible moment.9、求职信/辞职信

①I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in……

Not only do I have the qualifications for this job, but I also have the right personality for a…… I am a senior student from… University, majoring in…… Under the influence of the courses I have taken, I develop a special interest in … Moreover, I have attended a fair knowledge and experience in this field due to my internship at… It seems to me that all those have prepared me ideally for the role of… in such a company as yours.I again apply myself to convincing you that I am the right candidate.I am sure that my future conduct/academic work will prove worthy of your confidence.I hope the above information will help you to know me clearly.If you need any further information about me, please don’t hesitate to contact me at any time at 1234567.Thank you for considering my application, should you grant me an interview, I will be very obliged.I look forward to hearing from you at the earliest possible moment.① I am writing these lines to inform you about my decision to resign from my current position.I have enjoyed working with you and the staff.You have given me plenty of help and encouragement.The primary reason is/reasons are as follows…….: I will be able to stay on through the summer and help you find a replacement for my position.Thank you for all the patience, and experience that you shared with me.I will always remember my time with 公司名 with great affection, and hope to work with you and the staff again in the future.I feel terribly sorry for the inconvenience I have caused.I sincerely hope that you approve of my resignation.10、公告

①……is on from Monday through Friday this week.Your presence is appreciated and your comments are solicited.Please be punctual.It is announced that…be cancelled.Further notice will be made for its makeup./ The meeting scheduled to take place 时间 is postponed until further notice.② ……is looking for 10 teachers.Applicants should have a strong professional spirit and a good command of English.Location: Beijing

Education: University graduate Requirements: Candidate must have outstanding skills at… and the ability to speak English fluently.The candidates must have Chinese nationality and be aged under 35.Those with relevant professional experience are preferred.Contracts: Candidates should send their resume, cover letter, record of formal schooling and a copy of their transcripts, along with 2-inch photos to: / Interested applicant please forward resume to: 地址或是联系方式 E-mail address:……

③ I beg to apply for one week’s leave for absence from 15th to 21st

instant, in order to do…… I should be very obliged if you would grant my application.As regards … to be missed during my absence, I will do my best to make up for them as soon as I get back.④Here is a good news for you.The Russian National Bullet Troupe, which is now on a visit in Beijing, will give a performance in the National Theater tomorrow evening.I am sure you will be happy to watch it.Here I leave you an admission card.The performance will begin at seven o’clock sharp.I will expect you at the theater entrance.Please let me know if you are prevented from coming.



Dear Sir or Madam,I feel sorry to trouble you but I am afraid I have to make a complaint about the quality of ____ I bought last Friday at your webstore.During the five days , the camera has been in my possession , problems have emerged one after another.For one thing , ____.For another , ____.Therefore , I wish to exchange it for another __or declare a refund.I would like to have this matter settled by the end of sunday.I will appreciate it very much if my problem receives due attention.Yours sincerely ,Li Ming 邀请信:邀请赴宴

On Tuesday , November 24th , we are planning to have a reception to celebrate the anniversary of our department and want to invite you to be the guest of honor on this occasion.We shall all be delighted and honored if you can find time to spend one day with us.I will send further details as soon as I hear from you.I hope that you will accept this invitation.Presented in the picture above is a young man who is doing sth.Examining the picture further , we will find that the hills are marked as.….订购信/询问信:

Directions: You are going to take part in the TOEFL and want to get some reference materials.Write a letter of no less than 100 words to a bookstore to ask for several kinds of materials you want.Dear Sir or Madam, I will take TOEFL this June and quality preparation materials are essential to success in the test.I wonder if you have the following reference materials in your bookstore: a)a vocabulary book covering the 9000 words for TOEFL;b)original test and simulated test papers with keys;c)model essays;d)a Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.By the way, how do you deliver these materials to me? How fast can they be delivered after you receive my subscription? How do I pay you?

Yours truly,Wang Hua


Directions: You are a Business English major due to graduate from Beijing University in June 2010.Write a letter of no less than 100 words to apply for a position of secretary in a company which requires the candidate master fluent English and good computer skills.Introduce yourself, ask for an interview and give you contact information in the end.Dear Sir or Madam, I am applying for the position of secretary advertised in Beijing Today.I majored in Business English.My training in Business English and Secretarial English will definitely meet your qualifications.I’ll graduate form Beijing University in June 2010.In addition to the required courses of my major, I’ve studied Computer as my second major.I’ve also had a part-time job as a secretary in a company for 2 years.I am confident that my qualifications and experience make me suitable for this position.I have enclosed a complete resume for detailed information.I hope you will consider me for this position.Please reach me by telephone 139……

Yours sincerely,Wang Hua


Directions: The Dean of the English Department knows that Prof.Robin is a famous scholar in British literature.As his assistant, you are asked to write a formal letter to Prof.Robin, inviting him for a short-term visit and to give a lecture.Write the letter with no less than 100 words.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use “Wang Hua(Dean of the English Department)” instead.Do not write the address.Dear Prof.Robin, I am writing on behalf of the English Department to invite you to give a lecture in our college.We know that you are an expert on British literature.We would be very grateful if you could give a lecture on “Contemporary British Literature” to the English Department on Sunday, April 8.If this subject does not suit you, any other similar topic would be welcome as well.If it is convenient for you, would you please drop me a line to let me know whether you can come or not? We could be looking forward to the opportunity to benefit from your experience and wisdom.Sincerely yours,Wang Hua

Dean of the English Department 感谢信:送礼物的感谢

Directions: You have just celebrated your birthday and your university classmate Jack has sent you an MP3 as the gift for your birthday.Write a letter to express your thanks to him.Write the letter with no less than 100 words.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use “Wang Hua” instead.Do not write the address.Dear Jack, I am writing to express my sincere thanks for the MP3 you sent to me as my birthday gift last Sunday.How considerate and wonderful of you to remember my birthday.It’s one of the most wonderful gifts I’ve ever got and I like it very much.You have a positive genius for selecting the right gift!The four years I spent with you at university has always been the most pleasant period in my life.I will cherish this memory forever.How nice it would be to see you again.I am looking forward to getting lots of use out of your thoughtful and practical birthday gift.祝贺信:

Directions: Write a letter to your best friend Li Ming, congratulating him on accepting admission to a postgraduate program.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use“Wang Hua”instead.Do not write the address.Dear Li Ming, I am writing to convey my warm congratulations on your admission to a postgraduate at Beijing University.I must say that I was not surprised to hear this good news.I know that you have been desirous of furthering your study in a prestigious university and how industrious and perseverant you have always been in order to realize this dream.I am delighted that the four years of your hard work has finally been rewarded in this way.It is obvious that you will have a wide-open future ahead of you.Congratulations again.I wish you all the best in your future life and study.Sincerely, Li Ming


Directions: You are asked to write a recommendation letter of your student, Li Ming, for a position of administrator in a company.Address it to the manager and express your reason(s)clearly。

Write the letter with no less than 100 words.Do not sign your own name at the letter.Use “Wang Hua” instead.Do not write the address.Dear Sir or Madam, It is with great pleasure that I recommend to you Li Ming, an outstanding graduate majoring in Business Administration。

I have been in charge of Mr.Li's class since they were freshmen, so I know him well.He is courteous, sincere and hardworking.He took several courses in computer science, which strengthened his administration ability.And also his excellent communication ability and good command of English add a lot to his managerial skills。

I believe Mr.Li's education and character undoubtedly qualify him to serve as an administrator in your company.I recommend him without reservation and believe you will find him a helpful and responsible staff member。

Sincerely yours,Wang Hua


Directions: Write a note to Prof.Li, appointing a time for a discussion about the first draft of your graduate paper.Do not sign your own name at the end of the note.Use “Wang Hua” instead.Dear Prof.Li, Could I see you sometime next week? I'd like to know your comments on the first draft of my graduate paper before I begin my second one.I am writing about the features of Romanticism Literature in English, which was mentioned in your English literature class and was inspired by your remarks in one of those classes.I believe through your instruction I could have a deeper insight into this subject.Could you please fix a time(I am free on Monday and Tuesday afternoon as well as Thursday and Friday)and leave a message for me with the Secretary at the Department Office? Thank you。

Sincerely yours,Wang Hua


Directions: Your friend Lucy asked you for some information about successful interview.Write a letter of no less than 100 words to give her some advice.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use “Wang Hua” instead.Do not write the address.Dear Lucy, You asked me for some advice on how to prepare for a successful interview and I will try to offer some useful suggestions.First of all, find out all the information you can about the company before you go to the interview.Secondly, practice your answers to common questions and make a list of questions to ask, too.It will make you feel more confident and relaxed.Thirdly, try to make the best impression: dress appropriately, sell your strengths, arrive early, be enthusiastic, shake hands firmly, be an active listener, sit up straight and maintain eye contact.Finally, do not forget to say “thank you” after the interview。

I hope you will find these suggestions helpful.Good Luck!

Sincerely yours,Wang Hua


Directions : You are a college student and want to get an editorial position with a newspaper.Write a letter to Prof.Li, who is your teacher this semester, to ask him to write a recommendation letter for you to the newspaper to state your condition.Write the letter with no less than 100 words.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use “Wang Hua” instead.Do not write the address.Dear Prof.Li, I am writing to you for a letter of recommendation.I hope you could still remember me, Wang Hua, a student in your class this semester.My final paper received an A from you.I have applied for an editorial position with a newspaper office, which asks for three letters of recommendation.I would be very much obliged if you could write one for me.It will be better if the letter includes your understanding of my aptitude for writing and editing.My enclosed resume is for your reference in writing the letter.Please use the attached stamp, envelope and address to mail your letter directly to the office.Thank you again for your time on this matter.Sincerely yours,Wang Hua


Directions: You were unable to attend Mr.Smith’s examination on International Business English Writing because you got sick that morning.Write a letter to express the reasons for not being able to attend it andapologize.Write the letter with no less than 100 words.Do not sign your own name at end of the letter.Use “Wang Hua” instead.Do not write the address.Dear Mr.Smith, I am indeed very sorry that I missed the examination on International Business English Writing you gave last Friday.I feel awful about it and want you to know what happened that day.I suddenly fell sick early that morning and my parents had to send me to the hospital.Please find enclosed a copy of the medical bill.I sincerely hope you can understand my situation and accept my apology.I would appreciate your allowing me to take a make-up examination.I will come to your office during your office hour on Monday to discuss this possibility with you.Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience caused.Sincerely yours,Wang Hua



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