
时间:2019-05-15 03:33:52下载本文作者:会员上传


主持人 郭卫民:


2012-08-10 10:12:58



From CCTV.In the first half of this year, China’s investment in ASEAN countries grew as much as 34%, what are the reasons behind? What’s your assessment on the overall investment by China in ASEAN countries? Do you think this fast growth of Chinese investment in ASEAN countries can continue in the near future?

2012-08-10 10:13:13



In my briefing on the 10th anniversary of China-ASEAN Framework Agreement on comprehensive economic cooperation, I have highlighted that Chinese investment in ASEAN countries has enjoyed rapid development in those 10 years.For example, by the end of 2011, China’s investment in ASEAN countries in non-financial sectors stood at $17.3 billion, and it will reach $18.8 billion by the end of this year.Among them, over 70% of Chinese investments in ASEAN countries were made after the year 2008.And Chinese investment in ASEAN countries in this year also enjoyed rapid development—grew by as much as 34.4%.In particular, China’s investment in Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand enjoyed substantial growth.2012-08-10 10:13:47



There are several reasons behind this fast investment growth.First, after 30+ years of reform and opening up in China, Chinese companies have accumulated experience and resources in terms of finance, technology, management as well as standards.Now they have the advantages and now they are in the position to expand overseas.2012-08-10 10:16:04

高虎城: 第二,从政府管理和服务方面,中国政府顺应企业国际化经营需求,重视推动企业“走出去”开展境外投资合作,相关政府管理部门加强协调配合,在政策促进、服务保障、风险防范等服务以及促进措施方面,为企业建立了比较完善的政策环境,并且还在不断改善。

The second reason is better government administration and services.The Chinese government pays close attention to the needs of Chinese businesses to go global and their overseas expansion.Various departments have strengthened their coordination and have identified the priorities, namely, policy promotion, service support and in particular, risk prevention and investment proportion, thus creating a fairly comprehensive policy environment for the business community.We have achieved progress and will continue to do so in the future.2012-08-10 10:16:58



The third reason is that China and ASEAN countries enjoy good diplomatic relations, long-standing historical links, close cultural exchanges, as well as close geographical proximity, as well as a high degree of economic complementarity.There is a high degree of complementarity as well as great potentials for China and ASEAN countries to work together in transport, tourism, labor service, power generation, machinery, light industry, textile, household appliances, chemical, mining as well as the agriculture sector.2012-08-10 10:18:29



The fourth reason is that given the sluggish economic recovery of the world economy as well as the facts that the European debts crisis continues to spread and the recession looms large in the global economy.Despite these challenges, economies in East Asia enjoy robust growth and we have made more efforts in economic cooperation and in attracting foreign investments.These have created a favorable condition for Chinese businesses to go to ASEAN countries.Another important reason is that since the start of China-ASEAN FTA construction in 2002, we have gradually put in place a sound legal environment and signed a number of agreements.In particular, since the launching of China-ASEAN FTA in 2010, China and ASEAN have given each other’s investors national treatment, most favored nation treatment, as well as fair and equitable treatment to investors from the other side.We have made our laws and regulations more transparent and investment climate more liberal and free.2012-08-10 10:19:17



We believe in the long term China’s investment in ASEAN countries will continue to enjoy robust growth.This is because China and ASEAN countries enjoyed high political mutual trust as well as a high degree of economic complementarity.We believe this kind of cooperation will make both side winners;it will not only create great scope for Chinese businesses, but also help ASEAN countries in the economic and social development.2012-08-10 10:21:20




At the same time, we also recognize that in a certain period of time some projects may be subject to the changes in the international economic landscape, national investment policies, regulations as well as changes in host country markets.And in a specific period of time, some investment projects may have a crucial impact on the overall investment cooperation between relevant parties.But nevertheless, I believe, given the fast development of Chinese investment in ASEAN countries, this is just a side story of the rapid overall picture.In general, we are very confident about investment cooperation between China and ASEAN and we will continue to pursue a long-term approach in this cooperation.2012-08-10 10:22:11



From China Central Radio Station.My question goes to vice chairman Yuping from CCPIT.What’s your comment on the latest customs data released by the customs authorities and what’s your assessment on latest situation related to this issue?

2012-08-10 10:24:20

于平: 总的来说,中国和东盟的工商界对于双方近年来特别是自贸区建成以后贸易投资的顺利快速发展表示满意,而且对未来的进一步发展充满信心。

In general, China and ASEAN countries are confident and happy about the smooth and rapid development of trade between the two sides since the launching of China-ASEAN FTA.2012-08-10 10:24:57



Thank you for your question.ASEAN countries’ exports to China are growing rapidly.At the same time, many Chinese investors have considered ASEAN countries their destination of choice in overseas investment.The business communities in China and ASEAN countries hold that the governments should give more support and facilitation to their business cooperation.At the same time, business associations in relevant countries will continue to provide professional services to our businesses.We also hope that businesses will make the best use of some platforms, particularly the China-ASEAN Expo and the China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit to promote their business cooperation.2012-08-10 10:25:30



The China-ASEAN expoes and Business and Investment summits have been held for 8 times.My colleges and I have participated in almost all the events and we have been deeply impressed that these two events have become increasingly influential;the business communities have a keener interest in participation;the scale and the contents of these two events have been further deepened and enriched.It has become an important platform for business communities in China and ASEAN countries.Looking ahead, we hope that business communities in relevant countries will continue to participate actively in these two events and make the best use of them.Thank you.2012-08-10 10:26:15



Thank you.I have two questions.The first goes to Minister Gao.We know that in the first six months of this year, China’s exports to the European Union actually have declined.So for new emerging markets, like the ASEAN countries, do you think they can play an important role in solving the crisis in the EU continuing to spread? My second question goes to vice governor Lan.We know that Guangxi is playing host for many years to these two events, China-ASEAN Expo and China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit, so what measures will you come up in the future to continue to run these two events well.2012-08-10 10:27:37



I think the press is very familiar with China’s foreign trade in the first half of this year, which we enjoy a slowest growth since 2009.Last year, China’s foreign trade grew by over 20%.However, the rapid growth rate has declined to 8% in the first half of this year.One of the important reasons is the economic downturn, sluggish economic recovery.We know that the EU has been hit particularly hard in this issue.2012-08-10 10:29:51


正如你提问中谈到的,由于受欧盟经济特别是欧元区主权债务危机的影响,中国和欧盟今年上半年的贸易呈微弱增长,而中国的出口是下降的。如果我们看一下今年上半年全球主要贸 5 易伙伴的进出口情况,大家会发现我们8%的增长仍然比其他地区和国家的增长要快,而且也是在我们年初所确定的进出口贸易保持10%左右增长的范围之内。当然今年下半年的压力会更大,因为我们毕竟有一个10%左右的调控目标。

We know that due to the economic challenges in the European Union, particularly the sovereign debt crisis in the Euro Zone, China’s foreign trade with European Union only enjoy a modest growth, and China’s exports to this region has actually declined.Compare with other major trading partners in the world, China’s 8% growth rate in foreign trade is actually higher than those of many others.At the beginning of this year, we propose that China’s foreign trade should grow by 10% this year, so the 8% growth rate still falls reasonably in this range.Of course, we still have some pressure.We need to realize the 10% foreign trade growth rate in the second half of this year.2012-08-10 10:32:01



In my briefing, I have mentioned that in the first six months of this year, China’s foreign trade with ASEAN countries grew by 9.8%, higher than the average growth rate of 8%.In this sense, it is growing faster than China’s trade with traditional trading partners.Given the high degree of economic complementarity between China and ASEAN countries, as well as the scale of the two-way trade, we are confident that china-ASEAN trade will continue to grow quite fast in the second half of this year.And we are confident that we can reach this target.If you look at China’s trade mix, you will find that China’s businesses are actively exploring emerging markets in Africa, Central Asia, as well as South America, they have made a lot of efforts and achieved quite impressive progress, that is why China’s foreign trade continue to grow quite fast, even though China’s trade with its traditional and largest trading partner, the European Union, has declined.2012-08-10 10:36:03

高虎城: 下半年,我们还将继续在转变发展方式和调整结构方面下工夫,同时也在市场多元化方面进一步加大开拓力度,鼓励企业进一步拓宽销售渠道,加快市场多元化发展,争取实现我们所确定的进出口贸易达到10%左右的目标。

In the second half of this year, we will continue to make efforts in the shift of growth model and economic restructuring.We will also encourage the Chinese businesses to diversify their target markets and expand their sales channels.In this way, I’m confident that we can reach the 10% foreign trade growth target.2012-08-10 10:40:45



Thank you for your question.And I appreciate your attention given to China-ASEAN Expo and Business and Investment Summit and host of Guangxi.Indeed, we have held eight expoes and eight summits.In this process, we have enjoyed strong support from various government departments and media organizations.2012-08-10 10:42:37



As the host, Guangxi has open wider in this process and it has become more important and influential in China’s opening up and cooperation with ASEAN countries.The China-ASEAN Free Trade Area has been completely established and enjoyed deepened development.President Hujintao has made an instruction that the China-ASEAN Expo will be held on a prolonged basis, it should be held with unique features and it should generate effective results.We will follow this instruction.And according to China’s 12th five-year plan, Guangxi will become “a new plato for China’s cooperation with ASEAN’.In this way, we will continue to ran China-ASEAN Expo and China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit well.2012-08-10 10:44:08



First, we will strengthen coordination and further improve this prominent mechanism.Given the new needs in China-ASEAN cooperation, we will further strengthen our coordination in preparing for the China-ASEAN Expo and China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit.We will further improve this prominent mechanism and do a better job in running these two events.2012-08-10 10:45:02



Second, we will continue to improve the programs of the Expo and Summit to ensure that all the participants become winners in the process.We will continue to invite Chinese and ASEAN leaders as well as ministers to attend the Expo, the Summit and we will have more matching events between political and business communities in order to increase political mutual trust.China and ASEAN countries have many industries that enjoy a high degree of complementarity and we have more specific exhibitions related to these industries.For example, we will have the China-ASEAN Coffee Exhibition for the first time in the Expo.We will also have promotion events related to industrial parks in ASEAN countries.All these initiatives have been warmly welcomed by Chinese and ASEAN business communities.While doing a good job in running the exhibition, we will also step off cooperation in investments and encourage more Chinese businesses to make investments in ASEAN countries.Under the framework of these two events, we will also hold exchanges and events in other fields, so that cooperation mechanism across the board will be forged.We will have educational, cultural and people-to-people exchanges between China and ASEAN countries, which will give strong support to our comprehensive cooperation.2012-08-10 10:45:37



Third, we will make the best use of the pulling effect of the Expo and strengthen practical cooperation with ASEAN countries.We will press ahead with the developments of China-Malaysia Jinzhou Industrial Park, Malaysia-China Ugandan Industrial Park as well as China-Vietnam Cross Board Economic Cooperation Zone.We will keep improving the interconnectivity between China and ASEAN countries.In addition, we will vigorously implement the development plan for Guangxi Beibuwan Economic Zone and we will continue to promote pan Beibuwan economic cooperation and Great Megon River sub-regional cooperation, as well as the Economic Corridor Cooperation between China and Vietnam and between China and Singapore.In this way, we will better serve China and ASEAN cooperation in a more comprehensive, deepened and practical manner.2012-08-10 10:46:58

凤凰卫视记者: 首先请问高部长,在十年前中国与东盟双方签订这个经贸协议之后,很快签订了南海各方行为宣言,所以中国与东盟的关系特别受到关注。现在中国确实与东盟某些国家遇到了一些摩擦,我想请问您认为不认为这会影响到中国与东盟的经贸合作?您认为中国与东盟的经贸合作应该在双方的战略伙伴关系建立中发挥怎样更积极的作用?另外一个问题,您刚才提到了进出口,我们特别关心今年公布的进出口数据,外界普遍认为,这个月增速会降到10%以内,我想问您怎么评价?您也讲到下半年压力比较大,究竟会大到什么程度,有什么样具体的措施?

Thank you.From Phoenix TV.My first question goes to Minister Gao.We know that,in addition to the framework agreement signed between China and ASEAN ten years ago, relevant parties in the South China Sea have also signed the agreement on the code of conduct.And given the frictions that China has with some parties in the South China Sea, do you think it will have negative impact on China’s commercial cooperation with ASEAN countries? And what role this can play in promoting the strategic cooperation between China and ASEAN countries? And my second question is also for Minister Gao.You have mentioned about China’s foreign trade, and we know that the data of this month is going to be released.And do you think it will be below 10%? You have also mentioned the high pressure that we will have in the second half of this year, so how high this pressure will be in the second half of this year in order to achieve the 10% foreign trade growth rate target?

2012-08-10 10:48:17

凤凰卫视记者: 请问蓝主席,到目前为止,我们确定能参加这次博览会的东盟国家领导人大概有哪些?菲律宾和越南方面将会派出什么级别的官员?您讲到有六个国家包馆,会是哪六个国家?

My last question goes to vice governor Lan.How many ASEAN leaders will attend these upcoming events? And what kind of leaders from Philippine and Vietnam will attend these two events? You have mentioned six ASEAN countries have chartered independent exhibition halls, so could you name these six ASEAN countries?

2012-08-10 10:49:37


先说一下最近南海局势是否会影响中国和东盟的经贸合作。首先,中国和东盟长期以来是友好的近邻,而且又互为重要的经贸伙伴。中国和东盟各国的友好关系源远流长,各方面的交 9 往都有很长的历史。2002年,我们双方开始启动中国—东盟自贸区建设的谈判,到2010年中国—东盟自贸区全面建成。2003年10月,双方建立了面向和平与繁荣的战略伙伴关系,为双方经贸合作的快速发展创造了良好条件。

You have asked many questions, and I will answer one by one.The first question is whether the situation in South China Sea will have an impact on commercial cooperation between relevant parties? Over the years, China and ASEAN countries are friendly neighbors and important and strategic commercial partners.China and ASEAN countries enjoyed time honored friendship and the exchanges between China and ASEAN countries can be traced back to a long time ago.The construction of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area was started in 2002, and was officially kicked off in the year 2010.In 2003, China and ASEAN countries entered into a strategic partnership for peace and prosperity, creating a favorable condition for commercial cooperation between the two sides.2012-08-10 10:50:23



I have shared with you some figures in commercial cooperation between the two sides.From these figures, you can see that in the past decade the two sides have enjoyed very effective and practical cooperation in trade, investment as well as in service sector, tourism, transport and infrastructure construction.By the end of 2011, ASEAN countries have become China’s third largest trading partner, as a group next only to the European Union and the United States, while China has become ASEAN’s largest trading partner.This indicates that our commercial cooperation in the past decade is very impressive.We have also conducted very fruitful cooperation in investments and prospects for further investment cooperation are very bright.And I have also gone into details about why this kind of fast growth in investment will continue in the future.China will stay committed to its commercial cooperation with ASEAN countries.2012-08-10 10:51:12


中国重视和东盟的关系,致力于推进同东盟的睦邻友好和互利合作,共同推动东亚合作的进程。在当前国际金融危机的深层次影响持续显现的背景下,也在地区出现一些这样那样的矛盾和问题的背景下,中国与东盟在维护地区和平稳定、保持亚洲发展势头方面拥有共同的利益和责任。我们认为,双方应当本着相互尊重、相互信任的精神,从战略高度和长远角度看待和把握彼此的关系,加强战略沟通和经济合作,实现经贸合作的互利共赢。China sets great store by its relations with ASEAN, as well as the good neighborliness and win-win cooperation with ASEAN countries.This will further promote the integration in East Asia.The international financial crisis continues to spread, and frictions and challenges in this region have come up here and there.In this background, it serves the interest of both China and ASEAN.And it is responsibility of both sides to uphold peace, stability and maintain the development momentum.I believe both China and ASEAN countries, in the sprit of mutual respect and mutual trust, should pursue a long term and strategic approach in their cooperation and the relations.We should further step up strategic cooperation and strengthen our commercial cooperation, so that both sides will become winners.2012-08-10 10:52:59



As for the downward pressure that China will have in its foreign trade particularly in exports in this year, various government departments, experts, as well as industries, including the spokesperson of ministry of commerce have made detailed comments and analysis.Indeed, we have some pressure to reach the 10% foreign trade growth target in the second half of this year.When we tell about external demands and foreign trade, it is inevitably related to external markets.And it is clear to awe that we have encountered some changes that we have not expected at the beginning of this year, for example, the European sovereign debt crisis.I believe changes in China’s external markets as well as commodities’ prices will have an impact on China’s foreign trade in the second half of this year.2012-08-10 10:54:38



However, we are still confident about the foreign trade growth target of 10% this year.We have received information and conducted research and in particular surveys in the China’s business community.What we have found is that Chinese exporters have made tremendous efforts in shifting the growth model and economic restructuring.They have made a lot of efforts and there are great potentials.We have found that many Chinese exporters in the year 2008, when the financial crisis broke out, have made a lot of efforts in economic restructuring and shift their growth model.They have conducted research and development of new products;they have explored new external markets;they have added great values to their products;and they have made their products more technologically intensive.So in general, for China’s foreign trade this year, we both have the pressure as well as confidence to reach the 10% growth target.On the part of the government, we will continue to maintain policy stability and improve our services, including in trade facilitation, so that our businesses will feel more convenient to explore overseas markets.And this will help us reach the 10% growth target.2012-08-10 10:58:21



In the previous China-ASEAN expoes, we have enjoyed strong support from both the Chinese governments and ASEAN countries’ governments.In the previous expoes, 42 Chinese and ASEAN countries’ leaders have attended.In the upcoming 9th China-ASEAN Expo, we also have the strong support from the Chinese governments and governments of ASEAN countries.We have extended our invitation through diplomatic channels to related ASEAN governments, and we are still contacting them about their attendance.In the previous eight expoes, we have 42 state leaders from China and ASEAN countries, so I expect that this time it will not below the average.And you are warmly welcomed to participated in the upcoming Expo and see these state leaders.Six ASEAN countries, namely Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Burma, Thailand, Vietnam, have chartered their independent exhibition halls.2012-08-10 11:03:12



From China News Agency.I have two questions.The first is that Premier Wenjiaobao on last October proposed to establish China-ASEAN plate as a business and marketing base for commercial cooperation between the two sides.You have given us a briefing about the progress of this issue and said the plate is near completion, could you give us more details about these projects? And what role they will play in commercial exchanges between China and ASEAN countries.I also want to ask a follow-up question on South China Sea.I wander what temporary impact that this issue will have on the commercial and investment cooperation between China and ASEAN countries.Thank you.2012-08-10 11:07:54



I’m happy to take your first question.The China-ASEAN plate will become an important platform to showcase Chinese and ASEAN products.It will also become a logistic and marketing base for commercial exchanges between the two sides.The China-ASEAN plate is an important achievement of China-ASEAN Expo.It is also an important way to deepen the further development of China-ASEAN Expo.In this process, we have enjoyed strong support from the Ministry of Commerce of China and Guangxi provincial government.We are confident that when this project is completed, it will play an important supporting role for the further development of commercial exchanges between the two sides.2012-08-10 11:09:40



The total floor space of China-ASEAN plate is about 4.88 million square meters.It has two phases.In the first phase, we have total floor space of 2.3 million square meters.And in the first phase, we will have a logistic plate, a business building, as well as residential areas.This first phase project is near completion and it will put into operation this September.As a favorable condition, the plate will provide 50,000 square meters of floor space to ASEAN countries for free in the next five years to showcase their products and conduct business.This will encourage the participation of ASEAN businesses, particularly those small and medium-sized businesses.This initiative has been received warmly in many ASEAN business communities.Many ASEAN businesses have signed agreements to move into this plate.We are confident that the first phase project will completed as scheduled, and we are also confident that the second phase of this project will be launched in an appropriate time.2012-08-10 11:14:08



The spokespersons of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China have made detailed response to various aspects of the South China Sea issue.I have mentioned a lot in the commercial field related to this issue, but I still want to share with you two sets of figures.The first set of figure is that in the first six months of this year, China’s trade with ASEAN countries grew by 9.8%, higher than China’s average growth rate with its trading partners.In addition, Chinese investment in ASEAN countries grew by 34.7% in the first half of this year.These two sets of figures give us confidence about the future prospect of China-ASEAN commercial relations.And we believe the prospect remain bright.Like the previous eight expoes, we believe the upcoming 9th China-ASEAN Expo will be equally successful.2012-08-10 11:16:00

主持人 郭卫民:


This brings us to the end of the conference.Thank you.Glossary

1、东盟 ASEAN

2、中国-东盟全面经济合作框架协议 China-ASEAN Framework Agreement on comprehensive economic cooperation

3、柬埔寨 Cambodia

4、改革开放 reform and opening up

5、开展跨国经营 to expand overseas

6、政策促进 policy promotion

7、服务保障 service support

8、风险防范 risk prevention

9、比较完善的政策环境 a fairly comprehensive policy environment

10、历史渊源非常久远 long-standing historical links

11、地理接近close geographical proximity

12、经济互补性强 a high degree of economic complementarity

13、全球经济复苏缓慢 the sluggish economic recovery of the world economy

14、欧洲主权债务危机 the European sovereign debts crisis

15、东亚地区持续保持经济活跃 economies in East Asia enjoy robust growth

16、中国—东盟自贸区 China-ASEAN FTA

17、国民待遇 national treatment

18、优惠国待遇 most favored nation treatment

19、公平公正的待遇 fair and equitable treatment 20、透明 transparent

21、投资环境 investment climate

22、政治上的互信 political mutual trust

23、有可能受„„影响 may be subject to

24、国际经济环境 the international economic landscape

25、国别政策投资法规 national investment policies

26、东道主市场 host country markets

27、暂时的、个别的现象 a side story

28、在投资领域当中的合作 investment cooperation

29、最新的进出口数据 the latest customs data 30、自贸区建成 the launching of China-ASEAN FTA

31、海外投资首选地 destination of choice in overseas investment

32、便利化措施 facilitation

33、专业性服务 professional services

34、中国—东盟博览会 China-ASEAN Expo

35、中国—东盟商务与投资峰会 China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit

36、欧盟 the European Union

37、新兴市场 new emerging markets

38、全球经济的下行 global economic downturn

39、复苏缓慢 sluggish economic recovery 40、欧元区 the Euro Zone

41、微弱增长 enjoy a modest growth

42、贸易伙伴 trading partners

43、进出口贸易增长率 foreign trade growth rate

44、传统贸易伙伴 traditional trading partners

45、双边贸易规模 the scale of the two-way trade

46、贸易结构 trade mix

47、取得了不菲的成绩 achieved quite impressive progress

48、最大贸易伙伴 the largest trading partner

49、转变发展方式 shift growth model 50、调整结构 economic restructuring

51、拓宽销售渠道 expand their sales channels

52、市场多元化 diversify their target markets

53、感谢您的关注与支持 I appreciate your attention and support

54、“博览会要长期举办下去,要办出特色、办出实效” the China-ASEAN Expo will be held on a prolonged basis, it should be held with unique features and it should generate effective results

55、“十二五”规划 the 12th five-year plan

56、“把广西建成与东盟合作的新高地” Guangxi will become “a new plato for China’s cooperation with ASEAN’

57、加强统筹 strengthen coordination

58、完善办会的长效机制 improve this prominent mechanism

59、对接活动 matching events 60、专业展 specific exhibitions 61、咖啡展 Coffee Exhibition 62、产业园区 industrial parks 63、招商大会 promotion events 64、形成合作机制 forge cooperation mechanism 65、人文交流 people-to-people exchanges 66、全方位的合作 comprehensive cooperation 67、带动效应 the pulling effect 68、务实合作 practical cooperation 69、推进 press ahead with 70、中马钦州产业园区 China-Malaysia Jinzhou Industrial Park 71、马中关丹产业园区 Malaysia-China Ugandan Industrial Park 72、中越跨境经济合作区 China-Vietnam Cross Board Economic Cooperation Zone 73、互联互通 interconnectivity 74、广西北部湾经济区发展规划 the development plan for Guangxi Beibuwan Economic Zone 75、泛北部湾经济合作 pan Beibuwan economic cooperation 76、大湄公河次区域合作 Great Megon River sub-regional cooperation 77、中越“两廊一圈”的合作 the Economic Corridor Cooperation between China and Vietnam 78、凤凰卫视 Phoenix TV 79、南海 the South China Sea 80、行为宣言 the agreement on the code of conduct 81、战略合作 the strategic cooperation 82、包馆 charter independent exhibition halls 83、南海局势 the situation in South China Sea 84、经贸合作 commercial cooperation 85、友好关系源远流长 enjoy time honored friendship 86、全面建成 officially kicked off 87、战略伙伴关系 strategic partnership 88、创造了良好条件 creating a favorable condition 89、第三大贸易伙伴 the third largest trading partner 90、前景非常广阔 prospects are very bright 91、坚定不移地 stay committed to 92、重视 sets great store by 93、睦邻友好good neighborliness 94、互利合作 win-win cooperation 95、国际金融危机 international financial crisis 96、是„„的利益 serves the interest of 97、维护地区和平稳定 uphold peace, stability 98、保持发展势头 maintain the development momentum 99、本着相互尊重、相互信任的精神 in the sprit of mutual respect and mutual trust 100、从战略高度和长远角度 pursue a long term and strategic approach 101、加强战略沟通和经济合作 step up strategic cooperation and strengthen commercial cooperation 102、下行压力 the downward pressure 103、外需 external demands 104、进出口贸易 foreign trade 105、国外市场 external markets 106、提高产品附加值 add great values to their product 107、提高产品科技含量 make their products more technologically intensive 108、保持政策的稳定 maintain policy stability 109、改善服务 improve services

110、发出邀请 extend our invitation 111、外交途径 diplomatic channels 112、老挝 Laos 113、缅甸 Burma 114、中新社 China News Agency 115、中国—东盟商品交易中心

116、商贸物流基地 a business and marketing base 117、临时性影响 temporary impact 118、贸易合作投资 the commercial and investment cooperation 119、商贸物流基地 a logistic and marketing base 120、商务部 the Ministry of Commerce 121、起到配套、辅助的作用 play an important supporting role 122、总建筑面积 total floor space 123、物流广场 a logistic plate 124、优惠条件 favorable condition 125、中小企业 small and medium-sized businesses 126、外交部 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 127、经贸关系 commercial relations

Background knowledge

1、The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, was established on 8 August 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand, with the signing of the ASEAN Declaration(Bangkok Declaration)by the Founding Fathers of ASEAN, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.Brunei Darussalam then joined on 7 January 1984, Viet Nam on 28 July 1995, Lao PDR and Myanmar on 23 July 1997, and Cambodia on 30 April 1999, making up what is today the ten Member States of ASEAN.2、The motto of ASEAN is “One Vision, One Identity, One Community”.3、China ASEAN Exposition, or CAEXPO, proposed by Premier Wenjiabao, is hosted in Nanning, Guangxi every year by Economic and Trade Department of China and ASEAN and ASEAN Secretariat, aiming to promote the development of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area and share the opportunities to cooperate.Its contents include trade of commodities, trade of services and investment cooperation.Now it has developed into a new platform for China and ASEAN countries to extend economic and trade cooperation.4、As set out in the ASEAN Declaration, the aims and purposes of ASEAN are: To accelerate the economic growth, social progress and cultural development in the region through joint endeavors in the spirit of equality and partnership in order to strengthen the foundation for a prosperous and peaceful community of Southeast Asian Nations;To promote regional peace and stability through abiding respect for justice and the rule of law in the relationship among countries of the region and adherence to the principles of the United Nations Charter;To promote active collaboration and mutual assistance on matters of common interest in the economic, social, cultural, technical, scientific and administrative fields;To provide assistance to each other in the form of training and research facilities in the educational, professional, technical and administrative spheres;To collaborate more effectively for the greater utilization of their agriculture and industries, the expansion of their trade, including the study of the problems of international commodity trade, the improvement of their transportation and communications facilities and the raising of the living standards of their peoples;To promote Southeast Asian studies;and to maintain close and beneficial cooperation with existing international and regional organizations with similar aims and purposes, and explore all avenues for even closer cooperation among themselves.5、The china-ASEAN framework agreement on comprehensive economic cooperation was signed in Nov, 2002 by Premier Zhurongji and ten other state leaders of ASEAN countries, which is the legal basis of China-ASEAN FTA.The Agreement marked that China-ASEAN FTA was officially launched.According to the Framework Agreement, the contents of China-ASEAN FTA includes trade of products, services and economic and investment cooperation, in which the trade of products is the core.There are 16 items in the agreement.6、China-ASEAN Free Trade Area is the first free trade area established by China and WTO members and was officially established in January 2010.And it is a free trade area established by developing countries, aiming to promote trade and economic cooperation between China and ASEAN countries.Now there have been some facilitation measures to provide convenience for businesses to conduct cross-board trade and investment, such as tax-deduction and zero-tax treatment.7、In their relations with one another, the ASEAN Member States have adopted the following fundamental principles, as contained in the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia(TAC)of 1976: Mutual respect for the independence, sovereignty, equality, territorial integrity, and national identity of all nations;The right of every State to lead its national existence free from external interference, subversion or coercion;Non-interference in the internal affairs of one another;Settlement of differences or disputes by peaceful manner;Renunciation of the threat or use of force;and Effective cooperation among themselves.8、The ASEAN Vision 2020, adopted by the ASEAN Leaders on the 30th Anniversary of ASEAN, agreed on a shared vision of ASEAN as a concert of Southeast Asian nations, outward looking, living in peace, stability and prosperity, bonded together in partnership in dynamic development and in a community of caring societies.At the 9th ASEAN Summit in 2003, the ASEAN Leaders resolved that an ASEAN Community shall be established.At the 12th ASEAN Summit in January 2007, the Leaders affirmed their strong commitment to accelerate the establishment of an ASEAN Community by 2015 and signed the Cebu Declaration on the Acceleration of the Establishment of an ASEAN Community by 2015.The ASEAN Community is comprised of three pillars, namely the ASEAN Political-Security Community, ASEAN Economic Community and ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community.Each pillar has its own Blueprint, and, together with the Initiative for ASEAN Integration(IAI)Strategic Framework and IAI Work Plan Phase II(2009-2015), they form the Roadmap for and ASEAN Community 2009-2015.9、The ASEAN Charter serves as a firm foundation in achieving the ASEAN Community by providing legal status and institutional framework for ASEAN.It also codifies ASEAN norms, rules and values;sets clear targets for ASEAN;and presents accountability and compliance.The ASEAN Charter entered into force on 15 December 2008.A gathering of the ASEAN Foreign Ministers was held at the ASEAN Secretariat in Jakarta to mark this very historic occasion for ASEAN.With the entry into force of the ASEAN Charter, ASEAN will henceforth operate under a new legal framework and establish a number of new organs to boost its community-building process.In effect, the ASEAN Charter has become a legally binding agreement among the 10 ASEAN Member States.The importance of the ASEAN Charter can be seen in the following contexts: New political commitment at the top level New and enhanced commitments New legal framework, legal personality New ASEAN bodies Two new openly-recruited DSGs More ASEAN meetings More roles of ASEAN Foreign Ministers New and enhanced role of the Secretary-General of ASEAN Other new initiatives and changes

10、According to Article 31 of the ASEAN Charter, the Chairmanship of ASEAN shall rotate annually, based on the alphabetical order of the English names of Member States.A Member State assuming the Chairmanship shall chair the ASEAN Summit and related summits, the ASEAN Coordinating Council, the three ASEAN Community Councils, relevant ASEAN Sectoral Ministerial Bodies and senior officials, and the Committee of Permanent Representatives.11、The ASEAN Secretariat was set up in February 1976 by the Foreign Ministers of ASEAN.It was then housed at the Department of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia in Jakarta.The existing ASEAN Secretariat at 70A Jalan Sisingamangaraja, Jakarta was established and officiated in 1981 by the then President of Indonesia, H.E.Soeharto.The ASEAN Secretariat's basic function is to provide for greater efficiency in the coordination of ASEAN organs and for more effective implementation of ASEAN projects and activities The ASEAN Secretariat's vision is that by 2015, it will be the nerve centre of a strong and confident ASEAN Community that is globally respected for acting in full compliance with its Charter and in the best interest of its people.The ASEAN Secretariat's mission is to initiate, facilitate and coordinate ASEAN stakeholder collaboration in realizing the purposes and principles of ASEAN as reflected in the ASEAN Charter.12、The ASEAN Flag is a symbol of Member States' unity and support for the principles and endeavors of ASEAN and is a means to promote greater ASEAN awareness and solidarity.The ASEAN Flag represents a stable, peaceful, united and dynamic ASEAN.The colours of the Flag – blue, red, white and yellow – represent the main colours of the flags of all the ASEAN Member States.The blue represents peace and stability.Red depicts courage and dynamism, white shows purity and yellow symbolizes prosperity.The stalks of padi in the centre of the Emblem represent the dream of ASEAN's Founding Fathers for an ASEAN comprising all the countries in Southeast Asia, bound together in friendship and solidarity.The circle represents the unity of ASEAN.13、The ASEAN Summit is the supreme decision-making body and holds two times each year.20



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