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Interview with H.E.Ambassador Song Zhe, Head of the Mission of the People's Republic of China to the European Union by the European Voice on Climate Change 2009年12月11日,中国驻欧盟使团团长宋哲大使就气候变化问题接受了欧盟专业媒体《欧洲之声》外事编辑安德鲁·加第纳专访。采访实录如下:


1.How do you look at climate change issues? What is China's response to climate change?


A: The issue of climate change is a major challenge facing the entire human race.This issue requires a comprehensive, all-dimensional and historical perspective.It requires all countries to cooperate and respond.有些发达国家认为中国最近宣布的碳强度指标“并未体现足够的雄心”,甚至要求中国提高这一指标,这不是一个客观、公正的评价。中国是发展中国家,还有1.5亿贫困人口。同时,中国能源结构以煤为主,控制温室气体排放面临巨大压力和特殊困难。对于中国这样的发展中国家,要发展,能源需求和相应排放就必然有合理增长。应对气候变化不能以牺牲发展、延续贫困和落后为代价。

Some developed countries argue that China's carbon reduction intensity is not ambitious enough, and even demand an increase of China's target.Such argument is neither objective nor fair.China is a developing country, there are still 150 million people living in poverty.Meanwhile, China's energy structure is dominated by coal, and China faces huge pressure and special difficulty to control GHG emissions.For such a developing country like China, development will necessarily imply reasonable increase of energy demand and corresponding emissions.Tackling climate change should not sacrifice development, or continue poverty and backwardness.有些发达国家大谈中国排放总量大,但却忘记了中国有13亿人口。2006年,中国13亿人排放了56亿吨二氧化碳,占全球排放总量的20%,而发达国家不到10亿人,却排放了约129亿吨,占全球排放总量的46%。基于发展和满足人民生活的基本需要,我们有必要维持一个合理的排放空间。总不可能要求中国在经济发展、能源消耗和相应排放方面只能享有发达国家百分之二十或三十的权利吧?

Some developed countries are talking about China's total emission, but they seem to forget that China has a 1.3 billion population.In 2006, 1.3 billion Chinese people emit 5.6 billion tons of CO2, accounting for 20% of the world's total.Developed countries, with less than 1 billion people, emit about 12.9 billion tons, accounting for 46% of the world's total.Because of development needs and needs to improve people's lives, we must maintain a reasonable space of emission, and is it possible to ask the Chinese people to enjoy 20% or 30% of the rights of developed countries in terms of economic development, energy consumption or corresponding emission?


The targets of China are no less ambitious than any developed countries.From 1990 to 2005, CO2 emission intensity per unit of GDP of all developed countries only dropped by 26%, China dropped by 46%.China's 40-45% target at 2020 is already reaching the limit.We must emphasize that China's voluntary reduction targets do not attach any conditions, it is not linked to any other countries' action.We will deliver what we promise.谈到气候变化的历史责任,我想引用一组数据:在1850年至2005年的155年间,全球共排放11222亿吨二氧化碳,发达国家共排放了8065亿吨,占全球总量的72%,欧盟占27.5%(人均累积排放:德国958吨,英国1125吨,世界人均173吨,中国只有71吨)。2006年,发达国家以占全球1/6的人口,仍然占据着近50%的排放。不顾历史责任和事实,空泛地谈国际合作,甚至只谈所谓共同责任是不能令世人信服的。

Turning to the historical responsibility for climate change, I would like to quote one set of data: during the 155 years from 1850 to 2005, the world has discharged 1.1222 trillion tons of CO2, and developed countries have discharged 806.5 billion tons, 72% of the total, and the EU accounts for 27.5%(per capita cumulative emissions: 958 tons for Germany, 1125 tons for the United Kingdom, 173 tons for world average, China only 71 tons).In 2006, with 1 / 6 of the world's population, the developed countries account for almost 50% of the emissions.An empty talk about international cooperation, in disregard of historical responsibility and facts, or only talking about the so-called shared responsibility, will not convince the world.《京都议定书》规定发达国家应在1990年基础上,集体减排5.2%,但绝大多数发达国家不降反增。另一方面,发达国家还承诺向发展中国家提供资金和技术,但近20年来未见诸行动。

The Kyoto Protocol stipulates that developed countries must reduce emissions collectively by 5.2% on 1990 basis.In fact, most developed countries have increased, not reduced emissions.On the other hand, the developed countries have promised funds and technology transfer to developing countries, but for the last 20 years no or little action has been taken.无论从历史责任、现实情况讲,还是从公约义务和能力看,发达国家都应毫无条件地在2012年后继续率先大幅减排,并有义务为发展中国家应对气候变化提供资金,转让技术。

Whether from the point of view of historical responsibility, or reality, whether in terms of treaty obligations or capability, the developed countries should unconditionally continue to take the lead to cut emission by a big margin after 2012, and fulfill their obligations in providing funds and transfering technology to developing countries.二、你如何评价哥本哈根气候变化会议当前的谈判进程?

2.How do you describe the current state of discussions in Copenhagen?


A: Progress has been slow in the negotiations at the conference.It's mainly because the developed countries have moved backwards from their previous position, and on the other, they make many unreasonable demands over developing countries, which seriously affect the negotiation process and impede the Copenhagen Conference to achieve positive results.西方国家经常大谈“公平”和“责任”。在探讨气候变化时,同样也不应忽视“公平”和“责任”。首先,发达国家长期的工业化进程为本国积聚财富,对当前人类生存环境造成破坏,但却拒不承担补救责任,这对其他发展中国家是不公平的。其次,根据2006年全球排放量的统计,发达国家人均排放量几乎为发展中国家人均排放量的4倍,在如此不平等的基础上,要求发达国家和发展中国家承担相同的责任也是不公平的。再次,《联合国气候变化框架公约》和《京都议定书》已经生效多年,按照公约和议定书的要求减排不仅是发达国家的责任,而且是他们的法律义务。而发达国家不愿也没有履行上述法律义务,就没有资格要求其他国家承担相应责任。

Western countries often talk about “fairness”and“responsibility.”In exploring the issue of climate change, one should also not ignore the“fairness”and“responsibility.” First of all, the long process of industrialization of developed countries accumulates wealth for them, but creates damage to the environment of the present world.Yet they refuse to take the remedial responsibility, which is unfair to other developing countries.Secondly, according to 2006 survey of global emission, the per capita emissions by developed countries are almost 4 times that of developing countries, on such an unequal basis, it is not fair to ask them to shoulder the same responsibility.Thirdly, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and the Kyoto Protocol have entered into force for many years, to reduce emissions in accordance with the requirements of the Convention and the Protocol is not only the responsibility of the developed countries, but also their legal obligations.The developed countries are unwilling and have not met these legal obligations, and are not in the position to ask other countries to fulfill corresponding responsibility.三、你如何评价欧盟承诺自2010年至2012年每年向最不发达国家提供24亿欧元的“快轨资助”?

3.How do you evaluate the European Union commitment to provide 2.4 billion euros of “fast-track financing” each year from 2010 to 2012 to the least developed countries?


A: We welcome the EU to make this positive commitment, but it still falls far short of the recommendations of authoritative United Nations report, the requirements of the UNFCCC, the Kyoto Protocol and the expectations of the international community.The funding issue is a concept of package, not refering only to assistance to the least developed countries.It also include financial support for adaptation and capacity-building to all developing countries.We hope that the EU will make more ambitious commitments by the final stage of the Copenhagen Conference.四、中方如何推动哥本哈根会议达成“政治协议”?

4.How will the Chinese side promote the Copenhagen Conference to reach a “political agreement”?、答:哥本哈根会议正在进行,温家宝总理也将出席,这充分表明中方对会议本身及其气候变化问题的重视。

A: The Copenhagen meeting is in progress, Premier Wen Jiabao will also be present, which indicates that the Chinese side takes the Conference itself and the issue of climate change seriously.中方认为,各方只有坚持《公约》和《议定书》的原则,尤其是“共同但有区别的责任”原则,坚持“巴厘路线图”授权,才能达成具有法律约束力的协议。我们希望各方继续为会议取得积极成果而共同努力。

The Chinese side maintains that only by adhering to the principle of Convention and the Protocol, in particular the “common but differentiated responsibilities”principle, and the mandate of the“Bali Roadmap”, will the parties reach a legally binding agreement.We hope all parties will continue to make joint efforts for the Conference to achieve positive results.五、中方是否会调整自己的立场? 5.Will China adjust its position?


A: China's position is consistent.We believe that the goal of the conference is to achieve positive results in terms of further strengthening the comprehensive, effective and sustained implementation of the UNFCCC and the “Kyoto Protocol”.The focus should be on making clear and specific arrangements regarding mitigation, adaptation, technology transfer and funding support.





会上的主旨讲话 2009年12月9日

Promote China-EU Cooperation to Shape a Better Future Speech by H.E.Song Zhe, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to the European Union at the High-Level Policy Summit co-organized by Friends of Europe and EUROCHAMBERS December 9, 2009

尊敬的梅里特秘书长,女士们,先生们,朋友们,Dear Secretary-General Merritt, Ladies and gentlemen,很高兴再次做客欧洲之友。我刚刚在南京参加了第十二次中欧领导人会晤,我希望给今天的会议带来南京这个城市的活力和热情,也带来对中欧关系未来的憧憬和信心。

I am very pleased to be here again with the Friends of Europe.I just returned from the 12th China-EU summit which was held in Nanjing a week ago.I hope I could bring you the vitality and energy of the summit, and also our vision and confidence in the future of China-EU relations.这次会晤发出的最重要信息是:面对国际金融危机带来的国际政治经济金融体系的进一步深刻变革,面对日益增多的全球性挑战,面对不断出现的传 统和非传统安全威胁,中欧的共同利益不是在减少,而是在增多。作为全面战略伙伴,中欧将在增强政治互信的基础上,坚持双方关系的战略定位,努力推动以高新 技术为引领、以绿色经济为重点的务实合作,以负责任的态度携手应对全球性问题挑战,共同推动实现世界的和平和可持续发展。

This summit sends out an important message, that is, in face of the profound changes in the international economic, financial and political systems, which were triggered off by the global financial crisis, and in face of the mounting global challenges, the emerging traditional and non-traditional security threats, China and the EU find their common interests broadening, rather than narrowing.As comprehensive and strategic partners, China and the EU will be committed to the strategic positioning of our relationship, with political trust as its basis.We will push forward practical cooperation, with high-tech collaboration in the lead and green economy as the focus.We will join hands to meet global challenges with a responsible attitude.We will work together to promote world peace and sustainable development.我的一个深刻感受是,中欧关系正处于关键的承前启后的历史时期。这不仅是因为第十二次中欧领导人会晤翌日“里斯本条约”生效实施,更是因为,国际形势的发展变化以及中欧各自的发展变化,正在赋予中欧关系责任和使命。为什么这么讲?主要是因为以下几点:

It is my deep conviction that at this moment, our relationship comes to a historical juncture that links the past and the future.It is not only because that the “Lisbon Treaty” entered into force just one day after the Nanjing summit, but also because that the development of China, the evolution of the EU and the changing international situation, make our relationship ever more prominent, carrying a strong mission and mandate.Let me explain with three points.首先,未来国际格局和秩序的塑造离不开中欧战略合作。

Point Number one: the strategic cooperation between China and the EU will have a strong bearing on the future global pattern and international order.“中欧能塑造世界新秩序吗?”这是欧洲改革中心主任查尔斯·格兰特在去年发表的一篇文章的醒目标题。对于这个问题,刚刚结束的第十二次中欧领导人会晤给出了yes和no两个答案。

Charles Grant, director of the Center for European Reform wrote an article last year with an eye-catching title: “Can China and the EU shape a new world order?” For this question, the 12th China-EU summit gave a “yes-and-no” answer.为什么是yes?因为中国和欧盟不仅是国际舞台上的两支重要力量,而且是世界格局观、秩序观最接近的两支力量。双方都是多边主义的支持者,摒弃暴力、追求和平是中欧的共同愿望,中国主张通过谈判解决争端,欧盟也以“说服外交”见长。“后危机时代”的世界究竟能不能摆脱零和游戏和均势制衡的老 路,构建一个和平和发展的多边世界,中欧关系的好坏至关重要。中欧战略合作可以为应对气候变化、金融危机等全人类面临的重大挑战发挥重要积极作用。

Why yes? Because China and the EU are two important players on the world stage, and among all players, our concepts of global pattern and order are the most similar.Both of us support multilateralism.Both resist violence and pursue peace.China advocates the settlement of disputes through negotiations, while the EU is strong with “persuasive diplomacy”.Whether the outmoded zero-sum game and balance of power will be abandoned in the post-crisis era? Whether a multilateral world of peace and development will be built? It is very much hinged on the quality of China-EU relations, as our strategic cooperation will play an important and positive role in addressing climate change, financial crisis and many other issues that confront mankind.为什么是no?因为今天的世界正在无可争辩地走向多极,未来的世界也无可争辩地需要多边合作。最近,艾默里奇的大片《2012》风靡全球。在全球许多观众为现代特技带来的震撼场面着迷的同时,我打赌在座各位都不情愿相信2012年是世界末日。尽管如此,影片却反映了一个不争的事实,那就是,面临威胁整个人类的全球性挑战,即使是像美国那样强大的国家也不可能独自应对。只有通过世界各国的携手努力才能共赴时艰。中国主张,世界上的事情应该由世 界各国共同决定,不能由一两个国家说了算。这也正是我们不赞成搞“G2”的原因。

But why the answer is also “No”? Because today's world is undisputedly moving towards multi-polarity.And equally undisputable is that, the world in the future calls for multilateral cooperation.Recently, Emmerich's film “2012” swept the globe.We might be swept away by its fascinating special effects, but I bet no one among us would like to see this fiction come true that 2012 will really become the end of the world.Nevertheless, the film does give us some reflection that, when the entire mankind is challenged by such a colossal threat, no one country, even as powerful as the United States, will be able to cope with it alone.Only by joint efforts from all nations of the world can we survive a time of difficulties.Likewise, China is of the view that in the real world, international affairs should be handled with joint efforts of all countries, not to be decided by one or two countries.This is why we do not endorse the notion of “G2”.从这个意义上讲,未来国际格局和世界秩序将由包括中欧在内的国际社会共同塑造。

In this sense, the future global pattern and international order shall be shaped by the international community, including China and Europe.第二,未来中欧人民的生活离不开双方务实合作。

Point Number two: the pragmatic cooperation between China and the EU will have a strong bearing on the future of our peoples' life.我曾在去年的一次演讲中以一位虚构欧洲人Pierre的经历来说明中欧合作的深度和广度。我的一位同事不久前结束任期回国工作。几天前我们 在北京见面时,他告诉我,即便回到了国内,他的生活也根本无法离开欧洲。他已经成了中国的Pierre。他回国的时候乘坐海航旗下的空客A330飞机;他 订购的上海大众朗逸轿车,是大众专门为中国市场设计的款式,其排放标准是欧洲四号;他去家乐福超市购买日常用品;他还准备给自己的夫人买一款施华洛士奇水 晶饰品作为生日礼物。中欧合作正是这样融入和改变着双方人民的生活。

In a speech early this year, I described the life of Pierre, an exemplary young man living in Brussels.I tried to use his experience to illustrate the depth and breadth of our cooperation.Recently, one of my colleagues finished his service here and returned to Beijing.A few days ago, we met in Beijing and he told me, “OK, I'm now back home, but Europe is still everywhere in my life”.On his way back, he took a flight of Airbus A330 of the Hainan Airline.He bought a new car, a Shanghai Volkswagen Lavida, a model specifically designed for the Chinese market, and its emission standard is Euro 4.Every week, he goes shopping at a Carrefour supermarket.To please his wife on her birthday, he bought a Swarovski crystal bracelet.To refurbish his apartment, he found the most popular interior design being the European style.He told me: “Ambassador, I feel like your Pierre, China's Pierre.” Isn't it true that our cooperation has changed the life of our peoples and becomes an inseparable part of their life.在今年国际金融危机对世界经济和国际贸易带来冲击的情况下,中欧合作的势头有增无减。欧盟连续第7个年头保持中国的最大贸易伙伴地位。欧盟 对华投资不降反升,欧盟成为中国第三大外资来源地。在不到一年的时间里,中欧合作又迎来了许多第一:第一个中欧文学翻译出版高层论坛、第一个中欧文化产业 论坛、第一次中欧贸易统计合作专家级磋商、第一次中欧教育政策研讨会、第一个卫生和食品安全对话机制。

This year, despite of the impact of the international financial crisis on the world economy and international trade, the momentum of China-EU cooperation remains strong.The EU remains China's largest trading partner in the seventh consecutive year.The EU investment in China remains rising, not falling as someone would expect.The EU becomes China's third-largest source of foreign investment.This year also witnessed quite a few first time events in our cooperation, including the first China-EU Forum on Literature and Translation, the first China-EU Forum on Cultural Industry, the first expert consultation for China-EU trade statistics cooperation, the first China-EU Seminar on Education Policy, and the first China-EU consumer products and food safety cooperation mechanism.今天中欧合作对双方人民生活的渗透之深、影响之大,不仅是34年前中欧建交时难以想见的,即便是6年前中欧建立全面战略伙伴关系时,也是难以想见的。相信随着全球化的不断深化,双方人民的未来生活将更加紧密地相互依存在一起。

When China and the EU established diplomatic relations 34 years ago, no one could imagine how deeply our cooperation would shape the life of our people as it is today.It was also hardly imaginable when we established the comprehensive and strategic partnership six years ago.I believe, with the deepening of globalization, the lives of our peoples will become even more inter-dependent in the coming years.第三,未来中欧友谊离不开双方的人文交流与合作。

Point Number three: the cultural exchange and cooperation between China and the EU will have a strong bearing on the future of our friendship.中欧关系说到底是双方人民间的关系。比利时小说家诺冬在她的代表作《爱情与破坏》中,以一个7岁小女孩的视角记载了30多年前中欧人民缺乏 相互了解的状况。尽管小主人公跟随父亲在北京三里屯使馆区度过了3年时光,但却没有能和任何中国孩子建立友谊。她真正认识的唯一中国人,是一位使馆厨师。这位淳朴的厨师表达感情的唯一方式仅限于鼓励孩子们“多吃”。

China-EU relations, in the final analysis, are the relations between the two peoples.Belgian novelist Amelie Nothomb, in her masterpiece “The Sabotage of Love”, described the lack of mutual understanding between the Chinese and European people from the perspective of a 7-year-old girl.This little girl lived three years in Beijing in early 70s of last century with her father in the Sanlitun embassy district, but she did not have opportunity to make friends with Chinese children at the time.The only Chinese she knew was the chef in the embassy.And the only way that chef expressed his affection was to push the kids to “eat more”.改革开放使中国敞开胸怀,拥抱世界,也为世界接触中国带来了机遇。了解中国的西方人曾经如此之少,以至于20年前加拿大小伙子大山能够因为 一口京片子征服了亿万中国观众,成为红极一时的笑星。今天,会讲汉语的西方人越来越多。我本人在欧洲不仅结识了许多精通中文的朋友,还时常遇到陌生的年轻 人用还不太标准的“你好”,热情地向我表达问候。这表明,中欧人民加强相互了解、发展彼此友谊的愿望已上升到前所未有的水平。

Through reform and opening up, China embraced the world, and the world got in touch with China.Once there were few Westerners that knew China well, so that 20 years ago, Mark Rowswell, or in his Chinese nickname Dashan, a Canadian student who spoke some Beijing dialect, easily became a TV star in China.Today, more and more people from the West speak Chinese.Here in Brussels, I've met many people who speak fluent Chinese.I also met many young people who would greet me with a not very properly pronounced “nihao”.I see this as an example of unprecedented enthusiasm between our peoples to know each other better and become better friends.今年,欧罗巴利亚—中国艺术节和法兰克福国际书展中国主宾国活动成功举行。在刚刚结束的中欧领导人会晤中,双方又宣布将2011年定为中欧 青年年。中欧人文合作不断迈出坚实的步伐,将在几代人中欧人民之间建立起沟通、理解和互信,使两千年来的中欧友谊不断发展和巩固,历久弥坚。

This year, the Europalia-China Arts Festival and the Frankfurt International Book Fair have been successfully held.The Nanjing summit announced that the year 2011 will be the Year of Youth between China and the EU.Our cultural cooperation has made such solid progress, and will continue strengthening communication, understanding and mutual trust between our peoples across all generations, making our two-thousand-year old friendship even more solid and prosperous.朋友们!

Dear friends!

正如温家宝总理在第十二次中欧领导人会晤中所讲的,有效应对全球性问题,实现世界和平和可持续发展,归根到底要靠经济发展和社会进步。中欧 不仅要合作应对国际金融危机,共渡难关,更要高瞻远瞩,塑造未来,推动建立公正、合理的国际政治经济新秩序。中欧携手同行,可以使人类前进的步伐更加坚实 有力,这是中欧关系的战略意义所在。

As Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao stated at the 12th China-EU Summit, in the final analysis, to effectively respond to global issues and to achieve world peace and sustainable development, it depends on economic growth and social progress.China and the EU must cooperate to combat the international financial crisis and sail through the difficult time together, and more importantly, we must stand high and look far, work together to shape the future and advocate a just and reasonable new international political and economic order.When China and the EU march on hand in hand, the pace of human progress will be more solid and strong.Here lies the strategic significance of China-EU relations.未来10年是中欧关系在“后危机时代”国际格局中的重要定型期。中欧之间存在差异和分歧并不可怕,关键是要在走适合自己的发展道路的同时,尊重和支持其他国家所选择的道路,彻底摒弃歧视、对抗和遏制,倡导平等、对话与合作,秉持开放包容的精神,美人之美,美美与共。只要我们着眼未来,坚持从 战略高度和长远角度把握中欧关系;坚持共同致力于解决国际关系中深层次结构性问题,促进世界和谐与可持续发展;坚持共同努力推进务实合作;坚持促进双方人 民的相互理解和融合,中欧关系必将在未来世界格局中占据应有的地位,实现中欧双方的共同发展和进步,也必将为中欧乃至世界人民塑造更加美好的未来。

The next 10 years is a crucial period of time when China-EU relationship will solidify in the post-crisis era.Both China and the EU will forge ahead along its own path of development, and there will be differences and disagreements.But nothing should deter us from respecting and supporting each other's choice of development path, rejecting discrimination, confrontation and containment, and advocating equality, dialogue and cooperation.We shall uphold the spirit of openness and inclusiveness.We shall appreciate each other's values and build up harmony.We shall look ahead to the future and take a strategic and long-term perspective.We shall advance pragmatic cooperation and promote mutual understanding and integration.We shall work together to resolve deep-seated structural problems in international relations and promote world harmony and sustainable development.As long as we proceed as such, China-EU relationship will surely take its rightful place in the future, contribute to the common development of China and the EU, and bring a better future to China, to Europe and to the whole world.谢谢大家。

Thank you.


中国驻欧盟使团团长宋哲大使在欧洲议会对华关系代表团会议上发表主旨讲话,全文如下:尊敬的利凡里尼团长,各位议员朋友,Dear Chairman Rivellini of the Delegation for Relations with China, Members of Parliaments and friends, 今天是中国农历虎年正月初十,先给大家拜个晚年。

Today is the tenth day in the Chinese lunar New Year.I would like to wish you all the best in the year of Tiger.我觉得我同欧洲议会越来越有缘了。今天上午我刚来欧洲议会参加人民党党团为我举行的早餐会,下午我又应邀来到这里与你们会面交流。坦白地讲,我最想来的还是对华关系代表团,因为你们直接肩负着在欧洲议会内推动中欧关系发展的使命和责任,我们经常会面交流,对于增进双方相互理解与信任至关重要。

I think I am more and more tied up with the European Parliament.This morning I was invited to a breakfast discussion with the People's Party group, and now we are meeting here again.To be frank, I wanted mostly to come to the Delegation for Relations with China, because you have a direct mission and responsibility at the European Parliament to promote China-EU relations, therefore our frequent meetings are crucial to enhance mutual understanding and trust between the two sides.我很高兴,我们已经有了一个好的开始。利凡里尼团长上任后不久即对中国进行了成功的访问。最近我们一起成功举办了“中国春节走进欧洲议会”活动,很快对华关系代表团核心小组还要再次访华。布泽克议长也将于5月访华。我感到,随着《里斯本条约》的实施,一个新的欧洲议会正在出现。希望这个新的欧洲议会能有助于推动中欧关系站在一个更新、更高的起跑线上。

I am happy that we have already made a good start.Chairman Rivellini, shortly after assuming office, paid a successful visit to China last year.Recently we worked in close cooperation to bring the Chinese New Year into the European Parliament, and very soon the core group of the Delegation will pay another visit to China.President Buzek will also go to China in May.In my view, with the implementation of the Lisbon Treaty, a new European Parliament is now emerging.I hope this new European Parliament will contribute to bringing China-EU relations to a new and higher level.尽管目前对于中欧关系有各种各样的说法和评论,甚至有些人不知出于何种原因,似乎不愿看到中欧关系越走越近。但我始终相信,中欧关系发展的历史潮流不可阻挡,它的发展动力不会减弱,它的发展前景将会更加光明。这是因为:

At present, there are some different voices on China-EU relations.Some even seem to be very reluctant to see a closer China-EU relationship.However, I always have this strong belief, that the historic trend of China-EU relations is irresistible, its driving force will be strengthened and its prospect will be even brighter.My belief is based on the following reasons: 中国将继续致力于走和平发展道路。这是中国将继续加强同包括欧盟在内的各方平等交流与合作的重要基础。虽然这是史前无例的创举,前进的路上难免荆棘密布,但这是13亿中国人民的选择,也是历史发展的必然。过去60年来,特别是改革开放30多年来,中国的和平发展不仅给中国带来了翻天覆地的变化,也为世界的和平与发展做出了重要贡献。今后,我们将继续矢志不渝地坚持和平的发展、开放的发展、合作的发展,大力拓展与各国的互利合作,既实现自身发展,同时又以自身的发展更好地维护世界和平,促进人类进步。

China will stay committed to the path of peaceful development.This is an important foundation for China to continue its equal exchanges and cooperation with others including the EU.What China is doing is unprecedented, and the way forward will not be smooth.But it is the choice of 1.3 billion Chinese people, and the choice of history.Over the past 60 years, in particular during more than 30 years of reform and opening up, China's peaceful development has not only brought tremendous change to itself, but also made important contribution to world peace and development.In the future, we will continue to firmly adhere to peaceful development, open development and cooperative development.We'll vigorously expand mutually beneficial cooperation with other countries, achieve our own development, and through such development, better safeguard world peace and promote human progress.欧盟将继续致力于推进一体化建设。这是中欧关系发展的重要动力。半个多世纪以来,欧盟开风气之先,在曲折中不断朝着理想的目标迈进,成为世界上举足轻重的重要力量。我知道,《里约》不可能在一夜之间彻底改变欧盟,但我相信,欧洲一体化是5亿欧盟公民的选择。和中国人民一样,你们也将克服重重障碍和困难,继续坚定地致力于推进一体化建设。长期以来,中国坚定支持欧盟一体化建设,这一政策不会发生任何改变。我们相信,一个强大、团结的欧盟有利于世界的和平与发展事业,也有利于中欧关系的不断发展。

The EU will stay committed to its integration process.This will be an important driving force for the development of China-EU relation.Over half a century, the European Union has been making history by moving towards its ideal despite twists and turns, and has become a major power in the world.The Treaty of Lisbon will not change the EU overnight, but I regard the EU integration as the choice of 500 million EU citizens.Just like the Chinese people, you will overcome obstacles and difficulties, and remain firmly committed to promoting the integration process.China has always been rendering its support to the EU integration and this policy will remain unchanged.We believe, a strong and united Europe is conducive to world peace and development and will contribute to the continuous growth of China-EU relations.中欧将继续致力于发展全面战略伙伴关系。这是中欧关系发展的重要前提。事实已经证明,中欧关系是互利共赢的。几十年来,我们相互学习,相互借鉴,不仅促进了各自的经济社会发展,也为双方人民带来了实实在在的好处。面对复杂多变的国际形势和全球化、多极化的深入发展,中欧作为世界上两支重要的积极、和平力量,日益成为解决所有全球性挑战不可或缺的重要伙伴。中欧合则两利,分则两伤。

China and the EU will stay committed to developing their comprehensive strategic partnership.This is an important precondition for China-EU relations.Facts have proven that China-EU relations are mutually beneficial and win-win.For decades, we have learned from each other, drawn upon each other's experiences, which has not only promoted our own economic and social development, but also brought tangible benefits to the people of both sides.In the face of the complex and changing international situation, and the deepening of globalization and multi-polarization, China and the EU, as two major positive forces for peace, have increasingly become indispensable and important partners to resolve global challenges.Cooperation benefits both, while division hurts both.诚然,中欧之间也存在差异和分歧。而这些往往被人为地放大或者炒作,从而给人造成中欧关系问题很多的消极印象。但只要我们客观、辩证地分析就会发现,中欧之间没有根本利害冲突,绝大多数问题主要是由于缺少深入了解,以及不同的历史文化背景、政治制度和意识形态引发的。其实,解决这些问题并不困难。

It is true that there are differences and disagreements between China and the EU.These differences are often artificially amplified and highlighted.As a result people tend to have the negative impression that there are huge piles of problems in China-EU relations.But if we make an objective and balanced assessment, we will find that there is no conflict of fundamental interests between China and the EU, and that most problems are primarily caused by lack of deep understanding, different historical and cultural backgrounds, political systems or ideologies.In fact, to solve these problems is not that difficult.当今世界正在经历大变革大调整大发展。我们处在一个政治多样、文化多元发展的时代,各国都在探索符合自身国情的发展道路。不同的发展模式不应成为彼此关系发展的障碍,更不应成为导致彼此对立、非赢即输的“零和”竞争,而应成为推动共同繁荣、和谐共存的动力源泉。我很赞赏欧盟在推进一体化过程中对“多元一体”理念的追求,这也符合中国传统哲学中“和而不同”的思想精髓。

Today's world is undergoing major adjustments and developments.We are living in the period when different political systems and diverse cultures are developing at the same time.Countries are exploring development path which can meet their own national conditions.The different choice of development models should not become a disturbance or even obstacle in the relations among countries, still less should they become cutting-throat competitors or rivals.Instead, they should become the driving force and source of energy to achieve common prosperity and harmonious co-existence.I highly appreciate the EU's pursuit of the ideal, “integration with respect for diversity” in pushing the integration process.This is also consistent with the thinking of “harmony without uniformity” of traditional Chinese philosophy.我相信,真心可以融化坚冰,真诚可以打破藩篱。只要我们将心比心,推已及人,相互尊重,平等相待,相互借鉴,取长补短,摒弃“非我族类,其心必异”、甚至以强加于人式改造对方的想法,用对话与合作去扩大理解共识,用宽容和信任去消除误解分歧,中欧就一定能够实现共同进步,中欧关系就一定能够保持长期健康稳定发展。我相信这是我们共同的理想和目标。我愿为此和你们继续共同努力。

I am confident that with sincerity, we will be able to overcome any barriers.As long as we think more from each other's position, and treat each other with equality and mutual respect, as long as we learn from and draw upon experiences of each other, reject the thinking of “not my breed, their hearts must be different” or impose one's views on the other or remake each other, we can build more understanding through dialog and cooperation, narrow misunderstanding and differences with accommodation and trust.And China-EU relations will certainly be able to maintain long-term, healthy and stable development.I believe these are our common ideals and goals, and I'm ready to work with you to achieve them.今年中欧关系发展面临着不少新机遇,除密切的高层交往外,我在这里想特别提一下上海世博会。

This year, China-EU relations are facing a lot of new opportunities for further development.Besides close exchange of high level visits, the Shanghai World Expo is worth of particular mentioning.将于今年5月1日至10月31日在上海举办的世博会,以“城市、让生活更美好”为主题。这是世博会有史以来规模最大、投入最多的一次盛会,200多个国家和国际组织将参展,参观人数将超过9000万。在国际金融危机背景下,这是一届“在危机中看到希望,凝聚信心”的世博会,是一届促进世界经济复苏的世博会。有欧洲媒体将这次上海世博会称为“经济奥运会”。

The Shanghai World Expo will be held this year from May 1 to October 31, with the theme “Better City, Better Life.” This will be the largest ever World Expo in the history.More than 200 countries and international organizations will participate in the Expo and the number of visitors expects to exceed 90 million.In the context of the international financial crisis, the Shanghai World Expo will be one to “see hope in times of crisis, and to build confidence”, and it will be instrumental to promote world economic recovery.Some European media described the Shanghai World Expo as the “economic Olympics.” 作为中国最大的贸易伙伴,欧盟及其所有27个成员国均将参展上海世博会。这将是欧盟打破“老规矩”,首次在欧盟以外参展世博会,因此具有特殊意义,也从一个侧面体现了欧盟对发展中欧关系的重视。

As China's largest trading partner, the EU and all its 27 member states will participate in the Shanghai World Expo.For the first time, the EU will break from the past and give exhibition at the World Expo outside the EU.This has a special significance, and reflects the importance that EU attaches to the development of China-EU relations.据我了解,比利时-欧盟馆总面积5250平方米,其中欧盟展厅1000平方米。欧盟展区的主题是“智能欧洲”,将集中展示欧盟城市的共同特征、欧盟在环境保护和节约资源等方面创造的新模式,通过尖端科技创造可持续的城市生活等内容。届时,在这个展馆还将举行150多场活动,涉及绿色经济、环境保护、城市生活等多种主题和各类经贸交流。上海世博会“欧盟日”定在5月9日。届时欧盟将举办一次欧盟狂欢节,庆祝“舒曼计划”提出60周年。The Belgium-European Union Hall covers a total area of 5, 250 square meters, with 1,000 square meters for the EU exhibition.The EU Pavilion's theme is “smart Europe”, which will focus on contents such as display of the common features of European cities, new models the EU has created in environmental protection and conservation of resources, sustainable urban living through cutting-edge technology.By that time, the exhibition hall will hold more than 150 activities ranging from green economy, environmental protection, urban life and many other topics and a variety of economic and trade interaction.The “EU Day” for Shanghai World Expo is scheduled on 9th of May, when the EU will hold an EU carnival to celebrate 60 years of the “Schumann Plan”.海世博会将是一个很好的平台和机遇。通过它,中国人民将进一步全面了解包括欧盟在内的世界新经济和新城市的发展理念,欧盟和世界人民也将进一步深入了解中国经济、社会、科技、文化等方面的发展进步。我相信,上海世博会一定能够成为加深中欧相互了解和友谊、促进中欧互利合作的另一座新桥梁!

The Shanghai World Expo will be a good platform and opportunity, through which the Chinese people will know and understand more about concepts of the new economy and new urban development in the world, including the EU.Likewise, the EU and the people of the world will have a deeper understanding of China's progress and development in the economic, social, technological and cultural fields.I believe that the Shanghai World Expo will establish another new bridge to deepen mutual understanding and friendship and promote mutually beneficial cooperation between China and the EU!3月2日中国驻欧盟使团将与欧委会对外关系总司合作,在欧委会总部大楼举办上海世博会展览,欢迎各位朋友届时光临!我也借此机会代表中国,热烈欢迎你们有机会亲临上海世博会,亲身体验它的精彩和成功!On the 2nd of March, the Chinese mission and the Directorate General for External Relations of the European Commission will jointly hold in the Berlaymont an exhibition to inaugurate Shanghai World Expo.I hope you could have time to join us there!On behalf of China, I would also like to take this opportunity to warmly welcome you to the Shanghai World Expo and experience its excitement and success!



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