Profile of Dr.Huong Ha
Dr.Huong Ha is a senior lecturer at UON Singapore and University of Newcastle, Australia.She is in charge of the MBA, Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Commerce programs at UON Singapore.She has been one of the moderators‘ of the IMF e-library forum on energy policy.Her previous positions include Dean, Director of Research and Development, Deputy Course Director, Chief Editor, Executive Director, Business Development manager, etc.She holds a PhD from Monash University(Australia)and a Master’s degree from Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore.She was a recipient of a PhD scholarship(Monash University), Temasek scholarship(National University of Singapore), and a scholarship awarded by the United Nations University/ International Leadership Academy, and many other scholarships, professional and academic awards, and research related grants.She was a subject of biography in the Who‘s Who of the World, 19992000 and Who‘s Who in Vietnam, 1998-1999 by Barons Who’s Who, USA;and was invited to be included in Who‘s Who of Asia/Pacific, Vol.IV, 2002 by Rifacimento International, India.She has authored or co-edited the following books:(i)Ha, Huong(2014).Change Management for Sustainability.USA: Business Expert Press,(ii)Ha, Huong(2014).Land and Disaster Management Strategies in Asia.H.Ha(Ed.), Springer;and(iii)Ha, Huong&Dhakal, T.N.(2013).Governance Approaches to Mitigation of and Adaptation to Climate Change in Asia.H.Ha, & T.N.Dhakal(Eds.), Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan;and Ha, Huong;Fernando, Lalitha and Mahmood, Amir(2015), Strategic Disaster Risk Management in Asia, Springer.She has produced about 75 journal articles, book chapters, conference papers and articles in Encyclopedias.She has been an invited member of(i)the international editorial boards of many international journals/book projects;(ii)the scientific and/or technical committees of several international conferences in many countries;and(iii)international advisory board of many associations.She has also been a reviewer of many international journals and international conferences.Ha 博士是纽卡斯尔大学新加坡校区和澳洲校区的高级讲师。她负责纽卡斯尔大学新加坡校区的工商管理硕士课程,商务学士课程。她是国际货币基金组织电子图书馆论坛中关于能源政策话题的主持人之一。
Ha 博士著有多本学术专著并在众多权威期刊上发表多篇文章,同时她也是很多国际期刊国际编辑委员会及多国的科技类国际峰会委员会的特邀委员、顾问或审稿人。
Part 1: About University and Programme
Q1: What is the key strength or competitive advantage of UON MBA compared to other full time MBA programmes in Singapore market?
The UON MBA allows for flexible learning as real business cases are applied and this allows for practical understanding of the subject matter as students take on knowledge based on scenarios that are witnessed and practiced in the industry.As UON Singapore is a wholly entity of the University of Newcastle, Australia and is physically available, students can approach their lecturers directly at the office in Level 4 of the PSB Academy.Our high quality faculty will be able to provide first-hand information to students who require further assistance in their studies.Our Teaching and Learning support is also a key and unique feature for students as we address questions and provides ideas and advice for all Academic Literacy Skills e.g.Research, presentation skills, essay writing etc.Studying a UON MBA will provide students with opportunities to excel in their career and upgrade their skillsets as they progress in the corporate ladder.The alumni connectivity with UON Singapore is impressive and students can expect to mingle and network with practitioners in their industry.Plus, studying in Singapore is a faster route to quality education and students can expect to save at least 30 percent studying here, while getting the same degree conferred and endorsed by the University of Newcastle, Australia.However, should a student wish to transfer to the Australia campus, there are opportunities for them to do so as well.纽卡斯尔大学的工商管理硕士课程的学习模式是多样化的。它带入了真实的企业案例分析,使得学生能够通过各种行业的真实案例分析,在真实的情境中理解、吸收知识并领会到本课程的核心所在。
Q2: What are the profiles of lecturers teaching MBA? Are they Singapore local lecturersor flying in lecturers from Australian campus? What is the teacher-student ratio for MBA class?
We have a diverse team of lecturers.Some lecturers teaching MBA at UON Singapore are employed full-time by UON Singapore and are conjoint academic staff of the University of Newcastle, Australia.All full-time lecturers must hold a PhD degree and have publications.Others are adjunct academics who must meet the accreditation requirements in order to be employed by UON Singapore.Some academics from Australia have conducted research seminars to share their knowledge and research findings with students and academics in Singapore.In 2015, the teacher student-ratio for MBA class is 1:15.我们的讲师是多元化的。部分讲师是纽卡斯尔大学新加坡校区雇佣的全职讲师,且与澳洲纽卡斯尔大学本部有着密切的学术交流。所有全职讲师必须拥有博士学位,并且有出版物。一些兼职讲师必须符合认证要求才能被纽卡斯尔大学新加坡校区聘用。另一些从澳洲飞到新加坡授课的讲师会通过研讨会的方式和新加坡校区的学生分享他们的和知识和学术研究成果。
Q3: What are the competitiveness of UON MBA graduates?
Our students are highly competent and are sought after by the industry.Many of them found a job within a short period of time.They are well equipped with both hard and soft skills, and most importantly, a right attitude to excel.我们的学生在市场上是很有竞争优势的,且受到了业界的追捧。很多毕业生在毕业后的短时间内就找到了工作。我们的毕业生拥有驰骋职场的软、硬技能,最重要的是,他们都拥有让自己走向卓越的正确态度和能力。
Q4: What are the career prospects after completing UON MBA?
We have MBA students graduated in Singapore who have worked at well-known companies, such as Google(India), M1, Facebook(Singapore), Fuji Xerox, DHL, Christian Dior, Ikari, Brandt, etc.我们很多工商管理硕士毕业生在新加坡或他们自己国家或创业或就职于著名的公司,例如:谷歌(印度),M1,Facebook(新加坡),富士施乐,DHL, 克里斯丁·迪奥,Ikari, 勃兰特等等。
Q5: Any career services provided by UON?
We do organise career workshops for students, assist students to prepare their resumes, facilitate networking opportunities for students to contact industry speakers, etc.我们为学生组织就业研习会,帮助学生准备简历,提供学生发布简历到网上的机会,使学生能够更便捷的和企业联系。
Part 2: About Entry Requirement
Q1: What is the entry requirement for China applicants for GCBA and MBA respectively?
The entry requirement is the same across all applicants.They need to present at least an equivalent of AQF Diploma.For China, normally this would be Certificate of Graduation(毕业证书)or Graduation Diploma(毕业文凭)which could be equivalent to either an AQF Diploma or Advanced Diploma.We would need to look at the qualification to be able to identify whether it is equivalent to a Diploma or Advanced Diploma.And depending on whether they have business related work experience and the number of years of experience, they will be eligible for either GCBA or direct MBA.For both GCBA and direct MBA, there is a possibility that an applicant can enter without having an equivalent AQF Diploma.In this case, they would need to present at least 5 years business experience for GCBA entry or at least 7 years business experience, including 2 years in a management position for direct MBA(for detailed entry requirement, please refer to the PSB Academy brochure).所有申请者的入学要求是一样的。他们至少需要出示等同于澳洲大专学历的文凭。对于中国生而言,通常这会是和任何一个AQF大专或者高级大专证书同等的毕业证书,如任何的三年制的大专毕业证书或本科学位证书,同时我们也会参考申请着相关的商业工作经验及工作时间的长短。
Q2: For fresh UG degree graduates, to apply for UON MBA, it is required that bachelor degree is in the discipline, can you please define “in the discipline”? Is the discipline such as HRM and Tourism defined as “in the discipline”?
“In the discipline” would be in the business related areas.I believe accounting, finance, organizational behavior, economics, marketing, management, international business;human resource management, entrepreneurship etc.would be considered in the discipline.And any degrees with components of these disciplines could potentially be accepted provided they took sufficient amount of business related courses.For non-straight forward qualifications pre assessments will require approval from our Program Convenor.“学科相关”指的是和商科相关的,比如会计、财务、组织行为学、经济学、市场营销、管理、国际业务、人力资源管理、创业等,都可以看作是商科相关的学科。另外,任何有这些学科在内的专业能够说明他们在商科领域有相关的知识,都有可能申请。对于非商科专业背景的学生,需要我们的MBA课程负责人逐个案例审核通过才可以。
Q3: Can internship or part-time jobs be counted as working experience?
Yes, internship or part-time jobs can be considered as work experience as long as it is relevant business related and meet the required number of years.实习或者兼职工作可以算是工作经验,只要这个工作经验和商业相关并且累积达到我们所要求的工作经验年限。
Q4: For recognized diploma holders, they are eligible to apply for GCBA programme and after completing GCBA, students only need to study 8 modules to complete MBA programme.It is a competitive and attractive learning pathway in the market.But some applicants perceive it as low entry requirement and question the quality of UON MBA programme.Can UON share the position of GCBA and rational to offer GCBA?
The GCBA allow students with prior learning in various fields and industry experience to have an opportunity to prepare for an advanced career in management in an extensive range of business areas.Students must study and pass the four compulsory courses which equip them with the required skills and knowledge to pursue further study, i.e.continue with the MBA.The rigorous training and the skills and knowledge obtained when studying these four courses will help students progress to the MBA.The quality of UON MBA programme is reflected via the competence of our students and their employability after graduation from the course.GCBA课程提供给各类学历或行业背景并有志晋升管理层的学生一个机会。
Part 3: About MBA Course and Class
Q1: What is the MBA class size and what is the student population structure, local vs international and China vs other nationalities?
The average class size ranges from 15 to 20 students with almost 80 percent ofthem areinternational students.Of the international students, 20 percent are fromChina.工商管理硕士课程班级平均人数是15-20人,大约80%的学生是国际生。在国际生里面,20%的学生来自中国。
Q2: What is the course structure and teaching method?
Students have to complete and pass 12 courses in order to receive the qualification.Teaching method is a combination of lectures, case studies.We do invite guest speakers from the industry and external organisations to share their experience with students.We do organize site visits for students.学生若要获得MBA必须完成并通过12门课。
Q3: What is the assessment mode? And what is the weightage for each assessment mode?
The assessment includes assignments(essay, report, group work, presentation, in-class test, etc.)and final examination.The weightage for each assessment components vary per course/subject.评估包括平时作业(论文,报告,小组作业,演讲,课堂小测等)和期末考试。每门课的评估分布比重是不一样的。
Q4: What is the average passing rate and graduation rate?
We are happy to say that the average passing rate is more than 80 percent.Based on the historical record, we have more than 70 percent graduation rate.根据我们的历史数据,MBA的平均通过率在80%以上,毕业率在70%以上。
The degrees are delivered by UON Singapore(a wholly-owned entity of the University of Newcastle, Australia)through its partner, PSB Academy.UON Singapore celebrates 10 years of establishment this year, and is proud to have PSB Academy as its leading partner.Visit www.newcastle.edu.au/singapore for more information.MBA硕士课程是由纽卡斯尔大学新加坡分部(澳洲纽卡斯尔大学的直属分部)负责,授课地点是PSB学院。2016年是纽卡斯尔大学新加坡部成立10周年,我们很荣幸有PSB学院这样的合作伙伴,携手共进,在新加坡为学生提供高品质大学教育!