
时间:2019-05-15 03:47:03下载本文作者:会员上传


| ||生活| 一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,然后在某个不经意的瞬间,你会发现,原本费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就这么忘记了..|-----郭敬明


1)quite 相当 quiet 安静地

2)affect v 影响, 假装 effect n 结果, 影响

3)adapt 适应 adopt 采用 adept 内行

4)angel 天使 angle 角度

5)dairy 牛奶厂 diary 日记

6)contend 奋斗, 斗争 content 内容, 满足的 context 上下文 contest 竞争, 比赛

7)principal 校长, 主要的 principle 原则

8)implicit 含蓄的 explicit 明白的

9)dessert 甜食 desert 沙漠 v 放弃 dissert 写论文

10)pat 轻拍 tap 轻打 slap 掌击 rap 敲,打

11)decent 正经的 descent n 向下, 血统 descend v 向下

12)sweet 甜的 sweat 汗水

13)later 后来 latter 后者 latest 最近的 lately adv 最近

14)costume 服装 custom习惯

15)extensive 广泛的 intensive 深刻的

16)aural 耳的 oral 口头的

17)abroad 国外 aboard 上(船,飞机)

18)altar 祭坛 alter 改变

19)assent 同意 ascent 上升 accent 口音

20)champion 冠军 champagne 香槟酒 campaign 战役

21)baron 男爵 barren 不毛之地的 barn 古仓

22)beam 梁,光束 bean 豆 been have 过去式

23)precede 领先 proceed 进行,继续

24)pray 祈祷 prey 猎物

25)chicken 鸡 kitchen 厨房

26)monkey 猴子 donkey 驴

27)chore 家务活 chord 和弦 cord 细绳

28)cite 引用 site 场所 sight 视觉

29)clash(金属)幢击声 crash 碰幢,坠落 crush 压坏

30)compliment 赞美 complement 附加物

31)confirm 确认 conform 使顺从

32)contact 接触 contract 合同 contrast 对照

33)council 议会 counsel 忠告 consul 领事

34)crow 乌鸦 crown 王冠 clown 小丑 cow 牛

35)dose 一剂药 doze 打盹

36)drawn draw 过去分词 drown 溺水

37)emigrant 移民到国外 immigrant 从某国来的移民

38)excess n 超过 exceed v超过 excel 擅长

39)hotel 青年旅社 hostel 旅店

40)latitude 纬度 altitude 高度 gratitude 感激

41)immoral 不道德 的 immortal 不朽的

42)lone 孤独的 alone 单独的 lonely 寂寞的

43)mortal 不死的 metal 金属 mental 神经的 medal勋章 model 模特meddle 玩弄

44)scare 惊吓 scarce 缺乏的

45)drought 天旱 draught 通风, 拖拉 draughts(英)国际跳棋

47)assure 保证 ensure 使确定 insure 保险

48)except 除外 expect 期望 accept 接受 excerpt 选录 exempt 免除

49)floor 地板 flour 面粉

50)incident 事件 accident 意外

51)inspiration 灵感 aspiration 渴望

52)march 三月, 前进 match 比赛

53)patent 专利 potent 有力的 potential 潜在的

54)police 警察 policy 政策 politics 政治

55)protest 抗议 protect 保护

56)require 需要 inquire 询问 enquire 询问 acquire 获得

67)revenge 报仇 avenge 为...报仇

68)story 故事 storey 楼层 store 商店

69)strike 打 stick 坚持 strict 严格的

70)expand 扩张 expend 花费 extend 延长

71)commerce 商业 commence 开始

72)through 通过 thorough 彻底的(al)though 尽管 thought think 过去分词

73)purpose 目的 suppose 假设 propose 建议

74)expect 期望 respect 尊敬 aspect 方面 inspect 视察 suspect 怀疑

75)glide 滑翔 slide 使滑行 slip 跌落

76)steal 偷 steel 钢

77)strive 努力 stride 大步走

78)allusion 暗示 illusion 幻觉 delusion 错觉 elusion 逃避

79)prospect 前景 perspective 透视法

80)stationery 文具 stationary 固定的

81)loose 松的 lose 丢失 loss n 损失 lost lose过去式

82)amend 改正, 修正 emend 校正

83)amoral unmoral immoral 同义 不道德的

84)capitol 大厦 capital 首都

85)casual 随便的 causal 表原因的

86)extend 延伸 extent 长度 extant 现存的

87)inability 没能力 disability 残疾

88)personnel 人事 personal 个人的

89)statue 塑像 statute 法令 stature 身长 status 地位

90)widow 寡妇 window 窗户

91)socks 短袜 stockings 长筒袜

92)tax 税 taxi 出租

93)definite 不定的 infinite 无限的

94)grim 严酷的 grime 污点

95)crayon 蜡笔 canyon 山谷

96)recent 最近resent 生气

97)phrase 短语 phase 阶段

98)mission 使命 emission 散发, 发射 mansion 大厦

99)vision 视觉 version 译本

100)gasp 上气不接下气 grasp 抓住

101)delicate 微妙的 dedicate 献身

101)idle 空闲的 idol 偶像

102)induce 促使,劝诱 deduce 推测 reduce 减少 seduce 诱使

103)lapse 流逝 elapse 消逝 eclipse 日食

104)rude 粗鲁的 crude 天然的

105)source 水源 sauce 酱油 saucer 茶托 resource 资源 recourse 求援

106)sled(儿童)雪橇 sledge 雪橇

107)stripe 条纹 strip 条 trip 旅行

108)vocation 职业 vacation 假期 evocation 召集 revocation 撤回

109)ardor 热情 adore 崇拜 adorn 装饰

110)area 区域 era 时代

111)resemble 象...assemble v 集合,装配 assembly n 集合, 装配

112)assume 假定 resume 恢复

113)attain 达到 obtain 获得 abstain 放弃

114)award 授予 reward 奖赏

115)baggage(American English)luggage 行李

116)badge 徽章 bandage 绷带

117)blade 刀刃 bald 秃的 bold 大胆

118)bloom 开花 blossom 开花(结果实)bosom 胸口

119)blush 脸红 flush 发红(脸)

120)bride 新娘 bribe 贿赂

121)growl 咆哮 howl 狼叫

122)depress 使沮丧 suppress 镇压 oppress 压迫

123)dime 一角 dim 暗淡的

124)dizzy 眼花缭乱 dazzle 使眼花

125)brown 褐色 brow 眼眉 blow 打击

126)bullet 子弹 bulletin 公告

127)carton 纸板盒 cartoon 动画

128)chivalry 骑士精神 cavalry 骑兵队

129)collar 领子 cellar 地窖 color 颜色

130)vanish 消失 evanish 使消失

131)intrude 入侵 extrude 逐出 detrude 推下

132)contort 扭弯 distort 弄弯 retort 反驳

133)eminent 杰出的 imminent 逼近的

134)decline 下降 recline 放置 incline 倾斜

135)exclaim 呼喊 proclaim 宣布 acclaim 欢呼 declaim 朗诵

136)edict 法令 indict 控告

137)perfuse 泼洒 profuse 浪费的

138)reject 拒绝 eject 逐出 inject 注射 deject 使沮丧

139)literacy 识字 literary 文学的 literature 文学 literal 文字的

140)median 中央的,中线的 medium 媒体

141)expel 驱逐 repel 反击 impel 推动 dispel 驱散

142)rip 撕 ripe 熟的

143)wench 绞车 wrench 扭伤

144)confidant 知己 confident 有信心的

145)dine 吃饭 diner 吃饭人 dinning n 吃饭 dinner 晚饭

146)dreg 渣滓 drag 拖拉

147)faint 失去知觉 feint 佯攻

148)imprudence 轻率 impudence 无耻

149)specie 硬币 species 种类

150)hanger 钩子 hangar 棚厂 hunger 饥饿

151)suite 一(宾馆套房)suit一套衣服



16)aural 耳的 oral 口头的

17)abroad 国外 aboard 上(船,飞机)

18)altar 祭坛 alter 改变

19)assent 同意 ascent 上升 accent 口音

20)champion 冠军 champagne 香槟酒 campaign 战役

21)baron 男爵 barren 不毛之地的 barn 古仓

22)beam 梁,光束 bean 豆 been have 过去式

23)precede 领先 proceed 进行,继续

24)pray 祈祷 prey 猎物

25)chicken 鸡 kitchen 厨房

26)monkey 猴子 donkey 驴

27)chore 家务活 chord 和弦 cord 细绳

28)cite 引用 site 场所 sight 视觉

29)clash(金属)幢击声 crash 碰幢,坠落 crush 压坏

30)compliment 赞美 complement 附加物

31)confirm 确认 conform 使顺从

32)contact 接触 contract 合同 contrast 对照

33)council 议会 counsel 忠告 consul 领事

34)crow 乌鸦 crown 王冠 clown 小丑 cow 牛

35)dose 一剂药 doze 打盹

36)drawn draw 过去分词 drown 溺水

37)emigrant 移民到国外 immigrant 从某国来的移民

38)excess n 超过 exceed v超过 excel 擅长

39)hotel 青年旅社 hostel 旅店

40)latitude 纬度 altitude 高度 gratitude 感激

41)immoral 不道德 的 immortal 不朽的

42)lone 孤独的 alone 单独的 lonely 寂寞的

43)mortal 不死的 metal 金属 mental 神经的 medal勋章 model 模特meddle 玩弄

44)scare 惊吓 scarce 缺乏的

45)drought 天旱 draught 通风, 拖拉 draughts(英)国际跳棋 47)assure 保证 ensure 使确定 insure 保险

48)except 除外 expect 期望 accept 接受 excerpt 选录 exempt 免除

49)floor 地板 flour 面粉

50)incident 事件 accident 意外

51)inspiration 灵感 aspiration 渴望

52)march 三月, 前进 match 比赛

53)patent 专利 potent 有力的 potential 潜在的

54)police 警察 policy 政策 politics 政治

55)protest 抗议 protect 保护

56)require 需要 inquire 询问 enquire 询问 acquire 获得

67)revenge 报仇 avenge 为...报仇

68)story 故事 storey 楼层 store 商店

69)strike 打 stick 坚持 strict 严格的

70)expand 扩张 expend 花费 extend 延长

71)commerce 商业 commence 开始

72)through 通过 thorough 彻底的(al)though 尽管 thought think 过去分词

73)purpose 目的 suppose 假设 propose 建议

74)expect 期望 respect 尊敬 aspect 方面 inspect 视察 suspect 怀疑

75)glide 滑翔 slide 使滑行 slip 跌落

76)steal 偷 steel 钢 77)strive 努力 stride 大步走

78)allusion 暗示 illusion 幻觉 delusion 错觉 elusion 逃避

79)prospect 前景 perspective 透视法

80)stationery 文具 stationary 固定的

81)loose 松的 lose 丢失 loss n 损失 lost lose过去式

82)amend 改正, 修正 emend 校正

83)amoral unmoral immoral 同义 不道德的

84)capitol 大厦 capital 首都

85)casual 随便的 causal 表原因的 86)extend 延伸 extent 长度 extant 现存的

87)inability 没能力 disability 残疾

88)personnel 人事 personal 个人的

89)statue 塑像 statute 法令 stature 身长 status 地位

90)widow 寡妇 window 窗户

91)socks 短袜 stockings 长筒袜

92)tax 税 taxi 出租

93)definite 不定的 infinite 无限的

94)grim 严酷的 grime 污点

95)crayon 蜡笔 canyon 山谷

96)recent 最近resent 生气

97)phrase 短语 phase 阶段

98)mission 使命 emission 散发, 发射 mansion 大厦

99)vision 视觉 version 译本

100)gasp 上气不接下气 grasp 抓住

101)delicate 微妙的 dedicate 献身

101)idle 空闲的 idol 偶像

102)induce 促使,劝诱 deduce 推测 reduce 减少 seduce 诱使

103)lapse 流逝 elapse 消逝 eclipse 日食

104)rude 粗鲁的 crude 天然的

105)source 水源 sauce 酱油 saucer 茶托 resource 资源 recourse 求援

106)sled(儿童)雪橇 sledge 雪橇

107)stripe 条纹 strip 条 trip 旅行

108)vocation 职业 vacation 假期 evocation 召集 revocation 撤回

109)ardor 热情 adore 崇拜 adorn 装饰

110)area 区域 era 时代

111)resemble 象...assemble v 集合,装配 assembly n 集合, 装配

112)assume 假定 resume 恢复

113)attain 达到 obtain 获得 abstain 放弃

114)award 授予 reward 奖赏

115)baggage(American English)luggage 行李

116)badge 徽章 bandage 绷带

117)blade 刀刃 bald 秃的 bold 大胆

118)bloom 开花 blossom 开花(结果实)bosom 胸口

119)blush 脸红 flush 发红(脸)

120)bride 新娘 bribe 贿赂

121)growl 咆哮 howl 狼叫

122)depress 使沮丧 suppress 镇压 oppress 压迫

123)dime 一角 dim 暗淡的

124)dizzy 眼花缭乱 dazzle 使眼花

125)brown 褐色 brow 眼眉 blow 打击

126)bullet 子弹 bulletin 公告

127)carton 纸板盒 cartoon 动画

128)chivalry 骑士精神 cavalry 骑兵队

129)collar 领子 cellar 地窖 color 颜色

130)vanish 消失 evanish 使消失 131)intrude 入侵 extrude 逐出 detrude 推下

132)contort 扭弯 distort 弄弯 retort 反驳

133)eminent 杰出的 imminent 逼近的

134)decline 下降 recline 放置 incline 倾斜

135)exclaim 呼喊 proclaim 宣布 acclaim 欢呼 declaim 朗诵

136)edict 法令 indict 控告

137)perfuse 泼洒 profuse 浪费的

138)reject 拒绝 eject 逐出 inject 注射 deject 使沮丧

139)literacy 识字 literary 文学的 literature 文学 literal 文字的

140)median 中央的,中线的 medium 媒体

141)expel 驱逐 repel 反击 impel 推动 dispel 驱散

142)rip 撕 ripe 熟的

143)wench 绞车 wrench 扭伤

144)confidant 知己 confident 有信心的

145)dine 吃饭 diner 吃饭人 dinning n 吃饭 dinner 晚饭

146)dreg 渣滓 drag 拖拉

147)faint 失去知觉 feint 佯攻

148)imprudence 轻率 impudence 无耻

149)specie species 种类


150)hanger 钩子 hangar 棚厂 hunger 饥饿

151)suite 一(宾馆套房)suit一套衣服

第三篇:新东方大学英语六级40天突破 听力7.听段子方法



[P28-One] 11.A)They often take place in her major industries.B)British trade unions are more powerful.C)There are more trade union members in Britain.D)Britain loses more working days through strikes every year.12.A)Such strikes are against the British law.B)Such strikes are unpredictable.C)Such strikes involve workers from different trades.D)Such strikes occur frequently these days.13.A)Trade unions in Britain are becoming more popular.B)Most strikes in Britain are against the British law.C)Unofficial strikes in Britain are easier to deal with now.D)Employer-worker relations in Britain have become tenser.[P37-Two] 15.A)He has always lived in America.B)He has been in America for three years.C)He visited America three years ago.D)He has come to America to do research on advertising.16.A)There were far more advertisements there than he had expected.B)The advertisements there were well designed.C)The advertisements there were creative and necessary.D)He found the advertisements there difficult to understand.17.A)Be more careful about what they advertise.B)Spend less money on advertising.C)Advertise more for their products.D)Use new advertising techniques.[P57-One] 11.A)About 45 million.B)About 50 million.C)About 5.4 million.D)About 4.5 million.12.A)The actors and actresses are not paid for their performance.B)The actors and actresses only perform in their own communities.C)They exist only in small communities.D)They only put on shows that are educational.13.A)It provides them with the opportunity to watch performances for free.B)It provides them with the opportunity to make friends.C)It gives them the chance to do something creative.D)It gives them a chance to enjoy modern art.文章的结构:








结尾的特点:记重复重现的词(到选项中找相同的);引导结果的连词 therefore, thus, so, as a result, that is, 开头结尾一般考topic题


first(肯定出考题), most(肯定出考题), because(肯定出考题)since, only, just(可能出), but 强烈的转折,强烈的因果都非常重要。


客观的事实,用常识(common sense)猜题。


^ | You have to believe, there is a way.The ancients said:“ the kingdom of heaven is trying to enter”.Only when the reluctant step by step to go to it 's time, must be managed to get one step down, only have struggled to achieve it.--Guo Ge Tech

一.首考与“with” 的搭配

comply with,coincide with, collide with, collaborate with,cope with, mingle with, furnish with, acquaint oneself with(be acquainted with)come up with, be identical with,get along with

in accordance with, find fault with, in association with, in line with, in harmony with, get away with, lose contact with ,with keen anticipation, be consistent with, be(in)compatible with, in collaboration with, reconcile with.二.与“to”的搭配关系也是考查重点

conform to, be apt prone liable to , be subordinate to, be superior to, be inferior to, be relevant to, be identical to, be indifferent to, resort to, dedicate to, in contrast to, in response to,in obedience to, be subjected to, adhere to, ascribe to, attribute to, subscribe to,be susceptible to, cater to, be secondary to, have access to, inaccessible to, cling to, in proportion to, do credit to(为-----带来光荣),show somebody to(引领)with reference to,be bound to ,get round to, live up to

三.与“for” 的搭配

compensate for, take the blame for, have tolerance for, display admiration for, revenge oneself for sth.go in for, show scorn for


on the threshold of, on the decline, on no account, on file, comment on, catch on, on the occasion, be intent on, have a profound effect on, look out on, look on as, heap praise on


deprive sb.of sth., be suspicious of, of no avail, in terms of, be critical of, in the vicinity of, make sense of, in honor of, at the height of, the array of, a fraction of, conceive of, a stack of, in quest of,by virtue of

六.与“in” 的搭配

in compensation, in a minority, in a dilemma, result in, in that, provided that , in between ,in case of, in memory of


at random, hang by a thread, keep off, look into, lay off, lose no time in doing sth., put away, regardless of, talk sb into doing sth.




Part I Writing

As is shown in the picture, a boy is telling a girl his experience in making friends.He, like many of modern people, tends to use social networking websites to meet new friends.They love the time they spend with their new acquaintances on the Internet.In my opinion, it‟s total madness for people to do that.The use of social networking websites in cultivating friendship influences our life in a bad way.Firstly, the use of social networking websites may undermine our interpersonal skills in dealing with people in our real life.Secondly, interacting with new friends online may estrange us instead of drawing us closer, though often such communication does offer some fun.Lastly, friendship got by means of those websites may not last long, which may render us a feeling of great loss afterwards.In my opinion, it‟s time we took action to cultivate real friendship for our own benefit.For one thing, we should adopt a correct attitude towards friendship, which involves substantial help with our study or work in daily life, not in the virtual world.For another, we should step aside from the shining pictures, video clips, or voice messages passed to and fro via the websites, and actually meet new friends in person to have a chance to savor the sweetness friends can bring us.Part II Listening Comprehension

Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations.At the end of each conversation, you will hear some questions.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1with a single line through the centre.Conversation One

W: Hello, Professor Smith.M: Yes, Lily, any problem with the writing assignment? W: Yes.I‟m about to write my research paper summary.I‟m confused about the difference between a research paper and a research paper summary.M: I have a questions, have you finished writing your research paper? W: Not yet, I‟m in the middle of it.M: Then, it‟s advisable for you to wait after you finish your report.W: Why can‟t I do these two at the same time? M: No, you can‟t.To write a summary, you should first of all need to finish your report.Then, review your main ideas, and condense them into a short document.W: I see.The best way to begin writing the research summary is by reviewing my report.M: Yes.That‟s right.W: It seems I‟d better write my report at a faster speed.M: Ok.And, as you said just now, you don‟t know the difference between the report and the summary, right? W: Yes, I do.As I understand, they both write about the same thing.The difference is their length, one is longer and the other is a little bit shorter.M: Yes, you can say that again.Let‟s talk about their differences in class at a later time.But, in structure, they‟re similar.W: Similar? I know, for a research paper, it has a beginning, a middle and an end.M: Yes, so has the report summary.The beginning should introduce the topic and how you plan to address it.The middle of the summary will provide the main points you use to support your argument.The end of the document should summarize the conclusions your paper reaches.W: It seems to be so complex and so hard.M: You‟ll be better off if you keep two things in mind.One is to be concise, and the other is not to use too complicated terms.Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1.When is the right time to write a report summary? 2.How‟s Lily‟s research paper going for now? 3.What does the middle of a research paper summary write about? 4.What does the professor suggest Lily do at the end of the conversation?

1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C

Conversation Two

W: This is Lucy Bowen.I‟m talking with Professor Jimmy Whitworth, from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.Welcome, Professor!M: It‟s my honor to be here, and talk about a topic which may make the audience a little bit comfortable or horrible.That is, Ebola, which is spreading mostly in African countries.But, according to the news, more than 17,000 people in West Africa have survived Ebola infection.Sadly, doctors from the US National Institute of Health said, most of them will have long-lasting health problems.W: They have survived Ebola.That‟s very lucky.But, again, they have to feel its potential challenges.M: Yes, you can say that again.The related study shows that survivors in Liberia had developed body weakness, memory loss and depressive symptoms in 6 months after leaving hospital.W: So, in a way, Ebola hasn‟t gone away from these people.M: Yes.When people had memory loss, it tended to affect their daily living, for example, they couldn‟t return to school or normal jobs, and some people may have terrible sleeping problems, regular headaches, and even some patients are “actively suicidal”.W: Is there any available ways to cure these problems? M: Well, we‟re only trying to figure out what some of these problems are physical or mental.However, there‟s still much to learn about Ebola‟s other potential consequences, and there will be a long way to go before effective ways are found to cure them.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5.What were the speakers talking about?

6.How many patients survive Ebola infection in West Africa? 7.What symptoms did survivors in Liberia develop after leaving hospital? 8.What problems does memory loss cause for Ebola survivors?

5.A 6.C 7.B 8.C

Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear two passages.At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Passage One

Sports enthusiasts at every level are clearly aware that the „mental‟ part of performance can be just as important as the physical.Good performance in gymnastics is often said to 90% mental and 10% physical.Other sports see „hidden‟ factors, such as confidence and a „cool‟ head under pressure, make up more than 50% of success.Many will talk about „being in the zone‟ when they perform at their peak.Olympic 100-metre gold medalist Linford Christie described his focus on the starting line as being like looking down a long, straight tune.His ability to blank out other competitors, the roar of the crowd, gave him those extra advantages over his rivals.In sport, psychology matters—and at every level.If you go onto the tennis court telling yourself that you‟ve never beaten Joe before and that you‟re not going to beat him today, then the result is very predictable.So, optimism boosts sporting performance, both at team and individual levels.Research into baseball and basketball teams in the USA revealed that teams have their own styles.The style used by teams after a defeat or when under pressure in the last few minutes of a game will determine future performance, regardless of the quality of the team.Those who are optimistic in the face of defeat are more likely to be successful in their next game;those who explain failures negatively will perform more poorly.Research into swimmers revealed that the same trend holds for individual athletes.Quite simply, when under pressure optimistic sportsmen and women try harder—and they recover from defeat more quickly.Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.9.How much will confidence account for in gymnasts‟ success? 10.How did Linford Christie gain extra advantages over his rivals? 11.How can optimism help boost performance in sports?

9.C 10.B 11.C

Passage Two

Today, let‟s learn something about Gettysburg National Military Park, which was built in memory of the Battle of Gettysburg.Fought over the first three days of July 1863, the Battle of Gettysburg was one of the most crucial battles of the Civil War.The battle brought disaster to the residents of Gettysburg.Every farm field or garden was a graveyard.Churches, public buildings and even private homes were hospitals, filled with wounded soldiers.By January 1864, the last patients were gone as were the surgeons, guards, nurses, tents and cookhouses.Only a temporary cemetery on the hillside remained as a testament to the courageous battle to save lives that took place at Camp Letterman.Prominent Gettysburg residents became concerned with the poor condition of soldiers‟ graves scattered over the battlefield and at hospital sites, and pleaded with Pennsylvania Governor Andrew Curtin for state support to purchase a portion of the battlefield to be set aside as a final resting place for the defenders of the Union cause.In 1864, a group of concerned citizens established the Gettysburg Battlefield Memorial Association whose purpose was to preserve portions of the battlefield as a memorial to the Union Army that fought here.A Federally-appointed commission of Civil War veterans oversaw the park‟s development as a memorial to both armies by identifying and marking the lines of battle.Administration of the park was transferred to the Department of the Interior, National Park Service in 1933, which continues in its mission to protect, preserve and interpret the Battle of Gettysburg and the Gettysburg Address to park visitors.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.12.What did the Civil War bring to the local people in Gettysburg? 13.Who started the campaign for the protection of soldier graves? 14.When was the Gettysburg Battlefield Memorial Association established? 15.What was the responsibility of the veteran commission in building the park?

12.B 13.B 14.A 15.C

Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear recordings of lectures or talks followed by some questions.The recordings will be played only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 16 to 19.Since the Industrial Revolution, natural habitats have been destroyed, and environments have been polluted, causing great harm to human beings, such as diseases in both humans and many other species of animals.In today‟s lesson, I will talk about land pollution, the sources of the pollution, its consequences and a few things we can do to prevent further pollution and protect our environment.To begin with, let‟s expand a little bit on the question, what is land pollution? Land pollution is the destruction of the earth‟s land surfaces, often directly or indirectly as a result of man‟s activities and their misuse of land resources.It occurs when waste is not dealt with properly, or can occur when humans throw chemicals onto the soil.Mining activities have also contributed to the worsening of the earth‟s surface.Human actions have caused many large areas of land to lose or reduce their capacity to support life forms.This is known as land degradation.Note that land degradation can result from many factors, and land pollution is only one of them.With regard to different sources of land pollution, many publications group them differently.Let us see these four main sources: Firstly, solid waste is the first source of land pollution.Solid waste includes all the various kinds of rubbish we make at home, school, hospitals, markets and workplaces.Things like paper, plastic containers, bottles, cans, food and even used cars and broken electronic goods, broken furniture and hospital waste are all examples of solid waste.Some of these can be easily coped with or decay into organic matter.Examples include food droppings, paper products as well as plants like grass and tree branches.However, others are not environment friendly, and they include plastics, metals and aluminum cans, broken computer and car parts.Because these do not easily decay, they pile up in places where all the city‟s rubbish are sent and stored, where they stay for thousands of years.These bring great harm to the land and people around it.The second source is the use of pesticides and fertilizers.Many farming activities engage in the application of fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides for higher crop yield.This is good because we get more food, but can you think of what happens to the chemicals that end up on the crops and soils? Sometimes, insects and small animals are killed and bigger animals that eat tiny animals(as in food chains)are also harmed.Finally, the chemicals may be washed down as it rains and over time, they end up in the water, causing water pollution.The third source is……

16.In the eyes of the speaker, who should be responsible for land pollution? 17.Why does the speaker mention “broken electronic goods”? 18.Why do people use fertilizers in farming activities? 19.What will the speaker probably talk about immediately after the passage?

16.A 17.B 18.C 19.B

Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 20 to 22.Almost 70 million children across the world are prevented from going to school each day, a study published today reveals.Those living in north-eastern Africa are the least likely to receive a good education—or any education at all, an umbrella body of charities and teaching unions known as the Global Campaign for Education has found.Somalia ranks the world‟s poorest countries according to their education systems.It has the least functional system in the world with just 10% of children going to primary school, while Eritrea is second worst.Haiti, Comoros and Ethiopia are in the similar situation.The report‟s authors, from charities including Plan and ActionAid, measured the likelihood of children attending primary school, a country‟s political will to improve its education system, and the quality of its schools to create the rankings.The study—Back to School? The Worst Places in the World—warns that attempts to ensure all children can attend school are under severe threat.By 2015, there will be more children out of school than there are today, unless the richest countries dramatically increase the aid they give to the poorest nations, the authors argue.“Poor countries are facing a worsening situation, as severe and deepening pressure from the economic downturn caused by the crisis of the rich world‟s banking system bites on their budgets,” David Archer, one of the authors from ActionAid says.Some £2.9bn is expected to be lost to education budgets in sub-Saharan Africa because of the economic crisis, he warns.Kenya, which is rated in the 50 worst countries for education, delayed plans to provide a free primary school education to 8.3 million children in September.The global economic crisis was one reason given for this.Girls are far less likely to attend school than boys in many of the world‟s poorest countries, the authors have found.In Malawi, of those that enroll, 22.3% of boys complete primary compared to 13.8% of girls.In rural Burkina Faso, 61% of girls are married by the age of 18 and over 85% never get to see the inside of a secondary school.Most rich countries have failed to keep their promises to help poor countries improve their education systems, according to the study.While the UK is active in aiding those countries, along with the Netherlands, Norway and Switzerland and Ireland, others—such as Greece, Austria, Italy and Germany—are not giving nearly as much as they should.20.What is said about Somalia? 21.What should be done to prevent more children dropping out of school by 2015? 22.What does the study say about girls in the world‟s poorest countries?

20.A 21.C 22.D

Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 23 to 25.Probably the best known nutrition fact about iron is that meats—particularly red meats—are rich in iron.While this is true, it is also true that a number of plant foods are also rich in iron.It may come as a surprise that researchers have found that people eating plant-based diets eat as much or more iron as people who regularly rely on animal foods.And, you‟ll see that the recommended list of excellent iron sources is largely dominated by plant foods.Without question, more human health problems worldwide are caused by iron deficiency than by lack of any other nutrient.Less well known is the fact that excessive iron stores are also responsible for a large burden of illness worldwide.As such, iron is a very important nutrient to understand not only for researchers and nutritionists but everyone, since we need to be aware of finding the right iron balance from our foods.But, iron really plays a big role in health support.All of the tissues in our body need a near constant supply of oxygen to maintain life.We maintain this oxygen delivery by the red cells in our blood.These have an iron-containing protein called hemoglobin, which is a perfect transporter for oxygen, in that it both picks up and releases oxygen in an exact and targeted way.The average man has about 2 grams of iron in his blood cells at any given time while women have about 1.6 grams.If the dietary iron intake falls below daily needs and this storage amount goes down, the ability to tolerate bursts of exercise will deteriorate.The reduction in blood count related to having low iron stores is called anemia.In addition to the key role iron plays in transporting oxygen to tissues, it also is necessary to support proper metabolism for muscles and other active organs.Almost all of the cells in our body burn dietary calories to create energy through a process that requires iron.When iron stores get low, this process gets compromised, and generalized fatigue can occur.What does the speaker say about iron and health? 24.Why is iron important in health support? 25.What is the speaker mainly talking about in the passage?

23.A 24.A 25.B

Part III Reading Comprehension

Section A 26.O 27.M 28.D 29.B 30.I 31.L 32.E 33.F 34.H 35.C Section B 36.L 37.D 38.M 39.G 40.N

41.B 42.J 43.K 44.I 45.H

Section C Passage One 46.C 47.B 48.C 49.D 50.A Passage Two 51.A 52.C 53.A 54.B 55.D

Part IV Translation

China is rapidly getting older.Three decades ago, only 5 percent of the population was over 65;today, 123 million people, or 9 percent of the population, are over this age.By 2050 China‟s older population will likely swell to 330 million and younger generations face an unprecedented burden of care.In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the government advocated a “later, longer, fewer” lifestyle, encouraging people to marry later, have wide gaps between children and fewer children overall.It also set the controversial one-child policy.These were attempts to curb population growth in a bid to help modernise the economy.However, the population control policy resulted in an extremely low fertility rate, further increasing the proportion of the older population.



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