
时间:2019-05-15 04:31:59下载本文作者:会员上传



第一节 田径竞赛用语



注释:2001年在埃德蒙顿召开的第42届国际田联代表大会上,将国际业余田径联合会改名为国际田径协会联合会。即将英文原文的:INTERNATIONAL AMTEUR ATHLETIC FEDERATION 改为现在的 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ATHLETICS FEDERATIONS。英文的缩写仍为:(IAAF)2.IAAF Competitions 国际田联比赛 3.The Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会 4.The 29th Olympic Games 第29届奥运会

5.The athletics competition of the Olympic Games奥运会田径比赛 6.World Championships 世界田径锦标赛

7.IAAF world Championships in Athletics 国际田联世界田径锦标赛 8.IAAF world Junior Championships国际田联世界青年锦标赛 9.IAAF world Indoor Championships国际田联世界室内锦标赛

10.IAAF world Cross Country Championships国际田联世界越野跑锦标赛 11.IAAF world Road Running Championships国际田联世界公路跑锦标赛 12.IAAF world Youth Championships国际田联世界少年锦标赛 13.World Cup 世界杯

14.IAAF World Cup in Athletics国际田联田径世界杯赛 15.IAAF World Marathon Cup 国际田联马拉松世界杯赛 16.IAAF World Cup of Race Walking国际田联竞走世界杯赛 17.Golden League 黄金联赛

18.IAAF Golden League 国际田联黄金联赛 19.Grand Prix 大奖赛

20.IAAF World Athletics Final 国际田联田径总决赛 21.World Athletics Series 国际田径系列赛 22.Asian Games 亚洲运动会

23.Asian Championships in Athletics(Asian Athletics Championships)亚洲田径锦标赛

24.Asian Junior Championships in Athletics(Asian Junior Athletics Championships)亚洲青年田径锦标赛 25.Asian Marathon Championships 亚洲马拉松锦标赛 26.Asian Cross Country Championships 亚洲越野跑锦标赛 27.Asian Race Walking Championships 亚洲竞走锦标赛 28.The National Games 全国运动会


30.African Athletic Confederation(AAC)非洲田径联合会 31.Asian Athletic Association(AAA)亚洲田径联合会 32.European Athletic Association(EAA)欧洲田径联合会

33.North American,Central American and Caribbean Athletic Association(NACAC)北美,中美洲和加勒比田径联合会

34.Oceania Athletic Association(OAA)大洋洲田径联合会

35.Confederation Sudamericana de Atletismo(CONSUDATLE)南美洲田径联合会 36.China Athletic Association(CAA)中国田径协会 37.IAAF Committees国际田联委员会 38.The IAAF Council 国际田联理事会 39.Technical Committee 技术委员会 40.Women’s Committee妇女委员会

41.Race Walking Committee 竞走委员会

42.Cross Country and Road Running Committee越野和公路跑委员会 43.Maters’Committee老将委员会

44.International Olympic Committee 国际奥林匹克委员会 45.China Olympic Committee中国奥委会

46.International Technical Official 国际技术官员 47.Area Technical Official地区技术官员 48.National Technical Official国家技术官员 49.Technical Information Center技术信息中心



(1)International Officials 国际官员(2)Organizational Delegates 组织代表(3)Technical Delegates 技术代表(4)Medical Delegates

医务代表(5)Doping Control Delegates 兴奋剂检查代表

(6)International Technical Officials 国际技术官员(7)Area Technical Officials 地区技术官员(8)International Walking Judge 国际竞走裁判员(9)Area International Walking Judge 地区国际竞走裁判员(10)International Road Race Measur

国际公路赛丈量员(11)International Starter(s)


(12)International Photo Finish Judge

国际终点摄影裁判员(13)Jury of Appeal 仲裁组(14)Jury Member 仲裁委员 2.行政管理官员

(15)Competition Directer 竞赛主任(16)Meeting Manager

赛事主管(17)Technical Manager 技术主管

(18)Event Presentation Manager

赛场展示主管 3.裁判工作人员

(19)Chief Referee 总裁判(赛事主管)(20)Assistant Chief Referee 副总裁判(赛事主管助理)(21)Referee for Track Events 径赛裁判长(22)Rreferee for Field Events 田赛裁判长(23)Referee for The Call Room 检录裁判长

(24)Referee for Combined Events

全能裁判长(25)Referee for Events Outside The Stadium 外场裁判长(26)Chief Track Events Judge 径赛主裁判(27)Start Coordinater


发令员(29)Starter’s Assistant


召回发令员(31)Chief Lap Scorer 记圈主裁判(32)Chief Time Keeper 计时主裁判(33)Chief Photo Finish Judge 终点摄影主裁判(34)Chief Judge for Jumping Events 跳部主裁判(35)Chief Throwing Judge 掷部主裁判

(36)Chief Umpire

径赛检查主裁判(37)Chief Judge for Walking Events 竞走主裁判(38)Chief Judge for Clerk of The Course 检录主裁判

(39)Chief Judge at Post Competition Control 赛后控制中心主裁判

(40)Chief Judge for Program , Record Announcement 编排记录公告主裁判(41)Chief Field Events Judge 田赛主裁判(42)Chief Judge for Marathon Race 马拉松主裁判(43)Head for Venue Equipment 场地器材组长(44)Announcer 宣告员(45)Statisticer 统计员(46)electronic measurement judge 电子测量裁判员(47)Finish Recorder 终点记录员(48)Lap Scorer 记圈员(49)Competition Secretary 竞赛秘书(50)Chief Marshal 主比赛场地指挥员(51)Wind Gauge Operator 风速测量员



(52)one hundred meters

(53)two hundred meters(54)four hundred meters(55)eight hundred meters(56)fifteen hundred meters(57)three thousand meters(58)five thousand meters(59)ten thousand meters(60)marathon race(61)one hundred meters hurdle(62)one hundred and ten meters hurdle(63)four hundred meters hurdle(64)three thousand meters steeplechase

100米 200米 400米 800米 1500米 3000米 5000米 10000米 马拉松赛跑 100米栏 110米栏 400 米栏 3000米障碍

(65)four by one hundred meters relay race 4×100米接力(66)four by four hundred meters relay race

4×400米接力(67)ten kilometers walking(68)twenty kilometers walking(69)fifty kilometers walking(70)road race(71)cross-country race 2.田赛项目

(72)high jump(73)long jump(74)triple jump(75)pole vault(76)shot put(77)discus throw(78)javelin throw(79)hammer throw 3.全能项目

(80)decathlon(81)heptathlon 四.赛次、组次


(85)the qualifying round(86)round one, heat one(87)round two , heat three(88)semi-final heat two(89)the additional round(90)final

(91)compete for place


(92)additional trial(93)a fresh start(94)aggregate score(95)anchor man

(96)announcement of results(97)bend knee(98)cleared(99)commencing height

(100)competition information

10公里竞走 20公里竞走 50公里竞走 公路赛跑 越野赛跑

跳高 跳远 三级跳远 撑杆跳高 推铅球 掷铁饼 掷标枪 掷链球

十项全能 七项全能


赛次、轮次 组次 及格赛 预赛第一组 次赛第三组 复赛第二组 附加赛 决赛 决名次赛

附加试跳(掷)重新起跑 累积分

最后一棒运动员 成绩宣布 屈膝 试跳成功 起跳高度 竞赛须知(101)default(102)disqualify(103)doping control(104)draw lots(105)dropped baton(106)first false starts(107)first place(108)first leg(109)five more laps(110)flight(111)forgo(112)following wind(113)go ahead by one lap(114)head wind(115)invalid(116)jostle(117)lane one(118)last lap(119)leaving the lane(120)march off(121)mark(122)missed(123)number(124)obstruct(125)“on your mark” “set”(126)passed(127)pinched off(128)protest(128)push(130)relay team(131)roll-call(132)running in lanes(133)safe jump(134)second leg(135)second place(136)spikes(137)the first three(138)the first trail(139)the lapped competitor(140)the third leg(141)the timetable of event(142)third place(143)tie(144)time limit

弃权 取消比赛资格 兴奋剂检查 抽签 掉棒 第一次抢跑 第一名 第一棒运动员 还有五圈 腾空 弃权;免跳 顺风 超一圈 顶风 无效 撞人 第一道 最后一圈 离开跑道 退场 标记 试跳失败 号码 阻碍

“预备”免跳 被挤 抗议 推人 接力队 点名;检录 分道跑 试跳成功 第二棒运动员 第二名 鞋钉 前三名

第一次试跳(掷)被超圈者 第三棒运动员 竞赛日程 第三名 成绩相等 时限


(145)to knock down a hurdle(146)to teach home

(147)trail the leg alongside the hurdle(148)unreasonable delay(149)valid trial(150)warning(151)serious warning(152)technical rule(153)rule in common(154)general rule


(155)administration division(156)athletes lounge(157)athletes zone(158)awarding ground lounge(159)call room(160)cameramen zone(161)competition committee(162)competition office(163)competition division(164)computer operation room(165)doping control lab(166)entrance(167)first aid room(168)general affairs division(169)information desk(170)jury of appeal(171)media and publicity division(172)men’s locker room(173)office of technical delegate(174)press office(175)press media

(176)press zone(177)referees lounge(178)result statistics office(179)secretariat(180)security division

(181)technical division(182)toilet(183)VIP lounge(184)women’s locker room

碰倒栏架 到达终点 腿从栏侧跨过 无故延误

有效试跳(掷)警告 严重警告 技术规则 比赛通则 比赛总则

行政处 运动员休息室 运动员观摩室 颁奖小组休息室 检录处 记者摄影区 竞赛委员会 竞赛办公室 竞赛处 计算机工作室 兴奋剂检测室 入口处 医务急救室

综合处 问询处 仲裁委员会 宣传处 男运动员更衣室 技术代表工作室

记者席 新闻媒体 记者休息室 裁判休息室 成绩统计办公室 秘书处 安保处 技术处 厕所 贵宾休息室 女运动员更衣室 6

第二节 田径竞赛用语


1. ladies and gentlemen, the women’100m dash will begin a few minutes later.I’d like to introduce the competitors to you: lane one XXX(name)XXX(team);lane two XXX(name)XXX(team);……

女士们、先生们,女子一百米比赛即将开始了,现在介绍运动员:一道:(姓名)(队员);二道:(姓名)(队员)…….2.Your attention please, competitors of men’s long jump final are ready for the competition.请注意!男子跳远的运动员现在准备开始比赛。

3.ladies and gentlemen, attention please!the victory for men’high jump final now begins.女士们、先生们,请注意!男子跳高决赛的发奖仪式现在开始。4.ladies and gentlemen, attention please!The result of women five thousand metres final is displayed on the scoreboard!

女士们、先生们,请注意!显示屏幕上是女子5000米的决赛成绩。5.The winners and the awarding officials please enter.请获奖运动员、颁奖官员入场。

6.The first placing is XXX(name), XXX(country/ region),XXX(result).The second placing XXX(name), XXX(country/ region),XXX(result).The third placing …..第一名(姓名),(国家或地区),(成绩)。



7.Mr.XXX(position)is kindly requested to present prizes to the winning athletes.请XXX(职务)XXX(先生)向获奖运动员颁奖。8.Present flowers to winning athletes.向获奖运动员献花。

9.Now , the flag raising ceremony begins.Stand up please.现在举行升旗仪式,请起立。

10.Please sit down.Officials and winners march off the field.请坐。颁奖官员、获奖运动员退场。

11.ladies and gentlemen, just now, in the competition of XXX(event), XXX(athlete’s name)from XXX(country/ region)broke the world(national)record in XXX(result), congretulations!



12.The athletes of men’s 400m get ready please!In five minute, we’ll begin to call the roll.参加男子400米比赛的运动员请注意,还有5分钟进行检录。

13.Women’s shot throwers for the qualifying competition, attention please!It’s time for roll calling.参加女子铅球及格赛的运动员请注意,现在进行检录。

14.The athletes of men’s 4×100m relay race round one heat two, attention please!Time for roll calling now.参加男子4×100米接力预赛的第2组的运动员请注意,现在开始检录。

15.Your attention please!Athlete No.354, please come to the call room immediately.请注意,354号运动员请马上到检录处来。

16.Show your ID Card, please!请出示你的身份卡!17.Wait a moment, please!请稍侯!

18.As you are not engaged in the present contest, you shall not be permitted to go into the call room.你与现在比赛无关,不能入内。

19.You are not allowed to go out, once you come in here.进入检录处后,不得随便出入。

20.No competitor shall be permitted to take any equipment into the arena.运动员不准自带器材入场。

21.he roll-calling time is over, you are not allowed to come in here.这次检录已经结束不得入内。

22.Come in, please!Wish you success.请进。祝你成功!

23.Please sit down according to your lane(order)number!请按各自道次号(顺序号)就座。

24.Show your number(sex certificate), please!请你出示号码(性别卡)。

25.A number is missing from your chest(back).你的胸前(背后)号码少了一个。26.Here is your lane – number.戴上你的道次号。

27. Please hang it on the right side of your shorts.请戴在短裤的右侧。

28. You aren’t allowed to take part in the competition, because your number isn’t clear.你佩戴的号码不清楚,不准参加比赛。

29. Now, we are going to check, Please show as your shoes(open your bags).请拿出比赛用鞋(打开自己的包),现在开始检查。30. Your spikes exceed(conform to)the limit.你的鞋钉超过了(符合)规定长度。

31.Please hand in the final declaration form about your competition shoes to be worn.请上交你最后决定的比赛用鞋表。

32. Line up please!Come with me to the competition arena.排好队请跟我进入比赛场地。

33.The numbers of each relay team please lane up according to the order of the stations.请各队按棒次先后顺序排好队。

34.The first and the third runners, now follow me please!第1、3棒与动员,现在请跟我入场。

35.Attention!Right face!Left face!At ease march!Halt!立定!向右转!向左转!便步走!立定!


36.Assemble here form left to right, facing the running direction and wait for the starter’s order.大家在这里集合,面向跑进方向自左向右排好,等候发令员的口令。

37.wait a moment here please, and obey the starter’s commands.请在这里等候片刻,听从发令员的召唤。38.Japanese athlete No121, lane one.日本运动员121号,一道。

39.Kuwait athlete No.342, lane two.科威特运动员342号,二道。40.On your mark..Set.各就位,预备。

41.This is the first false start.you are warned.这是你第一次犯规,给予警告。

42.Runner No.266 is disqualified for two fouls 266号运动员第2次抢跑,取消比赛资格。43.All competition stand up please!全体运动员请起立。44.Relax, everyone.大家放松些。

45.start by the report of the pistol(gun),Don’t beat the gun.听枪声起跑,不要压枪跑。

46.Let’s go back to the assemble line, ready for a fresh start!请回到集合线,准备再次起跑。47.Start by your mark, 站回你原来的位子!

48.The number of the leading team takes the inside lane please.领先队的接力队员战在里道。49.Number345, five more laps to go.345号还有5圈。

50.Assemble here please!Number 312 lane one Number 465 lane two „ 请集合,312号一道,456号二道,„„

51.Please take off your number and leave the track immediately!请立即取下号码布,离开跑道!

52.Number 299,you are give a warning.(A yelow sign)299号,向你提出警告。

53.Chief judge, please show your red sign.裁判长,请你出示红牌(取消比赛资格)。

54.Athlete No.42, you accepted a soft drink offered by someone without permission.You are disqualified.42号运动员你擅自接受他人的饮料,取消比赛资格。

55.Athlete No.314, you received instruction while walking.you are disqualified.314号运动员,你接受非计时员的报时,取消比赛资格。56.You legs are bending.你屈腿了。

57.Your two feet are leaving the ground.你腾空了。


58.Competitors number 12,time for you please!Attention please!Now competition will begin.运动员请注意,现在比赛开始。59.Number 12, time for you please!12号,轮到你跳(掷)了。

60.All high jumpers, attention please!Assemble here!跳高运动员请集合。

61.Here is the trial order :No.32,No.54,No.61„ 宣布试跳顺序:32号、54号、61号„„ 62.Now the trial jump practice starts.现在可以练习试跳。

63.Each competition may have two practice trial.每人可以练习两次。

64.The practice trial jump is over now.练习完毕(停止试跳)。

65.The commencing height and the plan of raising the crossbar will be as follow, the starting height is 1.80m,then 5cm is to be raise d after each round.After 2.00mhas been cleared, 3cm is to be raised at the end of each round.现在向运动员宣布起跳高度和提升计划。起跳高度是1.80米。每次提升高5厘米。2米后,每次提升3厘米。66.Jumper No.31 unreasonable delayed the competition.A fault was recorded.31号无故延误比赛,判失败一次。

67.Please submit the plan of the position of the upright you want to use for your attempts.请提交你试跳要用的撑杆跳高架子的位置计划。

68.Line up please!Follow me to leave the competition arena.请排队!跟我离开比赛场地。

69.The eight athletes for the final are as follow: They are No.××No.××NO.×ׄ 现在宣布参加决赛的前8名运动员名单:××号、××号、××号„„ 70.what height do you want be bar to the raised.你想要横杆升到多少?

71.Now the height of the bar is two point thirty eight metres.现在横竿高度是2.38米。

72.You have reached the qualifying standard and you needn’t take any more trial.你已达到及格标准,无须再试(跳或掷)了。

73.Now you are in a tie ,you shall have one more jump at the height.你们的成绩相等,每个人在这一高度再试跳一次。

74.You have missed this round, but you may attend the next trial.你已错过这一轮,但可以参加下一轮试掷。75.Why do you have the tape on your hand? 你的手上为什么贴胶布?

76.You’re hampered in this trial and may have a substitute trial a few minute later.你在这次试跳(掷)中受阻,几分钟后可以补一次。

77.Don’t spray or spread any substance on the surface of the throwing circle.不许在圈内喷洒任何物质。

78.The taping of fingers is not permitted.用胶布把手指扎在一起是不允许的。

79.The competition has come to end.Jumpers are requested to leave the arena.比赛结束,请运动员退场。


80.now the scores, separate for each event and a cumulative total ,are announced to the competitors.现在宣布运动员单项成绩和累计成绩。

81.Your attention please!the next event will begin after a thirty minute rest.运动员请注意,下一项大约休息30分钟后进行。

82.Now you may take practice trial according you jumper order.现在安试跳顺序练习。


83.Don’t stay here.Follow me to the post-event Control Center please!不要在这里停留,请随我到赛后控制中心去。84.You are welcome Come in please.欢迎你们,请进!

85.Please sit according to you number and have a short rest.请按你的道次号码坐下稍事休息。86.Give me your lane number, please.请把你的道次号码给我。

87.Check the clothing in front of you.Take it back please!请检查你面前的衣物并取回。88.This way please!See you later.请走这边,回头见。

89.Number 190,please sign your name on the form.190号,请在兴奋剂检查通知单上签名。

90.If you refuse sign your name, your result is invalid.如果你拒绝签名,你的成绩将无效。91.please wait a while for the final result.请等一会儿,等候决赛成绩。

92.Attention please!No.×××, No.×××, No.×××are the winners of the fist place, the second place and the third place.Please follow me to the victory ceremony waiting room.请注意!×××号,×××号,×××号运动员,你们获得第1、2、3名,请随我到领奖休息室。

93.Number 190, please come here.A news reporter is waiting for you.190号运动员,请你到这里来,新闻记者在等你。94.Congratulations on your good results!祝贺你取得优异成绩!



33.North American,Central American and Caribbean Athletic Association(NACAC)北美,中美洲和加勒比田径联合会

34.Oceania Athletic Association(OAA)大洋洲田径联合会

35.Confederation Sudamericana de Atletismo(CONSUDATLE)南美洲田径联合会 36.China Athletic Association(CAA)中国田径协会 37.IAAF Committees国际田联委员会 38.The IAAF Council 国际田联理事会 39.Technical Committee 技术委员会 40.Women’s Committee妇女委员会

41.Race Walking Committee 竞走委员会

42.Cross Country and Road Running Committee越野和公路跑委员会 43.Maters’Committee老将委员会

44.International Olympic Committee 国际奥林匹克委员会 45.China Olympic Committee中国奥委会

46.International Technical Official 国际技术官员 47.Area Technical Official地区技术官员 48.National Technical Official国家技术官员 49.Technical Information Center技术信息中心

(21)Referee for Track Events




(22)Rreferee for Field Events

田赛裁判长(23)Referee for The Call Room

检录裁判长(24)Referee for Combined Events

全能裁判长(25)Referee for Events Outside The Stadium(26)Chief Track Events Judge


发令员(29)Starter’s Assistant


召回发令员(31)Chief Lap Scorer(32)Chief Time Keeper

(34)Chief Judge for Jumping Events(35)Chief Throwing Judge

(37)Chief Judge for Walking Events(38)Chief Judge for Clerk of The Course(40)Chief Judge for Program ,Record Announcement

编排记录公告主裁判(41)Chief Field Events Judge


(42)Chief Judge for Marathon Race

马拉松主裁判(43)Head for Venue Equipment


宣告员 记圈主裁判 计时主裁判 跳部主裁判 掷部主裁判 竞走主裁判 检录主裁判 外场裁判长 径赛主裁判(1)International Officials

国际官员(2)Organizational Delegates

组织代表(3)Technical Delegates

技术代表(4)Medical Delegates

医务代表(5)Doping Control Delegates


(6)International Technical Officials

国际技术官员(7)Area Technical Officials

地区技术官员(8)International Walking Judge

国际竞走裁判员(9)Area International Walking Judge

地区国际竞走裁判员(10)International Road Race Measur

国际公路赛丈量员(11)International Starter(s)

国际发令员(12)International Photo Finish Judge

国际终点摄影裁判员(13)Jury of Appeal 2.行政管理官员

(15)Competition Directer

竞赛主任(16)Meeting Manager

赛事主管(17)Technical Manager

技术主管(18)Event Presentation Manager

赛场展示主管 3.裁判工作人员

(19)Chief Referee

总裁判(赛事主管)(20)Assistant Chief Referee



(14)Jury Member


(27)Start Coordinater


(33)Chief Photo Finish Judge


(36)Chief Umpire


(39)Chief Judge at Post Competition Control



(45)Statisticer(47)Finish Recorder 录员

(48)Lap Scorer(49)Competition Secretary

记圈员 竞赛秘书 统计员 终点记


十项全能 七项全能(46)electronic measurement judge




(85)the qualifying round

预赛 赛次、轮次 组次 及格赛(50)Chief Marshal

主比赛场地指挥员(84)heat(51)Wind Gauge Operator




(52)one hundred meters

(53)two hundred meters(54)four hundred meters(55)eight hundred meters(56)fifteen hundred meters(57)three thousand meters(58)five thousand meters(59)ten thousand meters(60)marathon race(61)one hundred meters hurdle(62)one hundred and ten meters hurdle(63)four hundred meters hurdle(64)three thousand meters steeplechase(65)four by one hundred meters relay race(66)four by four hundred meters relay race(67)ten kilometers walking(68)twenty kilometers walking(69)fifty kilometers walking(70)road race(71)cross-country race 2.田赛项目

(72)high jump(73)long jump(74)triple jump(75)pole vault(76)shot put(77)discus throw(78)javelin throw(79)hammer throw 3.全能项目

(86)round one, heat one 预赛

(119)leaving the lane(120)march off(121)mark(122)missed(123)number(124)obstruct(126)passed(127)pinched off(128)protest(128)push(130)relay team(131)roll-call(132)running in lanes(133)safe jump(135)second place(136)spikes(137)the first three(139)the lapped competitor(141)the timetable of event

(142)third place(143)tie(144)time limit

(145)to knock down a hurdle(146)to teach home

(147)trail the leg alongside the hurdle(148)unreasonable delay(149)valid trial(150)warning(151)serious warning(152)technical rule

离开跑道 退场 标记 试跳失败 号码 阻碍 免跳 被挤 抗议 推人 接力队 点名;检录 分道跑 试跳成功 5

女士们、先生们,女子一百米比赛即将开始了,现在介绍运动员:一道:(姓名)(队员);二道:(姓名)(队员)…….2.Your attention please, competitors of men’s long jump final are ready for the competition.请注意!男子跳远的运动员现在准备开始比赛。

3.ladies and gentlemen, attention please!the victory for men’high jump final now begins.女士们、先生们,请注意!男子跳高决赛的发奖仪式现在开始。4.ladies and gentlemen, attention please!The result of women five thousand metres final is displayed on the scoreboard!

女士们、先生们,请注意!显示屏幕上是女子5000米的决赛成绩。5.The winners and the awarding officials please enter.请获奖运动员、颁奖官员入场。

6.The first placing is XXX(name), XXX(country/ region),XXX(result).The second placing XXX(name), XXX(country/ region),XXX(result).The third placing …..6


19.You are not allowed to go out, once you come in here.进入检录处后,不得随便出入。

20.No competitor shall be permitted to take any equipment into the arena.运动员不准自带器材入场。

21.he roll-calling time is over, you are not allowed to come in here.这次检录已经结束不得入内。

22.Come in, please!Wish you success.请进。祝你成功!

23.Please sit down according to your lane(order)number!请按各自道次号(顺序号)就座。

24.Show your number(sex certificate), please!请你出示号码(性别卡)。

25.A number is missing from your chest(back).你的胸前(背后)号码少了一个。26.Here is your lane – number.戴上你的道次号。

27. Please hang it on the right side of your shorts.请戴在短裤的右侧。

28. You aren’t allowed to take part in the competition, because your number isn’t clear.你佩戴的号码不清楚,不准参加比赛。

29. Now, we are going to check, Please show as your shoes(open your bags).请拿出比赛用鞋(打开自己的包),现在开始检查。30. Your spikes exceed(conform to)the limit.你的鞋钉超过了(符合)规定长度。

31.Please hand in the final declaration form about your competition shoes to be worn.请上交你最后决定的比赛用鞋表。

32. Line up please!Come with me to the competition arena.排好队请跟我进入比赛场地。

33.The numbers of each relay team please lane up according to the order of the stations.请各队按棒次先后顺序排好队。

34.The first and the third runners, now follow me please!7

39.Kuwait athlete No.342, lane two.科威特运动员342号,二道。40.On your mark..Set.各就位,预备。

41.This is the first false start.you are warned.这是你 8

运动员请注意,现在比赛开始。59.Number 12, time for you please!12号,轮到你跳(掷)了。

60.All high jumpers, attention please!Assemble here!跳高运动员请集合。

61.Here is the trial order :No.32,No.54,No.61„ 宣布试跳顺序:32号、54号、61号„„ 62.Now the trial jump practice starts.现在可以练习试跳。

63.Each competition may have two practice trial.每人可以练习两次。

64.The practice trial jump is over now.练习完毕(停止试跳)。

65.The commencing height and the plan of raising the crossbar will be as follow, the starting height is 1.80m,then 5cm is to be raise d after each round.After 2.00mhas been cleared, 3cm is to be raised at the end of each round.现在向运动员宣布起跳高度和提升计划。起跳高度是1.80米。每次提升高5厘米。2米后,每次提升3厘米。66.Jumper No.31 unreasonable delayed the competition.A fault was recorded.31号无故延误比赛,判失败一次。

67.Please submit the plan of the position of the upright you want to use for your attempts.请提交你试跳要用的撑杆跳高架子的位置计划。

68.Line up please!Follow me to leave the competition arena.请排队!跟我离开比赛场地。

69.The eight athletes for the final are as follow: They are No.××No.××NO.×ׄ 现在宣布参加决赛的前8名运动员名单:××号、××号、××号„„ 70.what height do you want be bar to the raised.你想要横杆升到多少?

71.Now the height of the bar is two point thirty eight metres.现在横竿高度是2.38米。

72.You have reached the qualifying standard and you needn’t take any more trial.你已达到及格标准,无须再试(跳或掷)了。

73.Now you are in a tie ,you shall have one more jump at the height.你们的成绩相等,每个人在这一高度再试跳一次。

74.You have missed this round, but you may attend the next trial.你已错过这一轮,但可以参加下一轮试掷。75.Why do you have the tape on your hand? 你的手上为什么贴胶布?

76.You’re hampered in this trial and may have a substitute trial a few minute later.你在这次试跳(掷)中受阻,几分钟后可以补一次。

77.Don’t spray or spread any substance on the surface of the throwing circle.不许在圈内喷洒任何物质。

78.The taping of fingers is not permitted.用胶布把手指扎在一起是不允许的。

79.The competition has come to end.Jumpers are requested to leave the arena.田径裁判英语用语



80.now the scores, separate for each event and a cumulative total ,are announced to the competitors.现在宣布运动员单项成绩和累计成绩。

81.Your attention please!the next event will begin after a thirty minute rest.运动员请注意,下一项大约休息30分钟后进行。

82.Now you may take practice trial according you jumper order.现在安试跳顺序练习。


83.Don’t stay here.Follow me to the post-event Control Center please!不要在这里停留,请随我到赛后控制中心去。84.You are welcome Come in please.欢迎你们,请进!

85.Please sit according to you number and have a short rest.请按你的道次号码坐下稍事休息。86.Give me your lane number, please.请把你的道次号码给我。

87.Check the clothing in front of you.Take it back please!请检查你面前的衣物并取回。88.This way please!See you later.请走这边,回头见。

89.Number 190,please sign your name on the form.190号,请在兴奋剂检查通知单上签名。

90.If you refuse sign your name, your result is invalid.如果你拒绝签名,你的成绩将无效。91.please wait a while for the final result.请等一会儿,等候决赛成绩。

92.Attention please!No.×××, No.×××, No.×××are the winners of the fist place, the second place and the third place.Please follow me to the victory ceremony waiting room.请注意!×××号,×××号,×××号运动员,你们获得



比赛开始,零比零。Love all, play.换发球。Service over.第二发球。Second server.局点14比8。14 game point 8.场点出14比6。14 match point 6.局点2比2。2 game point all.再赛3分,0比0。Setting3 point, love all.继续比赛13比13。Game not set, 13 all.局数1比1。One game all.换球。Change the shuttle.重发球。Play a let.交换场区。Change ends.球触到你了。You touched the shuttle.你触网了。You touched the net.你击球两次违例。You hit the shuttle twice.(Double hits)你拖带球了。You slung the shuttle.接发球员违例。Fault receiver.发球违例。Service fault called.比赛暂停。Play is suspended.违例。Fault.界外。Out.界内。In.羽毛球 badminton

换发球 alternate in servint

发球区 half court

发球权 right to serve

左场区 left square

发球犯规 foul hit

右场区 right square

发球违例 faulty serving

反手区 backhand court

交换发球区 alternate courts

中线 midcourt line

直接得分的发球 ace

边线 side boundary

交换发球区 alternate courts

端线 backcourt

发高远球 deep high service

死球 dead bird

前发球场 short service line

打对角线球 cross court shot

单打球场 singles court

封角近网球 crosscourt net fly

双打球场 doubles court

封角近网球 crosscourt flight

双打发球线 doubles service line

右发球区 right service court

高远球 clear

双打发球区 doubles service court

曲线近网球 cross curve net fly

单打发球区 singles service court

单双打边线之间地带 side alley

下蹲防守 crouch defende

双打球场 doubles court

单双打两用球场 combination court

双打发球区 doubles service court

双打发球线 doubles service line

连击 dribble

平抽球,快平球 drive

贴网快平秋 driven flight

吊球 drop

短吊,轻吊,短球 drop shot

吊球 drop spike

发球违例 faulty scrving

换发球,双打中一轮流发球 alternate in serving boundary





Correction IN


Correction OUT




































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